Mixer      07.03.2020

Partitions from glass blocks in the apartment photo. The use of glass blocks in the interior and the features of the installation of the material Glass brick partitions

Glass blocks in the interior of the apartment are used as decoration, but at the same time they perform useful features: divide the space into zones, allow you to close some parts of the room while maintaining lighting. Glass block construction is a partition made of glass blocks. What are its benefits and characteristics you will learn from our article

Features of glass block partitions

Wave-shaped partition from glass blocks

Glass blocks for partitions look great in styles such as high-tech, loft, urban. And in classical style and even more so in a rustic (bucolic) they will look awkward.

High-tech glass block partition

When using glass blocks for partitions, you can independently adjust the intensity of the light flux entering the room. Typically, a glass block partition is installed in a bathroom, bathroom, kitchen, or used to divide an apartment into several rooms. Most often, rooms such as the bedroom and living room are shared.

A glass block partition (photo) will visually enlarge the room, which will become more spacious, light and fashionable. In addition, a partition in the form of glass blocks will add a zest and European style to the design of your apartment.

Glass block partition visually expands the room

Partition glass blocks have practical properties:

  • high strength,
  • fire resistance,
  • excellent soundproofing,
  • heat resistance,
  • ease of care
  • perfectly transmits sunlight,
  • not afraid of sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

Advantages of glass block interior partitions

Bedroom zoning with glass block partitions

Partitions between rooms are the most common option and have many advantages:

1) The material of glass blocks allows you to create screens of various dimensions in a short time. 2) The upper boundary of the partition can be of various shapes, for example, in the form of a pyramid, crystal, lattice, wave or stepped. 3) A partition made of glass blocks can be presented as a kind of art object, and not just a zoning decor design. For example, you can separate the entrance hall from the living room with a metal screen with glass block inserts.

Partition wall with glass block installations

4) The bathroom is the most organic room for using interior glass block partitions - photo. They are in perfect harmony with ceramic tiles on walls and floors. In addition, the bathroom can be divided into several zones: washbasin, shower and toilet. Read more about this in the article on our website. 5) The sizes of glass blocks for partitions are varied both in thickness and height. Read more about this in the article on our website.

Interior partition made of glass blocks in the bathroom

6) If you make a partition in the form of a wave, using rounded glass blocks, then the room will seem not only immense, but also protected. 7) If the partition is completely made of glass blocks or photo images are inserted at the same time, then it will be convenient for it to divide the premises into zones, while maintaining a feeling of spaciousness, elegance and celebration in the interior of the apartment. 8) You can experiment and create a bar corner from a glass block partition. 9) Glass blocks for partitions - the price for them is acceptable. They can be purchased by a person with low incomes. Read more about this in the article on our website.

Gallery of partitions and other construction of glass blocks

Stepped partition

Redevelopment with the construction of new partitions is the first stage in the repair of many apartments and houses. There are not only many, but also other important questions: what to build new partitions from, so that they are strong and reliable, easy to install and ditch, give good sound and heat insulation and do not become an unnecessary load on the floors?

All materials from which interior partitions are erected can be divided into piece and sheet. Today we will talk about piece - their pros, cons and features.


Brick is familiar to everyone as a building material. For internal partitions it can also be used. The brick is corpulent (4 kg) and hollow (about 3 kg). Despite the fact that a hollow brick partition will be lighter, it has a significant disadvantage: it will be difficult to hang objects on such a wall.

Price: 12-13 rubles for 1 brick. There are also cheaper, but this is a low quality marker.


  • durable material;
  • provides good sound insulation (it is worse for a hollow one);
  • can be used in wet areas.


  • do not make a brick partition less than 14-15 cm thick (together with a layer of plaster);
  • high cost of the material;
  • a skilled worker is needed for laying, otherwise the wall will turn out to be a curve - the payment for such labor will also cost a pretty penny;
  • leveling will require a lot of plaster - additional costs for material and work;
  • even a hollow brick gives a large load on the floors.

tongue-and-groove slabs

Gypsum boards measuring 667x500x80(100) mm and weighing 22(28) kg each. They are assembled in the manner of a designer according to the "groove-comb" system. Like bricks, they are solid and hollow, but it is better not to use hollow ones for full-fledged partitions: they have very poor sound insulation and nothing can be hung on them.

