Toilet      04/11/2019

Home heating system device. Water heated floor. Types of heating systems

Hooray! You have erected the walls of your future home, arranged the roof and are thinking about it. Heating a private house with your own hands - is it possible? What will be the heating scheme? Although, most likely, you study the issue in advance. So let's decide now what kind of heating will be in the house.
Almost certainly the heating method has been chosen, but let's spend a couple of minutes considering the alternative, what if?..

Types of heating.

Geo- and solar thermal heating. Heating the house using the heat of the earth and solar energy. These methods are inapplicable in the vast majority of cases; they will take a long time to pay off, so we will not dwell on them.
Steam heating. Water is heated using a boiler until it turns into steam, which main pipes supplied to radiators. There it gives off heat, and returning to a liquid state, enters the boiler again. This system is used in enterprises. For a private home it is unacceptable due to its bulkiness. And don’t forget about safety. A steam boiler is not a very reliable thing, and the steam temperature is 115°C.
Air, infrared heating. Heat source e.g. infrared emitter, heats the air, which is directed directly or through air ducts into the premises. The heat sources are powered by natural gas. Fans are used to improve air circulation. It is used for heating workshops in enterprises, but is not suitable for residential buildings. Dry air will not create comfort in the house. And such a system is not cheap.

Now it’s closer to the realities of life.

Electric heating. To create heating, convectors, “warm floors”, electric infrared heaters and their combinations are used.
Convectors - these are the same radiators, only heated using electricity. The convector has a metal body, the surface temperature does not exceed 60°C. There are grilles on the body that direct air flow down and to the sides. Convectors are protected from overheating and power surges.
Creating a heating circuit using convectors is cheaper than water heating, because there is no boiler or mains. In addition, there are movable convectors, which allows you to change the heating scheme.

The simplest calculation of the required number of appliances is based on the area of ​​the house, per 1 square meter the room requires 100 W of thermal power. For example, the area of ​​a house is 200 sq. m. So, it is required thermal power 100 W x 200 = 20,000 W. You have chosen a 2000 W convector. Number of products 20,000/2000 = 10 pieces.
Warm floor – heat rooms from bottom to top. Heat flows in the desired direction and evenly over the entire area. To install a heated floor, a system of heating elements, most often electric, is created inside the screed. Electrical element- tube or conductive film. For the sake of fairness, let's say that heated floors can be water-based.

Advice. You should not install water-heated floors in a multi-storey building. In the event of a leak, it won’t be a hassle; opening them is a problem, plus repairs to the flooded neighbors below.

Infrared Ceiling Heaters . A new interesting technical solution for heating rooms. Heat from a heater located at the top of the room is transferred not to the air, but directly to objects in the room. Heaters of this principle have a high coefficient useful action. Their location does not reduce the area of ​​the room.

In conclusion, a couple of fly in the ointment for electric heating. Heating a house with electricity is more expensive than gas, and power outages occur much more often than with gas.

Water heating. The system is simple, reliable and cheap to operate. One disadvantage is the cost of creating it. We will look at this later in the article.

Water heating. Operating principle. Design elements.

The circuit is a closed circuit built around a heater - a boiler. Water radiators are used as heat transfer elements. The water, heated in the boiler to approximately 75°C, enters the heating circuit. By releasing heat into the surrounding air using radiators, the cooled water flows back into the boiler for further heating. Next, the cycle repeats.

Depending on the type of fuel, boilers are divided into:

  • gas,
  • solid fuel,
  • liquid fuel
  • electric.

Gas boilers Most Popular. This is due to their efficiency and the relative cheapness of natural gas. The range of models allows you to choose a boiler to suit every taste, to solve any task. Disadvantages - installation and installation of the boiler can only be carried out by a specialized organization. The second drawback is that your area must be gasified; using gas in cylinders is very expensive.
Solid fuel boilers heated with coal, peat, pallets. The disadvantage is obvious - fuel must be constantly loaded and stored somewhere. But if there is no gas, then the choice is reduced.
Liquid fuel boilers have a number of serious disadvantages. The main one is the cost of fuel. And every day the cost is growing. In addition, when fuel burns, a very noticeable odor is released. A special container is required for storage.

