In a private house      06/14/2019

Laser crafts. Do-it-yourself laser cutter for cutting plywood, wood, metal: assembly tips. How can I amplify a homemade laser

Industrial technologies do not cease to amaze the imagination of even seasoned specialists, and amateur craftsmen, even more so. But, indeed, who would refuse a home desktop mini-press for casting metal products, high-precision mini-cutters based on laser technology or a desktop mini-laboratory for preparing high-octane gasoline from used chewing gum. Not everything and not always feasible, but by studying technology, skillful hands certain results can be achieved. But today we will talk about laser cutting of metals.

Laser metal cutting technology

Laser cutting of metals is one of the most advanced and costly technologies available for metal processing. By using a laser for cutting metal with your own hands, you can get unprecedented, fantastic results that are inaccessible, or almost inaccessible, to anyone. The completely unlimited possibilities of the laser are due to the fact that its beam practically knows no boundaries and is capable of transmitting in any material almost any idea that you can imagine.

Laser metal processing technology is based on the characteristics of a laser beam, and these are:

  1. Clear direction.
  2. Monochromaticity.
  3. Coherence.
  4. Power.

Due to the fact that the laser beam, unlike light, has an ideal directivity, its energy is able to be focused with minimal losses at a certain point. In terms of the ability to accurately focus, the laser beam outperforms the most powerful spotlight by tens of thousands of times.

But given the fact that the light beam also carries a certain energy, which is physically palpable, one can only imagine what energy the laser beam has, collecting all of it at one point and applying it to small plot planes.

A laser beam has another very important difference from a beam of light - monochromaticity. This means that from the point of view of optical physics, the laser has a strictly defined and rigidly fixed wavelength and the same constant frequency. Therefore, it will not be difficult to focus it even with ordinary optical lenses. Laser coherence - the coordinated flow of several wave processes in time, has high level, which means that the resonant oscillations laser beam can amplify his energy several times.

Thanks to these properties, the laser beam can be focused on the smallest possible area of ​​the material, while creating the highest energy density. Such energy, as it turned out, is sufficient to burn through or destroy a metal or other material in a microscopic area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plane, up to the melting of any material that can melt.

In fact, everything is not as simple as in theory, since there are some physical forces, which can weaken the energy of the laser beam, in addition, each of the materials has its own properties for the absorption of radiation and its reflective abilities. Each metal can distribute absorbed energy differently due to its individual thermal conductivity properties.

If all these nuances are taken into account and the laser beam is adjusted in such a way that the area of ​​metal irradiation by the laser melts at least, only in this case can we talk about metal cutting using the energy of the laser beam. During processing, the metal is exposed to two phases of exposure:

  1. Melting.
  2. Destruction, boiling.

It is for these purposes, to reduce the energy used, that a catalyzing gas is used in a metal laser processing machine. It also helps to increase the thickness of the metal being processed. To work with metal using a laser, almost all machines use one of these elements:

  • oxygen;
  • normal air;
  • inert gases;
  • nitrogen.

This will already be a gas-laser metal processing machine.

Gas functions in the machine

In atmospheric conditions, the use of such a machine without gas actually reduces all its energy to zero, as we discussed above, therefore, the use of gas as an auxiliary substance significantly speeds up the cutting process and makes the use of a metal laser cutting machine even more versatile. Ordinary oxygen in metal processing can perform a number of important functions:
on initial stage cutting, it oxidizes the metal, which reduces its reflective properties;
oxygen supports the burning of metal under the influence of a powerful laser beam, and additional heat enhances the effect of the beam, increasing the speed of cutting metal with a laser;
With the help of oxygen under pressure, the remains of the material and the product of its combustion are removed and removed from the processing area, which facilitates the access of gas to the new processing area.

Scheme and types of handheld laser for metal cutting

Any metal cutting lasers will be made of the following main components:

  1. Energy source.
  2. A working body that radiates energy.
  3. Optoamplifier, mirror systems, fiber laser, which increase and amplify the radiation of the working body.

Two types of laser heads are used in industry - solid-state and gas, which can be of several types. The working body, the energy emitter is located in energy-illuminating chambers, where the active body can be a ruby ​​rod, neodymium plates or yttrium-doped aluminum yttrium garnets. As a result of a large number of reflections of the beam, the laser is pumped with energy and the beam breaks out through the translucent glass.

