In a private house      06/23/2020

Secrets of a successful purchase: choosing doors for the bathroom and toilet. How to choose bathroom and toilet doors, taking into account the characteristics of these rooms The role of the bathroom door

What should be the doors to the bathroom and toilet? First, they must withstand exposure to high humidity. Secondly, to provide sufficient sound insulation and be as tight as possible. Thirdly, the doors must be aesthetic and fit into the interior of the bathroom. It is also worth considering the opening mechanism and think about fittings and other little things. We have prepared a selection guide for you. interior doors to the bathroom and toilet, which collected all the key aspects of this issue.

Criterias of choice

First and most important rule is the choice of a reliable seller. Residents of St. Petersburg can buy interior and entrance doors at the Nord-West company, the product range can be found on the website The company has been present on the market for 8 years, and its staff employs professionals who will help you choose the right door, take measurements and install it.

The threshold can be organized in several ways. Classic variant- a small barrier no more than 2 cm high, while the floor in the bathroom and the adjacent room remains at the same level. Such thresholds are perfectly combined with swing doors. You can make the floor in the bathroom and the shades used in it. It would be ideal if all the interior doors in the apartment were made in the same color and design. You can choose a shade based on the color floor covering, is the easiest and safest option.

Are you going to put new doors in the bathroom and toilet? The choice of products must be taken very seriously so that you do not have to change them in just a couple of years. Let's find out what designs are suitable for these rooms.

When buying a door to a bathroom or toilet, you need to remember the most important thing - these rooms are characterized by high humidity. The humidity level will always be higher than in other rooms even when a powerful ventilation system is installed.

Glass products can be placed in the toilet and bathroom. If we are talking about moisture resistance, then such products are considered the best. And all because the glass is not afraid of delamination under the influence of high temperatures. Also, glass is a hygienic, environmentally friendly material, characterized by a good level of heat and sound insulation. At the same time, doors intended for installation in a bathroom or toilet are made of tempered glass, with a high level of strength. Therefore, it is quite difficult to break them. Other advantages include their stylish and elegant design.

Glass product for bathroom and toilet

The surface of the products can be any: tinted, embossed, with mirror finish. And expensive models are produced with inserts made of natural wood, metal, mosaics. And thanks to the "light" design of the doors, the space in the room visually increases, the bathroom will look wider and brighter. The downside of such products is the rather high cost and the need to frequently wipe the glass surface to remove fingerprints, dust and other contaminants that are very visible on this material.

The second popular option is plastic doors. Such structures are not afraid of moisture, do not deform as a result of exposure to hot temperatures. They are also characterized by hygiene, ease of use, low weight. PVC products have various color solutions, which will make it easy to match them to the design of your bathroom or toilet. Despite the fact that in terms of their aesthetic properties, such products lose to glass doors or wood products, they are very popular. And all thanks affordable price.

In the bathroom and toilet, you can put a door from natural wood. Many do not dare to buy structures made of natural wood, which is afraid of moisture, believing that such material is more suitable for. However, modern manufacturers have been able to solve this problem by offering reliable structures made of beech or other wood species.

Before selling, products are treated with powerful antiseptic solutions and varnished, which protects the material from the negative effects of moisture.

Lacquered natural wood door

True, there is one caveat - it is better if the doorway is located away from the steam and water supply devices in order to reduce the risk of deformation. The only disadvantage of such products can be called their high cost. For the bathroom, you can choose laminated structures made of MDF (chipboard). Such products perfectly "live" in a humid environment, are attractive in appearance and are inexpensive. But it is better not to put models made of natural veneer in the bathroom, since the thin material will not be able to withstand contact with moist air for a long time.

Having chosen which door you will install, do not forget about fittings and other elements. So, a very large load is placed on the hinges, the handle and the locking mechanism of the door as a result of the humidity in the room. Therefore, you should not save on fittings by choosing trusted companies, even if it will be more expensive. Products must be coated with an anti-corrosion compound. You can choose from stainless steel hardware.

Before putting the door in the bathroom or bathroom, you need to study some of the features of the installation. So, the doorway in such rooms should be equipped with a threshold about 5 cm high, which will protect the apartment in case of flooding. Therefore, bathroom doors are always installed higher than other interior doors - the difference can be about 10 cm.

Often, apartment owners purchase the same type of product for all rooms. However, a standard bathroom cabinet usually has a doorway height of about 1.9 meters, the height of the doors is about 2 meters. In this case, you will have to adapt the doorway to install a higher door leaf than calculated. When thinking about which doors to install, do not forget about the thinness of the walls in the bathroom - usually their width is about 5 cm. Therefore, when choosing a design, you need to take into account the width and dimensions door frame. It is better if the width of the box exceeds the width of the walls by no more than 2 cm, which are necessary for a layer of cement and tiles.

