Toilet      06/16/2019

Fir grows long dare I plant with roses. Nordman fir (Caucasian): description, planting, cultivation and care at their summer cottage. How to choose a plant


It grows in the mountains of the Western Caucasus on the northern and southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus and on the ridges of the Lesser Caucasus (Adzhar-Imereti and Trialeti) at an altitude of 1200–2000 m.


One of the largest firs, reaches a height of 65 m and a diameter of more than 2 m. The crown is cone-shaped, dense, occupies most trunk. The base of the trunks is often thickened and ribbed. The bark is dark, covered with easily separated elongated plates. The needles are dark green, 15–40 mm long, with a bright white lining due to the large number of stomata, kept on the branches for 9–13 years. Blooms in April-May. Cones are brown-brown, often resinous, 15–20 cm long, with large wide seeds and curved covering scales. They crumble in October-November, leaving rods sticking up on the branches. Seeds 8–12 mm long, bitter, shiny with a brown wing covering the seed. Caucasian fir is thermophilic. Demanding on air humidity. Very shade tolerant. It usually propagates by seeds. Grows faster than other types. Lives up to 800 years. It is used as a water protection, mountain protection and decorative breed.


The breed is non-core, but with ripe wood, has no resin passages. Homogeneous white color. It pricks well. At 15% humidity the density is 0.42 g/cm³, at 12% humidity 0.38 g/cm³.


Volume shrinkage coefficient 0.43%.


The compressive strength along the fibers is 502×10 5 Pa, with static bending - 995.6×10 5 Pa. End hardness 308.2 × 10 5 Pa.


Weakly resistant.

Technological properties

Well pricked, processed.


Used as lumber, in chemical processing; as balances - to obtain cellulose, as well as in construction.

Nordmann fir - delicious ornamental plant which will perfectly decorate your household plot. The Nordmann or Caucasian fir was first described by the Finnish-Russian botanist Alexander von Nordmann. The tree got its name in honor of him. Caucasian fir belongs to the pine family. The Danish tree, often seen on screens when we watch Christmas movies, is nothing more than a cultivated species of our fir, or abies nordmanniana.

Description of Nordmann fir

Caucasian fir is a coniferous tree. Evergreen can grow up to 60 m and even 80 m in height in natural conditions.

Let's go to the detailed description:

At favorable conditions growing a tree can live for about 700 years! Its growth does not depend on age.

Main varieties

tree planting conditions

The tree is unpretentious, so the features of your summer cottage will not affect its cultivation in any way. Moreover, the growing conditions can be improved artificially.

Location selection. Caucasian fir is actively developing areas at an altitude of approximately 1200 m above sea level. m. In low areas, it does not grow so well, but with ornamental cultivation it doesn't matter. The main feature is the ability to grow actively both in the shade and in places that are well lit. Strong winds are not terrible for the tree, but the level of humidity in the place of its growth should be high.

The soil. Soil tree prefers nutritious, rich mineral fertilizers. Planting is recommended in loam, but good growth is observed in more acidic soil.

Landing Rules

Caucasian fir reproduces exclusively by seeds, which are stratified 1.5-2 months before planting. Seeds are placed in the soil, previously covered in a container, and left in the refrigerator or basement. In the spring, the seeds are germinated in the heat, and the resulting seedlings dive into larger containers.

As a rule, a tree is grown in pots for 5-7 years and only after that it is transplanted into open ground. This is due to the instability of young seedlings that can die under adverse conditions.

The following plants can be planted nearby:

  • larch;
  • Rowan;
  • barberry Thunberg;
  • pine;
  • juniper.

In view of the above, it is better to plant fir on the site with a seedling purchased from a nursery. A hole is made for it 60 cm wide and 80 cm deep. It is recommended to add a layer of drainage to the indicated depth, which is mandatory when planting (gravel or crushed stone is used).

