In a private house      04/11/2019

High-quality sewing of curtains with your own hands. How to sew curtains - instructions

Sewing curtains yourself is not that difficult. Any housewife can do this. The resulting result will definitely delight and pleasantly surprise you and your loved ones.

You can choose a design solution according to your wishes, since the Internet is replete with photographs various options curtains

The main thing is to carefully familiarize yourself with the sewing technique. From the huge assortment of curtains, only a few stand out basic types, everything else is their modifications.

Having mastered the technology of how to sew basic curtain options yourself, you can safely take on curtains of any kind.

Types of curtains

Today there are many different types of curtains, of which about a dozen are considered basic. Some of the main models differ from each other only in certain subtleties of the design solution.

All others are based on the top ten, so once you have mastered the sewing of the basic curtain options, there should be no difficulties with them.

The most popular types of curtains are:

  • English curtains;
  • Roman curtains;
  • simple curtains with ties;
  • lambrequins.

To sew any curtains you will need:

  • Sewing machine;
  • Material;
  • Threads in the color of the curtains;
  • Pins, scissors, measuring tape, chalk.

We sew lambrequins

There is nothing particularly difficult about sewing curtains with lambrequins. Despite their simple design, these curtains look quite beautiful.

First you need to make the necessary patterns, this will greatly simplify subsequent work.

The main thing is that the curtains and their decorative details are combined with the overall interior.

Don’t forget about the hems; they also need to be taken into account when calculating. You also need to decide whether to make folds and how many.

The next step is to bend the material at the top of the future curtain, thereby creating a pocket for the rod. It is recommended to process it using a reverse seam.

Making a lambrequin requires precision and accuracy at every stage. The lightweight material can be perfectly decorated with beads and organza flowers. Fringe is perfect for heavy fabric.


Step-by-step instructions for making Roman blinds

Roman style curtains are quite popular today. Let's look at how to make it yourself.

  • We measure window hole. To the resulting dimensions we add 5 cm for each side for seams and 12 cm for the length. Thus, the required amount of material is calculated;
  • We select the fabric. This should not cause difficulties, since today's choice of materials is simply huge;
  • Use chalk or soap to draw allowance lines;
  • We attach a special adhesive tape to the beam and the upper edge of the curtain;
  • We bend, iron and hem the bottom edge of the curtain;
  • Sew on the trim;
  • Using wide stitches we attach rings to the curtain;
  • We attach the entire canvas to the beam;
  • We thread a rope through the rings, tighten it and cut off the excess.
  • We get elegant and expressive curtains.

Master class on how to make English curtains with your own hands

English curtains look elegant and airy in any interior. Sewing them is not difficult.

First, we calculate the required length of fabric for a specific window. Don't forget about seam allowances and planned folds.

Satin and muslin fabrics are perfect for English curtains. We will also need a satin ribbon.

We mark the location of the satin ribbons on the material. We take the ribbons themselves, fold them 1 cm on each side, iron them, pin them to the fabric with pins and sew them on.


Then we secure the upper edges of the ribbons, hem and iron the bottom of the curtain. Our curtain is ready!

A thing made with your own hands is unique. It stores the energy of its creator and helps fill the house with warmth and comfort. Sewing curtains yourself is not at all difficult.

We hope that this article will help you with this. Good luck!

DIY curtain photo


How to sew curtains?

In principle, nothing is impossible. You can sew the curtains yourself. For curtains of this design, a pattern is not needed. You need a meter tape, pins, scissors, a sewing machine and a lot of desire.

Now let's look at curtains with eyelets , which are put directly on the cornice rod.

You need to add another 5 cm to the length from the floor to the cornice. After all, the cornice will be on the same level with the rings - and a few centimeters of fabric on top. If the curtains reach the window sill, leave 10-15 cm for the hem. For touching the floor - 20 cm. For lying on the floor - 2-3 cm. It’s up to you what design you choose. The width of the fabric is calculated as follows: multiply the width of the window by 2 (4 m + 3 m + 8.8 m). You need folds for beauty.

Stores sell special tapes with already punched rings. They will make the task much easier! The number of rings must be even (so that the folds go towards the wall).
The length of the tape is equal to the length of the fabric minus 10 cm.

Iron the hem line at the top of the curtain and place the tape just above the hem. Baste or pin. Then sew two seams to the fabric: top and bottom. If the fabric is thin, then it is better to make the hem larger, in several layers.

Fold the fabric twice and sew with a straight stitch, trying to catch the right and left edges of the ring tape.

Then carefully trim the fabric inside the rings.

Turn it right side out and insert the rings, tucking the edges of the fabric under them.
There's just a little bit left to do - finish the bottom edge of the curtain. Trust your husband to hang the curtains!

How to sew a lambrequin. Lambrequin pattern.

I recently pestered my friends with a question: how to sew a lambrequin. A friend gave me the pattern. I sewed it, it turned out well.

Found a cool one "Svaga" pattern. Everything is clearly outlined and written here, for those who are especially gifted, like me =) I think this pattern will suit you and you can sew yourself a lambrequin without any problems.

