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Where should pets be buried? How to bury a cat: options. Where to be buried

The death of a beloved pet is a sad event in the life of a caring owner. An animal can die of old age, an illness, or an accident, so every owner must be prepared for such a test. How to bury a cat, what is needed for this? Can I bury a cat on my property? We will consider all these and many other questions in detail.

There are no clear rules for the burial of pets in society, but for loving owners, the ward is a full-fledged family member with whom they want to say goodbye with dignity. How to bury a cat First, make sure that the ward is really dead.

Interesting fact! Sometimes animals fall into an unconscious state (coma or deep sleep) and only appear dead, but their heart continues to beat. Take your pet to the veterinarian so that he can determine the fact of death.

There are several ways to bury a dead animal:

  1. Hold a cat's funeral at a specialized animal cemetery.
  2. Cremate the animal by contacting a funeral services agency.
  3. Bury the cat suburban area, in a private yard or forest.

Unfortunately, not every city has cemeteries for animals, so it is advisable to consider this option only for residents of large cities and metropolitan areas. Funeral service organizations prepare the animal for burial, find a suitable coffin for it, dig a grave and erect a monument. All these services are paid, but you do not need to worry about the place and procedure of burial.

Some companies provide animal cremation services. You can also bury the urn with the ashes of your pet in a specially designated place.

Where to bury a cat if there is no specialized cemetery?

Initially, with a similar question, you can contact a private veterinarian or the state veterinary service. As practice shows, firms providing funeral services for animals work closely with private and public veterinary organizations.

Pet burial sites

You can officially bury a cat only with the help of companies that have the appropriate permission for this in the form of a license. If you do not have time to look for such a service or financial opportunity, then the easiest way remains - to bury your pet on personal plot or in the forest.

Do not risk burying a ward in the yards apartment buildings or in parks where there are a lot of people. Firstly, you will not be able to calmly (without prying eyes) say goodbye to your pet, and secondly, self-burial is prohibited by veterinary and sanitary rules and some laws relating to the welfare of the population.

If you decide on an independent burial, then allocate a small plot of land for the pet, where fruits or vegetables will not be grown. Place the ward in a cardboard or wooden box, dig a hole at least 60 cm deep (preferably 1 m), pour bleach on the bottom of the pit so that the corpse does not emit dangerous toxins during the decomposition period. Then put the box in the hole and bury it.

Important! Veterinary and sanitary rules for the destruction of biological waste prohibit the burial of domestic animals in the ground. Only the burning of corpses in specially designated places is allowed.

To say goodbye to a furry companion and not torturing yourself with mental anguish, it is easier to contact a special service that will organize a worthy funeral for your pet.

For Orthodox Christians who have pets, the question periodically arises: how should a pet be buried? There is no single answer to this question, because everything depends on the culture and customs of a particular country in which the owner of the animal lives.

Death and burial of pets

Unfortunately, no one is perfect in this world. All living things are born and die. And if people have hope for eternal life After death, things are different with animals.

There is no unequivocal opinion among theologians whether our pets will get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Humanity will learn this only after the Last Judgment.

Special cemeteries for pets

And today you can watch how beloved pets leave their owners, having lived only about ten years. Takova average duration life of most animals. Often, every person at least once in his life experienced the loss of a pet, which was an integral member of the family. Children are especially hard to endure such events. And parents, trying to somehow alleviate the pain of the child, hold a kind of funeral in their garden under a tree or in another place.

On a note! In the developed countries of the world, special crematoria or cemeteries for animals have long existed.

In post-Soviet countries, such crematoria occasionally appear in capitals and densely populated cities. All this is connected, first of all, with the religion and culture of these countries.

About animals:

  • How should an Orthodox believer treat animals

The attitude of Orthodoxy to the burial of animals

It is not customary for the Orthodox to use crematoria, since the body of the deceased, even an animal, must be given to the earth. However, it is forbidden by the Church to bury an animal next to a human.

The attitude towards burial in Orthodoxy remains reverent and sacred. After all, this is the stage of a person's transition from the earthly world to eternal life. People who are far from faith cannot understand the attitude of Christians towards death. For the Orthodox, such an event will be marked by a meeting with God and the Creator.

Orthodox Church prohibits burying an animal next to a person

In the distant past, it was forbidden to bury robbers and murderers in the same cemetery with Christians, not to mention animals. Suicides were not buried at all and were not allowed to bury them in the cemetery. Even today, the Church does not pray for such people.

As for today's customs, here one can feel a clear relaxation and departure from the decrees of the Ecumenical Councils and the Church. Burying an animal near a person remains unacceptable. But there are other points of view. Some people wish to have a last earthly resting place near the grave of their pets.

The church allows the burial of animals in a place specially designated for this, as a cemetery for animals. That's just to install a cross on the grave of an animal would be superfluous. It should be understood that the cross is the victory of life over death, good over evil. An animal cannot have eternal life, and it did not sin, but was forced to follow man and suffer for his sins.

Important! Despite the fact that animals have a soul, praying for their repose is not worth it. After all, the animal dies with the body and does not inherit eternal life. One can only thank God that he sent earthly consolation in the form of such a sweet creature.

