In a private house      04/04/2019

When is the best time to prune a tree, what factors influence pruning time. Pruning garden trees - basic rules for the seasons

" Trees

Tree pruning is the key to success and a must-have procedure that every experienced gardener knows about. Any fruit tree requires constant and careful care. Only in this case it will give a rich harvest.

Fruit trees such as apple, pear and stone fruits need pruning. They are very picky about pruning. Why prune fruit trees?

Pruning gardeners solve several problems at once:

  1. Growth and fruiting.
  2. Reducing the size of the crown.
  3. The phytosanitary task is to create conditions unfavorable for pests and diseases.

The procedure for pruning trees prolongs their life and leads to a rich harvest.

If little light enters the crown, then the branches inside the crown do not bear fruit and eventually die. Fruits are formed only on those branches of the tree where the light hits.

AND if tree pruning was done rarely or not at all, then the fruits will be on hard-to-reach branches, located, as a rule, high.

Thanks to the pruning process the crown of the tree is formed correctly. This leads to the growth of side branches and allows you to get more fruit on the available branches.

When and what kind of trees in the garden can be pruned

pruning fruit trees in a certain season depends on the following factors:

  • what goal the gardener wants to achieve with this procedure;
  • in what climatic conditions is the garden located;
  • from the type of tree.

When is the best time to prune: spring, summer, winter or autumn?

In the central and northern regions of Russia not recommended for autumn pruning, because due to severe frosts, the wounds on the trees will not have time to heal.

This also happens because the movement of sap in the tree slows down, as it goes into a state of rest. As a result, the tree can become sick and die.

Therefore, in these regions it is best to do pruning in early spring and not in autumn. It is important to bear in mind that the procedure can be carried out as soon as the air temperature has risen above 0℃.

Besides it is important to start pruning from old trees, since the buds swell faster on them than on young ones, it is recommended that pruning be done strictly before the buds swell.

Pruning fruit trees in spring:

In the southern regions of the country, pruning can be done in winter.. This is due to the fact that in the south the frosts are not as strong as in the north.

Winter pruning is primarily carried out in order to rejuvenate old trees and create the correct crown for young seedlings.

Also winter pruning is often done to reduce the fruiting of young trees. It is believed that a tree that gives rich harvests for 2-3 years in a row should be given a rest.

In addition, thin branches from a high yield young tree may break. Therefore, it is important to cut off excess branches in winter. In winter, gardeners prune first pome rocks, and then stone fruits.

The ideal dimensions of a fruit tree are 3 m high and 3 m wide. They will collect most harvest without the help of stepladders or ladders.

Some gardeners believe that summer is the best time for pruning.. But in this case we are talking about trees from 3 years and older. They claim that pruning during the summer months results in a thriving growth of new shoots.

In addition, if pruning is done during the fruit filling, the quality of the fruit is noticeably improved.

Another advantage of summer pruning is the juice secreted by the tree. It covers the wound, which leads to rapid healing, and also acts as a protection against pests.

Most experienced gardeners find that pruning is best done when the tree is resting. Therefore, they prefer early spring.

At what age should fruit trees be pruned?

This procedure can be started annual shoots for crown formation.

If the tree has already reached 10-15 years of age, it is considered old. In such a tree, the number of growths and productivity are reduced. He needs a rejuvenating pruning.

To do this, cut branches into 3-7-year-old wood. Thus, the crown is reduced. But by next year, young shoots will thicken it. It is important to ensure that the number of cuts on one side of the branch does not exceed three.

Which plants to do and which not

The pruning procedure is required for almost all fruit trees. Since it is it that leads to an increase in yield, allows you to accelerate the growth of a tree, and also protects its many pests and diseases.

Trim, apricot, cherry plum only when leaves appear on the trees. If this is done while the tree is dormant, then pruning can lead to fungal and disease damage to the trees.

In summer, you can remove dried branches, also shorten new shoots and remove branches that interfere with the crown.

Features of the procedure

Trimming trees is important to do carefully and follow the basic rules so as not to harm.


First of all, you need to decide on the appropriate pruning season. It will depend on the type and age of fruit trees, as well as on the location of the garden and the climate.

Preparing garden tools

The presence of all the tools necessary for carrying out this procedure will play a large role as a result of pruning.

