Toilet      03/05/2020

Aquarium external filter from a pipe. DIY aquarium filter. Budget airlift external filter

Aquarium water must be constantly filtered. This is known to all owners of domestic ornamental fish. In pet stores, there is a fairly large selection of aquarium filters of various designs. However similar device You can also make your own from improvised material.

Some aquarists believe that it is not worth saving on the fish themselves and their food, but you can find replacements for expensive aquarium equipment. Some accessories and accessories, including a water purifier, are quite capable of being made by hand. Of course, for this you need to know the basic principles of aqua filtration, as well as have some skills of a home craftsman.

How to make an internal filter yourself?

What is necessary?

Materials for the simplest interior are freely available in ordinary hardware stores. The only exception, perhaps, is the compact electric pump. However, it can also be bought at a construction hypermarket or an electrical goods store.

So, for work you will need:

  • a plastic container with a tight lid (a container for storing bulk products is suitable);
  • hermetic water pump with a fitting for attaching to the container lid;
  • ceramic granules or rings for biological filtration (for fine cleaning, you can use plain cotton wool as a filter element);
  • 2-3 suction cups, adhesive resin.

Operating procedure

  • Then a sponge for coarse cleaning is tightly placed in the container, and a material for fine cleaning (cotton wool or biofilter elements) is placed on top.
  • A hole is cut in the container lid according to the diameter of the pump fitting.
  • The fitting is inserted into the hole and sealed around the circumference with resin or silicone.
  • The pump itself is screwed onto it, which creates compression inside the container.
  • 2 or 3 household suction cups are attached to the upper part of the wide side of the container.

In principle, the internal filter is ready. Suction cups will hold securely homemade device on the wall of the container.

Such a filter can also be placed directly on the ground. The latter will act as an additional filtering level.

If a plastic nozzle with a long tube extending outward is attached to the pump outlet, then simultaneously with water purification, it will

DIY external aquarium filter

What can be made from?

Making such a device at home will take more time.

  • As a body, you can use a round high plastic canister.
  • If there is none, then a piece of plastic will do. garden pipe large diameter. True, the top and bottom covers will have to be cut and fastened independently.


First stage

  • A hole is cut out at the bottom of the canister, where a metal or plastic fitting with a one-way inlet valve is screwed tightly.
  • 2 holes are made in the cover: for mounting the water outlet valve and the electric pump.
  • The pump itself is attached to the inside covers.

Second phase

Now you need to make cassettes, or cartridges, with filter elements. They can be made from plastic flower pots, evenly cutting off the upper wide part.

The diameter of such homemade cassettes should be slightly smaller than the inner diameter of the canister.

At the bottom of each cassette, holes are burned to allow water to pass through.

The first cartridge, where the sponge is placed, is inserted into the canister so that its bottom is slightly higher than the adapter with the inlet valve.

Next, a second cartridge is installed, where the filter material can be fiber, synthetic winterizer or cotton wool. The cassette with filtering biomaterial is installed from above so that it is lower than the pump attached to the lid of the canister.

If the external filter housing is self-made, its bottom and cover are sealed with silicone or resin.

Third stage

Pipes or hoses are attached to the inlet and outlet adapters with valves. Their length is adjusted depending on the depth of the aquarium and the distance to the filter.

The external aquarium water purifier is ready.

As in the first case, a running pump creates pressure, under the influence of which water is first sucked into the canister, goes through all the stages of filtration and then flows back into the aquarium.

Before starting operation, it is necessary to check the canister for leaks within 24 hours by filling it with water.

The main element of the cleaners is the pump. When choosing it, you should consider the volume of the aquarium. For example: for a 70-liter aquarium, a pump with a capacity of 300 liters per hour is suitable, and for a 200-liter one, 1000 liters per hour.

Instead of a conclusion

At home, you can make and. However, this is already a more difficult task, which is within the power of real craftsmen.

A fairly large number of aquarium owners prefer not to spend money on expensive equipment. Aquafilters, carefully made with your own hands, work just as well as expensive branded devices. And the technology and frequency of their maintenance is the same as in the models sold. In addition, a self-made device has a slightly different moral value. Is not it?

