Toilet      09/26/2020

Lesson on valeology “Here we are!” in the middle group. GCD topic: “Me and my body” outline of a lesson on speech development (middle group) on the topic Human body middle group

Topic: “Parts of the body are my helpers” Goal: - consolidate the concept of parts of the body; - clarify children’s knowledge about body parts and their names; - develop friendly relations with each other; - develop speech; - develop motor skills and tactile sensations.

Objectives: Improving the lexical structure of speech: - enrich, activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Parts of the body are my helpers”; - learn the names of parts of the human body, their functions (we see with our eyes, we hear with our ears, we breathe through our nose, etc.); - expand ideas about the perception of smells; - clarify the meaning of the words “aroma”, “smell”. Development of coherent speech: - create a problematic situation, take part in its discussion; - develop the ability to answer questions competently; - find motivation for reasoning on this topic. Improving general and fine motor skills. Developmental tasks: - development of tactile sensations; - development of correct physiological breathing. Educational: - to form ideas about parts of the body: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hands, about their role in human life; - cultivate cultural and hygienic skills. To achieve the goal, the following methods and techniques were used: - visual method (use of video materials) - verbal method (conversation about body parts) - game technique (articulatory gymnastics “Funny Tongue”) - experimentation method (find out in which kettle the water is cold, and in which how hot, without touching - aromatherapy (scented candles are used). Problem solving is carried out through the following educational areas: - health (the ability to breathe correctly) - cognition (the teacher’s story about the eyes and the perception of smells) - music (“Sounds of the Forest”). Equipment : - poster depicting the structure of the human body; - video materials (landscapes, flora, fauna; nose, ears, eyes; fish, frog, chickens, pigeons, owl, eagle owl, crayfish, lizard, ants, dog, cat, deer, horse, dolphin); - audio recording “Sounds of the forest”; - two teapots with water – hot and cold; - “miracle box”; - scented candles; - whatman paper, red gouache, faces with no mouth. The move directly educational activities 1. Organizational moment. Educator. Guys, let's say hello. Hello, palms! (children clap their hands: clap-clap) Hello, boots! (stomp: stomp stomp) Hello, frogs! (croak qua-qua) Hello, cuckoos! (cuckoo: cuckoo) Hello, ringing heel! (click their tongue: clink – clink) And baby firefly! (as they exhale they say: s-s-s) Hello, nimble breeze, (blow) A sonorous child’s voice! (wagging tongue: bl - bl) The train is long at the platform! (pulling: tuuu) Good afternoon wristwatch, (ticking: tick-tock) Loud children's voices! And now everyone sat down together, everyone looked at me. 2. Main part. Today we will talk about man. There are a lot of people living on Earth - billions. All people are similar, we all know how to speak, think, walk, but each person is unique. We differ in appearance, eye color, hair color, height, gait, voice, character. And now guess my riddles: 1) We wear boots in winter, shoes in autumn, sandals in summer. (Legs) 2) I never set foot in the hospital, I walk around everything, I’m trembling all over, my lips are trembling, Yesterday I was treated... (teeth). 3) Five brothers have been equal for years, different in height. (Fingers) 4) Everything we put in our mouths will end up in our ... (stomach). 5) The pot is smart, it has seven holes in it. (Head). Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task. And please tell me what the name is most of human body? (torso) The teacher shows where the torso is.

What body parts are there on the torso and inside? (children's answers: arms, legs, head, heart) Well done, you know everything.

And what is on the head (hair, eyes, mouth, lips, eyebrows, ears). The teacher shows an image of a person.

Now let's figure it out together, children. What are eyes for in the world? And why do we all have a pair of eyes on our faces? So why does a person need eyes? The children answer. Educator. That's right, eyes help a person recognize the world around him: we see objects around us, their color, size, shape, and we can determine the distance at which they are from each other. (Children watch video materials depicting landscapes, flora, fauna.) - The eyes are very sensitive, so they must be protected. For people with poor vision, the doctor recommends wearing glasses. All representatives of the animal world have different eyes. For example, fish see objects located nearby well. Frogs only notice moving objects. In order to examine a stationary object, she herself needs to start moving. In crayfish, the eyes are located on special antenna stalks, extend far forward and can rotate on their own when the crayfish is motionless. The owl and eagle owl have large, but motionless eyes, but the head rotates around its axis in a full circle. Moreover, they only see in the dark. Chickens, pigeons, and lizards can only see in the light. Ants can see stars even during the day. - What color eyes are there? The children answer. Educator. What kind of eyes do you have? The children answer.

