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What are building materials for building a house. Which is better to build a house for permanent residence

dream about own house often breaks down on the financial capabilities of a person and his family, since the construction process and the cost of materials are beyond the reach of many. But modern builders claim that everything is not so deplorable, and building your own housing is a very real task. Which house is cheaper to build, we will consider in the article.

What affects the cost of a cottage?

It is important to understand for what purposes you want to acquire country house: for permanent year-round residence or for staying in it only during the summer period. The following factors depend on this:

  • space-planning solution;
  • type of construction of the house;
  • materials for the construction of building elements.

Which house is cheaper to build? If it is a country house, there is no need to arrange rooms for each family member in it, there are enough common areas with sleeping places, a kitchen, and a bathroom. If you want to build a house for permanent year-round use, it requires heating systems and walls made of more reliable and functional material that will not allow the premises to freeze in the winter.

Selecting and creating a project

To build a house yourself cheaply, once again without resorting to the services of professionals, it is important to correctly develop future schemes of the facility and think about how the work will be performed.

An affordable cottage should have a compact layout. Main principle- maximum combination of total and usable area. How to achieve this?

1) Combine the hallway and vestibule, make the room insulated. This perfect solution because they carry the same functional load.

  • Panel length - up to 3000 (3500) mm, depending on the manufacturer's capabilities.
  • Width - 1250-1500 mm.
  • Thickness - 168, 174 mm for external walls; 118 mm - for a partition; 174, 224 mm - for floors.
  • The mass of a standard plate 2500x1250x174 mm is about 50 kg. It turns out that a house with an area of ​​150 m 2 will weigh about 15 tons, which is 4-5 times lighter in comparison with stone materials.

The thickness of the panel is calculated taking into account all temperature influences middle lane and north, additional thermal protection device is not required. For clarity, a 120 mm slab is equivalent in heat retention capacity to a brick structure 2.5 meters in cross section.

The disadvantages of the element include the inability to pass air and accumulate moisture with polystyrene foam. However, when protected by OSB boards and outer lining this almost never happens.

Issue price

In the question of what is cheaper to build a house from, sip panels definitely win.

The average cost of 1 plate 2500x1250x174 mm is about 3000 rubles. (on average - 1200-1300 rubles / m 2). It is much more affordable than the most famous traditional material - wood, respectively, can be built frame house cheap.

Do not forget that the cost of erecting such a structure, in addition to sip panels, includes the cost of the skeleton itself, which can be made of metal or wooden beams. It is obvious that the use of the latter is more profitable - natural raw materials are more accessible, it is easier to mount it.

You can build a frame house cheaply on a turnkey basis in many companies that provide such a service. The price of a small two-storey cottage with a terrace - about 1,000,000 rubles. If you neglect the services of professionals, you can save up to 30-40% of this cost. True, the timing will not be the same ...

We build ourselves

Finally, the most important saving point is work without the participation of professionals. How to cheaply build a house with your own hands? Consider in order in general terms using the example of a frame structure.

The first step is to decide on the materials. We considered what to build cheap house you can, so choose according to your pocket. Most accessible view buildings - frame with sip panels, therefore, determine the required number of plates and the volume of beams for the frame according to the layout schemes and types of structures drawn up earlier.


The right choice of the type and material of the base is the first stage of the algorithm for how to build a house cheaply. The price of the foundation is about 20-30% of the total cost of the entire house.

Under the frame house, you do not need to arrange a massive base: as already mentioned, the mass of the entire structure is about 15 tons (and even less in the case of economy planning: 8-10 tons). The best and cheapest option can be considered the installation of a columnar foundation. It can be mounted both independently and with the help of professionals. For concreting, it is enough to use a solution of the brand M200-M250.


To build a house yourself cheaply, you will have to try and do the most capacious part of the work yourself - the installation of the frame.

For bottom strapping take bars with a section of 150x50 mm and lay them on an edge on the surface of the finished foundation, covered with roofing material. In the corners they are connected with screws 100-120 mm, they must be attached to the base itself with the help of anchors or large self-tapping screws. TO inner bars attach the boards of the middle and outer strapping. You can use the cutting method at the ends of the boards, then they are mounted end-to-end.

