In a private house      07/02/2020

Ways to resolve conflict situations at work. How to resolve the conflict: effective ways and practical recommendations. Causes of family conflicts

Any team sooner or later faces conflict situations. In theoretical terms, conflict seems to be the most acute way to resolve disputes between opposing participants. In the ordinary sense, the conflict is the disagreement of the parties with each other and the aggravation of contradictions associated with negative experiences.

Conflicts are caused by many reasons, among which are: the complexity of the labor process; psychological features of human relations (sympathy and antipathy); individual characteristics of each employee (inability to control their emotional state, biased attitude, pessimistic attitude). Experts advise not to succumb to emotions and follow simple algorithm conflict resolution in the team.

1. Apologize. This rule is forgotten by many, but it is an apology that helps to ease tension and put opponents on the path out of the current situation. In this case, it does not actually matter whether it is your fault or not. The interlocutor, having heard such words, will treat you differently.
2. Take responsibility for the problem. Show the other side that you will together take a way out of the situation and you are ready to provide assistance and assistance to resolve it.
3. Make a decision. This stage will help to fully establish certainty in the matter and put an end to disagreements with the opponent. Offer several options for the final result that will have a real impact on the subject of disagreement. Do not get personal and use only phrases that are directly related to the situation.
4. Take action. The transition to real action will help to distract from unnecessary discussions and accusations against both sides and will unite the parties to the conflict with one goal that will be most optimal in a particular situation.
5. Check the fulfillment of the conditions for resolving the conflict. Make sure the solution is completed. This is how you prevent new conflicts on this issue and build confidence in yourself among colleagues and partners.

Ways to resolve the conflict

To resolve conflict situations, you need to choose suitable style behavior that will most effectively solve the problem.
Let's consider several ways:


  • achieve peace and stability of the situation;
  • build trust and mutual understanding;
  • admit your own wrong;
  • realize the priority of maintaining friendly relations with the opponent, rather than defending one's point of view;
  • come to understand that winning an argument is more important for your opponent than for you.


  • possible when equally convincing arguments are presented by opponents;
  • more time is needed to resolve the conflict;
  • both parties are aimed at making a common decision;
  • abandoning one's directive point of view;
  • both parties have equal power;
  • you can slightly change the goal, since the fulfillment of your conditions is not very important for you;


  • joint efforts are envisaged to make a decision;
  • integration of points of view and obtaining common ways to resolve the conflict;
  • the goals of the discussion are the acquisition of a common result and new information;
  • strengthening personal participation in the project;
  • the parties are ready to work on developing a new solution suitable for both.


  • the source of disagreement is insignificant in comparison with other tasks;
  • conditions are required for restoring calm and a sober assessment of the situation;
  • seeking additional information is preferable to making a quick decision;
  • the subject of the dispute leads away from solving serious problems;
  • conflict can be resolved by subordinates;
  • the tension is too great for a decision to be made at the moment;
  • you are sure that you cannot or do not want to resolve the dispute in your favor;
  • you do not have enough authority to resolve the conflict.


  • urgent action is needed to resolve the situation;
  • recommended when solving large-scale problems;
  • with a rigid line of company management;
  • real results depend on the outcome of the situation;
  • only you have the right to solve the problem.

2. The main causes of conflict in organizations 13

3. Basic methods of conflict resolution 15 Conclusion 25 References 27


Each of us has had to deal with conflict situations. Conflicts are manifested in the activities of all social institutions, social groups, in relationships between people and play a key role in the life of an individual, family, team, state, society and the individual as a whole.

The people who work in an organization are different. Actually, they differently perceive the situation in which they find themselves due to their individual characteristics. Differences in perception often result in people disagreeing with each other on an issue. This disagreement arises when the situation is really of a conflict nature. The conflict is determined by the fact that the conscious behavior of one of the parties conflicts with the interests of the other party.

Most conflicts arise beyond the will of the participants. This is due to the fact that most people do not have an elementary understanding of conflicts, or do not attach importance to them.

The head of the organization, according to his role, is usually at the center of any conflict and is called upon to resolve it by all means available to him. Conflict management is one of the most important functions of a leader. On average, managers spend 20% of their working time resolving various kinds of conflicts. Every manager needs to know about conflicts, how to behave when they occur, means and methods of prevention and resolution. Most people are characterized by the inability to find a worthy way out of conflict situations.

In organizations, conflicts can be constructive or destructive. Much depends on how the conflict is managed. Destructive consequences occur when the conflict is either very small or very strong. When the conflict is small, most often it goes unnoticed and thus does not find its adequate resolution. The differences seem very small to encourage participants to make the necessary changes. However, they remain and cannot but affect the effectiveness common work. A conflict that has reached a strong state is usually accompanied by the development of stress among its participants. This leads to a decrease in morale and cohesion. Communication networks are destroyed. Decisions are made in conditions of concealment or distortion of information and do not have sufficient motivating power. The organization can "disintegrate before our eyes."

The constructive side appears when the conflict is sufficient to motivate people. Usually, for purposes objectively determined by the nature of the work performed. The development of such a conflict is accompanied by a more active exchange of information, coordination of different positions and a desire to understand each other. During the discussion of differences that cannot be taken into account, but also cannot be combined in current form, a compromise solution is developed based on a creative and innovative approach to the problem. This decision leads to more efficient work in the organization.

Depending on how effective conflict management is, its consequences will become constructive or destructive, which will affect the possibility of future conflicts, eliminate the causes of conflicts or create them.

1. The concept of conflict and its types

The conflict is a very complex and psychological phenomenon, the success of its study largely depends on the quality of the initial methodological and theoretical prerequisites, the methods used.