Educator. Close your eyes with your palm, Let's sit for a little while: It immediately became dark. Where is the crib, where is the window? Strange, boring and offensive - You can’t see anything around. Children sit with their eyes closed, music recordings “Sounds of the Forest” are turned on. Educator. In the dark, a person feels bad and uncomfortable, but he has another assistant. What do you hear? The children answer. Educator. How do we hear the sounds around us? Children answer. Educator: What sounds can we hear? The children answer. Educator: Thanks to hearing, we perceive the sounds around us and navigate the world. A person uses his ears to hear the singing of birds and the voices of people, the murmuring of a stream and the sound of the wind, and many different sounds. Now tell me, do you smell a pleasant aroma in the room? Children inhale the pleasant strawberry scent of scented candles.
Educator: - How do we smell aromas? The children answer. - Why do you think a person needs a nose? The children answer. Educator: Some people believe that the nose is just an ornament on the face. Others think that nature gave us a nose to turn it up. There are even expressions: “Look, you turned your nose up!”, “Why are you hanging your nose?” It's a joke. In fact, even the smallest nose is a very important part of the body. We breathe through our nose. The nose also helps to sense and distinguish smells. Why do babies need a nose? There are straight noses, There are snub noses... Every nose is very necessary, \ Since it has grown to the face. Yu. Prokopovich Fizminutka. We stomp our feet. We clap our hands and nod our heads. We raise our hands, We lower our hands. We shake hands and run around. Educator: People perceive each other through sight and hearing during conversation. But for animals, the sense of smell plays an important role. It is the most important sense, often replacing sight or hearing. For some of them, not being able to smell the scent of a predator or not finding prey is tantamount to death. Dogs, cats and horses perceive odors better than other animals. They usually recognize the scent of someone they know long before he gets close. In wild animals, the sense of smell is even better developed. A deer smells a predator from a great distance and manages to run away or hide. But birds distinguish odors very poorly, but dolphins do not distinguish them at all. The teacher uses video materials and subject pictures depicting animals. If you have a cold and runny nose, it's harder for you to breathe. You need to take care of your health, be able to breathe correctly, inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. The nose is a human organ. Which one or what has it? The teacher uses video materials depicting an animal and a person, a boat and a teapot. Educator: What is a teapot? What parts does it have? (Spout, lid, handle, bottom, walls). Educator: What is a kettle for? (To drink from it). Educator: What kind of water is needed to make tea? The children answer. Two teapots with cold water and hot, you are asked to find out which is which without touching, then a series of questions are asked. Children understand how to determine the temperature of water. Educator: In front of you are two teapots, in one teapot cold water, in the other - warm. Which one do you think has cold water? The children answer.
Educator: We touch objects with our fingers. They help us write and sew. Sculpt, do many different things. With the help of our fingers we can feel heat and cold, feel whether it is hard or soft object, smooth or rough. Some very subtle movements need to be learned, for example, the hands of artists are very well developed. I suggest playing with our fingers a little. Let's try to guess by touch what is in our miracle box? The children do it.
Educator: What would happen if a person had one eye, but two mouths and two noses? The children answer. Educator: We are given one head. And two eyes and two ears, And two temples, and two hands, But one nose and mouth. But if we had it the other way around, One leg, one arm, two tongues - We would only know what we were eating and chatting. G. Heine. - A tongue lives in our mouth. With it we can determine the taste. Why else does a person need language? The children answer. Educator: Language helps to publish the most different sounds, and most importantly – talk. Sometimes he plays the role of a guard, guarding the entrance to the house (mouth) and checking the food for its suitability or unsuitability for consumption. During chewing, the tongue turns over pieces of food.
Summary of the lesson. Educator: Guys, today you learned a lot of interesting things, studied our body and figured out what parts of the body and organs we have and what they are needed for. But you must not forget about the most important thing: a person must always be neat and clean. It is always a pleasure to communicate with such a person. To do this, you need to wash your hands every day, comb your hair, bathe, brush your teeth, take care of your clothes, don’t be lazy, do morning exercises and eat right. Tell us what exactly did you like the most?

Target: introduce children to the concept of the word “person”.

Progress of the lesson

I. Conversation. Construction.

The recording of the song “You are a Man” by E. Krylatov is heard in the hall.

A doctor appears in front of the children. He talks about what the concept of the word “man” includes.

Doctor. There are many types of inhabitants on the planet - plants, animals, people. The common feature of these living organisms is that they all originate in a tiny cell. An adult organism grows from it. Listen to the riddle. Whoever guesses correctly will go to the table to work with the designer.

So, the riddle:

He is smarter than everyone else on earth,

Because everyone is stronger.

Answer quickly

Who is smarter and stronger than everyone?

Children guess the riddle. The two children who were the first to guess the riddle are called to the table to make a “person” out of the construction set. There is a competition going on. Children sitting in their seats watch the actions of their comrades. Whoever constructed the model first won.