Price: 200-270 rub. per stove


  • very even, therefore they do not require plastering, only puttying;
  • easy to install (compared to brick);
  • the finished partition is 85/105 mm thick, which is very convenient;
  • Moisture-resistant plates are also sold (they are green);
  • strong enough for attaching attachments;
  • easily chipped.

Minus: bad soundproofing.

Aerated concrete blocks

The blocks are made from quartz sand, cement, water and an additive in the form of aluminum powder. During solidification, air is passed through the material and the bubbles remain inside, facilitating the construction. Each block has a size of 600x250 and a width of 50 to 500 mm. Typically, blocks of 100 mm thick are used, they weigh 11 kg each.

Price: 65-75 rub. per block


  • easily chipped;
  • not very heavy;
  • Sturdy enough to hold hanging items.

Minus: bad soundproofing.

Foam concrete blocks

The composition of foam concrete blocks is similar to the composition of aerated concrete, but instead of aluminum powder, additives of biological origin are used, which makes these blocks even stronger. In the form of additives, for example, eggs can be used, but do not worry about the smell: it will be completely chemically neutralized. The only feature associated with this: use foam blocks with a density of 600-800 kg per cubic meter, especially in private houses and summer cottages, since at a lower density, partitions can be very fond of rodents. And at a density above 800, not only rodents will not be able to cope with their teeth, but it will not be easy for tools for chasing walls.

Price: 65-75 rub. per block

This material has continuous pros:

  • it is enough just to putty, which will add only 5 mm to the wall thickness;
  • mounting such blocks is easier than bricks, but more difficult than tongue-and-groove slabs;
  • moisture resistant boards are also sold;
  • easily chipped;
  • not very heavy, 11 kg block;
  • strong enough to attach attachments, even stronger than foam concrete;
  • good soundproofing.

glass blocks

Glass cubes measuring 19x19x8 cm and weighing 4 kg each. Mainly used in rooms high humidity and where there is not enough light: transparent blocks transmit about 80% of the light, and colored and matte about 50%. Decorative blocks with a composition inside are also sold. Often only part of the partitions are made of glass blocks, as if laying out a window from them, but there are also full-fledged glass walls. There is a limitation here: no more than 15 blocks on top of each other, otherwise the lower ones will start to crack.

Price depends on the country of origin: Russia and Belarus - from 80 rubles. a piece; China - from 200 rubles; Germany, Czech Republic, Italy - from 230 rubles. Colored, matte and decorative are always more expensive.


  • waterproof;
  • let light through;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • non-combustible material;
  • do not require fine finish;
  • relatively easy setup.


  • light, passing through the glass block, heats up and can create a greenhouse effect in the room, which is good only for greenhouses;
  • frosted blocks are very easy to get dirty, they should not be used in the kitchen, in the hallway and in other places with a high level of pollution;
  • through the glass blocks you can see movement and silhouettes, albeit distorted, which not everyone will like;
  • you can’t put anything in front of a wall of glass blocks (on the other hand, it will look like a threatening black shadow);
  • don't hang anything on this wall.


The best piece material for construction interior partitions recognize foam concrete blocks! Aerated concrete and tongue-and-groove slabs are also a good option where high sound insulation is not required. Glass blocks are best used as inserts in partitions made of other materials.

In addition to piece materials, there are also sheet materials - we will talk about them in the second part of this article, do not miss it!

Photos: gid-str.ru, stroyremned.ru, aquagroup.ru, delaytesami.com, budmaydan.com

glass block partition This is a modern approach to arranging the interior of a house or apartment.

This material, which did not differ in particular sophistication, was widely used in public buildings before.

The glass block is a block of thick, glass plates fused into a single structure. Inside such a block, a sealed, air cavity is formed, which increases the sound and heat insulation parameters.

In other words, a glass block is a kind of glass brick of various shapes, from which it is possible to produce laying of various building and interior elements.