IN finished form This will be a set of curtains with a lambrequin. Not bad, right?
. You can choose any fabric. In this option, all the details of the curtains and lambrequin are clearly visible.

Where does the process of creating curtains actually begin? First you need to think about the design of the curtains, and then select fabrics for curtains, curtain rods and decorative ornaments, taking into account the overall interior of the room. However, this is unlikely to be an obstacle for talented people. So, if you have creative potential, design abilities, or simply a great desire to update the interior of your home, as well as sewing machine, threads, needles and other little things, then you can safely start.
First of all, you need to clearly imagine what the future curtains will look like, and then make a sketch, maybe with a pencil on paper. By the way, so as not to fool yourself by creating sketch(not everyone has artistic abilities), ready-made patterns easy to find for free in magazines or on websites that specialize in sewing curtains. After choosing the appropriate model, we buy the required amount of fabric, and then strictly following the recommendations, we sew curtains. For those who have certain skills, the process will not be difficult. However, any creative process is always joy and pleasure.
You can go the other way, that is, do without any patterns. Simply take measurements of the window (length and width), then, taking into account the length of the curtains, calculate the amount of fabric required for sewing.
Although modern fabrics are subject to shrinkage already during the production process, it is still better to verify this personally. Therefore, before you start working with the fabric, it is advisable to wet it and then, if necessary, iron it thoroughly.

For cutting curtains, the fabric needs to be laid out, for example, on the floor, with the front side facing up. Then you need to determine the bottom edge of the curtain and align it by drawing a line perpendicular to the side edge of the fabric. We cut the fabric along this line. Next, set aside the length of the curtain determined in advance and cut the fabric along a line perpendicular to the side edge. The second part of the curtain should be cut out in the same way, having previously joined the pattern.
After the two panels are ready, they need to be hemmed from the bottom and sewn to the top edge special tape, on which there are loops for attaching the curtain to the cornice. Besides, ready-made curtains can be decorated with frills, lace, tassels, or elegant braid.
When sewing curtains, there are three main sizes, which have a decisive impact on the choice of style and style. The curtain can have three lengths - A, B, C. Length A - up to the window sill, length B - 15 cm below the window sill, length C - up to the floor level. Therefore, depending on what kind of curtains you plan to sew, you need to accurately and carefully measure the length of the fabric.

The most simple curtains They are a flat sheet of transparent fabrics such as voile, cambric, muslin, and cotton. Such curtains are draped using a special braid and hung on a light wooden or metal cornice. The main thing when sewing a thin curtain is to correctly calculate its length. A curtain made of thicker and opaque fabric can be decorated with a decorative ribbon or border.
If the room for which you decide to sew curtains is decorated in a country style, then you can create excellent curtains using the patchwork technique. This is especially convenient for housewives who do needlework, since for sewing curtains you will need multi-colored scraps. You can also use fabric that has already been used. First, the pieces of fabric need to be washed and ironed, then cut out using a stencil, and then sewn together. It is most convenient to work with fabrics of the same type. In patchwork, the pattern usually consists of parts of the same size and shape, for example, squares, rectangles or other shapes. To make the curtain durable, the flaps sewn into a panel are attached to the lining. To decorate such curtains, ribbons, braid and cords are used.
Fans of the Art Nouveau style can easily create suitable curtains that have a fairly simple cut. To sew such curtains you will need nylon or nylon. bright colors and a metal cornice with tips in the form of an arrow, cone, etc. The main plot of the design of curtains in the Art Nouveau style is asymmetry, as well as light and sophisticated draperies. The sheet of airy fabric, without being secured, simply flings itself onto the cornice, wrapping around it like a graceful wave. In addition, a curtain in the Art Nouveau style can be made from a regular rectangular piece of light fabric, tied with a cord or ribbon at the level of the window sill and secured on either side using a holder.
For creating classic curtains it will require a lot of attention and labor, since such a curtain consists of three components - thick curtains, light curtains and
lambrequin. The main task when sewing classic curtains is to make the correct pattern, and then accurately follow the sewing recommendations. Although creating a complex curtain will take you some free time, it will be a product of your own hands, which is especially expensive and valuable.

If you decide to sew curtains yourself or are going to order them sewing in a salon, but decide not to invite a designer to your home, you need to take the measurements of the curtains.
Correct sizing of curtains is extremely important, because even an error of 2-3 cm can ruin the whole picture. If you are going to order sewing curtains in the salon, keep in mind that when placing an order you will be asked to put your signature in order to certify that your sizes are correct.
Please carefully check that the manager placing the order indicated exactly the dimensions you specified. If the curtains sewn according to the dimensions specified in the order form do not suit you, then changing the size of the model will be placed as a separate order and paid separately.
To prevent this from happening, it is enough to know a few simple rules for sizing curtains. Firstly, in order to take measurements of curtains, be sure to install the curtain rod first - accurate measurements can only be obtained once the curtain rod is installed.