In order to avoid an increase in the diameter of the damaged area on the tree Use only sharp tools for cutting.

  • garden hacksaw;
  • secateurs;
  • air secateurs - secateurs on a long rod, for trimming branches at the top;
  • ladder;
  • glasses;
  • garden pitch or paint on drying oil - the means necessary to process the cut point.

Do not trim with a rusty tool. Otherwise, the tree may get sick and die as a result.

Scheme and technology

Before proceeding with the pruning itself, it is necessary to determine why it is necessary and draw up a plan of action.

Below are the main goals that gardeners achieve with this procedure:

  • form the correct crown of the tree;
  • strengthen thin young shoots;
  • remove crossing branches, defuse the crown to penetrate it sunlight;
  • remove diseased branches, making it possible to grow healthy;
  • increase in the number of fruiting branches;
  • prepare the tree for the winter.

If it is necessary to achieve the fastest possible growth from a fruit tree, during the pruning period it is necessary to reduce the main number of fruiting buds.

Once the goal is determined, it is important to learn pruning techniques. Several techniques are known, among which the most popular are three:

  1. Cut on the kidney. This technique helps to set the correct direction of branch growth. You should find a branch with good growth. The cutting plastic of the secateurs should be turned towards the remaining part of the branch. The cut is made at a slight angle of 5 mm. in front of the kidney. The new branch will grow in the direction the bud is facing.
  2. cut on the ring. This technique is used when it is necessary to remove a full-fledged branch that grows inside the crown, interferes with other branches and creates density. The scheme is as follows: in the place where the branches are connected, it is necessary to cut exactly along the outer ring.
  3. Side branch cut. This technique allows you to change the direction of growth from one shoot to another. Incapacitated branches are cut off, and the side ones take on the function of the main branches.

Good post-care

If the cut diameter is more than 1 cm, the wound should be treated without fail. To do this, you need to buy or cook your own garden pitch and treat the wound on the tree with it.

If for some reason garden pitch does not lie on the wound, you can use paint on drying oil.

Young fruit trees should be trimmed only to form the correct crown. Otherwise, pruning can lead to a deterioration in fruiting properties.

People who take care of their trees and prune correctly and on time always receive gratitude in the form of a good harvest.

If a person first decided to do this procedure, it is very important to follow the recommendations of knowledgeable gardeners, since this process only at first glance seems simple.

But in fact, carelessness and ignorance can lead to the death of the plant.

Planting a seedling in the ground does not guarantee that the garden will grow lush and fruitful. All crops grown on the site require constant attention of the owner, regardless of the season.

Pruning fruit trees is one of the most important steps in gardening. It allows you to form the correct crown, regulate growth and fruiting. In addition, proper pruning of fruit trees can prolong their productivity. You will find all the necessary recommendations in our article.

Proper pruning of fruit trees

Pruning refers to the removal of dry and damaged branches and shoots. In addition, in the process, extra branches are cut out, which thicken the crown and reduce the quality of the crop (Figure 1).

Why carry out

Proper pruning also performs a sanitary function. Getting rid of excess branches helps prevent diseases, and a rejuvenating procedure can extend the life of the plant.

Figure 1. Types of pruning fruit crops

It is important to choose the right time to remove branches. It is best to do this in autumn or early spring, when the sap has not yet begun to flow in the trunk. At the same time, autumn thinning is possible only in regions with a mild climate, since severe frosts can damage the crop at the cut site.

Methods and techniques (shortening, thinning)

There are two main cropping methods: thinning and shortening (Figure 2). Each of them has its own characteristics.

Figure 2. Trimming techniques: shortening and thinning

Shortening involves the partial removal of branches and shoots. For example, if 1/5 or ¼ of the shoot is cut off, such shortening is called weak, when 1/3 or ½ is removed, it is medium, and from half to 2/3 is called strong.

In the process of shortening, rejuvenation is also carried out. For a light branch, cut off an increase of 2-3 recent years, for a moderate one, a 4-6-year increase is removed, and for a strong one, almost the entire part of the skeletal branches is removed.

Note: By shortening, you can stimulate the growth of buds and shoots, as well as make the fruiting branches thicker. However, shortening too much can cause the plant to weaken and yields will decrease.