Perhaps the calorific value table will help you when choosing a boiler different types fuel.

Electric boilers – connect to a centralized electrical network. The disadvantage is the high cost of fuel compared to a gas boiler.

A few words about what boiler power you will need. If you don’t want to go into cumbersome calculations, you can estimate it using a table.

House area, sq. m. Boiler power, kW
60-200 to 25
200-300 25-35
300-600 35-60
600-1200 60-100

There are boiler models that can use several types of fuel. For example, gas and coal.
To construct the main line (circuit) through which water will circulate, steel, stainless and polypropylene pipes. The latter became the undisputed leader.
They are cheap, with enviable heat resistance and strength, sufficient for heating in a residential building. It is better to purchase reinforced polypropylene pipes; they are durable and have a lower coefficient of linear expansion when heated, which means they do not deform during service.

Water heating radiators are:

  • cast iron,
  • steel,
  • aluminum,
  • bimetallicity.

Cast iron – the most deserved type of radiators. They heat up slowly, but hold the heat well. Very heavy, fragile and somewhat more expensive than steel ones, but their service life is up to 50 years and they are not afraid of rust.
Steel – budget type of radiators. They have high efficiency and low price. Warm up quickly. Minus - they are afraid of corrosion.
Aluminum radiators are lightweight, mounted on less durable brackets compared to cast iron and steel. They warm up quickly and are superior in heat transfer to other heating devices. Cheapness and modern design attract many supporters of this type of radiator. The disadvantages include a short service life (up to 15 years), fear of corrosion and water hammer.

Bimetallic - combine strength steel radiators and heat transfer of aluminum. They are a tubular structure made of steel, sometimes reinforced with a steel frame, on which an aluminum shell is placed. Warm up quickly, give off heat well, withstand water hammer, wealth modern design, ease of installation - this is a list of their advantages. The downside is the high price.

Water heating schemes.

Single circuit system. The water heated by the boiler flows sequentially into all radiators, alternately losing temperature in each of them. Lastly, it may no longer be low enough.

The advantage is the low cost of the scheme. Only one circuit is created, labor and material costs are lower. The disadvantage is uneven heating due to the sequential circuit. To some extent we will eliminate the shortcoming forced circulation using a pump. More on this a little further.

Double-circuit scheme. The heated water flows into all radiators at once in parallel, while the cooled water flows through a different circuit. By installing taps on each radiator, we can exclude any element from the system.

The main advantage is uniform heating of all radiators. Disadvantage: creating a second circuit will cost more.
Collector circuit. In it, each radiator has its own supply and return circuits, which are connected by a manifold.

Advantages - aesthetic appearance, the ability to regulate the temperature in any room using a distribution cabinet (electronic control is possible).

Forced circulation scheme. A distinctive feature is the use of a water pump. The pump allows you to create additional pressure in the system, ensuring uniform supply to the second and third floors of your home. The system is undemanding in terms of pipe slope.

Heating system installation.

During the construction of a house, it is necessary to provide technological openings for laying heating pipes. The installation sequence is determined by your desire and construction technology.
First, we place the boiler.

Attention! Once again, we remind you that connecting the boiler to the gas network can only be done by a specialized organization.

As soon as the walls are finished, we install radiators. Radiators are set strictly horizontally, level.

Did you know that the noise of batteries, which sometimes interferes with sleep, is caused by misalignment of radiators? Due to the distortion, an air pocket is created, generating this “music”.

In the desire to make your home comfortable and independent from various utilities, many start with autonomous heating houses or apartments. In the process of its construction, issues arise that have to be resolved in a hurry or even “retroactively.”

You can install a heating system in a private home yourself or with the help of professionals. In any case, you need to be familiar with the design procedure, approval of permits and installation of the system. Such knowledge will allow you to monitor the quality of work at each stage and eliminate obvious errors.

