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Genital herpes on the head. Genital herpes: photos and description of the disease. Severe forms of the disease

It is necessary to treat herpes on the penis in a complex way, affecting not only the cause of the disease - the herpes simplex virus, but also strengthening the immune system. This is an unpleasant disease that worsens the quality of life, especially its sexual side.

Causes of the disease

The cause of herpes on the penis is Herpes simplex type II, in very rare cases type I. For a long time, the pathogen can be in the human body and not manifest itself in any way. When favorable conditions the herpes simplex virus is activated, which is why external manifestations of the disease appear.

Provoking factors in men:

  1. Reduced immunity as a result of severe infectious and somatic diseases.
  2. secondary infection. As a result, the body's immunity may not be able to cope with the concentration of viral particles.
  3. Physical and mental overstrain, chronic overwork, stress, hypothermia, overheating.
  4. Nutritional errors. Most often observed during a diet. The body is deficient in many vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
  5. Bad habits. Abuse alcoholic drinks and smoking negatively affect the immune system.

HSV can appear immediately after entering the human body or lie low for many years. If a patient has had genital herpes at least once in his life, you need to be prepared for periodic relapses.

Symptoms of genital herpes in men

Herpes on the genitals in men is mainly localized on the foreskin and head of the penis. However, if not treated promptly, blisters may appear on the testicles, perineum, around the anus, and on the buttocks. Sometimes the virus enters the urethra, causing the development herpetic urethritis. This significantly worsens the patient's condition.

The first signs in the genital area include the appearance of itching, burning, redness and tingling.

The progression of the disease occurs at lightning speed. Literally after a few hours, bubbles filled with a cloudy liquid appear at this place.

What does genital herpes look like? The main symptoms of the disease: a massive occurrence of a rash on the head of the penis, foreskin, as well as on the scrotum, perineum and buttocks. Rashes are characterized by heterogeneity, as they appear within a few days. They are accompanied by severe itching, but in no case should you scratch them. This threatens to damage the bubbles and spread the virus to the surrounding tissues.

With the localization of elements on the glans penis, the rash can spread to the mucous membrane of the urethra. Severe pain and pain during urination will be added to the symptoms.

After a few days, the herpes on the penis will begin to change: the bubbles burst, ulcers and erosions form in their place. This is the most dangerous period, since it is at this time that the patient infects the sexual partner.

With proper care, wounds heal quickly. This process lasts up to 2 weeks, depending on the location of the rash. For example, herpes on the head of the penis heals the longest. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the body. After all, the head is covered by the foreskin, which makes it difficult for air to reach the affected area.

During the first episode of genital herpes, there is a significant deterioration in the patient's condition:

  • body temperature rises;
  • chills appear;
  • severe weakness;
  • aches in muscles and joints;
  • appetite worsens;
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • possible enlargement of nearby lymph nodes, for example, inguinal.

Treatment of herpes infection

How to treat herpes on the penis? Unfortunately, there is no specific therapy that will ensure the complete recovery of the patient. Once a virus enters the human body, it will remain there forever. And the treatment of herpes is aimed at:

  • remove unpleasant symptoms of the disease;
  • reduce the severity of clinical manifestations;
  • reduce the period of acute rashes;
  • prevent further dissemination skin and mucous membrane infections;
  • speed up the recovery of the patient.

How to cure herpes in men? To do this, use antiviral drugs that have the ability to suppress the activity of the virus. With limited manifestations of the disease, the use of local treatment in the form of an ointment or cream is sufficient. With the spread of the rash and the progression of the disease, the systemic use of antiviral drugs in the form of tablets will be required.

The necessary remedy for herpes, the frequency of use and the duration of the course of treatment should be determined by the doctor, depending on the patient's condition, the severity of clinical manifestations and other parameters. You can not self-medicate and randomly use a variety of drugs. This will lead to the formation of stability, and it will be problematic to select the necessary scheme.