Due to its structure, glass block has the following advantages:

  1. Natural materials in the composition provide environmental cleanliness.
  2. Unique properties: high mechanical strength (including compression and impact) and wear resistance, resistance to low and high temperatures as well as temperature fluctuations.
  3. Increased heat and sound insulation properties that are not inferior to hollow bricks.
  4. Fire safety ensured by the incombustibility of the material.
  5. Ease of installation and maintenance. Blocks can be cleaned with any detergent.
  6. Absolute moisture and water resistance, which makes it possible to use it as outdoor elements and in rooms with high humidity, even in water.
  7. Decorative. The surface of glass blocks does not require additional finish coatings. Modern blocks have different colors and shapes, which makes it possible to create the desired, attractive design.

Important distinctive feature glass blocks is the ability to pass scattered Sun rays and provide unique room lighting. At the same time, the opacity of the elements protects from prying eyes.


Like any building material, glass blocks have certain disadvantages that must be considered during construction:

  1. The large weight makes the entire building structure. Given this property, it is undesirable to build walls and partitions with an area of ​​​​more than 16 m².
  2. The increased cost of decorative glass blocks, which can reach 1500-1700 rubles / piece. At the same time, you can use ordinary economy class blocks with a cost of 100-130 rubles / piece.
  3. Problems that arise when attaching shelves and attaching various items, because in glass blocks it is difficult to fix a screw or a nail. They can be solved using other, typical fasteners and suction cups.

In general, glass blocks continue to be unfairly considered an exotic material. This attitude is developed due to a distrustful attitude towards the strength of glass. However, the glass block is quite difficult to destroy even with hammer blows, and their use is limited, perhaps, only by the increased cost.

What are glass blocks?

Modern glass blocks do not have a legal classification, but the following main criteria for distribution by type can be distinguished:

  1. Block size. The most common are square-shaped glass blocks measuring 19x19 and 24x24 cm with a thickness of 8-10 cm, as well as rectangular elements measuring 19x9x8 and 24x11.5x8 cm. The weight of bricks depends on the size and is in the range of 3-4.5 kg.
  2. Form. In addition to the most common square and rectangular options, glass blocks are available in triangular, round shapes, as well as in the form of a hexagon and the letter "G". Elements can have clear, straight or rounded corners.
  3. Color palette and interior design. The color of glass blocks can be different - from unpainted glass to bright colors(red, blue, black, etc.). There is usually an air cavity inside, but some models use decorative elements that are melted inside the block and create a certain pattern.
  4. surface structure. Elements can have a smooth, glossy, corrugated, patterned surface. In addition, products with a matte surface are produced. The light transmission of the material depends on the structure.
  5. Glass element thickness. This indicator is responsible for the strength, specific gravity and some other characteristics of the material. Most often, blocks are made of glass with a thickness of 5.5-7 mm.
  6. Mechanical strength. Standard elements have a sufficiently high strength, however, high-strength glass blocks are additionally offered, which can withstand even a bullet from a gun.
  7. Optical parameters. Products according to this characteristic have a wide range - from almost transparent to opaque options. Glass blocks can provide directional or diffuse light output.

Finally, the glass blocks are distributed by appointment. There are such main categories - decorative, interior and building blocks. They differ in appearance, size, color, strength and other parameters.

Features of interior glass blocks

With the help of glass blocks, you can create a beautiful and original interior indoors or form a decorating surface outside the house.

The following areas of application are especially popular:

  1. Wall. By laying glass blocks, you can build even and fairly strong walls. The best option- rooms with high humidity (bathroom, sauna, bathroom), where high water resistance of the material is useful. At the same time, the glass is not subject to decay, the development of mold and fungi. You can lay out the entire wall from such elements or combine with other materials (for example,).
  2. Partitions. The construction of zoning partitions from glass blocks is one of the most popular solutions. Most often, with their help, places for swimming are separated. Glass blocks are harmoniously combined with tiles, which ensures the preservation of the chosen design style.
  3. Window. A panoramic wall is laid out of glass blocks, and the transparency of the material ensures the performance of the role of a window. A room with a wall-window will be quite light and insulated.
  4. Floors. The material in question can be an excellent substitute ceramic tiles on the floor. The use of corrugated elements eliminates the slipperiness of glass, and appearance provides original design.
  5. Furniture. Glass blocks are used in the creation of stationary furniture. The facades of them for the bar counter look great. From them you can build a table or coffee table, nightstand, closet. In this case, the blocks are used both as a frame or facade, and to form a table top.
  6. Decorating elements. There are practically no boundaries for the use of glass blocks in the interior of a room. Their use as decorating elements ensures the fulfillment of any fantasies. Products with internal decorative inserts allow you to decorate a picture with a three-dimensional effect on the wall. Such a picture is easily cleaned of dirt and retains paint. long time. With the help of glass blocks, the interior can be decorated in modern style(loft, high-tech, modern), art style or baroque. Art Nouveau stained glass windows with classic or oriental scenes look great. Arches, niches, columns are laid out of glass bricks. Individual elements built into the wall can play the role of spotlights.