How to make heating in a private house

To begin with, we will briefly list the main steps that will need to be completed on the way to achieving the goal:

  1. choice of heating system;
  2. selection of heating system components;
  3. calculation of heating of a private house;
  4. scheme development individual heating;
  5. registration and obtaining permits;
  6. heating system installation;
  7. test run of the system.

It is important to adhere to consistency, because... phased implementation of the project eliminates errors that are difficult or expensive to correct.

1. Choice of heating - which heating system is best for a private home

The choice of autonomous heating is based on the type of boiler that runs on a certain type of fuel and differs in design elements. Among the most popular heating systems are gas, electric, liquid and solid fuel heating.

The main criteria for choosing a heating boiler are:

  • safety;
  • fuel availability;
  • compactness, ease of regulation, maintenance and maintainability;
  • economical installation and operation;
  • the opportunity to make heating yourself.

Heating systems for a private house - types and types

Water heating system

One of the most used heating systems in our country is water heating. Laying pipes in a house or apartment is a common occurrence.

The principle of operation of water heating is as follows: water heated from the boiler naturally (or forced) circulates through the pipes, giving off heat to the room. Considering the fact that along the way water moves at joints, at pipe bends, etc. friction and local resistance are formed; many systems are equipped with valves to provide pressure, the force of which is equal to the resistance losses. Such a water heating system is called a system with artificial water circulation.

A water heating system can be structurally implemented according to two schemes:

  • Single-circuit(closed water circulation system, oriented only for heating)
  • Dual-circuit(a system focused simultaneously on heating the room and heating water in the water supply system). Such a system requires the use of a special double-circuit boiler.

The water heating device involves 3 fundamentally different pipe layouts in the rooms.

Heating pipe layout

Single-pipe home heating system

The diagram of a single-pipe heating system is shown in the photo.

As can be seen from the figure, the pipes are looped, and the radiators are connected in turn. Thus, the coolant leaves the boiler and passes through each of them in turn.
It is worth noting that the temperature of the coolant gradually decreases. This is a significant disadvantage of the system. However, it is quite common due to its simplicity, cost-effectiveness and the ability to make a one-pipe heating system with your own hands.

How to reduce heat loss with a single-pipe heating system:

  • increase the number of sections in the last radiators (the last two or three);
  • increase the temperature of the coolant at the outlet. This, in turn, increases heating costs;
  • provide forced circulation of the coolant. That is, install a pump that will create additional pressure in the system, forcing the water to circulate faster.

Two-pipe house heating system

The diagram of a two-pipe heating system is shown in the photo. The exhaust pipe, which drains the cooled coolant from the radiator to the boiler, is highlighted in blue.

The two-pipe system ensures the supply of coolant to the radiators without loss of heat. Its varieties are shown in the photo. At parallel connection savings on materials are achieved. With radiation, it becomes possible to regulate the temperature in each room separately.

Collector (radial) wiring

It involves the use of a special device - a collector, which collects coolant and distributes it through pipes to the batteries. The scheme is complex to implement, so it is rarely used.

An undoubted advantage of a water heating system is its safety.

Disadvantages include:

  • it is relatively difficult to heat a large area without significant costs (due to heat loss during water circulation);
  • aesthetic parameter. An extensive pipe system can be hidden by sacrificing a certain amount of room volume, which is not always convenient, or left in plain sight;
  • large heating radiators;
  • the likelihood of air pockets. This problem occurs after draining water from the system.

The task of creating home heating with your own hands, although difficult, is completely solvable. There can be many reasons why you have to choose such a heating arrangement option, ranging from the high cost of performing work by third parties to the habit of doing everything yourself. But regardless of the motives that forced you to choose this option, to successfully create heating you need to know how it works.

About home heating in general

Water heating of any private home consists of at least the following elements:

  • heating boiler;
  • expansion tank;
  • heating radiators;
  • pipelines;
  • control valves.

And here the first feature appears - it is not mentioned among the equipment circulation pump. The fact is that for some options for creating home heating, whether you do it yourself or not, a pump is not required. But in this case there are other requirements that will be discussed a little later.

Components of water heating

Therefore, when deciding on a future water heating system, you need to start work with the main points - decide what the heating scheme will be and choose the power of the heating boiler.

