Toilet      06/26/2020

How to make a distillation column - calculation of system parameters. Making a distillation column with your own hands - step-by-step instructions Distillation column size

In the 80s of the 19th century, when moonshine began to gain popularity among alcohol lovers, no one could have imagined that distillation columns, which produced huge amounts of pure alcohol at low cost, would become available to the average drinker at a reasonable price.

For the production of moonshine, purification of mash, distillation, it is used distillation column. However, the design of this device is simple and you can make it yourself, thereby keeping hardware costs to a minimum.

Let's consider how to make it with your own hands, what materials can be used, how to design individual elements and integrate into the moonshine still.

First, let's figure out what it is rectification:

  • This is a process where one component is separated from a mixture under the influence of pressure and temperature.
  • The heating element evaporates the mash, which passes through the filters.
  • Some of it comes back, and some goes further.
  • This happens due to the liquid that enters at the bend of the tube.
  • It condenses part of the solution and returns it back.
  • The lighter flying part passes further into the last segment where the water flow is located.

The final product is deposited in the vessel.


Standard structure which assumes copper structure as the base. A material such as copper has excellent thermal conductivity and compression-expansion characteristics.

Attention! Copper does not add harmful impurities and sediments to the solution, which makes it a reference material.

However, copper has one significant disadvantage - like any metal, it oxidizes and acquires a greenish color.

Corrosive processes negatively affect the quality and purity of the product. The metal filters inside the tube also oxidize and the entire structure becomes unusable.

Made from polypropylene

Also a common option.

Polypropylene material used in plumbing:

  1. It is cheaper and available at any hardware store.
  2. It does not deteriorate during multiple heating-cooling cycles and does not crack due to temperature changes.
  3. Because of large quantity forms, you can build a structure with any bend.

The downside is that impurities get into the solution, since part of the polypropylene evaporates during heating.

From plumbing fittings

A budget option for construction enthusiasts.

Fitting– these are metal screw-on adapters for connecting pipes and hoses.

You can build a column from them by twisting them in a certain order. Any metal can be used for such elements (including stainless steel). There are practically no downsides to this design, except that it will take more time to assemble and switch.

Reference! A good column will consist of all the materials described above, combining the pros and eliminating the cons.

How to do it yourself?

At first, when the moonshine business just began to develop, the devices were made from everything that was underfoot, so the quality of the moonshine was appropriate.

With the development of the industry, hobbyists have learned to make products of the best and best quality, modernizing installations and complementing standard designs with new elements.


In order to construct a cube with your own hands, You will need to make a weld on a stainless steel sheet, having previously bent it into a cylinder.

The bottom can also be made by welding a sheet and cutting it with metal scissors (you can leave the sheet uncut for greater stability). Tin will serve as solder.

You can build a sealed lid with your own hands by covering the joint with rubber, or use a lid from a saucepan.

Reference! The cube can be made entirely from a pan or metal can, if the lid allows for connection with the rest of the structure.

How to make a distillation cube with your own hands is shown in the video:


The drawer is an ordinary filter, which can be constructed from an ordinary water mixer or a plastic glass into which a metal sponge for washing dishes will be pressed.

Several criteria that are important for a good drawer:

  • presence of entrance and exit,
  • the ability to detach it to change the filter,
  • the ability to easily replace the structure body in case of breakdown (therefore, it is recommended to use plastic cups).

Even a small change in the diameter of the column seriously affects the parameters. To evaluate, it is enough to remember that the nominal power (W) and productivity (ml/hour) are numerically equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​the column (sq. mm), and therefore are proportional to the square of the diameter.


Used as a nozzle regular wire copper nozzle, nevertheless you can use a regular metal sponge.

The purity of the final product and the duration of the rectification process will depend on the material of the nozzle. You can build a multi-layer nozzle by combining several elements and materials.

Selection unit

The selection unit is located at a bend in which there is no separation of the initial mixture, incoming water, or final product.

It is advisable to make it from copper, since plastic structures tend to expand under the influence of temperature, and changing the trajectory of the solution can delay the rectification process or stop it altogether.

Reference! For example, pressure and temperature are not enough for the volatile part of the liquid to overcome the bend and settle in the vessel. However, a shallower curve will allow it to pass and accumulate more easily.

The ideal material for the selection unit is copper or stainless steel.

Design elements can be purchased in thematic specialized stores, or in the plumbing department, choosing what is suitable specifically for your design.