Pet cemetery

Cats often become real family members. Unfortunately, the age of these domestic animals is relatively short: they can leave the earth due to old age, illness, or as a result of an accident. Many do not know what to do in the event of the death of a pet with the body of an animal: how to properly conduct a ritual, where to make a grave and how to bury a cat. There are no clear rules in this regard, but a caring owner always wants to arrange everything properly and say goodbye to a four-legged friend with dignity.

How to bury a deceased pet

At the moment, not all settlements have cemeteries for animals. Only residents of large cities and metropolitan areas can consider this option. Specialized organizations prepare pet to the ritual: they find a suitable coffin, dig a grave, and even erect a monument. Having paid for the service, the owner does not have to worry about the place and procedure of burial.

Some companies, at the request of the owners, provide services related to the cremation of the cat. After the procedure is completed, the ashes are given to the owner, and he has the opportunity to independently bury the urn with the remains of the animal in a specially designated place.

Only cremated cats are buried in pet cemeteries; it is strictly forbidden to bury the bodies of pets in the ground. This does not meet the established sanitary standards.

You can officially hold a funeral with the help of companies that have licenses and appropriate permission. For lack of time or opportunity, many owners conduct the ceremony on their own, burying pets in the forest or in their garden plot.

You should know that you can not bury animals in parks and in the yards of apartment buildings - this is prohibited by law. According to the veterinary and sanitary rules, animal corpses are not allowed to be buried in the ground, since when they decompose, they release substances hazardous to human health into the soil, and from it into the water and atmosphere. Best Option- burn the corpse of a cat in a place specially designated for this.

veneration of the cat Ancient Egypt - Interesting Facts

Conducting a ritual

How to properly bury a cat:

  1. 1. When burying on your site, it is necessary to allocate a separate piece of land on which vegetables and fruits will not be grown. The body is recommended to be placed in cardboard box or box.
  2. 2. The hole must be dug at least one meter deep.
  3. 3. Immerse the box with the cat's body into a pit and cover it with earth.
  4. 4. So that the corpse during the period of decomposition does not emit dangerous substances into the air, at the bottom you need to pour bleach.

If the owner wants to conduct the ceremony in accordance with all the rules and according to the law, then the first thing he must do is to inform the Veterinary Administration. Specialists perform an autopsy and issue a permit for the ritual. However, this process is quite lengthy and has not yet been fully established.

Under no circumstances should animals be buried in a human cemetery. This is prohibited not only by law, but also church services.

How to bury a cat in the cold season

In winter, burying a pet becomes much more difficult. The ground freezes, and it is very difficult to dig a hole with a conventional shovel. If the owner of the animal is categorically against cremation, then the grave is prepared as follows:

  • the place of the future burial is cleared of snow;
  • cut the frozen ground with a chainsaw;
  • deepen the hole with a shovel, breaking the frozen lumps of soil with a crowbar.

When a cat dies in winter, the owners naturally ask how to bury the pet. This is not only difficult on the moral side, but also threatens the owners with administrative fines if the burial was not properly organized, and the grave was dug in the wrong place.

Not all cities have special cemeteries where you can bury a cat. To avoid problems and worthily accompany the pet on its last journey, you should know what places are allowed for animal burials and what rules should be followed during burial.

How long do cats live and how do they age?

On average, cats live for about 12 years, but there are also centenarians, whose age at the time of death is 18 - 20 years. It depends on the conditions of detention, the presence of a predisposition to various pathologies.

It often happens that due to illness or severe injury, the animal has to be euthanized. Often cats die on the street due to public transport, during fights with other animals, at the hands of people.

Aging begins in animals from 8 to 10 years. At this age, cats begin to gradually slow down metabolic processes in the body. Pets become more prone to developing pathologies internal organs, especially if at a younger age care was of poor quality, and special attention was not paid to health.

After the death of the animal, the owners face the acute question of how to bury the cat, since the law allots no more than a day for this. In case of urgent need, you can give the body for a short time to the veterinary clinic, where they will help preserve it until burial.

By law, the death of a pet must be reported to the Department of Veterinary Medicine for the city or district. Not all owners do this, since the cat's body will have to be handed over for an autopsy and the burial time will be delayed, the official authorities will insist on the cremation of the pet. As a rule, it is common, that is, it is burned at a time a large number of pets, after which the ashes are disposed of. Individual cremation is extremely rare, in which case the owners receive an urn with the pet's ashes and can bury it anywhere.

Usually the owners decide to bury the cat near the house in order to visit the grave more often and take care of it.

Bury yourself or ask for help?

The funeral of a domestic cat can be organized independently or you can use the services of specialized companies. They must be licensed accordingly. Professionals will take care of the cremation of the animal, provide a place in a special cemetery, dig a grave and, at the request of the owners, install a slab or tombstone. The only difficulty is that on the mountain of owners who have lost a pet, scammers can try to cash in, and instead of burying in a special place, the animal will be thrown into a landfill.

If you bury a cat on your own in winter, then one of the main problems is digging a grave. Its depth should start from 80 centimeters - this is a requirement of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Since the earth can freeze during the cold season, it is necessary to prepare not only a shovel, but also a crowbar, a grinder for cutting the soil and crushing large layers.