Doctor. What was man made of?

Children(answer one at a time). From parts of the designer. From details.

Doctor. Right! Every detail resembles a cage. This means that a person consists of cells.

II. Getting to know the parts of the human body.

Boy(runs out and screams). Here I am!

Educator(names and shows parts of the human body, demonstrating them on the assistant boy). Face, chest, arm, stomach, thigh, fingers, legs, knee, toes.

How many hands does a person have? (Two.)

Two means a pair.

How many legs? (Two.) So, a couple.

Educator. How many fingers are there on a hand? Let's count. Children (count). There are five fingers on each hand.

Girl(runs in and screams). I'm here too!

Educator(shows). Head, neck, shoulder, back, elbow, foot.

Boys and a girl walk and demonstrate simple physical exercises: marching on the spot; clapping your hands: tilting the body to the right, left.

This is demonstrated to cheerful marching music.

III. Securing the topic. Working with a table.

A table with a picture of a child is hung up. The summoned children show what they have learned about the person. The work is carried out according to the instructions of the teacher.

On the instructions of the teacher, children show in themselves what they have learned about a person.

IV. A game.

The teacher quickly names parts of the person's body, but not in order: knee, face, leg, chest, fingers, chest, stomach, thigh, legs, thigh, toes, neck, foot, head, elbow, shoulder, back.

Children show themselves. Whoever makes a mistake is eliminated from the game.

V. Riddles.


We stand and dance on them,

Well, what if we order them,

They carry us running

Tell me, what are their names? (Legs.)

Children. Legs!


Five brothers

One job. (Fingers.)

Children. These are fingers!

Educator. Let's count how many fingers there are on two hands. Children (count). There are ten of them!

VI. Summarizing.

Summary of educational activities for speech development.

Age group – mixed age (younger)

GCD theme: “Me and my body”

Types of activities: speech, communication, perception fiction, educational and research, musical.

Forms of organizing children's activities: a game situation.

Goal: developing ideas about body parts.

A) educational - enter children's names into the active dictionary nouns: forehead, neck, eyebrows, eyelashes, shoulders, elbows, knees, chin, etc.; activate verb dictionary: look, listen, eat, breathe, walk, run, hold, wear, etc.; use nouns in the genitive case in speech; encourage children to read a familiar poem; fix the names of body parts.

B) developing - develop the main types motor skills: general and small, the ability to correlate your movements with the words of the song; develop visual and auditory attention and memory, thinking, phonemic hearing.

C) educational – to arouse interest in further knowledge of oneself.

Preliminary work:

Looking at a poster "My body» . Showing and naming parts of the body and face on oneself and on the doll in everyday communication during games and routine moments. Examination of body parts and animal toys. Discuss with children why certain parts of the body are needed. Reading a poem by A. Barto "Bear" and showing illustrations. Learning this poem with children.

Materials and equipment:

Soft toy "Bear", Pictures “What is the bear missing?”.

Literature: O. A. Novikovskaya "Summaries of complex classes with children 3-4 years old"

V. V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development in the second younger group kindergarten"

V. I. Kovalko

I. E. Averina

Stages of activity


Gymnastics. One, two, three, four, five - we will study the body.

(The teacher reads the rhyme together with the children and shows himself the body parts listed in it.)

One two three four five -

We will study the body. (Walk in place.)

Here is your back, and here is your tummy (Show your back with both hands, then your stomach.)

legs, (Stamp your feet.)

Handles, (Stretch your arms forward and rotate your hands.)

Eyes, ( Index fingers point both hands to the eyes.)

Mouth, (Forefinger right hand point to mouth.)

Nose, (Point to the nose with the index finger of your right hand.)

Ears, (Point to the ears with the index fingers of both hands.)

Head... (Put your hands on your head.)

I barely managed to show it. (Shake your head from side to side.)

The neck turns its head - (Cover your neck with your palms.)

Oh, I'm tired! Oh - oh - oh-oh!

Educator: Although I listed for a long time, I still didn’t name all the parts of the body.

Show more:

Forehead (Use the fingers of both hands to stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples.)

And eyebrows. (Run your index fingers along the eyebrows from the middle to

Here are the eyelashes (Use your index fingers to show the eyelashes)

They fluttered like birds. (Blink your eyes.)

Rosy cheeks, (Use your palms to stroke your cheeks from nose to temples and finish)

The chin is bumpy. (Movement on the chin.)

The hair is thick, (with the fingers of both hands, like a comb,

Like meadow grass. (Brush hair.)

And now I'll look lower,

I'll name what I see:

Shoulders, (Touch your right shoulder with your right hand, and touch your left hand with

Elbows (Without removing your hands from your shoulders, put your elbows forward.)

