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Accurate and truthful horoscope for March. Monthly horoscope

In 2017, the Rooster promised to be favorable to the majority of representatives of the zodiac circle. This does not mean that it is time to rest on our laurels, because the first month of spring will be characterized by increased business activity. It is worth spending this month wisely, laying the foundation for a long year-long push that will only end in winter.

It is in March that many zodiac signs will be able to express themselves with the best side at the workplace, and will try to provide you with the necessary volume vital energy and strength. Special attention will be required by the health sector. The 2017 totem is a well-known perfectionist, including in relation to appearance. In this regard, astrologers have prepared recommendations and tips on how to quickly get in shape for the summer season.

In March 217, you need to take time for yourself and your appearance

Spring will make its own adjustments to your personal life. After the February lull, many will have chances for promising acquaintances and romantic relationships. The main thing is to approach this issue wisely, because Fire Rooster will not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards love and will be indignant if you neglect traditional values ​​and moral principles.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Aries

Representatives of this sign will be able to take control of all areas of life. He has enough energy for two, so it’s not surprising that in March he will try to do everything at once without feeling tired. Innovative ideas will not always be perceived by others with the required enthusiasm, but do not rush to force people to follow your lead - this can ruin more than one a good relationship. From a financial point of view, you have nothing to worry about - the stars predict a constant stream of money, which, with proper distribution, can turn into a real stream.

Free Aries will immerse themselves in a new romance, but in order to stir up interest in your person, you will need to show originality and unpredictability. Family individuals should pay attention to their significant other. The best option astrologers consider joint trips on weekends. The heavenly bodies recommend that you start fighting the predisposition to salt deposits. Reduce the amount of snacks and salty foods in your diet, giving preference to fresh vegetables and fruits.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Taurus

Taurus will have to give up their usual way of life in order to realize the chances provided by the Rooster. It's time to step out of your comfort zone and even sacrifice time allotted for sleep and entertainment. Straightforward Taurus will have to learn to perceive subtle hints and understand non-verbal communication in order to avoid getting into trouble. The money situation can be described as stable. Taurus people involved in sales will be especially lucky - your profit growth is guaranteed by the stars.

As for love, astrologers have prepared one of the most favorable forecasts for this issue. In March, romantic encounters, interesting dates and acquaintances await you. The family will require proper prioritization. The stars recommend relaxing in a way that would be interesting for all household members, otherwise there is a risk of quarrels and misunderstandings. To improve their figure, Taurus is recommended swimming and wraps with a sauna effect.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Gemini

For March, it will be a month of summing up results. It's time to reap the fruits of your efforts - or realize that you worked carelessly, so you only need to complain about your laziness. Trying to fix something and turn back time will lead to nothing; you just need to realize the mistakes you have made and prepare for new achievements. At work, you should forget about your comfortable state - the bosses have decided to overwhelm you with an avalanche of tasks, the successful completion of which guarantees you a salary increase. In the meantime, you will have to tighten your belt and moderate your usual spending on entertainment and pleasant little things.

In love, you may be seriously disappointed due to high expectations. The partner, alas, will turn out to be far from being as ideal as Gemini would like. Trying to remake a person to fit your vision will not lead to anything good. Astrologers warn that it is best to try to postpone any surgical interventions until the end of the month, or even better, to mid-April.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Cancer

Cancers are tired of having to constantly concentrate on current affairs, so they try to immerse themselves in their usual detached state. In the field of professional employment, everything will go as usual. The load may be heavy, but all tasks will be familiar and will not cause panic. By the way, the stars say that all the efforts spent will be equivalently rewarded with money, so he can treat himself to another beautiful thing or status accessory.

The month is favorable for making new acquaintances, which will turn out to be very promising. Single Cancers can find a permanent couple, and family representatives of this sign will finally understand that their current union is almost ideal. The stars recommend that you actively engage in sports in order to fit your figure to recognized beauty standards. The only caution is not to overload your back; in March it will be your weak point.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Leo

No matter how much Leo wants to take revenge on all his offenders, March is not best time to clarify the relationship. Moreover, most of the claims to others will be completely far-fetched. At work, the situation will be unstable and explosive; some old intrigues and squabbles will surface. It is strictly not recommended to find yourself in the center of a scandal. The month promises single Leos several romantic acquaintances. They will not be continued, but you will be able to unwind a little and have a good time.

