Mixer      04.03.2020

Making the junction of the basement. Facing the foundation of the house and what material is better to choose for the base? Clinker tiles as a facing material for the plinth

When the frame of the house has already been built and finishing work remains, the question arises: how best to finish the outer surfaces, including the foundation of the house, what materials to use for decoration and cladding? In this case, savings on materials is undesirable, since protection basement walls is one of the primary tasks in the construction of a house. What to choose: aesthetics or practicality?

Since the basement is the above-ground part of the foundation structure, it, like the outer walls of the house, needs protection: from moisture, temperature extremes and frost. In addition, both the facade of the house and its basement should look aesthetically pleasing and harmonize with each other. All these conditions are met by various finishing materials.

Photo gallery: varieties of plinth decoration

Bulky in appearance, the panels are light in weight and have a textured surface that imitates natural stone Large fractions look great with facade tiles, harmonizing not only with its shade, but also fitting into overall design architecture
In this case, the shades of the siding fit perfectly into the overall architecture of the house Pigment dye is added to the plaster, refreshing general form Houses

Types of materials for finishing and cladding

Today for finishing the foundations are used:

  • plaster;
  • siding (panels);
  • tile;
  • stone (natural and artificial);
  • brick.
  • Each type of finish has its own advantages and disadvantages, presented below. In addition, there are differences in the way finishing works.

    Table: comparison of finishing materials

    Important: finishing the foundation should be carried out without fail, because the concrete will absorb moisture, which has a destructive effect on it during temperature changes.

    Before carrying out finishing work, it is necessary to prepare the surface: remove dirt, level foundation wall covering cracks and chips. After leveling, the surface is primed so that the finish adheres better to the main surface.


    It is the most affordable and simple finishing material. For it, sand with cement, filled with water and mixed in a ratio of 3: 1: 0.5, is used. In this case, cement grade M400 is sufficient. The solution itself is applied to the reinforcing mesh, which acts as a fixative. The grid is attached to the above-ground surface of the foundation with fixing dowels.

    The progress of work during plastering is as follows:

  • A mesh is attached to the prepared surface.
  • The first layer of plaster is applied to the plinth. The layer thickness should be 0.8–1 cm. Primer coating can be given decorative form using a scraper or a brush with metal bristles. To do this, the solution is applied to the surface in wavy lines.
  • After setting the first (primer) layer, at least a week must pass, after which it can be applied finishing. The thickness of the decorative layer can vary from 0.3 to 0.5 cm.
  • Note: the primer (first) layer must be constantly moistened throughout the week. Wetting with water should be carried out before four times per day, covering the surface with a film each time after moistening.

    Pigment dyes can also be added to the finishing layer solution. In addition, the plaster is decorated with a rasp: contours are cut on the surface as when laying brick or stone.

    And to imitate a “fur coat”, the solution for the decorative layer is not applied, but thrown in small portions. This results in a textured surface that can hide minor irregularities and defects in the foundation.


    This includes siding - the material is modern, comfortable, lightweight. In addition to an affordable price and a variety of colors, siding is distinguished by the fact that it is not necessary to glue it to the basement surface - it is enough to use fasteners and a frame for installing panels.

    Note: for the manufacture of the frame, it is necessary to use special profiles.

    Finishing the siding foundation is as follows:

  • The prepared basement surface is dried.
  • A frame-crate is made and attached to the foundation. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws with dowel-inserts.
  • The panels are connected to each other with the help of special grooves-locks, after which the cladding is attached to the crate with self-tapping screws.
  • Important: there should be a small air gap between the panels and the main wall of the basement for air circulation. This is necessary to prevent the formation of mold on the main wall when condensation forms.

    Siding is also distinguished by the fact that for its installation it is not necessary to carry out perfect alignment main surface.


    Strength, aesthetics and durability - these are the three components that can characterize tiles. Today, facing tiles are divided into three types: clinker, polymer sand and porcelain stoneware. They are distinguished by production technology, size and weight. And the laying technology is similar to stone cladding.

    Clinker tiles are similar in appearance and production technology to bricks, but their thickness is only 2 cm. Tiles are laid on a special adhesive, which manufacturers offer in the form of a ready-made dry mix. Laying technology - the same as for artificial or natural stone, after laying it is necessary to use grout for tile joints.

    Tip: For a better effect, the grout for the tiles can be chosen in a contrasting color that is very different from the color of the finish.

    Polymer sand tiles are made from waste plastic and sand, and therefore have less weight than clinker tiles. It can be mounted both on self-tapping screws and planted on tile adhesive.