To determine the height of the curtains, measure the distance from the curtain rod hook to the floor in three or more places. This is necessary in order to eliminate the curvature of the floor and ceiling; if the dimensions coincide, subtract from the result obtained the distance by which the curtains should rise from the floor. To measure the width of your curtains, measure the distance between the end positions of the curtain rod hooks. If you plan to sew curtains with variable heights (for example, "Arch" curtains), mark two or more height points - the bottom edge point, the top rise point, etc.

If you have an inclined cornice installed above the window (as a rule, this option for window design is found on stairs, or in country houses and dachas in rooms under the roof) You will need to take the following dimensions: Height at the lower level of the cornice, height at the upper level of the cornice, length of the cornice, and straight length of the cornice.

If the cornice itself has the shape of an arch, you will need to remove the pattern.

If you decide to sew curtains yourself, first of all you will need to calculate the fabric
To do this, you need to decide on the choice of fabric and clarify its width.
Curtain fabrics and tulles are available in a width of 1.50 m (options from 1.40 to 1.60) or a height of 2.80 (options from 2.70 to 3.20 m). As a rule, designers try to avoid fabrics with a width of 1 ,50 m., because, all other things being equal, curtains made from fabric with a height of 2.80 m are more economical. In addition, it is simply impossible to cut out many curtain elements from narrow fabric. Therefore, we will calculate the fabric for curtains based on a height of 2.80 m.
And so, in order to calculate the amount of fabric that will be used to make curtains, you need to know the width of the cornice. If the fabric is dense enough and has a large, pronounced pattern, it is enough to take one and a half widths of the cornice, that is, the width of the cornice must be multiplied by 1.5. For example, the width of the cornice is 3.00 m, we will need 3 x 1.5 = 4.5 m of fabric. It’s worth mentioning right away that this is the most economical, but far from the most aesthetic option.
A curtain folded with a bow fold or with a special braid will look much more beautiful. The bow fold can be laid starting from double the width along the cornice, but the most advantageous result is achieved when the width of the cornice is 2.5 - 2.7 times greater. That is, with a cornice width of 3.00 m - 3 x 2.7 = 8.1 m of fabric. If you plan to assemble fabric onto a special mounting tape, ask your sales consultant how much fabric you need to take for the tape you have chosen. In any case, do not forget to add another 10-20 cm to the footage you received for processing the side seams.
This way you can calculate the fabric that will be needed for sewing shadow curtains and inner tulle. In order to calculate the fabric that will be used for a lambrequin, you will need to calculate the fabric consumption for each element separately and then add it up. A standard swag takes 1.5 m of fabric, with a fabric height of 2.80, out of 1.50 m It is possible to cut out two standard swags. To calculate the fabric consumption for de jabot, you need to take a piece of fabric equal to the same height and width, taken in three times + seam allowances. For example, we will have a de jabot with a height of 1.20 m and a width of 0.30 m, we will need: 0.3 x 3 + 0.1 = 1.00 m. If we sew from fabric with a height of 2.80 m - 1 m will be enough for two de jabots.
It is much easier to calculate the fabric consumption for Roman blinds and Japanese curtain panels. Since the curtains are not pleated, we simply take the width (or height if the fabric is 1.50 m) of the curtain and add seam allowances. But we need to keep in mind one important point: if we sew panels from fabric with a large, pronounced pattern, 1.50 m wide, we will need to take additional footage to adjust the pattern.
If the model has a rigid lambrequin on bondo or adhesive fabric, take the size of the finished lambrequin, add seam allowances and add 20 - 30 cm for the fit of the fabric on the adhesive fabric. For example, if the lambrequin is 3.00 x 0.50 m wide. 3 + 0.2 +0.3 = 3.50 m. you will need fabric, 0.50 x 2 + 0.2 = 1.20 - will go to the lambrequin in height, while there will be a drop from the height of 2.80 m - 1.20 m = 1.60 m.
If you are not bothered by the seams on the lambrequin or they can be covered with other elements, for example swag, then you can calculate the fabric consumption for a rigid lambrequin as follows: 3.00 m x 2: 2.80 m (fabric height) = 2.14 - Round up to a whole number - we will need 3 heights of the lambrequin. (0.50 m + 0.2 m) x 3 = 2.10 m of fabric will be used for a rigid lambrequin with a seam.



Decide on the length of the curtain: it can be on the floor (not reach the floor level by 13 mm), be 8 cm below the window sill, or be flush with the window sill (the length is measured from the eaves to the window sill). At this stage, the length does not include the drawstring allowance along the top and the hem allowance along the bottom line.

Measured along the side borders of the cornice. Place an allowance for the entry of the canvas in the center. If the window is close to the corner, then the width is measured taking into account the distance from the window to the corner. If it is less than 20 cm, then you will not have enough space between the wall and the window to open the curtains normally, so consider the option of having one panel hanging on the other side.