Then the surface of the resulting level is leveled, recesses are made under the floor logs with a jigsaw and installed.

TO inside the lower strapping is fixed with 50x50 mm bars - floor boards will be attached to them.

Next, vertical racks are placed: notches are made on the outside of the strapping and the timber is fixed with the same self-tapping screws. Along the perimeter, the step between them is from 1 to 1.2 meters - it’s easier for an inexperienced assembler to connect all the components together and not make a mistake.

The fastening of the upper trim is similar to the lower one, the installation is carried out using metal corners.

You can often see cross boards between uprights. They are mounted to strengthen the structure with large spans or complex solutions, for an economy house this is not so important, we can do without them. But the slopes at the top and at the base of the rack can be installed.

When the frame is ready, you can make the sheathing with the panels themselves.

Thus, it is possible to build a frame house cheaply. The prices for materials are not too high, and you will do the work yourself.


So that the miser does not pay twice, it is necessary to carefully isolate the external walls from the effects environment capable of soaking or destroying the structure of the sip panel. As budget option finishing may be plastered, but first the surface must be pasted over with polystyrene foam. The price of 1 m 2 of such a cladding is about 700-900 rubles.

It is also good to use vinyl or PVC siding. Perhaps this is the most cheap way- about 400 rubles. behind square meter.

Finishing decorative plates or artificial stone will cost 900-1200 rubles / m 2. Such a cladding frame houses rare: many believe that sip panels are not able to withstand this load, but this is a delusion.

The most expensive, but the most reliable and durable type of cladding is brick.

How to cheaply build a house with your own hands, we examined. Everything is much easier than it seemed.

To build or not to build?

We have found the cheapest way to build your own cottage. There is nothing difficult in this process, the main thing is to start. Then you can build a frame house cheaply in a relatively short time. Prices per square meter of such housing can vary, averaging 11,000 - 15,000 rubles, which is very cheap compared to other types of real estate.

Many criticize this type of house, believing that the material is short-lived and impractical. We have considered some properties of sip panels, they are more effective than other materials in some properties. Weak sides Every material has it, and concrete can be criticized.

From what material it is cheaper to build a house, residents of America know firsthand. This type of housing is widespread on the continent in the northern regions, which clearly demonstrates its ability to withstand both temperature extremes and the effects of precipitation. Hence the name - "Canadian House".

Do not limit yourself in fulfilling the dream of your home! There is always a solution.

An individual developer is necessarily faced with the question of choice optimal material for the construction of a residential building. Choice building materials for walls takes into account climatic features, relief nuances, financial capabilities, etc. There is no single formula for this. All building materials have different strengths, require the use of a unique construction technology, and have different levels of thermal conductivity.

  • What determines the choice of material for the house

    The construction of walls makes up a quarter of all the costs of building a house. A careless attitude to the choice of material will entail additional subsequent expenses. Therefore, it is worth considering and considering all the important criteria and factors when choosing the best material for building walls at home:

      Labor costs. For example, the cost of time and effort will decrease if you build a house from panel blocks, and not from bricks and other small elements. Modern panel houses can be done several times faster, especially if these are frame structures.

      Thermal insulation properties of the material. When choosing a deliberately cold material for the walls, the developer will pay a high price in winter for such a reckless step. The owner will also have to deal with the insulation of the walls of the house from the outside. When calculating this indicator, current climatic conditions are taken into account.

      price issue. If you give preference to a durable and lightweight version of the material for the walls, then you can save on the construction of a powerful foundation, which is expensive to make.

    Considering also the subsequent costs of Finishing work. Today there are smooth materials for walls modern style that do not require finishing.

    Log cabin - one of the options for walls that do not require finishing

    Types of wall materials

    The building materials market offers wide choose various options to build the walls of your house. There are several types of bricks alone: ​​silicate, clinker, ceramic, fireclay. And for many years, wood has been one of the most popular and sought-after building materials. The cost of such raw materials depends on the type of wood (pine, oak, birch, cedar), the type of material (logs, boards, timber). Very popular and more economical option are different kinds blocks: foam blocks, ceramic blocks, thermal blocks, lightweight concrete blocks, etc. In Europe, for example, houses are most often built using the frame method, which is very fast and inexpensive. About 70% of the private housing stock in Europe is occupied by the frame technology of building buildings. Builders also note the cost-effectiveness and energy efficiency of SIP panels.