A conventional metal cutting laser whose price is affordable for a large enterprise can have a power within 5 kW. In such small laser machines, systems with longitudinal gas pumping are used, where a gas or a mixture of gases is passed under pressure through an electric gas discharge head, into which electricity is supplied to energetically excite the gas.

Thus, a simple gas-laser metal cutting machine works, with the help of which almost any work on metal cutting can be performed.

When in household there is a need to cut a metal sheet, then you can’t do without a laser cutter, assembled with your own hands.

The second life of simple things

Home master always will find application even those things that have fallen into disrepair. So, an old laser pointer can find a second life and turn into a laser cutter. In order to bring this idea to life, you will need:

  1. Laser pointer.
  2. Flashlight.
  3. Batteries (it is better to take rechargeable batteries).
  4. A CD/DVD-RW writer with a drive with a working laser.
  5. Soldering iron.
  6. Screwdrivers in a set.

Work begins with removing the laser cutter from the drive. This is a painstaking work that requires maximum attention. When removing the top fasteners, you can stumble upon a carriage with a built-in laser. It can move in two directions. The carriage must be removed with particular care, all detachable devices and screws are carefully removed. Next, you need to remove the red diode that burns. This work can be done with a soldering iron. It should be noted that this important detail requires more attention. It is not recommended to shake or drop it.

To increase the power of the laser cutter in the prepared pointer, it is necessary to replace the "native" diode with the one removed from the recorder.

The pointer should be disassembled consistently and carefully. It unrolls and splits into pieces. The part that needs to be replaced is located at the top. If it is difficult to remove it, then you can help yourself with a knife, slightly shaking the pointer. A new one is installed in place of the "native" diode. You can fix it with glue.

The next stage of work is the construction of a new building. This is where an old flashlight comes in handy. Thanks to him, it will be convenient to use the new laser, connect it to the power supply. The improved end part of the pointer is installed in the flashlight body. Then power is connected to the diode from the batteries. When connecting, it is very important to set the polarity correctly. Before assembling the flashlight, you need to remove the glass and the remaining parts of the pointer so that nothing interferes with the direct path of the laser beam.

Before using the assembled unit with your own hands, it is necessary to check once again whether the laser is firmly fixed and evenly installed, whether the polarity of the wires is connected correctly.

If everything is done correctly, the unit can be used. It will be difficult to work on metal, since the device has little power, but it is quite possible to burn through paper, polyethylene or something similar.

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advanced model

Can be made more powerful homemade laser cutter. For work you need to prepare:

  1. CD/DVD-RW recorder (non-working model may be used).
  2. Resistors 2-5 Ohm.
  3. Batteries.
  4. Capacitors 100 pF and 100 mF.
  5. The wire.
  6. Soldering iron.
  7. collimator.
  8. LED flashlight in a steel case.

A driver is assembled from these components, which will provide the cutter with the necessary power through the board. It should be remembered that the current source is not directly connected to the diode. Otherwise, he will fall into complete disrepair. You can connect power only through the ballast resistor.

The body with the lens acts as a collimator. It is she who will collect the rays into a single beam. This part can be purchased from a specialized store. The detail is good in that it provides a socket for mounting a laser diode.

This laser is manufactured in the same way as the previous model. During work, it is necessary to use antistatic bracelets that allow you to remove static voltage from the laser diode. If it is not possible to purchase such bracelets, a thin wire can be used, which must be wound around the diode. Then you can proceed to build the driver.

They have long been used in medicine, in the manufacture of high-precision instruments, in laboratory facilities, etc. A narrow beam of coherent electromagnetic radiation in the optical range has long attracted researchers from all over the planet. The properties of the laser are well studied and have recently been used in the national economy and in production. Probably, everyone saw high-precision sights or well-known pointers in the work. The power of such devices is small, but it is quite enough to demonstrate their

opportunities. With the development of manufacturing technology, small-sized elements are now industrially produced, capable of delivering a beam of sufficient high power. No doubt they will find their place in electronics. Based on them, it is quite possible to make a home-made laser that can be used in everyday life, for example, as a small-sized level gauge.

In order to make a homemade laser, there is no need to look for an expensive crystal, design a pumping device, install a reflector, etc. You don't even need to adjust the special optical lens used to correct the beam. On this moment The manufacturing technology of laser diodes is quite well developed.

Such a device can operate with a constant radiation power of up to 8 watts, which is quite enough to get a long beam. At close range, such a device will burn through a sheet of paper. All that is needed in order to assemble such a homemade laser is to pick up a case and organize a power source. It should also be borne in mind that when turned on, such a device consumes a decent current, and ordinary batteries will soon have to be changed. As it is best to use Depending on the intended purpose of such a device, you can refer to the catalogs and select a diode according to the parameters of current consumption and radiation power that suit you best.