The video explains how to make a selection unit with your own hands:


A dephlegmator is a kind of advanced filter:

  • It is installed in close proximity to the sampling unit and serves to return part of the solution back.
  • The water entering inside condenses the heavy elements of the solution and separates unnecessary parts from those needed.

The reflux condenser can be made of metal, iron, steel, or glass, since it transfers heat well and will facilitate rapid condensation of steam.


Most often, refrigeration units of the class are used in moonshine stills “coil refrigerator”. It received this name because there is a metal spiral inside, which serves to circulate liquid. To the naked eye, it resembles a snake that has curled up diagonally into a ball.

The job of the refrigerator is to pass liquid through itself and transfer it inside the moonshine still. Based on this, it is advisable to make the wall material non-metallic, since metal takes a long time to cool and transfers heat worse.

The best material would be:

  • plastic,
  • glass,
  • polymer.

The refrigerator should contain only two holes - liquid inlet and outlet.

Between the metal spiral and the walls of the refrigerator there should be water or another liquid that allows temperature to pass through well, since it is this configuration that allows you to absorb heat as quickly as possible and lower the temperature.

How to make a simple refrigerator for a moonshine still is shown in the video:

Pasteurization drawer (optional)

Pasteurization drawer- this is the final element of a moonshine still, which serves to sediment and filter the final liquid:

  • It is a pipe covered thermal insulation material, at the output of which there is a filter.
  • It is from there, drop by drop, that the liquid will fall into the vessel.

The design of such a drawer is simple - a pipe made of polypropylene or PVC, lined with any heat-insulating material, at the end of which you can install a standard drawer.


Almost the most complex element design, which can enhance efficiency and increase the overall performance of a home-made device.

Automatic control system can independently control the processes occurring in the device, turn it on and off, and signal its readiness.

To elements automatic control also include sensory analyzers:

  • pressure meter;
  • temperature sensor;
  • indicators of energy and liquid consumption;
  • other.

There is no one universal scheme, since all homemade devices have different designs, length, height, volume and other characteristics.

Important! Automation can be installed only by experienced users who have an understanding of electronic circuits, the design of a microcircuit, the process of soldering and switching automatic elements. It is much easier to purchase ready-made automation for a moonshine still, and then connect it to the structure.

The advantage is that a person saves time. He just needs to describe the design of his device to the seller, who will select the optimal automatic control panel for him.

The device of a homemade moonshine still

Typically, a homemade moonshine still consists of:

  1. a fire source that heats a vessel with mash;
  2. after passing the boiling point, the steam enters the coil, which is filled with coolant;
  3. the temperature in the coil is maintained by the refrigerator;
  4. After leaving the coil, the moonshine enters the drawer, where it is filtered and poured into a vessel.

Important! Don't skimp on filters! The more there are, the better. Some starting materials are not as good and pure as manufacturers describe them, and the resulting product is of terrible quality.

To compensate for the loss from the dirtiest source, it is recommended to install filters at the input and output of each element.

How to make and assemble a simple moonshine still at home is shown in the video:

Let's summarize briefly: you can make the design yourself.

There are no complex engineering structures in it, which means that a home-made column will be practically no different from a purchased one, the materials for the columns and you can choose any from the material of the outer wall will depend on the heat transfer parameters, expansion and narrowing of the passage channel due to thermal changes.

Attention! The heating source and accessories can be any, however, the purity and strength of the final product will depend on the quality of all parts.

We hope that our article helped you understand what a distillation column is, what its structure is, what processes occur in it, and what materials it is made from.

The distillation column was developed almost 200 years ago and over its history has served people well to obtain purified liquids of various types.

The main purpose of such an installation is industrial production(oil refining, chemical industry, petrochemicals, brewing, etc.).
In everyday life, small devices are actively used by lovers of high-quality moonshine. Purchased or homemade columns allow you to obtain almost pure alcohol at home.

How this device works will be discussed in detail in this article.

A column-type distillation apparatus or simply a distillation column is a vertically mounted cylinder, inside which, using various devices and components, purification of liquids is achieved.

Important! The cleaning mechanism is based on the rectification process, i.e. separation of multicomponent mixtures as a result of thermal and mass exchange of contacting flows of vapor and liquid.

Any liquid of heterogeneous composition is a mixture of several components.

So moonshine is a mixture of ethyl and other alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, fusel oils and other substances:

  1. Each component has its own boiling point and specific gravity.
  2. According to the latter indicator, distribution is made into light and heavy fractions.
  3. When heated to the boiling point, the liquid turns into vapor, which is also characterized by different specific gravity, which determines their volatility.
  4. Liquids with a low boiling point (low-boiling) produce highly volatile vapor, and high-boiling components produce highly volatile vapor.

