In a private house      05/21/2019

Attachment for a saw for longitudinal sawing. A device for dissolving logs on boards with a chainsaw. Cutting a log into planks with a chainsaw

Since ancient times, wood has been the most sought after building material. And if earlier quite primitive tools were used for its processing, today the latest modern technology is used. So, for example, in order to saw wood and process it to the right sizes, builders resort to the help of a sawmill. Unfortunately, such a tool is not cheap and therefore it is not available to everyone. Home craftsmen found a way out of this situation by making a sawmill from a chainsaw with their own hands. Tips for its design, drawings and video instructions can be found on numerous Internet sites, as well as in our article.

Types and features of chainsaw sawmills

Construction markets offer a large selection of sawmills, which are based on a chainsaw. Mounted in a trolley with rollers, the unit can be manually moved along a pre-laid rail track. For harvesting wood, a powerful chain or band saw chainsaw can be used.

For living conditions large sawmills are most often not required, so the best solution would be to make a functional home-made mini-machine. This unit will have small size which makes it easy to move if needed.

More often as the main element similar device protruding chainsaw, which can be purchased at a specialized store or use a Ural brand unit.

Do-it-yourself sawmill from a chainsaw: video instructions and drawings

Having available drawings and having studied the video instruction, it is quite simple to make a structure for processing logs, boards and slats on your own. Before starting work, you must select appropriate place. You can install a sawmill from a chainsaw in an old barn, garage, hangar, or even just under a canopy. If the room for the unit is closed, then you should take care of the hood.

Chainsaw sawmill - option number 1

For the manufacture of the structure, in addition to the chainsaw, you will need:

  • two channels 8 meters long and 140-180 millimeters high;
  • two rails;
  • corners 50x100 mm and 40x40 mm;
  • segments water pipe 25 cm as screeds;
  • steel plate 4-6 cm thick and 60 cm long;
  • movable hoses;
  • pipes with a diameter of 35-40 mm.

Do-it-yourself sawmill should start with the assembly of the base from rails and corners turned upside down 50x100 mm. They must be installed strictly parallel to the floor, so you need to use the building level.

  1. According to the drawing, holes are drilled along the length of the base in increments of 1-1.5 meters and a diameter of 14-16 mm.
  2. Then, according to the number of holes, screeds are taken, which are connected with bolts.
  3. Racks are made of metal squares and a base is placed on them. The distance between the end posts and the base should be about 100 cm.
  4. To make the structure more rigid, the braces between the uprights can be welded.

After the base is completed and installed, you need to make a movable cart with your own hands. For this a corner is welded on the bottom of the steel plate 40x40 mm and the product is placed on rollers or bearings. Two corners are welded on top of the plate, to which a chainsaw is attached.

On last step manufacturing work homemade sawmill it is necessary to make a structure for fixing logs. To do this, movable hoses and pipes should be positioned at the required height and secured.

The first version of a homemade sawmill from a chainsaw is ready. There is another way to make a do-it-yourself woodworking unit. The tools and drawing for it will need the same, however, the design itself is more refined.

Do-it-yourself sawmill from a chainsaw - option number 2

The design consists of four main nodes:

  1. Driven saws.
  2. Mechanism for regulating the thickness of the manufactured board.
  3. Mechanism for moving the saw part of the structure.
  4. Devices for fixing logs.

Since a chainsaw with a working engine and cutting teeth is already available, it will be necessary to make only both mechanisms and a device for fixing logs with your own hands.

Mechanism for adjusting the thickness of the boards.

Logs are sawn by raising or lowering the base, which must be welded to the plate with four nuts with bent edges. Top of this device locknuts need to be installed, which must be tightened after the unit has been adjusted to the desired thickness of the material being processed.

Mechanism for moving the saw.

The saw in the structure moves along the frame along the guide corners, the distance between which should be 50 cm. weld two rollers or bearings by 20 mm. The lower roller should keep the sawmill from lifting, and the upper roller should be supported on the guide angle.

Device for fixing logs.

On such a unit logs are fastened with two combs- fixed and moving by means of a screw. After the material to be processed is installed, the moving comb is fixed with screws in a stationary state. Now you can begin to safely operate a homemade sawmill made from a chainsaw.

The sawmill is an impressive rather dangerous unit, therefore, before starting its assembly, you should carefully consider the place of its operation. It should be well lit, ventilated and have free space. The nearby warehouse for finished boards will greatly facilitate the material processing process.