And knees (Bend over slightly and pat your knees.)

I, Eva, Poly... (Straighten up and spread your arms to the sides, gesturing at the children.)

There's a knock on the door. A bear comes to visit (soft toy). Greets children.

Educator: Teddy Bear really liked the poem about body parts and he also wanted to show what body parts he has.

But he asks that you guys help him, answer his questions. What are different parts of the body needed for? What to do? Will you help Mishka?

3. Collaboration

1. Mishka’s questions.

bear: Guys, what are eyes for?

Children: To watch.

bear: What are ears for?

Children: To listen.

bear: What is the nose for?

Children: To breathe, to smell.

bear: What is the mouth for?

Children: To eat, to talk.

bear: What are hands for?

Children: To hold, to carry, to do various jobs, play, draw...

bear: What are legs for?

Children: To walk, run, jump, stomp...

bear: Guys, you and I have many similar body parts. But I have something that people don’t have. Try to guess what it is.

I have it small, but others have it big, fluffy and elegant. What is this? Children: Tail. Bear: And also, guys, people have nails on their fingers, and animals have claws.

2. Be careful.

Educator: And, it’s true, Mishenka, only animals have paws, tails, and claws. Now we will check if the guys remember this well. Guys, I will name the parts of the body, and you listen carefully and answer who has them - Mishka or you.

(Teacher, children, movement, performed by teacher and children).

Who has nails? I have. ( .) Who has claws? At the bear's. (Point to Mishka.) Who has paws? At the bear's. (Point to Mishka.) Who has legs? I have. (Stamp your feet.) Who has a tail? At the bear's. (Point to Mishka.) Who has hands? I have. ( Extend your arms forward.)

Physical education minute: And now, Mishka, we would like to play with you.

"Teddy Bear"(movements to music)

Educator: Once upon a time, trouble happened to Teddy Bear. Do you know what the trouble is?

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw

I still won't leave him -

Because he's good.

Educator: Do you feel sorry for Mishka? How can we help him?

You and I will not leave Mishka in trouble, we will cure Mishka - a trample - and sew on his paw.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables. On the tables there are pictures depicting Mishka - a trample with any part of the body missing.

Educator: Tell me what part of the body the bear cub does not have?

Children: Mishka has no paw (ear, nose, body).

Educator: - And now we will take the necessary parts of the body and treat the cubs.

Children put these parts on their pictures.

Educator: What did you sew? (A) to your Mishka?

Children's answers.

Educator: Teddy Bear was very sad, but now that the guys have cured him, he has become cheerful again.

Mishka became this way because he has reliable friends - guys who are always ready to help him.

And you, Mishka, stay, stay with us for a while longer.

bear: Thank you, I'll be happy to stay.

5. Reflection

Educator: Today we talked about parts of the human and animal body.

What are they needed for?

What else did we do with you? (treated Mishka).

What did you enjoy doing most?

Mishka and I liked the way you answered. All the guys are great.



Abstract of educational activities on speech development.

Age group – mixed age (younger)

GCD theme: “Me and my body”

Types of activities: speech, communication, perception of fiction, educational and research, music.

Forms of organizing children's activities: a game situation.

Goal: developing ideas about body parts.


A) educational - enter children's names into the active dictionarynouns: forehead, neck, eyebrows, eyelashes, shoulders, elbows, knees, chin, etc.; activate verb dictionary : look, listen, eat, breathe, walk, run, hold, wear, etc.; use nouns in the genitive case in speech; encourage children to read a familiar poem; h attach the names of body parts.

B) developing - develop the main types motor skills: general and fine, the ability to correlate your movements with the words of a song; develop visual and auditory attention and memory, thinking, phonemic hearing.

C) educational – to arouse interest in further knowledge of oneself.

Preliminary work:

Looking at a poster"My body " . Showing and naming parts of the body and face on oneself and on the doll in everyday communication during games and routine moments. Examination of body parts and animal toys. Discuss with children why certain parts of the body are needed. Reading a poem by A. Barto"Bear" and showing illustrations. Learning this poem with children.

Materials and equipment:

Soft toy “Bear”, pictures “What is the bear missing?”.

Literature: O. A. Novikovskaya"Summaries of complexclasses with children 3-4 years old"

V. V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development in the second junior group of kindergarten”

V. I. Kovalko “ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers”

I. E. Averina “Physical training minutes and dynamic pauses in preschool educational institutions”

Stages of activity


Gymnastics. One, two, three, four, five -we will study the body.

(The teacher reads the rhyme together with the children and shows himself the body parts listed in it.)

One two three four five -

We will study the body. (Walk in place.)