Widely used in a wide variety of electronic devices. It is quite possible to dismantle this device from an old laser "cutter" for DVD discs and make a homemade laser out of it. It is quite suitable for demonstrating the capabilities of this device.

Currently available with a peak optical output power of up to 150 watts. Keep safety in mind when working with these items.

If you are going to assemble a powerful device capable of processing low-melting materials, then this device can be assembled with your own hands on the basis of drawings that can be found in the public domain.

As you can see, it is quite possible to make homemade lasers without resorting to the search for expensive and scarce materials. Assembly and calibration will not take much time.

The range of manufactured laser diodes is constantly growing. Their output optical power is increased. In-line production leads to a gradual decrease in their cost.

Handmade, useful in every home.

Of course, homemade device will not be able to gain the great power that production apparatuses have, but still some benefit in everyday life can be obtained from it.

The most interesting thing is that you can make a laser cutter using old unnecessary items.

For example, make your own laser device allow the use of an old laser pointer.

In order for the process of creating the cutter to progress as quickly as possible, it is necessary to prepare the following items and tools:

  • laser type pointer;

  • rechargeable flashlight;

  • an old CD / DVD-RW writer, possibly out of order - you will need a drive with a laser from it;

  • soldering iron and a set of screwdrivers.

The process of making a cutter with your own hands begins with disassembling the drive, from where you need to get the device.

Extraction must be done as carefully as possible, while you will have to be patient and be careful. The device has many different wires with almost the same structure.

When choosing a DVD drive, you need to consider that it is a writer, since it is this option that allows you to make recordings using a laser.

Recording is done by evaporating a thin metal layer from the disc.

In the process of reading, the laser functions at half its technical capacity, lightly illuminating the disc.

In the process of dismantling the upper fastener, the eye will fall on the carriage with the laser, which can move in several directions.

The carriage must be carefully removed, carefully remove the connectors and screws.

Then you can move on to removing the red diode, due to which the disk is burned - this can be easily done with your own hands using an electric soldering iron. The extracted element should not be shaken, let alone dropped.

After the main part of the future cutter is on the surface, you need to make a carefully thought-out plan for assembling a laser cutter.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account following points: how best to place the diode, how to connect it to a power source, because the writing device diode requires more electricity than the main element of the pointer.

This issue can be resolved in several ways.

To make a manual cutter with more or less high power, you need to get the diode in the pointer, and then change it to the element removed from the DVD drive.

Therefore, the laser pointer is disassembled as carefully as the DVD burner drive.

The object is untwisted, then its body is divided into two halves. Immediately on the surface you can see the part that needs to be replaced with your own hands.

To do this, the native diode from the pointer is removed and carefully replaced with a more powerful one; its secure fastening can be done using glue.

It may not be possible to immediately remove the old diode element, so you can carefully pick it up with the tip of a knife, then gently shake the body of the pointer.

At the next stage of manufacturing a laser cutter, you need to make a case for it.

For this purpose, a flashlight with rechargeable batteries is useful, which will allow the laser cutter to receive electrical power, acquire an aesthetic appearance, and ease of use.

To do this, it is necessary to introduce a modified upper part of the former pointer into the body of the flashlight with your own hands.

Then you need to connect charging to the diode, using the lamp located in the flashlight. battery. It is very important to accurately establish the polarity during the connection process.

Before the flashlight is assembled, it is necessary to remove the glass and other unnecessary elements of the pointer, which can interfere with the laser beam.

At the final stage, the laser cutter is prepared for use.

For a comfortable self made all stages of work on the device must be strictly observed.

To this end, it is necessary to check the reliability of fixation of all embedded elements, the correct polarity and evenness of the laser installation.

So, if all the assembly conditions outlined above in the article have been exactly observed, the cutter is ready for use.

But since a home-made hand-held device is endowed with low power, it is unlikely that a full-fledged laser cutter for metal will turn out of it.

What a cutter will ideally be able to do is make holes in paper or plastic wrap.

But it is impossible to direct a laser device made by oneself at a person, here its power will be enough to harm the health of the body.

How can I amplify a homemade laser?

