Well      03/08/2020

Distance from the floor when installing interior doors. Door installation: SNiP defines the requirements, tolerances and necessary controls. Preparing interior door openings

In multi-apartment city buildings, the height of the doorway is clearly regulated by the relevant GOSTs and SNiPs, but how to determine the dimensions of the doorway if you are building a house yourself and is it really that important? Next we will analyze existing standards doorways, and finally, let’s talk about how to correctly choose a door block for a specific “hole” in the wall.

General diagram for measuring a standard opening for a single-leaf door.

Indeed, who needs standard sizes of doorways, wouldn’t it be easier to arrange a doorway, the size of which will be exclusive and made specifically to your taste.

The trick is that standard size This is more of a recommendation than a mandatory parameter, but believe me, it’s worth listening to these recommendations and there are several reasons for this:

  • Large selection of standard models. Absolutely all manufacturers make the bulk of their goods according to one or another fixed dimensions. Consequently, you will not have problems with the choice if the size of the doorway is adjusted to some traditional standard;
  • An equally important reason is budget savings. Of course, any decent workshop will do it for you beautiful door By custom sizes, but it will cost at least a third more than the serial version, plus keep in mind that sooner or later the doors will have to be changed and again you will have to pay extra money;
  • And finally, any master will confirm to you that it is much easier to work with fixed dimensions, because all the extensions, platbands and other accessories for the door are “tailored” to fit standard doorways.

What to focus on

First of all, remember: there are standards for interior and exterior doors. In the Soviet Union there was GOST 6629-88, which is still alive today, but now DIN 18100, DIN 18101 and DIN 18102 have been added to it, which already takes into account the dimensions of the opening taking into account European requirements, as well as standards for iron doors.

Working for this moment GOST 6629-88..

If the documents on the doors indicate that they were assembled according to some technical specifications (TU), and not according to generally accepted GOSTs, be careful. Specifications They are developed by the manufacturer themselves and they are only remotely related to standards, therefore, sizes can vary over a fairly wide range.

Interior doors

If you live in an apartment or house with ceilings up to 2.7 m, then the standard opening height often fluctuates around 2 m, with a tolerance of about 100 mm in one direction or another.

The dimensions of openings in residential premises with high ceilings can reach up to 2.3 m. Anything higher, for example arches, does not fall under the generally accepted standard and belongs to the scope of individual orders.

There is one more nuance. Block houses, that is, brick, cinder block, foam concrete, and so on, are considered stable. Shrinkage in such buildings is minimal and lasts a maximum of a couple of years. This means that you can leave a gap of 10 - 15 mm around the perimeter of the door block and this will be quite enough.

It's a completely different matter wooden houses. For example, in log cabins, the shrinkage of a house lasts at least 3 years, and if the forest is poorly dried, then shrinkage can take 7–10 years.

Therefore, a gap of at least 30 - 50 mm must be left above the door frame. This gap is filled with foam and closed with platbands, but if it is not there, the frame can become distorted and even crushed.

To select a door, you must first of all focus on the size of the door leaf. If you follow our standards, then the width of the canvas for interior doors starts from 600 mm and ends at 900 mm, graduation occurs in increments of 10 cm.

In addition, narrow doors are still produced for small apartments and technical rooms; as a rule, they are installed on bathrooms.

The width of the canvas here is 550 mm and the height is 1900 mm. They are included in the standard, but they are not particularly popular, so the assortment there is “poor”.

Doors with a leaf width of 60–70 cm are usually installed in the kitchen and services; for rooms it is better to choose a leaf with a width of 80–90 cm.

The height of the installed frame with the door leaf and threshold.

Many owners often get burned by imported doors. To tell the truth, the single European standard is a beautiful myth; it practically does not concern doors. In the vastness of the former Soviet Union and the camp of the socialist camp there is more order, here the goods are made according to the above-mentioned GOSTs.

The Germans and Spaniards also adhere to our standards, but the French make doors 10 mm narrower than everyone else’s, that is, 690 mm, 790 mm and 890 mm.

Solid Italian manufacturers They are more oriented towards our market, but they are often counterfeited, so don’t be lazy, take a tape measure and measure the door block, you will agree that it will be a shame to pay a lot of money for a supposedly Italian thing, which then will not fit in or, on the contrary, will “dangle” in the doorway.

A selection of sizes for the most common doorways.