Here is your back, and here is your tummy (Show your back with both hands, then your stomach.)

legs, (Stamp your feet.)

Handles, (Stretch your arms forward and rotate your hands.)

Eyes, (Point to the eyes with the index fingers of both hands.)

Mouth, (Point to the mouth with the index finger of your right hand.)

Nose, (Point to the nose with the index finger of your right hand.)

Ears, (Point to the ears with the index fingers of both hands.)

Head... (Put your hands on your head.)

I barely managed to show it. (Shake your head from side to side.)

The neck turns its head - (Cover your neck with your palms.)

Oh, I'm tired! Oh - oh - oh-oh!

Educator : Although I listed for a long time, I still didn’t name all the parts of the body.

Show more:

Forehead (Use the fingers of both hands to stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples.)

And eyebrows. (Run your index fingers along the eyebrows from the middle to


Here are the eyelashes (Use your index fingers to show the eyelashes)

They fluttered like birds. (Blink your eyes.)

Rosy cheeks, (Use your palms to stroke your cheeks from nose to temples and finish)

The chin is bumpy. (Movement on the chin.)

The hair is thick, (with the fingers of both hands, like a comb,

Like meadow grass. (Brush hair.)

And now I'll look lower,

I'll name what I see:

Shoulders, (Touch your right shoulder with your right hand, and touch your left hand with


Elbows (Without removing your hands from your shoulders, put your elbows forward.)

And knees (Bend over slightly and pat your knees.)

I, Eva, Poly... (Straighten up and spread your arms to the sides, gesturing at the children.)

There's a knock on the door. A bear comes to visit(soft toy) . Greets children.

2. Goal setting (solving a problem situation)

Educator: Teddy Bear really liked the poem about body parts and he also wanted to show what body parts he has.

But he asks that you guys help him, answer his questions. What are different parts of the body needed for? What to do? Will you help Mishka?

3. Collaboration

1. Mishka’s questions.

bear : Guys, what are eyes for?

Children : To watch.

Bear: What are ears for?

Children: To listen.

Bear: What is the nose for?

Children : To breathe, to smell.

Bear: What is the mouth for?

Children: To eat, to talk.

bear : What are hands for?

Children: To hold, carry, do various jobs, play, draw...

bear : What are legs for?

Children : To walk, run, jump, stomp...

Bear: Guys, you and I have many similar body parts. But I have something that people don’t have. Try to guess what it is.

I have it small, but others have it big, fluffy and elegant. What is this? Children: Tail. Bear: And also, guys, people have nails on their fingers, and animals have claws.

2. Be careful.

Educator: And, it’s true, Mishenka, only animals have paws, tails, and claws. Now we will check if the guys remember this well. Guys, I will name the parts of the body, and you listen carefully and answer who has them - Mishka or you.

(Teacher, children, movement, performed by teacher and children).

Who has nails? I have. (Show your nails by holding your hands out with the backs facing up..) Who has claws? At the bear's.(Point to Mishka.)Who has paws? At the bear's.(Point to Mishka.)Who has legs? I have.(Stamp your feet.)Who has a tail? At the bear's.(Point to Mishka.)Who has hands? I have. (Extend your arms forward.)

Physical education minute: And now, Mishka, we would like to play with you.

"Teddy Bear"(movements to music)

4. Independent activity of children to test methods of activity

Educator: Once upon a time, trouble happened to Teddy Bear. Do you know what the trouble is?

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw

I still won't leave him -

Because he's good.

Educator : Do you feel sorry for Mishka? How can we help him?

You and I will not leave Mishka in trouble, we will cure Mishka - a trample - and sew on his paw.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables. On the tables there are pictures depicting Mishka - a trample with any part of the body missing.

Educator: Tell me what part of the body the bear cub does not have?

Children: Mishka has no paw(ear, nose, body).

Educator: - And now we will take the necessary parts of the body and treat the cubs.

Children put these parts on their pictures.

Educator: What did you sew on your Mishka?

Children's answers.

Educator: Teddy Bear was very sad, but now that the guys have cured him, he has become cheerful again.

Mishka became this way because he has reliable friends - guys who are always ready to help him.

And you, Mishka, stay, stay with us for a while longer.

Bear: Thank you, I'll be happy to stay.

5. Reflection

Educator: Today we talked about parts of the human and animal body.

What are they needed for?

What else did we do with you? (treated Mishka).

What did you enjoy doing most?

Mishka and I liked the way you answered. All the guys are great.

Summary of a lesson in a speech therapy group on the topic: “Man. Body parts".

Goal: To introduce children to the parts of the human body.