Family representatives of this sign will be able to moderate their formidable temper and turn into a purring kitten, which will be received by your soulmate with due dedication. Unexpected expenses may throw you off track. minor repairs, but don’t worry, because in March you won’t have any special problems with money. The stars predict for Leo the risk of a sudden deterioration in health. Do not rush to panic - most likely, this is a banal vitamin deficiency and chronic lack of sleep.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Virgo

An excellent time awaits for the implementation of plans that have been postponed for a long time. You can easily resolve long-standing disputes or submit a project that you couldn’t finish. In matters of career, you will need to moderate your requests a little. You should not start your own business and enter into new contracts. Spend this month carefully thinking through business plans and building relationships with partners - this will help important role in future. The financial situation will not be too rosy either. Surprisingly, the usually frugal Virgo will constantly overspend and make unnecessary purchases.

The sphere of love for lonely Virgos is characterized by a state of “sometimes thick, sometimes empty.” In the first half of the month she will have no end to her fans and admirers, but quite unexpectedly they will leave you towards the end of March. When surrounded by family, representatives of this sign should behave more tolerantly and not react to minor nagging from family members. In March, your chronic illnesses may worsen, so do not neglect visits to the doctor.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Libra

March 2017 will not be the easiest period for you. It will seem to you that those around you are trying to offend you or insult you. Try not to focus on conflicts so as not to spoil your relationship with good friend. At work, you will have the opportunity to slow down a little and relax - the month will pass calmly, without rush jobs and deadlines. Astrologers advise you to become an active participant in social events in order to better integrate into the team. This is especially true for Libras who have recently changed jobs. In matters of finance, you should be careful - there is a high risk that scammers will try to profit from you.

Family Libra will finally feel that their other half is ready to have children. Take advantage of this chance, because the Rooster promises children conceived in the year of his reign favor and protection. No new acquaintances are expected in March, but an unexpected reanimation of long-cooled feelings can be expected. The health sector will not bother you, but this is not a reason to refuse physical activity and hardening.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Scorpio

For representatives of this sign, March may be a period when you want to radically change your life. The Rooster favors adventurous people and daredevils, so if you have long wanted to change your job or even your country of residence, you should take advantage of the totem’s favor. The month will be very successful for Scorpios who are busy in the field Agriculture or in Food Industry. Most likely, you will receive a promotion and a new round in the development of professional skills. The financial sector will not please you with stability, but enough money to finance your primary needs will be in your wallet.

In matters of love, he may feel driven into a corner. However, do not think that constant calls and messages are an attempt to keep you “on a short leash” - this is normal care and attention. Astrologers advise you to sign up for active fitness in order to properly prepare for the summer season. Dancing or martial arts will be the best choice.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Sagittarius

Stop indulging your whims! Otherwise you may be immersed in power gambling and seriously lose, losing not only savings, but also real estate. At work, Sagittarius will have to increase their level of discipline and responsibility. Your regular tardiness has long been the subject of close attention from management. The month promises to be successful for Sagittarius who are related to the field of jurisprudence. Lawyers will easily win cases, and notaries will have a constant flow of clients.

In March it will be a sin to complain about the lack of finances. With reasonable savings, you can even save up for an expensive purchase or renovation. The month is not conducive to starting new romances, so single people will have to be content with the company of old friends. Family representatives of this sign should pay attention to children. It is possible that they have problems at school. As for health, Sagittarius should give up unhealthy snacks and smoked foods so as not to aggravate stomach problems.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Capricorn

The main problem will be constant stress. It may seem that everyone around you is trying to drive you crazy. Friends, colleagues and family are tired of your constant excuses. Having exhausted their patience, your loved ones decided to educate you a little. The Cockerel advises you to draw the right conclusions and correct your behavior. The month will be favorable for Capricorns employed in public service. There is a high chance that you will acquire a powerful patron who will become a mentor and friend for you.