In addition to the height and width of the doorway, you also need to take into account the thickness of the walls and the thickness of the doors themselves. Standard thickness for interior partitions is 75 mm, but if the opening is made in load-bearing wall, then the thickness there can reach half a meter or more.

The maximum thickness of a serial door block is 128 mm. Ideally, the door should be mounted in the center of the opening, but on thick walls it will be necessary to install additional strips on both sides.

As an option, you can install the door block along any edge and cover it with platbands on one side, and instead of extensions, on the other side, arrange slopes and cover the non-joint with a self-adhesive strip.

The width of the installed frame with the door leaf.

Interior door leaves have several thickness gradations:

  • Lightweight hollow structures are made from 20 to 40 mm thick;
  • Standard MDF doors are 35 - 40 mm;
  • Wooden sheets with quarter grooves 35 – 45 mm;
  • Fully natural wood without sampling 45 – 55 mm.

Entrance doors

Every year the size of the opening for the front door moves further and further away from fixed standards. And if the owners of city apartments are forced to adapt to the finished opening, then in private houses each owner has his own views, because often entrance the door is made to specific order and changes extremely rarely.

If we talk about standards, the height here is no different from interior option, that is, from 2000 mm to 2300 mm.

And here minimum width doorway for front door starts from 900 mm. An exception is made only for wooden panels, which can be 800 mm.

But entrance doors are not only for apartments or houses; there are also doors for entrances, offices, small shops, etc. In these cases opening width may be unpredictable, but there is a way out.

According to the standard, the minimum for the entrance door you choose cannot be less than 80 cm, the maximum for single-leaf structures is 90 cm.

Equal-sized structures, that is, those doors where both leaves are the same size, are often installed on wide openings of administrative buildings; for entrances and private houses, lorry-and-a-half doors are usually chosen, but they also have their own standardization:

(Main sash width + auxiliary sash width)

  • 800 mm + 300 mm;
  • 800 mm + 400 mm;
  • 800 mm + 800 mm;
  • 900 mm + 500 mm;
  • 900 mm + 900 mm.

Double metal doors for an apartment with different doors.

What it looks like in practice

When installing doors there are 3 main questions:

  1. How the doors will be installed;
  2. What size should the door block be?
  3. What fittings and components are needed.

A variety of shapes, styles and colors from famous brands.

The new door is installed, but small but important details are also needed. One of these details is door knob. But in order to open and close the door conveniently, you need to know at what distance from the floor the door handle should be.

Door handle installation standard

There are two main options, the first is according to the standard, the second is as convenient.

What is the standard? Usually the handles are at the entrance and installed in the middle of the canvas, i.e. at a height of 1 meter. Experts have determined this height to be the most convenient for closing or opening the canvas. The average height of a person in Russia is about 170 cm, and the length of the arms is about 70 cm, hence 1 meter (170-70).

However, each person is individual, and perhaps the standards do not suit you at all. After all, the main thing is that later it will be convenient for you and your household to use the unit. In this case, you can determine the distance yourself.

There is a simple but reliable way: go to the door and lower your hand. Where your hand ends, make a mark, add 15-20 cm up to it and calmly install the device.

There is another method, very similar to the previous one: bend your elbow 90 degrees, and at this level make a mark on the canvas. It turns out, by the way, the same as with adding centimeters.

However, you should not measure the distance by standing at each door with bent arm. It will be very convenient if you simply measure how much you got in the first case and transfer these dimensions to other designs. If the handles are at the same level everywhere, then this is psychologically convenient for all members of your family.

It happens, however, that the distance is determined not only by your desire, but also by the purpose of the entire structure or its design, as well as by production features.

For example, a children's room. In this case, a meter is clearly too high for a child. But making the handle lower is not reasonable, because it will grow, and then what - leaving an ugly hole on the door after “raising” the handle?

The answer is simple: they are different. In this case, it is very convenient to use a push structure - even if the child cannot reach it, you can hang the cord by attaching it to the end of the handle. And then everything turns out like in a fairy tale: pull the string, the door will open. And when the child grows up, just remove the lace - and the owners are happy, and the door is intact.

Production Features

Well, in the case of production features, everything is not so rosy. There are doors made of MDF, on which the place for the lock or handle is pre-marked. They are made from medium density particle boards. This marked place is located on standard height 1 meter, and it is in this place that it is glued wooden block, into which it is convenient to embed a handle. Deviations are allowed, but no more than 10 cm up or down; in other places such doors are “empty”, so not everyone will like installing handles in them.