Which boiler should I use?

This is a rather complex task, in solving which it is necessary to take into account many different points.

1. Selecting the type of fuel. You need to focus on affordable and cheap energy resources; main gas is considered the best. If it is not available, use other types of fuel:

  • solid (coal, firewood, peat, pellets, etc.);
  • liquid (diesel);
  • electrical or any other energy. You need to choose the cheapest and most affordable fuel, given that these costs will determine your future home heating costs.

2. How will the boiler be used - only as an element of the heating system or also as a source hot water. Depending on the purpose, you can choose a double-circuit or single-circuit boiler.

3. What area needs to be heated by creating home heating on your own, and the characteristics of the heated premises. In such a calculation, almost everything must be taken into account:

  • geographical location of the house;
  • number of floors;
  • the material from which the house is made, the thickness of the walls, the use of insulation in its construction, etc.;
  • frequency of operation of the boiler, the possibility of its operation in automatic mode;
  • location, dimensions, possibility and need for routine maintenance and maintenance;
  • the presence or possibility of creating the necessary ventilation to remove combustion products.

The above questions represent only a small part of those that you must answer before you create a home heating system with your own hands.

About choosing a heating scheme

Heating can be carried out according to the most different schemes. In this case, for each specific case, one’s own, most suitable option. When choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the features inherent various systems heating.

1. They come with natural (gravitational) and forced circulation. A feature of gravitational circulation is the ability to heat a house without the use of additional equipment, such as a circulation pump, and the ability to operate system elements at atmospheric pressure.

This approach makes it possible to reduce costs when creating heating, however, for this it is necessary to fulfill a number of additional requirements:

  • the heating boiler should be located below the radiators, and expansion tank higher;
  • the pipelines must have a slope that creates a gravity flow of the coolant towards the radiators when hot water moves, and towards the boiler when returning;
  • pipelines must be secured to prevent the formation of backflow;
  • Pipes for supplying hot water must be larger in cross-section than for return.

A heating system with forced circulation is the most versatile, and its creation does not require so many requirements.

2. Heating installation can be carried out using a single-pipe or two-pipe method. The features of these heating schemes are shown in the photo

With a one-pipe system, water passes through the radiators one after another and then returns to the heating boiler, and with a two-pipe system, water enters each radiator separately from the main line and then returns there.

It is traditionally believed that the two-pipe heating scheme is the most efficient, but the single-pipe one also has its advantages, among which it must be admitted that this is the simplest and most affordable option creating home heating, and also the cheapest.

As for the disadvantages inherent in the single-pipe circuit, its most popular type, called “Leningrad”, thanks to the efforts of numerous heating specialists, has been largely eliminated from them.

If you look at the self-made heating system being created in the house from this point of view - the simplicity and reasonable price of the entire system, then the "Leningradka" can probably be considered one of the most suitable options.

You can learn more about the intricacies and features of this system using the video

How to connect a heating radiator

An important factor ensuring the normal operation of the heating system is the radiators used. There are many varieties of such products, they are made in different shapes and from different materials, achieving maximum heat transfer from them, but other factors play the main role in heating the room:

1. Number of radiator sections. Established practice recommends using one section to heat three square meters. area, while the coolant temperature should be seventy degrees.

However, the number of sections cannot be unlimited; do not forget that each element in the system creates resistance to the passage of water, and if it is too large, then the heating simply will not work.

2. How is the radiator connected to the heating system? The figure below will allow you to evaluate how different it is when in various ways connecting batteries heating efficiency:

3. Where and how the radiator is installed.

These data should force you to take a more careful approach to the task of determining where to install the radiator. And if the battery is usually located under the window opening (in the center), and this is quite correct solution, then here is the installation of any decorative screens or other decorative items (curtains, drapes) impairs heat transfer and heating efficiency.

Although creating heating for a private home must be considered a rather complex task, it can nevertheless be solved on your own.

The existing variety of options for implementing a heating system allows anyone to choose the one that best suits their needs. own strength, skill and means.

