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Interesting ideas for the interior of the hall. We create a unique design of the hall in a private house. Decorating a spacious living room kitchen

In this article I want to consider the interior design of the hall 16-18 square meters. m. Eighteen square meters for the living room, this is not a small area. But such a space can be visually reduced if you use the wrong colors and furniture.

Consider 4 options for decorating a hall of 16-18 square meters. m, which were provided to us by Nina Romanyuk.The design is suitable for Khrushchev, as well as for a panel or brick house.

In all 4 hall designs 18 sq. m. only a recreation area is supposed.

The first version of the design of the hall

Hall design 18 sq. m, combined with a balcony is made in bright colors. The light beige color was not chosen by chance, it visually expands the space and makes the room bigger. The floor is covered with light laminate. Read.

Initially, the area of ​​the hall was 18 meters, but by combining it with a balcony, it was possible to increase the space by another 4 square meters. In this zone, the designers decided to make a small working area. The color of the floor here is different from the main color in the hall.

This hall design is 18 sq. m. assumed placement decorative fireplace. This is a perfect place between interior doors. A large LED TV with high image fidelity was placed above the fireplace.

So that the owners could relax, along the opposite wall in the hall of 18 sq. corner sofa sand color.

Chocolate interior design of the hall 16-18 sq. m

The following design features bright chocolate-colored inserts. The main rule in the design of the hall is 16-18 square meters. m, that's a lot of light. In addition to the main light source, additional lighting must be used, as in our case.

Do not forget about the presence of a rug near the sofa. The carpet should contrast with the color of the floor. In our case, the floor is dark and the rug is white.

Cream-colored curtains perfectly complement the design of the hall 16-18 square meters. m. Make the overall picture complete.

Square room with photo wallpaper

The design of the hall is slightly different from the previous ones. To decorate the walls, the designers used beautiful photo wallpapers.

Light glossy stretch ceiling visually makes the room bigger. And additional spot lighting only emphasizes this.

Decoration of the hall with a niche for TV.

Interior design of the hall 18 sq. m involved the construction of a small niche of plasterboard with spotlights 15-20 centimeters wide.

TV in a drywall niche. Photo 10 Beautiful carpet in the hall. Photo 11 White pillows on brown sofa. Photo 12

The wallpaper in the hall is combined in three colors.

A large white corner sofa is an indispensable thing in our case.

So we examined four hall designs of 16-18 sq. m. Use our ideas to decorate your house or apartment.

Fifth version of the European hall

Sixth hall. Lilac fairy tale

The design of the living room in a private house is a way to give your home individuality and originality. In the house, you can carry out redevelopment without wasting time on issuing permits. For example, by removing unnecessary walls, it is quite possible to come up with your own design of the hall in a private house, turning the room into a spacious kitchen-living room.

Features of the organization of space

The design of the hall in a private house must begin with the alteration of the very layout of the living room kitchen in an individual house.

Before the start of serious transformations, it is important to decide which zone will be large sizes where furniture will be placed, what design techniques can be emphasized individual elements premises.

Advice! If the room that will be transformed is equipped with windows only on one or two adjacent sides, you can make a place there for family gatherings and receiving guests.

Near the windows, which act as natural sources of lighting, you can put a soft sofa so that all household members can gather here in the evenings.

If you use modern wooden, plastic, glass partitions, you can achieve visual separation rooms to the kitchen and living area.

Among those nuances that professional designers advise to pay attention to, we note the shape of the room. If the kitchen-living room has an impressive size, then the layout does not really matter.

Attention! In a small room it is quite difficult to create several comfortable zones on your own, so it is better to immediately use the services of a professional, saving time.

If you know certain subtleties of modern design art, it is quite possible to design a living room dining room in a private house.

Techniques for organizing space

In interior art, there are certain rules and techniques that will allow you to make great design living room in a private house.

1 reception. Leave space around kitchen furniture. The kitchen area in the decorated room will be a place of congestion a large number people, so it is undesirable to limit its size.

2 reception. The design of the kitchen-dining room involves the choice of furniture in the same style. It is allowed to select furniture elements that are similar in theme and color.