Regardless of the purpose of the structure, doors and doorways necessary for their installation are needed to enter it and to communicate between rooms. Russian baths are no exception. And it is unlikely that in the near future humanity will come up with another way to enter, take hygiene procedures and not lose beneficial warmth during repeated movements. The configuration and size of the doorway can be chosen arbitrarily by the owners. However, the high cost of custom-made doors with non-standard dimensions convinces you to buy ready-made designs. This means that the size of the opening in the bathhouse under construction must correspond to the product chosen for the arrangement, so that they do not have to be subsequently adjusted to each other.

Video about installing a door block in a log house

Doors and openings standards

In favor of purchasing door blocks made at the factory, not only the outstanding price speaks expressively, the voice of which will turn from a soft whisper to a heart-rending scream when purchasing extensions, seals and fittings.

  • Factory door blocks fully equipped and ready for installation. The owners of the bathhouses can only install them in accordance with the attached instructions.
  • Factory-made door frames and leaves, selected based on operating conditions, will not deform under conditions of intense steam generation.
  • Guarantees are provided; low-quality products can be replaced without problems.

In case of replacement during the next repair, the standard size of the doorway will provide an opportunity to quickly find and buy a similar product. And the installation itself will not require any superhuman effort, special skill, or experience.

Differences between foreign and domestic doors

Bathhouse owners now have the opportunity to equip their buildings with products from Russian, Belarusian or Ukrainian manufacturers or buy a door structure produced by a Spanish, Italian or French factory.

The dimensions of doors and the corresponding dimensions of doorways are regulated by GOST number 6629-88, SNiPs and DINs with numbers from 18100 to 18102. The difference in the values ​​of the width, height of doors and openings is insignificant, since all standards are focused on the average physiological parameters of users, but Taking into account the specifics of the manufacturing country, one should not forget when calculating the opening:

  • The height of the door leaf usually varies around two meters. This is 2000 mm ± 100 or 150 mm.
  • The width of the leaf of a factory single-leaf door of domestic production is from 600 to 900 mm. Foreign manufacturers this parameter we stand in solidarity with ours. Only the French produce canvases with a width less than 1 cm (89 cm, 79 cm, etc.).

Thickness produced in the CIS door designs designed for traditional wall thickness of 75 cm. Special schemes have been developed to increase and decrease it. If they are not provided by the manufacturer, you will need to purchase and install an additional strip.

Please note that the maximum thickness of a factory door block is 128 mm. If you don’t have the money and the desire to install additional additions on excessively “thick” walls, you can cash in the opening only with front side, and make a slope on the reverse side or install a self-adhesive strip.

In principle, thickness does not affect the choice of door and the calculation of the opening for it. The basic indicators of height and width, the so-called door clearance, are important, based on which the necessary values ​​are calculated.

How to choose the door clearance width

If there are no overly well-fed people in the owner’s family or among his acquaintances, you should not get carried away with wide bath doors. They will not retain heat in the same way as walls:

  • The door clearance width of the entrance door preferred by the owners of country baths is on average 80 cm. More is possible, taking into account the need to add and change bath furniture and equipment.
  • For arrangement internal partitions Doors with a width of 70 and even 60 cm are sufficient.
  • In the steam room, bathroom and shower room, if there are any, it is better to install doors with a width of 60 cm.

If possible, it is advisable to buy for the steam room special door from linden, and based on its dimensions, calculate the dimensions of the opening with scrupulous accuracy.

Formula for calculating openings for bath doors

In order to calculate the size of doorways, we will use simple arithmetic. Let’s simply denote the height of the door clearance by the letter B, and the width by W. We also need thickness, that is, the size of a quarter of a box beam. Usually its side is 25 or 30 mm.

  • To the width of the canvas we add the thickness of the right and left beams, assume 25 mm + 25 mm. In order for the door to function normally, you need to leave gaps along the porches. For free operation of the hinges you need to add 2 mm, and for the lock 4 mm. More will be needed technological gaps for assembly seams. Right and left 10 mm. Total: W + 2×25 + 2×10 + 2 + 4 = opening width. This means that you need to add 76 mm to the width of the canvas.
  • Add 10 mm to the height of the door leaf without threshold. At the top, in addition to the box thickness of 25 mm, we will add 3 mm and another 10 mm for the gap for the top mounting seam. Total: B + 3 + 25 + 10 + 10. It turns out that 48 mm should be added to the height. The height is calculated from the plane of the finished floor.
  • To the height of the door with the threshold we add the thickness of the upper and lower frame beams, 3 mm for the free operation of the door at the top and 5 mm at the bottom. Total: B + 2×25 + 5 + 3. It turns out that the difference between the height of the canvas and the height of the opening is 58 mm.