For sawmill with electric motor you should very carefully install the necessary switches and machines, as well as do the wiring.

Since the most dangerous elements of the unit are all its cutting and moving parts, they should be given special attention when assembling the structure.

Before starting the operation of the assembled equipment, it is necessary to check all fastenings and components, as well as the stability of the structure.

Operating instructions for a homemade sawmill from a chainsaw

After the design is assembled and tested, it must be tested in working with wood. For this you need:

Jerking movements when sawing should not be done, as this can lead to a tire stopper.

It should be borne in mind that must wear personal protective equipment, which include mittens, a dressing gown, sleeves and glasses. In addition, it is worth worrying about protection for the movable frame in advance. It can be made from acrylic or clear plastic. Such shields are able to protect against saw chain and chips.

A do-it-yourself sawmill assembled from a chainsaw will allow you to make high-quality sawn timber with a cut correct form. Therefore, if you often have to work with lumber, then this homemade equipment, made on the basis of the attached drawings and videos, will become an indispensable thing in the household.

All photos from the article

In the course of the various works often there is a need for longitudinal cutting of logs or timber. For this, a variety of types of equipment can be used - from stationary sawmills to small installations, but these options cost a lot, and if you need to do a small amount of work, then sawing logs with a chainsaw will be the easiest and most rational solution.

Benefits of using this option

First of all, let's figure out what advantages this sawing method has:

Ability to work in any conditions Unlike electrical equipment, which is afraid high humidity, the chainsaw is able to work in the most adverse conditions, while no damage to the structure will be caused, because all the nodes in the chainsaw are adapted to work on outdoors and even under precipitation
performance If you are going to work long time, then you will need equipment with a capacity of about 7 horsepower or more, it is able to withstand significant loads, while the quality of work will be consistently high
autonomy Since the device runs on gasoline, you do not depend on electricity and can build a structure for sawing in any convenient location. This is especially useful when working in places where there are no power lines.
Convenience The inertial brake in chainsaws works faster than in electrical systems, A smooth start and chain speed adjustment provide high quality work, even if you do not have such experience

In addition to all of the above factors, one should not forget the low cost of construction, the purchase of a stationary sawmill will cost several times more.

Overview of some options

We will talk about the two most popular designs that provide best quality at work, and you yourself will determine what is more convenient and preferable in your case.

Homemade option

First, let's look at how to make a device for sawing logs with a chainsaw with your own hands.

The work instruction is as follows:

  • It is best to use the frame from the old school desk or a square pipe with a side of 20x20 or a little more.
  • First of all, two clamps are made, these are elements 50-60 cm long, on one end of which a cross member is welded with two holes for the tie bolts and a small protrusion in the middle for clamping the tire, an element of the same configuration is attached on top, the photo below shows already finished items, as you can see, everything is quite simple, and, having at hand welding machine, you can make them very quickly.

Sawing logs into boards with a chainsaw is the most convenient and fast way. With the help of special nozzles and devices, independent production of almost even boards is ensured, which are in no way inferior in quality to those that are manufactured industrially.

Log cutting attachments

Chainsaw - convenient universal tool in the homestead. First of all, it should be taken into account that it has big power, compactness. Thanks to centrifugal clutch all systems and components of the mini-engine operate without overload for a long time; power allows you to install any nozzles. The chainsaw can be operated in any position and in any terrain, as it is autonomous and has a membrane carburetor.

How to adapt the mechanism for sawing logs into boards? To do this, just install the appropriate nozzles on the chainsaw.

To cut a log along the entire length, a nozzle for longitudinal sawing of logs in a horizontal plane is suitable. Thanks to her, the boards are obtained with the same thickness. They are suitable for construction after the necessary proper drying. The nozzle is a small frame that is attached to the tire on both sides.

In addition, there is a lightweight nozzle that is fixed on one side only. As a result, the boards are not as smooth as in the first case. From such boards build fences, sheds.

An auxiliary tool is a drum debarker-dresser.

With it, logs are easily cleaned of bark.

The nozzle is a drum, it works thanks to a V-belt drive. It is attached to the moving belts with the help of special pulleys on both sides of the axle. By selecting the diameter of the pulley, you can choose the optimal speed of rotation of the shaft.

sawing logs lengthwise

To obtain even cut, you need to install the guide. It can serve as a mini-sawmill industrial design. But such devices are expensive and not everyone can afford. Therefore, usually the logs are fixed homemade holders from boards with the same guide.