The pomp of the curtain is determined by the density of the fabric and the type of top drawstring. For example, deep narrow pleats will require 3-3.5 times the width of the fabric, while inverted V pleats will require 2 ¼ times the width.
The general rule is: dense fabrics have a fluffiness ratio of 2:1. medium density fabrics - 2.5:1, light fabrics - 3:1.

Sometimes sewing curtains involves connecting several pieces along the length. When you make calculations, round the value. For example, if the window is 220cm wide and you need a 2 ¼ puff, you will need 495cm of fabric divided into two 248cm strips. If the fabric is 140cm wide, the required width for each panel will be 1.8 panels.
Rounding up, we get 2 panels per canvas (in this value we can include allowances for side hems and connecting seams).

Drawstrings on curtains, hems, repeating the pattern
Before determining the required amount of fabric for sewing curtains, you will have to take into account such factors as pattern repetition, the type of drawstring at the top of the curtain and hem allowance. The size of the pattern is determined by the boundaries beyond which the pattern is repeated. The size of the pattern is either calculated independently or indicated on the fabric description coupon. Add the pattern amount to each length required to get right size panels
Drawstring at the top of the product. Add double the width of the drawstring (it varies from 2.5 cm to 20 cm). The width of the drawstring for creating inverted V pleats is 10 cm, so total value when the material consumption is 20 cm. The length of the drawstring will be equal to the total width of the product plus 15 cm for hems.

It is impossible to imagine a living space in which the windows would not be protected from prying eyes or excess light by curtains. No designer can do without this item when choosing an individual interior. Today, stores and studios offer many different variations on the theme of curtains, curtains and other things that can decorate a window opening in a room, but sometimes a person wants to independently express his vision of beauty, which is why you need to know how to sew practical curtains with your own hands.

Step-by-step instructions: choosing a design

Before you begin the practical embodiment of your dream of ideal curtains, you need to study a little of the presented assortment. It is necessary to choose the types of curtains that suit the existing interior. The most popular today are:

  • English curtains;
  • Roman curtains;
  • classic curtains with ties;
  • various lambrequins;

Sewing each of these types of curtains is not difficult. WITH detailed patterns And step by step instructions Each of them will take very little effort and time to work, and the result will be excellent. Having studied the features in detail and thoughtfully, you can quickly sew curtains with your own hands, which will not differ in quality from those produced in the studio.

Lambrequins: how to sew?

Lambrequins are one of the most popular types of curtain finishing in rooms. In order to sew them, you will need:

  • Fabric that matches the shade;
  • Pattern;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads, pins, needles.

The process of doing everything necessary actions very simple, but the result will exceed all the owner’s expectations, because lambrequins successfully complement most of the styles used today.

The first step in the work is the selection of fabric; here many variations open up, limited only by imagination. So, to sew the main part of the lambrequin, you can use a plain material, and make the side part or the top and bottom patterned or contrasting in color. There are no strict rules at all.

After this, you can start calculating. Usually, in order to sew a lambrequin, measure out an amount of fabric equal to a fifth of the length of the curtain. Additionally, you should add 10 cm for hems and hems, and the width is calculated based on the window in the room. Each step is described in detail in the appendix to the pattern or demonstrated in a master class. The upper part of the structure is hemmed so that a kind of pocket is formed where the beam for the curtain will be placed. You can create this design with your own hands in a few minutes.

Folds can be made, but you can do without them. In the first case, you will need to secure them with threads and iron them. At the end, when the lambrequin is sewn to the main curtain, it is time to finish it, decorate it, and emphasize the style. It is necessary to focus on the chosen fabric - decorate light ones with beads, and decorate heavy ones with decorative cords or fringes.

How to sew Roman blinds

As a rule, Roman blinds are sewn by lovers of privacy in the room, since this type of curtain tightly covers the window. The first step to creating a Roman shade for your window is to measure it. After this, another 5 cm should be added to the resulting width for allowances, and the length should be increased by 10-15 cm. The fabric, as in the previous version, is chosen by the hostess herself, based on her desires or the interior of the room.

Sewing Roman blinds with your own hands is not difficult, so you shouldn’t be afraid of the name. There are many options to choose from, so you can use your imagination here too. The purchased material must be ironed well to avoid wrinkles. The outlines of the pattern are highlighted using soap or chalk, taking into account allowances.

You should attach adhesive tape to the block or stick to which the Roman blind will be attached in the future. The same tape is attached to the top of the curtain. The whole operation, done with your own hands, will take a few minutes even for a housewife who is inexperienced in sewing Roman curtains. The bottom edge must be ironed and a finishing tape must be sewn to it. The rings are attached to the insertion points of the slats. At the end, a cord is threaded through them and pulled tightly, the excess ends are secured to a knot and cut off.

English curtain: nuances of work

This type of curtain is suitable for those whose interior is the embodiment of coziness and comfort characteristic of the style of London houses. Such curtains will bring no less mystery to the interior than Roman ones, so sewing them with your own hands will be the right decision.

To get started you will need:

  • Satin fabric and ribbon;
  • Natural muslin.

