Mixer      03/07/2020

DIY corner fireplace in the living room. Corner fireplaces in the living room interior: recommendations for installation and decor. How to install a corner fireplace in the living room

Today, the fireplace has long ceased to be used exclusively for heating the house. Modern solutions design in 2018 offer amazing ideas for the interior. A fireplace will fill your home with a calm and cozy atmosphere. Near it you can arrange beautiful area relax by placing a compact sofa or a couple of armchairs.

As a rule, it is the fireplace that becomes the central element of the living room. The choice of furniture will depend on its location and design, decorative elements and, in fact, the very style of the room. The fireplace is installed in or near a wall, so it is important that the floor is durable and can withstand heavy loads.

Where to install?

When choosing a place for a fireplace, it is important to focus not only on personal preferences, but also take into account some nuances:

  • The fireplace can be installed both on the internal wall and on the external one;
  • it is important to determine the exit location of the chimney, because of this interior walls not always suitable for installing a fireplace;
  • placing a fireplace on external wall will require permission from the relevant authorities to remove the chimney to the street;
  • installing a pipe in wooden house, observe all fire safety measures.

Corner fireplace in the living room interior

The main advantage of corner fireplaces is the saving of living space, because corner placement usually takes up little space. Thanks to this, such a fireplace is ideal not only for large living rooms and halls, but also for a small office or bedroom.

Corner fireplaces by design are:

  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrical.

A symmetrical fireplace requires a certain arrangement of furniture and placement of decorative items. It will always be the central place in the room.

An asymmetrical fireplace, as a rule, is a zoning element in the interior. With its help you can stylishly and effectively separate one functional area rooms from another. Of course, asymmetrical fireplace models are most often designed for fairly spacious rooms.

Fireplace in the living room of the apartment (electric, gas, false fireplaces)

Electric fireplace in the living room

It is impossible to install a wood-burning fireplace in an apartment for technical reasons. But modern design interior design is progressing, offering the public a wide range of electric fireplaces that are absolutely safe for everyday life. Their mobility does not tie them to a stationary location, which is very convenient during repair work.

Exists a large number of sizes, shapes, countries of manufacture of the portals themselves (external casing) of the electric fireplace. The choice depends only on your financial capabilities. For those who gravitate towards everything natural, there are fireplaces that imitate a living flame, so much so that sometimes it is almost impossible to distinguish a real fireplace from an electric one.

Gas fireplace in living room

Gas fireplaces differ from wood fireplaces in ignition technology and maintenance temperature regime, which can be adjusted. An additional advantage (and for some, a disadvantage) is the lack of firewood.

Raised fireplace in the living room

Arrangement of a false fireplace - Alternative option for those who want to create a unique atmosphere in the living room with minimal cash outlay. False fireplaces perform an exclusively decorative function. A structure made of facing bricks, plasterboard, and other materials, put together with your own hands, will be a wonderful decoration for the room. Placed in decorative fireplace beautifully stacked firewood, elegant candles or favorite family photos, you will see how cozy and warm your heart will become.

Living room with fireplace: stylistic design

The most predictable, but no less relevant in 2018, the design of a living room with a fireplace is a classic. This style requires symmetry. Elegant sofas, stucco moldings, and a luxurious chandelier on the ceiling will fit perfectly into an aristocratic interior. Bookshelf, made from natural wood, will add a colorful accent to the overall decor of the living room with a fireplace.

Modern living room with fireplace

Also now very popular design solutions for living rooms with a fireplace are such trends as loft, modern, high-tech, fusion, Provence, Scandinavian style.It is better to choose natural shades for the floor. A beautiful stylish carpet will fit perfectly into the overall interior.




Scandinavian style


modern style


Living room with fireplace and TV

If you want to place the TV above the fireplace, it is important to follow a few rules and consider the following:

  • a fireplace and a TV are elements that are always visible and attract the attention of others;
  • it is important that the fireplace and TV look harmonious against the general background of the living room;
  • pay attention to the size of the TV and fireplace. They should be approximately the same. Small fireplace It will simply get lost against the backdrop of a large screen, and vice versa, a large fireplace will attract the eye, distracting you from watching TV.

Arguments worth listening to

When planning to set up a real fireplace with a chimney and firewood, remember that this is not safe for electronics, since high temperatures have a detrimental effect on her. For safety reasons, some try to hang the screen as high as possible, but this is not very convenient for prolonged viewing.

Another nuance is two contradictory dominants in the living room. This causes a certain imbalance, because one object is for relaxation, the other is for entertainment.

If you decide to combine a fireplace and a TV, carefully consider the furnishings and all the interior details.

Small living room with fireplace

For small living rooms, a minimalist design is preferable. Simple forms, strict lines, compact sizes, pastel colors and a minimum of decorative details - exactly what you need for an elegant laconic design small living room.

By the way, neat corner fireplace- an excellent solution in this case.

Fireplaces in the living room of a private house and classic wood-burning fireplaces

A classic wood-burning fireplace is a characteristic attribute of a luxurious country house or cottage, maximally conveying its flavor. Special attention Here you need to pay attention to the issue of arranging a chimney with a high-quality, correct exhaust hood. In addition, such a stove-fireplace, provided that the waste heat is properly arranged, will also partially heat the house.