How to honor the memory of a pet and not break the law. Is there a choice?

To avoid fines or destruction of a cat's burial place, you need to know how to properly and where to bury a pet. The best place- outside the city, in a forest belt or on the river bank, where there are no paths for walking. If you have your own garden plot, the task is simplified, since the pet can be buried as the owner sees fit.

As a rule, before burial, the pet is placed in a special coffin or a regular box. It is recommended to pour bleach on the bottom, it will help stop the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. You can put your favorite toys, collar, memorabilia with your pet. The grave must be deep enough so that wild animals do not begin to dig it up. The burial place can be marked with pebbles, a tombstone or a monument can be brought and installed, but they should be hardly noticeable to outsiders.

Often the question arises whether it is possible to bury animals in a cemetery intended for people. This cannot be done for several reasons:

  • this is prohibited by law, and the owner may receive an administrative fine;
  • if the cemetery is attached to the church, then the burial of the animal is also prohibited for religious reasons.

If a decision is made to bury the cat in the country, it should be done in a secluded place, away from the laying of communications. The owners need to think about whether they can safely visit the dacha and not worry every time they see the grave of their beloved pet.

Where not to bury a cat

So that there are no problems with government officials, neighbors and just strangers, it is important to know exactly where and how to properly bury the cat. By law, burials are prohibited near apartment buildings, as well as in human cemeteries. In addition, the law provides for the burial of cremated remains, otherwise problems with sanitary services may arise.

The funeral of a cat should be organized in a deserted place, best of all outside the city or in your own backyard. If the city has a cemetery for pets, you should use it.

The death of a pet is a big mental stress. In order not to aggravate your own depressed state, you should adhere to the burial rules as best as possible and choose legally permitted places for this. Then you can be sure that the grave will remain intact for many years, and the owners will have the opportunity to calmly visit the deceased pet.

Life, in fact, is a very sad thing, and after the mournful human troubles, sometimes you have to lose your pet. Although for some people a beloved animal is a full member of the family, and the question of how to bury a cat acquires the same fundamental importance. Some make a mound over the burial place of the pet, someone equips a special coffin so that it is not cold in the ground, and someone cremates and buries it in the cemetery.

It is imperative to bury, because the corpse will begin to decompose, but this is a beloved cat or no less beloved cat, and you want to do it right. Laws other than those that prohibit burying a cat in a park or yard apartment building, there are no special ones on this score, and in what form and with what rituals to bury, the person decides on his own.

Urban or rural conditions

It is much easier to bury a beloved cat in a village than in a big city, but much less importance is attached to the act of saying goodbye to a cat or even a dog. To bury a house cat who spent most time is unknown where, in the village neither special rituals nor searches are needed suitable place. A cat can be buried in the nearest forest, in a forest belt, in thickets on the banks of a river or behind a rural cemetery, where a special area is sometimes assigned. You can also bury a cat yourself in a summer cottage or in the nearest forest belt, choosing a secluded place for this. There, no one will interfere with burying, nothing will be grown, and the ashes of a beloved cat will not be disturbed.

Pets often happen to die before their owners, and the question of how to bury a pet can arise for every person who decides to get a cat or shelter a stray cat. In large cities, according to sanitary and hygienic standards, a cat or a cat cannot be buried in the front garden of a residential building, especially if it is an apartment building. And even for trying to bury your beloved cat in a secluded place between garages, or a deserted corner of the park. may be subject to administrative liability. In addition, in winter, when the ground is very frozen, it will be difficult to bury the cat. 'Cause not everyone can dig a hole required depth to properly bury the cat.

Ritual Features

The inhabitants of the metropolis still have several options to adequately bury their beloved cat, or no less adored cat. It is unlikely that a person faced with the need to bury a beloved animal will bury it anywhere, fearing to fall under an administrative penalty. So it will have to:

  • report the death of a cat to the Veterinary Department;
  • obtain permission from the authority for an organization that deals with such chores;
  • give her the opportunity to cremate the corpse or prepare a coffin to bury herself;
  • bury in a specially designated place;
  • worthily say goodbye to the cat (cry over the grave alone or order the appropriate ritual by resolving this issue with the funeral organization).

For many people, a cat is a favorite, or even the only, member of the family. Sometimes they want to bury their beloved cat in a human cemetery in order to be able to be next to it after their own death, or come to the grave not only to close people, but also to their beloved cat.

But there is no official opportunity to bury a cat in the cemetery, because according to church canons, there is consecrated land in which only people can be buried. If you try to get official permission for the cat to be next to the owner or mistress after death, the cat's funeral will be categorically denied.

People who do not consider themselves deeply religious prefer to cremate a cat, place its ashes in an urn and quietly bury a small vessel in the acquired cemetery plot. In winter, you will have to use a crowbar and a chainsaw for this, or pay a worker. But you can place the urn with the ashes somewhere in the utility room of the house, and with the onset of warm weather, bury it in a place chosen for burial in order to visit the grave of your pet several times a year. In some large cities, especially abroad, there are special animal cemeteries, but this is a very expensive service.