The rectification process is based on the opposite direction of steam and liquid flows (reflux resulting from steam condensation), as can be seen in the diagram.

The steam rushes up and the liquid rolls down. These natural flows in a vertical cylinder are in contact with each other, which, according to the laws of physics, is accompanied by heat and mass exchange, tending to balance the system.

  • Steam, rising through the pipe, is enriched with highly volatile components, losing heavier, less volatile ingredients, which dissolve and condense in a less heated liquid and rush down with it.
  • If the cylinder is sufficiently high, only one, the most volatile steam, should reach the top.
  • Here it can be artificially condensed, turning it into a homogeneous liquid.
  • The liquid flowing into the lower part is again heated, and a new rectification cycle starts.

This ensures that the process is repeated, which ultimately makes it possible to purify all the liquid as much as possible, isolating the lightest fraction. In oil it is gasoline, in moonshine it is ethyl alcohol.

Principle of operation

The distillation column allows you to implement the rectification process in practice. Structurally, it is a cylinder in which there is a cube, where the liquid is supplied and heated, and a reflux condenser, where liquid condensate (reflux) is formed.

In addition, contact elements are provided to ensure the process of condensation, liquid collection and re-evaporation.

The distillation column works as follows:

  1. The cube is filled with raw materials (about 2/3 of the volume) and heated to the boiling point of the liquid.
  2. The evaporation rises upward, and when it meets the reflux condenser, it partially condenses, turning into reflux, which flows down the walls of the cylinder.
  3. This process occurs several times as the steam rises through the cylinder, with the heaviest fractions condensing first. The lightest fraction reaches the top of the column.
  4. During operation of the installation, in its cylinder there are simultaneously vapors, reflux, feedstock and purified final product. Vapors and phlegm create mutually opposite flows.
  5. In the initial period (until the process stabilizes), it is recommended not to select the final product, which enriches the reflux and accelerates the achievement of an equilibrium heat and mass transfer regime.

Reference! The efficiency of a column can be expressed by the reflux ratio, i.e. the ratio of the volume of reflux to the amount of withdrawn finished product.

For stable operation of the installation, this indicator is maintained at level 3, which ensures no more than 25% of purified liquid during circulation.

Phlegm, falling down, again heats up to a boil. The next portion of steam rises, starting a new cycle.

If moonshine is purified, then the heaviest components (fusel oils) settle at the very bottom of the column from the very beginning of the process.

Lighter fractions (methyl alcohol, ethers, aldehydes) are distributed along the pipe. They gradually flow down when the temperature is equalized over a period of 9-12 minutes. The total heating time for the cube is 25-55 minutes.

Difference between distillation and rectification of alcohol

The most common methods for purifying liquids are distillation And rectification. These technologies are similar in many ways, which sometimes causes a conflation of concepts, which is completely wrong.

Fundamental differences in the mechanism of the process lead to the fact that the final product during rectification has significantly deeper purification and high quality compared to distillation.

The fact is that during distillation, even a non-boiling liquid partially evaporates, which means, in any case, a certain amount of different fractions ends up in the purified liquid. In order to achieve good quality, up to 6-7 procedures are required.

Rectification ensures a clean, homogeneous product in one pass. When purifying moonshine, this effect significantly affects the strength:

  1. So with one distillation distillation it does not exceed 35-40%, with two – up to 50-55%, three – up to 70%.
  2. A strength of 90-95% (alcohol) is achieved after at least 5 distillations.
  3. The rectification column allows you to obtain almost pure alcohol in one cycle. In addition, distillation preserves the taste and smell of the original raw material.

The distillation method also has certain positive aspects:

  • Even numerous distillations, subject to technology, allow you to lose no more than 20-22% of the liquid.
  • Losses in distillation units are much higher - they can reach 32-35%.
  • It should also be noted that the technology is simple. Rectification requires much more complex and expensive equipment.

Watch the video in which an experienced moonshiner compares the processes of distillation and rectification and gives advice on choosing a device for distilling moonshine:

Important column characteristics

The general principle of designing modern distillation columns remains unchanged. The goal of improving installations is to increase productivity, cleaning depth, yield and stability of the quality of the final product.

The solution to the assigned tasks is achieved by moving in several directions.

Dimensions and materials

To comply with all technological conditions, it is important to have the maximum possible height of the working cylinder, as well as its optimal combination with the diameter.

Differ in size:

  1. industrial,
  2. household installations.

For home use, miniature devices are needed.