    The advantage of such a tile is that it does not require grouting of tile joints - it is enough to cut the required number of tiles and stick the fragments on the frame

    Note: polymer sand tiles are usually used for foundations with low bearing capacity.

    Porcelain tiles are made from fired clay. Since the tile is pressed, the density of the material is increased, as a result of which such a finish is quite heavy. The thickness of one element can vary from 0.3 to 3 cm. However, the moisture absorption coefficient of porcelain stoneware is quite low.

    Porcelain tiles are mounted only on a special adhesive solution that can withstand the adhesion of the element to the surface. However, since there are increased requirements for strength and weather resistance to the finish of the basement, they put the tiles on glue, additionally fastening its fragments with brackets and clasps.

    Stone, artificial and natural

    This type of finish is considered not only the most expensive, but also the most beautiful. The difference between materials is only in different cost and operational life.

    For facing the plinth with stone, you will need a finishing material and an adhesive solution. The solution is made from ready-made dry mixes, but it can be replaced with a cement-sand mixture own production. The thickness of the adhesive solution should be 0.3–0.5 mm.

    The facing stone is laid on a previously prepared surface, with the adhesive solution already applied. Stone fragments are also covered with a thin layer of mortar with wrong side and pressed against the main surface. After laying, the remaining mortar is removed from the finish.

    Note: Styling requires perfect Smooth surface; otherwise, the finish will not last long.

    For natural stone, it is desirable to use an adhesive solution of increased adhesion to more firmly hold the finish.

    The foundation is considered completely finished when, after laying the finishing material, a slope is fixed on top to protect the basement from the accumulation of rainfall

    Tip: natural stone after gluing can be dried and covered with a protective layer - varnish or hydrophobic solution. This achieves the effect of a “wet” plinth lining, in addition, the coating protects the finish from moisture ingress into the stone and destruction of the material during low temperatures.


    Perhaps this is the most durable facing material for the plinth, and at the same time it has certain selection rules. Properly selected brick will protect the base from destruction and the foundation from overload.

    Yes, for monolithic foundations can be used standard material. But for strip or columnar foundations, it is desirable to finish with a special brick.

    Brick installation is carried out on anchor bolts connecting the main wall with the finish. For safety, you can use a dowel tied with wire as a fastener. The wire is fixed at the ends in the seams of the finish.

    Important: Also, there should be a small gap between the brick and the main wall for air circulation.

    The air gap will avoid the accumulation of condensate, which has a destructive effect on the main wall.

    As noted experienced builders, wire knitting when facing with bricks must be done at a rate of 0.5–0.7 m per 1 m2. In other words, for greater strength of the cladding, fastening with the main surface in the amount of 4-6 knits will be required.

    Tip: for laying bricks, a cement mortar with sand is used, the cement grade is M500.

    Video: finishing the plinth with siding

    The choice of foundation cladding will depend on the owner and his budget. Some will like to use panels, some will prefer tiles, and some owners will decide to make the cladding “for centuries” and choose natural stone. The essence of finishing the basement is to protect the above-ground part of the foundation from the destructive effects of frost and moisture for a long time.

    Among the many types of facade work, the decoration of the basement of a private house stands apart. Since it is designed to provide not only decorative functions, but also practical ones.

    In particular, due to the fact that the plinth is exposed to severe atmospheric and physical influences, it must be protected. It is for this that in the first place it is necessary to finish the basement of the house.

    And only after solving this problem, it can already be considered as an ornament in the overall architecture of the building. Therefore, it requires a more serious attitude than other facing works. This will manifest itself both in the choice of materials for decoration, and in the work itself.

    Since the plinths of private houses are located above the ground and are the visible part of the foundation, they have to withstand all the temperature differences between the ground and the air space. And also external precipitation, solar radiation and internal groundwater are added to this.

    High strength, moisture and heat resistance, resistance to freezing, the ability to withstand pressure from the ground, the ability to resist fungus and mold - and this is an incomplete list of what requirements are placed on this component. In addition, the plinth still needs to withstand the weight of the facade.

    If all these factors are taken into account when choosing materials and the finish is taken seriously, then it will not only extend the service life, but also take part in creating a good microclimate in the house. For example, if a basement is designed in a private house, then the main property of the finishing material should be heat resistance, its thermal insulation qualities (unless, of course, the finishing will be done on a heater).

    Otherwise, heat leakage will regularly occur and efficiency will decrease. heating system Houses. As a rule, the base itself is made of materials with good technical specifications, because, otherwise, it will not withstand operational loads.

    The aesthetic aspect is also important, because here there are laws that affect the harmonious perception of the appearance of the building as a whole. In particular, the color scheme of the basement finish looks good when combined with the shade of the roof and at the same time is an order of magnitude darker than the walls. That is, the rule of compatibility of contrasting and neighboring colors applies.