The financial component of life will not please you with stability and income. Most likely, you will even have to borrow a small amount. The first month of spring will bring Capricorns an unprecedented surge of feelings and emotions. The person you thought was just a friend will suddenly become the subject of romantic thoughts. Family representatives of this sign should devote more time to household duties, which you tend to neglect. The main health risk is household injuries, so be careful with fire and electrical appliances.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Aquarius

you will have to use all your perseverance to achieve the planned results. The Rooster warns that the policy of strict calculations must have a certain measure. Do not try to use friends for selfish purposes, so as not to be branded as a person without honor and conscience. IN professional field A little stagnation awaits you. For some reason, bright thoughts will leave your head, so any project will be carried out with effort and take away a large number of time. Inspections and friction with government agencies are quite possible.

You will not be successful in the area of ​​romantic relationships. The stars decided it was time for a time out. But if you have been patiently pursuing one person for a long time, you should be active - you will get a chance to win. Family Aquarians should moderate the level of their claims. You yourself are far from a gift, and your other half may get tired of endless lectures and moralizing, which can lead to a breakup. As for your health, listen more to your doctors - self-medication can seriously harm you.

Horoscope for March 2017 for Pisces

Pisces can finally relax and rely on their lucky star. This month the Rooster decided to make you his favorites. The month will be especially successful for those who are engaged in personal business. If you wish, you can even take out a loan to expand your business. The stars say that you will be able to earn enough to return it on time. At the same time, you should beware of unfamiliar partners - some of them are not entirely reliable and can set you up with a contract.

In matters of love, everything will go like clockwork. Pisces will be able to capture the attention of an interesting person, who may well turn out to be the subject of romantic dreams. In the family, you should adhere to non-interference tactics: if family members start a quarrel, stay away and do not give advice until you are asked to do so. In matters of health, it is worth paying attention to cleansing the body. Astrologers do not recommend sticking to strict diets, but... fasting days will be beneficial.

The horoscope for March 2017 predicts global changes in various spheres of life - social, political and public. At the beginning of March, Jupiter will enter into a heated “dispute” with Uranus, which will create disharmony in relations between people. Quarrels, separations and serious feuds are possible. Jupiter is retrograde in March, so you need to be extremely careful this month.

There may be hitches in issues of pedagogy, science and culture. Jupiter passes through Libra in March, so difficulties in communication, both love and business, are possible. At the beginning of March, Venus will enter a retrograde phase, which will also radically change the personal lives of many people. It will be difficult to control your emotional and mental state. The horoscope for March 2017 promises material, professional and legal problems. It is better to cancel business trips, especially abroad.

There will be a lot of events and impressions in March, but it’s not a fact that they will all be painted in rainbow colors. Although, many will feel on the rise, so they will take on important and urgent matters. Others, on the contrary, will feel a loss of strength and energy. You will want to relax, retire and think about your actions for the future. The horoscope for March 2017 advises everyone to find their own way to solve complex problems and restore strength. You can take soothing baths, take a short vacation, or, conversely, engage in active sports. It is advisable to find favorite hobby to your liking, which will help you unleash your creative potential in March. If you think through everything carefully and don’t give up, then victory will be on your side, and success will not leave you throughout the month.