Their height is in the range of 1.2-1.6 m. With smaller sizes, it is impossible to achieve high-quality separation of fractions. The diameter of the pipe can range from 3-5 cm to 0.3-0.5 m.

Important! The best material for making a column is stainless alloys with permission to use in Food Industry. They don't highlight harmful substances under any aggressive influences.

Heating system

When organizing the heating of a cube with raw materials, 2 factors are important:

  • sufficient power,
  • Possibility of smooth adjustment.

A gas energy source is difficult to regulate, and therefore electric heating elements (heating elements) are more often used. Normal power is set on the basis of 4 kW per cube of 50 liters.


It is directly related to the power of the heating elements and the size of the column. The faster the flows move through the pipe, the higher the productivity.

In addition, it increases when using continuous technology, for which special devices are provided for supplying raw materials and timely removal of the finished product.

Cleaning quality

It depends on the number of condensation processes occurring simultaneously in one pass of the cylinder, which is determined by the number of corresponding contact elements.

INIn good installations, at least 7-8 such zones are installed.

Process control

To provide necessary control Thermometers are installed in all areas. To maintain a stable mode, an automatic system is installed.


The rectification process will proceed normally if a stable internal pressure is maintained in the range of 725-785 mmHg.

In this case, increased pressure is provided in the lower part, where heavy fractions accumulate, and minimal pressure is provided at the top, where light steam is directed.

IN industrial installations A vacuum can generally be created at the top of the column, but it is most rational to maintain normal atmospheric pressure.

When operating distillation columns, it must be taken into account that the process is most active when conditions are stabilized and the temperatures of counter flows are equal.

The speed of stabilization of the regime is considered one of the most important indicators of a high-quality, modern installation.

Contact devices (plates and nozzles)

The contact elements in the distillation column are involved in the formation of the liquid and vapor balance, as well as in the vapor concentration.

Each such element limits a certain zone in which a peculiar distillation cycle occurs - evaporation and subsequent condensation of a separate fraction, and often the vapor crosses this boundary and moves upward, involving highly volatile components in its flow.

In any such zone, a certain balance is established.

Reference! The main effect is achieved by increasing the area of ​​phase contacts, which activates thermal and mass exchange.

The main contact elements are:

  1. Theoretical plate. In essence, this is a formed equilibrium zone without installing an additional part. To obtain a well-purified alcoholic drink, from 24 to 32 such zones are organized.
  2. Physical plate. This is a real dish-shaped part in which a liquid layer accumulates. Steam is forced to pass through it, which is manifested by numerous bubbles. This option provides a sufficiently large contact area. To obtain full-fledged, pure alcohol, up to 45-55 physical plates must be installed in the column.
  3. Nozzles These contact elements are mainly designed to ensure the steam condensation process. They offer much less resistance to steam flow than plates. Several types can be used in columns - ring, mesh, spiral. IN homemade devices Often a “sieve” is installed - a disk with numerous holes. One of the best materials For nozzles, copper is considered. You can use copper alloys or aluminum.

Disc contact elements are mounted mainly in industrial columns that have a large height and a sufficient diameter for their installation.

In household devices (purchased and homemade), priority is given to nozzles that can be fixed in a pipe with a diameter of 4-5 cm.

How to achieve better results?

When operating a distillation column, certain measures must be observed to ensure normal operation and obtain a high-quality final product.

Particular attention should be paid to activities in the following areas.

Elimination of “flooding” of the installation

This “disease” is associated with the slowing down and stopping of the flow of reflux, which leads to its accumulation in the cylinder and blocking the steam flow. As a result of “flooding”, the pressure inside the column increases, causing loud gurgling and noise.

The phenomenon can be provoked by the following reasons:

  1. Exceeding the permissible speed of steam flow, which can be caused by excessive heating of the liquid in the cube;
  2. Excessive filling of the cube with raw materials or blockages in the lower zone of the pipe;
  3. The pressure at the bottom of the column is too low, which is typical for high mountain conditions;
  4. An increase in voltage in the supply network, which causes an unplanned increase in the power of the heating element;
  5. Violations in design or technology.

Installing automatic control and regulation of the process helps to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon. Special attention is devoted to heating the raw materials and filling the cube.

Timely removal of the finished product and settling heavy fractions

In the first case, the technique is simple - on initial stage(until temperature and pressure stabilize) only a quarter of the highly volatile vapor condenses with the final product and is removed outside, and then its maximum volume is removed.

The appearance of sediment from heavy fractions is more difficult to detect. You have to focus on the smell and color of the liquid at the very bottom of the column.