Thinning allows you to remove extra branches from the crown. Using this method, you can increase the size of the fruit and make the tree stronger and more productive. This reduces the number of buds that only consume the juices of the culture, but do not produce fruits. Juice flows faster from the roots to the leaves, the culture grows faster and bears fruit more intensively.

More useful information you will find about pruning in the video.

Trimming types

Depending on the purpose for which the extra branches are cut, there are several types of pruning. For example, using this procedure, you can form a crown right size and shape, prolong the fruiting of the tree or prevent the development of the disease.

Each type has its own characteristics, although it is carried out using the same garden tools and techniques.

To form a crown

Such a procedure is called forming. It is especially relevant for small household plots. With the help of these manipulations, you can create a compact crown, while maintaining high level fruiting (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Formative cutting technique

Removing branches to form a crown allows you to give the plant a suitable silhouette. In addition, the formed skeletal part becomes more resistant to stress. Depending on the timing of the formative pruning, growth can be slowed down or increased. If branches are removed in February, growth will be more active, and cutting in early spring will slow down the development of the culture.

Regulating fruiting

Most often, it is carried out at the end of winter or early spring, but in regions with a mild climate, branches can be removed in the fall.

The main purpose of regulating pruning is to preserve the contours of the crown and to maintain optimum illumination of the branches. In addition, skeletal branches are strengthened in the process. They are not overloaded with young shoots, and the fruits become larger and ripen evenly.


In the process, branches and shoots with mechanical or any other damage are removed. As a rule, they are removed in the spring, in the process of checking the garden after winter.

Some of the branches may freeze slightly, so they need to be shortened to healthy wood. Also cut off all shoots with signs of disease or damage. This will preserve the viability and fruiting of the culture.


It is required for old trees, which, due to long growth, stop or significantly reduce fruiting. In the process, all old branches that form too small fruits or not enough ovaries are removed (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Features of anti-aging pruning

Anti-aging pruning stimulates the growth of new branches. As a rule, the annual growth (about 10-15 cm) is removed in the process, which stimulates the growth of the kidneys and increases the yield.

Terms of pruning fruit trees (when is it better to do)

Wondering when is the best time to prune orchard, we can say that optimal time autumn, winter and spring are considered, when the movement of juice in the trunk stops and the plant is at rest.

In regions with harsh winters it is recommended to remove branches in autumn or spring so that the cut point is not damaged by frost and the tree does not die. Consider the features of this procedure by season.


Experienced gardeners It is advised to prune horticultural crops in the fall only when absolutely necessary. For example, stone fruits do not tolerate such an event very well and may even die without having time to get stronger before frost.

However, these warnings do not apply to sanitary cleaning. If you find diseased or damaged branches, they must be removed immediately to save the rest of the plant.

The author of the video will talk about the main features of autumn pruning.

in winter

In severe frosts, the wood becomes very fragile, so it is not recommended to remove it. In fact, this is the only limitation, because in winter all plants are at rest and branches can be removed freely if the weather is relatively warm and calm.

Figure 5. Pruning an orchard in winter

The main advantage of the procedure is that the tree experiences less stress and the wound heals faster. In addition, on branches devoid of leaves, damage is much more visible (Figure 5).


It is believed that pruning can be started at any time with the onset of spring. Actually this is not true. It is better to start the procedure when the sap flow has not yet begun, but the tree is already ready to wake up. In this case, the culture will not experience severe stress, and the wound will heal faster (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Spring pruning of the orchard

Since the timing of the removal of damaged branches and growth in different crops differs, the gardener gets the opportunity to plan work in such a way as to provide all the trees with the necessary care.

It is advisable to start work on a quiet windless day at a temperature not lower than -5 degrees. All wounds are covered with garden pitch or yellow clay to speed up the formation of a colus.


In summer Special attention given to seedlings. On them, you need to remove the tops of the growing shoots to form a crown.

However, when diseases are detected, infected branches are removed without waiting for the cessation of sap flow. If this is not done, the disease can quickly spread throughout the garden. All remote branches should be burned immediately.

Pruning fruit trees in winter

The most important requirement for pruning fruit trees in winter is the absence of severe frost. If the air temperature is below -8 degrees, work cannot be carried out.

Note: Even though the plants are dormant in winter and are more stressed after the removal of the branches, in severe frost the wound will take too long to heal and can lead to the death of the entire crop.