Horoscope for March 2017 Aries
Aries in March will be quite stubborn, which will help him achieve victory in different areas of life. There will be small troubles in love, but these are temporary difficulties in 2017. The main thing is that Aries himself truly falls in love and wants to be with his chosen one. There will be enough finances for everything you decide to buy. To improve the health of Aries, the horoscope for March 2017 advises sitting less at the computer and walking more in the fresh air.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Aries
Career horoscope for March 2017 Aries

Horoscope for March 2017 Taurus
In March 2017, everyone expects real actions from Taurus, not empty words. You can meet a like-minded person, as well as sign lucrative contracts for the whole year. Be careful with love, and do not deceive or cheat on someone who truly loves you. If Taurus is rational and reasonable in everything in March, then his health can safely be called heroic.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Taurus
Career horoscope for March 2017 Taurus

Horoscope for March 2017 Gemini
Geminis need to rest more often in March, otherwise they will end up in the hospital and undermine their health. Your financial situation is above average, so you can afford expensive purchases. The love story will seem so wonderful to you that in 2017 you will decide to formalize your relationship with your chosen one. Geminis may have minor heart problems, so physical activity should be reduced to a minimum.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Gemini
Career horoscope for March 2017 Gemini

Horoscope for March 2017 Cancer
Cancer in March 2017 will carefully hide its true feelings from people around them. Everyone will listen to your opinion - from colleagues to just acquaintances. Lonely Cancer will meet a wonderful person with whom he wants to connect his destiny. In March, Cancer should be extremely careful on the road and in everyday life, since this month is dangerous for him.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Cancer
Career horoscope for March 2017 Cancer

Horoscope for March 2017 Leo
Leo will have a wonderful and clear period in March, especially if the issue concerns work, money and love. The horoscope for March 2017 advises you to collect new information, which will allow us to move forward career ladder. In order to prevent Leo from having health problems, he needs to take vitamins, take a walk before bed and not get too cold.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Leo
Career horoscope for March 2017 Leo

Horoscope for March 2017 Virgo
Virgo will meet her soulmate in March and will be truly happy. The long-standing housing issue will finally be successfully resolved in 2017. The horoscope for March 2017 promises Virgo a little competition from business partners. But, you can cope with everything if you don’t give up. Virgo in March 2017 should pay attention nervous system, which Lately really “shaken” from excitement and overload.
Love horoscope for March 2017 Virgo
Career horoscope for March 2017 Virgo

Horoscope for March 2017 Libra
Libra should not remember the past in March. Otherwise, they will miss the most important thing in the present tense. There will be many chances for success, so the horoscope recommends being careful and accurate in 2017. In March, Libra should not treat themselves, but it is better to consult a specialist at the first symptoms of the disease. Swimming and fitness will help maintain and improve your health.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Libra
Career horoscope for March 2017 Libra

Horoscope for March 2017 Scorpio
Family Scorpio will be so pleased with the relationship with his spouse that he will decide to have another “honeymoon”. The horoscope for March 2017 advises you to start resolving financial problems. It is better to postpone long trips until another month. In order for Scorpio not to catch pneumonia in March, he needs to communicate less with those who have a cold. Hardening water procedures will do you good.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Scorpio
Career horoscope for March 2017 Scorpio

Horoscope for March 2017 Sagittarius
If in March Sagittarius is led by emotions and passionate feelings, he will lose a lot - money, work and friends. The horoscope for March 2017 predicts an unforgettable journey and a romantic meeting for you. Morning exercises, contrast showers and multivitamins are what fast-paced and restless Sagittarius needs in March. In the evening, take a relaxing bath with lavender and think more about the good.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Sagittarius
Career horoscope for March 2017 Sagittarius

Horoscope for March 2017 Capricorn
In March, Capricorn needs to find something he likes, and not chase after big money. If you are offered new job or a contract, then sign the documents carefully. Deception, theft and betrayal are possible. In March 2017, Capricorn may often suffer from insomnia, so be less nervous, drink tea with lemon balm and add fruit juices to your diet.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Capricorn
Career horoscope for March 2017 Capricorn

Horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius
In March, Aquarius will be proposed to by a loved one. Learn to keep secrets that friends or relatives have entrusted to you. In 2017, Aquarius will successfully solve all financial problems and successfully invest funds at interest. In March, Aquarius needs to visit an ophthalmologist and undergo a full medical examination. No special health problems are expected, but preventive measures will not be superfluous.