Video on how to make an external aquarium filter:

Many experienced aquarium keepers will not breed fish without necessary fixtures for setting up an aquarium. One of the leading roles is played by filtration systems, which are used to purify water from mechanical and biological components and to saturate the liquid with oxygen. You can buy internal and external filters for the aquarium in specialized stores or do it yourself, which saves a lot of money.

filter plays important role in aquarium

Device types

All filters for cleaning aquariums are divided into external and internal. The latter work directly inside the aquarium, while the former carry out water purification outside the fish house.

External filtration systems differ in power, type of construction and content. Today, small hanging devices for small aquariums, a variety of phytofilters, as well as canisters are produced. In addition, there are large filtration systems called sumps. External filters have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • organically fit into the design of the aquarium;
  • have significantly more power and efficiency compared to internal systems;
  • do not take up space inside the aquarium;
  • suitable for large liquid volumes.

In this video you will learn how to make an external filter:

Of course, such devices also have some disadvantages, for example, the filtration system requires a separate location. This is not critical if there is free space next to the aquarium. The cost of external devices is much higher than internal ones.

If desired, you can hide the filters, or turn them into a decorative element. To save money, you can independently make a filter device from improvised materials. The advantage of homemade filters is that the system will be configured for the features of a certain capacity.

You can make your own filter

Filler Options

The most common and available materials for filling the filter system of the aquarium are synthetic winterizer and foam rubber. They are able to take any form, as well as act as mechanical and biological filters. There is enough space in the pores of these materials for the spread of bacteria. Periodically it is necessary to rinse the filler to get rid of the mucus that clogs the filter system. In addition, silt can settle in the pores, which should not be inside the filtration system, interfering with its operation. There are several options for filling external aquarium filters:

  • Filter wool is a budget filler that is reusable. It is easy to clean, with its help the filter space is filled tightly enough, which eliminates the possibility of leakage. It is the best option for use at the final stage of cleaning.
  • Ceramic rings are used to evenly distribute water flows that transport oxygen to the bacteria.
  • Plastic bio balls. Their movement in the water contributes to the uniform washing of all filter materials. It should be noted that this filler can be used as a substrate for supporting the vital activity of bacteria.

You can fill the aquarium different material
  • Sintered glass. Most convenient option if the material is purchased in the form of balls. A special baking technology contributes to the formation of pores in products. The latter are inhabited by beneficial microorganisms that process nitrites and nitrates. The efficiency of glass is much higher than that of other materials used for biological treatment.
  • Ceramic tubes are used to breed bacteria in small pores.
  • Zeolite is a budgetary, but very effective sorbent that quickly absorbs an element such as ammonium from water. With it, you can get rid of nitrates in the aquarium.
  • Activated carbon. Many experts argue about the appropriateness of using this material for cleaning aquariums. Some people tend to think that it is better to use small granules for filters. It should be noted that they should have many pores, because this indicator affects the absorption efficiency. In addition, the quality of the material can be determined by the presence of a characteristic gloss and special dust. Before placing the material in the filter system, it must be thoroughly rinsed.
  • Peat - natural material for filtration systems. It is affordable, successfully copes with many tasks - it lowers the Ph level, slows down the growth of fungi, and has a positive effect on the inhabitants of the aquarium.

All of the above fillers can be found on the shelves of pet stores.

DIY external filter

Before starting work on the manufacture of an external aquarium filter, it is necessary to prepare all the components. For work you will need:

  • water pump;
  • sewer pipe having a diameter of 110 mm;
  • 4 plugs;
  • 4 input glands;
  • Mayevsky's crane;
  • transparent hose with a diameter of 80 mm;
  • a valve that will regulate the outlet pressure;
  • selected fillers;
  • silicone.

Don't forget to prepare desired material

Often, in the manufacture of filter systems, pumps are used that were used, for example, in old submersible filters. It should be noted that such a device can be used for both classical systems, and for nanoaquaria. The latter have gained popularity due to their compactness and ease of placement in any room. step by step process making an external filter for an aquarium with your own hands:

  1. As the basis of the filtering device, you can take a docking sleeve, the inner diameter of which is identical to the diameter of the inner pipe at the entry point of the plug. You can use a plastic plumbing tube or coupler for repairs. It is necessary to cut a piece 17-20 cm long.
  2. Cut 5 holes in one plug, into which the Mayevsky crane, as well as glands, will then be installed. It should be taken into account the fact that the holes must be made 1 mm smaller than the diameter of the glands and the valve.
  3. Tightly fix all parts, it is recommended to coat the joints with silicone for better sealing.
  4. Put a hose on the pipe that comes out of the pump and fix it tightly. It is necessary to choose the size of the hose as accurately as possible so that it fits tightly on the tube. Then insert the structure into the glands and tighten it. The pump should fit snugly on the plug. Pull the wire from the pump into one of the small glands, before cutting it.
  5. Insert a PVC tube into the second steel man. Then put a hose on it to take the fluid. The distance between the bottom of the filter and the pipe must be at least 1 centimeter. Lubricate the plug with silicone, and then insert into the coupling.
  6. Trim the protruding flanges on the two end caps so that they can be easily placed inside the hull. Then drill multiple holes: one should correspond to the diameter of the intake pipe, the rest should be made small so that the water circulates in the filter unit. Close the pump so that it is located inside between the two plugs.
  7. Make the bottom cover of the filter device. To do this, you need to remove the end part on one of the plugs with holes. Reduce the cut ring in diameter by about 1 cm.
  8. Cut out a ring from the tube, which should be equal in height to the distance between the two plugs. Assemble the parts together, put the filler in the filter element.
  9. The external filtration system for the aquarium is ready. In the process of work, one of the small glands remained unused. A temperature sensor can be brought out through it so that it does not interfere inside the aquarium.

If a filter is needed large sizes, you can make a more complex model by a similar principle. The assembly scheme is identical to the previous one, but a biofilter and foam rubber can be used as filter materials, which will be placed on a mesh partition.

Difficulties can arise when cutting foam rubber into the desired pieces. Experts give the following advice: moisten it in water and leave it in freezer for 1-2 hours. After this time, the material can be cut into convenient pieces. Allow the foam rubber to dry, and then proceed with the process of laying it in the filter unit.

Internal fixture

Making an external filter for an aquarium is much more difficult than making an internal one. This is due to the fact that the latter is simpler in structure, so even a novice aquarist can make it. To make the device you will need:

  • plastic bottle with a capacity of not more than 0.5 l;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • plastic pipe, the diameter of which is equal to the neck of the bottle;
  • hose and compressor;
  • pebble.

Follow the instructions for making the filter

The latter will be used as a filler. Step-by-step master class on making a filtration system:

  • Divide the bottle into two parts so that one is larger than the other. The smaller part should be with a neck. Direct the bowl with the neck up and apply such force as to obtain a dense structure.
  • Make holes on the outside of the circle for the passage of water. Their diameters should be 3-4 mm. The best option placement - 2 rows of 6 holes.
  • Pass the pipe through the neck of the bowl so that there are no gaps between them.
  • Make the pipe so long that it is enough to be located above the surface. The structure itself should not be at the bottom, preventing the flow of liquid.
  • Pour a layer of gravel on the bowl, and then lay out the synthetic winterizer. Install the hose into the tube and secure it. Place the structure inside the aquarium. After turning on the compressor, the device will work. After a while, live bacteria will begin to appear in the device, which are needed for the breakdown of ammonia into nitrates.

The principle of operation of the filter is as follows: air bubbles, entering the pipe, move up, and then attract water flows. The air-saturated liquid enters upper layer gravel, then moves down, getting into the aquarium. Cleaning is performed by a layer of synthetic winterizer, which prevents silt from settling on gravel.

Bottom filter device

There are several types of bottom filters that can be used for both large and small aquariums. In this way, you can make a filter system for a round aquarium. The first option is to manufacture the device from a plastic box. The case is a sturdy plastic box with a lid. The latter should tightly cover the base. It is advisable to make the lid or the body of the box itself transparent so that you can see the degree of contamination.

A plastic pipe is glued into the lid, then holes are made on the side. It should be noted that they must be of such a size that the fish do not get into them. You must first prepare the filter elements, which are then placed inside the box. It is recommended to use a ceramic water spray, which can be easily found in stores.

Another option is to make a filter unit using a glass jar, which will play the role of a housing. The volume of the container should be no more than 1 liter. Close the jar with a plastic lid, and then make holes for the liquid to enter inside. With the help of another cover, make a partition, on which then lay the material for filtration. alternative glass jar a ceramic container filled with nylon threads or quartz sand can become.

Using the above methods, you can make homemade filters for aquarium. The main thing is to arm yourself with perseverance, ingenuity and patience. Self-made equipment will help not only save money, but also get a device that is ideal for each specific case.