However, in winter it is much easier to detect damage, since the crown is completely devoid of foliage and defects become more noticeable. It also allows you to make the cut more even and accurate. It is better to remove thin branches with secateurs, and file thick ones on both sides so that the cut is even and healthy wood is not injured.

Choice of cropping tools

To remove branches, you need to use special tools. Back to main garden tools include (Figure 7):

  • Secateurs- it is better to choose a regular model, and not a tool with ratchet, since you will have to click on it several times to cut it. Using a simple pruner is much easier and more convenient.
  • Hacksaw with gaps between teeth. This design will prevent the accumulation of sawdust and keep inventory clean. For gardening, only a special hacksaw is chosen, which is not recommended for use for other work, so that the blade does not become dull.
  • Air sector- tool with telescopic handle to which the blades are attached. To make a cut, it is enough to use a special lever. Such a tool will be very useful for cutting the upper branches.

Figure 7. Basic garden pruning tools

In addition to inventory, you need to buy a garden pitch - a special ointment that is used to cover wounds on branches for faster healing.

Proper pruning can keep the plant strong, strong and beautiful. In fruit trees, the quality and quantity of the crop is significantly improved. The most suitable time for circumcision can be called the end of the winter period and the beginning of spring. At this time, the plant is dormant, all growth processes are still very slow, and the wood is no longer frozen. In this article, we will look at the types of pruning of fruit trees, find out when it is better to cut them - in spring or autumn.

Tree pruning time in spring

An important question in tree pruning is when exactly to do it. If this procedure is carried out too early, while the temperatures are still low, the tree may not tolerate frost. If you tighten with pruning before the start of sap flow, the plant will “cry” for a long time.

The ideal weather for "mowing" the garden is clear, slightly frosty, with an air temperature of at least -5 ° C. IN middle lane tree pruning in spring is usually limited to the period from mid-March to mid-April.

Timing of pruning trees in the fall

As for autumn pruning:

It is carried out after the fall of the leaves. Dried, broken, rotten branches are cut off, which also grow in the wrong direction.

If the tree has grown strongly and the crown does not allow enough light to pass through, then additional summer pruning is carried out.

It is advisable to foresee these moments in the spring, because then the tree is at rest and it is easier to tolerate the procedure.

An important point: winter pruning is carried out only in regions with a warm climate, because in the cold the branches can be too fragile and break, which will damage the bark. The same point should be taken into account when pruning in autumn. The procedure must be carried out before the first frost.

Existing types of tree pruning

Used to rejuvenate trees and shrubs different types trimmings, there are about five of them, a combination is also possible.

  • The first type is formative. Initially, it is required to give the desired shape and size of the crown. But you need to know how to properly prune fruit trees. All extra branches are cut off at the very trunk, large ones - by a third, thin ones - twice.
  • The second type is regulatory. Aimed at maintaining a balance between crown growth and fruiting. All vertical, skeletal branches and processes inside the tree are cut. Such actions will allow you to give the crown the shape of a pyramid.
  • The third type is rejuvenating. Such pruning is carried out for the maximum growth of all branches (old and young).
  • The fourth type is restorative. If the tree or its branches have been exposed to frost or mechanical damage, then perform a partial cut.
  • The fifth type is sanitary. This is the pruning of damaged, diseased, dry or broken branches. In practice, gardeners often combine all types of rejuvenation.

How to prune trees for a good harvest

To get a bountiful harvest, the crown of the tree should be thinned. This will allow the ovary of the fetus to receive the amount necessary for growth. sun rays. But not everyone can do it right.

Currently, gardeners practice several methods of crown trimming. Giving optimal shape crown of various crops, you can increase the yield of plants several times.

For example, a bushy crown is more suitable for plums, peaches. The shape of such a crown resembles a ball. This allows the tree to better tolerate winter frosts and, accordingly, better bear fruit.

For apple and pear trees, a pyramidal crown is more suitable. This allows the fruits not only to grow better, but also affects their taste.

The free form of the crown is suitable for quince. The plant is pruned only to remove dry or diseased branches. Otherwise, it grows as mother nature wishes.

Principles of spring tree pruning

Planning garden work“When is it better to prune fruit trees in spring” also depends on the neglect and density of the garden. In addition, during the winter, some branches could break, others could split under the snow that had settled on them. Then a "haircut" is inevitable. If there are no visible injuries, then pruning can be neglected. Only for the formation of the crown will require a slight correction.