Anyone who has encountered the construction of a private house knows how important it is to correctly design, calculate and install a heating system. Regarding natural circulation, the slope is wrong, and it will stop functioning at the slightest air. Speaking of forced, you need to correctly calculate the parameters of the circulation pump. Today’s article will be useful for those who are just planning water heating of a private house with their own hands. We will consider the system diagrams and nuances of operation in detail, trying not to “sprinkle” with scientific terms, but to explain them in understandable language.

Read in the article:

Water heating of a private house: pros and cons of the system

Like any type of heating, water heating has supporters and opponents. But our job is not to take one side, but to carefully consider all the parameters. Let's look at the advantages of heating your home with water.

The heat capacity of water is 4,000 times higher than the same parameter of air - this is a proven physical propertyDo-it-yourself heating installation and subsequent operation require more effort than other types of heating
Installation and subsequent operating costs are relatively lowMonitoring the coolant level and periodic inspections of the water heater are mandatory
This heating allows the use of any fuel or electricity as a heater.If it's heating country house, in winter, when the heater is not used, the water is drained. Otherwise, the pipes will defrost (the problem can be solved by replacing water with antifreeze). And if there is no water, then interaction with air leads to accelerated corrosion. metal pipes inside
Pipes are laid under the floor or hidden by a suspended ceiling

Which coolant to use: properties of water and antifreeze

The question of which coolant is better is complex. On the one hand, water heating in a private house does not require costs. If the house is heated in winter and used, the pipes will last for many years. If there is no air in the system, corrosion will not be able to render the pipes unusable. On the other hand, it takes a long time to warm up, but it also takes longer to cool down. And this is a plus.

Expert opinion

HVAC design engineer (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) ASP North-West LLC

Ask a specialist

“The choice of coolant depends on the degree of insulation of the house. If thermal insulation is carried out according to the rules, it is better to use water - it is cheaper. If the home is not properly insulated, you will have to spend money on expensive antifreeze. In this case, when using water, there will be excessive consumption of fuel or electricity - you need to heat it constantly.”

What are the requirements for autonomous heating?

There are few requirements for autonomous water heating systems. We note the availability of the fuel used, economical operation and reliability of the system. Compactness is also not in last place. Heating must perform functions with a high percentage of efficiency.

Let's translate it into simple language. The fuel used to heat the coolant (water) should be cheaper than other types. It is different for each region. In one village firewood is more accessible, in another there is coal, and in a third there is natural gas. What nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Economical to operate. Let's return to insulating the walls of the house: there are no heat leaks - fuel savings are evident.
  2. Reliability of the heating system. If circulation stops, it takes time to restart it. The coolant cools down, and heating leads to excessive consumption of firewood, gas, and coal.
  3. Compactness. When installing water heating, the “golden mean” is calculated. There is too little coolant - the system will not warm the house. Otherwise, there will be excessive fuel consumption and slow heating.

Nuances inherent in water heating

Water heating of a living space implies mandatory installation heater. This may be an electric boiler, or another device that uses liquid or solid fuel. A circulation pump can be used to move coolant through the system, but it is not always used.

Good to know! Water heating, unlike electric heating, maintains heat for some time even when the heater is turned off. Compared to infrared heating, then the coolant wins, especially in relation to houses without the necessary thermal insulation.

What does a water heating system consist of?

Before heating a private house, you should calculate required amount material. And this is impossible to do without knowing what elements the system consists of. There are 5 main components:

  • boiler;
  • pipes;
  • radiators;
  • circulation pump (not always);
  • expansion tank.

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The role of the boiler in the heating system of a private house

The boiler is the main unit of the system. With its help, the coolant is heated. Boilers can be solid fuel (wood, coal, pellets or peat), gas or electric. Considered more economical than others gas boilers, however, even with today’s level of gasification, “blue fuel” has not reached every corner of vast Russia.

Important! The boiler, regardless of the type of fuel, requires constant attention and periodic inspections. Only in this case can you be sure that the heating system will not fail at the wrong time.

Before installing a heating boiler in a private house, you need to calculate the power required to heat the entire living area. For these purposes, we suggest using the convenient calculator below.