Modern trends in interior planning make it possible to give different functions to walls and partitions made of glass blocks. The most typical solution room zoning. In this case, partitions can occupy the entire space from floor to ceiling or be installed with a height limit (for example, a bar counter).

Another interesting feature is light transmission. In the walls of glass blocks, there is no need to insert windows, the light flux penetrates through the entire surface. At the same time, depending on the type of products, good illumination or twilight is provided.

The functionality of glass block walls expands the heat and sound insulation properties of the material. Such walls are able to retain heat well without requiring additional coatings and decoration. Water resistance makes it possible to equip a separate bathroom, shower or bathroom.

Installation of glass block partitions

Do-it-yourself glass block laying can be done different ways. It is important that structural element had support(bearing wall or rack). Most characteristic ways mounting:

  1. Traditional or classical method . It needs guide frames from wooden beam or metal profile. fastening glass elements provided with a cement-based mortar or special adhesive.
  2. Frame option. In this case, first set frame structure, in which the blocks are fixed with seals and sealant.

Installation of glass blocks must be carried out after proper site preparation. It must be carried out in strict accordance with the previously developed laying scheme, for which careful marking is first provided. A detailed diagram is especially important when laying decorative elements, drawings and patterns.

Traditional masonry

The classic laying of blocks for glue or mortar begins with the manufacture of the base - guide frame.

It is most often made from a wooden bar, but you can use a steel or aluminum corner.

To do this, the first row of blocks is laid out with the installation of plastic separators between them.

The dimensions of this row are precisely measured and the frame is assembled according to these dimensions. It is attached to the floor. A frame of the same width is installed strictly vertically on both walls and fixed to it with dowels.

A reinforcing mesh is used to strengthen the structure. It is formed from galvanized steel wire in the horizontal and vertical direction. Their location should coincide with the seams between the glass blocks.

To exclude direct contact between glass and wire, plastic crosses are used when installing the reinforcing mesh. Holes are drilled in the wall and bottom frame for fastening the reinforcement.

To fasten the glass blocks together, a special glue is used, preferably white color. You can cook on your own cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1:3.

Blocks are laid in the following order:

  1. Marking and installation of guide frames.
  2. Installation of vertical reinforcing bars.
  3. A layer of glue or mortar up to 10 mm thick is applied to the surface of the frame. The solution is also applied to the side faces of the blocks and the first row is laid. To fix the reinforcement and ensure the same width of the seam, crosses are installed, which remain in the masonry and are simply rubbed with mortar.
  4. The bottom row is aligned horizontally with a mallet and checked by the building level. Further, a horizontal reinforcing rod is installed on top of the blocks and fixed in the hole in the wall.
  5. All subsequent rows are stacked similarly.

Taking into account the severity of the elements, it is recommended to build a wall in parts of 4-5 rows with a break for the solution to solidify. This will eliminate the danger of subsidence of blocks. After the masonry is completed, the joints are neatly grouted. For sealing, you can use a silicone compound.

Frame technology

The technique "on the frame" allows you to lay glass blocks without mortar, but for this you need to install special frame system.

In fact, it is a metal or wooden structure in which cells are formed to accommodate glass elements.

The dimensions of the cell should not exceed the dimensions of the glass block by more than 1.5-2 mm.

For a metal system, it is usually used aluminum profile. Wooden structure assembled from polished boards, the width of which is equal to the width of the bricks.

The entire structure is carefully aligned horizontally and vertically using a building level and a plumb line. Then the frame is painted in the desired color, in harmony with the blocks.