For the successful development of the tree, a mixture of the following ingredients is prepared:

  • sand - 14%;
  • humus - 14.5%;
  • peat - 42%;
  • clay - 28%.

Added to the mixture complex fertilizer, and part of it spills out to the bottom of the pit in a slide. The roots spread along this hill, then everything is completely covered with soil, only the root neck is left above the surface of the earth. Watering is needed only when planting.


Periodic watering and top dressing are required, carried out only during the growing season. Only young seedlings are watered, mature trees can not be watered at all, because their roots are quite capable of providing sufficient moisture.

Feeding the plant begins from 5-6 years after planting. As a fertilizer, liquid complex preparations for fertilizing conifers are recommended.

Young seedlings are extremely sensitive to the neighborhood of weeds, and therefore, it is important to keep the near-stem space clean. To maintain this very cleanliness, regular mulching of the soil around the tree using decomposed sawdust is recommended.


In general, pruning is not required for the tree, but if it is necessary to make the tree more decorative, pruning is done. Old trees are cut off, on which there are a lot of dry branches. So that the appearance of the tree does not deteriorate because of them, the branches are carefully cut down, and the places of cuts are processed.

Pests and diseases

A more detailed description of the problems:

Nordmann's fir begins to bear fruit quite late. As a rule, it takes 10-20 years to wait before fruiting. This process starts faster in hybrid varieties.

It should be noted that in case of insufficient moisture, the needles and shoots can dry out, therefore, for planting, choose the variety on the site that has the highest probability of survival.

In the desire to create a corner of natural nature on their backyard, many gardeners try to grow various plants.

Among the wide variety of species available, Caucasian fir can be considered a tree that is ideal for these purposes.

The distribution area of ​​the tree is the mountainous terrain of the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Also a large number of representatives of this plant can be found in Denmark, where the tree is cultivated artificially.

Lat. Ábies nordmanniána (photo)

Outwardly, the Nordmann fir, according to the description, is a typical representative of conifers, distinguished by a clearly defined pyramidal crown. The average plant height is approximately 60 meters. Some specimens in natural conditions reach a height of up to 80 meters. At the same time, the diameter of the trunk of the oldest specimens is about two meters.

There are many legends associated with the tree, one of which dates back to ancient Greece.

There is a legend that the wood of this plant was used to build the famous Trojan horse. It is this fact that gave the name to the bottom - the tree of Apollo. Also Caucasian fir is the most common tree in the celebration of Christmas.

The tree has a long lifespan. The average lifetime of each specimen is approximately 700 years. A distinctive feature of this species from other conifers is appearance needles, which on the reverse side has two parallel white stripes. At the very beginning of its appearance, the needles have a light green tint. As the tree matures, the color changes towards dark and the needles acquire a lacquer sheen.

One more original feature of this plant is the color of the cones, which can acquire purple hue depending on variety and growing conditions.

Features of growing fir

cultivation given tree on a personal plot has its own nuances, which begin from the moment the plant is prepared for planting. Fir is planted by planting a specially prepared germinated seed, which must first be subjected to natural wintering conditions.

This can be achieved by placing the seeds in, where a breathing hole needs to be made above each grain. After that, the container with the harvested seeds should be placed in a cold place. The procedure itself is called stratification. It must be carried out about two months before planting seeds in the ground.

Following the stratification procedure is the process of seed germination, which must be carried out in ordinary pots. Since young shoots are distinguished by long growth, if you want to get Caucasian fir on the site, it is best to contact specialized stores to purchase an already prepared seedling, which should be at least 5-10 years old.

Younger shoots simply will not survive, older ones may not take root, since fir is very sensitive to transplantation and does not respond well to a change in habitat.

Before planting, the place where the tree is planned to be planted requires pre-training, which includes:

  • creation of an open space, excluding the overlap of incoming natural light with branches of other trees;
  • fertilizing the soil, which should be fertile;
  • calculation of the distance between adjacent firs, which should be at least 2.5 meters.