Attention! Stylistic unity is an important component of obtaining a beautiful and modern interior.

3 reception. living room kitchen design own house involves creating a practical environment. In the kitchen area, a layout should be chosen so that the sink, standard refrigerator, gas (electric) stove form a triangular area. The remaining elements can be placed in the interior only when a place is chosen to place the work surface.

4 reception. If your plans do not include the creation of contrasting transitions between the living room and the kitchen area, then you can create a small dining area between them. As a spectacular addition to the interior will be the installation of a beautiful dining table.

How to design a living-dining room in a private house, what nuances to take into account, as well as ready-made photographs can be found in the video fragment

In spacious rooms, it is quite possible to think over the creation of some kind of individual feature. For example, with the help of multi-level ceilings, podiums, geometric shapes, mirror inserts, you can add a “zest” to the room.

Selection of furniture and finishes

Given that the design of the living room kitchen in your own home should be the same for walls and floors, interior professionals try to use common Decoration Materials. For example, as floor covering choose laminate or parquet board, or patterned ceramic tiles.

Advice! To allocate a place in the room for receiving guests, you can use the carpet.

It is enough to lay it on a separate section of the room intended for receiving guests, there is no need to spread the carpet on the floor around the entire perimeter of the room.

To decorate the walls, you can use decorative plastic or wooden panels, paint, as well as wallpaper with geometric patterns.

Among the innovative materials currently used by professionals to design living room kitchens, we highlight imitation coatings for genuine leather, brick, and stone.

Advice! If you plan to pay attention to pieces of furniture, it is better to choose plain finishing materials for wall decoration.

Professionals do not distinguish any significant restrictions for the selection of furniture in the living room kitchen, located in a private house. But there are certain items that should be present in the living room kitchen, no matter what interior direction was chosen for the design.

For example, in an area intended for cooking, a kitchen set is needed, dinner table or a bar counter, as well as certain kitchen appliances.

A comfortable living room is hard to imagine without a soft and cozy sofa, TV, coffee table, as well as a closet for storing things and accessories.

Advice! In order to emphasize home comfort, you can pick up living room utensils in the kitchen bright colors, interesting curtains for windows, complement the interior decorative pillows, rugs, paintings and family photos.

If there is not enough space in the room to create a modern living room and kitchen design, do not be upset. It is quite possible to solve this problem, and carry out transformations even on a small number of free square meters.

Start off repair work professionals advise finishes. Patterned wall coverings are not suitable for such a room; bright accessories will also be out of place.

Attention! Not big room can be made visually spacious if you arm yourself with finishing materials of light shades.

Among the ideas that can be implemented in a small living room of a private house, we highlight:

  • saving space with a small kitchen set, furniture-transformers, as well as built-in household appliances;
  • organization extra bed for placing kitchen accessories using hanging shelves and hanging kitchen cabinets;
  • purchase of a folding table;
  • use of mirror and glossy furniture facades for visual expansion of space

If the plans include highlighting one wall as a bright accent, for this you can use photo wallpapers with a perspective or panorama effect.

Bar counter in created interior performs several functional purposes. She is not only decorative element interior, but can also be used to store dishes. If the family is small, then the bar counter can also be used as a dining table.

Decorating a spacious living room kitchen

If the room has a large area, it is an excellent platform for bringing the most daring creative ideas of designers to life.

In addition to partitions, which can serve as pieces of furniture, you need to consider smooth transitions from one zone to another, armed with finishing materials of different shades.

For example, manufacturers modern wallpaper, offer ready-made collections consisting of different options wallpaper that can be used for zoning the living room kitchen in a private house.

In each part of the room, it is important to consider certain principles of ergonomics. For example, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room, dining room, kitchen, professionals advise to determine the main center, the rest of the space is organized around it.


In order to organize in one room to allocate separate zones intended for rest and work, you can use not only partitions, wall decoration, but also with the help of multi-level ceiling, or flooring. For example, a fireplace can be used as the central element of such a room. Using simple solutions, it is quite possible to make the interior of the forge living room in a private house individual and unique.

Hall is best room where you can relax calmly, invite guests for tea or turn gray in the evening near the fireplace with the whole family. The room is quite functional, versatile.