It is desirable that the doors in the same room are at the same level, for which the floors need to be perfectly leveled. If you plan to place the doors close, do not forget that their arrangement will also require the installation of platbands.

Features of the formation of openings in wooden baths

They can be formed during the construction of crowns from logs or timber. It will be necessary to preliminary mark the elements of the log house and make additional grooves for attaching the boxes. After which you will still need to wait the time required for the traditional shrinkage of a wooden structure.

A year and a half post-construction break must be endured in any case. Installation of door blocks in a wooden bathhouse is permissible only after intensive shrinkage has ended.

It is much easier, after taking the required technological break, to cut out the openings with a chainsaw according to precisely calibrated markings. When using this method, in order to prevent the crowns from moving apart, a groove is made along the vertical axis of the wall for the installation of reinforcing beams. The door frame is nailed to it.

Be sure to leave 3-5 cm between the top line of the doorway and the frame, since wooden structure will settle slightly afterwards.

It is absolutely easy to calculate the dimensions of doors and doorways. Specialists who thoroughly know the algorithm for installing door blocks will calculate all the necessary values ​​at the moment. It is somewhat more difficult for inexperienced performers, since they need to understand why this or that gap is needed.

In case of an error in the calculations, the opening in wooden box easy to fix. If we need more, we'll use a chainsaw. But to reduce too much clearance, carpenters recommend installing an additional box - a counter box.

1 . The opening dimensions must correspond to those recommended according to the table, or technical parameters purchased material.


Opening width

Opening height

Russian doors

Italian doors

900 x 2000

980 - 990

1000/1010(with additional charge)

no threshold 2060

with threshold 2080

800 x 2000

880 - 890

900/ 910(with additional charge)

700 x 2000

780 - 790

800/ 810(with additional charge)

600 x 2000

680 - 690

700/ 710(with additional charge)

600+600 x 2000

1290 - 1300

1330/ 1340(with extra)

2 . The opening must be formed (i.e. have clear dimensions in height, width and thickness), decorated in its pure form (plastered, drywall cut, no protruding bricks, foam concrete, tongue-and-groove slabs, no mortar or putty residues, etc.).

3 . The top of the opening and the floor must be parallel and horizontal (checked with a level and tape measure), the sides of the opening must be parallel and vertical (checked with a plumb line). Deviations of no more than 2 mm per 2 meters.

4 . The thickness of the opening walls should not fluctuate by more than 2 mm ( + 1 mm) at a distance of at least 50 mm from its edge along the entire perimeter of the opening (checked with a ruler). The walls around the opening must form a single plane (it is checked by a long rule that the deviation of the plane is unacceptable more than 5 mm per opening).

5 . The opening should not have narrowings, i.e. its dimensions on both sides of the wall can differ by no more than 5 mm per side (checked with a tape measure). The floor level in the opening and in the door opening area must be without deviations from zero.

6 . Openings located adjacent to perpendicular walls relative to the opening itself must have walls, the minimum width of which must be equal to the width of the casing minus 1 (one) cm. Check with the seller for the width of the casing. If these parameters do not correspond, the platband is sawn lengthwise and its width is adjusted to the installation site; in this case, gaps are possible between the platband and the adjacent perpendicular wall.

7 . When calculating the parameters of the opening, it is necessary to take into account the installation gaps between the frame and the wall, the size of which must be at least 10 mm, but not more than 30 mm per side.

8 . When installing sliding doors The gaps between the door and the wall are determined by the quality of the opening by the Customer.

9 . For non-standard installations, visible mounting elements are decorated by the Customer.

10 . Installation of doors and partitions occurs only if there is a complete finished floor, the level of which in the opening and in the door opening area must be without drops and deviations from zero, or according to the marks specified by the Customer (in this case, after installation of the floor covering, gaps between the frame and floor covering, or impossibility of installing the floor covering).


