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How to cover the lining inside the bath - a guide to use. Impregnation for a bath inside: features of protecting various surfaces and the compositions used The better to process the lining in the steam room

Starting the construction of a bath, many beginners believe that the whole range of work will be completed after interior decoration steam rooms, but this is not entirely true, because the steam room must be treated with special compounds that protect wood from heat and moisture. In this article we will tell you about the best way to process the bath inside and how to cover the lining in the bath so that everything looks great.

Do I need to treat wooden surfaces in the steam room

If you built a bath, following right technology, then they probably isolated the steam room from external cold, as well as moisture. Having taken care of the wood from the outside, do not forget to process the internal components of the steam room, because this will increase the strength and durability of any structure in the bath.

The center of the steam room is a shelf on which visitors spend most time, so it must be durable and safe. Despite the fact that wood is a material that is unstable to moisture, it is customary to use it to build a shelf, which, with the wrong approach, will last no more than a year.

To achieve strength and long term shelf service, it is necessary to choose the right wood, as well as process ready product suitable impregnation, which can be made on the basis of natural or artificial components.

First, let's talk about the choice of wood. The following types of wood are excellent for structures inside the steam room:

  • Alder- an ideal material for a steam room, but it is difficult to find it on the market;
  • Linden- cheap but quality material with a soft texture, great for a steam room;
  • Aspen- it is also an excellent tree for a bath with high moisture resistance (more details: "");
  • Oak, ash, saddle abash, ofram and miranti- expensive types of wood, rarely used for finishing the bath.

There are cheaper alternatives, such as pine or spruce, but they have several disadvantages and the savings are small, so it is recommended to use the above wood, which has good moisture resistance and is easy to process.

Next, it is worth talking about the processing of the regiment with special compounds. Before processing the shelves in the bath and sauna, you should think about whether it is worth doing. It is impossible to give a definite answer, so we will help you solve this issue by providing some facts:

  • Long-term contact of human skin with poor-quality impregnation can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as a rash;
  • If excellent ventilation is made in the steam room, then the shelves can be simply sanded;
  • An untreated shelf can quickly turn black, and mold will appear on its surface.

Everything that has been said about the shelves and their processing also applies to other elements of the bath, such as doors, benches and walls.

Means for processing elements of the steam room

All means by which wood is processed inside the bath are divided into two groups: impregnating and covering means. They are also often divided into colored and colorless, for example, wax, varnish and some impregnations.

Less often, bleaching agents are isolated, which are used in cases where the shelves have already darkened. Next, we will talk in detail about specific types of processing agents.


Thinking about how to cover the shelves in the bath, most often varnish comes to mind, which refers to covering agents. Varnish is in demand due to its moisture resistance, but this is not always the case for a bath. the best remedy. The problem is that at high temperatures, the varnish begins to release toxins and crack, after which, the surface fragments will stick to the body, and the water will again fall on the wood.

If you decide to use a varnish, then you should apply special acrylic varnishes from companies: Tikkurila, Belinka or Supi Saunasoja. Such varnishes for couples are different natural basis which does not emit harmful substances.

The hardened surface perfectly withstands temperature extremes. Using varnish, you do not have to additionally apply antiseptics, because they are already part of the varnish. Taking care of how to handle the doors in the bath, you can safely use a special acrylic lacquer. Knowing the size of the shelves in the sauna, you can calculate the required amount of varnish.

How to apply varnish on the surface:

  1. Before you paint the shelves in the bath, you need to prepare wooden surface. Take sandpaper different grain sizes and grind the shelves, starting with a large grain, and ending with the smallest (read also: "");
  2. Rinse the surface of the shelf, then dry it;
  3. Apply the first coat of varnish with a brush or roller;
  4. After the first layer has dried (drying time is indicated on the package), apply the second and wait for it to dry.

If you are using colored polish, you can thin it down for the first coat to get a more even color.

It is necessary to carry out work in a warm (from + 5 ° C) and dry room. Remember that it will be problematic to remove dirt from under the varnish, so make sure that there are no small debris on your hands and the tool.

Impregnations and bleaches for the shelf

Bleaches and impregnations are quite popular on Russian market, however, they are used much less frequently, despite the fact that they are not inferior to varnish. Among all the impregnations, one can single out such brands as Belinka-sauna from a Slovenian manufacturer, Prime Thermo, etc.