    Consider the main types of materials:

    Log cabins and log houses

    A log house is an object made from cut trunks of solid wood. Work such as cutting corners, adjusting joints and grooves is always done manually.

    Such houses look presentable, soundly and have a lot of advantages:

    Architectural version of a log house

    The disadvantages of log buildings include:

    Timber house

    Glued or profiled timber is a cheaper building material for house walls, which is in great demand today.

    Beam pros:

    In addition, such material is relatively inexpensive.

    However, the bar:

    They say that such a structure can be built alone, with certain knowledge and skills. But the scheme of its construction is more complex and ornate than, for example, brick.

    Frame house under construction

    All the advantages of frame houses:

    The disadvantages of frame structures include:

      The echo of walls and ceilings;

      The need to have a competent construction project, where there will be all the drawings and diagrams of fasteners and assemblies.

      The disadvantages of such houses can also be attributed to the conservative mentality of our citizens, who are wary of frame structures, considering them unreliable.

    SIP panels

    Canada and America have been actively using frame-panel technologies in construction for more than half a century. In our country, this method is not yet so popular. A SIP panel is a three-layer building material that is made from two layers of OSB and an internal polystyrene foam insulation.

    This is what the SIP panel looks like

    Advantages of SIP panels:

    In addition, SIP panels are an environmentally friendly building material.

    It looks like a built house from SIP-Panels without facade decoration

    Its disadvantages include such aspects (of which, by the way, there are many):

    brick walls

    Brick is the most familiar and most available material for the construction of the walls of the house outside. It is usually made from clay and enhanced with various impurities. All the advantages of brick:

    The disadvantages of building materials include:

    Expanded clay blocks

    Ceramic blocks are made of red clay, like bricks. But the blocks differ from them more overall dimensions. This option for building walls from ceramic blocks is very similar to the technology for building brick houses.

    Advantages of ceramic blocks:

    The disadvantages of ceramic blocks include.

  • Before starting construction, you should find out which house is better in specific conditions. There are a significant number of types of structures and they all have different characteristics. Choosing what is better to build a house from, you need to take into account your own preferences and capabilities.

    Which house is better

    What determines the strength of the walls of the house?

    There are two kinds loads acting on walls: vertical and horizontal. Vertical loads are forces directed from top to bottom. Such loads are created by the weight of the wall itself, floors. Roofs and other overhead structures.

    Since private houses are low-rise, and wall building materials are of considerable strength, they can withstand vertical loads quite easily.

    Horizontal and torque moments appear under wind action, with soil pressure on the foundation from the side, due to transverse slabs, and in some other cases.

    Horizontal loadshave the most significant effect on the walls. If the wall thickness is small, then cracks or deformations may occur. It is the lateral and rotational influences that do not allow making the walls of an individual building thin. The compressive strength of the materials is sufficient for a wall of very small thickness to be reliable, but lateral loads make it necessary to increase the dimensions.

    The reliability and stability of the walls is affected not only by their thickness, but also by the structural features of the building as a whole. With the help of reinforcement, connecting the outer walls with the inner ones, creating monolithic belts formed power frame which helps to resist external influences.

    Differences between warm and energy-saving walls

    Considering which house is better to choose, a person chooses a place with comfortable conditions for himself. Any home is a shelter from cold or heat, precipitation and other external factors. To be comfortable inside, three conditions must be met.

    1. Temperature the room should be at least 22 degrees Celsius. To maintain it at this level in winter, additional heating will be required. Install stoves, boilers, heaters

    2. Inner surface the walls should also be warm enough - about four degrees less than the air temperature. In this case, they will not pull cold and they will not become damp, creating an unhealthy microclimate. In order for the walls to be warm, it is necessary to make them of a certain thickness, in accordance with the thermal characteristics of the material.

