Toilet      06/20/2020

Manufacturing options for a desktop jigsaw. How to make a jigsaw machine with your own hands? How to make a homemade jigsaw for wood

Jigsaw machine - special device, which is designed to perform work on sawing wood, its derivatives, as well as other materials (for example: plastic, drywall sheets, polystyrene, and so on) along curved contours and straight lines.

Depending on the power of the electric drive, it can be divided into two types:

  • power up to 150 W;
  • power over 150 watts.

Machines with a power of up to 150 W are used mainly at home, for work on the manufacture various crafts from materials of medium and low density and thickness.

Machines with a drive power of over 150W are mainly used in industrial environments, when working with hardwoods and other materials. Such jigsaw machines allow you to work with a material thickness of up to 10 centimeters.

For home and semi-professional use, in order to save money, you can make homemade jigsaw new machine. This will require the presence of initial knowledge in plumbing and electrical engineering, as well as a small amount hand tool.

Making a homemade jigsaw

In order to manufacture jigsaw machine with your own hands, you will need:

  • eight wooden planks for making a frame;
  • a sheet of thick plywood for the countertop;
  • several metal corners, welding machine;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • accessories for fasteners, drill.

1) We start the design of the machine from the frame. The frame will require wooden blocks square section 50*50 mm. For support posts, four beams 250 mm long are used.

For longitudinal connecting beams, bars with a length of 380 mm are used. End connecting beams have a length of 250mm. All bars are interconnected using conventional wood screws.

2) We make a countertop. We take plywood for the countertop, in this situation we should be guided by the principle: the thicker the better. Normal can be considered a sheet of plywood 10mm thick. The sheet is cut to the dimensions of the frame so that the edges and corners protrude 5 centimeters beyond the edge.

After that, on the plywood board, the attachment points of the legs and the jigsaw itself should be noted. Holes are drilled according to the marking so that the self-tapping screw falls in the center of the leg.

In the markings for the jigsaw, you should transfer the attachment points and drill holes. A hole for the saw blade is also pre-cut. We fasten the table top with self-tapping screws to the frame.

3) The next step is to install the jigsaw under the countertop. To do this, the entire rack structure is turned over onto the countertop cover.

The electric jigsaw is installed according to the markup and bolted to the countertop. On this stage you must not forget that the canvas must already be installed and occupy the position provided for it with a margin for the hole.

At this stage, you will need a welding machine to make a fixing structure. It will require four corners. Bottom bar 50*50mm with two holes for bolts. A 200mm long corner is attached to it. Next, a corner with a size of 230 mm (selected for each case individually, depending on the distance from the edge of the tabletop to the canvas).

The descent to the canvas is carried out from a corner 150 mm long, to which a wheel from a jigsaw is attached. This design absorbs all the vibration from the web and prevents breakage. The whole structure is attached to the tabletop with two bolts. They should not loosen from vibration.

The work on the manufacture of the jigsaw machine is over, the machine is ready for full operation.

Video: do-it-yourself jigsaw machine.

What if you need to use a jigsaw, but there is no desire to purchase it? Experienced craftsmen they will answer that in this case the easiest way is to make a jigsaw with your own hands.

There are multiple ways to make and repair such a tool yourself. Below is a list of options for using the most simple and affordable of them.

We make a manual jigsaw using simple technology

Before you make a jigsaw, you should prepare inexpensive and available materials. Let's put them in the form of a list:

  • sheet plywood - 12 mm;
  • sheet plywood - 5 mm;
  • sheet steel - 2 mm;
  • set of bolts and nuts;
  • drill (manual or electric);
  • chisel;
  • sanding paper;
  • files.

As a base for a manual jigsaw, you must use a bracket, which is made from a sheet of plywood (12 mm).

After that, you should make a thickening on the handle using a thinner plywood sheet(5 mm). Such a thickening is glued evenly on both sides of the handle, which, during subsequent work with a jigsaw, ensures its comfortable position in the hand. At the same time, the bracket and handle must be carefully processed with sandpaper and files of different classes.