Calculator for calculating the required boiler power

Pipes are the circulatory system for heating a home.

Pipes play the role of arteries through which vital blood flows. necessary for the system heating coolant. For installation, seamless, welded pipes with a safety margin of 16 atm are used. Lightweight materials are also used - polypropylene, cross-linked polyethylene. Today we offer polypropylene products that are not afraid of frost. According to the manufacturer, even if the water in such lines freezes, it is impossible to defrost the pipes.

Why are water pumps installed for heating a private home?

The circulation pump forces the coolant to move through the pipes. When installing a pump, the boiler is even mounted in the basement two-story house the boiler will work as expected - heated water will still flow through the system. A correctly selected circulation pump in terms of power and performance will ensure stable operation of the system and an equally comfortable temperature in all rooms. We have developed convenient and visual calculators especially for our readers.

Calculator for calculating the required pressure of the circulation pump

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Circulation pump performance calculator

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Selecting radiators for a private home

Just yesterday in private and apartment buildings were installed cast iron radiators. About aesthetics in appearance there was no need to speak. All that could be done was to paint the sections to match the color of the walls. Today the range of radiators on Russian market extensive Aluminum or are popular among the population. Their heat transfer is high level, and the weight is disproportionately less than that of cast iron. And the cost is lower. Both assembled radiators and individual sections are available for sale, which can be assembled independently to any length.

Expansion tank: why is it needed?

Water expands when heated. And if you do closed system without coolant outflow, the pipes will simply burst. The same applies to the reverse effect of volume reduction after cooling. IN open systems Periodic addition of water to the expansion tank is required. After all, it evaporates during operation. If you do not fill it in time, when it cools, the volume of the coolant will decrease and air will enter the system. If there is a pump, this is fraught with minor troubles, but if it is not there, the system will “stop” and the water circulation will stop, which will lead to the radiators cooling and the coolant in the heater boiling. To calculate the minimum required volume of the expansion tank, use the calculator below.

Calculator for calculating the minimum volume of an expansion tank

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What is a thermal circuit and how is it installed

A thermal circuit is a closed line that starts at the supply from the heating boiler and ends at the “return”, passing through the radiators. Depending on the equipment and functionality of the boiler, the power and performance of the pump, there may be 2 or 3 circuits. This depends on the size of the area of ​​the heated premises.

Do-it-yourself heating installation in a private home is a labor-intensive process that requires accuracy in calculations during planning and strict adherence to the calculated parameters during the work process. However, even a home master without professional skills can do this. The main thing here is attentiveness and strict adherence to the rules.

“Warm floor” is an excellent way to heat a room

Criteria for choosing boilers: what to look for

The main criterion for choosing a heater is the type of fuel on which the boiler will operate. There are several options:

  1. Gas equipment– classic or condensing boiler.
  2. Electrical– Heating element or electrode.
  3. Solid fuel– Classic (wood, coal, briquettes), pyrolysis, long-burning boiler.
  4. Diesel– classic, condensing (like gas).

It is necessary to clearly calculate the area of ​​the heated premises to calculate the required power. If there is a large amount of space, it is better to choose a boiler with two circuits - this will allow you to evenly distribute the load on the heater and ultimately obtain uniform heat distribution.

Types of water heating systems and their applications

When wondering how to properly install heating in a private home, home craftsmen often consider only systems using radiators. However, not only can such systems differ in the method of circulation (natural or forced). They can be supplemented with schemes that will add comfort to the living space. Let's consider how you can arrange heating for a private home.

Water heating system in a private house “Warm floor”

ABOUT " warm floors“A lot has been said, but not everyone knows how they work. It is more common for the average person to hear the expression “warm floor” in combination with the term “electric”. But when building a private house, installing this type of heating on water is more acceptable, despite the labor-intensive process.

Helpful information! Having mounted water system“Warm floor”, a comfortable temperature will be achieved without extra costs for electricity. After full warm-up flooring(with good thermal insulation of the building) there will be practically no heat loss, which will provide good savings.