As you already understood, choosing a landing site is not so difficult.

Planting fir in open ground

Planting a tree on a personal plot should take place in strict accordance with the following scheme:

Moreover, the abundance of watering should be observed throughout the first season of tree growth, which will provide the latter with the maximum degree of comfort for adaptation and taking root in a new place.

Features of caring for Caucasian fir

Despite its unpretentiousness, the tree requires compliance with a number of conditions, especially important in the first years of life, which will ensure the reliable strengthening of the fir in a new place.

  • sufficient soil moisture. Since coniferous trees are distinguished by strength and power, they require proper watering to ensure normal plant growth;
  • constant feeding with a complex of nutrients;
  • normal lighting. At first, the seedling requires a sufficient amount of natural light, which will allow it to develop. Only later will the tree itself be able to "clog" all its surroundings;
  • mandatory mulching to avoid weed growth.

Another important condition to save the tree in the first year of life is its reliable shelter during the winter, for which a special film can be used.

Caucasian fir in landscape design

The plant was liked by gardeners as an element in the design of a personal plot.

The massiveness of the crown, beautiful, wide needles, a variety of colors, unpretentiousness - all this serves as arguments "for" planting Caucasian fir on the territory of the site to create unique design.

It should be noted that the plant of this species is much larger than its European counterpart, while distinctive feature tree is a saturated crown, which, when lowered, touches the ground.

While watching the video, you will learn about growing fir.

In the countries of Western Europe, it is this plant that is most widely used for decorative purposes and as a tree in afforestation.


Nordmann Fir or Caucasian Fir (Abies Nordmanniana)- very popular as Christmas tree. Very beautiful conifer tree, regular wide-conical shape. Cut off, it does not shed its needles for a long time. Such Christmas tree will stay fluffy for up to 10 weeks. But it is sensitive to dry air, so regular spraying is necessary. The natural habitat of these beautiful plants is the western part of the Caucasian ridge, where they form entire fir forests. Grows together with oriental spruce and beech. Caucasian fir- high large tree, reaching a height of up to 50 m (there are specimens and 80 m high), with a diameter of about 7 m. Lives up to 700 years. Growth per year is about 15 cm, but in natural conditions it grows faster. The needles are dark green, shiny, up to 4 cm long, with reverse side lighter with two longitudinal stripes. The needles last up to 13 years. When rubbed, it has a citrus smell. Cones are large, grow up, brown-brown, at the beginning of maturation - green. Fir Nordmann has a high shade tolerance. Soils for caucasian fir light, neutral and slightly alkaline are suitable. But it can also grow on poor soils. Propagated only by seeds. Easily tolerates frosts down to -30 ° C. Under natural conditions, it grows to the upper border of forest vegetation. Needs watering in the spring, during the period of drought, a weekly sprinkling is sufficient. Likes moist air. But it does not tolerate waterlogging and soil compaction. Has a deep root system. Two years after planting young plants, fertilizers can be applied. Does not require shaping pruning. Grows poorly in urban environments due to sensitivity to air pollution.

Size: 50 m in height, growth per year is about 15 cm. With age, the growth rate increases. At the age of 30, the height of the tree reaches 10 m.
Crown shape: Correct wide-conical, the lower branches descend to the ground.
Needles: Dark green, long, has characteristic light stripes below.
Fruit: Large, first green, then become brown-brown. Up to 15 cm long.
Light: Sun, partial shade, grows well in the shade.

Undemanding to soils. Fit with Fresh, fertile, loamy, slightly acidic to alkaline substrates.Prefers damp places.

Frost resistance:

Frost-resistant. In the cold season, m Young growths must be protected from frost. Requires protection from strong winds, butwind-resistant in sufficiently moist places.


Fir Nordmann most often used as Christmas tree. IN landscape design widely used for landscaping parks and gardens in North America and Western Europe. Suitable for single and group landings. It is rarely used for urban greening due to poor resistance to air pollution. Valued for high quality wood.