By general principles the formation of a fruit-bearing, strong plant during the "haircut" is removed:

  • inclined branches extending from the trunk under acute angle;
  • twisted shoots directed to the middle of the crown;
  • non-fruiting branches (according to the results of the yield of previous years) or too long, curved;
  • part of the crown, inclined to the ground and interfering with tilling the soil under the tree and watering.

Autumn tree pruning

In order for a tree to survive the winter well, it must be provided with some kind of comfortable conditions. The main task pursued during the autumn pruning of fruit trees is the removal of everything superfluous, which will interfere with the normal development of the tree. First of all, this applies to diseased, old, dry branches, which are a habitat for various pests. All branches with fungus and lichen are subject to removal. It will not be superfluous to process trees iron vitriol. If there are intertwined branches on the trees, they are also removed. The same applies to unnecessary growth.

Similarly, attention is paid to the tops: if they are drying out, or they are completely dried up, or diseased parts are present, it is necessary to remove them to the living tissues of the tree. If the tree has branches that could break in a strong gust, causing damage to the tree, they must be removed. For pruning, depending on the diameter of the branches, a hacksaw or pruner is used. After trimming, all sections must be treated with an antiseptic.

To perform pruning of fruit trees correctly, you need to know that it can be of two types - thinning and shortening. Thinning provides free access to light and air. For mature trees, thinning should be done at intervals of 2-3 years. As for shortening, such pruning contributes to the formation of new side branches. For the correct and quick pruning of trees in the garden, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions. First, you need to identify damaged branches growing inside the crown and remove them. You also need to inspect the tree for the presence of branches that are closely adjacent to each other and rub accordingly. You need to remove the one that is weaker. Branches that grow at an acute angle and vertically upwards are also removed. Do not forget to process all the cuts at the end.

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Schemes for pruning pears, cherries, apple trees in spring

  • Pruning fruit trees in spring scheme for pears:

In winter, branches freeze and tops appear. They are completely removed or cut.

Pruning too much will weaken the tree and fruit will appear much later than expected. It is better to do a moderate pruning.

It is useful to shorten annual branches slightly. It will only make them stronger.

  • For apple trees:

Before you start pruning, you need to clean the trunk, the main branches of the shoots.

Rejuvenate an old plant, increase productivity by removing a third of branches and shoots - the main thing is not to overdo it.

It needs to be pruned over several years.

  • For cherries, cherries:

In young trees leave five to seven strong branches, "looking" in different directions. The distance between them is up to 10 centimeters.

All weak branches are removed.

The conductor should be longer than the rest by 20 centimeters.

Cherries and sweet cherries are pruned only in spring.

Autumn pruning of an apple tree

The goal is to eliminate weak, dry, diseased branches of apple trees with signs of decay, black cancer, and other dangerous conditions. Do not worry, you will not bring harm, because during this period the plant is already at rest.

Action plan:

  • Start with old large branches that have withered or are badly damaged.
  • Proceed to remove branches that grow at an acute angle.
  • All places of cuts are covered with a garden pitch, if it is not there, then use paint on drying oil. Young branches are not processed immediately, but after a day.
  • Burn all cut shoots and twigs.

Pruning fruit trees in the fall milestone gardening, which will ensure proper growth, maintain health and rich fruit garden plants. The procedure is equally necessary for both young and old trees. For gardeners who are faced with this need for the first time, pruning can seem like a rather complicated task. But if you follow the recommendations, this stage of caring for fruit trees will not cause difficulties.

Some even the most experienced gardeners often wonder when exactly to prune trees. The answer is quite simple - it all depends on the purpose for which this procedure will be carried out. Each seasonal pruning has its own advantages and direct purpose. Autumn pruning is more often sanitary in nature., because in the process of this procedure, the tree is prepared for winter. In autumn, it is very important to remove old or dried branches from fruit trees, in which insects and pests that can infect trees with various diseases can settle. Autumn pruning is often carried out before the first frost.

In early November, it is better to leave the trees alone and not carry out any operations. Since the country is located in a temperate climate zone, all procedures for preparing a tree for hibernation should be carried out at the end of November at the latest, until the first frosts hit. And since frosts can appear quite unexpectedly, pruning of trees must be done in advance.