To create a modern design of the hall, you need to be well prepared. Since in the hall there should be all the items exactly for their intended purpose.

By choosing the right materials and furniture, you can realize a great design image that your friends and relatives will definitely appreciate.

Style for the hall

To create a modern design of the hall in an apartment or house, it is necessary not only to pay attention to the size, but also to the style.

Usage different styles is an opportunity to get a comfortable and cozy environment. Each of them is different and beautiful in its own way. Here are a few of them:

Soft lines, gentle tones of the finishing material and very comfortable furniture - all this characterizes the style of the classics. Such an environment creates a cozy atmosphere filled with warmth and light.

Accessories are very important for creating a modern interior design of the hall. If you do not choose them correctly, then the whole meaning of the classical style is lost.

To create a high-tech style, you need to know its special characteristic signs: clear lines, not many decoration details and gentle tones. It is also recommended to choose simple furniture. The main thing is that it is comfortable for you.

Creative people often choose the Art Nouveau style, as it gives them the opportunity to let their imaginations run wild and make the room especially bright and attractive. For this style, choose unusual materials, their various forms and sizes.

Combining multiple colors colors to decorate the hall, you can enjoy the colorful design.

Lovers of a fireplace in the living room can turn their attention to the Scandinavian style. Optionally, you can not make a real fireplace, but simply choose an imitation.

Huge furniture also suits this style, especially if you have a large family or you like big companies.

Empire is a style with luxurious furniture and unusual decoration. Having Big hall, you can easily turn around in this style of fantasy. Well, if the hall is not large, then it is worth placing in it only those items that will function well.

Ethnic style is chosen by people who like to travel countries or different cities.

More unusual items or decorations are used here - corals, sea stones, handmade decorations, various figurines, which will make the hall elegant and original.

The avant-garde style is characterized by objects that do not fit together. Furniture and other items should be chosen in large sizes, which will add a touch of exclusivity to the room. Furniture should be correct form, strict type.

Color selection

In order to decorate the hall, add a touch of originality and coziness there, you need to remember a few principles that will help create exactly the room you want:

  • For wall decoration, choose solid colors or shades, while furniture should be decorated with different accessories.
  • If you observe an oversaturation of bright colors in the hall, then you can place several soft rugs in delicate shades on the floor.
  • Decorate the walls in neutral colors, this contributes to the visual expansion of the room if yours is not very large.
  • Bright accessories will go well with light furniture.
  • Use small decorative pillows on the sofa and small LED lights on the ceiling, which will help brighten up the design of the hall in a modern style.

Wallpaper for wall decoration

Before you choose wallpaper, you need to deal with the lighting. If it is enough, then you can choose wallpaper in dark tones, but if it is too small, then it is better to change your choice to light wallpaper. So the room will be more elegant, and will not seem gloomy.

Creation of an original interior

There are many modern ideas hall, but to create an original and unique style, you should dream up a little. So, to make a beautiful and modern hall, you can follow a few recommendations:

  • Choose furniture of light shapes, but decorating them with bright different accessories.
  • Choose shelves for books or magazines also in non-standard forms.
  • Use a minimum, but important and maximally functional items.
  • Hang curtains on the windows in an original way, choosing a good color for them to match the style of the room.
  • If you have a room without walls, partitions, then you can put sliding doors or open partitions. You can zoning the hall using materials of different colors and styles.
  • When creating a design, do not forget about the combination of colors.

Photo of the modern design of the hall

The hall or, as they say, the living room is the real face of the apartment or house. It is here that friends gather in a cozy and warm company, here after a hard day's work the whole family settles down to talk and relax. That's why the main task, which is assigned to the interior design of this the most important premises, is the organization of a comfortable and cozy zone for relax.

One conclusion can be drawn from the foregoing: a carefully selected interior design of the hall must certainly combine the preferences of all the tenants of the apartment, and also include its own place for each of them.

Such a coveted apartment in the 70s today turns into a rather small housing against the backdrop of new buildings growing like mushrooms after rain, the footage of which never ceases to amaze. One way or another, not everyone can change apartments for a new one, and it’s not necessary to do this if you know how to properly organize the design of an apartment so that even vaunted living rooms of 25 square meters can envy it. m.