The steel plate must be cut down with a chisel and the clamping jaws must be cleaned using a file. Next, you need a drill to make cuts in the jaws. Having taken this step, we proceed to cutting notches on them with a sharp chisel. Modify the left clamping jaw in such a way that a threaded hole for the bolt is made. We attach the jaws to the bracket, and then screw the bolts on the left clamp, securely fastening with a nut.

Options for making a desktop jigsaw

Desktop fixtures of this kind can be made both from scratch and through improvements to existing devices.

Option 1

To make a new desktop mechanical jigsaw, you must first acquire the following tools and supplies:

  • duralumin pipe;
  • plastic base;
  • screws;
  • copper sheet;
  • drill.

First, we prepare the frame; an duralumin pipe is well suited for this purpose. During the manufacture of the frame frame, a passage must be provided through which an electrical wire is laid, which will provide the tool with power. Using a copper sheet, a U-shaped frame is made, which is then attached directly to the frame. In the area where the frame is connected to the handle of the jigsaw, the frame is screwed with screws.

Then we take plastic base for drilling holes and mounting slots in it. On the prepared basis, we fix the jigsaw in such a way that the file can pass freely in the hole made. Clamps, attach finished fixture on a flat surface, such as a table.

Option 2

To make a jigsaw, you can use sewing machine which is not in need of repair. To make such a tool you will need the following materials and tools:

  • foot or manual model sewing machine;
  • hacksaw blade;
  • needle file;
  • electric drill.

We unscrew all the bolt fasteners from the lower parts of the machine structure, the entire working system with the thread is completely removed. We remove the metal mounting rod by knocking out and remove the drive shaft. We unscrew 2 more bolts and disassemble the panel that closes the sewing machine, its removal is quite simple. Gently remove the sewing needle and get to work.

First of all, we perform work with a slot for the needle. We expand it to such a size that a file can fit there. A needle file will help to cope with this task. It should be selected based on the size of the hacksaw blade. Try to make the size of the cut for the file as accurate as possible. Having bored the connector, you can install the canvas in place of the former needle holder. And in the end, turning the wheel, you need to check a few points in order to:

  • there was no contact between the saw, the panel and the presser foot;
  • there was free passage of plywood under the saw in the upper position;
  • materials were drawn in a smooth motion without jerks.

Such jigsaws are suitable for use in working with plywood, balsa wood and plastic, and when using an electric machine, such a device can be converted into an electric jigsaw.

Video “Jigsaw. Choosing a tool and working with it

If it is not possible to repair the jigsaw

In the event that the use of a manual jigsaw does not correspond to the tasks, and it is not possible to repair the electric ones, then it is worth using the options below that will allow you to make an electric jigsaw. Table type electric jigsaw:

  • electric jigsaw for manual use;
  • sheet plywood;
  • set of clamps;
  • 10 pieces of screws;
  • electric drill.

We make markings for the slots in the plywood and carefully cut them out. If there is a pendulum stroke, it must be turned off. Then we place a hacksaw blade in the slot and attach it there. We also make several slots on plywood, drilling holes with a drill and connecting them to each other. Screws are placed in the slots made. As a result, it will not be difficult to fix the tool with clamps on flat surfaces. The device is ready.

Jigsaw from an electric drill:

  • steel sheet (4 mm);
  • steel sheet (1.5 mm);
  • steel sheet (1 mm);
  • steel rail (2 mm);
  • spring rail (0.9 mm);
  • steel bar (section 7 mm);
  • electric drill.

Using sheet steel (4 mm) we make a product in the form of a C-shaped frame, which will be the base of the jigsaw. Next, attach it to the electric drill. For this purpose, it is necessary to create a special clamp made of steel sheet (1.5 mm), which will provide fastening. At the edges of the base we fix the spring slats. We will need a steel sheet (1 mm) to make clamps through which the saw will be attached. These clips on the edges will also help to strengthen the C-frame. And from a steel bar you can make a crank that will power the saw. For the connecting rod, we need a steel strip, which will allow us to create a crank mechanism.