Of course, the guideline for the height and width of the canvas will be the window opening, which needs to be measured by adding about another 10 cm to the existing fabric, since the fabric will shrink due to the hems being produced and the formation of folds characteristic of this style. The place for sewing satin ribbons must be indicated in advance.

In order to do this, you will need to carefully pull out 2 threads from the fabric: one along the upper edge of the fabric, the second at a distance of approximately 15 -17 cm from it. Using the same pattern, you will need to mark the locations and directions of the horizontal satin ribbons. Even a novice seamstress can do all this with her own hands.

The pattern of English curtains is made on the basis of a drawing at hand, which can be found in a special magazine or on the website. After this, you will need to take the satin ribbons and tuck them 1 cm, then carefully iron them and carefully, slowly hem them, trying to make small stitches so that they are not visible. The main tapes should be pinned to the main fabric, and then sewn on a machine. If there are free spaces between the vertical strips of ribbon, it is recommended to sew several more ribbons to create symmetry. The work instructions do not regulate the quantity; it all depends on the width and height of the window opening. Next, you should cover and pin the ribbons with a strip of satin of suitable width, you need to focus on the elongated threads. The upper edges of the ribbons are secured with a knot. The bottom of the curtain needs to be hemmed. It’s not difficult to create such beauty with your own hands. The English curtain, just like the Roman curtain, is often used in country houses, dining rooms or kitchens, as it gives the interior a unique coziness that is characteristic of a quiet and measured life.

How to create simple curtains?

Step-by-step instructions for sewing simple and beautiful curtains DIY is also very easy to implement. It is suitable for those who are just trying on the role of a designer and a tailor rolled into one. Simple curtains, of course, do not carry complex structures, so there will be no problems with cutting out and sewing the product according to the existing pattern. If you want something unusual, then you can play a little, giving preference to curtains with a design in the form of bows. Such curtains will ideally complement, for example, a nursery or kitchen. They do not require luxurious furnishings, and therefore will give the interior the harmony and beauty of ordinary life.

Every housewife can create them with her own hands; it only requires a little attention and perseverance. The material is measured in accordance with the window opening in the room, with an addition of 10 cm in width. As for the height, here you can show your imagination and create short curtains or vice versa, covering the window completely. For decoration you will need a decorative cord or ribbon, as well as fabric to match the main one chosen for sewing curtains.

Patterning a simple curtain will not take much time; it is only important to remember that the drapery in this option has its own characteristics and depends on the chosen style. So, for the kitchen or dining room, cotton fabric is ideal, while for the living room you can choose massive and heavy velvet options or flowing silk.

A satin ribbon or cord is used as a decorative element; it is desirable that it be bright or in a contrasting color. First you need to take a piece of fabric of a suitable size, lay it out on flat surface and carefully smooth it out to prevent wrinkles that will “eat up” the fabric and ultimately ruin the appearance of the future curtain. The sides and bottom parts should be sewn with an overlock stitch, being careful not to tighten the threads too much. Next, you should hem the top edge, taking into account the width of the cornice in the room. The side seams are slightly gathered into an accordion using thread. The number of stitches should not exceed 6, and the distance should not exceed 15 cm. After this, the main work can be considered complete. Now all that remains is to hang the resulting curtains on the cornice in the room. As a final touch, you will need to carefully throw a ribbon of satin fabric over the cornice with the curtain already placed on it and pull it tightly, forming those very decorative elements - beautiful and light bows.

In this article I will tell you how to sew curtains with your own hands. I hope that my experience in the field of sewing curtains, which I have accumulated over many years, will be useful. A knitted product you create with your own hands will easily become a source of pride for you. Forward.

It is difficult to imagine a house without curtains hanging on the windows. They give warmth and comfort, and the interior of the room gets a finished look.

Stores offer a wide selection of curtains, which vary in size, color and texture, the main thing is to choose the right one. This doesn't mean you can't sew them yourself. If you sew in a factory, you can do it at home.

Step by step plan

Sewing will require tools and materials. The list of things includes:

  • decorative fabric,
  • sewing threads,
  • pins,
  • clear nail polish,
  • scissors,
  • pencil,
  • ruler.


  1. I decide on the size of the curtains. I measure the distance from the cornice to the floor.
  2. The standard width of curtain material is 1.5 meters. This is enough to sew two curtains.
  3. I carefully cut the marked material. I fold the edges, secure the folds with pins and machine stitch them.
  4. I often decorate with a scalloped frill. I take a piece of fabric and trim the edges. I step back about 1.5 cm from the outer edge of the element and use a pencil and ruler to mark the hem line. I draw the same lines on the sides of the part.
  5. I measure the distance of the fabric part between the side folds. I divide the resulting number into sections. Their number must be even. The width of the teeth directly depends on the width of the section.
  6. By using a simple pencil I mark the boundaries of the sections.
  7. I draw an additional line on the fabric part parallel to the outer hem line. The distance between the lines corresponds to the height of the teeth. Using a ruler and pencil, I mark the teeth.
  8. I apply the frill to the curtain, align it and fasten it with pins. Using scissors, I cut out the teeth, moving along a line resembling a zigzag.
  9. I hem the edge of the frill. I turn and hem the seams and press the seams. To prevent the threads from unraveling, I lightly coat the figured cut with colorless varnish and let it dry.
  10. I iron the frill from the front side. I apply it to the curtain again, fold it together and attach it. I sew the jagged edges by hand. The curtains are ready.