Pruning trees in the fall is very important, so it must be done correctly.. Novice gardeners try to get rid of dry branches and branches unnecessary for the tree as quickly as possible, as a result, this leads to the fact that the trunk remains almost bare. As a result, every year the plant bears less and less fruit.

Pruning fruit trees in autumn is an important stage in gardening, which will ensure proper growth, maintain health and rich fruiting of garden plants.

Hacksaw and other tools for pruning trees in the garden

In order for tree pruning to be not only convenient, but also to follow all the rules, it is necessary to choose the appropriate tool. by the most the right tool for this process is a pruner, with which you can get rid of extra branches on trees and bushes. Summer residents who take care of a fairly young garden, it is quite enough to have only this tool in their arsenal. Well, those who are going to cut trees and branches thicker than 50 cm cannot do without garden saw or scissors.

Basic requirements for garden tool quite simple - it must be very sharp so that the cuts are even and smooth. Besides cutting tool must be safe for the grower himself. In order for a pruner or a hacksaw to be comfortable to hold and cut with it, they must be light in weight, but provide maximum load. Choose a tool that is lightweight and comfortable to use, allowing easy access to branches at any height or distance.

A hacksaw is ideal for cutting thick branches. Some summer residents use an ordinary hacksaw, while forgetting that such a tool is designed for "dead" wood. To trim live branches, you need to get a tool whose working surface is the most gentle for the tree. For high-quality garden saws, the height of the cutting teeth should be at least 5-8 mm with wide openings and sharp sharpening. Such a tool does an excellent job of pruning branches and is not clogged with wood.

How to cut an apple tree in autumn (video)

Types of pruning garden trees in autumn

Each gardener has different goals when pruning trees. In other words, pruning can be of several types, the most common of which are:

  • sanitary
  • rejuvenating
  • decorative


This type of pruning is done to remove old dry branches, as well as those parts of the tree that are affected by pests. You can do sanitary pruning, but only in the fall, but at any time. season, but not in winter. On frosty days, the tree needs rest. After removing infected branches, the working tool must be treated with alcohol to prevent infection of other plants when working with this tool. When sanitary pruning, it is important to take into account the size and age of the tree, since very intensive work often leads to thickening of the crown.

Sanitary pruning is done to remove old dry branches, as well as those parts of the tree that are affected by pests.

Decorative (molding)

Form pruning helps shape the crown and leaves on the tree. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to achieve a perfectly formed shape of the skeletal part of the trunk. Decorative pruning in a certain month also affects the further growth of branches. For example, if you do the procedure at the end of February, they will grow more intensively. If you choose the beginning of spring for the procedure, this will slow down growth.

Form pruning helps shape the crown and leaves on the tree


With the help of anti-aging pruning, you can renew the tree and give rise to new branches. If every year the length of the branches increases by 15-20 cm, they need to be cut, thus awakening the dormant and adnexal buds. It is better to rejuvenate a tree in September, February or early spring.

Rejuvenating pruning can rejuvenate a tree and give rise to new branches.

Pruning fruit trees in the fall for beginners

Fruit trees have their own pruning habits. What month is the procedure? The right approach will ensure a rich harvest. Apple trees are best cut in the fall, immediately after harvest. This must be done very carefully so as not to accidentally remove the "live" fruiting branches. New young branches often look worse and begin to compete with old ones for moisture and nutrition. That's why when pruning, you need to ensure optimal conditions for the next harvest.

Along with apple trees, for example, pears or plums, peaches, and other types of stone fruits are pruned. Since each of the trees has its own structure, it is impossible to say which branch exactly needs to be cut and which one to leave. It is necessary to observe which branches had the most fruits last year, and which ones only take moisture and interfere with the development of the tree.

In fruit trees, you need to cut out those branches that are located "inside" the tree. If there are small processes on the trunk that grow at a certain angle of an already grown branch, they must be removed. You also need to remove those branches that are intertwined with each other, even if they are located far from each other, but are still intertwined and touching. You need to start with the driest and oldest branches, if the bark on it is cracked, it definitely needs to be removed. In order not to accidentally remove fruit-bearing branches, be guided by the fact that all knots, broken or cracked branches are subject to removal. In fruit trees, you need to carefully examine the lower part of the trunk - there may be young buds that will bear fruit next year. Cut the top of the tree with pruners or a hacksaw - this will ensure the formation of a lush crown and a rich harvest next season.