Special impregnation for a shelf in a bath or sauna has the following advantages:

  1. It is colorless and does not change the shade of the wood;
  2. Impregnation is easy to apply;
  3. The composition is quickly absorbed and hardens;
  4. Provides good protection for a low price.

It is not recommended to replace special solutions with improvised means. For example, instead of bleach, some use a bleach solution, but this is a big mistake. Chlorine, when heated, releases many chemicals into the air, which negatively affects human health and well-being. Also an unpleasant consequence such treatment is a second-degree burn.

Proper application of impregnation:

  1. Clean, sand and rinse the surface;
  2. Before soaking the wood in the bath, wait for the surface to dry and apply the first layer;
  3. After the impregnation dries, apply a second layer;
  4. Just need to apply 2-3 layers.

It takes about 40-50 minutes to dry each layer, and an example correct processing wood you can see in the photo.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the wax for the sauna. It can be applied with a cloth or a disc machine. It allows you to create heat-resistant protection against moisture and mold. Wax has two significant advantages: it takes only 24 hours to dry completely, and the protective layer that it forms is highly breathable, which allows the wood to “breathe”.

Next, it’s worth talking about how to process the shelves in the bath if it has already begun to collapse. If the shelves or other wooden surface of the bath has begun to rot, then you can prevent complete destruction by using the Nortex tool. The composition is applied with a sponge to damaged areas.

Any safe bleach designed for wood, for example, "Doctor for Wood" from Belinka, will help get rid of darkening. The solution is also applied with a sponge only to damaged areas. It will take about 2 hours to whiten, but once may not be enough.

The subtleties of applying protective compounds

If you don’t know how to impregnate the walls in the bath, then this article will also be relevant for you, because special impregnations for the bath will suit any wooden surface, but you should also remember some subtleties:

  • It is much easier to handle an unassembled structure, therefore, if you have such an opportunity, impregnate the elements of the bath before assembling them;
  • Protective products can adversely affect the skin, therefore, to eliminate this trouble, you can not treat the side of the shelf in contact with the person. You can process the rest of the tree in the bath without fear for your health, because only the shelves can affect the skin;
  • Carry out work in the summer to make it easier to dry the steam room;
  • It takes at least 4 days to completely dry the varnish and impregnations, after which you can relax in your bath;
  • In no case do not use highly toxic products, such as stains, because they negatively affect your health not only through the skin, but also through the respiratory tract;

Do not save on protective solutions, because your health and longevity of wood structures depend on their quality.

Most owners of private houses and summer cottages build steam rooms and baths. The construction of such facilities has become popular for many reasons. According to tradition, people in the bath cleansed their bodies, healed of many diseases. In order for a bath or steam room to become truly healthy, it is necessary to properly process the wood. What is recommended to process inside a bath or steam room, we will learn from the article.

Why is impregnation of wooden walls necessary?

The arrangement of such an object as a bath or steam room should be given Special attention. The room must be resistant to high humidity, temperature changes. Traditionally for the construction of baths use hardwoods trees because they have a number of advantages:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • nice atmosphere.

To improve health and find peace of mind, you need a pleasant atmosphere close to natural conditions. Natural wood has everything you need and gives a person its energy, natural warmth, health. Wood in its technical characteristics surpasses many modern materials. The only downside natural material- he can not long time retain their natural qualities without special processing.

In the old days people used simple means for processing - oil or wax. From inexpensive oils, sunflower oil without a specific odor was used. More expensive oils were also used - anise, lavender, roses. Some expensive oils were added to the refined oil and a richer and more pleasant smell was obtained.

Wood is highly hygroscopic, so it quickly absorbs moisture. The loose wood tissue becomes a favorable environment for the penetration of microorganisms. In such an environment can immediately settle whole line insects. They quickly spread and destroy the structure of the tree. At a normal level of moisture in wood, tannins and resinous substances will serve reliable protection from various insects and fungal infections. Even under such conditions, wood must be impregnated with special agents. With high humidity a wooden structure will be constantly exposed to:

What to be guided by when choosing?

Modern manufacturers offer a wide variety of wood processing products. Before choosing an impregnation, you should indicate the purpose of its use for yourself:

Impregnation for wood should have many qualities, the main thing is to provide the material with reliable protection and not reduce the ability to pass air. In the decoration of the interior of the room is very environmental friendliness is important. This quality is especially important if indoor humidity is high. Such conditions will provoke the release of harmful components of the impregnation.

There are special requirements for wood impregnations. After covering the surface, no film should remain on it. When the temperature in the bath rises, the coating should not emit components harmful to health.

Varieties of impregnation for wood

All impregnations intended for coating wooden surfaces are divided into types, depending on the composition of the components and the method of their application:

  • gels;
  • solutions;
  • aerosols.

All impregnations are produced chemical or organic based. Any of the varieties has a water-repellent effect. Most often they are universal means for covering wooden surfaces:

  • protection against moisture and high temperature;
  • resistance to damage by fungal life forms and harmful insects.

According to their composition, they can be water-soluble and oily. There are also combined impregnations in the form of paints and varnishes, which have the effects of protection against moisture and harmful microorganisms. Many of them have additional qualities - fire resistance and dirt-repellent properties.

Antiseptic impregnations contain toxic substances and are therefore considered aggressive. chemicals. When using them, you must follow the instructions for use.

Water-soluble and oily products: their features

All water-soluble antiseptics are produced on an acrylate basis. This composition has a complex effect on wood. in the form of protection against harmful influences:

  • moisture;
  • biological damage;
  • pollution.

The disadvantage of such compositions is the rapid leaching from the structure wood flooring. For this reason, it is necessary to coat the surface more frequently than with other products. To preserve the impregnation properties, it is desirable to cover the surface additional protection in the form of a thin layer of waterproofing. It should not contain film-forming substances in its composition.

The advantages of water-soluble formulations are the inability of the products to affect the color of the surface, its texture and the absence bad smell. On sale, such a tool can be bought in the form of a dry mixture or solution.

Impregnation on oil based penetrates deep into the surface of the wood. Wood protective oil retains the properties of wood for a long time, despite the frequent wetting of the surface. The composition of this oil has an unpleasant and pungent odor. This is the only downside.

Due to the high toxicity of preparations, many of them are not recommended for impregnation of wooden surfaces indoors. However, subject to safety measures, certain types of oil can be used to treat baths. Impregnations based on wax and oils have the property of compacting the material. This allows the wood to retain its natural qualities for a long time and give the structure durability and strength.

Impregnation on an alkyd-oil basis give a good effect. With their help, the hygroscopicity of the material is preserved, deformation, cracking of wood is prevented. After oil treatment, the wooden surface acquires good decorative qualities. Many of these products are well absorbed and are colorless primers.

Wax oil suitable for processing various surfaces inside and out, although inferior in quality to synthetic means.

To keep the wood in good condition, it is recommended to treat it with protective agents. at least 1 time in 2 years. best time autumn is considered for processing. In the spring season, the movement of tree sap begins. They provoke the formation of rot, so it is very important to process the wood in a timely manner in order to maintain the integrity of the structure and protect it from rot.

It is recommended to apply antiseptics only on new wood before starting to use a bath or steam room. old surface must be cleaned of coating (paint, varnish), as well as dirt and dust. After that, using a soft wide brush or roller, the composition is applied. When everything is completely dry, you can use the bath.

If you correctly approach the issue of covering the wood surface and apply the impregnation correctly, you can save it for many years and take a steam bath in a bathhouse with health benefits.

Each finishing master will say that it is ideal for cladding a bath. It is a natural and environmentally friendly material that can easily withstand high humidity inside the shower room and high temperatures in the steam room.

Due to the low density of wood, the lining does not overheat and does not burn the skin even at a temperature of 80-100 degrees. Therefore, it is safe and comfortable to use. And when heated, linden gives off a pleasant sweetish aroma, which has healing and relaxing properties. It has a positive effect on the well-being of a person and clears the respiratory tract.

Narrow and thin rails are easy to install. If necessary, they will level the walls and ceilings, close the wires and other communications. Lining will create good heat and vapor barrier. To prevent moisture from accumulating between the boards, it is recommended to lay the lining in the bath vertically. And the ceiling can be mounted diagonally. It looks beautiful and original. For more information on how to properly sheathe a bath with clapboard, read.

However, wooden materials there is one downside. Wood is negatively affected by external factors, including exposure to moisture and insects. This shortens the life of the materials. To preserve the original properties and color of the lining, the surface must be treated with special protective agents. Let's find out how to cover the lining in the bath.

Which tool to choose

  • Many people think that the lining in the steam room does not need to be covered with anything. But it's not. Without processing, the lining will have to be changed every 4-5 years, and with intensive use of the bath, the service life of the products will decrease to 2-3 years;
  • Previously, lining inside the bath was processed using natural materials, including wax, linseed and hemp oil. Today, manufacturers offer a lot modern means, which protect wood from moisture and pollution, rotting and fungus, insect damage. Experts recommend taking materials from Russian and Finnish brands;
  • Do not use standard varnish or wood paint in the steam room, as they cannot withstand high temperatures. When heated, the products emit an unpleasant odor and toxic substances that are dangerous to humans! In addition, a tree with such processing will not be able to “breathe”, it will absorb moisture and deteriorate;
  • To process the walls inside the steam room, foreign manufacturers suggest using acrylic varnish. It creates a water-repellent surface that does not rot or change over time. Acrylic varnish easily withstands temperatures of 100-120 degrees, effectively resists the appearance of fungus and mold;
  • Russian manufacturers offer to treat the surface inside the steam room with a colorless varnish based on water and wax. This varnish keeps natural color wood. After processing, the lining does not absorb, but repels moisture, which prolongs the service life of products. Antiseptics in the composition of the protective varnish prevent fungus and mold. In addition, such a varnish is environmentally friendly and does not emit toxic fumes when heated;
  • Experts recommend painting a shower or washing room, a rest room inside the bath with a semi-matt or matte varnish on water based. It effectively protects the wood from moisture, does not emit odor and does not fade over time. For a steam room in a sauna, take specialized odorless impregnations with a composition that is particularly resistant to high temperatures.

Acrylic processing

Acrylic lacquer is suitable for processing lining in the steam room. It does not emit an unpleasant odor, effectively protects the wood from the negative effects environment and safe for humans. Acrylic is colorless and tinted. You can choose the color and shade you like, or keep the natural color of the wood.

Advantages of acrylic varnish:

  • Differs in the increased stability and small specific weight;
  • It has a dirt and water repellent effect;
  • Prevents the occurrence of mold and fungus;
  • Not afraid of high temperature;
  • UV resistant;
  • Dries quickly and does not crack;
  • Creates a smooth elastic and high-strength film on the wood surface;
  • You can choose a varnish of any color to give the desired shade to the wood. Lovers of natural wood can choose a clear varnish, which will retain the natural color and enhance the layered pattern of the wood.
  • You can process both wood and concrete structures.

Acrylic varnish is applied at temperatures above five degrees above zero. Before painting, clean the lining from dirt and dust, sand the surface. Apply varnish to dry wood in two layers. Colored varnish is diluted with water up to 20%, transparent varnish is not diluted. To paint the lining in the bath without bumps and overlays, let the layer dry before applying the next one.

Oil treatment

Among the variety of oils and impregnations, experts distinguish linseed oil. It impregnates wood and makes products resistant to external factors. Linseed oil is especially suitable for porous woods. The oil forms a film that protects the wood from dirt and water.

Flaxseed oil benefits:

  • Environmental friendliness and safety. Even wooden utensils are treated with linseed oil!;
  • A universal tool is suitable not only for processing walls, floors and ceilings inside the bath. The oil is used for painting and protecting shelves and shelves, bath furniture and cooperage products;
  • Deeply penetrates into the structure of the tree;
  • Repels dirt and moisture;
  • Retains the color of the wood and adds shine to the surface;
  • Protects wood from rotting and darkening, mold and mildew.

Before processing, the surface is also cleaned of dust and sanded. The oil is heated to 50-60 degrees and applied in 5-6 thin layers with variable grinding, with each new layer being done after the previous one has dried. Linseed oil is used in its pure form or with wax or tar to improve performance.

Both linseed oil and acrylic varnish are easy to apply. Even a non-professional can paint the lining inside the bath! After painting, ventilate and dry the room. Impregnation is recommended every 3-4 years. Note that acrylic is more expensive, but it also dries much faster than butter. As a rule, it takes two weeks for the oil to dry completely.

If you don’t know which tool to choose for processing the lining inside the bath, the masters of the Drev-Market company will help you choose the right varnish, oil or paint and tell you how to process the lining. Ask a question online or call a company consultant! In addition, in the company's online store you will find high-quality and inexpensive lining from the manufacturer! Contacts "Drev-Market" you will find.

It is generally accepted that a well-built bath with proper care does not require special antiseptics and antibacterial protection. At the same time, a lot of companies and experts strongly recommend using special emulsions and chemicals for processing wood outside and inside the bath. Is it correct? For outdoor and utility rooms inside the bath, this is, without a doubt, an obligatory and extremely necessary procedure. But for the main rooms inside the bath, not everything is so simple.

The composition of the antiseptic for wood treatment indoors

There are several well-known brands on the market that offer an antiseptic for wood processing inside residential or inhabited premises. The exact composition of the chemicals included in the formulation, manufacturers, as a rule, are carefully hidden, so it is difficult to assess the safety and effectiveness of such drugs. Moreover, almost all guarantee the highest quality of protection for absolutely all rooms of any bath or sauna.

For example, the most famous antiseptic trademark Senezh offers its own branded product called Senezh Sauna for antibacterial treatment of floors and walls finished with wood in rest rooms, locker rooms, washing rooms, steam rooms. In this case, the antiseptic:

  • Prevents spread infectious diseases;
  • Retains the ability of wood to "breathe", but does not let moisture through;
  • Resistant to extreme temperatures and humidity;
  • Safe for humans.

Important! According to the hygienic certificate, such antiseptics have the status of "low-risk", which does not correspond to the last statement.

How to use an antiseptic inside the bath

Do not unconditionally trust the advertising and commercial offers of manufacturers of antiseptics. Disinfectants and antiseptics must and should be used, otherwise not only the risk of damage to the lining inside the bath increases greatly, but also the spread of possible infectious diseases that are dangerous to human health.

Quarantine zones inside the bath

First of all, it is worth deciding how and where to properly use the antiseptic inside the bath. Any bath consists of at least four main rooms:

  • Entrance and dressing room;
  • Restroom;
  • Washing room or shower rooms;
  • Steam room.

Inside each of the bath rooms is absolutely various conditions, therefore, the methods of using an antiseptic or disinfectants are completely different.

Inside the locker room and the hallway, the conditions are approximately the same, therefore, for the treatment of wood cladding and especially the floor, you can and should use the usual antiseptic options for internal living rooms. The better the drug, the better. You can use the antiseptic Senezh, Neomid or more expensive Finnish preparations to work inside the Tikkurila production buildings.

At correct device ventilation and regular sanitization floors and walls made of wood fungus or bluegill, any similar pathogenic microflora, even after a single high-quality treatment with an antiseptic in these rooms inside the bath, is doomed to destruction.

Antiseptic treatment inside the washing room and rest room

The situation is more complicated in the rest room. Most often, the walls, ceiling, floor of the steam room and rest rooms are made in the same style of wood. But the conditions inside these rooms are completely different, so the antiseptic to combat pathogenic bacteria must also be used in different ways.

The temperature and humidity inside the break room are most comfortable for long stays. There is no strong dry or damp heat in this bath room, steam from the steam room often penetrates, therefore, an invisible film of condensate falls on the colder parts of the walls and floor, which contributes to the development of a pathogenic environment on the wood finish.

Important! Wooden walls and floors in the rest room should be treated with a very serious and high-quality antiseptic, preferably oil-based or organic solvent.

When treating with an antiseptic, one should take into account the zone of increased risk of contact between the exposed parts of the body of vacationers and the lining treated with an antiseptic. It is better to cover these finishing areas with wax or paraffin antiseptic compositions that do not have an irritating effect that can cause dermatitis or skin allergies. The exception is gender. The floor surface is almost always made of wood. In a warm and humid atmosphere, the likelihood of wood damage by a fungus increases dramatically, so the floor should be treated with an antiseptic on a water or organic basis at least twice. Once boards, logs and cross beams processed before laying the floor indoors. The second time after the completion of all finishing work, the floor is re-treated before varnishing.

In public baths, the relaxation room is often lined for the reasons given. tiles and plastics that are resistant to repeated treatment with antiseptic or stronger disinfectants based on chloramine.

If the walls of the washing or shower room of the bath are lined with wood inside, the surface should be treated with an oil-based antiseptic, preferably a silicone-based one. Impregnation with an oil preparation will not particularly affect ventilation and “breathing”.

Antiseptic treatment inside the steam room

The conditions inside the steam room are fundamentally different from other bath rooms. Here, maximum humidity and temperature create a lot of additional factors that can both prevent and promote the development of microorganisms.

Firstly, any wood cladding that is planned for finishing the steam room in any case must be processed in a microwave dryer. With this procedure, inside the profile of linden, alder, larch without using chemical drug any larvae are destroyed, and even certain types of bacteria. Thermal hardening is mandatory for boards and wood, from which the installation of a log and flooring is planned in the future.

Before the beginning finishing works the underside of the lining and all floorboards are subject to antiseptic treatment. It is better to cover all the blanks for laying the floor in several layers with a composition like Tikkurila supi saunasuoja. A board or shield for assembling a ceiling is processed in a similar way. Ceiling structures are recommended to be coated with wax antiseptic compositions. It is believed that such compounds are more resistant to hot steam and possible condensation inside the mount.

Despite numerous recommendations, the walls of the steam room, finished wooden clapboard from linden or alder, they try not to cover with an antiseptic. Firstly, it drastically reduces the release of a specific smell and aroma of fresh lining, and secondly, the evaporation of chemicals into the hot atmosphere of the steam room also does not add health.

In addition, dry-heat steam at 80-90 ° C acts on the wooden surface of the walls no worse than a chemical preparation. As a preventive measure, the owners of such baths suggest heating the steam room of the bath to the maximum once every couple of weeks so that the temperature of the steam inside reaches at least 100 o C.

If in your steam room, even with regular preventive maintenance, the lining has begun to change color, it becomes darker, color stains have appeared, it makes sense to treat the wooden surface with a 5% hydrogen peroxide solution or the usual "Whiteness". The antiseptic from "Whiteness" is wonderful, but after using it, the steam room will have to be washed well clean water and heat thoroughly to remove the smell of chlorine.

A bath is a place where a person can completely relax, so nothing should distract him: neither third-party smells, nor the environment, so the decoration of the room is of great importance. It is customary to finish the bath with wood, but the question remains of how to cover the lining in the steam room and dressing room, since the tree can begin to rot.

Requirements for finishing materials

Materials in the steam room must be environmentally friendly and safe. Since the temperatures inside the room are quite high, a large load is also created on the material. There is a risk that the finish will become toxic and hazardous to health. To process the bath inside, you should use only natural wood, but plywood, plastic panels or chipboard - dangerous, so you should forget about them.

Another important point when choosing finishing material- its durability. You should not buy a cheap tree, because it will not last long. Inside, the finish in any case needs to be changed every 3-4 years, since the operating conditions are quite harsh.

Finishing Tools

Processing lining in the dressing room and the steam room itself requires the purchase of several tools:

  • brushes;
  • remote control for paint;
  • paint tray;
  • roller

Working with paints and varnishes requires caution, so protective equipment is needed:

  • special clothing;
  • respirator;
  • rubber gloves;
  • protective glasses.

There are no special requirements when choosing tools for finishing a bath, the main thing is that the products that will be processed do not get into the eyes, respiratory tract or skin, since they, in any case, contain toxins, and this will not have the best consequences for health.

Rules for choosing solutions

The sauna can be treated with paint, but it emits odors when heated. If you want the room to have a beautiful color, you can purchase a special acrylic-based paint. But the texture of the wood will be broken and the finish in the bath will have to be changed in a year or two, so varnishes are the best choice.

Impregnation for lining is selected according to the following rules:

  • the material must be environmentally friendly;
  • the substance should not contain toxins;
  • finishing material should be easy to clean;
  • the color should be pleasing to the eye.

Types of impregnation for finishing

Sauna finishing materials are paints, varnishes and special solutions. It is better not to use paints, but if you really want to, then you should choose acrylic.

There are several types of varnishes, they are classified according to their composition:

In addition to varnish, processing can be carried out wax formulations and special impregnation. The wax composition can be prepared independently, but you should be very careful, as the wrong combination of components can adversely affect the tree. It is better to purchase a ready-made composition and use it at least in a steam room.

Specialized impregnation was created specifically to treat the surface inside the bath. The product is odorless, it is resistant to high temperatures and high humidity.

The choice of means for processing the bath is a purely personal matter. But it should be borne in mind that a person must completely relax, so the impregnation should not emit an unpleasant odor. In addition, wood is an expensive material, and finishing products can extend its life.


The choice of material for finishing is an important point in the construction of a bath, since a person should relax as much as possible in it. The material must be safe for health - this is the main requirement.

Finishing materials can be of several types, their choice is a personal matter for everyone, but it should be understood that impregnation should not only create a beautiful appearance, but also protect the tree from damage.