Local funds

It is necessary to treat herpes with the use of ointments and creams based on Acyclovir, Valaciclovir or Famciclovir, as well as their analogues. In severe cases, it is advisable to use combined medicines, which additionally includes interferon. This protein has a unique property to enhance the effect of antiviral agents, which will ensure a speedy recovery of the patient.

Treatment should begin when the first signs of the disease occur. Timely use of an antiviral ointment will help block the reproduction of the virus and prevent the occurrence of external herpes sores.

You need to smear the drug with a cotton swab, each time using a new one. This will prevent the spread of infection through the skin and mucous membranes. Do not touch the rashes with your hands. If the genitals are affected, the affected area should be treated with disposable gloves or with a special fingertip. After applying the ointment, hands should be washed with soap.

The frequency of use of the drug is from 5 to 8 times a day. When bubbles appear, an antiviral ointment will shorten the period of acute manifestations and reduce the clinical signs of the disease.

In the absence of a positive result after a few days from the start of therapy, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Sometimes resistance to drugs develops, so prescriptions will need to be adjusted.

Other therapeutic measures

How to treat herpes in men to prevent recurrences? To achieve stable remission, it is necessary to undergo complex therapy. It should include means to strengthen the immune system:

  • immunoglobulins;
  • interferons;
  • stimulators of the formation of endogenous interferon or cellular immunity;
  • as well as multivitamins.


The treatment of herpesvirus infection should be approached responsibly in order not only to get rid of the symptoms, but also to prevent the occurrence of frequent relapses.

The male body needs to be tempered: do exercises regularly, take long walks in the fresh air, take a sauna outside the period of exacerbation.

Herpes on the penis makes itself felt with primary manifestations two days later or two weeks after infection. The initial manifestations are very painful and more difficult to tolerate than relapses of the disease.

Herpes of the first type attacks the face, lips and torso. Herpes on the penis is caused by a type 2 infection, which affects the urinary system. IN last years some researchers argue that the herpes virus began to slowly but surely mutate, move from one type to another. In other words, the first type virus can appear on the genitourinary system, and the second type of herpes is quite capable of being localized on the face, hands and any other part of the body.

How infection occurs

Genital herpes is mainly transmitted through sexual contact: sexual intercourse, anal sex, oral. The highest percentage of morbidity occurs in the age group of 20-30 years. Not only a man, but also a woman can become infected. At particular risk are people who have many sexual contacts with different partners.

In addition, the option of infection when using household items: soap, towels, etc. is not excluded. It should be remembered that the patient is dangerous during an exacerbation of the disease, when its contagiousness is high (the contagious power of an infectious disease, its ability to be transmitted from one living being to another).

Course of the disease

On the penis, herpes is most often localized on the glans penis, but it can also appear in the perineum and scrotum. In addition, bubbles may appear in the urethra (in this case, the disease will be classified as herpetic urethritis).

The patient feels pain, burning, discharge occurs from the urethra in the morning. Probably the expansion of the inguinal lymph nodes, accompanied by an increase in temperature. Herpes on the penis is clearly visible in the photo.

Here are the main symptoms of this type of herpes:

  1. There is a decrease in appetite.
  2. Suddenly "rolls" a feeling of fatigue, weakness.
  3. The body temperature rises.
  4. Muscle and joint pains are observed.
  5. Watery blisters appear on the penis.
  6. The lymph nodes are enlarged.
  7. Urine passes very painfully.

Just before the appearance of watery vesicles, the burning is especially severe. After a while, the bubbles burst, leaving sores on the skin, which soon become covered with a crust.

Herpes treatment

Alas, but herpes of the penis cannot be completely cured. Therapeutic measures basically consist in attempts to increase the time interval between relapses. Treatment is carried out mainly with the help of drugs such as acyclovir, valaciclovir, famciclovir.

If herpes on the penis appears too often, it is necessary to constantly take antiviral drugs and strengthen the immune system.

Symptoms of the disease disappear in one to two weeks, but a third of those infected have regular relapses. Relapse does not contribute proper nutrition, constant stress, great physical or mental stress, and so on.