    In addition, given the location of the basement of the house and the pollution that regularly affects it, light color quickly lose their properties. Further, if the walls of a private house are made of logs or smooth after plastering, then for finishing the basement, you should consider the option with artificial or wild stone. First of all, for the visual weighting of the composition.

    Step-by-step instructions and the order of preparatory work

    Fake diamond

    This budget cladding is good, first of all, because you can decorate the corner elements of the house with your own hands, and these are the most unreliable places in the decoration. This type of material is installed without or as a tile on an adhesive.

    For self-manufacturing any stone for paving paths or even plaster mortar will do. The difference from the previous method will be in a less scrupulous attitude to the dimensions of the samples and the painting of the poured mass in advance.

    wild stone

    A frost-resistant, heavy stone is selected like granite or basalt. The finishing technology in this case will depend on whether the basement has been insulated, since without this you just need to take the following steps: prepare a solution for the base from M200; turn the stones towards the light with the larger side and sink them into the solution, but not all the way, but so that a certain distance remains to the walls; between the stones tightly seal all the recesses with mortar.

    Plinth finish brick house will differ in that the thickness of the masonry joints is slightly more than 10 mm. And because in the seams brickwork moisture remains, the solution must contain a plasticizer. As for the ebb, it is recommended to use hyper-pressed bricks.

    If the finished basement was insulated and your house is no longer new, then in this case it is better to veneer the basement with panels, tiles or.

    flexible stone

    It has countless advantages, starting from a textile base with a carbamide binder. As a facing material, it is one of the best, and its only drawback is the lack of gloss for amateurs and the need for plaster solid foundation when installing.

    In general, they can circle corners, cut it with a knife, it is practically eternal, etc. That is, it is possible to complete the basement with your own hands.


    PVC and propylene siding is used to finish the basement of private (frame) houses. Siding is installed along a horizontal profile on self-tapping screws. It is advisable to take care of drainage, and be sure to make a blind area before installation.

    The work will use extensions, crate, fasteners and adhesive. So, centimeter gaps are made from above and below, foamed and treated with glue. Then close with a cornice.

    Panels and plates

    Facing this option is devoid of the disadvantages of the previous one, there is no need for crates, the panels are immediately installed on the adhesive.

    Popular ones must be installed on a flat surface.


    Technologically, the installation of clinker tiles or porcelain tiles is the same as in construction, but requires appropriate qualifications. The surface must be even and primed. The tile is put on the adhesive and immediately fixed until the lining has slipped.

    Be sure to make gaps and wait until the previous section hardens. Porcelain stoneware slabs can be as glossy as polished stone and can be installed with virtually no seam.

    Pile foundations are widely used. This is due to the low cost of the device and the possibility of using it even on soft soils. But during construction, a problem arises: how to close the basement of a house built on screw piles?

    The buildings located on the considered supports have a ventilated underground. A grillage is provided for tying the piles. It connects separate elements into one system. The grillage can be made of concrete or metal. When arranging wooden or frame houses, the strapping is made of wood.

    The plinth cladding will be attached to the piles or walls of the house. For its implementation, you will need to make a frame or crate. Easiest to make and mount wooden planks. Their sections will depend on the pitch of the piles and the mass of the material used for sheathing.

    There are several options for resolving the issue than to close pile foundation outside. Finishing the basement of the house can be made of the following materials:

    • siding;
    • brick;
    • plastic panels;
    • metal profile.

    The choice of material depends on aesthetic and economic considerations.

    Important! Whatever lining of the basement of the house is chosen, it is necessary to provide for ventilation in it.

    They are necessary for the normal ventilation of the space under the building. Lack of air can lead to a direct danger to human life. You can often hear about the dangers of such a gas as radon. It lies in the ground, but often rises and accumulates in the basements of buildings and undergrounds. Constant ventilation will help to avoid accumulation hazardous substances. It is not recommended to close the air vents for the winter.

    It is easiest and cheapest to sheathe a building on screw piles with such material. Facing has the following advantages:

    • low cost (even taking into account components);
    • ease of installation with your own hands;
    • durability;
    • wear resistance;
    • resistance to decay and mold;
    • a wide range of colors;
    • ease of operation.

    But along with the advantages, siding also has a number of disadvantages. For example, it is not suitable, if necessary, to insulate the basement of a house on screw piles.

    Mounting technology

    Making house cladding is quite simple, you just need to know the order of work and the nuances of their implementation. The plinth device is performed in the following order:

    All wooden elements before starting work, they are treated with antiseptic compounds. This is necessary to prevent damage by fungus, mold and rot. As additional measures, fire retardant treatment can be performed.