Video tips

At first glance it seems that this is very difficult. Believe me, I used to think so too. Try sewing curtains yourself and you will understand how easy it is to do. True, you can’t do it without patience and imagination.

Sewing curtains for the hall

Curtains look great in a room and perform important functions, such as protecting the room from sun rays.

When choosing an option, pay attention to the size, color, fabric texture and interior style of the room. Stores offer a wonderful selection of shades, textures and types of textiles.

Sewing curtains with your own hands is easy if you have a sewing machine and accurate patterns.


  • sewing machine,
  • fabric and threads,
  • scissors,
  • needles and pins,
  • braid,
  • ruler or tape measure.


  1. I measure the height of the curtain. After taking measurements, I cut the fabric evenly. I try not to rush in this matter, since even the slightest error will lead to crooked or short curtains.
  2. I make folds along the edges of the material and secure them with pins. I'm trying to decide on the type of ends of the curtains. Most often I use wide curtain tapes.
  3. Adjusting the sewing machine. The processes involved in sewing curtains on a machine require knowledge of the sewing device and technological features material.
  4. I select a thread that is suitable in thickness. I try to properly adjust the thread tension and presser foot pressure. I pay special attention to setting the stitch pitch.
  5. Most often I complement the design with lambrequins. I use strips of fabric or drapery. These elements will complete the look of the product and hide the mounting tape and cornice.

If it doesn't work out the first time a real masterpiece, dont be upset. With each subsequent attempt, you will increase your skill level.

We sew curtains for the bedroom

Any housewife can make curtains for the bedroom; all she needs is a set of tools and a little imagination. And after a few hours the bedroom is transformed into a cozy and warm place.

The main thing is to choose the material, set aside a few hours and work. Follow the instructions and create a real knitted masterpiece.


  • textile,
  • sewing machine,
  • iron,
  • scissors,
  • pins,
  • centimeter,
  • small stick.


  1. Using a centimeter, I measure the length from the clips to the floor and write down the resulting value on a piece of paper. The recording will become the basis for calculating the length of the material.
  2. For curtains, I first buy curtain material 1.5 meters wide from the store. I take extra fabric. To do this, I add about 0.5 meters to the measurements. I don’t recommend buying the material back to back.
  3. I'm cutting out the fabric. Using a centimeter I measure the length. Next, using a straight stick, I draw a cutting line. I mark the fabric with soap or chalk. I carefully cut the material along the line.
  4. I'm finishing the edges. I turn on the iron and let it heat up. I lower the top edge of the canvas by one meter and iron it thoroughly. I iron the bottom part in the same way.
  5. It's time to sew. I make folds on the sides and secure them with pins. Then I machine stitch all sides.
  6. All that remains is to hang the new curtains, sewn with your own hands, on the cornice.

Correct pommel

Sewing curtains for the kitchen

If you want to learn how to sew curtains for the kitchen, it means that you want to bring part of your own vision of beauty and a bit of individuality to the interior of your apartment. If you combine homemade curtains with washed tulle, the windows will look chic.

Remember, if there is a table near the window on which there is Appliances, kettle or microwave, make the curtains short.


  • textile,
  • needle,
  • scissors,
  • threads,
  • sewing machine,
  • ruler.


  1. First of all, I measure the window. As a result, it becomes known how much material is required.
  2. In most cases, the material is uneven, so I put it on the table and, using it as a template, carefully trim it.
  3. From an even angle I measure the required length and make a mark. To finish the edge, I bend it twice in the opposite direction.
  4. I make sure to fold the bottom edge. I make the hem a little wider. Be sure to trim the side edges as well. In this case, the fabric will not protrude.
  5. I carefully iron and stitch the resulting workpiece. I make the lower part of the canvas a little wider. In this case, the curtains will hang evenly.
  6. If the material is thin, I sew plastic or a strip of thinner material into the bottom hem. thick fabric. After that, I stitch around the perimeter to completely align the seams. I process the top edge using the same principle.
  7. All that remains is to sew on the braid. I apply it to the curtain with wrong side and secure with pins. I straighten the braid and cut off the excess with scissors.
  8. I take the ends of the laces, tighten them well and tie them. I hide the tied knots from the inside. I do the same with reverse side. The drapery is ready.
  9. I sew the braid to the curtain and fasten the loops to the hooks. The curtain is completely ready.

How to make curtains

If you wish, add accessories or decorations to create a unique piece that will bring beauty and coziness to the kitchen.