    3. The design of the wall should not purge. The presence of cracks through which outside air freely passes will lead to significant heat loss.

    Wall structures with such characteristics will be warm and create comfortable conditions in room. However energy saving they may or may not be. Energy saving regulations require that heat losses be reduced to minimum dimensions. In this case, it is necessary to make the resistance to heat transfer at the walls much higher. To do this, the thickness of the wall should almost double. But it is worth noting that in private construction, compliance with energy saving standards is not necessary.

    Helps reduce heating costs complex insulation. The tightness of windows and doors increases, the floor, basement, ceilings and roof are insulated. All this in combination can significantly reduce overall heat loss and reduce spending on space heating.

    Single-layer or double-layer wall - which is better?

    Modern wall materials allow you to build walls of small thickness, but at the same time strong enough. At the same time, the construction costs will be quite modest. But thin wall cannot effectively store heat. There are two ways to solve the problem: a multi-layer or single-layer wall is selected. In this case, a multi-layer structure is understood to mean a structure consisting of two or more layers.

    In the first option, a fairly thin load-bearing wall is built, which is complemented by a layer of effective insulation. The insulation protects against heat loss, and the wall provides strength.

    Whether to insulate the wall

    In the second option, in the case of single-layer walls, initially materials are used for construction that have not only mechanical strength, but also low thermal conductivity. When they ask the question: what material is better to build a house from, the most common answer is - cellular concrete. It has a large number of air cavities, which increase the resistance to heat transfer. However, materials intended for single-layer wall structures do not have outstanding characteristics. They have an average level of strength and mediocre thermal performance. Various design methods are used to improve all properties.

    Nothing prevents and combine these two options. Walls made of porous materials can also be insulated. In this case, a small layer of insulation is sufficient. It is suitable for use in cold climates.

    Features of single-layer walls

    Some time ago, when they were thinking about what is better to build a house for permanent residence, they chose a material suitable for the construction of single-layer walls. The thickness of the wall was chosen to provide thermal comfort. At the same time, energy saving issues were not raised.

    Now single-layer walls are built only from certain materials. They have sufficient thermal insulation to ensure compliance energy saving.

    As a material for single-layer walls are actively used blocks from porous hollow ceramics, cellular concrete and large-pore expanded clay concrete. All of them have General characteristics: low density combined with a large number of voids. With a decrease in density, thermal conductivity decreases, but mechanical strength also decreases.

    Species cellular concrete there are several. They differ in the way they form pores. One of the best options for the construction of single-layer walls is autoclaved aerated concrete.

    Aerated concrete blocks are accurate. This allows you to create walls without gaps, with precise joints. If there are groove-comb profiles, then the solution is also unnecessary.

    There are certain advantages of single-layer walls that should be noted. This is the speed of erection, since one layer of materials is laid faster than two or more. Such a wall can be cheaper, since it does not need to be supplemented with other components and the labor costs for creating it are lower.

    Which walls are better

    There are also disadvantages of using single-layer walls. They always get wider, because it is required certain thickness for optimal heat saving. As a result, the foundation has to be expanded.

    Since jumpers are laid in a number of places, creating cold bridges, the design of the building has to be complicated. Various methods places of heat loss overlap, but without the right project this will not work.

    The laying of such a wall should be done as carefully as possible. The surface is covered only with a thin, decorative layer of plaster. If there are significant irregularities, then hiding them under a small layer will not work. In addition to plaster, facing plates can be used for facade decoration.

    Inside the walls are plastered or sheathed drywall sheets. decorative trim can be any.

    Multilayer walls for the house

    Multilayer walls consist of the main supporting structure and additional layers of insulation and cladding. Carrier the wall can be built from almost any material. Ceramic and silicate bricks are used, foam concrete blocks and much more. The specific choice depends on personal opinion which house is better. You can also choose wood for construction: log or timber.

    Insulated walls are built from materials that have a higher density and mechanical strength. This allows you to make the main carrier layer of small thickness.

    If masonry materials are used, then the masonry is carried out with a solution. They fill all the vertical and horizontal seams between the individual elements.

    Significant mechanical strength of the wall surface allows you to attach any structures and facing materials to it.