The Customer is obliged to check the technical parameters of the purchased material with the Seller.

If the doors and moldings purchased by the Customer differ in their technical parameters from those above in the table, then the parameters of the openings for installation must correspond to this material.

If the parameters of the openings do not comply with these requirements or the technical parameters of the purchased material, it is possible that the quality of installation may deteriorate, or it will be completely impossible to implement, as well as a decrease in the performance characteristics of the installed products.

Uneven surfaces of the planes adjacent to the opening lead to an uneven fit, with the formation of visible gaps, such as individual elements products (box, trim, etc., etc.) and the entire structure.

The customer is personally responsible for preparing openings for door installation.

; lift-and-slide). Swing doors are the most widely represented on the market.

Basic terms and definitions

Single doorstandard door with one door leaf (leaf).
Double door– a door with two leaves: active and hinged. The active leaf is used for frequent use of the door. The hinged door serves to provide the possibility of increasing the standard door opening if necessary.
Pendulum door– a door that opens at least 90 degrees in both directions from the plane of the door in the closed position.
Swing door– a door that opens only in one direction and closes in contact with an element door frame
Door opening direction: depending on the direction of opening the door leaf, left and right doors differ. The direction of door opening is determined by the side on which the hinges are visible:

Door flange height– the distance between the front plane of the leaf and the door frame in the closed position


In accordance with GOST 30970-2002 PVC doors classified according to the following main characteristics:


type of filling door leaves;

design solution option;

design profile systems;

type of finish.

Classification by purpose

According to their purpose, door blocks are divided into:

  • external (entrance to buildings, structures, as well as vestibules);
  • internal (interior, for plumbing units, entrance to the apartment and other door blocks intended for use inside the building).

Classification by type of filling of door panels

Based on the type of door leaf filling, door blocks are divided into:

  • glazed (filled with double-glazed windows or various types sheet glass: patterned, tempered, multilayer, reinforced, etc.);
  • solid (filled with panels or other opaque materials);
  • light (with translucent filling of the upper part and dull filling of the lower part of the canvas);
  • decorative (with a complex architectural pattern).

Classification according to design options

Based on design options, door blocks are divided into:

  • single-floor (left and right-hand versions), double-floor (with a frame or mullionless vestibule, including with canvases of different widths), with a vertical impost and adjacent blind or translucent box filling;
  • with a transom (opening or non-opening);
  • with a threshold on mechanical connections, without a threshold, with a closed frame box (an option in which the bottom block of the box is welded to the vertical ones and has the same profile).

Classification according to the design of profile systems

Based on the design of profile systems, door blocks are divided into products with two-, three-, or more chamber profiles.

Classification by type of profile finishing

Based on the type of profile finishing, door blocks are divided into:

  • white, colored in mass;
  • colored, dyed in mass;
  • finished decorative film(laminated);
  • with co-extruded face covering;
  • painted with paints and varnishes.

In accordance with this classification, GOST 30970-2002 adopts the following structural designation scheme:

Technical requirements

GOST 30970-2002 DOOR UNITS FROM POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PROFILES also contains the following sections:

  • Technical requirements (include: General provisions and design requirements; Dimensions and requirements for maximum deviations; Characteristics; Requirements for PVC profiles and reinforcing liners; Requirements for filling door leaves and sealing gaskets; Requirements for door devices).
  • Acceptance rules
  • Control methods
  • Packaging, transportation and storage
  • manufacturer's warranty

In this article I present only the main operational characteristics of blind external and entrance door blocks to the apartment in accordance with GOST 30970-2002:

Brief information on fittings for PVC doors

After assembling the frame and sash, the necessary fittings are installed on the PVC door (an example is shown in the figure). Due to the wide variety of accessories, it is quite difficult to provide complete information on them in one article. More detailed information on fittings for PVC doors can be found. In this section, I will dwell in more detail only on the question of the difference in the configuration of a PVC door, on which door hardware is installed, from the so-called “balcony” door, assembled from a narrow window profile. There is a fundamental difference between these two trim levels. The fact is that in the window (narrow PVC profile) it is impossible to install correctly even the narrowest (with dm=20 mm) lock for a PVC door. Therefore, window fittings (main lock, window handle, window hinges) are installed on “balcony” doors. Door fittings do not fit these parts (cannot be installed door set, because it will not fit the main window lock installed on the balcony door).

Regulatory requirements for door hardware