Sawing up a log into boards is carried out by a chain for a longitudinal cut. If there is none, a regular chain will do, which is sharpened at an angle of ten degrees. Only in the process of work will have to undermine it from time to time. A nozzle is installed on the chainsaw - a guide frame for an even cut.

To cut a log lengthwise, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Make a leading line. To do this, you need to fasten two straight long boards at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Set the log on the stops, thus fixing its position.
  3. Attach nozzle.
  4. Using self-tapping screws, attach the supports to the ends of the logs on both sides. Check horizontality with a level.
  5. Attach the leading ruler with self-tapping screws to the supports.
  6. Install another one horizontally support board, which should rest against the ground and slightly raise the log.
  7. Using a chainsaw with a horizontal cut attachment, saw off the first piece of log.
  8. Move the guide line, fix it.
  9. Make a second log cut perpendicular to the first.
  10. Further, the leading ruler can not be used. The resulting board will serve as the guide.
  11. Determine the thickness of the cut from the frame.
  12. Make the next cut perpendicular to the second. As a result, a piece of wood should remain, the underside of which is covered with bark.
  13. Make a fourth cut to separate the rest of the wood, which is with bark. You will get an almost perfectly even block of wood.
  14. Next, cut the bar to the middle.
  15. Turn it over to the opposite side and continue cutting to the end.

If the thickness of the boards does not matter, cutting off the bark edges is not necessary. In this case, you can use the edger and cut into boards from the very beginning.

Making a cross cut

The cross cut is used to cut logs for firewood and also to create cross wood discs for construction. garden benches, decorations garden paths and so on.

Cutting a log across is done as follows:

  1. Set the log horizontally on wooden supports 0.5 m high.
  2. If necessary, you can clean it from the bark.
  3. Using an ax or a saw, make cuts-marks at equal distances from each other.
  4. According to the marks, cut the log.

Special nozzles and chains are not needed for this work. A regular chain will do.

Safety at work

To avoid malfunctions and accidents, you should observe safety measures when working with material and tools:

  1. When working, keep unauthorized persons, especially children, out of the work area.
  2. During work, you should use protective equipment against noise and sawdust, which scatter during cutting.
  3. You need to have a first aid kit with you with everything you need to use in case of cuts.
  4. Using circular saw must be covered with a protective cover.
  5. Do not pour gasoline into a heated chainsaw tank.
  6. Use the chainsaw only for its intended purpose, do not turn it on for full power if she is not at work.
  7. No need to press hard on the saw during operation.
  8. The log for cutting should be installed on the right side.

chainsaw serves handy tool, which can be used for self-produced boards. It is suitable for use in home gardens, where it is necessary to repair or build new outbuildings. In such cases, a large number of boards is not required. Therefore, they can be easily cut from any logs in required quantity. With the acquisition of skill, the work is done quickly, and the quality of the boards is excellent.

More articles on this topic:

For processing logs band sawmill technology must be adhered to. In this way, you can get the maximum quality materials- boards and beams. But first you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules of cutting.

Types of sawing wood

At the first stage, a carriage is formed from a log. To do this, cuts are made on its two sides. In some cases, processing is performed on four sides. A map of the band cut of the workpiece is preliminarily drawn up, on which the dimensions of the components are indicated.

The determining parameter when choosing a scheme is the direction of processing the log. In particular, the movement of the cutting edge relative to annual rings. According to this, lumber of various qualities is formed, which has a unique appearance. Not only their aesthetic qualities depend on this, but also the price.

There are the following types of cuts:

  • tangential. The cut is made tangentially relative to the annual rings. As a result, oblong patterns in the form of arches, rings are formed on the surface;
  • radial. For its implementation, perpendicular processing along the annual rings is necessary. A feature is a uniform pattern;
  • transverse. Processing occurs across the fibers, the cut pattern is an even cut of annual rings;
  • rustic. It can be done at any angle, contains a certain amount of knots, sapwood or other similar defects.

Often in the woodworking industry, waste from band sawing of logs is used - slab. On the one hand, a flat plane, and the other remains unfinished.

To draw up the most accurate cutting, it is recommended to use special programs. They take into account not only the dimensions of the source material, but also the type of wood.

Sawing on a sawmill with a log rotation of 180 °

For the formation maximum number boards, it is recommended to use a technology in which some of the band processes are rotated by 180°. This allows you to achieve the maximum amount of lumber with various types cuts.