On this, work on the manufacture of a jigsaw can be considered completed. Due to its massiveness, for safety reasons, it is better to clamp the drill in a vise during operation. And working materials are best placed on flat surfaces.

Video “Jigsaw. Modernization"

How to make a jigsaw with your own hands? A jigsaw is a saw blade that reciprocates. Currently, this tool can have an electric motor, hand or foot drive. It is difficult to unambiguously classify jigsaws. Consider their main varieties.

The jigsaw is designed for sawing various parts from metal, wood, plastic, ceramics.

A manual jigsaw consists of a saw blade and an elastic frame (bracket). On the frame there are special clamping devices for fixing the canvas. The frame has a horseshoe shape.

The advantages of this jigsaw are an accurate and clean cut of the workpiece, the ability to cut out various shapes (multi-beam snowflake). However, such a tool requires high professionalism and a strong hand.

The machine-type jigsaw (desktop) is an evolutionary continuation of the manual jigsaw. It has all the advantages of a manual jigsaw and is devoid of its shortcomings. With it, you can cut complex internal holes without cutting the contour.

The only downside is that this quality tool costs a lot of money. Structurally, it consists of a base (a workpiece is attached to it), and levers are installed above and below, at the ends of which there is a thin file.

The levers are driven by a pendulum electric motor. A manual electric jigsaw consists of a body in which an engine, mechanisms, a speed controller and a pendulum mechanism are installed (on some models).

An engine, a speed controller and a gearbox are installed in the housing to convert rotational motion into reciprocating.

There are two common body types: D-shaped (the silhouette looks like an iron) and L-shaped. Such tools can cut thick and hard workpieces.

Every master who respects himself and his time has this apparatus in his arsenal. The advantage is that it does not require access to reverse side blanks. The disadvantages include the impossibility of sawing out complex parts of small shapes.

The purpose of the jigsaw

The tool is designed for figured cutting thin parts sheet materials, be it wood, plywood, steel, non-ferrous metals or ceramics.

Only a jigsaw can make a curved cut of a complex part. That is why it is so popular with carpenters, furniture makers and modellers. Moreover, in household This indispensable tool. Basically, a jigsaw is used for sawing wooden products. With it, it is easy to embed a sink or electrical panel into the tabletop.

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How to make a jigsaw

You will need materials and tools:

  • engine;
  • file;
  • chipboard sheet;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screws;
  • table or workbench;
  • clamps.

The most common are three ways to make this tool. The first is very primitive: you need to attach an electric jigsaw to flat surface, for example, to chipboard sheet, after making a hole for the file.

Fasten the power tool to the chipboard with self-tapping screws or countersunk screws. It is very important to firmly fix the jigsaw to the countertop.

The finished fixture is attached to the table or workbench with clamps. This device is made quickly, in about an hour.

But this design not suitable for outdoor work or in the absence of a suitable table. Eliminating these shortcomings will lead you to the next model of a homemade electric jigsaw.

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The second way to make a jigsaw

Materials and tools:

  • engine;
  • box;
  • jigsaw;
  • additional saw guide;
  • table or workbench.

This option is pretty simple. We need a box, a jigsaw, an additional guide for the file. You can make a box 40 cm wide, 30-40 cm long and 30 cm high. The height of the table will depend on the height of the jigsaw handle. Further, the tool itself is inserted into the structure, and then you can work anywhere. For ease of storage in a small workshop, the box should be collapsible. This will save some space.

The disadvantage of this design is an uneven cut. This is due to the fact that the blade is fixed on only one side. In the process of cutting a thick workpiece long canvas(up to 40 mm) periodically deviates along vertical plane. This defect is eliminated by fixing the saw blade.

