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Natural stone bathroom decoration. Stone bathroom: features of the use of artificial and natural stone (135 photo ideas). Finishing bathrooms with natural stone - an endless variety of options

The wife set a clear task - to make repairs in the bathroom and the bathroom within three months. “Three weeks, and you can give birth,” she heard in response. At that time we were waiting for our baby, who is now almost two years old. Looking ahead, I will say that the repair took me two months.

First of all, I drew up a redevelopment plan in a standard 2.6 m2 bathroom, in which old bath moved to the right (she stood opposite the doors), the washbasin - to the center of the wall, washing machine- in the pantry. Thanks to such permutations in movement, you can safely be two and a half people at the mirror at the same time, which is a huge plus when there are several girls in the family.

I also decided to abandon the hydro, turbo showers and put a normal bath. With a small child, I can’t imagine how people cope without a bath.

I found everything I needed on the internet. By the way, it was difficult to find a narrow but long sink, a custom-sized bathtub.

Deleted all old tiles, dismantled the plumbing, pierced the walls, brought out all the pipes with polypropylene, led the ground wire to the bath, to the socket and to the future boiler (it is in the toilet).

And then the question arose, what to do with the walls? The tile was chosen for several weeks, and it’s good that we stumbled upon an artificial stone. A unanimous decision was made in favor of the stone. I was looking for a stone made of cement, not gypsum, of an interesting shape and it is desirable that you can buy it directly from the manufacturer. I found such a stone in the "Feudal" company. Easy to put on and hides uneven walls.

For the second half of the bathroom, they chose Polish striped tiles. They took a tile with irregularities on the floor - it is like a washing board in the past. The secret is that rough tiles are much warmer than flat tiles, and heating can be neglected.

Ideally, the bathtub should be cast iron, worse - steel Kaldewei, and even worse everything else. Due to the material condition and the specific size, I had to choose steel bath Roca. After the advent of two years, I will say - the bath is good. The only thing, so that the bottom does not make noise, additionally glued it with several layers of sticky thick tape.

Plumbing - Teka, washbasin - Laufen.

The mirror took the usual, immediately with holes.

Ordered for a cabinet cutting chipboard, V aluminum profile inserted frosted glass. Of course, chipboard is not the best option, but today everything is fine with furniture. back side I glued the mirrors with adhesive tape, if it breaks, it does not crumble into small fragments.

The most important moment in the renovation of the bathroom is ventilation. Must be installed air vent directly above the bath and provide air flow from the outside, that is, through the door, for which the lower gum is removed in the door or holes are drilled (closed with decorative “rounds”), plus a fan is placed.

Estimate: tub $130, faucets $150, stone $220, tile $250, vanity $100, ceiling $50, mirror $40, blends $100. The bathroom cost about $1,200. Nice price came from searching the best option finishing and handmade work (I am not a builder by education). Thanks YouTube and hands from the right place!

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Artificial stone in the bathroom: a sign of good taste or excess?

Greetings, comrades! In this article, I want to introduce you to the varieties artificial stone used for the production of sanitary ware and wall decoration. Since your humble servant is a techie, not a marketer, there will be no advertising in the article: my goal is to impartially evaluate the performance of materials and compare them with more familiar solutions. So, let's go.

What it is

The general name "artificial stone" refers to several materials that differ markedly in their consumer properties:

  • Acrylic artificial stone is a composite of mineral filler (stone flour), aluminum hydroxide, methyl methacrylate, polymethyl methacrylate and pigments. Acrylic stone is a typical thermoplastic; all products from it are made by injection molding.
    At temperatures above 150 degrees, the binder begins to soften, so the acrylic stone does not tolerate heating. The material is sufficiently resistant to impact loads, but has a low hardness: it is easy to scratch it when using abrasive cleaners and even a hard sponge. In addition, it does not tolerate contact with acids and alkalis;

As a rule, under the name " stone bathroom sink"A wash basin made of acrylic stone is hidden. It is also used for the manufacture of toilet bowls and countertops for pedestals.