The principle of processing is to make initial cuts along the edges of the log, which are at an angle of 90 ° relative to each other. They will serve as the basis for further tape cutting. Work is carried out on equipment with vertical arrangement cutting elements. The diameter of the trunk must be at least 26 centimeters.

Step by step workflow.

  1. Processing of the side with the cut edge part. The result is two boards.
  2. Turning the workpiece by 90°. The cut is made from the opposite side. The number of products varies from 3 to 4.
  3. Repeated 90° turn. The main part of the source material is being processed. Depending on the planned ones, 7-8 blanks can be obtained.

Despite all their positive traits, this method has one significant drawback - the low production rate. It is recommended to use it on equipment that has a block for automatically changing the position of the log relative to the cutting part of the machine.

A detailed scheme is most often used for the manufacture of rustic boards, which are subject to reduced quality requirements.

Sawing on a sawmill with a log rotation of 90 °

For the manufacture of tangential and radial boards, it is recommended to use a different technique. It consists in systematic band processing of logs with simultaneous analysis of defects. Thus, products of the required quality can be obtained.

After delimbing, the workpiece is placed on the feed frame sawing machine. Then you need to do the following.

  1. Removal of the primary slab. It is carried out until the width of the base is 110-115 mm.
  2. Removing unedged boards with a thickness of about 28 mm.
  3. If the number of defects on the surface exceeds the required level, the material is rotated by 90°. If the quality of the board is high enough, the next one is cut off.
  4. Repetition of the operation.

A similar technique is applicable for processing installations that have one cutting surface or have the function of temporarily dismantling the rest.

When enough in large numbers defects, you can not postpone the workpiece, but perform its processing by turning 180 °.

The above tape processing technique can be applied to create any configuration. wooden products. Often, the core area is used to form a beam, and the remaining parts are used to make boards. But there may be exceptions - it all depends on the required shape of the blanks.

The quality of work is affected Current state sawmills, saw sharpening level and processing speed. These factors must be taken into account before starting the production process. If necessary, preventive maintenance or repair of equipment is carried out.

The video shows the method of sawing logs on a homemade band sawmill:

Leading manufacturers of household and professional chainsaws offer a range of the latest models with versatile features. Represented wide choice chainsaw attachments help to use the working capabilities of the tool with more efficient.

A significant part of a fairly expensive household tool is used from time to time. The use of a chainsaw as a drive for several types of replaceable equipment allows you to mechanize labor-intensive chores with less material costs.

The list of operational capabilities of chainsaws has been expanded and successfully implemented due to removable additional equipment. It includes nozzles and devices for various purposes.

Most of assortment of nozzles is focused on the complete set of branded models. The possibilities of budget chainsaws in this regard are very limited.

  • Even a small set allows you to mechanize a significant part of the chores associated with special processing wood and metal, drilling wells, caring for ornamental shrubs.
  • The use of the saw as a boat motor, lawn trimmer, power cutter or household compressor is not ruled out.
  • The efficiency of the use of replacement equipment is facilitated by stable traction characteristics and the efficiency of power units, the adaptation of branded chainsaw equipment to difficult climatic factors.

In practice, it has been proven that chainsaws of leading brands can be successfully operated in a wide temperature range.

Combination of angle grinder and power cutter

The universal attachment grinder is driven from the drive shaft of the drive sprocket through a V-belt drive. The device is attached to the saw body with studs designed to fix the saw bar.

Diameter emery wheel selected depending on the engine power and the features of the upcoming work. Nozzle petrol cutter UShM-1 perfectly copes with abrasive cutting of natural and artificial tile-facing materials, metals, cleaning of welding joints.

UShM-1 works with standard and diamond wheels up to 20 cm in diameter, with a bore of 22 mm. An abrasive nozzle for cutting metal can be a good addition to the tools of a home workshop or a small car service equipment.

Chainsaw as a drive for a light boat

Popular nozzle " boat motor» is activated by means of a gearbox and a pulley extension, which is mounted instead of the drive sprocket. Depending on the engine power, a boat equipped with a two- or three-blade propeller can pick up speed up to 20 km / h.

Drilling and compressor equipment

Simple design and easy-to-use ice screw attachment winter time used in fish farms to supply air to frozen ponds. The effectiveness of the use of combined equipment has been confirmed in practice.

Lightweight, compact and sufficiently productive ice drill is included in the equipment kit for amateur winter fishing. As a result of natural selection, a high demand for the most successful developments.