    Siding is the most common option. Finishing the building in this case is easy and fast. The device should be started after the completion of the construction of the house, when all communications have already been connected. So that the pipes do not freeze in the ventilated underground, they are wrapped heat-insulating material. Most often used for this purpose mineral wool. You can use ready-made thermal insulation elements for pipes, or you can make insulation using mineral wool mats (wrapped in rolls).

    Pay attention to the soft waterproofing of the blind area

    Siding will become great option in order to close the space under the house. For fastening the panels to the crate, it is necessary to prepare self-tapping screws.

    brick finish

    Facing can be made of more serious materials. Brick will allow you to build a strong and durable protection. You can also choose this type for aesthetic reasons.

    Finishing the building with bricks begins with the construction of the base for masonry. Just as in the case of siding, it is required to provide a layer that compensates for soil deformations in winter. There are two base options:

    1. Monolithic non-buried tape. This option is not recommended for construction on heaving soils. It can only be used with coarse and sandy soils (medium or coarse sand).
    2. At a distance of 50-70 mm from the ground, a corner is welded to the metal heads of the piles. The shelf of this profile will become the base for a brick wall. It is recommended to take an equal-shelf corner with a shelf width of 120 mm. The thickness of the rolled products is determined depending on the height of the masonry and the distance between the piles. When in doubt, it is better to take the product thicker.

    The length of rolled metal can be 6 or 12 m. They are chosen depending on what is available and on the length of the walls of the building.
    Brick laying must be carried out with dressing. To connect the elements together, a masonry mortar made of sand and cement is used. The thickness of the seams on average is assigned equal to 10-12 mm.

    Brickwork has the following advantages:

    • good thermal insulation performance of the material (it is worth choosing a hollow ceramic brick with increased performance);
    • no need for additional finishing;
    • maintainability;
    • durability.

    Also, the finish is characterized by a number of shortcomings. These include a large mass and cost, labor intensity, limited color solutions.

    Plastic panels

    The fastening of materials to piles is carried out according to the same technology as in the case of siding. If you sew up the space under the house with panels, you can get the following benefits:

    • attractive appearance;
    • a wide range of colors and textures (you can choose an imitation of brick or natural stone);
    • rigidity;
    • resistance to mechanical and chemical influences;
    • resistance to decay;
    • affordable price.

    But when choosing, it is worth remembering that, despite the efforts of manufacturers, natural brick or stone look better than artificial materials.


    A profiled sheet or corrugated board is simply fastened to a wooden crate. The frame is arranged in the same way as for the installation of siding. The special coated metal material is highly durable, easy to handle and operate. Exists a large number of color solutions. But the plinth structure made of corrugated board is not suitable for all buildings, it is important to pay attention to the material of the cladding of the main structure.

    The principle of fastening the profiled sheet is very simple.

    When choosing siding, brick, panels or corrugated board for work, it is required to strictly observe the fastening technology and take into account the appearance of the building, the integrity of the facade should not be violated.

    5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

    If you are building a reliable and at the same time presentable house, take care of finishing the basement. Using various types of materials, you can not only strengthen and insulate the upper part of the foundation of the building, but also decorate it, giving the building a representative look.

    Finishing the basement of the house with your own hands

    When decorating the basement of a private house, it is worth remembering that it serves not only to decorate the building, but also protects the foundation and walls from adverse natural factors. For right choice version of the facing material, you should know that the basement of the building is of three types:

    1. Erected on the same level with the foundation and facade of the building. With this option, give preference to thin products, such as siding, panels or tiles.
    2. Protruding beyond the perimeter of the walls of the building. When choosing a finish, remember that the rough basement of the house can visually aggravate the perception. The budget solution in this case is cement-sand plaster. Can be clad decorative brick mounted on the edge.
    3. Falling inward. This option allows you to apply any type of external insulation and decorate the building without disturbing the visual balance.

    The basement is the lower part of the walls of the building, encircling it around the entire perimeter.

    A separate topic in construction is the lining of the plinth of a frame cottage installed on a pile-screw or columnar base. Such a structure falls into the category of a terraced building that does not have direct contact with the ground surface. The house is blown from all sides by winds, and also does not have a heat-insulating gasket with soil. The result is a cool and damp indoor climate.

    Therefore, finishing the basement of the pile foundation is designed to perform a number of tasks and includes:

    • carrying out waterproofing of the foundation piping (grillage), made of wooden beam or metal profile;
    • arrangement of a hinged or stationary (on an auxiliary tape base) structure;
    • installation of insulation around the perimeter with careful sealing of assembly joints;
    • facing the outer surface with decorative elements;
    • arrangement of a concrete or stone blind area that protects the building from excess moisture.