The horoscope for March 2017 predicts global changes in various spheres of life - social, political and public. At the beginning of March, Jupiter will enter into a heated “dispute” with Uranus, which will create disharmony in relations between people. Quarrels, separations and serious feuds are possible. Jupiter is retrograde in March, so you need to be extremely careful this month. There may be hitches in issues of pedagogy, science and culture. Jupiter passes through Libra in March, so difficulties in communication, both love and business, are possible. At the beginning of March, Venus will enter a retrograde phase, which will also radically change the personal lives of many people. It will be difficult to control your emotional and mental state. The horoscope for March 2017 promises material, professional and legal problems. It is better to cancel business trips, especially abroad. There will be a lot of events and impressions in March, but it’s not a fact that they will all be painted in rainbow colors. Although, many will feel on the rise, so they will take on important and urgent matters. Others, on the contrary, will feel a loss of strength and energy. You will want to relax, retire and think about your actions for the future. The horoscope for March 2017 advises everyone to find their own way to solve complex problems and restore strength. You can take soothing baths, take a short vacation, or, conversely, engage in active sports. It is advisable to find a favorite activity that will help you unleash your creative potential in March. If you think through everything carefully and don’t give up, then victory will be on your side, and success will not leave you throughout the month.

Horoscope for March 2017Aries
Aries in March will be quite stubborn, which will help him achieve victory in different areas of life. There will be small troubles in love, but these are temporary difficulties in 2017. The main thing is that Aries himself truly falls in love and wants to be with his chosen one. There will be enough finances for everything you decide to buy. To improve the health of Aries, the horoscope for March 2017 advises sitting less at the computer and walking more in the fresh air.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Aries
Career horoscope for March 2017 Aries

Horoscope for March 2017Taurus
In March 2017, everyone expects real actions from Taurus, not empty words. You can meet a like-minded person, as well as sign lucrative contracts for the whole year. Be careful with love, and do not deceive or cheat on someone who truly loves you. If Taurus is rational and reasonable in everything in March, then his health can safely be called heroic.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Taurus
Career horoscope for March 2017 Taurus

Horoscope for March 2017Twins
Geminis need to rest more often in March, otherwise they will end up in the hospital and undermine their health. Your financial situation is above average, so you can afford expensive purchases. The love story will seem so wonderful to you that in 2017 you will decide to formalize your relationship with your chosen one. Geminis may have minor heart problems, so physical activity should be reduced to a minimum.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Gemini
Career horoscope for March 2017 Gemini

Horoscope for March 2017 Cancer
Cancer in March 2017 will carefully hide its true feelings from people around them. Everyone will listen to your opinion - from colleagues to just acquaintances. Lonely Cancer will meet a wonderful person with whom he wants to connect his destiny. In March, Cancer should be extremely careful on the road and in everyday life, since this month is dangerous for him.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Cancer
Career horoscope for March 2017 Cancer

Horoscope for March 2017 Leo
Leo will have a wonderful and clear period in March, especially if the issue concerns work, money and love. The March 2017 horoscope advises you to collect new information that will allow you to move forward in your career. In order to prevent Leo from having health problems, he needs to take vitamins, take a walk before bed and not get too cold.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Leo
Career horoscope for March 2017 Leo

Horoscope for March 2017 Virgo
Virgo will meet her soulmate in March and will be truly happy. The long-standing housing issue will finally be successfully resolved in 2017. The horoscope for March 2017 promises Virgo a little competition from business partners. But, you can cope with everything if you don’t give up. In March 2017, Virgo should pay attention to the nervous system, which has recently been really “shaken” from excitement and overload.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Virgo
Career horoscope for March 2017 Virgo

Horoscope for March 2017 Libra
Libra should not remember the past in March. Otherwise, they will miss the most important thing in the present tense. There will be many chances for success, so the horoscope recommends being careful and accurate in 2017. In March, Libra should not treat themselves, but it is better to consult a specialist at the first symptoms of the disease. Swimming and fitness will help maintain and improve your health.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Libra
Career horoscope for March 2017 Libra