To make a more powerful laser cutter for metal work with your own hands, you need to use devices from the following list:

  • DVD-RW drive, it doesn't matter if it's working or not;

  • 100 pF and mF - capacitors;

  • 2-5 ohm resistor;

  • 3 pcs. rechargeable batteries;

  • soldering iron, wires;

  • steel lantern on LED elements.

The assembly of a laser cutter for manual work occurs according to the following scheme.

With the use of these devices, the driver is assembled, and subsequently, through the board, it will be able to provide a certain power to the laser cutter.

In this case, in no case should the power supply be connected directly to the diode, as the diode will burn out. You also need to take into account that the diode should not be powered by voltage, but by current.

A body equipped with an optical lens is used as a collimator, due to which rays will accumulate.

This part is easy to find in a special store, the main thing is that it has a groove for installing a laser diode. Price this device small, approximately $3-7.

By the way, the laser is assembled in the same way as the cutter model discussed above.

A wire can also be used as an antistatic product; a diode is wrapped around it. After that, you can proceed to the layout of the driver device.

Before proceeding to complete manual assembly laser cutter, you need to check the performance of the driver.

The current strength is measured using a multimeter, for this they take the remaining diode and take measurements with their own hands.

Taking into account the speed of the current, select its power for the laser cutter. For example, in some versions of laser devices, the current strength can be 300-350 mA.

For other, more intensive models, it is 500 mA, provided that another driver device is used.

To make a home-made laser look more aesthetically pleasing and convenient to use, it needs a case, which can be used as a steel flashlight that operates on LEDs.

As a rule, the mentioned device is endowed with compact dimensions that allow it to fit in your pocket. But in order to avoid contamination of the lens, you need to purchase or sew a case with your own hands in advance.

Features of production laser cutters

Not everyone can afford the price of a production-type laser cutter for metal.

Such equipment is used for processing and cutting metal materials.

The principle of operation of a laser cutter is based on the generation of powerful radiation by a tool, endowed with the property of vaporizing or blowing out a metal molten layer.

This production technology, when working with different types metal is able to provide a high quality cut.

The depth of processing of materials depends on the type laser machine and characteristics of processed materials.

Today, three types of lasers are used: solid-state, fiber and gas.

The device of solid-state emitters is based on the use of specific types of glass or crystals as a working medium.

Here, as an example, low-cost installations operated on semiconductor lasers can be cited.

Fiber - their active medium functions through the use of optical fibers.

This type of device is a modification of solid-state emitters, but according to experts, the fiber laser is successfully replacing its counterparts in the field of metalworking.

At the same time, optical fibers are the basis of not only the cutter, but also the engraving machine.

Gas - the working environment of the laser device combines carbon dioxide, nitrogen and helium gases.

Since the efficiency of the emitters under consideration is not higher than 20%, they are used for cutting and welding polymer, rubber and glass materials, as well as metal with a high degree of thermal conductivity.

Here, as an example, you can take a metal cutter manufactured by Hans, the use of a laser device allows you to cut copper, brass and aluminum, in this case, the minimum power of the machines only outperforms its counterparts.

Drive operation diagram

Only a desktop laser can be operated from a drive; this type of device is a portal-console machine.

The laser unit can move along the guide rails of the device both vertically and horizontally.

As an alternative to the portal device, a flatbed model of the mechanism was made, its cutter moves only horizontally.

Other existing options laser machines have a desktop equipped with a drive mechanism and endowed with the ability to move in different planes.

At the moment, there are two options for controlling the drive mechanism.

The first provides movement of the workpiece due to the operation of the table drive, or the movement of the cutter is performed due to the operation of the laser.

The second option involves the simultaneous movement of the table and cutter.

At the same time, the first management model is considered to be much simpler in comparison with the second option. But the second model is still distinguished by high performance.

General technical specification considered cases is the need to introduce a CNC unit into the device, but then the price for assembling a device for manual work will become higher.

Sometimes you can make something really incredible and useful from unnecessary things stored at home. Do you have an old DVD-RW (writer) drive lying around at home? We will show you how to make a powerful laser at home by borrowing elements from it.


The device we end up with is not a harmless toy! Before you make a laser, take care of your safety: hitting the beam in the eyes is detrimental to the retina, especially if the invention is powerful. Therefore, we advise you to carry out all work in special protective glasses that will save your eyesight if something goes wrong and you accidentally direct the laser beam into your eyes or a friend.

When using the laser in the future, remember these simple safety precautions:

  • Do not aim the laser beam at flammable or explosive objects.
  • Do not shine on reflective surfaces (glasses, mirrors).
  • Even a laser beam fired from a distance of up to 100 m poses a danger to the human and animal retinas.