Fortunately, penile herpes does not affect the work of other organs, however, which has passed into the urogenital stage, can cause the activation of the bacterial flora (staphylococcus aureus, E. coli), and this can already lead to the development of such a disease as, for example, prostatitis.

Treatment of herpes on the penis should begin as early as possible, at the initial stage. by the most effective drug recognized for treatment acyclovir(or zovirax). This drug is produced in the form of ointments, tablets, ampoules for injection.

The action of the drug is aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus, but not at its elimination. In addition, the use of the drug should go in conjunction with immunomodulatory therapy.

As for the prevention of herpes on the penis, here, first of all, important to avoid infection. In other words, avoid casual sex (even using a condom does not guarantee safety against infection).

Also, this is the most safe way of all those described - there is no danger of inflicting physical harm on oneself.

How likely is it to get herpes if you use a condom?

American scientists have found that during sexual contact with a person who has a relapse of the second type virus, the risk of infection is 20 percent when using a regular condom. If the condom is treated with a special antiseptic (for example, nonoxynol), the risk of getting sick is reduced to five percent.

It should be remembered that the virus may be present on skin no visible manifestations. Even with the onset of a relapse of the disease for one or two days, it is impossible to see anything.

In the United States, the disease has acquired simply cosmic proportions - the number of men suffering from penile herpes, over twenty-five million.

American doctors have been studying this problem in detail for a long time and came to the conclusion that with herpes it is necessary to adhere to a special diet.

The principle of the diet is simple - limiting the use of foods containing a large amount of the amino acid arginine. Arginine is the main material for the construction of virus cells. At the same time, the patient should increase the intake of products containing lysine, which stops the reproduction of the infection.

Diet treatment

Obviously, a strong immune system is much more effective in resisting the attack of the virus that causes penile herpes.

It has been proven that some food products can provoke a recurrence of herpes of the penis. First of all, this fatty food rich in bad cholesterol sugar and alcohol. Cholesterol slows down the production of white blood cells. Sugar stops the absorption of vitamins C and B in the intestines, which leads to a decrease in immunity. Alcohol does have a direct toxic effect to the body's defense cells.

In order for the intervals between recurrences of chronic herpes of the penis to become as long as possible, it is necessary to adhere to a diet with a high content of lysine, an amino acid indispensable for the body. Lysine reduces the activity of the virus, reducing the frequency of relapses.

Studies conducted at the American Mayo Clinic proved that if a person consumes 1248 grams of lysine every day, the relapse-free interval increases by 2.4 times.

The sources of lysine are:

  1. Potato decoction.
  2. Casein.
  3. Meat.
  4. Egg white.
  5. Potato.
  6. Sprouted wheat.
  7. Lentils.
  8. Lactalbumin.

It is very useful for this disease to eat fish, vegetables, fruits, boiled chicken breast, legumes. It is important to maintain a balance between dishes containing an increased amount of natural alkalis and amino acids. The first includes vegetable, fruit, bean dishes, the second - meat. If the balance is disturbed, a recurrence of herpes on the penis is possible, so every acidic dish should be eaten with an alkaline dish.

Harmful products for herpes of the penis are: chocolate, wheat flour cakes, raisins, peanuts.

The use of vitamins

Strengthening immunity - crucial point disease control. Apart from a large number fruits and vegetables, the patient should take vitamins sold in pharmacies.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in the amount of six hundred milligrams, in the same amount - vitamin B three times a day (use within three days).

Vitamin E should be taken topically, this will reduce the burning sensation and pain, accelerate the healing of ulcers. The vitamin is applied directly to the affected areas in the form of an oil solution for about fifteen minutes. After half an hour, the pain subsides, and if it resumes, the vitamin should be reapplied.

For herpes on the penis, it is necessary to apply plant extracts, for example, tinctures of Ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Golden Root, thuja, and so on. These funds have a beneficial, stimulating effect on the immune system, accelerating the production of leukocytes, restoring damaged cells (this is important for the healing of ulcers).