Horoscope for March 2017 Scorpio
Family Scorpio will be so pleased with the relationship with his spouse that he will decide to have another “honeymoon”. The horoscope for March 2017 advises you to start resolving financial problems. It is better to postpone long trips until another month. In order for Scorpio not to catch pneumonia in March, he needs to communicate less with those who have a cold. Hardening water procedures will benefit you.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Scorpio
Career horoscope for March 2017 Scorpio

Horoscope for March 2017 Sagittarius
If in March Sagittarius is led by emotions and passionate feelings, he will lose a lot - money, work and friends. The horoscope for March 2017 predicts an unforgettable journey and a romantic meeting for you. Morning exercises, contrast showers and multivitamins are what fast-paced and restless Sagittarius needs in March. In the evening, take a relaxing bath with lavender and think more about the good.

Love horoscope for March 2017 Sagittarius
Career horoscope for March 2017 Sagittarius

Horoscope for March 2017 Capricorn
In March, Capricorn needs to find something he likes, and not chase after big money. If you are offered a new job or contract, sign the documents carefully. Deception, theft and betrayal are possible. In March 2017, Capricorn may often suffer from insomnia, so be less nervous, drink tea with lemon balm and add fruit juices to your diet.

Detailed horoscope for March 2017 for all zodiac signs!

By horoscope for March 2017 the first ten days of the month is a rather favorable period. Harmonious energies in the Earth's biosphere will allow many people to make positive changes in their personal and professional lives.

It is worth noting that new projects and relationships should be started after March 2-3. During this period, it will be much easier to reach agreements and make strategic plans.

Also, according to the 2017 horoscope, the first ten days of March is a favorable period for strengthening family relations, connections with relatives and children.

Please note that after March 4, Venus - the planet of love and beauty - will be in retrograde motion and this will not have the best effect on love and friendships.

By the way, feel free to express your feelings, give gifts and arrange romantic evenings. All of these actions can strengthen existing relationships.

In the second decade, after the full moon on March 12, the activity of the Moon’s influence will decrease, which will certainly affect the mood and energy of most people.

This will manifest itself especially negatively in the period from March 16 to March 27, when many will feel a decrease in life potential, a weakening of the body’s defenses, as well as an increased influence of dark forces and destructive energies, which will entail an increase in the accident rate, an increase in conflict situations and provocations between individual countries.

In the political community at this time it will be possible to observe the growth of extremism and reluctance to implement previously accepted agreements.

During this period, it will be difficult to build long-term relationships due to the uncertainty and uncertainty of the partners. This behavior will be due to the influence of Mercury, which will enter the sign of Aries on March 14, and Mars, which will be in the sign of Taurus from the 10th.

The situation will become more stable and harmonious only after March 20, when the Sun enters the sign of Aries.

At this time, many people will feel a rise in creativity and a surge of enthusiasm, as well as a desire to change something in their lives.

Favorable changes will also occur in the world, prerequisites will appear for improving friendly and business relations, which will have a positive impact on the economy and business.

Despite the retrograde position of Venus, it will be possible to easily achieve mutual understanding, which will help expand the prospects for long-term cooperation.

The cosmic thunderstorm will take place from March 16 to 27, but it Negative influence will be brief and, together with the improvement of the state of the Earth's biosphere, it will be possible to move more confidently in the chosen direction and successfully change anything in your personal or professional life.

Horoscope for March 2017 according to zodiac signs

Horoscope for March 2017 - Aries

In March 2017, Aries should think about modesty and diplomacy. You should not break through the walls with your forehead, which this time may turn out to be reinforced concrete.

According to the Aries horoscope for March 2017, you will be full of enormous energy, pushing you to do unexpected things. Strong, impulsive feelings may prevent you from calmly processing current events.

The ability to present yourself and carry others along with you has always given you self-confidence, but sometimes circumstances do not allow us to fully express our character, requiring a more reasonable outlook on life...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Aries

Horoscope for March 2017 - Taurus

In March 2017, Taurus will be able to find out that your friends understand you much more than you thought. With their help, you can neutralize problems, both in business and in love.