Learn to form nouns plural;
Learn to compose sentences using visual material;
Distinguish between right and left hand, leg;
Teach to form nouns with diminutive and augmentative suffixes;
Exercise children in agreeing nouns with numerals;
Draw children's attention to the polysemy of words;
Exercise children in the use of antonym words.

Equipment: mirrors for each child, a poster depicting the structure of the human body, a ball, demonstration material for the fairy tale “Two Brothers”, a visual representation of the ambiguity of words, natural objects: comb, toothbrush, towel, soap, washcloth, napkins, toothpaste, shampoo.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

Speech therapist: Take the mirrors from the table. Now we will portray different emotions. Raise your eyebrows and be surprised. Now frown your eyebrows, wrinkle your nose, and imitate Baba Yaga. What is her facial expression? /evil, scary/. Now pretend to be a good fairy. Smile. What is her facial expression? /kind, joyful/. What facial expression do you like? What mood do you most often find yourself in? /children's answers/. Well then, let's start our lesson, and let a good mood accompany it.

2.Introduction to the topic

Speech therapist: Guys, listen to the riddle:

He is the strongest on Earth,

Because everyone is smarter.

Who do you think it is? /Human/. Who are we going to talk about? /about a human/

Displaying a poster with the structure of the human body.

Speech therapist: The topic of our lesson: “Parts of the human body.” Today we will find out what parts of the body a person has, why a person needs them. How to keep our body clean and healthy.

A knock is heard. Pinocchio appears.

Pinocchio: Hello children! You recognized me? Why are you gathered here?

Speech therapist: The guys and I are talking about a person. Do you know, Pinocchio, what parts of the human body a person has?

Pinocchio: Of course, I know, I have one part of the body - my NOSE.

Speech therapist: What is it for?

Pinocchio: To stick it everywhere.

Speech therapist: Guys, I think Pinocchio needs to stay so that he finds out what other parts of the human body there are and what they are needed for.

Pinocchio: Thank you, I will gladly stay.

Speech therapist: What is the name of the largest part of the human body? /torso/

The speech therapist, together with the children, shows on the poster where the parts of the body are located and what they are called (belly, back, sides)

Pinocchio: I know, every person also has a head - it can think, look, listen, smell, taste.

Speech therapist: That’s right, a person has a head, but it can’t do all this on its own, but with the help of the organs that are on it, listen to the riddles:

On the top of the animal's head,

And below our eyes. /ears/

Speech therapist: What are ears for? /ears are needed in order to hear, listen/

The way the rays shine

Then a tear obscures them,

Sometimes they read or blink,

And then they suddenly laugh... /eyes/

Speech therapist: What are eyes for? /eyes are needed in order to see, look/

Speech therapist: And now Pinocchio we will tell you and show you what other parts of the body a person has.

A child comes out and, reciting a poem, shows parts of his body, the rest of the children repeat the movements after him in their places.

There are nails on our fingers. There are nails on our heads.

On the hands - wrists, elbows, two ears and two lobes

Crown, neck, shoulders, chest. Eyebrows, cheekbones and temples

Hips, heels, two feet and eyes that are so close

There are knees and a back, cheeks, a nose and two nostrils

But she is only one Lips, teeth - look!

The chin under the lip, that's what you and I know.

Speech therapist: What are teeth, tongue, legs, arms, nose, eyelashes for? /children's answers/

Speech therapist: What else is on the head? /hair/

Speech therapist: The torso has arms and legs. Guys, tell me the parts of the hand /shoulder, elbow, palm, fingers, nails/. What parts of the leg do you know? /thigh, knee, lower leg, foot, fingers, nails, sole, heels/.

Pinocchio: Guys, I know what animals don’t have - faces. Do you know what other body parts domestic animals do not have, but humans do? /palm, fingers, nails, elbows, arms/.

3. Formation of plural nouns. Ball game: "One - many."

Speech therapist: And now we will play the game “One is many”, I name one object, and you name many.

Ear - ears, neck - ..., eye - ..., hair - ..., head - ..., forehead - ..., mouth - ..., nose - ..., cheek - ..., finger - ..., elbow - ..., eyebrow - ....

4. Agreement of a noun with a numeral. Game "Think and answer"

Pinocchio: Malvina asked me questions, but I couldn’t answer them, help me, please, otherwise she’ll ban me from the closet.

How many eyes do two children have? /two children have four eyes/

How many ears do three boys have? /those boys have six ears/

How many fingers are there on your left hand? / there are five fingers on the left hand /

How many noses do three girls have? /three girls have three noses/

Pinocchio: Thanks guys.

5. Physical training

Speech therapist: Stand behind your chairs, let's do a little exercise.

Who can tell me if the children can repeat these movements? I'll raise my hands up.

Children: I can do this too!

Speech therapist: I’ll look right to left.

Children: I can do that too.