Mechanical water filtration is the simplest and most effective method keeping the aquarium clean. It is enough to install such a device and connect it to the network so that the water in the aquarium is always fresh and clear.

There are different configurations of equipment for purifying aquarium water, but the principle of operation of all aquarium filters is the same: an electric pump pumps water from the tank through a porous filter media, in which waste products of fish and other inhabitants of an ornamental reservoir are retained.

Experienced aquarists most often use outdoor multi-stage filter systems. Unlike internal filters, they do not take up space in the aquarium and have a high performance.

Water intake in such a system is carried out through a thin PVC hose immersed in the aquarium, through a similar tube the purified water is returned to the aquarium. There is nothing complicated in the device of such a filtration and aeration system, so if you wish, you can do it yourself.

Homemade aquarium filter will be in no way inferior to store counterparts, and subject to regular maintenance - cleaning and replacing filter elements - it will effectively cope with its functions.

What is required to create the simplest aquarium filtration and aeration system?

Understanding the principle of operation of the filter installation, it is possible to assemble a productive external filter for a standard aquarium with a volume of 100-200 liters from various improvised materials, as well as from inexpensive components that can be bought on any construction market.

To create the simplest aquarium filtration and aeration system, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • drill and drills of various diameters;
  • jigsaw or hacksaw;
  • sandpaper;
  • pump (an old pump from a submersible filter will do);
  • sewer PVC pipe 110 mm (joint);
  • plugs with a diameter of 110 mm - 4 pieces;
  • cable glands pg-7 - 2 pieces;
  • cable glands pg-16 - 2 pieces;
  • Mayevsky crane (device for air release from the filter housing);
  • ball valve for regulating the water pressure at the outlet;
  • transparent silicone hose with a diameter of 8-10 mm;
  • filter media - highly porous ceramic rings;
    foam rubber;
  • liquid silicone for sealing seams.

They are used as a means of biological treatment.

Filter elements for filter

Ceramics (special clay) has a porous structure, and special form significantly increases the area working surface where beneficial bacteria thrive.

In the course of their life activity, they convert the ammonium excreted by the fish into nitrates, which the plants living in the aquarium consume.

Ceramic rings must be periodically (once a month) washed, and as they become heavily soiled (if washing does not help), they should be renewed.

Instructions - how to make the simplest aquarium filtration and aeration system

Of the elements listed above, you can independently assemble a full-fledged filter for the aquarium using improvised tools.

Filter assembly and installation

The procedure is as follows:

  1. In one of the plugs, which will serve as the top cover of the filter, it is necessary to drill 5 holes - cable entries and a Mayevsky crane will be mounted in them. The holes must be 1 mm smaller than the diameter of the threads of the inlets and the tap.
  2. 4 inlets and a tap are carefully screwed into the finished holes. All seams for better sealing are coated with silicone. Since the body is made of soft PVC, you do not need to use much force when twisting the parts.
  3. On the pipe coming out of the pump, you need to tightly put on the silicone hose and bring it out through one of the large inlets. Insert the wire from the pump into the small inlet.
  4. In the second large input, you need to insert a hose for water intake.
  5. Two plugs with a diameter of 110 mm must be cut off the side so that they fit inside the pipe. In each resulting circle, you need to drill one large hole for the intake tube (the diameter of the hole corresponds to the diameter of the tube), as well as 2-3 dozen small holes for water circulation in the filter.
  6. Next, we make the bottom cover of the filter. To do this, we place the ring (which was left during the previous step) in the whole plug, and install a prepared circle on it with a hole for the water supply hose.
  7. It remains only to assemble the filter. To do this, a layer of foam rubber (mechanical cleaning filter) is laid on the lower grid, a layer of ceramic filler is poured on it, then a layer of foam rubber is laid again and the filler is poured again.


Aquarium Water Filtration System ready! It remains to install the pump, fill the filter with water, close top cover and place two hoses (intake and supply hose clean water) to the aquarium.

Before starting operation, carefully inspect all connections for leaks. If leaks are found, drain the water from the filter and coat the problem areas with silicone sealant.

How to make an aquarium filter with your own hands and organize the filtration of your aquarium yourself? Be it external, internal or bottom. What tools and equipment will be needed for this? You will find the answer to all these questions by reading this article.