According to the Taurus horoscope for March 2017, compared to February, it will be much calmer. You will like to be alone with yourself more often, take walks, and attend various cultural events.

The time has come to learn spiritual truths and immerse yourself in the world of art or psychology...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Taurus

Horoscope for March 2017 - Gemini

March 2017 for Gemini is a month of creative approaches and non-standard solutions. Don’t be afraid to dare, but remember that any risk must be well calculated.

According to the Gemini horoscope for March 2017, your relationships with like-minded people and friends will require your close attention.

In the team in which you work or where you spend your free time, communicating about interests, noticeable changes will definitely occur...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Gemini

Horoscope for March 2017 - Cancer

In March 2017, Cancer intends to change his life for the better, and will be ready to do everything to make this happen. The stars wish you good luck and will support your bold intentions.

According to the Cancer horoscope for March 2017, this month is quite ambiguous. On the one hand, in matters of family and home, you are protected by Jupiter - the planet of great happiness! It gives optimism and ennobles your daily affairs.

On the other hand, Venus, the patroness of feelings, love and relationships, may not cope with her “responsibilities”...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Cancer

Horoscope for March 2017 - Leo

In March 2017, it will be difficult for Leo to dare to take active action, but this tactic will turn out to be the most correct - a wait-and-see attitude will now bring much more benefit.

According to the Leo horoscope for March 2017, the beginning of the month will be psychologically difficult. It is better to avoid long trips, since far from home you may unexpectedly find yourself in a difficult situation.

The desire to help or the sudden emergence of trust in unfamiliar people can make you a victim of developing circumstances...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Leo

Horoscope for March 2017 - Virgo

In March 2017, Virgo will be faced with someone else's opinion, and it may very well be that it will contradict your own. And we will have to take this into account!

According to the Virgo horoscope for March 2017, the first half of the month will be more difficult and will lead to deep reflection on the topic of human relationships.

There will be a desire to understand the behavior and psychology of other people. Now to those around you you will seem somewhat detached, immersed in your thoughts...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Virgo

Horoscope for March 2017 - Libra

Libra took the lead and took the lead, but in March 2017 you will feel that the hard-won victory may suddenly slip away. Don't relax! It's not time yet.

According to the Libra horoscope for March 2017, at the beginning of the month, by actively getting involved in creating new contacts, you risk not meeting understanding, because it will be difficult to take any specific position.

Situations of choice in cooperation with partners or in public relations will depend on your moral ideals and personal ambitions...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Libra

Horoscope for March 2017 - Scorpio

In March 2017, Scorpio should not fuss and rush things, although you should not relax and choose the easy path either. Actually, this won’t work, so take the advice of the stars: albeit slowly and carefully, but still move forward!

According to the Scorpio horoscope, March 2017 sets the mood for creativity, independent of external trends and social frameworks. Now you have been given freedom of choice, and it’s good if you find your strong point, an original idea that will distinguish you from others.

This recommendation applies to people in creative professions, psychologists, lawyers and doctors...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Scorpio

Horoscope for March 2017 - Sagittarius

Calm, restraint, caution! March 2017 It is better for Sagittarius to travel at low speeds. Try to step back a few steps and think about what, why and how you are doing. The time to rush into battle has not yet come.

According to the Sagittarius horoscope for March 2017, many of you will spend a lot of time on household chores and family matters. It is likely that events will be positive.

But individual crisis situations may also arise...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Sagittarius

Horoscope for March 2017 - Capricorn

In March 2017, Capricorn will have to work, gritting his teeth and not raising his eyes. In addition, you will have to defend your interests, both at home and at work.

According to the Capricorn horoscope for March 2017, you will have the desire and opportunity to go somewhere, unwind, or go on a business trip around the country.

If so, then try to get maximum pleasure and new impressions from this event. During this period, where and why you are going is not so important as the process of moving itself...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Capricorn

Horoscope for March 2017 - Aquarius

It's time to think about change. Actually, in March 2017, Aquarius has no choice - either you will meet them halfway, or they will persistently knock on your door.