Speech therapist: And I’ll fly like a bird.

Children: I can do that too.

Speech therapist: I’ll turn my head.

Children: I can do that too.

Speech therapist: Now I’ll sit down, stand up and not get tired at all.

Children: I can do that too.

Speech therapist: I'll jump a little.

Children: I can do that too.

Speech therapist: And I’ll go on foot.

Children: I can do that too.

Speech therapist: And I’ll run on the spot.

Children: I can do that too.

Speech therapist: I can do anything in the world.

Palms up! Clap clap!

On the knees - slap, slap!

Now pat me on the shoulders

Slap yourself on the sides!

We can clap behind our backs! Clap clap!

Let's clap for ourselves! Clap clap!

We can go to the right! We can go left!

And fold our hands crosswise.

Left hand - on the shoulder,

I'll turn it with my right hand,

On your toes and on your heels,

Now the charging is over.

6. Formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes and using the suffix “ISCH”

Speech therapist: Sit down and listen to a fairy tale called “Two Brothers.”

There lived two brothers. One was called IK, he was small and thin. Looking for another one, he was tall and fat. Everyone had their own place to live. IR had small house. ISCH is a big house. The speech therapist draws the brothers' houses on the board and asks the children questions: which house did ISCH have? /big/. What was it called? /house/. What kind of house did IR have? /small/. What was it called? /house/.

Now I will tell you what these brothers were like. And you will help me. (story based on the drawing on the board). One brother had not a nose - but ... /nosishe/, and the other had /nosik/. One brother had not a mouth - but ... /mouth/, and the other had /mouth/. (arms, legs, forehead, eyes, hair...)

What was the little brother's name? /IR/. What was the other brother's name? /ISCH/. What was the search? /big/.

Speech therapist: If IR is heard in a word, this means that the object is small, and if ISH, then the object is large.

7.Use of antonyms. Game: “Say the opposite”

Speech therapist: Let's now compare the brothers.

ISHHA has a sad face, and IKA has a /cheerful/

ISHHA has dark hair, and IKA has /light/

ISHHA has long hair, and IKA has /short/

ISHHA has straight hair, and IKA has /curly/

ISHHA has a big nose, and IKA has a /small/

ISH is thick, and IR /thin/

ISH is high and IR /low/

8. Polysemy of words.

Speech therapist: Guys, there are words that sound the same, but have different meaning.

The nose is on an airplane, on a ship, on a teapot;

The peephole is in the door, near the potatoes;

The neck is at the bottle, at the child;

The back is at the chair;

Brushes – paint brush, grape brush;

Tongue - near the shoe, cake;

Legs - near the chair, near the mushroom.

9.Reading and discussion of an excerpt from a poem by K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Pinocchio: And once I got my nose into the ink and got all dirty, it was so fun.

Speech therapist: You probably don’t know what can happen if a person doesn’t keep his body clean. Listen to an excerpt from a poem by K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr".

"Oh you ugly one, oh you dirty one,

Unwashed pig!

You are blacker than a chimney sweep, admire yourself.

There's polish on your neck,

There's a blot under your nose,

You have such hands that even your trousers have come off,

Even pants, even pants

They ran away from you."

Speech therapist: Guys, who do you think these poems are about? /about a slob, a dirty person/ - What should you do to be clean? /wash, wash your hands, body, brush your teeth, comb your hair, clean and iron your clothes, clean your shoes.../

Pinocchio: Malvina makes me wash my hands and also gave me a whole bag of some items. But I don’t know what to do with them, why I need them.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's help Pinocchio.

Game: “What things does a person need to be clean and tidy?”

(the speech therapist shows body care items, and the children make up sentences /a person needs a comb to comb his hair.../)

Pinocchio: Thanks guys, now I know what parts of the body a person has and what they are needed for. And that you need to use hygiene items every day.

9. Summary: What did we learn in class today? /children's answers/

Children name parts of the human body in a chain, passing the ball to each other.

Prepared and conducted by teacher of the highest category Danilova L.N. 2015 MBDOU « Kindergarten No. 14 “Cockerel”


Summarize children’s knowledge about the function of organs, form the idea that every part of the human body and organ is of great importance to him.


Learn to distinguish concepts "part of the body" And "organ" , to clarify through experiments why certain organs are needed, to train the ability to acquire knowledge through observations and experiments.

Teach children to distinguish facial expressions: happy, sad, angry, scared.

Develop speech, thinking, memory.

Cultivate neatness and caring attitude towards each other.

Vocabulary work: part of the body, organ, look, smell, breathe, feel, talk, eat, listen, orange, red, yellow, blue, green, angry, cheerful, sad, sorrowful.

Methodological techniques: demonstration, experimentation, play, logical reasoning, introspection, conversation.