There are many manufacturing options different types filters. We will consider the main ones.

Filter types:

  1. Interior
  2. hinged
  3. External
  4. Donny

Internal filter

This is the simplest kind of filter. Which, quite well purifies water (as for its type). Making an internal filter with your own hands is very simple. For this you will need: plastic bottle(small size)

  • piece of sponge
  • filler (pebbles, "passing" in size into the neck of the bottle)
  • compressor, hose and one suction cup

We make four large holes in the lid. In the neck, immediately under the lid, we make a hole into which one end of the hose should “enter” tightly (the other end is connected to the compressor). At the bottom of the bottle, in a circle, we make holes for the exit of purified water. Don't forget to make another hole for the suction cup, just below the bottom of the plastic bottle.

We fill our filter (bottle) with pebbles (or other filler), twist the lid. Then we put a piece of sponge on the neck (it is desirable that it be of the correct, neat shape) - this will be the bottom of our device. Insert the hose and suction cup into the corresponding holes. We place the filter in the aquarium, and turn on the compressor. Ready!

Schematic representation of the internal filter

Hanging filter

Do-it-yourself hanging filter for an aquarium won't be difficult. But you have to play more than internal.

We will need:

  • any plastic, glass, plexiglass (any neutral material at hand)
  • compressor
  • piece of sponge (synthetic winterizer), hose

We make a container, or we find a ready-made one (something like a long plastic pot for plants. We make partitions from plastic (more clearly seen in the diagram). The first compartment (where water is supplied) is filled with a piece of padding polyester, the remaining sections are filled with different or the same filler In the last compartment, at the top, we make a hole and a groove for the exit of purified water. back wall aquarium.

Water supply is carried out using a compressor, by analogy with an external filter.

Hanging filter scheme

External filter

Do-it-yourself external or remote aquarium filter make it harder. For its manufacture, you can use a plastic high round canister or plastic barrel with lid. If there is none, you can use a piece of large-diameter garden pipe. True, in this case, the lid and bottom need to be attached independently.

You will need:

  • water pump
  • plastic canister
  • synthetic winterizer, filler
  • hoses, tubes

A plastic or metal fitting with a one-way inlet valve is screwed into the bottom of the canister. Two holes are made in the lid. One for the fitting with an outlet valve, the second for the electric pump, which, in turn, is attached to the inside of the cover.

Now you need to make cartridges for filling. Suitable plastic flower pots, the same diameter as inner part cans. At the bottom of such pots we make a lot of holes for water circulation.

The first cartridge layer is placed just above the inlet fitting. And fill it with synthetic winterizer. In subsequent layers we place any other filler. You can use different: pebbles, coal filler, volcanic rock and others. It is necessary that the last cartridge does not touch the pump.

The power of the pump depends on the size of the aquarium. The higher the volume, the more powerful the pump should be chosen.

External filter circuit

Bottom filter

It is worth mentioning the bottom filters. The filter element in which is the soil of the aquarium. Water passes through it, thereby rough cleaning is performed. Most best cleaning obtained using sandy soil. This type of filter is little used, but nevertheless we will consider it.

Required :

  • water pump
  • tubes + tubes with holes to the bottom, underground
  • compressor (optional)

Pipes with holes are laid under the ground. On top of them, you need to put a plastic mesh, with small holes, so that the soil does not clog the holes in the tube itself. We place the pump closer to the surface. Ready!

In the case of a direct-flow bottom filter, we use a compressor. A more visual design can be seen in the diagram.

Bottom filter. Scheme

In conclusion, let's say that all types of filters are quite easy to do yourself, and at the same time save a significant amount of money. And with a more “dense” approach, you can improve and improve these filter manufacturing options.

Each aquarium should have a filtration system that will purify the water, ensuring the health of the fish and plants. As you know, the waste that the inhabitants of the reservoir leave behind, as well as the remains of food, suspended particles of soil are very harmful to fish. Uneaten food oxidizes, turning into toxic ammonia. In order for the water to pass all stages of purification in a timely manner, it is better to make an external filter for the aquarium with your own hands. It will prevent the appearance of harmful substances that can poison living beings.

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How to design an external filter?

Before making an aquarium filter with your own hands, you should understand how the filtration system works. Biological method Aquarium filtration is the process by which ammonium is converted to nitrite and then to nitrate. Biofiltration is carried out thanks to beneficial microorganisms that live in the aquatic environment. This process depends on the amount of oxygen absorbed, so it is important to maintain a constant supply of aeration in the tank using a filter and compressor.