    Important! The installation of heat-saving panels ensures the maintenance of a comfortable temperature regime in room.

    It is the decoration of the basement of a private house that performs not only the above functions, but also prevents its destruction and acts as an excellent design decision in building decoration

    Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of the basement country house is possible with:

    • penoplex;
    • expanded polystyrene;
    • polyurethane foam;
    • asbestos-cement slabs;
    • sheet slate with an insulating layer.

    Self-installation, without involving labor from outside, will cost you cheap, save financial resources and nerves.

    Plinth finish options

    Depending on the tasks, the lining of the basement of a private house performs the following functions:

    • decorative, providing a neat appearance. External cladding allows you to maintain in order surfaces exposed to rain, ultraviolet radiation and other natural factors;
    • thermal insulation, providing a comfortable thermal regime in the room. With the insulation of the basement, the influence of temperature fluctuations is reduced.

    Regardless of the type, the installation of the cladding is carried out in two main ways:

    • Directly on outer surface. Irregularities should preferably be smoothed out in advance to avoid deformations when laying elements of different sizes. The most convenient mounting surface brick plinth with increased flatness.

    The surface of the socle without finishing is subject to constant pollution, as a result of which it is destroyed

    • For an auxiliary crate. Frame made of timber or metal profile, to avoid distortion during installation. This option is relevant when facing with tile-type products.

    Attention! It is desirable to finish the basement surface of houses erected on pile-screw foundations on metal frames, which guarantee increased strength characteristics.

    How to finish the plinth

    Having decided on the method of installing the cladding outside the basement surface of the house, you can proceed to the choice of material options that meet your taste and financial capabilities. The construction market offers an expanded range of materials that can satisfy the most demanding requests. How to sheathe the protruding part of the foundation? Most used options:

    • natural or artificial stone - beautiful, presentable, but expensive;
    • panels - quickly mounted, do not require professional training of the master;
    • tile - a mid-price option, easy to clean, but has low thermal insulation characteristics;
    • profile sheet - modern, affordable, but requires an auxiliary frame for installation;
    • plastering or painting - convenient, fast, inexpensive.

    Home decoration, using a variety of finishing materials that play the role decorative element in design

    Important! When choosing the better to sheathe the basement surface of a building, give preference to products from trusted manufacturers. If you decide to save money, you can end up with unexpected results in the form of bulging paint, cracked coatings or tiles.

    Finishing the plinth with stone

    Increasingly for decorative design is used . This is understandable, since the textured mineral is not only beautiful, but also has increased strength characteristics. Most often, the lining of the basement surface of a building is carried out by the following types of stone:

    • Natural river or sea stone. The structure of the stone allows you to completely protect the house from the penetration of moisture into the room.
    • Sandstone. From it, by industrial processing, flat tiled elements or three-dimensional, of any bizarre shape are created. The disadvantage of stone is the need for additional coating with water-repellent compounds.
    • Granite. The surface, covered with polished granite slabs, looks solemn and, a little, pretentious. Therefore, most often this mineral is used in the design of public and administrative buildings.
    • Porcelain stoneware. plinth trim artificial material- porcelain stoneware, in comparison with natural minerals, can significantly reduce financial costs. But it should be noted that porcelain stoneware obtained from a mixture of crushed rocks and clay is not inferior in terms of strength and decorative characteristics to natural analogues.

    Natural stone is a heavy material, which significantly increases the weight power frame Houses

    • Marble or marble chips. Due to frost resistance and moisture resistance, marble chips are used in the design of internal and external surfaces of buildings. The ability to create unique patterns with its help is actively used in design.

    If you decide to use natural stone for construction, then remember that working with this material requires professional skills. Without sufficient experience, you should not try to do the work yourself. You can’t call the material flexible, so it’s difficult to correct mistakes made during installation.

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    Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


    Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


    It is better to use the services of specialists who will help you end up with a building that has a number of advantages:

    • durability. Natural stones according to this criterion are undoubted leaders;
    • environmental friendliness. Natural minerals do not contain harmful chemical elements;
    • frost resistance. Subject to the technology of work, masonry withstands an increased number of freezing cycles without violating the integrity of the array;
    • resistance to chemical and mechanical damage;
    • decorative. With the help of stones, original, textured surfaces are created;
    • ease of care. The purity of stones is maintained with the help of simple detergents and brushes.