Baseboard water heating: system features

The baseboard heating system consists of a distribution manifold, radiators and a set of plastic tubes, one of which is placed inside the other. The outer one (corrugated) plays the role of a cover and serves not only for protection, but also makes it possible to simplify the replacement of the inner one if damaged.

The peculiarity of the baseboard heating system is that it does not heat the air inside the room. The operating principle is based on the properties of flow passing close to surfaces. The heat here “spreads” along the floor and walls, bending around obstacles in the form of cabinets or bedside tables. This heating method has proven its effectiveness. And although it is rarely used, the popularity of baseboard water (as well as electric) heating is growing.

Radiators in heating systems: classic version

Radiator heating is the most popular and familiar to the Russian average person. And installation of this type is simpler than installing a “warm floor”. However, there are some nuances here too. It is important to correctly calculate the number of radiators, location and sections in them so that the heat is distributed evenly.

Radiators are available in sectional, tubular and plate types. Heat transfer various types is no different, which means you need to choose based on the design of the room and financial capabilities.

The most common type of heating in Russia is radiator

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Heating system of a one-story house with natural circulation

This simple systems heating without a pump. Water moves through pipes according to the laws of physics. When heated, the coolant expands, while its density and specific gravity decreases. Installation of heating with natural circulation is most often carried out in private houses on one floor with small areas premises.

Important! Before starting the construction of such a heating system, a clear and detailed plan is drawn up with the calculation and indication of the angles of inclination of the mains in the project. Incorrect calculations will lead to the formation of air jams. There will be no coolant circulation.

The main advantage of natural circulation is energy independence. If there is a power outage, the heating will continue to operate. The negative side is the cost of pipes. They should be large diameter. The coolant will not pass through thin lines during natural circulation.

Heating schemes for one-story houses with forced circulation

The advantage of such heating systems (HS) is the installation of lines with thin pipes and a reduced amount of coolant. The pump freely moves water, a small amount of which allows it to warm up faster. Hence the conclusion - savings on materials during installation and on fuel, the consumption of which is lower. CO with forced circulation allow you to connect an additional circuit (or several) and the “Warm Floor” system, the installation of which is impossible with a natural one.

There are also disadvantages that you should know about before heating a private home. If there is no separate room for the boiler room, the noise of the pump can be annoying. The energy consumption for constant operation of the circulation pump will also be noticeable when receiving bills. But the main thing is that during power outages, which occur regularly in private sectors, the coolant circulation stops. In this case, the main problem becomes the option with a gas or wood boiler - the water in it will boil.

But in order to thoroughly understand how to properly install heating in a private house, let’s look at the installation diagrams.

Do-it-yourself water heating of a private house: diagrams and explanations

The heating system of a private house can be one-pipe or two-pipe. Selecting a heating device scheme country house do it yourself depends on the area of ​​the premises and experience home handyman. Let's figure out what each of them is and how complex they are in design.

Do-it-yourself single-pipe heating system for a private house

The diagram and installation procedure for single-pipe heating is as follows. The heated coolant leaves the boiler, which moves, sequentially passing through the system radiators, after which it returns to the boiler. The movement of the coolant can be seen schematically in the figure below.

Single pipe heating systems in schematic representation:

This heating system is simple to implement. Minus - an increase in the number of radiators leads to the fact that the first of them is too hot, and the last, on the contrary, is cold. With such circulation, the temperature difference in the rooms is sensitive if the heated area is large.

Do-it-yourself two-pipe heating scheme in a private house

If the previous option is not suitable due to the large area of ​​the heated premises, you can use a two-pipe heating scheme. Here the highway follows a different “route”. Both the supply and return lines are laid around the perimeter of the room. Thus, the hot coolant is distributed evenly across all radiators, which eliminates temperature differences. Schematically, the operation of a two-pipe heating system can be seen below.

Schematic illustration of installation two-pipe schemes:

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“Regardless of the scheme (one-pipe or two-pipe), the circulation pump is installed on the “return” next to the boiler. The coolant at this point is not so hot, which means the equipment will last longer.”