Such apartments have a small common and living area, so when drawing up the design of the hall, you need to pay attention to whether this is the only room in the apartment or not.

The interior of the hall in a one-room Khrushchev

A hall in Khrushchev with a single room is about 18 meters of square space, on which both, and, in fact, the hall must fit.

There are 2 OPTIONS for increasing space:

  • association with the kitchen;
  • Union .

In fact, many designers Lately aimed at making from one-room apartments studio apartments, because in this way you can expand the space quite well. However, there is still a minus - this is the deprivation of apartment owners of additional spaces. One such minus will even seem like a plus (“just think, it was anyway”), and the latter will sincerely think about a different scenario.

Quite often in one-room Khrushchev houses there is a small closet, which will help get rid of many problems, because you can build a good wardrobe into it, which means freeing up some more of such valuable space in the room.

The design of the hall in a one-room apartment is based on the following "THREE WHITES":

  • light;
  • ergonomics;
  • functionality.

You can make such a design in any style, but for the “odnushka” the Scandinavian style or minimalism is most suitable.

Read more about the design of a one-room apartment.

Walk-through room design

This design should be as comfortable as possible and must be placed on small area(from 14 to 17 sq. m.) two-room apartment Soviet planning. Unfortunately, not all footage can be used effectively, so planning should be approached as thoughtfully as possible. For example, the place of passage and the space that is located between two doors are considered by almost all designers to be lost for the interior.

No less disappointing is the fact that in the total volume of such a room this space is large enough, but negligible enough that at least some furniture could fit on it.

As for the corner, it SHOULD ONLY BE DECORATED. You can:

  • install a small floor lamp(or oblong lamp of your choice);
  • to hang a picture;
  • put a vase.

By the way, this part of the room can also be separated by some kind of partition (movable, plasterboard or even brick). Oh, you say, this will significantly reduce the room! Yes, but this way it will become much more comfortable and more complete.

The undoubted advantage is the huge window that occupies most the wall on which it is located. This dignity of your hall without any worries will be emphasized by light curtains made of translucent material, thanks to which they can gently scatter light.

Provided that you prefer a glossy or mirrored partition in such a room, choose for interior design. It is he who, like no other, will be able to emphasize all the advantages main room.

Combining to get more space is also welcome.

For such a hall, the use of voluminous furniture will be an obvious bust. A small le is best. The location of the sofa along the wall is too boring for such an interior, it will be much more interesting if it appears, for example, near the window.

No need to get too carried away drywall constructions, because they are able to turn an already not quite large room into a tiny cage. As for lighting, large chandeliers are also not suitable here, it is better to give preference to a wall lamp or a floor lamp.

The interior of a separate living room in Khrushchev

Such a hall is a typical solution for the layout of three-room apartments, as well as a rather rare variation of the “kopeck piece”. Of course, such a room will be a little larger than its previous comrades (), but cluttering it up is ridiculous and too big furniture also not worth it. An excellent addition to such a hall can also be a false fireplace, which will be more than appropriate for so many square meters and will be able to give the room a real cosiness.

You are welcome to a private house

The design of the hall, which is located in a private house, is quite different from its apartment variations. We can safely say that such a design, first of all, focuses on the house itself, rather than on existing fashion trends.

It is no secret that the owners of the house think through the arrangement of the hall most scrupulously. When developing such a design, it is important to remember the following rules:

  • the hall should become comfortable for all family members;
  • the situation in the room should be focused on the interests of each family member;
  • the amount of space occupied by furniture and free space should be in the ratio of 50:50.

As mentioned above, absolutely all the interests of each family member must be observed when planning. So, if small children live in the house, then it is better to choose furniture for the hall that does not have sharp corners. Yes, and the type of house should be given no less attention, because it is known that the external design must be in harmony with the interior. For example, if the house is panel, then you definitely need to finish the walls (leveling, plastering) before proceeding with the design. Here are the walls wooden house it is better to leave it in its original form, only giving preference to a suitable style inside.