You can fix the saw blade with the help of an additional guide, at the end of which hard plastic with a cut or a ball bearing is installed. In addition, it is impossible to make cuts of complex shapes with high quality with such a tool. This is a consequence of using a standard electric jigsaw blade. This minus is eliminated by the refinement of the now machine.

IN Lately I was very interested in cutting out with a jigsaw, I don’t even know why it would be. It all started with the fact that I needed to cut a few gears out of plywood...

And off we go. At first I sawed the gears by hand, then I thought, pumping a muscle with a manual jigsaw is certainly good, but if you automate the process, it will be much faster!

So let's get to know this first. manual jigsaw for artistic cutting.

(all photos in this article were found on the Internet)

To cut, you need files, they are thin like wire, with sharp teeth. Previously, such files were sold in a pack of 50 pieces. Recently I went to the store, so these "bimesmen" began to sell them individually. During the evening, you can break a couple of pieces of such files.

For sawing, we also need a special table, it can be a board with a conical slot, screwed to the table with screws or a clamp.

For the convenience of attaching files to the machine, it is better to use a special device that will compress the contour of the jigsaw, so you can easily change the file without effort. With the help of a wooden eccentric, compression occurs.

And now about automation. In the next photo you see desktop jigsaw factory type, on the Internet you can find a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifferent modifications. This thing is not very expensive, but even if I really want it in my city, I can’t find it, and in principle, there’s nothing to it.

Industrial machines are certainly good, but I will probably use them for a couple of months and abandon this occupation, and in general, such a machine, as I found out, can be easily assembled by myself from plywood and wooden bars.

The next photo uses an industrial manual jigsaw and a spring to return the file.

So, we can easily assemble a desktop jigsaw with our own hands at home. I personally did this, but I have a special design, there are no photos of me in this article, but I will definitely post it, as well as a video in work.

An electric jigsaw is a tool without which it is simply impossible to perform many woodworking and material processing works in which it is used. Possessing compactness and low weight, a manual portable jigsaw is able to cut out products of very complex geometry from a workpiece.

In work, the jigsaw is very convenient and besides, it provides very precise and thin cut. If you do not want to spend money on a purchased jigsaw, you can make it yourself at home.

The lightest product

The jigsaw table itself can be made with your own hands in a short period of an hour. The advantage of the fabricated design is its simplicity. It can be easily mounted on a countertop or workbench and, if necessary, can also be easily disassembled. disadvantage homemade design can be considered as a small area.

The simplest product consists of the following parts:

  1. Plywood.
  2. Mounting screws.
  3. Clamps.

The working basis of the machine can be laminated plywood, in which it is necessary to drill holes for installing fasteners and for the saw itself. Plywood must be at least 10 mm thick. In this case, in the sole of your power tool, you may also have to make holes for the mounting screws.

Homemade design can be attached to workbench with clamps. Please note that the heads of the screws for fastening must be recessed into the surface of the sheet so that they do not interfere with you during operation. Such a machine can easily handle the processing of small workpieces up to 30 millimeters thick. A drawing of this type of machine can be easily found on the Internet, and then with your own hands you can assemble it at home.

Another variant

This option consists of the following parts:

  1. Bed made of chipboard.
  2. Tube for vacuum cleaner.
  3. Laminated plywood for machine cover.
  4. Confirmants.

There is a second option for a stationary fixture for working with wood material, which is assembled from a larger number of spare parts, but it will not be difficult to make it. The bed is made of chipboard and consists of a rear wall and two sidewalls. To make it easy to get to the power button, the front wall of the machine is missing.

IN back wall do-it-yourself necessary drill holes for vacuum cleaner tube and cord. The cover for the machine can be made from laminated plywood 10 millimeters thick. The whole structure can be pulled together by confirmants. The jigsaw can be fixed in the same way as described above in the first case.

On a machine made according to this option, more massive workpieces can be processed, however, when working with a thick workpiece, the jigsaw saw can go in both directions and lean back. In this case, the accuracy of the cut deteriorates. This disadvantage can be easily eliminated with your own hands by installing a bracket on a home-made machine that will serve as an emphasis.