These drugs have been used since ancient times and have long proven their safety. Produced in the form of tablets, alcohol tinctures, extracts.

Using vitamins and plant extracts, you can significantly increase the duration of the relapse-free period.

Folk methods of treatment

Traditional medicine advises to use as many vitamin teas as possible, wipe the affected skin with alcohol.

vitamin tea softens the course of the disease, gives the body vigor and strength.

To prepare vitamin tea, you will need juniper fruits, lemon balm, bird cherry flowers. All components should be mixed and brewed in a porcelain teapot at the rate of one teaspoon of tea collection per one glass of water. Drink tea with honey or viburnum mashed with sugar three to four times a day.

In addition, it strengthens the body well. tea with propolis. Chamomile flowers insist fifteen minutes, then strain, add a teaspoon alcohol tincture on propolis. Drink in small sips.

Good help berries- especially viburnum. Folk healers take viburnum berries and carefully crush them in a mortar, pour boiling water, then leave for about four hours. You should drink "viburnum water" for seven to twenty days, depending on how quickly the disease goes away.

Honey and celandine significantly alleviate the condition with herpes on the penis. To prepare the product, dried celandine and linden honey are used. The paste is applied to the affected areas. Treatment is carried out until the rash disappears.

Of course, it is necessary to treat herpes on the penis with the help of antiviral drugs, and the means traditional medicine should be considered as ancillary.

Herpes on the penis is an extremely unpleasant chronic disease that should always be feared. We repeat once again that the most important prevention of this disease is the absence of promiscuity. In addition, you need to observe personal hygiene, strengthen the immune system and, if possible, lead a healthy lifestyle.

What does it look like and how to treat herpes on the penis?

Herpes on the penis is infection caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2. High risk of occurrence this disease in men, it is caused by promiscuous sexual contacts and intimate relationships without the use of contraceptives.

Most often, the genital form of the disease occurs at the age of 20-45 years.

The causative agent of the infection is the Herpes Viridae virus of the first and second strains. Herpes simplex virus type 2 is considered the most dangerous, since type 1 herpes rarely causes manifestations of the disease and is quite easily cured.

This disease affects both women and men. In women, the clinical picture of genital herpes is more pronounced, while in men, genital herpes often occurs without any symptoms.

Ways of transmission of infection:

  • contact - during a sexual act from an infected person;
  • vertical - from an infected pregnant woman to the fetus;
  • transfusion - through blood transfusion;
  • household - through personal hygiene items and clothes of a person infected with herpes;
  • self-infection - contact of the skin with wound infiltrate.

Causes of the herpes virus on the penis:

  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives (anal, oral);
  • various past STIs;
  • chronic diseases;
  • avitaminosis, reduced immunity.

Susceptibility to the disease of genital herpes increases slightly with age. The risk group includes males who are sexually promiscuous, preferring unprotected sexual contacts, as well as men who belong to the Negroid race.

Clinical picture

Depending on the type of infection, the incubation period can last from a few days to two weeks. During incubation, the herpes virus forms a focus of localization in which it accumulates and multiplies.

After the penetration of the genital herpes virus into the blood of a person, its symptoms begin to appear. For the correct and timely treatment of this disease, it is important to recognize them in time.


In the intimate area looks like a herpes rash. Small translucent vesicles with liquid inside form on the genitals, while it can spread to the entire inguinal region - testicles, pubis, penis shaft and head of the penis. In rare cases, the virus also affects a larger area - the buttocks, abdomen, and the area inside the thighs.

For the initial stage of the disease, the following signs of the disease are characteristic:

  • redness of the infected area (usually herpes on the head of the penis or on the foreskin);
  • slight swelling (scrotum or glans penis);
  • pain;
  • burning;

After some time, characteristic vesicles filled with infiltrate appear in the inguinal region and on the skin. When they occur, the following symptoms are observed:

  • the presence of purulent discharge from the urethra;
  • increased body temperature;
  • a significant increase in inguinal lymph nodes;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • joint and headaches;
  • malaise.