    In a multi-layer structure, wall insulation is required insulation, otherwise the level of heat preservation and energy saving will be very low. It is the layer of insulation that is responsible in this case for thermal insulation. From its thermal characteristics depends on how comfortable and warm the house will be. An important indicator is the thickness of the insulation for the walls. The thicker the insulation layer, the less heat penetrates through it.

    Most often, facade insulation is performed mineral wool. This material is the most common due to its ease of use and performance. This material is produced in roll form, but much more commonly used slabs of mineral wool for wall insulation. Another actively used insulation is polystyrene foam in slabs.

    For double-layer walls, the insulation is located on the outside. Three-layer have a slightly different design. In them, the insulating material is located in the center of the wall, between two layers of the base material.

    If we consider advantages of multilayer walls, the following should be noted:

    • a layer of thermal insulation blocks the cold bridges in the walls, which allows you to do without complicating the design;
    • the thickness of two-layer walls is less than that of single-layer ones, which saves on the width of the foundation;
    • you can use any Decoration Materials, including ventilated hinged facades.

    Insulation replacement: when to perform?

    Over time, insulating materials age, begin to break down and lose their properties. In order to maintain comfortable conditions in the house, it is necessary to replace the insulation. The specific replacement time is determined by energy audit. Measurements are taken with the help of special thermal imaging devices, and a visual assessment is also performed.

    Initially energy audit it is better to spend immediately after the construction of the house. This will provide data for subsequent assessments. After about twenty-five years, measurements are taken again. If the thermal conductivity of the wall has decreased by a third or more, then you will need to do overhaul with replacement insulation.

    Since the energy audit of houses began to be carried out relatively recently in our country, no data has been accumulated for many years. It is possible to evaluate the durability of heaters only by indirect indicators.

    Which walls are cheaper?

    If we compare one- and two-layer walls with the same thermal parameters, then practice shows that the first type of construction is cheaper. But in this case, only the construction of the wall is taken into account. The cost benefit is not so significant, given the need to lay a wider foundation. In addition, thick walls eat up space: either the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises decreases, or the free space of the site is reduced.

    What walls are best soundproofed?

    When choosing which is better to build a house for permanent residence, various factors are analyzed, including the level of sound insulation. When evaluating soundproofing characteristics, attention should be paid to the density of the material. The denser it is, the worse it conducts sound. Therefore, a wall of heavy and dense brick will provide better noise protection than a thicker porous aerated concrete structure.

    The same can be said about the heater. Heavy mineral wool boards better protection against the penetration of sounds than lightweight foam.

    There are various ways to help make walls quieter. One way is to apply a layer of heavy mineral plaster. This method will significantly reduce the amount of penetrating noise.

    The structure of the wall also affects the sound insulation. The presence of cracks in the thickness of the wall parallel to its surface makes the sound insulation better. If the slots are horizontal, coming to the surface and passing through the wall, then the sounds will easily penetrate inside.

    Since sound waves are refracted at the boundary between two different materials, then two-layer and three-layer walls are quieter than single-layer ones. Added to this is their high density.

    Which walls are more aesthetic?

    Since walls of any materials are finished, their aesthetics depend on the method and features of the finish. Wall material has little effect on beauty.

    For single-layer walls, it is usually used plaster. Three layers are applied successively. The top one is decorative. It can be smooth or textured.

    Plaster can also be applied to double-layer walls with insulation. In this case, a thin layer of a special composition is applied. Acrylic, silicate and silicone are used, as well as many other varieties.

    The plaster surface can be painted with appropriate paints.

    What is the best way to build a house

    Popular options are cladding with clinker materials, arrangement of ventilated facades and other finishing methods. The beauty of the house depends on the chosen method of finishing, on the quality of application or installation.

    Environmental friendliness of the walls

    All wall materials used for the construction of houses emit substances harmful to humans into the air. An exception can only be natural, unprocessed wood. However, when determining the environmental friendliness of materials, attention is paid not to the very fact of the release of substances, but to their quantity. All building materials have certificates that indicate that there is no excess of emission standards for harmful substances.