Fireplace in the interior

To really do cozy interior hall, it is important to remember all the rules that were discussed above, as well as choose a suitable fireplace. This detail of the interior really radically transforms the interior, creating peace, comfort and unthinkable family unity in the house. No wonder the fireplace is considered a symbol of the hearth.

With the right arrangement of details, a fireplace can play the role of the main decoration of your home, or it can become a highlight of the interior. He has an amazing ability to attract the eyes of everyone in the room, thanks to which it is customary to gather by the fireplace with the family, as well as arrange celebrations.

Like it or not, but the installation of a full-fledged fireplace can only be carried out in a private house, and even then, provided that the living room in it is at least 20 square meters. m. In addition, such a house should have a fairly strong floor, which will be able to withstand a fairly heavy construction of such an important element of the interior. And, of course, installing a real fireplace is an incredibly complex process that must be entrusted to specialists in order to be 100% sure of quality and safety.

True, residents of city apartments should not be upset either, because no less spectacular electric fireplaces, the diversity of which today is amazing. By the way, such fireplaces perform not only the role of a heater, but not only a decorative function.

Their advantages are:

  • aesthetic;
  • safe;
  • incredibly easy to use;
  • It is possible to control the temperature.

When choosing a fireplace, pay attention to the fact that it fits well into the interior and does not fall out of the existing concept of the hall. Designers often prefer classic interiors rooms with fireplaces.

The best option for furniture for such a room would be soft, as well as small coffee tables. While TVs are advised not to be placed next to the fireplace. Family photos, clocks and figurines will look perfect on the fireplace.

What wallpapers are suitable?

When choosing wallpaper, you determine the style of the room, so you need to adhere to the principles of your type of interior.

  1. For modern style soft, light, pastel colors will be preferred.
  2. If the interior is decorated in classical style, then give preference to expensive wallpaper with an elegant pattern, floral motifs, gilding or painting.
  3. For modern style, muted are suitable natural shades, decorated with ornaments.
  4. English style will be perfectly complemented by textured wallpaper.
  5. But in the interior, decorated in Provence style, wallpapers of cream, milky or beige shades will fit perfectly.

Textured splendor: ceiling design for the living room

Modern and unique will help create a unique interior of the hall. It is not difficult to do this, because the finishing materials offered by modern repair shops are able to realize any desire of the owner of the apartment.

Undoubtedly, we must emphasize existing interior and fully complement it, so it makes sense to initially decide on the overall design of the hall.

In order to add volume to the room and visually enlarge it, choose a stretch glossy ceiling. Quite often they are chosen for the interior of small living rooms, largely due to their mirror features. Provided that the hall is quite large, you can choose multi-level ceilings made of drywall. Thanks to such ceilings, it is also possible to zoning the room, at least visually.

Also, quite traditional options, such as painting and stucco molding, are ideal for ceilings, they do not lose their relevance.

Modest and tasteful: choose furniture

Since family members spend most of their time in the hall, the furniture for it must be chosen appropriately - functional and practical. Previously, the hall was intended exclusively for receiving guests, so the furniture was chosen expensive and solid, which could show the wealth of the owners. Times have changed, today the hall can easily be such an apartment "Napoleon", combining the functions of a living room, bedroom and office.

Traditional hall designs include soft and incredibly comfortable furniture, which can be presented in the form of a sofa and two armchairs (modern interpretation also allows for a corner sofa). True, the days when such a set of furniture was considered simply necessary have long gone.

Our domestic interior layouts most often mean upholstered furniture (exactly the one we talked about a little higher), a wall and a set of furniture. Western manufacturers have slightly expanded this understanding of design by adding a dining table with chairs and chests of drawers, because in their understanding the hall is also a dining room.

Conditionally all can be divided into:

  • soft;
  • case.

Such options are certainly present in modern interiors, and in more traditional ones. Modern cabinet furniture is incredibly diverse in its design, because it differs lightweight construction, thanks to which it does not look bulky at all. But, even given such a truly royal choice of furniture, you must certainly be guided by a sense of proportion and your own taste, not giving preference to too bold options.

Comfort and beauty: which style to choose?