Such symptoms of infection are typical for primary infection with HSV type 2, the secondary disease most often proceeds almost asymptomatically.

In rare cases, genital herpes on the penis proceeds in an atypical form - there are no rashes at all, but there are symptoms characteristic of other genitourinary infections: purulent discharge from the urethra, aching pain, itching, burning. In such cases, it is quite difficult to diagnose the disease, and herpes becomes chronic.

In cases of recurrence, herpes on the genitals in men practically does not manifest itself in any way: there is a small amount of rash on the skin or penis, catarrhal phenomena are not observed.

Due to the absence of symptoms, a man may not notice recurrent herpes at all and learn about its presence only from an infected sexual partner. At the first sign of herpes, you should immediately contact a specialist.


An untreated infection can recur and lead to new adverse consequences. Launched herpes on the penis leads to pathology of sexual function in men, which can contribute to the development of impotence.

If a bacterial infection has also joined this viral infection, adequate treatment should be prescribed. In its absence, bacteria enter the bloodstream, affecting the internal organs:

  • prostate;
  • urethra;
  • urinary canals;
  • rectum;
  • bladder;
  • kidneys.

The first symptom indicating the occurrence of an inflammatory process is frequent and painful urination and pain in the lower abdomen.

In this case, an increased body temperature may be observed, swelling lower limbs. The most severe consequence of the genital herpes virus is the formation of a prostate tumor.


Diagnosis of herpes on the skin of the penis with the primary manifestations of the disease does not cause difficulties and is carried out using a clinical picture typical of this disease.

Additionally, the doctor may prescribe special laboratory tests:

  • Virological- for research, an analysis of the contents of the vesicles or the contents of erosions located at the bottom of the vesicles is taken. If certain changes in the structure of cells are observed within a few days, this indicates the presence of herpes. This study is considered by clinicians to be the most accurate.
  • Molecular biological- based on checking the integrity of the cells under study and the absence of any violations in DNA fragments.
  • Extended colposcopy- allows you to detect changes in the tissues of the mucous membranes.
  • Immunofluorescent- Dried and fixed smears from the urethra are viewed under a microscope, and the biomaterial is placed in a treated oil or water immersion. If the patient's swab contains at least three cells with signs of the herpes virus, the analysis is considered positive.
  • Cytological- one of the available methods that allows you to examine the affected cells using staining. The accuracy of this method exceeds 75%. Since the herpes virus is embedded in the DNA structure, the tissues may contain inclusions and additional nuclei.
  • RSK (immunological) is the most common analysis. It consists in the search for antibodies that are formed immediately after the first manifestation of herpes. This method cannot be used for the primary manifestations of the disease, since the body has not yet formed the necessary protective functions.

Most laboratory tests are not often used as part of a routine examination, as the usual clinical picture is usually sufficient to make a diagnosis.


The treatment of this disease should be complex, since the defeat of the body by the herpes virus is systemic. Therapy is aimed at relieving symptoms: reducing burning and itching, healing of blisters. During drug treatment antiviral drugs that stimulate the immune system are prescribed.

The modern pharmaceutical market offers an extensive selection of products aimed at treating herpes on the genitals. The drugs that effectively fight this disease include tablets, various local gels and ointments for herpes, suspensions and injections. The choice of a particular drug depends on the type of virus, the severity of the disease and the condition of the patient.

Treatment of the virus occurs in several stages:

  • Taking medications(antiviral and immunostimulating). As part of complex therapy, the following agents are prescribed in the form of suspensions or tablets: Acyclovir, Valaciclovir, Panavir. Simultaneously with these drugs, immunomodulators are prescribed in tablet form - Cycloferon, Immunofan, Lavamax. For local treatment, ointments are recommended - Zovirax, Gerperax, Virolex, Foscarnet, Acyclovir. The course of therapy is 1-2 weeks. Treatment of genital herpes alone is not recommended. Dosage medicines prescribed by the attending physician.
  • Reception of decoctions medicinal herbs and vitamins. As the symptoms of herpes disappear, the body needs to restore the immune system, so doctors recommend taking decoctions medicinal plants, vitamins, as well as tinctures of ginseng, echinacea, licorice, chamomile and eleutherococcus.
  • Vaccination. After an infection, experts recommend vaccination against the recurrence of herpes. It is advisable to vaccinate only during remission.