Correct preparation of the installation for start-up

Before starting rectification, it is necessary to check the condition of the apparatus, first of all, the tightness of the column. To check, the output of the finished product is blocked and downloaded cold water.

Only after making sure that the installation is tight can you start pouring raw materials and heating the cube.

You should not expect miracles from a household machine and should not replace a moonshine still. The minimum strength of the initial liquid must be at least 30%, otherwise the output will not be a product that is close in strength to pure alcohol.

Important! You should not pour mash into the cube that has not undergone primary distillation.

When making the installation with your own hands, you must not allow the loss of thermal energy through the column body. It is especially important to protect the lower part, i.e. zone up to the first reflux condenser.

  • Styrofoam,
  • penoizol,
  • modern foil insulation.

Distillation columns allow you to deeply purify liquids or separate the light fraction. In industrial settings, they find application in many industries, incl. With their help, oil refining is ensured and high-quality alcohol is produced.

Manufacturers of homemade moonshine strive to ensure that their drink is pure from harmful fusel oils and without unpleasant odor. To do this, they distill the product several times, as a result of which it is purified. And yet the most the best way for the production of alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks is the use of an apparatus with a distillation column. The principle of its operation and possibility self-manufacturing Let's look at it in the article.

Like a moonshine still, a distillation column produces moonshine, only of a higher quality, purified. But first of all, it is intended for the production of pure alcohol 96%, which is used as a base in the preparation of various alcoholic beverages.
Alcohol is a product of rectification, during which the alcohol-containing mixture (mash, raw alcohol) is separated into separate fractions (methyl and ethyl alcohols, fusel oil, aldehydes) with different temperatures boiling as a result of repeated evaporation of the original liquid and condensation of steam.

The distillation cube filled with alcohol-containing liquid is heated. During the boiling process, steam is intensively formed, which rises up the column. There a reflux condenser awaits him, in which the steam is cooled and condensed.

Did you know? The largest distillation columns reach 90 m in height and have a diameter of 16 m. They are used in the oil refining industry.

Drops of condensate (reflux) flow down into a column filled with steam. The cooled reflux flows through special nozzles where it meets hot steam. Heat and mass transfer occurs between them, which is repeated many times and is the essence of rectification.

As a result, pure vaporous alcohol collects at the “head” of the column. For final condensation, it is taken to the refrigerator, from which the distillate, that is, the finished product, comes out.

Video: distillation column and the principle of its operation

Construction of a home distillery

The distillation column device consists of different parts, the dimensions of which must be accurately calculated. For this design you need:

  • distillation cube, or container with alcohol-containing liquid;
  • tsarga, or pipe, which will be the body of the column;
  • a reflux condenser in which steam is cooled and condensed;
  • nozzles with which to stuff the drawer;
  • distillate selection unit;
  • water refrigerator;
  • more small parts for connecting parts of a structure and for monitoring its operation (thermometers, automation).

Let's consider each component part of the device separately.

The basis of the entire structure is the distillation cube. This is a container for alcohol-containing raw materials.

It can be any vessel made of copper, enameled or stainless steel. Some moonshiners use a pressure cooker for this if a small alcohol yield is expected.

Or you can independently weld a suitable container from stainless steel sheets.

Video: how to make a distillation cube with your own hands The main requirements that the cube must meet:

  • absolute tightness: when boiling, the vessel should not allow steam or liquid to pass through, and the lid should not be torn off due to growing pressure;
  • a hole for steam to escape, which will appear if you cut a fitting into the lid.

If you buy a ready-made distillation cube, it already meets these criteria.
It is very important that the volume of the cube matches the dimensions of the column. For a pipe 1.5 m high and 50 mm in diameter you need to take a container that holds 40-80 liters, for a 40 mm drawer a 30-50 liter container is suitable, for 32 mm you need at least 20-30 liters, and for a diameter of 28 mm it’s excellent A pressure cooker will do.

Important! The distillation cube must be filled with mash no more than 2/3 of its volume, otherwise the column will “choke” when boiling».

The pipe in which rectification occurs is called the drawer. This is a cylinder with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm and a diameter of 30-50 mm. The effectiveness of the drawer depends on its height: the higher the pipe, the slower the harmful fractions are separated and the purer the alcohol is.

The optimal height of the tsar is 1-1.5 m. If it is shorter, then there will be no room in it for the separated fusel oils, and they will end up in the distillate. If the pipe is longer, the rectification time will increase, but this will not affect the efficiency.
Drawer of a distillation column with a nozzle There are ready-made drawers for moonshine stills with a length of 15 cm or more on sale. You can buy 2-3 tubes and connect them into one. Can you make a king? required length on one's own. For this you will need a stainless pipe.