  • Quartz artificial stone in full accordance with its name is made on the basis of quartz chips. The share of quartz - one of the most durable materials of natural origin - is 91-93 volume percent, the rest is polyester resins and pigments.
    Quartz stone differs from acrylic in production technology (it is made by vibrocompression at high temperature), the highest compressive strength (2200 kg / cm2), heat resistance (at least 200 degrees), resistance to alkalis and acids;

  • Cast marble is, in essence, an acrylic artificial stone with a coarse-grained marble crumb filler. It combines the instability of marble to aggressive environments with the fragility and low heat resistance of acrylic resin;
  • Finishing imitation of natural stone (in particular, stone-effect bathroom tiles) is usually the result of pressing Portland cement with stone chips and pigments. Often inexpensive tiles are made by simple casting cement mortar into forms. Imitation natural material is reduced only to a characteristically torn surface with uneven chips;

  • Finally, in the production of inexpensive bathtubs, raw materials of the following composition are used:

I emphasize: a typical inexpensive stone bath is made without the use of natural minerals. In essence, it differs from acrylic only in color and filler - aluminum hydroxide Al (OH) 3.

Introduction to samples

Now let's explore a few market offers from the category of interest to us. We have to study the prices and the main characteristics of plumbing fixtures and finishing materials.


Bath Fema Style "Gabriela 2".


Toilet bowls

The seller offers a potential buyer a minimum of information:

  • The material of the toilet bowl is cast marble;
  • Overall dimensions - 68 by 37 centimeters;
  • The package includes a seat with a microlift and fittings for a tank with a double drain button;
  • The price is 20922 rubles.

In the photo - the attached toilet bowl Atrium 56x38.

Like the previous one, this side-to-side toilet is made of cast marble. Installation, hidden and seat sold separately. The device will cost the buyer 18480 rubles.

Facing stone

This imitation of natural stone costs 1375 rubles per square meter. The material is resistant to water and can be used both for finishing wet rooms (including bathtubs), and as a facade or basement coating.

Subjective assessment

Now I will try to give the solutions described above the unbiased assessment promised at the beginning of the article. Let's start with a sweet dish - with praise for the producers.

Restrained Delight

Beautiful. Stylish. Unusual. Per person who grew up in identical Soviet-style apartments with standard cast iron bathtubs and faience washbasins, artificial stone sanitary ware makes a strong impression.

Decorative stone on the walls will become an unconditional decoration of the bathroom interior.

Mineral composite sanitary ware combines high heat capacity with low thermal conductivity. On the practical side, this means that touching a cold bath will not be unpleasant, and the water in it will not cool for a long time.

Acrylic stone, due to its relative softness, can be sanded and polished. To eliminate chips, repair kits are available for sale, including mastic with a color corresponding to the plumbing fixture.

Finally, all owners note the complete absence of noise when collecting water or using a washbasin. Thick and massive walls completely dampen acoustic vibrations.

Unfortunately, this is where the good news ends.

Down and out

Let's start with prices.

The cost of samples of sanitary ware made of cast marble, acrylic and quartz stone I have given above. And now, for contrast, I will give local (Sevastopol) and current prices at the time of writing (August 2016) the same items made from different materials.

The obvious conclusion: artificial stone of any kind is a very expensive material.

Perhaps the purchase is justified by exceptional performance or ease of installation?

The latter assumption is partly justified: due to the solid mass, a bathtub made of the same cast marble does not need to be fixed to the wall. Acrylic and steel baths require additional fixation: if you lean on or sit on board such a device, it is very likely to try to tip over.

Do-it-yourself installation of washbasins and toilet bowls made of acrylic and quartz stone is no different from the installation of any other plumbing fixtures.

Stone-effect bathroom tiles, due to uneven edges, require the selection of the shape of adjacent elements, which greatly slows down and complicates its installation.

  • Spilled brilliant green or iodine into a bathtub or washbasin will leave an indelible stain on them. It can only be removed with top layer material. There will be no traces left on porcelain or faience;
  • What could be worse than transporting to the top floor an oversized bathtub that does not fit into the dimensions of the landings and a very massive bathtub? Only rise fragile bathtubs of the same size and weight. What we have in the case of artificial stone. It is not for nothing that the cost of raising her to an apartment by store employees usually amounts to at least 1.5 thousand rubles;
  • Many owners of cast marble baths complain about the appearance of through cracks upon impact. Note: This is not about damage due to a heavy object being dropped. It is often possible to break through the tub in the outlet area by an accidental kick during a fall;
  • Scratches on the bathtub sometimes remain even when washing a dog that came from the street in it. Somewhat unexpected for a "stone" product, isn't it? Yes, polishing scratches is possible, but the typical housewife is unlikely to arm herself with a drill or grinder with a felt wheel every month;

  • The surface of acrylic stone is quickly contaminated with limescale and rust. To remove it, the manufacturer's instructions prescribe to use ... laundry soap And ammonia. Acrylic stone, as we remember, is not resistant to aggressive environments;

Snide comment: after writing these words, I looked with sympathy towards the acrylic bath, which perfectly tolerates cleaning with acid and alkali solutions. Ceramics (porcelain and faience) can also be cleaned with any aggressive preparations.

  • Finishing the bathtub with decorative artificial stone will give you ornate curses when cleaning the wall of all the same limescale. If it is easily and naturally removed from a smooth tile with the help of “Whiteness” and a sponge, then in our case, an uneven and rough surface will have to be carefully cleaned with a stiff brush.

Conclusions? I recognize that beauty requires sacrifice. But sacrificing a significant amount of money and a lot of your own time for plumbing care for the sake of aesthetics and ... I doubt that this is a good idea.

That is why in the bathrooms of my house both wall decoration and plumbing are quite traditional:

  • The walls are lined with smooth tiles;
  • Installed acrylic bath and a shower cabin;
  • The washbasin and toilet bowls are made of faience and porcelain.

The traditional material for wall and floor cladding in the bathroom is tile or other tiles. But standards are there to be broken. Why not try to add some zest and get away from the rules, for example, by finishing the bathroom with stone. Are there any advantages to such a solution? This, as well as the methods of finishing with stone, will be discussed in the article.

Pros and cons of the solution

In fact, there are quite a few advantages to the decision to revet the bathroom with materials. Among them are:

  • special atmosphere;
  • additional wall protection;
  • the ability to combine with any design;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of processing;
  • antibacterial properties;
  • opportunity to create a unique project.

Decorative stone, artificial or natural, can be used for decoration various surfaces In bathroom. Thanks to him, he manages to create a unique atmosphere that promotes relaxation and rest, which is so necessary in the bustle of the modern world. The stone has additional protective properties that protect the walls from the appearance of fungus and mold on them. The latter are common in a damp room. Artificial or natural stone perfectly tolerate temperature changes and exposure high humidity, which is one of the basic requirements for this type of room.

With the right approach to finishing, a stone bathroom is quite easy to combine with any design idea. The stone does not have to look clumsy. Modern views artificial stone can be made with imitation of noble breeds. The surface of the artificial stone has antibacterial properties. This is due to the absence of pores in which moisture could accumulate and pathogens could develop. Natural and artificial stone do not have harmful secretions that will not affect the health of family members.

When decorating with artificial stone surfaces of the floor and walls, a countertop will be an excellent addition. It will create not only additional functional area but also visually expand the space of the bathroom. Natural or artificial stone of a non-standard shape is almost impossible to lay in the same way, so you can be sure that the bath will have a unique solution. There is always the possibility to combine different kinds stone. In order for the choice to fall on this particular method of finishing the bathroom, it is necessary to weigh all the disadvantages of such a solution.

The use of a stone with a dark tint is great solution for large areas, but it cannot be applied in small room. Visually, such a stone will make the area even smaller. Therefore, for small bathtubs it is better to use imitation granite or similar material. The way out of the situation can be a fragmentary finish, which will allow you to highlight any elements. For example, you can make a border for walls or floors.

Types of finishing stone

Natural stone, which is used in the decoration of bathrooms, is represented by the following types:

  • sandstone;
  • marble;
  • granite;
  • quartzite;
  • malachite;
  • onyx;
  • jasper.

It is worth saying that the use of these types of stone in decoration will be expensive, especially when it comes to the last three options. They are semi-precious. Some types of natural stone have a disadvantage, which is the presence of pores. Because of them, pollution can be applied that will be almost impossible to remove. Another disadvantage of natural stone is its significant weight. Not all walls are adapted to such loads, this fact must be taken into account when choosing a finishing method. Due to these shortcomings, many opt for an artificial stone. Its main types are:

  • granite;
  • acrylic stone;
  • quartz agglomerate.

All these types of artificial stone are more than 90% composed of natural filler, which is represented by powder or fine mineral chips. They are held together by special compositions of various resins. The advantage is the lower weight, as well as the absence of pores in the material. This simplifies the process of caring for the stone.

Finishing Ideas

The photo above shows interesting design bathroom with savage finishes. It can be either natural or artificial stone. Despite its disproportionate shape with a chopped surface, it is possible to create excellent surface at correct styling. If natural material is used, then it makes sense to open it with varnish for greater resistance to moisture. The design has a combination of several material options.

Here's another one interesting example fragmentary decoration. Here it performs not only a decorative, but also a practical function. As you can see, the wall is lined with stone, in which there is a fireplace. Thanks to this solution, it was possible to achieve excellent heat transfer, as well as the resistance of the finish to the effects high temperatures. Taking a bath brings not only a relaxing effect, but also a visual satisfaction that comes in the process of contemplation behind a burning fire.