    Maintainability is very limited: it is very difficult to remove a damaged fragment (s) without breaking the lining over a sufficiently large area

    Using plinth panels

    New materials are constantly appearing on the construction market, which make it possible to significantly facilitate and speed up the construction and decoration of buildings. The artificial composites intended for cladding of external surfaces also include plastic facade panels, imitating the appearance of various facing materials. Plastic panels have some advantages over other types of cladding materials:

    1. PVC panels are installed on wooden or metal carcass, resulting in a gap that provides ventilation to the walls.
    2. The frame structure allows you to easily install additional thermal panels that increase thermal insulation characteristics building.
    3. Surface decoration plastic panels reduces material costs due to the relatively low price.
    4. Installation speed is quite high. Installation of panels can be done independently, having at hand a basic set of tools.
    5. Care does not require special chemicals, the panels are treated with common detergents.
    6. Enterprises produce panels of various geometric sizes, which facilitates fitting to existing parameters.
    7. The color scheme and texture allow you to realize the most sophisticated fantasies.

    Plastic panels are very popular in finishing not only the basement, but the whole house.

    Attention! When installing panels, use special connecting elements to avoid the formation of gaps.

    Increasingly, during the construction of a building, cladding is made ground floor. This artificial composite, based on lightweight concrete with the addition of synthetic fibers, has properties that distinguish it from the general list of similar products. Main characteristics:

    • increased strength;
    • frost resistance;
    • small mass of elements;
    • original design;
    • a special coating that protects the panels from soot and dirt.

    Plinth tiling

    The facing of the basement floor with facade tiles is widespread. This is explained affordable price building material and quite good decorative and strength characteristics of the tile. The best option facing tiles for the foundation are varieties of clinker tiles. If you stopped at this option, note that clinker tiles are formed in two ways:

    • manual;
    • machine.

    The plinth is finished with either clinker (terracotta) or ceramic tiles

    Important! When machine pressed, the tile has an increased density. Therefore, when choosing, give preference to this option.

    to economical, with financial side, options include facing with ceramic or paving slabs. But there are disadvantages that should not be forgotten:

    • low thermal conductivity. You will need to take action additional insulation to achieve comfortable temperature conditions;
    • poor frost resistance. At low temperatures and high humidity, ceramic tile covered with cracks and paving slabs swelling of the upper layer occurs.

    The ideal tile option is stone. Made from natural stone, it has many positive properties:

    • increased resistance to abrasion;
    • durability;
    • decorative;
    • resistance to aggressive substances;
    • a variety of shapes, sizes, finishes on the front side.

    Finishing the plinth with a professional sheet

    One of the most economical options finishing of the basement floor can be called metal profile cladding. Thanks to a wide color scheme allows you to organically fit into the existing complex of structures. Installation of profiled sheets is not laborious, you can handle it yourself. A prerequisite for installation is the arrangement of a waterproofing layer.

    Finishing the basement with panels is somewhat more complicated and more expensive than siding, but it is devoid of its shortcomings.

    When installing a metal profile, one of the types of waterproofing is used:

    1. Coating. Used as a basis bituminous mastic applied in several layers.
    2. With the help of adhesives. The roll coating is preheated and placed on the surface to be treated.
    3. Membrane. It is produced in the form of a roll film or plates with ledges. Easy to mount, has high waterproofing properties.

    Finishing the plinth with plaster and other materials

    Does not lag behind in popularity from exquisite options for finishing the plinth with flagstone or decorative plaster. Not inferior in quality to natural sea or river stones, flagstone is much easier to install, and its price does not cause shudders.

    The procedure for finishing the basement of the building is a rather important process that requires special care. Since it is the base that is under the strong influence of moisture and other irritants. How to choose the right material for finishing the plinth and how to install it, we will consider further.

    Features of the lining of the basement of the house

    The plinth is located at the bottom of any building, most often tiles or stones are used for its decoration. The plinth not only performs a decorative function of the building, but also protects it from moisture penetration, dampness, and load distribution.

    The plinth is the basis for the construction bearing walls. The correct construction of the basement is reflected in the quality of the future building.

    The most irritating factor for the base is precipitation. In addition, he is under the influence ground water, and the difference between the temperature in the ground and in the air.

    Therefore, the most important requirement for the finishing material used in the lining of the plinth is its stability and protection of this element from moisture. In addition, a properly finished plinth allows you to provide reliable protection foundation.

    The process of choosing materials for finishing the plinth should be based primarily on the use of high-strength materials that are resistant to temperature changes and moisture. At the same time, they should have an attractive appearance and be in harmony with the overall exterior of the building.