Video: how to make a drawer for a distillation column yourself You need to cut threads at the top and bottom so that the bottom part is attached to the cube, and the reflux condenser is attached to the top part.

You also need to attach a mesh to the bottom to hold the nozzles with which the drawer will be filled. Some home experts wrap the pipe with insulation, such as foam rubber.

Did you know? The Panchenkov nozzle was invented in the USSR in 1981 not for the production of alcohol, but to improve the purification of crude oil for aviation fuel.

Filling the drawer with nozzles is a prerequisite for rectification. If the pipe is hollow, only the distillation process is possible in it, the result of which will be moonshine, but not pure alcohol. The purpose of the filler is to increase the surface area over which reflux flows.

Thus, heavy harmful components are deposited and cannot enter the final product, and the light vapor of pure alcohol is selected. The filling should completely fill the tube.

The nozzle can be any filler made of inert stainless material:

  • glass or ceramic balls;
  • stainless steel kitchen sponges, finely chopped (they need to be changed from time to time, as the material deteriorates);
  • Panchenkov nozzle (the most the best option), which is specially woven from copper or stainless steel. Its advantages: it settles phlegm well and does not fail over time.

Panchenkov nozzle

Important! The sponge attachment should be made of stainless steel. You can check it with a magnet: it attracts stainless steel.

The selection unit is a small piece of pipe between the drawer and the reflux condenser. Its purpose is to collect phlegm: first the “heads” come out, that is, the harmful alcohol fractions, then the “body” comes out, or alcohol without taste and unpleasant odor.
Everyone makes a homemade selection unit differently, but according to the same principle. Eg:

  • to the outer pipe, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the drawer, a tube of a smaller diameter is welded from the inside so that a pocket is formed between them along the circumference, where part of the reflux will be collected;
  • Instead of a tube, a stainless plate is welded inside, corresponding to the internal diameter of the pipe, with round hole inside: part of the phlegm will collect on the plate, and part will fall through the hole back into the drawer.

Video: do-it-yourself selection unit Outside, two holes are made in the pipe for two fittings: a tap is attached to one to remove reflux, and a thermometer is inserted into the other (smaller) to measure the temperature of the steam.

The top of the structure is the reflux condenser. Here the steam cools, condenses and is directed downwards in the form of droplets.
You can make several options for reflux condensers with your own hands:

  1. Jacket or direct-flow dephlegmator made from two pipes of different diameters. Running water circulates between them, and inside the smaller pipe the steam turns into condensate. Outer pipe can easily replace the body of a thermos, the neck of which is screwed to the selection unit. In the bottom of the thermos, you must make a hole for the TCA, that is, a communication tube with the atmosphere, through which light unnecessary vapors will escape.

    Video: operating principle of a direct-flow dephlegmator

  2. Dimroth reflux condenser more efficient than the previous model. The body is a pipe of the same diameter as the drawer. Inside it is a thin tube, twisted into a spiral, in which cold water moves. If the diameter of the drawer is 50 mm, then the spiral needs to be twisted from a tube with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 3 m. Then the length of the reflux condenser will be 25-35 cm.

    Video: assembly of a distillation column with a Dimroth reflux condenser

  3. Shell and tube dephlegmator consists of several pipes: small ones are attached inside the large one, in which steam condensation occurs. This model has several advantages: water is used economically and steam is quickly cooled. In addition, this structure can be attached to the column at an angle, which reduces its height.

    Video: operating principle of a shell-and-tube reflux condenser


A small refrigerator, or aftercooler, is needed to reduce the temperature of the ethylene flowing from the extraction unit. It is made according to the principle of a jacket reflux condenser, but from tubes of a smaller diameter.

It also has two passages for water: cold liquid enters the lower one, it leaves the upper one and is directed through silicone tubes up to the dephlegmator for the same purpose.

The water speed is controlled by the tap.

Video: how to make a refrigerator for a distillation column with your own hands

The pasteurization drawer is not a mandatory element of the column. On the one hand, it complicates the main design. But on the other hand, it improves it, since it more thoroughly purifies alcohol from the main fractions throughout the entire rectification.

This is a smaller drawer (30 cm) with an additional selection unit. It complements the main drawer. “Heads”, as usual, come out of the reflux condenser, but not only at the beginning, but constantly.

The alcohol is collected from the lower selection of a small drawer. This ensures maximum purity of the alcohol.