In case of a severe course of the disease, as well as in the case of a bacterial infection, the patient can be treated in a hospital.

During the therapeutic course, experts recommend:

  • refrain from intimate relationships;
  • diversify the diet, add foods enriched with B vitamins (dairy products, fish, cereals, cereals);
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • do not drink alcohol.

Folk remedies

To treat the herpes virus on the penis, several effective, proven remedies are used that are easy to prepare at home:

  • Infusion of viburnum. P lody viburnum must be crushed in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water. Leave the resulting mixture for at least three hours. Take 3-4 times a day for 20 days.
  • Honey with celandine. To prepare this composition, you need to take 50 g of crushed celandine and the same amount of honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected part for 20-30 minutes. After this time, the mixture is washed off with warm running water.
  • Herbal bath infusion. Take 30 g of chamomile, motherwort, calendula, thyme and raspberry leaves, pour boiled water and insist for an hour. Process the head of the penis with the resulting composition for two weeks.


To prevent a viral infection in the genital area, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • use contraceptives during intercourse;
  • have one sexual partner;
  • do not contact people who have signs of herpes;
  • do not use other people's clothing and hygiene items;
  • observe personal hygiene.

Men need to remember that the occurrence of herpes on the penis can cause many negative consequences for reproductive function. Therefore, you should be careful about your health and join in intimate relationship with a permanent partner.

It is hardly possible to surprise someone in our time. And although many simply do not take such diseases seriously, it is still not worth ignoring the problem. In men, herpes is most often observed on the head, scrotum or in the perineum. So what is the danger of such a disease?

Herpes on the glans penis: causes

Genital herpes is a very common problem faced by many women and men. The reason here, of course, is a viral infection that is sexually transmitted. Therefore, it should be taken into account that people who often change sexual partners fall into the risk group in the first place. By the way, in some cases, infection through saliva is possible, as well as the sharing of household items, although such ways of spreading the infection are observed relatively less frequently. The condition of the person also matters. If the body's defense mechanisms are strong enough, then the herpes virus may not manifest itself - the main symptoms appear against the background of a decrease in immunity.

Herpes on the head: photos and symptoms

In fact, the disease manifests itself very characteristic symptoms which must be paid attention to. Incubation period can be different and last from 2 days to several weeks.

To begin with, a small, blistering rash appears on the skin in the vulva, and the skin around the pimples may be red and swollen. The rash can be accompanied by itching and a very strong burning sensation. As already mentioned, in men, herpes appears on the head, foreskin, scrotum, less often in the perineum. If you comb acne, then in their place ulcers can form, which later become covered with crusts.

Along with this, other symptoms appear. In particular, the activation of the infection is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain and aching muscles, decreased appetite, weakness, and fatigue. You can also notice an increase in the inguinal lymph nodes.

If you notice herpes on your head, you should immediately consult a doctor. If left untreated, the symptoms may disappear on their own, but periodic relapses will occur in the future. In addition, scratched rashes can become a gateway for a bacterial infection, which will only complicate the situation.

Herpes on the head: treatment methods

Unfortunately, modern medicine does not know how to completely cure - the herpes virus will still remain in the body. Therefore, therapy is aimed primarily at eliminating the main symptoms and increasing the time interval between relapses.

For the purpose of treatment, antiviral drugs are used and which can be in the form of both tablets and injection solutions. In addition, special ointments and gels are prescribed to treat the affected areas of the skin - such medicines relieve itching and discomfort, and also help the rash disappear.

However, to prevent herpes on the head from reappearing, you should adhere to preventive measures that come down to safe sex and healthy lifestyle life. For example, with the right diet, regular physical activity, hardening, lack of stress, the immune system is strengthened, which reduces the chances of a relapse.