    There are cases of a monolithic plinth finish, which is a combination of a foundation with a plinth. For these purposes, concrete, individual blocks, stone or special bricks are used. The elevation of the base above the ground occurs at a level of 500-700 cm.

    Most often, the plinth is finished after the walls have been erected. It is advisable to do otherwise, the plinth must be protected immediately after the foundation has been erected. At the same time, all work is carried out in the form of waterproofing, plastering, finishing.

    Before the start of facing work, a drainage cushion is created, covering the entire perimeter of the structure. It looks like a recess, 150-200 mm wide, about half a meter wide.

    After finishing, the recess is filled with gravel, which performs the function of drainage. After preparing the base, it is plastered with cement-lime plaster. To increase the strength of the structure, in order to connect the base to the foundation, they are reinforced with a special mesh. To provide additional waterproofing of the basement, special additives in the form of plasticizers, such as river sand, should be added to the solution.

    If this is not done, then the quality of the basement finish will decrease significantly, while the foundation will suffer, and the walls in the house will always be damp. On wet walls, wallpaper does not adhere well and mold with a fungus appears, which is especially dangerous for human health.

    In addition, there are two options for arranging the basement:

    • recessed;
    • exalted.

    The first option is preferable, since it does not lead to the accumulation of snow and ice on the surface. In addition, precipitation does not fall on it and it needs less protection from moisture.

    The second option for arranging the basement has a more attractive appearance, but it requires special protection using ebbs, tiles with slopes, and waterproofing components.

    Before finishing the base, you should inspect its base. It must be strong and even. It should be free of dirt and dust. For elimination different kind irregularities, to remove protruding sections or fill the recess, special compositions of the leveling direction are used.

    A special primer is used to impregnate the surface, it will improve the adhesion between the surface of the base and the finishing material.

    Materials in the form of artificial stone need additional processing with water-repellent agents. Thus, the material will acquire additional resistance to moisture and dirt. For these purposes, compositions in the form of water repellents are suitable. For their application, it is enough to use a brush or roller.

    Clinker tiles for plinth cladding

    Materials in the form of slabs for finishing the basement have a cement-stone, polystyrene foam or asbestos-cement base. For their fixation, special compositions based on moisture-resistant glue are used.

    The use of clinker tiles for plinth cladding allows you to get an aesthetically attractive base that is in perfect harmony with clinker brick. The tile differs in special ease and does not load a design of the building. Its thickness varies between 7-20 mm. In addition, to improve the corner joints, special materials are used to simplify the finish.

    Installation of clinker tiles involves determining the level for installing its first row. To do this, the height of the plinth is divided by the height of the tiles added to the width of the joints.

    For example, for facing a basement, 400 mm high, with a 65 cm high slab with six-millimeter seams, 6 tiles will be required. At the same time, a six-millimeter gap will remain in the lower part of the base, which will require an acrylic or polyurethane mass to fill.

    For gluing tiles, an adhesive composition with increased frost resistance, characterized by elastic characteristics, is used. It is applied both on the tile and on the surface of the plinth. Please note that the solution can be on the base not pasted over with tiles for no more than half an hour, then it loses its properties.

    To fill the joints between the tiles, a jointing clinker mortar is used. Clinker tiles are characterized by zero moisture absorption, so they do not need to be treated with special compounds.

    To finish the basement you will need:

    • primers;
    • adhesive for tiles;
    • tiles;
    • mortar for grouting.

    Facing the basement of the house with your own hands: stone, polyurethane and resin tiles

    The plinth, in the decoration of which stone tiles were used, is distinguished by its spectacular and attractive appearance. But, at the same time, a lot of money will be required to carry out the work and purchase the material. Natural stone for facing the basement is most often limestone, granite or marble. The shape and configuration of the tiles is very different. Some elements are produced in the form of bricks, others in the form of slabs. Such a tile has a peculiar texture, its surface is of four types:

    • polished;
    • rubble;
    • grainy;
    • polished.

    The installation of this kind of tile is similar to the installation of clinker material. To fix the tiles on the surface, a special adhesive composition is used, designed to work with stones. The use of another type of adhesive is unacceptable, as cracks and defects may appear on the tile. If it is necessary to have a holistic appearance of the tile, it is recommended to leave gaps of 4-5 mm between its small parts, and 2-3 mm between large parts. A special solution is used to fill the seams. To process limestone and sandstone, you will need to purchase a special water-repellent impregnation.

    If there is a protruding plinth, a cornice is used to protect the finish. To carry out the facing of the basement of the house with a stone, you will need:

    • primers;
    • glue;
    • mortar, which fills the seams;
    • tiles based on slate, granite, marble or limestone.

    Granite cladding of the basement is distinguished by a high service life of such a coating and good technical characteristics.