The long rectification process can last for hours. At the same time, it must be constantly monitored so that the “heads” and “tails” do not accidentally mix with the “body”. It won't be so tedious if you install good automation to control rectification. The BUR (distillation control unit) is designed for this purpose. The block can do the following:

  • turn on the cooling water at a certain temperature;
  • reduce power during reflux extraction;
  • stop selection at the end of the process;
  • turn off the water and heating after finishing sampling the tail section.

You can automate the process by installing a “start-stop” valve: when the temperature rises, it stops the selection, when it stabilizes, it resumes the selection.

You can do without automation, but it is much easier with it.

Video: automation for a distillation column


  • the finished product is pure alcohol 96% without harmful impurities;
  • in the distillation mode, you can make moonshine with the desired organoleptic properties;
  • ethyl alcohol can become the basis of any alcoholic drink;
  • You can design a device for this yourself.


  • ethylene does not have the organoleptic properties of the original product;
  • the rectification process is very long: in an hour you can get no more than 1 liter of distillate;
  • ready-made structures are very expensive.

Which material is preferable

Rectification is intended for maximum purification of alcohol from various impurities. The parts that make up the column should not affect the quality or taste of the product. Therefore, the material must be chemically inert, not susceptible to rust and not affecting the taste and smell of the distillate.

Food-grade stainless steel, that is, chromium-nickel stainless steel, is best suited. It is chemically neutral and does not affect the composition of the product in any way.

The distillation column can be called a new generation moonshine still, because it produces better quality alcohol. Making this device with your own hands is quite difficult. But if you make an effort, then festive table natural and delicious will always top alcoholic drink homemade.

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38 once already

From the school course we know that the rectification process is the process of separating complex mixtures into components through repeated evaporation and condensation of the constituent parts. The results are ideally pure components, the temperatures of transitions to different states of aggregation of which are, accordingly, different.

This simple process is used in the production of gasoline, kerosene, pure oxygen and nitrogen. Rectification also helps separate fusel oils and aldehyde fractions to produce ethanol, or ethyl alcohol.

This process is carried out in distillation columns, the design of which allows the creation of a product with a purity of up to 96%. You can create a homemade moonshine still with straight hands and minimal knowledge of organic chemistry and the desire to enjoy high-quality home-produced alcohol.

Nowadays you can simply buy a rectification chamber, but we will go a different route. We will assemble a miniature distillery with our own hands.

From the name of the process that gave the column its name, it is clear that constant rectification occurs inside, and the column itself is made of materials that do not react with the components of the process.

The working liquid, mash infused with grain, berries, fruits, etc., is poured into the distillation cube. and bring to boiling temperature. As the working fluid boils, alcohol-containing vapor is released, which is lighter than the liquid and due to this rises up the pipe, where it cools.

Cooling, the heated steam falls into condensate on the walls of the column and rushes back into the distillation cube in the form of a liquid, but along the way it encounters a new portion of heated steam. Components whose boiling point is below the working fluid evaporate again, among such components is ethyl alcohol.

The essence of the process is that substances are distributed along a vertical column, in accordance with the level of their evaporation and condensation points. At approximately a height of 75% from the distillation cube, ethyl alcohol vapors are collected - a pipe is installed here to discharge these same vapors into the container with the final product.

Higher up the column, toxic volatile vapors of aldehydes and dimethyl ketone are concentrated and released into the atmosphere through an outlet pipe; below the formation of the concentration of ethyl spirit vapor, fusel oils and other fractions accumulate, whose boiling point exceeds the boiling point of ethanol.

The Russian genius who wants to regularly taste alcohol in its pure form does not sleep - this is how they see a person who has assembled a homemade distillation column with his own hands.

But, in fact, this is absolutely not true!

With the help of a distillation column, you can obtain such delicious drinks as absinthe, whiskey, you can prepare flavored alcohol, etc.

Previously, rectifiers were a multi-meter column, but today’s version with “multi-pass” rectification makes it possible to reduce the height of the column.

If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to buy a distillation column in an online store, for example, the Dobrovar series allows you to obtain 98% alcohol from the first distillation.

However, let's return to how to make a homemade distillation column with your own hands.

We provide you with an easy way to prepare rectifier in living conditions. Appearance designs are provided in the first image. In addition, drawings of the rectifier are provided.

To begin with, I would like to talk about why the overgrown moonshine device is the most successful design.

Firstly, this device unique, since it only requires supply running water. You can regulate the temperature of the boiler using a light switch, which has a smooth adjustment. You can use a homemade distillation column with any container, from a three-liter jar to an installed pressure cooker.