In particular, excellent operational properties characterized by a motor drill MB-2 Ice. The nozzle is driven through a reduction gear that reduces the shaft speed to 150 rpm. This model differs from similar analogs by the minimum installation time, ranging from 5 to 10 minutes.

The replaceable nozzle of the compressor is inferior in terms of operating parameters to many mobile household-class units. Nevertheless, for aeration of small stocked reservoirs, the operation of pneumatic paint saws and sprayers, its performance is more than enough.

Interchangeable equipment for working with wood

Milling and drum nozzles for removing tree bark and cleaning construction wood from surface irregularities are represented by several types.
The most famous models are Bark beetle and Debarker, with a working grip from 80 to 100 mm. The Koroder nozzle is specialized in extended cutting of construction wood. With it, you can plan logs, cut out cups and mounting grooves.

The equipment is used in wooden construction for pre-assembly processing of industrial wood. Products are equipped with removable knives that can be easily dismantled for sharpening cutting edges and a set of elongated threaded fasteners. The bark beetle nozzle is activated from a pulley, which is installed instead of the drive sprocket.

With the appropriate drive power, bark attachments can be used to remove knots, sharpen stakes, create corner locks for log cabins.

With fine tuning, the bark beetle interchangeable device can be used as a planer attachment. The quality of the surface treatment of construction wood is determined by the sharpening of the cutting edges of the replaceable knives.

Devices for longitudinal sawing of construction wood

In the standard version, for longitudinal and diagonal cutting of wood, they are used with a certain sharpening angle. No less efficient and productive special devices.

Sufficiently durable in operation nozzle for ripping, which does an excellent job of sawing logs and boards, costs about 2,000 rubles. This is the approximate cost of four saw chains which have a very limited lifespan.

Replaceable household equipment

This list includes devices designed for the care of ornamental shrubs and lawns. The brush cutter attachment will help to tidy up a living fence or clear the area from young growth in a short time.

The removable rotary trimmer attachment is inferior to a household lawn mower only in terms of ease of operation. Its design allows you to process lawn areas with a sufficiently high quality and in the shortest possible time.

Traction devices

The cable “Winch” installed on a powerful chainsaw is characterized by wide functionality. The traction force of the nozzle varies in the range up to 2 tons, the radius of action is up to 30 meters.

In the operational capabilities of the traction device:

  • skidding of fallen trees;
  • pulling out stuck vehicles;
  • lifting works and movement of non-standard cargo by dragging or using rollers;
  • plowing heavy soils on hard-to-reach land for tractor equipment.

Willingly complete their cars with chainsaws with winch equipment motorists living in regions with bad roads.

Chainsaw as a pumping unit

The autonomy of the petrol drive is highly valued in irrigated areas. Compact and mobile pumping units are effectively used to supply water to areas located at a great distance from power sources.

Such devices are in particular demand in private and small-scale production farms, for irrigating crop areas, as well as drawing water from wells and artesian wells.

Alternative developments

As the popularity of replacement chainsaw equipment grows, new options are being developed. The list of proposals was replenished with several types of removable nozzles Wood splitter. The device is a rotating conical rod with a screw thread.

Advantages of interchangeable nozzles

In the first case, there is a significant savings on the purchase of a set household tools for different purposes.

  • The price of several nozzles is 2-3 times less than the cost of a standard set. In terms of functionality, many branded models are not inferior to highly specialized household counterparts.
  • Replaceable nozzles for chainsaw equipment occupy less space, prompt replacement of a standard saw bar with any interchangeable equipment, if you have the skills and the appropriate tool, is done within a few minutes.
  • The use of nozzles increases the payback of the chainsaw several times. The tool that is most often used for harvesting fuel wood can be used to solve many household and construction problems.


The technical and operational characteristics of chainsaws are focused on a given level of workloads and special operating modes. Some owners of prestigious professional chainsaws oppose the use of attachments.

Refusal is motivated by necessity long work engines at maximum speed, in some cases - a lack of torque, a forced reduction in the overhaul life.

As a result of the research, models of cable winches, bark cleaners, wood splitters and compressors were recognized as nozzles that are safe for the resource and technical condition.

  • In particular, work with angle grinders, the air intake filter is intensively clogged.
  • The installation of boat equipment and a pump nozzle involves a long time of operation of a high-speed chainsaw engine at maximum mode.

These shortcomings are partially or fully compensated by the increased wear resistance of modern power units, an increase in the actual motor resource of chainsaws from 1500 to 2000 or more hours. The use of heat-resistant branded motor oils also positively affects the durability of engines.