    In order for the walls of the house to be environmentally friendly, it is necessary to observe construction technology. So mineral wool boards can become sources of harmful dust. To prevent it from entering the house, the insulation should be covered on all sides with windproof and vapor barrier films.

    If we compare two-layer and single-layer walls, then the former contain more polymers, so they are less environmentally friendly. Polymers age faster than minerals and break down with the release of various substances.

    So that the house does not accumulate harmful substances It is not enough to choose the most environmentally friendly materials. We still need to equip a quality ventilation.

    Each house expresses the individual taste of the owners. There are lovers brick walls, someone dreams of a village five-wall, for some, the construction of a real stone fortress becomes the meaning of their whole life. The choice of materials, that is, what the house is built from, will determine the entire course of construction.

    stone houses

    The construction of houses made of stone implies an extensive range. To the concept of " stone houses» include buildings made of natural stones, such as shell rock, tuff; ceramic and silicate bricks; gas silicate expanded clay concrete and foam concrete blocks, artificial bricks or stones. The choice of such materials is based on years of experience their use and tests, which confirm the protective and strength properties of stone houses. But these buildings also have disadvantages, because living in them necessarily requires some kind of heating system, a reliable foundation for a huge mass of construction.

    Fake diamond

    Perforated bricks, expanded clay concrete and wood concrete perfectly reduce the colossal weight of the building. Usage artificial stone gradually replaces expensive and heavy bricks. Porous inexpensive material is widely used in the construction of low-rise suburban dwellings. Carefully selected building materials will reduce the comfort and durability of the building. The reliability of the stone has been tested for centuries - it was our ancestors who used it to build castles.

    Brick - a versatile material

    The most demanded material was and will be brick. For the construction, silicate bricks are used, which are made from lime-sand mixtures, and ceramic ones, made from clay by firing it (with various additives). Silicate bricks are characterized by good resistance to cold and sound insulation, but at the same time the material is afraid of moisture and fire. It is not used in it for the construction of foundations, furnaces, etc. Silicate bricks are an excellent material for walls, lintels, but a large amount of it creates the problem of slow heating and cooling, so the house needs good system heating and ventilation.

    Material Features

    For ordinary ceramic bricks strength, resistance to moisture and wear are typical. It is produced hollow and solid, used in the construction of foundations, walls, partitions, fences. Facing bricks are used to decorate walls and other surfaces. But such a brick requires a high quality adhesive solution. Brick houses have long term services. Ceramic bricks resist moisture well, but their houses, like all heavy structures, require quality heating, ventilation and possibly additional facade cladding, as this material often varies in color.

    So, this material is universal, durable, reliable. And most importantly, it is easy to work with him.

    block house

    Building materials are also made from concrete in the form wall panels, cinder blocks, foundation and cellular blocks. The latter are divided into and foam concrete blocks, which differ in composition and method of manufacture. Houses made of foam blocks are popular due to their low cost and noticeable ease of construction. These are large bricks, as if stuffed inside with a large number of hollow tubes passing through them. This helps to reduce product weight and improve thermal insulation properties bricks. In aerated concrete, such pores are of the same size, and in foam concrete they are different.

    Aerated concrete blocks have high mechanical and physical properties, do not shrink, but are very hygroscopic (unlike foam concrete). concrete blocks used in the construction of private houses. Various fillers, used in the process of casting blocks, change the density and weight of products. Ashes, gravel, sand are used as fillers. The denser the blocks, the higher the noise protection. Concrete ones do not rot, retain heat perfectly, but they must be installed correctly. Some areas require additional insulation. Therefore, single masonry walls will require the use of a waterproof coating. This cheap material for building a house is characterized by durability, good thermal insulation properties and structural reliability. In addition to tangible savings, the blocks allow the use of hollow tunnels inside products for laying wires and plumbing pipes. Building materials can surprise with another novelty - polystyrene concrete, which has excellent structural and thermal insulation properties. The walls created from these blocks do not need waterproofing and insulation, do not require expensive finishing facade. Strength, plasticity, resistance to burning and environmental friendliness of the material make it indispensable in construction.