One of the most famous viral infections localized on the mucous membranes of the genital organs (head of the penis, scrotum, perineum). The disease is not “linked” to a specific age range, therefore, all men of puberty who lead an active or periodic sexual life fall into the risk zone. According to statistics, about 85-90% of the male population are carriers of the virus, often without even knowing it. The disease may not manifest itself in any way for years, but under certain circumstances pass into the active phase. The most common cause of relapses are malfunctions of the immune system.

The most common route of transmission of the infection is through sexual contact. Moreover, the danger is not only the classic vaginal method, but also anal, oral.

The likelihood of infection through household items is quite small, but the possibility of infection with the herpes virus when sharing towels, bedding and other personal hygiene items also exists. The airborne method of distribution is excluded, since to date it has not been clinically confirmed.

Causes of the manifestation of herpes on the penis

The interval between recurrences of the manifestation of genital herpes directly depends on the state of human immunity. The weaker the body's defenses, the more difficult it is to resist a viral attack, and the longer the recovery process takes. Among the factors contributing to the transition of the disease into the active phase, the following can be attributed:

    . Nervous work, problems in family life, lack of proper rest lead to emotional exhaustion and, as a result, a decrease in immunity.
  • Improper nutrition. Eating unhealthy foods (semi-finished products, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, sausages, etc.), as well as insufficient intake of proteins in the body, leads to disruption of the immune system.
  • Avitaminosis. The lack of vitamins belonging to the group of antioxidants (A, E, B, C) affects the body's ability to give a timely immune response to a viral infection.
  • Physical overload. The state of constant physical overwork (chronic fatigue syndrome), as well as an irrational mode of work and rest, make a person vulnerable to the disease even with minimal changes in the external environment (changes in temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, etc.)
  • Taking drugs that suppress the immune system. These include various steroid drugs, as well as drugs with a cytostatic spectrum of action.
  • AIDS. Patients with immunodeficiency syndrome are automatically at risk due to the inability of immune cells to respond to a developing infectious lesion.

Symptoms of genital herpes in men

Symptoms of a viral infection are identical to those of labial herpes and are expressed in the following signs:

  • Itching in the groin. Unpleasant sensations can be localized in different parts genital organs - most often, this is the foreskin, head, scrotum or the surface of the penis itself. In some cases, itching can be observed in the area of ​​the perineum or anus.
  • The appearance of small bubbles, filled with liquid, located close to each other and forming inflamed halos of different diameters. At the site of the rash, the skin acquires a characteristic red hue, indicating the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Burning when urinating. In the case when herpes directly affects the head of the penis or the foreskin, urine enters the inflamed surface of the skin and the mucous membrane of the urethra, causing severe irritation.

Additional signals indicating the onset of the development of a herpes infection may be such manifestations in health:

  • An increase in body temperature against the background of general fatigue, weakness, loss of strength.
  • Headaches, loss of appetite, feeling of apathy.
  • Pain and aches in the muscles.
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes in the inguinal zone, well palpable on palpation.

Usually, on the 2-3rd day, the bubbles that appear burst, and a crust gradually forms in their place, under which the process of epithelium renewal starts. With abundant rashes, small sores can coalesce with each other, turning into extensive foci of inflammation. In this case, the recovery period will take a longer period of time. On average, the period from the onset of the manifestation of herpes on the penis to the transition of the infection to the closed phase takes 7-8 days.

Important! Genital herpes does not belong to a number of hereditary diseases and is not transmitted from parent to child.

A venereologist tells about what genital herpes looks like in men in this video.

Diagnosis of herpes

Since the external symptoms of genital herpes are obvious, in most cases no special laboratory research is required to confirm them. In exceptional situations, when the infection provokes the development of other associated viral diseases, or proceeds in a complicated form, additional examinations may be prescribed - for example, a PCR test, as well as fluid sampling from the vesicles and a blood test for the presence / absence of HSV 1 and 2 in it type.