Finished frame system securely attached to the floor, wall and ceiling with dowels. Glass blocks are carefully installed in the cells, after which they are fixed with silicone-based seals. The hardening time of such a sealant is about 9-10 hours.

Required Tools

For a typical do-it-yourself installation of glass blocks, you will need the following tool:

  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • spatulas;
  • notched spatulas for glue;
  • mallet;
  • hammer;
  • paint brush.

For measurements and quality control, you need:

If there is a need to manufacture wooden frame, then you additionally need to prepare a screwdriver, a hacksaw, a chisel.

The use of glass blocks in the interior of the premises is becoming increasingly popular. This is facilitated by high performance, strength and durability of the material.

Modern glass blocks are produced in a wide range, which makes it possible to choose in color, shape and other parameters. Self-assembly allows you to somewhat reduce the main drawback of the material - price.

Very often, when decorating a bathroom, glass is used, which resembles frozen water. It brings light into the interior of the room, expands the space. That is why the use of glass blocks is very popular in the arrangement of the bathroom. Everyone without exception likes this material, even the most demanding customers prefer glass blocks for space zoning.

What is glass block?

Glass block is a simple product that has the shape of a brick, is made of glass and has an empty interior. The thickness of its walls is from 6 to 8 mm. This material is in demand when creating partitions in the bathroom due to the non-standard distribution of light. The glass block has many properties that allow you to create a reliable sound and thermal insulation thanks to the rarefied air located inside. It is made exclusively from environmentally friendly materials. Glass brick stands out for its good fire resistance.

One of the most important properties of glass block is moisture resistance, so it can be used when decorating a bathroom. This material allows you to create original forms partitions, without limiting the imagination of the designer. With it, you can select various effects, give the room luxury and charm. The bathroom will be bright, stylish and comfortable.

Over the past few years, the glass block has become very popular. Manufacturers offer a wide range of products. They create a variety of shapes: square, rectangle, corner, round, etc. Today you can buy glass blocks of any color or texture. At the peak of popularity today, glass blocks with decorative fillers or decorated with backlight.

Glass block is an excellent choice when decorating a bathroom, because neither fungi nor bacteria can survive on its surface. In addition, glass is easy to clean and disinfect.


Glass blocks for decorating rooms have standard sizes- 19x19x8 cm and 24x24x8 cm. One glass block has a weight of 2.5 to 4 kg. The thickness of the product is from 7.5 to 10 cm.


Today you can buy glass blocks at different price. The buyer independently chooses the option that satisfies his needs. The price of glass blocks depends on many factors - size, color, shape and manufacturer. But on average, glass blocks are available to everyone. One such "brick" can cost from 110 to 310 rubles.


Glass blocks are presented by manufacturers in different color solutions. Their surface can be corrugated, glossy or matte. The choice depends entirely on the preferences of the client. For the play of light, you can choose suitable option, because they are translucent, light-scattering and light-guiding.

Glass blocks can be of different shapes: rectangular, square, round, oval, triangular, with rounded corners, in the form of corner pieces or other irregular shapes.

Glass block partitions in bathroom design

Ordinary partitions

Translucent glass blocks can be used in a variety of partitions when decorating a bathroom to create multiple zones. They transmit light well, and at the same time create a blurry image. Often glass block partitions are used to separate the shower and bathroom. This design creates a magnificent tandem with ceramic tiles.

shower cabin

A glass block shower enclosure is often used by designers who want to create an elegant and modern interior. If you use glass blocks for the walls of the shower cabin, then the room will become lighter, because they let in about 85 percent of the light. Glass blocks can be of various shapes, which allows the designer to be creative. Using glass blocks as walls of a shower cabin, you can achieve several goals at the same time: divide the space, reliably protect the entire room from splashing water during a shower, create privacy, and also decorate the interior of the bathroom.


Not every bathroom has a window, but if there is one, you can also add originality thanks to the use of glass blocks. They allow you to add unusualness, create soft lighting, and are also distinguished by high strength and a variety of shapes. There are a lot of pluses, but there is one small minus - the lack of ventilation. Therefore, before you put glass blocks on the windows, you should take care of the ventilation of the room.