We sew curtains with eyelets

Curtains with eyelets have many advantages - careful fastening, silent sliding and even folds, and metal rings act as a kind of decoration and make the curtains more luxurious.

Sewing curtains with eyelets is very painstaking and takes a lot of time. However, the result will pay off the efforts.


  • textile,
  • pins and threads,
  • grommet tape,
  • eyelets,
  • scissors,
  • iron,
  • sewing machine.

To get beautiful folds, I buy wide curtains. Ideally, the width of the widow's curtains exceeds the width of the window. The length should be slightly higher than the cornice.

I use an even number of rings. In this case, the edge folds turn towards the wall. I note that I change the depth of the folds by increasing or decreasing the distance between the eyelets.


  1. First of all, I prepare the cuffs. I take a piece of fabric 30 cm wide and mark the middle.
  2. I apply grommet tape to the marked line and glue it using a heated iron.
  3. On the side where the tape is located, I iron the seam allowance. I iron the second allowance, which is on the front side.
  4. I stitch the ends of the cuff.
  5. I turn out the end sides of the cuff and put them inside the curtain. I make sure that there is a glued edge on the outside. I'm laying a line.
  6. Before installing the eyelets on the curtain, I use chalk to mark the rings. The distance between the eyelets is approximately 8 cm.
  7. I cut holes a few millimeters larger from the marked line.
  8. I insert the eyelets and close the top part until there is a soft click.
  9. As a result, I get elegant curtains. I hang it on a round cornice.

Curtains for the garden

Some people spend their New Year's holidays at sea, others go on trips abroad, and others like a trip to the country. If you are a fan of country holidays, make sure that the interior of your country house is comfortable and cozy.

This does not mean that you will have to do a European-quality renovation and fill the room with appliances and furniture. To make your cottage cozy, pay attention to the little things, including curtains.


  • textile,
  • roulette,
  • scissors,
  • sewing machine,
  • needles and pins.


  1. I apply the fabric to the window to find the optimal length of the curtains. To the resulting value I add approximately 20 centimeters, which will be required for seams and fastenings.
  2. I measure the width of the window. I cut the fabric so that it is twice as wide as the window opening.
  3. I cut the material on the floor or table. I fold the resulting workpiece in half in width and carefully cut it into two parts. The result is two country curtains.
  4. I don't overcast the fabric. On three sides, with the exception of the top, I make small bends and secure them with pins. Later there will be machine stitching here.
  5. I leave some loose material at the top. I mark this area on the workpiece with pins. It will be needed to hide the braid or cornice.
  6. I sew all the bastings on a typewriter. As a result, seams are formed along the edge of the fabric, and the material receives processed and beautiful view.
  7. Going back to the loose material at the top. I fold the fabric in half to create a double layer of material. For even stitching, I secure the material with pins, and only after that I use the machine.
  8. All that remains is to make the ties. Curtains can be moved and pulled apart or tied with ribbons. In the latter case the effect is more interesting.
  9. For the ties I use the material from which I sew curtains. You can use fabric of a different texture and color.

Country curtains are ready. All that remains is to hang it on the cornice and enjoy their beauty.

The question of how to sew curtains with your own hands arises among many housewives who want to make the product themselves. Processing an organza product for sewing a regular model of window curtains for the kitchen can be accessible to many of those who have little experience and own a sewing machine. Sewing luxurious curtains with a lambrequin for the living room is the job of experts who have not only knowledge, but also professional experience.

Scheme of the side lambrequin.

The main advice for beginners to sew curtains with their own hands, which must be followed: do not overestimate your strengths and capabilities, start by making the most suitable curtains. simple models. So, let's learn how to sew curtains.

First, you need to understand how to make high-quality cutting, be able to sew curtain tapes correctly, and accurately calculate the material consumption.

As a rule, curtain fabrics, organza or tulle are used for curtains. The technology for making curtains includes ordinary methods that do not require the creation of special templates or highly complex fabric processing.

We calculate the amount of material

The process of making a curtain.

Since the task associated with making a single or double curtain with your own hands, including two halves, involves the use of different amounts of material, it should be pre-calculated, that is, determine how much fabric needs to be purchased to make the curtain. Along with the fabric, curtain tape is also prepared, which will allow you to hold the curtains on the cornice.

For this purpose, it is naturally necessary to measure the size of the window width and curtain height, which at first glance is not associated with difficulties. But these specific characteristics are often a prerequisite for a damaged product.

First, they decide what distance should be from the bottom of the curtain to the floor surface. The product may touch the floor, but may be slightly higher. If the length is provided when one of the edges of the curtain lies on the floor, then garters or tiebacks will be needed. It is necessary to take into account that the curtain in this case will be longer.

It is necessary to make a choice of cornice in advance in order to imagine the placement of the curtains on it. If it is necessary to attach to special hooks of the curtain rod, loops of curtain tape in the top row will be used. The height is calculated starting from the hooks, that is, their lower part, to the floor itself, taking into account an increase of 1.5 - 2 cm. When attaching curtains from the lower edge of the loops of curtain tape, you should add not 1.5 cm, but slightly more. The size of the increase is determined by the width of the tape with loops for curtains, which ranges from 2.5 to 10 cm.