Bathroom door installation

If the box is wider, you will have only two options:

  • thicken the wall in the bathroom;
  • cut off a couple of centimeters from the box.

True, and here there is one nuance. If you have chosen MDF doors for the toilet, cutting off “extra” centimeters from the door frame is not recommended - this can lead to flaking of the material, due to which the door will simply lose its appearance.

In the interior, an important factor is the method of opening the door. But at the same time, you should not forget about functionality. If you choose wrong door leaf can make the room uncomfortable. In the bathroom and toilet are usually installed swing structures. Their main advantage is that they help to well isolate the rest of the rooms from moisture and excess noise. Such products are considered the most reliable.

Swing door design

Popular in the interior are and. Their main advantage is a significant saving of space in the room. But there are a few "buts" regarding their installation in the bathroom. First of all, such products will not provide 100% insulation of the room, the same applies to humid air. The second caveat is that cheap models of this design begin to “rattle” in a couple of years. Well, it should be noted the difficulties with their installation - you are unlikely to be able to carry out the work yourself.

When the renovation begins in the bathroom, the main attention is paid to the decoration of walls, floors, ceilings, as well as the installation of plumbing and communications. At the same time, due attention is often not paid to which door to put in the bathroom so that it blends harmoniously into the interior of the room, and, more importantly, is reliable and functional.

What should be the door to the bathroom

For installation in a humid room, not any door is suitable, but one that is suitable for its characteristics - resistance to damp and humid air, temperature extremes, the formation of fungus and mold. An important quality is the moisture resistance of the material from which the door is made, because due to the influence of dampness, it can be deformed, changing its dimensions. Therefore, when installing a canvas made of natural wood or MDF, it is necessary that protective covering from the effects of temperature and moisture. Appearance doors play the main role when there is a clear idea of ​​the future interior, and not only the bathroom, but also the corridor, including the rest of the premises in the house.

If the bathroom is spacious and equipped with an efficient ventilation system, it can be equipped with a door made of any material.
But in a cramped room, only a metal-plastic or glass door can withstand the test of temperature and humid air. An important selection factor suitable door to the bathroom are its sound and heat insulating properties. If it is not possible to install effective supply and exhaust ventilation in the bathroom, to prevent the formation of mold, fungi, condensation on the walls, you should choose a door leaf with a built-in ventilation grill. Its presence will reduce the difference between the temperature inside the bathroom and the canvas itself.

If the door installed in the bathroom has an external protective coating, it is necessary to take into account the method of its application - usually a small joint forms between the edge and the leaf, which serves as a conductor for moisture and further damage to the door leaf when high level air humidity. Before installing such a door leaf, you need to check the joints for leaks. In addition, if you plan to install wooden door, it is necessary to treat the upper and lower ends with a protective varnish, since manufacturers do not process these places, however, they can accumulate moisture from the room, gradually deforming the canvas. About which door is better to choose, the advantages and disadvantages of some materials will be discussed below.

From what material to put the door to the bathroom: types and characteristics

What material to put the door to the bathroom

Interroom doors consist of an internal framework and an external covering. The frame can consist of wood, chipboard or MDF. These materials are not resistant to air humidity, the humidity of which exceeds 60%. A high-quality external coating can protect a wooden door from moisture and temperature changes. Before deciding which doors are better to put in the bath, it is worth knowing the details about the materials of the outer coating.

laminated coating

Laminated finish prevents moisture from penetrating the wood

They are good and attractively priced. Laminated sheeting is resin-impregnated paper glued to the door frame. If the manufacturer does not save on the quality of the material, such a coating becomes wear-resistant and durable. Laminatin is an analogue of a laminated coating, with the difference that it is made from thicker paper, which is coated with several layers of varnish. Such a coating of the door leaf is more expensive than conventional laminate. In order for the canvas to serve for a long time, you need to choose a coating of laminate with a thickness of at least 0.0 mm or laminate with a thickness of up to 0.8 mm. But, before choosing which doors to put in the bathroom, you need to consider that laminated canvas fit only in budget interior, because you can’t expect an exquisite design from a laminate door leaf.

PVC coating

PVC coating is a normal choice when choosing a bathroom door

PVC film is applied to the frame of the wooden sheet during its manufacture, protecting it from moisture. High wear resistance, coating can be cleaned chemicals. A wide range of shades and textures of PVC film will easily help you decide what the door to the bathroom should be in accordance with the overall interior. The disadvantages of this protective coating may be the release of harmful chemical substances with low workmanship, as well as the possibility of peeling the outer coating from the frame.