The first priority when choosing a style, of course, should be the opinion of the owners. But sometimes it's hard for you to decide which appropriate style, after all, I like it, and it's very good. You still have to find a common solution that all family members like, so that a banal repair does not turn into a real bone of contention for your friendly family.

Modern style

Modern style for your living room should become a real decoration, breaking the established stereotypes. There is no need to be afraid of experiment, because this is how you can create unique design which absolutely everyone will envy.

When choosing a color for an interior in a modern style, pay attention to the fact that it forms a single composition with all accessories and furniture. Soft and calm tones are considered the most relevant, while flashy and catchy can be a reflection of the owners' bad taste.

Furniture in a modern hall should be functional and ergonomic. Give preference to beautiful upholstered furniture with a small number of pillows (can be multi-colored).

Lighting can emphasize the elegance of modern style. For watching TV, hidden dim lighting is perfect, for reading - local lighting, installed, for example, near your favorite armchair, and for general use - a chandelier. A minimalist layout is in fashion, because the design modern halls should not be cluttered. Designers refuse any extra accessories in the room, and also choose transforming furniture.

As for materials, it is worth giving preference to metal and glass in the interior (of course, everything should be in moderation). A real hit modern finishes, perhaps, we can consider various shelves and niches made of drywall. In addition, due to the almost limitless possibilities of such a material, it is possible to create a variety of designs.

Hi-tech style

This style of interior is quite young, therefore, it is constantly experiencing various additions that allow rooms in this style to look harmonious and comfortable.

Basic Design Elements hall in hi-tech style:

  • form;
  • shine;
  • light.

A living room in a similar style should be made up of enough simple shapes. The main components of such a design can be considered a competent alliance of lighting and metal brilliance. The presence of small decor elements is not typical for this style, moreover, all interior items should be as simple as possible, attracting the eye with clear forms. Bulky and heavy cabinets in the hall should be replaced with light racks that are equipped with both closed and open niches. Cases made of textured glass using mirrors will be a fantastic solution for such a design.

Thanks to this style, you can even expand the room visually. This can be done very simply by using mirror surfaces in the interior. But as a partition, glass or doors made of transparent plastic are ideal.

Classic style

This type of style is rightfully considered the most common and one-stop solution for all types of apartments and houses. Who would argue, because the classic is always out of time and, moreover, it is not subject to unforeseen fashion trends.

The main feature of the classical style in the interior is the severity of the style, which includes a well-defined structure of all elements that are present in the interior and decor. There is no place for cheap elements in this style, so forget about them!

Quite appropriate in such an interior would be various stained-glass inserts that can expand the space, as well as stained-glass windows instead of windows, which always look advantageous. But it is very important not to cross the fine line of moderation when choosing accessories for the interior, because this can completely spoil the overall impression.

Noble white color in the interior of the living room will help to create an impression of luxury, in addition, it goes well with other elements of interior design in a classic style. You can also safely use blue, beige, light green and turquoise colors, as well as soft shades of light colors.

Difficult choice: curtains for the hall

Curtains must complement overall design hall, as well as to emphasize the coziness and comfort that certainly reign in this room. When choosing this element of the interior, it is imperative to take into account the lighting of the room and its color scheme.

For this room both shortened curtains (in a variation up to the window sill) and long ones are suitable. Provided that you are the owner of a small apartment, in the color of the walls, because they can visually expand the room. Give preference to plain curtains or their variations with a medium-sized pattern. Curtains decorated with ribbons will also look very interesting.

Where to start: about repair

Of course, all mind-blowing design ideas can only be realized after quality repair. Experts recommend the reconstruction of the living room to begin with the replacement of windows and doors. Provided that the floor of your apartment is covered with good parquet, you can not dismantle it, it will be enough to sand it well, and then varnish it. Believe me, it will look as good as new.

The design of the hall is considered one of the most important points in the design of the apartment. This is because the hall is the very room that guests first of all pay attention to, because in the largest room you want to do something worthwhile and useful.

In 2018, the owners of their premises chose several best options, and today, using the example of a photo of the design of the hall, we will tell you what is popular in modern homes.