Working with the laser module

The main thing we need is a burner. Note that the higher the write speed, the more powerful our DVD laser will be. It goes without saying that after removing the laser module, the equipment will become inoperative, so disassemble only such a device that you no longer need.

And now we start:

The first part of our work is over. Let's move on to the next important step.

Assembling the device circuit

We need a circuit in order to control the power of our device. Otherwise, it will simply burn out on the first use. You will see the drawing for the laser below.

For our device, hanging mounting is quite suitable. And now let's move on to providing power to a do-it-yourself laser.

Device power supply

At a minimum, we will need 3.7 V. Old batteries from mobile phones, penlight batteries. It is only necessary to connect them in parallel with each other. To check the operation of the device or a stationary laser pointer, a stabilization power supply is suitable.

At this stage, you can already test the operation of the device. Point it at the wall, floor and turn on the power. You should see a bunch of bright reddish color. In the dark, it looks like a powerful infrared flashlight.

You can see that while the glow is far from the laser: the beam is too wide; he asks to be focused. This is what we will do next.

Lens for focusing the laser beam

To adjust the focal length, you can get by with a lens borrowed from the same DVD-RW drive.

Now reconnect the power to the device, directing its light to any surface through this lens. Happened? Then let's move on to final stage work - the placement of all elements in a rigid case.

Case manufacturing

Many, advising how to make a laser, say that the easiest way is to place the module in a case from a small flashlight or a Chinese laser pointer. Where, by the way, there is already a lens. But let's analyze the situation, if neither one nor the other was at hand.

Alternatively, put the elements in aluminum profile. It is easily sawn with a hacksaw, modeled with pliers. You can also add a small finger battery here. How to do this, the photo below will guide you.

Be sure to insulate all contacts. The next step is fixing the lens in the housing. It is easiest to mount it on plasticine - so you can adjust the most successful position. In some cases, a better effect is achieved if you turn the lens towards the laser diode with the convex side.

Turn on the laser and adjust the beam clarity. Once you are satisfied with the results, lock the lens into the housing. Then close it entirely, for example, tightly wrapping it with electrical tape.

How to make a laser: an alternative way

We will offer you another, somewhat different way to make homemade powerful laser. You will need the following:

  • DVD-RW drive with a recording speed of 16x or more.
  • Three finger batteries.
  • Capacitors 100 mF and 100 pF.
  • Resistor from 2 to 5 ohms.
  • Wires.
  • Soldering iron.
  • Laser pointer (or any other collimator - this is the name of the module with a lens).
  • LED steel lantern.

Now let's see how to make a laser using this method:

  1. Remove the laser module located in the device carriage from the drive in the way already described. Remember to protect it from static electricity by wrapping the outputs with thin wire or wearing an antistatic wrist strap.
  2. According to the above scheme, solder the driver - the board that will bring our homemade product to the desired power. Pay great attention to polarity so as not to damage the sensitive laser diode.
  3. In this step, we will test the performance of the newly built driver. If the laser module is from a model with a speed of 16x, then a current of 300-350 mA is enough for it. If higher (up to 22x), then stop at 500mA.
  4. After you have verified that the driver is suitable, it must be placed in the case. It can be either a base from a Chinese laser pointer with a lens already mounted, or a more suitable housing from an LED flashlight.

Laser testing

And here is what you were interested in how to make a laser for. Let's move on to practical testing of the device. In no case do it at home - only on the street, away from fire and explosive objects, buildings, dead wood, heaps of garbage, etc. For experiments, we need paper, plastic, the same electrical tape, plywood.

So let's start:

  • Place a sheet of paper on asphalt, stone, brick. Aim an already well-focused laser beam at it. You will see that after a while the leaf will begin to smoke, and then it will completely light up.
  • Now let's move on to plastic - it will also begin to smoke from exposure to a laser beam. We do not recommend conducting such experiments for a long time: combustion products this material very toxic.
  • Most interesting experience- with plywood, flat plank. A focused laser can burn a certain inscription, drawing on it.

Home laser is definitely fine work and whimsical invention. Therefore, it is quite possible that your craft will soon fail, as certain storage and operating conditions are important for it, which cannot be provided at home. The most powerful lasers, which can easily cut metal, can only be obtained in specialized laboratories; naturally, they are not available to amateurs. However, a conventional device is also very dangerous - directed from a long distance into the eyes of a person or animal, close to a flammable object.