Decorative inserts

Very often, designers use glass blocks to create partitions in the bathroom. Glass stones will add originality and style to the interior. But you should know the measure, do not overload the partition with decors.


The process of installing a glass block partition is not easy, but you can do it yourself, even without special skills and abilities.

You can use one of existing methods mounts:

With the help of special frames, the installation of glass blocks can be entrusted even to a beginner. Blocks should be placed in special cells of the module, using rubber gaskets for fixing. Even without a plumb line and building level, you can quickly and easily build a partition. This method of installing glass blocks allows you to move the partition to another location if you wish. The entire structure remains intact. If you use an adhesive composition or a cement-sand mortar, then its location cannot be changed.

Each glass block has a protective film. Before installation, it should not be removed, because you can not only stain the block, but damage it.

IN construction stores you can purchase a special high quality adhesive that provides fast and easy installation glass blocks. Due to its transparent texture, it remains invisible, so it will not affect the appearance of the glass blocks in any way.

The cheapest way to install a glass block partition is to use a cement-sand mortar. You will also need spacer crosses for even masonry. The installation process takes place in several stages:

  • sand for the solution must be fine, because large grains of sand can scratch the glass;
  • glass blocks have a special film that can be removed only after installation. If this film is damaged, then regular tape will help;
  • work should begin with markings, while it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the room, the glass block and the seams that will be placed between them. If the bathroom has more than 15 meters, then it is worth laying a frame of profiles. To achieve high rigidity, the frame is fixed in three directions: on the floor, ceiling and wall. If the frame is not used, then it is possible to reinforce the seams with metal wire;
  • Only three rows of glass blocks can be laid per day. The solution does not adhere well to glass, so it is necessary to give it time to securely fix;
  • This installation method is used exclusively for low partitions. The lower rows cannot withstand huge loads, since the solution can spread as a result of a large weight;
  • for structural strength, it is necessary to purchase special metal rods that have a cross section of 4 to 6 mm. They are used before laying the next row;
  • after installing the glass blocks, you need to process them with grout to hide the solution. But to save time, you can immediately install using a colored solution.


Surely many have seen walls or internal partitions assembled from small glass cubes. In Soviet times, such decorations were often decorated public places like canteens, and now similar glass blocks can be seen in clubs. They began to attract the attention of designers and to delimit the space in residential premises.

Variety of shapes and types of glass blocks

How to make a glass block wall?

If you decide to use, do-it-yourself installation will give you pleasure. The material does not cause difficulties, it is easy and pleasant to work with it.

Before starting work, think carefully about how you want to see the room, select a glass block suitable color, since it will no longer be possible to recolor or replace elements.

Installation of glass blocks can occur in several ways:

  • Usage special frame, on which the elements of the structure will stand. For this, special modules are made, you can use wooden profiles. The design is not sealed, it can be used as a partition in a dry room.
  • The blocks are attached to cement mortar like a brick. It is also possible to use special glue, which will make the joints as tight as possible, if you are going to use the wall as an element for the pool, it will not hurt to use a sealant.

The first method is good for beginners. It does not require building skills, absolutely dry and clean. The module is sold ready-made, it has special cells into which blocks of suitable size are inserted. In order for them to sit tightly and not fall back, the module is equipped with special rubber gaskets. For similar installation no building level is needed, the wall will turn out perfectly flat. If necessary, glass blocks can be pulled out. They will not be damaged, together with the frame they can be moved to a new location and the glass blocks can be re-installed.

The second method will require a more careful attitude, since during work you will need to use the building level. There is a high probability of making the wall uneven.

If you plan to move the wall, the use of cement is not best idea: it will be impossible to pull out the glass blocks.

Glass blocks have a special protective film. It is not required to remove it before mounting on cement or glue. In the course of work on glass the solution, dirt, glue will get. You can easily remove them along with the film without scratching the material itself. The size of a standard glass block allows you to work with it almost like with a brick, erecting a wall right size. However, unlike the latter, the glass block cannot be divided into halves.

The use of glue allows you to speed up the work, make them better: the wall will turn out to be more even and without defects. You can buy glue in the same place as the glass blocks themselves.

The thickness of the glass block is sufficient to use it as internal partitions or even internal bearing walls building. This material is ideal for bringing originality and unique features to the interior.