Design features of the hall in 2018

Not to say that 2018 is a breakthrough in interior design, since in the previous year, and so you can see a lot of changes in apartments that no one had ever guessed before. Today, we are more likely to observe the growth of this very trend, the improvement in style.

All the modern interests of the owners are already more focused on convenience and comfort, so users often look for the most convenient design options on the same Internet.

Among the main trends in the design of the hall in 2018, the following are noted:

  • vast territories;
  • bright hues;
  • modern shades;
  • nice compositions.

Vast territories - this is what you want to achieve in the first place. Of course, halls are different and in huge houses there can be several halls, and all of them are quite voluminous. The design of the hall in the house is a whole art.

But the thing is completely different, in apartments, owners often want to make the hall visually large, although it really is not. To do this, use special light colors that create the impression of spaciousness.

In general, light colors only slightly add comfort, but the hall is not only a place to relax, but also a room for receiving guests and organizing holidays. Therefore, for many years in a row, white, yellow and other light colors have been most often observed in the halls, which make the room bright, active, uplifting. But unlike in 2017, the trend to make halls as bright as possible is gradually fading away.

In addition, all shades should be modern, and not banal monochromatic or classic. Individuality is what is most relevant today in the design of halls, because no one wants to visit those people whose premises are decorated in the same colors.

Since there are quite a few shades of the same color, a person wants to stand out and make his room not only elegant and modern, but also unique and individual.

Whole compositions are also in great demand on the market, which are most often used to decorate halls. For example, collages, and not from photographs, but simply beautiful cheerful pictures, composition of shelves, indoor plants that maintain the freshness of the air in a natural way - and all these elements create one composition that immediately attracts the attention of any guest.

Building materials and decoration

What about choice building materials, here you need to sweat a little. Unfortunately, 2018 is not the most profitable year to start repairs, as materials are gradually starting to rise in price, and by the end of the year, economists predict a peak in price growth.

Moreover, this observation is noticeable not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Imports of goods for construction are gradually reducing their volumes, due to their not quite favorable prices.

But if you still choose from what the seller of the market offers us, it is better to choose something the most ecological. This trend was first noticed a few years ago, and today it is gaining more and more popularity.

It is important to remember that the environmental friendliness of materials has a positive effect on the health of residents. In such a room it is easier to breathe and more comfortable to be in - what guests need when they relax in your hall.

In general, it is worth noting that although light colors are popular, you should not experiment much with them. White color repels the sun's rays, as well as heat, so it is often cool in spacious rooms.

Those who have already managed to make the hall in white, have already felt this winter that no matter how much you heat it, it will always be cold anyway. When embodying the design ideas of the hall, this fact must be taken into account.

Stylish room decoration

Despite the affordable budget and the possibilities of the premises, each owner of his premises in any case wants to make his hall as stylish as possible. Much is known in the world good styles which are still relevant and even popular today.

The only thing is that by mentioning all these directions in styles, each one shows his individuality and, unfortunately, none of the options presented below is fully performed according to the original standards.

The novelties of the hall design include the following styles:

  • high tech;
  • Scandinavian;
  • minimalism;
  • Mexican.

High-tech style is the most modern design hall, which is gaining more and more popularity. This is because it is the most economical. The decoration uses both safe materials and not very light colors that do not repel the sun's rays.

In addition, it is full of various plastic elements furniture that visually create the effect of volume, are easy to use and inexpensive in price.

The Scandinavian style is much less common, but it is full of sophistication, here the owner of his premises can emphasize his sophistication, uniqueness and a touch of personal taste. This style came to us from afar, and has been relevant for many centuries. Have a room decorated in scandinavian style- it is always comfortable, interesting and impressive.

To be honest, we can see the halls in the apartment of our friends, there are so many design options that we can get very tired of all these ideas and, as a result, choose something simple for our hall. Not very bulky.

For such people, minimalism is more suitable - a style that never strains and is made to obtain maximum comfort from both large and small rooms.

Mexican style is more suitable for those who like to receive guests often. It is very expensive and time consuming to finish, but the result is always relevant and interesting to guests. There are a lot of different decorative elements, all foreign paraphernalia - like a museum, and not just a hall. That is why it is chosen by those who can afford it.

Photo design of the hall