Material: hare "Stepashka" , book, poster "My body" , portrait of a girl and a boy, a scented cotton swab in a bag, a plate with garlic covered with a napkin, bread or cookies on a napkin, candies of different colors, a glass of sour water (lemon acid) , didactic game: "Collect a portrait" .

Preliminary work: articulation and facial gymnastics.

Progress of the lesson.

Guys, look who came to visit us? Stepashka from a children's program « Good night kids" ! Say, hello Stepashka! What did he bring with him? Book "Grow up healthy" .

Stepashka says that when he started reading it, he had a lot of questions, for example, what is called "part of the body" , And what "organ" . Let's try to figure this issue out together. Animals Stepashka have 3 parts of the body - the head, and what else, help guys. That's right, body and tail. Show these body parts to Stepashka. Well done. Now, think and tell me, what parts of the body does a person have? I have this poster that shows a girl and a boy, girls and boys, all people have what body parts? Head, show me on the poster, and you have a head, show me. Torso. Show me where the girl’s torso is, and where is yours? Where is your tail? Check, do you have a tail like Stepashka? No, why? That's right, because we are people. So, a person has a head and a torso are parts of the body. Say it in unison. Now we will do a warm-up for our body to be healthy.

We sat and were tired

Together we all stood up quietly

Hands patted once, twice, three times.

They stomped their feet once, twice, three times.

Well done! Now, let's see what the person has on his head? What is located above everything? That's right, hair. Show off your hair. People's hair comes in different colors. For example, this girl’s are red, but the boy’s are what color? Black, dark, but our Katya’s are light. How many of you can figure out why we need hair? They warm the head and protect from the hot rays of the sun. Do you remember? What else does a person have on his head? Let's talk about the eyes. They also come in different colors. Look into each other's eyes, some are blue, green, brown, gray, but what color are the girl's? The boy? Let's think about why we need eyes? Right to watch. Close your eyes, can you see me? No, do you see what I'm showing you? No, so what are eyes needed for? To watch. What does a person have below his eyes? Nose. Show the nose of the girl and the boy. Where is it? Why do you need a nose? Let's check. Pinch your nose with one hand and your mouth with the other, can you breathe? No, that means why do you need a nose? Breathe, say in unison. Take a cotton swab out of the bag and hold it to your nose, what do you feel? What's the smell? Nice. Now take a plate of garlic and bring it to your nose, what do you feel? What's the smell? So what is the nose needed for? Distinguish the smell. What is below the nose? Mouth. Show me the mouth of a girl and a boy, and where is your mouth? Cover your mouth with your hand and try to say I'm good. Why do we need a mouth? Talk. There is a piece of bread on a napkin in front of you, eat it. What have you done? Why do you need a mouth? To eat. Now I will give you candy, and you tell me what color it is and eat it. Candy, what does it taste like? Sweet. Wash it down with water. What does it taste like? Sour. You felt that the candy was sweet and the water was sour, and your tongue helped you with this.

Show your tongue, now hide it. How do we lick ourselves? Tongue on the upper lip and then on the lower lip. Well done. So, we need our mouth to talk, eat, feel. What else does a person have on his head? Ears. Show the girl's and the boy's ears, and where are your ears? What do we need them for? Cover your ears with your palms firmly and tightly. (The teacher quietly says you are good). What I said, you didn't hear, why? So, why do we need ears? Listen.

You all listened to me well today, well done. Today we learned that the head and torso are called part of the human body, that on the head there are hair, eyes, nose, mouth, ears and we need all of them and they all perform some kind of work, function.

Guys, Stepashka invites us to play a game "Make a portrait" . Shall we play? Let's make a portrait. We have a head, but we don't have what? That's right, there is no face. Let's make a face to the man. And now, Stepashka will see what you have done. Everyone come up to this portrait, what kind of face does the person have? How did you guess that it was cheerful and joyful? Correctly there is a smile on the face and a joyful look. Can you make such a cheerful face? Well done! Pay attention to this face, what is it like? How did you guess that it was evil, angry? The eyebrows frowned, joined together, there was an angry grin on his face, look at the lips and teeth of this man. Make an angry face. Oh, even Stepashka was scared of you. Look at this portrait. What face? Sad face. How else can you say about him? It's sad, tearful. By what signs did you guess that the look was sad? The corners of the lips are downcast, the eyes are sad. Make a sad, sad expression on your face. Well done! What is this person's facial expression? How did you guess that it was scared? The eyes are wide open, even the mouth is open with fear. Now you make this face. Well done! Now put on a smiling, cheerful face and stay like that for the whole day. We learned that a person’s facial expression can be different: cheerful, sad, angry, scared. Well done!