Island fireplaces are located in the middle of the room. As for heat transfer, this is the most profitable solution, but the practicality of this option depends on the size of the room and the compactness of the island fireplace itself. Therefore, it is usually installed in spacious rooms of private houses.

Fireplace in the living room 2018: creative design solutions in the photo

Every owner wants to feel warmth and comfort in their home. To do this, you need to create an appropriate interior. Comfort in the house is created by individual elements decor and general ambiance. Curtains, furniture textiles, colors - all this plays a very huge role in creating warm interior. It's also worth thinking about the fireplace. Since ancient times, the fireplace has always been considered a source of warmth. Modern fireplaces serve more of a decorative function than a heating one, but still provide warmth. Fireplaces also create a certain ambience and atmosphere.

The market offers its consumers a very huge selection of fireplaces. You can choose a fireplace in accordance with any conditions and parameters. You just need to correlate your requirements with the given fireplace criteria and the result will exceed all expectations.

Fireplaces are classified:

In appearance, fireplaces are brick, ceramic, marble and plastered. The first three types are suitable for a classic interior. They create an atmosphere of antiquity and luxury. Suitable for living rooms and offices in private homes with a large area.

A plastered fireplace is created using a special solution of the latest generation. Working with modern technologies, it becomes possible to create compositions in various styles.

In terms of location, fireplaces can be external, open, corner, or closed. The first type is very convenient, since it can be installed after the house has been built. The only negative is that the roof will have to be dismantled to install the chimney. Open type also called island, as it is located in the center of the room. Suitable for country houses, hunting lodges. Closed type It is convenient because it is built into the wall space. This type of fireplace is installed when the house is built. This requires specialist knowledge.

Particular attention should be paid to the corner type of fireplace; it is quite popular among lovers of this piece of furniture.

Corner fireplace in the living room interior

Corner fireplaces are varied in shape and differ in their model range. Also for creating beautiful design used for them various material finishing. Corner fireplaces are installed in different living spaces. They are distinguished by their compactness and are the most good option for installation in the living room interior.

To install such a fireplace, you must first decide on the style, location, prepare documents permitting installation, and invite a specialist.

Corner fireplaces are distinguished not only by the type of fuel, but also by other external differences. Before installing a fireplace, you should study the main characteristics.

Corner fireplaces are:

  1. Asymmetrical. Most often they are used to highlight a certain area, which allows you to get rid of unnecessary partitions, bulky structures, doors and walls. The installation of such a fireplace can be done with an open or closed firebox.
  2. Symmetrical. The name itself speaks for itself. This type of fireplace is distinguished by the fact that its side is a complete mirror image of the opposite one. Symmetrical fireplaces have sufficient volume, and their installation requires more space. Designers recommend that if this type is chosen, then when developing the design, place the main emphasis on the fireplace.
  3. Bio-fireplaces suitable for city apartments. Its main feature is that there is no need to install a chimney. Its operating system is based on the combustion of environmental fuel. Well suited to an interior with a minimalist or hi-tech style.
  4. Brick corner fireplaces can be considered an immortal classic. These fireplaces are different unique design, the strength of the foundation, the release of real warmth and comfort. The only downside is the complicated installation and some maintenance.
  5. Decorative type. False fireplaces are installed only for decorative purpose. Its main function is light.

Living room with corner fireplace

The living room with a fireplace in the corner creates a pleasant atmosphere for evening gatherings with the whole family.

Therefore, it makes sense to think carefully about its location and the overall interior of the room:

  1. First of all, the fireplace should not be covered with pieces of furniture; the visibility of the flame should cover the entire space.
  2. Next to the fireplace you can place a strong rocking chair or an original pouf, located with its side facing the fireplace.
  3. The room can be decorated in cooler colors, so they will harmonize better with warm look fireplace.

The corner fireplace can be decorated with a shelf on which you can place various figurines or family photos.

In general, the interior of the fireplace should correspond to the overall styling of the room. For apartments, it is best to purchase bio-fireplaces or electric ones. They are more secure and also take up less space.

Electric corner fireplaces

Electric fireplaces are a good answer for owners small apartments, where technology prohibits the installation of a fireplace. In the living room, such fireplaces are used for different purposes: as an additional source of heat, for interior decoration and additional lighting.

The electric fireplace has good list advantages:

  • Small size;
  • Large view of the flame;
  • Heat dissipation is approximately 30% greater;
  • Increased security;
  • Original design;
  • Diversity in the model range;
  • Saving.

It is also worth noting that electric fireplaces very easy to install and maintain. To do this, just install it on the selected wall and plug it into the power supply. Also, fireplaces of this type have a temperature regulator from weak to strong, which is very important when the weather constantly changes.

There are models of electric fireplaces that have a built-in additional function fireboxes with wood. This function is very useful during emergency power outages.