According to the Aquarius horoscope for March 2017, at the beginning of the month there will be difficult life situations will ruin your mood. You can protest against everything that is imposed on you, thereby closing off some prospects.

There will be no authority for you. Considering yourself higher and better than others, you will begin to consider everything that happens around you as proof that you are right...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Aquarius

Horoscope for March 2017 - Pisces

In March 2017, Pisces will have to finish what they started. Whether it works out or not doesn’t matter; you won’t be able to go back.

According to the Pisces horoscope for March 2017, do not give in to mood swings, because a vivid imagination can lead you in the wrong direction. By delving into your own problems and focusing on failures, you will stop really assessing what is happening...>> Horoscope for March 2017 Pisces

It was detailed horoscope for March 2017 for all zodiac signs!

March 2017 will turn out to be a rather specific period. Nature, according to its good old tradition, will begin to awaken from its winter sleep, but this time humanity will not be ready for this triumphant awakening! How is this possible, you ask, what about the general flowering of feelings and emotions? What about the joy from the first rays spring sun? All this will happen, but, however, not in the quantity to which we have all already become accustomed. Apparently, you and I will like the nature of this sluggish winter, during which you can delve into yourself, engage in self-education or a contemplative attitude towards life. Spring - it insists on something else (on the revival of feelings, on the acceleration of the pace of life, on a general upsurge). So here it is. Humanity will “come to life” with great reluctance, reluctantly parting with the monotonous winter and its measured behavior.

Apparently, for this reason, March 2017 will not be the most eventful period for finance and career. Few people decide to fight for their professional success, not wanting to leave the long winter “hibernation” mode. Although... In any team there will be some daredevils who, having no skills in the field of acrobatics, will try to “jump” over the heads of the entire service team. Alas, these desperate daredevils are destined to learn how painful it is to fall from a great height. In general, it is unlikely that would-be acrobats will achieve their main goal. Career success in March can only go to those who choose honest methods of combat. Humanity in general, at this point in its history, will care for decency, honesty, and humanity. Cultivate these traits in yourself, and then many closed doors They will open up to you on their own.

All of the above is also relevant for people engaged in the field of individual entrepreneurship. Take a careful look around and think – are you doing everything right when building relationships with your staff? So you keep dreaming about increasing the productivity of these people, trying to introduce all sorts of costly innovations, while in front of you there is a much simpler (and, most importantly, completely free) way to achieve great success! Try to establish relationships with those people whom you are accustomed to consider just faceless extras. Learn to respect and value your staff as if you were a commander with a company of soldiers behind him, eager for words of support and approval. And at the very moment when you morally inspire your team, your business will begin to develop (more precisely, the people whom you inspired will tirelessly begin to develop it).

And yet, we should not forget that March, traditionally, is a period of love and the time when the fair sex receives gifts. Women's Day, of course, will not lose its relevance in 2017 (although the weaker sex will be quite skeptical about it this time). What ladies will demand from their other halves is not luxury or flowers, but something priceless (year-round adoration, help in the tedious whirlwind of everyday life and attention, and, moreover, also year-round). That's important advice for men - in March 2017, when choosing a gift for your loved one, refuse astronomical expenses. Better prove it to her in reality sincere love(clean up the trash near the computer, make friends with your significant other’s mother, or do another, no less “heroic” act).

In general, March 2017 will not be a big test for the sphere of feelings. In the world on at this stage many new romantic couples will appear, each of which has every chance of meeting at the registry office. Why exactly will March be rich in serious novels? It's simple. The beginning of spring will be characterized by a rational and thoughtful atmosphere. This means that every single person, choosing a worthy companion for himself, will soberly evaluate each candidate. Moreover, in the process of these analyzes it is not passion, not sensual attraction, or even spiritual intimacy that will come to the fore. Convenience, comfort, simplicity - these are the qualities that will be at the forefront of the “natural selection” of soul mates. It is natural that novels built on such a banal, but very solid foundation can really last for many years.

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Horoscope for March 2017
Horoscopes for March 2017 by zodiac sign

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