Let's look at the diagram of a distillation column made at home.

Distillation column drawing

As you can see, the design is quite simple. The refrigerator and water jacket can be made from copper pipe, wrapping it around the rectifier pipes. You can make them from thicker diameter pipes than we used in our column. In this case, you need to solder the lower and upper parts to the walls. The remaining part needs to be covered with insulation - for this you need to visit the construction market and purchase insulation for metal pipes.

Scourers are iron sink scourers that are cut with scissors. As a rule, sponges are made of stainless steel, which do not deteriorate during the operation of the distillation column. For a pipe 130 cm long and 35 cm in diameter, you need to use 15-20 washcloths.

The medical IV clamp must be used in conjunction with the tube. The tube will serve as a connection with the atmosphere - this is a classic syringe needle.

The height of the distillation column, which is shown in the drawing, is 130 centimeters (the height of the distillation cube - soldering iron is not taken into account).

Now a little theoretical knowledge.

Rectification is a reusable distillation of distillate, which is carried out in countercurrent packed and plate columns with contact components (plates, packings, etc.).

For the successful operation of reflux flowing down the column and steam moving upward, you can use any contact components that increase the efficiency and area of ​​their action. Trays are usually used as contact components in large distillation columns.
Each plate that is located in the column is called a FT - a physical plate. Its purpose is to ensure rapid movement of the equilibrium state between the vapor phase and the liquid.

The plates work in this way: steam in the form of bubbles with a sufficiently developed surface acts through a layer of reflux, which is located on the plate. As a result, mass exchange between phases intensifies.

It is worth noting that when steam passes through one plate, equilibrium between the different phases is not achieved. The actual state of the liquid and vapor phases in relation to their state is assessed only by the coefficient of correct action of such a plate.
The efficiency of a conventional plate is 50-60%, that is, to achieve a state of complete phase equilibrium, which theoretically corresponds to one plate, two physical ones are required.

Thus, it turns out that to create a 40-TT distillation column, it is necessary to install about eighty plates of a conventional design in it.

For distillation columns assembled at home with a diameter of 30..50 mm, the effective contact component is a special nozzle, which fills the internal volume of the column. When the column operates downward, the distillate flows down the contact filler, and the steam rises upward.

In industrial distillation columns, a “SULZER” nozzle is used, made of stainless, corrugated mesh or stainless wire in the form of small springs of a spiral-prismatic nature.

Heat-mass exchanges at the contact connecting parts occur continuously along the entire height of the column. The phase equilibrium position equivalent to the 1st theoretical tray (“TT”) occurs after the vapor overcomes the packing layer—transfer unit height (“TUP”) or the height of the theoretical tray (“TUT”).

This height is measured in millimeters, which in turn allows you to calculate the height of the future column. Therefore, in the manufacture of an installation at home, we are talking about columns that have a diameter of 30 - 50 mm, using packed contact components.

And this is what a purchased distillation column looks like in “full kit.”

Despite such an abstruse theory, a homemade distillation column is a very simple product!

Vadim speaks:

Maybe the pipe diameter is 35mm and not cm???

Vadim speaks:

And I also have a question, why do we need a connection with the atmosphere?

Marat speaks:

Good article...
The topic is not only covered, but the written information is well received, thank you!

Sergey speaks:

Vadim, when the column enters mode, the clamp from the medical dropper is closed and if there is no connection with the atmosphere, a overpressure and subsequent destruction of the equipment.

George speaks:

But what if instead of washcloths you place a ribbon spiral in the form of an auger...then how to calculate the pitch of this spiral?

Igor speaks:

Good evening, can I look at the schematic drawing? And what gaskets should be used at the connection points? Thank you.

Artem speaks:

Georgy, why don’t you like iron washcloths?

Nicholas speaks:

Where can I buy an inexpensive river column?

Anatoly speaks:

pipe: dia. 50mm, length 1.6cm, cannot be used without washcloths. Cause?

Vladimir speaks:

I understand that not everyone has the opportunity, but...
A good result can be obtained by using the head of an old distiller. As a rule, their TENs and cubes fail earlier, and the heads are simply thrown away.

Alexander speaks:

Help me figure out what the difference is between a distillation column and a distiller (such as Volzhanin or Kum). That is, the alcohol selection is below the reflux condenser or like Volzhanin?

Paul speaks:

To reduce the height of the column, place an additional refrigerator in work area(where the washcloths are), and adjust the temperature during distillation.

Fedor speaks:

That is, washcloths, in this case, replace plates?