    tree house

    For wooden structures characteristic features is the simplicity of construction and a special healthy microclimate, which is created by natural materials. During the construction of houses, glued laminated timber is also used, from which large, environmentally friendly private estates are obtained. Building a house from a bar today is a very expensive pleasure. The material consists of solid wood and glue, requires professional assistance during installation, but in return provides long-term trouble-free operation and excellent heat-saving qualities. For production, wood with a diameter of 0.18 m to 0.26 m is massively used, which is passed through the machine, peeling off the surface strictly in size. With this treatment, the protective layer often suffers. What are houses built in expensive villages from? Usually, glued and profiled timber, cylindering, frame and panel structures are used. But real, chopped huts, made by carpenters by hand, cannot be found. Here it is most appropriate to use logs from pine, spruce, larch and other varieties. conifers that are cut by hand. Log cabins are characterized by low thermal conductivity, which allows you to maintain comfortable conditions at any time of the year. The natural self-regulating water absorption of wood and the positive effect of resins have an excellent effect on human health. In such a house it is not at all necessary interior decoration. Wood masses are prone to rotting and burn easily, but good quality material minimizes such impacts.

    frame houses

    Sandwich panels, panel-panel or supporting prefabricated frames that fill mineral heaters or glass wool and sheathed various materials, are today quite popular construction methods. Houses are built using Finnish, American, Canadian technology, which differ in the types of frame structures and assembly methods. Wooden and metal materials for construction frame house inexpensive, they quickly turn into ready-made housing, in just two to three months. These lightweight buildings do not need a grandiose foundation; for its construction, simple columnar, tape or columnar ones are usually used. But during construction, it is necessary to pay attention to work aimed at protecting against moisture, insulation and vapor barrier. In areas with a drier climate, it is better to use wooden panels; in humid conditions, it is preferable metal panels and metal profile. Frame structures - best material for building a house because the condition of the soil on the site does not play a big role for them, and the possibility of their external design with siding helps to create any facade design. The cost of building such a structure is much lower than the construction of stone or concrete houses.

    What is the best project for building your own home?

    Now they are building in two ways. The use of the so-called wet method involves masonry bonded with a special mortar - this is brick or block masonry, monolithic pouring. Prefabricated structures are assembled using the dry method various shapes and element sizes. The result is housing suitable for various climatic conditions. The construction of heavy houses requires more space, while frame buildings only need space for future construction and a small area for compactly packed kit elements.

    Heavy houses can be built according to any project. Including on an individual basis, for which the calculation of materials for building a house will be done in any design organization. Light housing is being built on finished projects collapsible structures, which are purchased simultaneously with the construction kit. But individual project possible in this case. True, then the cost of building a building will increase markedly. What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? Only when you have decided on whether you will have a heavy building or a light prefabricated structure on the site, you can accurately select the materials. What to rely on when choosing what a house is built from in a particular case, we will describe further.

    What is the best material for building your own home?

    To select materials for construction own house should be considered:

    Features of the climate and the state of the soil.

    Design and project solution of the house.

    The presence or absence of inexpensive or special local materials for construction.

    Mechanical and physical properties building materials, their prices.

    Difficulties of choice

    Traditionally, in areas with cold winters, they build from solid wood, ceramic bricks, gas silicate, expanded clay concrete blocks. A large number of sunny hot days requires including from artificial material- cellular concrete blocks, shell rock, tuff, wood, any materials that can withstand temperature. The construction of grandiose houses takes place using bricks, monolithic concrete casting, natural stone etc. The choice of materials is connected with the structure of the area where the construction will take place. You should also take into account your own financial capabilities, which can significantly affect the duration of the work. design project also offers certain materials for implementation. If the proposed last ones suit the customer, then it is enough just to purchase them. The choice of material, of course, is associated with many components, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that a house is being built for life, and therefore approach the issue responsibly.

    Instead of a conclusion

    If you decide to build a house, you need to carefully consider all the little things. Durability, reliability of the house, comfort and coziness in it depend on the choice of building materials. Consider the climate in which you live, material resources, personal tastes. Here, perhaps, briefly and all. Now you know what the house is built from.