When is the best time to prune trees (video)

Appointment and timing of autumn pruning of coniferous trees

In addition to fruit trees, coniferous plants can also grow in the garden. In the Moscow region they are often used for landscape design personal plots. To create optimal conditions for coniferous growth and ensure adaptation during the pruning period, it is necessary to choose the right time. It is better to do this at the end of autumn, when the temperature does not drop below + 5 °, but not in winter. Each type of coniferous plant has a period active growth when resin is released from the barrel. At this time, it is better not to touch the plant, and provide it with peace.

If there are several coniferous plants on the garden plot and there is an urgent need to give them decorative look, you first need to strengthen their stems and trunks. This can be done with the help of special fertilizers. Already after the branches of the plant have become stronger and a strong structure has been created, they can be subjected to decorative pruning. pruning coniferous trees they do it not only in order to give them a decorative and attractive look, but also in order to get rid of dry and old branches, which take a lot of energy and moisture from the plant.

Pruning of coniferous trees is done in order to get rid of dry and old branches, which take a lot of energy and moisture from the plant.

Rules and optimal time for pruning fruit bushes in autumn

fruit bushes on garden plots Belarus provides a rich harvest. Annual pruning of berry bushes allows you to maintain them in a productive state and healthy form. Removing dry and old branches ensures the growth of young shoots and optimal penetration of sunlight into the bush. Do not worry if you accidentally remove the buds with old branches, because the newly grown shoots will give more harvest fruits and berries.

For a regular and rich harvest of berries in the garden, You need to follow some rules when pruning:

  • bushes should be trimmed regularly, but do not do this at temperatures lower than -7 °;
  • you need to use only high-quality garden tools;
  • when pruning, it is necessary to remove all dried and dead branches and fruits;
  • before work, wipe the surface of the tool with alcohol - this will exclude the possibility of infection of plants and trees;
  • when pruning branches growing in one direction, you can correctly form the crown of a shrub;
  • a properly growing branch should depart from the trunk at an angle of 50-60 °;
  • when pruning apple, pear, plum, peach and apricot trees, emphasis should be placed on pruning the upper part of the trunk;
  • when pruning dry or diseased branches, you give young shoots the opportunity to grow, which will give a rich harvest in the new season;
  • after each pruning, check the condition of the branches for wounds or infections;
  • observe the condition of trees and bushes during pruning and use the knowledge gained for subsequent procedures.

Annual pruning of berry bushes allows you to maintain them in a productive state and healthy form.

For what purpose and how to lubricate sections after trimming

After the pruning of dry branches, it is necessary to cover up the resulting "wounds" and the places of cuts. Experienced gardeners use garden var, vegetable paints and other mixtures for these purposes. But this procedure is losing its popularity. This is due to the fact that the artificial covering of wounds makes it difficult for the cuts on the branches to heal naturally. Bare wood after cuts is rarely completely sterile, which means that “covering up wounds” can do more harm than good.

There are only two main types of pruning, with which you can regulate the growth, healthy condition and quality of fruiting garden plants. This is shortening and thinning - using these two techniques, any type of tree is formed and at any age.

They form a crown in order to create a reliable skeleton of a tree, so to speak, its basis, to speed up the ripening of the plant's crop. Pruning or thinning is used to stimulate the plant to achieve the desired size and fruit-bearing functions.

How to prune trees (photo below) correctly and with maximum efficiency? Distinguish 4 types of tree pruning:

  • formative;
  • regulatory;
  • rejuvenating;
  • restoring.

The timing of pruning trees depends on the expected result. Traditionally, it is carried out at the end of winter, in early spring, when the active formation of new buds and shoots begins. Thinning can also be carried out in the summer, when the spring shoots have already grown enough and make it possible to judge the density of the crown and the need for thinning.

The main part of adult, actively fruiting plants does not require formative pruning of trees and only needs regular thinning in order to open access to light and ventilate the crown.

You can entrust the care of your plants to professional gardeners. We guarantee that your garden will be the best in the area!

How and when to prune trees, rules and methods:

According to the seasons, they distinguish: spring, summer, autumn and winter pruning of trees, although the latter should be used with extreme caution, due to the fact that with the onset of cold weather, the vital activity of the plant slows down and any mechanical intervention is fraught with further diseases and simply death.