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The size of the Christmas trees in pots is indicated without taking into account the size of the tub

Nordmann fir in a pot grown in special nurseries in Denmark. Many farms have been growing Danish Christmas trees in pots for generations. They grow firs directly in pots, in a special substrate. Thanks to permanent care, the Danish tree features an almost flawless conical shape and uniform glossy dark green needles.

Fir, being the most noble of the class of conifers, has always been valued for its symmetrical pyramidal shape, thanks to which it is very impressive and stands out from others. coniferous plant. In nature, the Nordmann fir is a huge majestic tree growing up to 60 m. The crown of the Danish fir is dense and symmetrical. Broad branches hang down to the ground.

The needles of the Nordmann fir are especially beautiful. She is shiny and thick. The needles are expanded at the base. Danish firs form inconspicuous monoecious flowers. Male and female flowers are located on the same tree. The cones are directed upwards, and do not hang down like a regular Christmas tree, they can reach 20 cm in length.

When young, the buds are green, acquire with age Brown color. Unlike pine, fir cones do not fall whole to the ground, but become stiff and ripened scales gradually fall off, so that only the core remains on the tree from the cone.

Perfectly even cone-shaped crown and the dense needles of a Danish tree in a pot cannot be obtained with improper care and insufficiently bright location. The Danish tree receives all this in abundance in specialized nurseries in Denmark. Millions of people around the world are celebrating New Year and Christmas, dressing up a beautiful fir. If you want to be sure of the quality, then buy a Danish Christmas tree in a pot from us!

Each fir that comes to our customers undergoes the strictest selection and is marked by our employees in the fields of the best nurseries in Denmark.

Our online store of Christmas trees guarantees the delivery of only beautiful live Christmas trees. You can refuse the spruce brought by us if you have doubts about its quality. Refusal to order a Christmas tree is possible at the time of delivery of the tree by courier and only in the Moscow region. Delivery charges are not made.

All Christmas trees are selected and marked by our company employees in the fields of the best European and Russian nurseries. This is done by experts from years of experience selection of live Christmas trees of premium quality.

Delivery Christmas trees in Moscow and the Moscow region is carried out the next day after the order or at any other day and time convenient for you. Shipping cost depends on the height of the Christmas tree. The price for the Moscow region is indicated in the table below.

Delivery of several Christmas trees is paid for the price of one.

Christmas tree lengthPrice
up to 1 meter500 rub
up to 2 meters800 rub
up to 3 meters1 200 rub
up to 4 meters2 500 rub
up to 5 meters4 000 rub
up to 6 meters5 500 rub
up to 7 meters6 500 rub
up to 9 meters8 900 rub

* Delivery of Christmas trees in the Moscow region + 20 rubles. 1 km from Moscow Ring Road in one direction.

The order of delivery of live Christmas trees to other regions of Russia is described in the section “Delivery of Christmas trees”

You can pay in any way convenient for you.

When delivering Christmas trees in Moscow and the Moscow region, payment to the courier in cash is possible.

To pay by bank transfer to the account of LLC, send the details of your organization to us by mail.

Important! Advance payment for orders outside the Moscow region is required.

Place an order through the basket of our online Christmas tree store or call our office.

You can order a call back and we will contact you at a convenient time for you.

You can arrange delivery or pick up a live Christmas tree yourself from our warehouse in Moscow.

You can make a purchase using e-mail or by sending us a request from our website.

Video selection. Possibility to choose a Christmas tree by yourself, using the filter to view files with plants.

Pickup. You can pick up the New Year's beauty at our warehouse in Moscow. Employees will help with the choice, pack and load the tree into your car for free.

Installing a tree in a stand, which can also be purchased in our online store.

Dismantling and removal of the plant with subsequent disposal.

These services will significantly reduce the list of New Year's chores and leave you more time to enjoy the holiday.