Fireplaces powered by electricity are also available different types. They can be placed in the center of the room, mounted on a wall, installed in a corner or hidden in a wall. Regardless of the type, the fireplace brings its own original touch to the interior. Electric fireplace is the most convenient and interesting way bring a special charm to the interior, add warmth and emphasize the pleasant atmosphere of the room.

Stylish corner fireplaces in the living room interior (video)

To summarize, we can say that the fireplace is a universal decorative element that has many useful functions. In addition to the spread of heat, the flames flickering in the firebox have a calming effect on a person’s emotional state. Quite often, aromatic dry herbs are thrown into the fire to spread a pleasant aroma in the room. Modern technologies allow you to install fireplaces not only in country houses, but also in city apartments.

Design of corner fireplaces in the living room (photos in interiors)

The play of flames fascinates, relaxes and calms after a tiring and emotional working day. Sometimes energetic, sometimes thoughtfully flowing tongues of fire set you in a philosophical and romantic mood, allowing you to detach yourself from the surrounding problems, plunging your consciousness into a world of dreams and tranquility. And although modern homes Not always can their owners afford to install a classic fireplace; corner fireplaces can be a solution, and the photo below undeniably confirms this.

Why do you need a fireplace in your home?

It would seem that in our time, when you don’t have to waste time and effort on chopping wood, heating the fireplace and removing ash, many owners of country houses (and not only) strive to have a fireplace in their home.

First of all, an open live fire allows you to experience an indescribable feeling of calm and tranquility. For residents of private houses, there will be no particular problem in installing a corner stove - searching for a professional or doing it yourself, determining the location and some time to implement your plans. It’s more difficult for residents of most high-rise buildings; they don’t have a live fire in such a fireplace, both literally and figuratively, because installing such a product in almost all apartments is prohibited. But you will be able to buy a successful imitation; an electric stylized fireplace will help with this. Its angular location will allow you to get the desired opportunity to contemplate the flames without losing useful space.

Previously, when individual heating systems had not yet been installed, the fireplace served not only as a source of pleasant sensations, but as a completely complete and autonomous source heat. Sometimes food was cooked and heated in it. Modern ones were not noticed for such purposes, although on a cool autumn day at the dacha or in country house It is quite possible to turn a wood-burning fireplace into a heat source.

Majority modern homes decorated with active hearths or artificial fireplaces. Their location is suitable for a living room, office, bedroom and even a kitchen. Each room has its own special charm, atmosphere and puts you in a different mood. However, only with the presence of a real fire or its imitation in the room can a truly relaxing environment be achieved.

As for huge country houses, where the rooms have large areas and a lot of free space, installing a fireplace will not be difficult. More problems occurs among owners of small apartments or country houses where there is a lack of space. The only sure way out would be to equip the room with a corner fireplace, which fits perfectly into any interior.

Cozy interior of a modern house

Benefits and types

Before purchasing any design, it is important to understand its types in detail. Today, consumers are offered to install corner fireplaces in the interior of a living room or other room of a symmetrical or asymmetrical type.

In the first case, the task of the designer or owner of the room is to create a basic concept based on the location of the hearth, that is, focusing attention on it, thereby creating symmetry.

It is very important to choose correct angle rooms for the location of the product, because it is necessary to make sure that the fireplace is easily visible from anywhere in the room, regardless of the angle.

The rest of the interior items are installed in mirror image or opposite the hearth. Experts note that when using exactly this tactic, heating the room will occur in the best possible way.

Cassette fireplace with large chimney

Fireplaces, which are classified as asymmetrical types, are an element of the interior, thanks to which you can create competent zoning premises, but they should be used in rooms with a large area where there is no lack of space. In this case, the division of the room occurs without the use of other interior items.

Modern eco-fireplace

Rooms that feature a classic, Scandinavian, English or country concept look best with fireplaces. The only main condition is that identical or related materials are used when facing and finishing the interior of the room, as well as the hearth itself.

If you are using an electric version of the product, then it is best to decorate the room in a cool color scheme. At the same time, for owners of large premises where it is possible to mount a fireplace on gas fuel, warm colors are ideal.

Thanks to the wide range of heating devices presented in themed stores, everyone has the opportunity to decorate a room with a fireplace, be it a living room or an office, according to their preferences.

Design and finishing

If a fireplace was initially planned during the construction of a house, then at the final stage the fireplace is finished with special materials that increase waterproofing and heat transfer. The next step is always the decorative or aesthetic design of the structure, thanks to which the living room or any other room will be brought to the general concept.

When choosing the main finishing material, you need to focus on the basic design of the room. With the right approach, it will be possible to emphasize the sophistication of the room, indicate the high aesthetic taste of the home owners and highlight the structure itself in the room.

Finishing the portal with artificial stone

The design of a corner fireplace always depends on the type of finish. Most in demand facing materials tiles, tiles, brick and stone appear. The interior may contain structures that will not be lined at all.

For example, if the fireplace was originally built from high-quality brick, which has an excellent color and careful processing. The only downside is that over time the material may fade or darken.

Some people resort to the plastering technique. After the masonry has been completed, a building mixture is applied to its surface, and after drying it is covered with water-based paint. Such material can be either smooth or textured, while the choice color range depends on the preferences of the home owners.