  • How to prune trees in spring: the bulk of the tree pruning process occurs in March and early April. The main goal of the entire procedure is to shorten large branches in order to avoid overloading them during the fruiting period and activating the growth of young shoots. Do not forget about the excessive thickening of the plant, when small shoots "clog" inner part crowns. Such young shoots should be removed immediately, and one should not forget about large, skeleton-forming branches, since an improperly constructed skeleton adversely affects the future. general state tree and its fruition. Here are 7 simple tricks with which you will surely learn how to prune fruit trees correctly:
  1. all shoots extending from the trunk at an acute angle should be removed, since unwanted chipping or splitting of the branch may occur in this place;
  2. it is necessary to remove all shoots that grow sharply upwards parallel to the trunk - they bear little fruit and are not of great value;
  3. remove all shoots that “look” inside the crown - this will help leave a gap for good ventilation and light entering the center of the tree;
  4. shorten the barrel in time, which will allow right time to form convenient dimensions of the plant;
  5. for better healing of the cuts, do not be too lazy to process them by special means- garden pitch or oil paint;
  6. the entire young growth of the tree should be shortened by a third to allow the main skeleton of the plant to form;
  7. you should not cut the fruit buds, on which flowers will form in the future, and then fruits.
  • How to prune trees in summer- this type of work has several tasks: firstly, summer pruning will restrain vegetative growth, secondly, it will return fruit-bearing properties to old trees, and thirdly, after rejuvenating pruning, it will quickly form a new crown. It should be carried out in the first half of summer, so as not to greatly weaken the tree. For stone fruit representatives, this type of pruning will make it possible to regulate the share of the load of the current crop on the tree and provide favorable conditions for the development of overgrown branches.
  • How to prune trees in autumn: First of all, it is worth starting to do this only after the end of sap flow. So the plant will better adapt to the cold, and the cuts will heal faster. The order of work carried out is as follows:
  1. first, all dry, damaged, broken and growing branches of the crown are removed;
  2. competing shoots or intersecting with each other are cut out;
  3. branches are cut that grow strictly vertically upwards or located at an acute angle;
  4. again, all sections or damage to the bark are lubricated with special solutions for better healing;
  5. diseased or infested wood should be removed from the site immediately to avoid further dissemination infections.
  • How to prune trees in winter and should it be done at all? It is best to entrust this process to specialists, due to the fact that on the one hand it is quite simple to carry out this kind of work, and on the other hand, if the process is carried out incorrectly, you can easily harm even the healthiest plant. Trees in winter almost do not experience any inconvenience, since all vital processes are inhibited. And also all the “flaws” become visible and the areas to be processed are better viewed.

Specialists "Treemaker" with vast experience in different kind pruning trees and shrubs, with high professionalism will carry out any required process. We are often approached with the question: “How to prune trees in the garden, at the dacha or personal plot? We quickly find a solution to the problem and are always ready to give necessary recommendations. Call!

The most frequently asked questions in our practice:

  • How to prune apple trees and when is the best time to do it?

Spring is the best time to work with an apple tree. Young plants are pruned in early April a few weeks before the plant blooms. Adult apple trees can be pruned at any time of the year, the only exception is severe frosts, then this should not be done. Pruning apple trees and other fruit trees has a beneficial effect on strengthening young branches, as well as on the correct formation of the crown. The influx of sunlight increases, which makes it possible for the fruits to fill and ripen faster.

  • How to prune young trees of fruitful stone fruits?

Such garden representatives are able to bear fruit annually, if their fruit buds do not freeze in early spring. The peculiarity of such plants is the factor that even upon reaching old age their fruits do not shrink, and, accordingly, their pruning intensity differs, for example, from pears or apple trees. Annual planned pruning will help not to lose palatability and crop stability. It is recommended to carry it out in autumn or early spring.

  • How to prune fruit trees in autumn?

After all the leaves fall from the tree, preparations for winter begin, one of the types of care is autumn pruning. Remove all broken, drying, dry, old, diseased and affected branches. A prerequisite for maintaining the health and vitality of the plant is to complete all work before the onset of frost. Any pruning should be carried out only with a high-quality and well-sharpened tool.

How to trim trees video