The photo above shows an example of a complete finish using natural material. Not everyone will like this solution, but it looks pretty neat. So that the room does not seem cluttered or unfinished, it is necessary to correctly implement the backlight, which is done in this case. Small lamps are located around the perimeter and have a directional light that can be changed if necessary.

An example of finishing with a focus on the functional area. The finished surface matches perfectly with the countertop. Due to the contrast of colors, they do not merge. As a finish, gypsum blocks can be used, which are varnished or natural material.

In this bathroom solution, at least four types of blocks are used. One of them is granite, which is partially lined with a wall. Most of the wall and floor are covered with marble. The partition for the shower stall is made of savage, and the shower tray is lined with pebbles. In this case, no imbalance is observed. Proper lighting and two mirrors visually expand the room.

The photo above is an example that the finish is natural or artificial material also available for small bathrooms. The main requirement is the choice of light colors. Snow-white plumbing goes well with sandstone. The minimalistic design with hanging elements does not clutter up the space. The effect also adds glass partition And large mirror. The ceiling is also finished in white, which complements the picture and harmonizes with the door.

That's pretty unusual decision, which is based on an ordinary cobblestone. If you look closely, it is used not only in the internal, but also in exterior finish so the overall picture looks great. The floor is made of natural or poured stone. Thanks to the use of light seams, the surface does not look gloomy. When using cobblestone, you should be attentive to its quantity in the finish. It is better to highlight one of the zones, but do not use it for continuous display on the walls, because the result will not be particularly pleasant.

A bright interior in the bathroom can be created through the use of marble. In this project, a complete finish with such material is used. The tabletop was also matched to match the picture. Light marble goes well with chrome surfaces or elements of of stainless steel. If the floor is lined with the same stone, then heating should definitely be provided, since the material has a high thermal conductivity.

Here is an example of painstaking but wonderful work. The decoration uses ordinary pebbles. Often it is not even necessary to purchase it. It is enough to go to the river or to the beach and dial it there, if it is allowed by law. It is desirable to look for elements of the same size, but spacing will not be a particular problem, because. individual elements can be more strongly drowned in glue. The pebbles are ideal solution for the bathroom, because they perfectly tolerate moisture. Such a finish can only cost the cost of glue and personal time.

Although in this design the stone is deliberately laid out in this way, it serves as an example of the fact that in some cases it does not make sense to think about how the bathroom will be finished. It is enough to use what is already there. The main thing is to correctly approach the processing of seams and choose the appropriate plumbing. More ideas can be gleaned from the video below.


As you can see, the decoration of the bathroom with natural or artificial stone has an uncountable number of variations. Often the disadvantages of the premises can be turned into their advantages. If the wall is made of bricks and plaster is sprinkled, then this effect can be beaten by covering the brick with a lag and treating the chipped plaster. As a finishing material, you can use something that sometimes just rolls under your feet.

Finishing bathrooms with natural stone is fashionable and prestigious. But the beauty of this finish is not only in its presentable appearance.

Natural stone in the bathroom creates a very special enchanting atmosphere of natural magic.

The stone not only decorates the bathroom, it calms and helps to relax. Glancing over the countless details of the pattern on natural stone, it is so easy to escape from everyday life and get the opportunity to finally relax both in body and soul.

Finishing bathrooms with natural stone - an endless variety of options

Another advantage of finishing bathrooms with natural stone is in complete exclusivity. design solution. Drawing and color combinations natural stone never repeat, even for the same type of stone. Therefore, choosing this material for bathroom cladding, you provide yourself with a completely unique finish, which will simply be impossible to repeat.

Natural stone in the bathroom is practical and hygienic

Finishing bathrooms with natural stone will save you a lot of time and effort on the next renovation, because stone lasts much longer than ceramics. And instead of at least a couple of repairs in twenty years, as is the case with ceramics, you will not need a single one! Natural stone will perfectly retain its presentable appearance all these years.

And if you choose marble for bathroom decoration, you will also get excellent hygiene due to its antibacterial properties. Bacterial films do not form on marble, as on others finishing materials and your finish will be truly healthy.

Not just walls and floors

Finishing bathrooms with natural stone is not limited to floor and wall cladding.

Elegant bathroom countertops made of granite or marble can enrich and transform the interior of this room, making it even more presentable and at the same time cozy.

A sink or even a bathtub can also be made from a solid block of marble or granite. Such a magnificent decoration will make your bathroom truly luxurious and give you a completely new experience from the seemingly mundane process of daily water treatments.