The jigsaw saw will move between two 11mm bearings, which must be screwed to the L-shaped strip made of steel. The back of the saw will rest against the wall of the bracket itself. This design will prevent your jigsaw blade from deviating from a given path.

The bracket must be attached to the frame, made of bars 50 by 50 millimeters. It can be lowered or raised depending on the length and thickness of the wood being processed. To do this, the frame itself, together with the stop, must not be fixed tightly to the sidewall of the machine, but pressed against it with a hardboard, steel or textolite plate. Install vertical stand frame between hardboard and bed.

The machine can be more convenient if you mount an additional limiting bar on it, with which you can cut the material into workpieces of the same length and thickness.

The limiter is attached to the machine with clamps. His are made from wooden beam , aluminum or steel corner. You can also, for convenience, install a bar on a sled, which must be fixed to the sides or bottom of the tabletop.

Table for jigsaw machine made of chipboard

For making this jigsaw table you must have a certain carpentry skill, since when connecting its tsarg with legs, it must be made into a tenon groove. The tenon groove itself can be changed to a connection using dowels, wood glue and self-tapping screws.

The cover of the machine must be made lifting, to facilitate access to the tool when replacing it. In order for the machine to be multifunctional, it is necessary to provide a place for mounting a milling manual machine.

The table is assembled from the following materials:

  • bar 80 by 80 millimeters;
  • bar 40 by 80 millimeters;
  • laminated plywood or laminated chipboard measuring 900 by 900 millimeters.

Measure the distance between the legs, it should be from 60 to 70 centimeters. The bars for the prolegs and the tsarg will be obtained if the bars 80 by 80 millimeters are cut lengthwise. You can choose the height of the legs yourself at your discretion, it all depends on how convenient it will be for you to work on the machine.

At each end of the prolegs and the tsarg, it is necessary to drill two holes for the dowels. The same holes must be made on the sidewalls of the legs. Coat the dowels with glue for half their length and insert into the ends. After that, assemble the frame completely. It will turn out to be indestructible. After checking and possible corrections, it tightens tightly.

All surfaces at the contact points must be smear with glue. Use self-tapping screws for additional structural strength, which must be screwed through the holes prepared in advance for them.

The lid must be attached to one of the drawers with the help of hinges; for this, a slot must be made in it to facilitate the removal and installation of the jigsaw. In the countertop on the back side, it is necessary to screw two strips with a pre-selected quarter, into which the sole of the power tool should enter.

Holes must be made in the slats, into which bolts or clamping screws must then be installed. A jigsaw fixed under the tabletop will be able to cut thicker material if a recess is made for its sole in the lid. The easiest way to make this recess using a milling machine.

As a result, the table will turn out to be very simple and spacious, so the necessary strength of its cover can be provided by a large thickness of chipboard or plywood. Use sheets of 20 mm or thicker.

Jigsaw machine using thin saws

Since, when cutting difficult patterns in plywood, I saw an electric jigsaw, it is not well suited for this, you need to take a thin nail file. It can be attached to a hand-held power tool using the original fixture.

We also attach the jigsaw to the tabletop, but a thin file must be pulled, as it will not be enough just set on a pendulum. To facilitate the process of stretching the file, it is necessary to make a rocker from a bar.

In this case, the tension of your web is provided by means of a spring. Put its lower loop on the transverse hairpin. The upper loop must be inserted into the adjusting screw, which changes the tension of the damper. All wooden blanks for a homemade machine are made of hard rock tree.

Since the jigsaw machine does not have the possibility of attaching a thin-section blade, you can redo the chip old saw, after drilling a hole in it and completing it with a screw with nut and clamping plate.

A vertical slot must be made in the rocker arm, into which a second steel plate must be inserted. It is attached to the rocker with screws. The upper part of the file must be attached to it in the same way as the lower part. To make it easier for you, you can take an old jigsaw to make a trimming plate.