    A more modern finishing material is polymer sand-based tiles. Its use is associated with both the decoration of the facade of the building and the lining of the basement. This type of tile is a composite material on which there is a relief brick texture. The material is lightweight, so it is suitable for finishing any type of plinth. The tile is characterized by high plasticity, resistance to cracking, moisture resistance and resistance to temperature changes.

    To fix the tiles, a special crate should be equipped, on which the material is attached using self-tapping screws. In the space of the crate, insulation is most often installed. The material is easy to clean, does not collect dirt and is easy to use.

    The latest version of the tile is based on the use of resin for its manufacture. This material is an imitation of clinker tiles or natural stone. They are three millimeters thick. With the help of the material, various kinds of surfaces are finished, even with small irregularities. For cutting tiles, it is enough to have scissors. It is mounted on a concrete or plastered base. There are nine color options such a tile. In addition, it differs in texture, which is embossed and smooth.

    Plinth cladding photo:

    Installation of such a tile involves determining the upper area for its fastening. A notched trowel is used to apply the adhesive. Start laying from the corners, to fill the seams Additional materials will not be required, as they are filled with glue. To increase the aesthetic appeal of the tile, using a brush previously dipped in water, distribute the adhesive along the seams. The wall must be protected from moisture for three days from the date of installation of the tiles.

    This material very naturally imitates natural stone, while installation work is easier and cheaper.

    Features of lining the plinth with artificial stone

    This type of finish is similar in appearance to the use of tiles based on natural stone. Although ordinary concrete is used to make artificial stone. With the help of chemical, organic additives and fillers, the surface has high frost resistance, and dyes help to imitate stone. Fake diamond takes the form of rocks or torn stone.

    In relation to the recommendations of the manufacturers, ordinary or elastic adhesive compositions are used to fix such a stone on the surface. Special additives are used to fill the seams. After finishing the plinth, the material is covered with moisture protective agents, which significantly improve its service life.

    The appearance of the surface is presentable, although the cost of purchasing the material is less than the price of natural stone.

    The technology of lining the plinth with PVC panels

    In order not to carry out wet work on gluing tiles, they use a simpler option - PVC panels. This material is lightweight and easy to install. In addition, the panels are resistant to temperature changes. There are two main PVC variant panels:

    • with imitation brickwork;
    • mosaic stucco.

    The material is attached to a wooden or steel crate. First, the level is set and the starting profile is fixed. It holds the first of the panels. Docking of elements with each other occurs with the help of grooves. To close the base, overhead elements are used.

    There are special overlays for overlapping corners. This type of base does not need to be treated with water-repellent agents.

    Mosaic plaster for plinth cladding - technology

    This version of the plaster is distinguished by the presence of small grains, which have the form of a multi-colored mosaic. Due to the presence of resin in the composition, the plaster is moisture resistant and vapor permeable. In addition, it has high resistance to mechanical stress and low temperature.

    This type of plaster adheres well to plasters based on gypsum, cement, lime and sand. On materials of piece origin and on a heat-saving version of plaster, applying this material forbidden.

    This type of plaster is applied by hand. To carry out the work, you will need a grater. To increase the adhesion between the plaster and the coating, it is recommended to throw a little ordinary plaster on the wall before applying the mosaic plaster.

    After applying the plaster, the process of leveling it on the surface follows. Grouting the solution is done with a grater. After its application, special water repellents are used, which increase the resistance of the material to ultraviolet radiation, wind and precipitation.

    Brick cladding options

    Brickwork improves the appearance of the building, making it more respectable. In addition, the brick is in perfect harmony with other finishing materials used in wall cladding.

    There are several options for facing the basement so that the surface takes on the appearance of brickwork:

    1. The use of natural brick - this method is distinguished by the possibility of arranging a ventilated gap into which the insulation is mounted. In addition, brickwork has good thermal insulation characteristics. In the process of work, brick is used:

    • hyperpressed type - characterized by high weight, low moisture absorption and good strength characteristics;
    • silicate type - used less often, has worse performance characteristics, but is cheaper;
    • ceramic type - hollow inside, so it retains heat well.

    2. In order to give the basement surface the appearance of brickwork, it is enough to use clinker tiles. They have the best performance characteristics, are easy to install and do not differ in appearance from brickwork. In addition, the presence of effects such as artificial aging, uneven firing, different colors and textures, can improve the appearance of the surface.

    3. Plinth panels- a simpler version of brickwork imitation, the cost of which is much lower than that of the previous options, and the ease of installation is higher. In addition, the panels are easy to maintain and do not get dirty.

    Plinth trim video: