Mixer      06/29/2020

Interesting facts about phosphoric acid. Acetic acid. Ways and methods of obtaining

(formula H2SO4) refers to strong dibasic acids. In dilute form, this substance oxidizes almost all metals, with the exception of gold and platinum. Acid reacts with non-metals and organics, turning some substances into coal. Under normal conditions, sulfuric acid is a heavy oily liquid with no color or odor.

Sulfuric acid is used in the processing of ores to produce uranium, iridium, and zirconium. It is also widely used in manufacturing. mineral fertilizers, serves as an electrolyte in lead-acid batteries, in all industries.

Ways and methods of obtaining

Initially, this chemical element was obtained by dry distillation, that is, the thermal decomposition of vitriol. As a raw material for the production of sulfuric acid, sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, various sulfides and sulfates, waste from thermal power plants that contain oil are used.

Most a large number of sulfuric acid in the world is located in the lake of Death in Sicily. Even insects do not risk coming close to this place. At the bottom of the lake there are two springs that emit poisonous substance into the water, thereby making it uninhabitable.

The very first acid that mankind managed to isolate and use, of course, was acetic acid. And the term "acid" itself (from the Latin "acid") probably came from the Latin "acetum" - vinegar. Violation of technology, in the production of wine by winemakers of antiquity, led to its souring and the formation of vinegar. At first it was poured, but then it was used as a seasoning, medicine and solvent.

In 1778, the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier suggested that acidic properties are due to the presence of oxygen in their composition. This hypothesis turned out to be untenable, since many acids do not have oxygen in their composition, while many oxygen-containing compounds do not exhibit acidic properties. Nevertheless, it was this hypothesis that gave the name to oxygen as a chemical element. And only in 1833, the German chemist Justus Liebig defined an acid as a hydrogen-containing compound in which hydrogen can be replaced by a metal.

The degree of acidity of a solution is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions in it, which is usually expressed as the number of gram ions per l. For convenience, the acidity of solutions is usually expressed in the so-called pH value. Distilled water has pH = 7, if it is lower then the solution becomes acidic, and if it is higher it becomes alkaline. Measurements are taken on a scale from 0 to 14.

The human stomach is forced to renew its surface every day to replace the one affected by gastric juice, that is, hydrochloric acid. Human stomach acid is aggressive enough to completely dissolve a razor blade in a week.
A mixture of two acids, nitric and hydrochloric in a ratio of 1 to 3, is a liquid yellow color and has a unique ability to dissolve many precious metals (gold, platinum), for which it received the name "Tsarskaya vodka".

Not many people know that an important ingredient in the popular Coca-Cola is orthophosphoric acid, with an acidity index pH=2.8.
Formic acid is so named because at the moment of danger it is secreted by ants to warn other inhabitants of the anthill, and protect against predators.

In warm-blooded animals, a small amount of lactic acid is produced during the metabolic process, and its smell allows mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects to find their victims.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid has the formula C6H8O6 and is a water-soluble vitamin involved in the biochemical redox processes of the human body.
citric acid obtained not only from lemons (25 kg per ton of lemons), but also from the fungus Aspergillus niger.

The very first acid that mankind managed to isolate and use, of course, was acetic acid. And the term "acid" itself (from the Latin "acid") probably came from the Latin "acetum" - vinegar. Violation of technology, in the production of wine by winemakers of antiquity, led to its souring and the formation of vinegar. At first it was poured, but then it was used as a seasoning, medicine and solvent.

In 1778, the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier suggested that acidic properties are due to the presence of oxygen in their composition. This hypothesis turned out to be untenable, since many acids do not have oxygen in their composition, while many oxygen-containing compounds do not exhibit acidic properties. Nevertheless, it was this hypothesis that gave the name to oxygen as a chemical element. And only in 1833, the German chemist Justus Liebig defined an acid as a hydrogen-containing compound in which hydrogen can be replaced by a metal.

The degree of acidity of a solution is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions in it, which is usually expressed as the number of gram ions per l. For convenience, the acidity of solutions is usually expressed in the so-called pH value. Distilled water has pH = 7, if it is lower then the solution becomes acidic, and if it is higher it becomes alkaline. Measurements are taken on a scale from 0 to 14.

The human stomach is forced to renew its surface every day to replace the one affected by gastric juice, that is, hydrochloric acid. Human stomach acid is aggressive enough to completely dissolve a razor blade in a week.

A mixture of two acids, nitric and hydrochloric in a ratio of 1 to 3, is a yellow liquid and has the unique ability to dissolve many precious metals (gold, platinum), for which it received the name "Aqua regia".

Not many people know that an important ingredient in the popular Coca-Cola is phosphoric acid, with a pH value of 2.8.

Formic acid is so named because at the moment of danger it is secreted by ants to warn other inhabitants of the anthill, and protect against predators.

In warm-blooded animals, a small amount of lactic acid is produced during the metabolic process, and its smell allows mosquitoes and other blood-sucking insects to find their victims.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid has the formula C6H8O6 and is a water-soluble vitamin involved in the biochemical redox processes of the human body.

Citric acid is obtained not only from lemons (25 kg per ton of lemons), but also from the fungus Aspergillus niger.

Acetic acid known to mankind since ancient times. Its origin is quite unusual: it happened during the wrong process of winemaking. The technology for making wine was violated, which turned into a terribly smelling liquid. Thus, vinegar appeared, without which not a single housewife can do at present. Even the very origin of vinegar is considered unique. Perhaps, if it were not for the addiction of our ancestors to wine, we might not have known about such a product as acetic acid.

Description of acetic acid

Acetic acid is a clear liquid with a very sharp and bad smell, has a very sour taste. Vinegar dissolves very well in water, is highly flammable and conducts electricity. In undiluted form, acetic acid is life-threatening, its use in this form can be fatal. Vapors of vinegar can irritate the mucous membranes, and concentrations above 30% can cause burns.

But despite all the frightening facts, vinegar is very widely used both in everyday life and in industry, especially in the chemical industry.

Application and use of acetic acid

  • Vinegar, diluted plain and clean water, is an excellent seasoning for preparing fish or meat marinades.
  • It is used very widely in the preparation of home-made canned fruits and vegetables. Marinades are made from it. various formulations, according to the proposed recipes, strong and not very strong, thanks to which vegetable preparations are stored all winter and do not deteriorate.
  • Acetic acid is used in the manufacture of medicines and similar products. An example of this is the familiar acetylsalicylic acid, in other words, aspirin.
  • Vinegar, as an integral part, is widely used in industry. It is involved in the manufacture of cellulose; with its help, non-combustible film and perfume products are made.
  • Essence salts effectively help in pest control. Very rough and effective example the fact that some people use the essence to get rid of bedbugs and cockroaches in their apartments. It is used both in summer cottages and garden plots for the destruction of ants, aphids and locusts. There is a recipe with the addition of vinegar and shampoo, like effective remedy from mosquitoes and midges.
  • Vinegar contains acids such as apple and milk. Malic acid is very widely used in cosmetology. Beauticians advise rinsing hair with a solution of water with apple cider vinegar after dyeing or curling it, using chemicals.
  • Abroad, vinegar is widely used as a medicine. It is used for burns, dizziness, and high blood pressure. It is also used in a state of binge to quickly and effectively bring a person out of this state.
  • People who do not complain about their health are advised to drink such a drink every day: add one tablespoon to one glass of water apple cider vinegar and natural honey. Drink this liquid remedy to boost immunity.
  • For people who really want to lose weight, it is recommended to take a glass of water with the addition of two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar while eating.
  • Vinegar acid, according to doctors, kills microbes that cause such a terrible disease as pulmonary tuberculosis. Conducting experiments on the study of acid, the doctors were very surprised: in the flask, where a 6% solution of the essence was placed, after 30 minutes of exposure, all mycobacteria died. Vinegar is used in the treatment of many diseases, but before use, you need to consult your doctor and, if possible, study all available information yourself.
  • With a mixture of vinegar essence and flour, it is possible to quickly and effectively remove warts that have formed on the legs or arms. It is worth immediately warning people who want to use this recipe: you need to make sure that the vinegar mixture does not get on healthy areas of the skin, otherwise a burn will be provided.
  • Acetic acid is also found in nature, being in a free state. It is present in animal feces - urine, or is formed during the process of rotting food or fermentation and souring of milk or wine. The smell emanating from such places can be caught even by an unprepared and ignorant person.

Possible harm to vinegar essence

Acetic essence is obtained from acetic acid. It is a strong vinegar solution containing 80% of this composition. Essence must be applied very carefully. It is convenient in that it can be diluted into various vinegars of various strengths. There was a time when vinegar essence was taken off the market, considering it very dangerous for life. Some people specifically used essences to settle accounts with life. Even if such a person is provided with timely medical assistance, there will no longer be confidence that the person will remain healthy. Disability for the rest of your life will be provided. So you need to use vinegar essence very carefully and keep it out of reach, especially from children. Undiluted vinegar can burn both the skin and internal organs.

This fact is also known: after spilling the essence on the floor, linoleum or furniture, white spots immediately form on the surface, which will no longer be possible to remove. This substance will immediately destroy the paint on the surfaces.

In the information described above, examples are given of both the beneficial, unique properties of vinegar, and the colossal harm that can be obtained by careless handling of vinegar. Having studied all the advantages and disadvantages of this substance, you can use vinegar with skill: use it in everyday life, carry out treatment and cook well.