See how a homemade external filter made of plastic bottles works.

To make an external biological filter with your own hands, you should prepare the following materials:

  • A plastic bottle of mineral water with a volume of 0.5 liters;
  • handset plastic diameter the neck of this bottle;
  • Sintepon;
  • Compressor and hose to it;
  • Aquarium pebbles with a diameter of up to 5 mm.

The plastic bottle must be divided into 2 parts so that fragments are obtained from it different sizes. You should get a cup with a neck and a large bottom. The bowl should be directed with the neck side up and firmly planted in the bottom. In the outer circle of the bowl, you need to make several openings through which water can enter the filter. The recommended diameter of the openings is 3-4 mm, their arrangement is in 2 rows, 4-6 holes in each.

Next, the tube should be inserted into the neck of the bowl so that it fits tightly into it. After the procedure, you should not notice any gaps or holes between the tube and the neck. The length of the tube itself is selected taking into account the protrusion above the structure by 2-3 cm. At the same time, it should not touch the bottom of the bottle. If the step is not done correctly, water will not be able to flow into the mechanism.

Take the gravel, and pour it over the bowl with a layer of 6 cm, and cover it with a piece of padding polyester. Install the hose from the aerator in the tube and fix it. When the mechanism is ready, it must be placed in the aquarium. The compressor must then be turned on in order for the filter to begin its work. Beneficial microorganisms will appear in the operating equipment, which will convert ammonia into nitrates, which forms a useful microbiological environment in the water.

How does a handmade external filter work?

A self-made external filter is designed on the basis of airlifting: air bubbles that come from the compressor rise to the tube from which they come up and lower the water flow from the filter along with them. Clean and oxygenated water enters the upper compartment of the glass, and passes through the gravel. Further, water enters the bowl through the hole, goes down the tube, and enters the tank. The synthetic winterizer here functions as a mechanical filter. This material prevents the silting process of the gravel substrate.

Chemically and mechanically purifies water. Similar designs are best installed in a large aquarium with a volume of 200-400 liters. For larger aquariums with a capacity of 500-1000 liters, you will need several of these devices. Branded external water purification systems are expensive, so it's better to do it yourself. Materials are inexpensive and accessible to everyone.

Another way to make an external filter

For the next external filter, you need to prepare the following details:

  • A plastic container with a tight-fitting lid (you can take a box for storing cereals);
  • Sponge or thick porous material;
  • Sealed water pump and fitting for attaching to the tank lid;
  • Material for biological filtration (medical cotton wool, ceramic granules);
  • Several suction cups, resin adhesive texture.

See how to make an external filter with your own hands.

Filter making instructions:

  1. You need to take a thin file, and make cuts around the entire perimeter of the lower compartment of the plastic container. The notches will allow water to pass through.
  2. Put a sponge in this plastic container, put cotton wool or another element for biofiltration on it.
  3. On the lid of the container, make holes that will correspond to the diameter of the pump fitting.
  4. Insert the fitting into the hole made, and secure it with resin or aquarium silicone.
  5. A pump should be screwed onto the fitting, which can form pressure inside the container.
  6. On the side of the container, which is wider, you should attach some household suction cups.
  7. The internal filtration system can be considered finished. Suction cups will be able to hold the device on the wall of the aquarium.

Such a home-made filter can be mounted not on the wall, but placed on the ground of the tank. The soil will also play the role of a biological filter. A plastic nozzle can be attached to the nozzle outlet in the form of a long tube that goes out. Then, after cleaning, the water will be saturated with oxygen.

Instead of a small plastic container, you can use plastic canister or canister made of stainless, non-toxic metal. This design is suitable for large aquariums; large cassettes and cartridges with filtration elements can be placed in it. Homemade filters need to be serviced at the same frequency as branded ones.

If the filter is leaking, then check all of its elements:

  • Are the clamps of the mechanism closed tightly? You may have inadvertently secured the parts with glue or resin. You can solve the problem by fixing the clamps again.
  • The sponge or suction cup may become dirty while the filter is running. Mucus and debris can be cleaned with water. Check the cleanliness of the structure monthly.
  • Damage to the plastic container, which will have to be changed by redoing the filter itself.