The diagnosis and treatment of genital herpes in men is done by a venereologist or urologist. First, a visual examination of the patient is carried out and the nature and degree of damage to the mucous and integumentary tissues in the genital area is revealed. Then a general clinical picture is compiled based on a survey about the presence or absence of herpetic eruptions in the past (immediate / long-standing), as well as the state of immunity and the patient's lifestyle in general.

Treatment of genital herpes in men

The peculiarity of a herpetic infection is that once it enters the body, it is no longer possible to get rid of it. The essence of therapy is to increase the time gap between relapses and to alleviate the patient's condition as much as possible during the period of virus activation. As a rule, in men, herpes recurs much less frequently than in women, but the risk of complications from the genitourinary system is still present.

Important! The presence of the herpes virus in the body does not interfere with a man's ability to conceive, and also does not affect his libido.

The main cause of exacerbations of genital herpes is a decrease in immunity, so the whole complex of therapeutic measures, one way or another, is aimed at restoring the body's defenses. During periods of exacerbation of infection, special antiviral drugs are prescribed, aimed at suppressing the process of reproduction of viral antibodies inside infected cells.

The most common remedies used to treat herpes are:

  • Gerpevir;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Farmciclovir;
  • Zovirax;
  • Valtrex (Valacyclovir);
  • Ganciclovir.

Antiherpes drugs are available in different forms: ointments, capsules, tablets. Depending on the general clinical picture and the state of the patient's immunity, various treatment regimens can be used, based on the use of drugs both inside and outside. Ointments are applied to the affected areas of the penis, testicles, head or perineum with a thin layer 4-6 times a day. The tablets are taken according to the attached instructions or according to the scheme prescribed directly by the doctor.

Relief of physical condition during relapses

The active phase of the development of a herpes infection, accompanied by continuous itching and the appearance of blisters, is quite painful and causes a lot of inconvenience to a man. To lower the pain threshold and protect yourself from the spread of the virus to other mucous membranes of the body, you must strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene, as well as take into account some household tips:

  • Wear loose underwear that does not squeeze the genitals and, accordingly, does not rub the wounds and does not irritate the inflamed skin. It is desirable to give preference to natural fabrics or materials with a minimum content of synthetics. Change of linen should be daily.
  • Avoid touching ulcers and crusts, and if touched by hands, wash them thoroughly with soap and water. If you cannot wash your hands right away, do not touch (or rub) your eyes, especially if contact lenses are used.
  • Try to keep the infected area dry and clean to allow the skin to regenerate faster.

  • To relieve pain, itching and scabies, apply cold compresses to the genital area for several minutes.
  • In the presence of herpetic eruptions on the foreskin of the penis or head, it is better to urinate not while standing, but sitting on the toilet seat. So you can minimize the ingress of urine on painful sores.

Prevention of herpes on the penis

Preventive measures aimed at reducing the manifestations of herpes infection are reduced to a single goal - strengthening immunity. The duration of the remission period largely depends on how attentive a man is to his health, and what is the level of his sexual culture. To maintain the immune system at the proper level, you should follow a number of rules:

  • An active lifestyle, which includes not only sports and proper nutrition, but also bringing your psycho-emotional background into a state of internal balance.
  • Taking vitamins. The most effective in the fight against genital herpes is vitamin E (helps reduce pain during relapses), vitamin C (has anti-inflammatory properties), as well as zinc (promotes rapid tissue repair) and bioflavonoids (have antiviral effects).
  • Abstaining from promiscuity and not neglecting barrier contraceptives. Although it must be borne in mind that the use of a condom is justified only if the areas of the rash are completely covered with latex. In the presence of herpes in the scrotum or perineum, this method of protection is not appropriate.
  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, attention to objects common use(dishes, linen, bath accessories, etc.)
  • Taking drugs from a series of immunomodulators during seasonal epidemics. These include agents produced on the basis of the thymus gland (T-actvin), as well as interferons.

Despite the fact that it is currently impossible to completely get rid of genital herpes, with proper therapy and careful attitude to their health, men can lead a full life both socially and sexually.