Veneer and eco-veneer coating

Ecoveneer is a plastic without impurities harmful substances containing wood fibers

Veneer is an expensive natural coating made from various types of wood, obtained by a special sawing method. Internal filling at the same time, it can be made of budget wood or chipboard. A veneered door leaf has an attractive appearance, it may well replace a leaf made entirely of natural precious wood, but it is expensive and fits more like an interior door, but not in the bathroom.

This environmentally friendly material does not emit harmful substances even when heated, is absolutely immune to moisture, and its texture and color imitate natural wood of various species. If there is no certainty which doors to put in the bathroom, you should pay attention to the door leaf with an eco-veneer coating.

Solid canvas

The canvas from the array is reliability in operation.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to install an uncoated door leaf made of solid wood, it must be taken into account that the surface should be protected as much as possible with varnish, wax or other special protective coatings for wood. The selected protection methods will help preserve the shape, size, texture, color of the door in its original form, protecting the canvas from various harmful effects. The advantages of a canvas made of solid wood are the environmental friendliness of the material, visual appeal and solid appearance.

Plastic doors

The cavity of the frame of the door leaf can be filled with expanded polystyrene, and then it becomes sound and heat insulating.

Doors made of plastic have nothing to do with the profile from which the already familiar to everyone are made. plastic windows. Their appearance is the same as that of canvases made of other materials. These inexpensive doors are made of plastic that is resistant to water, mold and mildew. If you choose such a door to the bathroom, it should be borne in mind that the variety of shades of plastic is not at all great.

Glass doors

Glass doors installed in saunas, because the glass is practical, not subject to temperature changes, various bacteria, mold, decay

If you ask yourself what material the ideal door leaf for a damp room with a temperature difference is made of, the answer will be unequivocal - glass. Such doors do not emit harmful substances, i.e. environmentally friendly. In addition, the choice of canvases is diverse: you can choose frosted or tinted glass, printed or with mirror surface, depending on the style of the interior. The only drawback is the heavy weight of such a canvas, which requires high-quality, reliable, and, accordingly, expensive fittings.

Which door to install in the bathroom: types

Which bathroom door to choose

For installation in the bathroom, you can choose as a door leaf of the classic swing type, i.e. opening outward or inward, but you can also opt for other types. Among them - sliding doors and folding. A sliding door is a mechanism of guide profiles with rollers along which the door leaf moves. The advantage of such a system is that it saves space inside and outside the bathroom, but at the same time it is necessary that one of the walls remains free for the canvas to move freely. Variety sliding system is a cassette door, when the leaf can be placed in an in-wall structure. This perfect option for small spaces.

In addition to sliding doors, there are folding doors. They are several parts of the sash, connected in such a way that the door folds in one direction like an accordion. However, this version of the door leaf is not very suitable for installation in the bathroom, since it requires free space without providing good level soundproofing and locking security.

Choosing the doors to the bathroom together

High humidity and temperature, splashes of water and soap suds - not only the floor and walls in the bathroom are exposed to all these aggressive influences. The bathroom door is also under threat - meanwhile, special models are rarely found in manufacturers' catalogs with photos. In such cases, it remains to buy ordinary serial products - this will also help to create. Indeed, according to modern design canons, doors should be the same or designed in the same style.

Which door is best for the bathroom

When developing technology, most manufacturers take into account that their products will be used, including in wet rooms. However, this does not mean that any of the models on the market is suitable for a wet area. We tell you what to look for when choosing.

Which material is best for bathroom and toilet door

First, consider what materials are generally used.


It is produced as a base and a layer of paper glued to it - this is called the lamination process. But they are not glued to ordinary glue, but with the help of special resins. But still there are gaps into which moisture can penetrate. Perhaps one of the few options devoid of this drawback is laminatin. It is thicker and varnished on top for better protection. Fabrics treated in this way can withstand humidity up to 60%.

PVC coating

Such models have an MDF base, and a PVC coating on top. It is water repellent and can even be washed. The advantages include a wide variety of colors and textures of these interior doors - it will be easy to choose the one you like for the bathroom and toilet. But there are also disadvantages - the canvas can exfoliate from too high humidity. And when the temperature rises in the paving, PVC can release chloride - for those who strive for it, it is better to abandon this type.


modern material, which is produced from woodworking waste and polymer plasticizer. Despite the complicated name of the latter, it is environmentally friendly. Eco-veneer is difficult to distinguish from natural material externally, but it even surpasses real veneer in quality. Among the advantages are resistance to moisture, aesthetics and environmental friendliness. But it can become an argument not in his favor.

Wood (veneer)

Too capricious, and is unlikely to show itself well in the bathroom. But if you choose a product coated with high-quality varnish, it is quite possible to install it. The frame of veneer products is made of softwood or chipboard, but the outer side is already covered with natural wood.


Perhaps, if you are looking for an answer to the question of which door to put in the bathroom and save the budget, this is exactly your option. Raw materials are inexpensive, so ready product available. Plastic is not afraid of temperature changes or moisture, as well. And the sound insulation of such models, as a rule, is on top.

But do not rush to draw an unambiguous conclusion - especially if aesthetics are important to you. Plastic products they are rarely beautiful, and they are also made in a standard form, and any deviations are impossible. Also, it is not eco-friendly.


Glass structures are absolutely waterproof, but the thickness of the canvas must be at least 8 mm, otherwise it will not be possible to provide sound insulation. In addition, it must be taken into account that products decorated with the method sandblasting(matte and with a matte pattern), become transparent when moistened, and any relief pattern (laser engraving, fusing) will greatly complicate surface care.

It is better to give preference to hardened structures with colored ceramic coated or triplex - plain color, with a pattern or photo printing. Glass products will last longer in the bathroom than any other, while it is easy to choose the option that matches the style of the apartment.

So which material is the best? Pay attention to alternatives to wood: eco-veneer, plastic and glass. And only if the room is spacious enough and well ventilated, you can think about laminated, natural wood (veneer) and PVC-coated. When choosing the latter, the type of coating on the web and edge is of great importance. If the joints are not tight, moisture will penetrate in this place and the product will deteriorate.

Which door to choose in the bathroom by design

There are traditional options - swing and other designs. Let's consider each.


A classic that is used in all rooms. It has a standard frame: a box, platbands are placed. You can also put thresholds, and this improves sound insulation. The standard swing type opens inward or outward, and there must be room for this. If inside - there may be problems with this.


The design of the coupe is very space-saving, which again is useful in small spaces. But during installation, a gap remains between the floor and the canvas, which means that heat and sound insulation will be reduced.

You can compromise and install a model that slides into the wall - this is possible only before the start of capital work, since it will be necessary to ditch the wall. With such sliding options, the disadvantages are minimized.


Structurally divided into a book and an accordion. In the first case, the canvas is divided into two parts, and in the second - into three or more. When folded, they take up space in the opening, so the space savings are essentially negligible.

6 things to consider before buying

1. The presence of decor

Paneled structures are made from solid wood, according to the generally accepted opinion, they are unsuitable for a bathroom. However, this is not always true. If the frame of the structure is made of glued beams, and the panels are made of high-density fibreboard (HDF), and at the same time the canvas has a multi-layer coating (high-quality polymer enamel or varnish), then water is unaffected by it. The likelihood of warping and cracking is minimal, and the finish will withstand both high humidity and frequent washing.

And shield (smooth) canvases, as practice shows, are quite capable of withstanding the conditions of the “home tropics”. Such models are distinguished by stable geometry, because their frame (usually made of ordinary coniferous bars) is protected from moisture by sheathing. But the service life of the latter depends on the type of decorative coating.

2. Transparency

The presence of frosted or tinted glass often raises questions. From an aesthetic point of view, it looks nice and good, but how practical and is it suitable for a bathroom? The fact is that sound insulation is good only if the glass is dense, from several layers.

3. Size selection

Usually the bathroom and toilet should be about 194-196 cm in height and 60 cm in width. Meanwhile, the minimum height standard door block for many companies it is 204 cm. The design of the required dimensions can be made to order (it will cost 10-20% more, and it will hardly be delivered earlier than in 2 weeks). Another option is to file the canvas, after checking with the manufacturer how to do it correctly. Usually, 100 mm can be cut off from panel sheets both from below and from above, but then a strapping bar should be glued in place.

4. Practicality in care

On a dark canvas with a glossy or semi-matt finish, traces of water splashes are more visible. This means that this choice will require more careful care and, possibly, treatment with protective agents based on hard wax.

5. The presence of a lock

As for which castle to take. In a cramped room, there is always a risk of injury from a protruding metal part, on the other hand, a safe round “knob” is inconvenient: it is difficult to turn it with a wet hand. The most practical are lever handles of the simplest form and with rounded edges.

6. The presence of a hood

There is always an extractor fan in the bathroom. Moreover, in many apartments it is designed to serve adjacent premises. And it will function normally only if a gap of at least 8 mm is left between the floor and the canvas. But such a gap will adversely affect sound insulation, so it is better to build it into the door ventilation valve with a noise absorber (approximate price - from 1,200 rubles).

  • Material prepared: Vladimir Grigoriev