When choosing between a one-pipe and two-pipe system, it is better to opt for the second option. Despite the large expenditure of effort during installation and funds for the purchase of pipes, such a scheme will ensure uniform and comfortable temperature in the home and will allow you to regulate each radiator separately.

Scheme of heating a two-story house with coolant

For two-story houses installation of single-pipe circuits is extremely undesirable. Despite the complexity of installing a two-pipe system and the consumption of material, these losses are temporary. Having installed a simple one-pipe system, you will have to suffer for the rest of the time. The temperature difference will be especially noticeable in cold weather on the second floor. Here we can draw an analogy with famous expression economist Adam Smith, who said: “I am not rich enough to buy cheap things.” This means that converting an installed one-pipe system into a two-pipe system will be expensive.

For uniform distribution of coolant across radiators in two-story houses a collector is used that distributes one circuit into several.


The main advantage of private housing construction is that complete independence from general public utilities can be achieved. At the same time, they should still be available, but of much higher quality than those that utility services can offer. Probably the most important thing is that in your home heating season can begin when the homeowner wishes and, accordingly, end when he wants it. Of course, how it will be carried out is also important.

A heating system cannot be purchased in a store and installed at home. More precisely, of course, all its components are sold in a store or on the market, but it will not be possible to buy them in one set. To make a heating system for a private home with your own hands, you first need to know:

  1. How will the house be heated?
  2. What is the appropriate energy carrier to use in the system.

Designing a heating system is one of the most important in the communications of a private home.

After this, you will need to carry out a lot of calculations to determine the number of heating radiators, as well as pipes. All this must correspond to each other in many respects.

In general, first you need to decide which boiler can heat the house.

Types of heating boilers

In a private home, you want it to be warm, but you also want it to be achieved with minimal human intervention. Therefore, a heating boiler should be purchased based on what type of fuel is easiest to provide for its uninterrupted operation.

So, boilers can be:

  • gas,
  • electrical,
  • coal,
  • combined.

It is important! All modern boilers are more or less economical, operate without much noise, and have relatively small sizes and easy to maintain. But for all of them, even if we are talking about a coal boiler, they need electricity to start.

Gas boiler

How to install a one-pipe system

To install the system in this way, fewer pipes are needed. The system can only be with top wiring. It is suitable for small private houses with attics. Heating radiators. Therefore, each next one will be a little colder.

The system must have:

  • boiler,
  • expansion tank,
  • batteries,
  • water purification filters,
  • possibly a pump.

It is important! Setting the temperature in a room with such a heating system is very difficult. One disconnected battery will cause the entire system to stop.

Air heating

This method of heating a home is now quite popular. Air heating assumes the presence in each room of heaters or special ventilation ducts through which hot air will flow. Both the first and second can be located in the walls or on the ceiling.

There are three types of air heating:

  1. Local.
  2. Central.
  3. Curtains of air.

Local heating

This heating method can hardly be called full-fledged heating, but it can also be of high quality. To do this, you need to install fan heaters in each room or heat guns and enjoy the warmth. Heaters will heat the air, drying it out. Heat will only be in a separate room and provided that the doors are closed.

Heat fan- it can be installed in a room, but it can be mounted into the wall as part of central air heating.

Central heating

Systems where hot air is supplied centrally can be with:

  • direct-flow recirculation,
  • full,
  • partial recycling.

Usually ventilation ducts placed above suspended ceiling, leaving holes in it through which hot air will flow into the rooms.

All this can be done in the walls, if, of course, the space allows you to take away a certain part of it in order to hide the pipes.

Air curtains

Devices resembling air conditioners are suspended above entrance doors or installed next to them. A powerful stream emerges from the curtains warm air, which blocks cold air entering the room when the door is opened. In a private house, such a curtain can be installed only at the entrance to it, and only if the doors are constantly open.

Air heating is more expensive to install than water heating. Any boiler (usually electric or gas) can heat the air.

Advantages air system heating:

  1. Warm air circulates after it has been filtered.
  2. In the house constant influx fresh air, since the system takes it from the street for heating.
  3. Possibility of installing a drip humidifier in the system.


  1. Inability to install the system in a built house.
  2. High cost of installation.