Then you need to select the required width of the product, calculating all the material costs. The size of the height of the curtains will not affect the material consumption, since the width usually has a width size of 2.8 - 3 m. The amount of material consumed depends only on the type of braid with loops for curtains, as well as the size of the width of the cornice or required quantity folds of fabric.

Roman blind pattern.

For all types of curtains, folds are made manually. You can do this by tightening the cords of the curtain tape with loops. If folding is done manually, then the curtain braid is sewn on top of the folds made. For the correct formation of all folds of the fabric, an appropriate curtain braid ratio is provided (1/1.5; 1/2: 1/3).

When choosing a ratio of 1/2 with a ratio of 2, you need to purchase fabrics 2 times larger than the width of the cornice. Should be paid Special attention first of all, not on the windows, but on the cornice, since the curtain should be placed on the cornice from one edge to the other. It is necessary to make an increase to align the edge of the curtain and bend both sides at the side by at least 10. Curtain braid should be taken with a reserve.

Thus, to sew curtains or curtains made of organza for one window measuring 130 cm, it is necessary to double the length of the cornice, equal to 150 cm, by adding 10 cm. If the assembly factor of the curtain tape is 1/2, then with an organza consumption of 310 cm you will need 350 cm of curtain tape. A similar calculation is used when making curtains from curtain fabrics, adding 15 to 20 cm just in case.

Aligning the side edges of the curtains

Processing side cuts.

When a material has been selected and purchased that has a pattern according to which it is easiest to cut the fabric, adjusting the sides when sewing curtains will not be particularly difficult. The situation is more complicated if the curtain fabric does not have a pattern. Before sewing, you need to check for distortion along the side seams.

If organza is used, then this is the easiest way to do it. Usually organza is easy to tear along the thread; you can only cut one edge with scissors and then tear off the fabric. However, you should not perform such manipulations with the fabric if you have no experience in trimming the side edges. It is best to lay the fabric on the floor, carefully trimming it using scissors. After that, it is suspended from the ceiling in an unfolded form.

The main thing is to make sure that there is no distortion. If the fabric you bought is cheap, the weave of the threads in it is not tight. Higher quality fabrics are always cut more evenly. Before sewing curtains, you need to check that the side edges of the material are placed at right angles to the ceiling or floor.

How to set up a sewing machine

Lambrequin pattern option.

When sewing curtains, you will need both knowledge in the technology of their creation and the ability to adjust accordingly sewing machines. The settings will depend not only on the type of fabric, but also on the quality of the threads. The tension of the threads should correspond to the type of fabric.

The quality of the stitch is determined by the choice of needle and thread. If you need to make the seams invisible, set the stitch length to the average value. In this case, the line should not pull the curtain together; for example, organza will not have any puffs. You will need to adjust the height of the rack teeth, which should not collect the tulle as it moves. If one of the nuances is not fulfilled, all seams will be pulled together, and they cannot then be ironed with any iron.

When, during the sewing process, inexperienced seamstresses begin to forcefully pull on the edge of the curtain material, this leads not only to broken needles, but also to stretching of the curtain sections and the appearance of “waves” along their edges. With many fabrics, there may be uneven marks near the stitching from needle punctures. Therefore, you should definitely use a piece of material to check the quality of the machine stitching. After this, all settings should be rechecked and changed again.

How to learn to sew curtains correctly

Pattern of curtains.

Before you start processing all the sections of the curtains, in order to then cover them with curtain braid, you need to make a sketch, taking into account all the dimensions. Then you should cut the fabric from the top or bottom and align all sides. Next, you need to add 10 cm to make the bottom (double) hem, leaving 2 cm to fold the top, taking into account the presence of the curtain tape.

Process the side sections with an allowance of 1-1.5 cm. When using organza, 1 cm will be enough; for curtain fabrics, 1.5 cm is enough.

First, you need to process all the sides using a hem seam or bias tape. But in order to properly sew curtains with your own hands without the help of others with beautiful and high-quality processed cuts and edges, you will need not only an excellent sewing machine, but also a skill that allows you to perform all operations well.

Finishing edges using seams using an overlocker is not difficult, but finishing the edges “in the hem” or using bias tape is a more difficult task. You will have to iron the edge of the hem twice, and later sweep all the seams with thread.

To prevent the string from creating a fit, you need to pull the edges of the curtain with your hands, but do not stretch it so that the needle does not accidentally break, then it should be ironed thoroughly with a hot iron.

Hemming the bottom in two layers, the width of which is 5 cm (10 cm in total), is done to make the curtains look much more solid. A double hem will help create additional weight at the bottom of the curtain. It is best to make a hem of at least 5 cm. If you have no experience, you should baste the hem, which is ironed, twice in order to stitch it in one line, laid from the inside of the curtain. The top hem, which is 2 cm, must be ironed. Then you should sew on the curtain tape.