There are two most common approaches to understanding conflict. With one of them, the conflict is defined as a collision, contradiction, opposition of parties, opinions, due to opposition, incompatibility. With this approach, conflicts are also possible in inanimate nature. The concept of "conflict" and "contradiction" actually become comparable in scope. Another approach is to understand the conflict as a system of relations, the process of development of interaction, given by the differences of the subjects participating in it (according to interests, values, activities). It is assumed here that the subject of interaction can be either an individual person or people and groups of people.

Proponents of the first approach describe conflict as a negative phenomenon. They divide conflicts into destructive and constructive. Most of the works on the technology of working in conflict within the framework of this approach give recommendations on manipulation, which is called "conflict management", "conflict situation management". The main goal of such management is to eliminate the conflict with the maximum benefit for themselves.

Supporters of the second approach consider conflict to be a natural condition for the existence of interacting people, a tool for the development of an organization, any society, although having destructive consequences, but in general and over a long period, not as destructive as the consequences of the elimination of conflicts, their informational and social blockade. Such an approach is characteristic of the modern sociology of conflict, social psychology, the theory of organizational development, and the general theory of conflict. With this approach, all of the listed disciplines are fully corrected among themselves, which allows the conclusions in some to be applied to theoretical constructions in others, while maintaining scientific rigor, completeness and consistency.

The second approach assumes the impossibility of managing the conflict and optimizing the interaction, theoretically substantiating the development of the conflict as a self-regulating mechanism. Instead of “solution”, “resolution”, the term “overcoming” is used, implying that the conflict is not eliminated, but ensures development, strengthening differentiation in the organization, primarily professional, and in society - social stratification, which underlies social and organizational stability . It transforms into other conflicts, less destructive, in other spheres, in other social dimensions. This approach does not deny the possibility of further constructiveness of political and administrative manipulation in the initial phases of the conflict, but is based on ensuring the information completeness of the interaction of the subjects and the necessary risk, which ensures the possibility of transition to its last phase. General trend in last years is as follows: most theorists and practitioners of social psychology are inclined to the second approach, while maintaining some orientation towards psychological manipulation, the psychological mitigation of the destructive manifestations of the conflict is basic in this choice is that the first approach is based on the subject - object, and the second is built on the subject - subject. The manager's choice of one of the two approaches determines his choice, as a consequence of the first choice, of the forms of work and recommendations for his team, structural units for actions in conflict situations.

The modern point of view is that further in organizations with effective management, some conflicts are not only possible, but may even be desirable. Of course, conflict is not always positive. In some cases, it can interfere with the satisfaction of the needs of an individual and the achievement of the goals of the organization as a whole. But in some cases, the conflict helps to reveal a variety of points of view, provides additional information, helps to identify a large number of alternatives and problems. This makes the decision-making process of the group more efficient, and also gives people the opportunity to express their thoughts and considerations and thereby satisfy their personal needs for respect and power. It can also lead to more efficient execution of plans, strategies and projects, as discussion of different points of view takes place before they are actually executed. Thus, conflict is understood as the most sharp way resolution of significant contradictions that arise in the process of interaction, which consists in the opposition of the subjects of the conflict and is accompanied by positive and negative emotions.

If the subjects of the conflict resist, but do not experience negative emotions at the same time (for example, in the process of discussing martial arts), or, conversely, experience negative emotions, but do not show them outwardly, do not oppose each other, then such situations are pre-conflict situations. Counteraction of the subjects of the conflict can unfold in three areas: communication, behavior, activities.

To date, it seems necessary to link into a system all those practically unrelated studies of the conflict that are conducted within the framework of military sciences, art history, history, mathematics, pedagogy, political science, jurisprudence, psychology, sociology, philosophy, economics and other sciences. Such a system will not be an artificial formation. Its creation is possible, since any conflict is based on a contradiction that plays a system-forming role, both for different types of conflict and for different levels of their study. Its creation is necessary, because people, governing bodies deal with holistic real conflicts, and not with their individual psychological, legal, philosophical, sociological, economic and other aspects.

These considerations substantiate the need to single out an independent science - conflictology. The object of its comprehensive study is conflicts in general, and the subject is the general pattern of their occurrence, development and completion.

In social psychology, there is a multivariate classification of conflicts depending on the criteria that are taken as a basis.

Motivational conflicts. In recent years, so much has been written about motivation that there is no need to talk again about what Maslow's pyramid of needs is, Herzberg's scale of motivational and hygienic factors, not to mention more complex models. At first glance, as a motive for production activity and behavior in general, psychological needs are usually underestimated. The most pronounced motives are security, belonging to a particular community, prestige, self-esteem and self-realization.

Let us apply in the study of conflicts an approach that takes into account these human needs. Is your position always sufficiently protected in a conflict? Constant "underload" in production and, accordingly, low social status can be serious "troublemakers". Self-respect is the alpha and omega, and everything that hurts it awakens a huge energy aimed at conflict. To the same result

leads and "overload", which must be recognized, which is not always possible.

Communication conflicts. Any verbal or non-verbal information we receive is first picked up by the highly sensitive membranes of our emotional perception before it is considered from the perspective of a possible conflict with learned norms (“Can you do this?”, “Do you do this?”), and only at the final stage, with intellectual effort, the actual business content of the information is analyzed. If this effort is not followed by fatigue or simply intellectual weakness, then an emotional reaction occurs. The only brake is the upbringing received, which can also modify the reaction to those who behave “wrongly” in a very peculiar way.

Will the participant in the conflict find enough courage to admit that something causes him to develop a negative emotional wave, that, for example, despite his own resistance, he is jealous, that he wants to take revenge for the humiliation he experienced? No! Does the manager recognize that the increase in rates in his unit or the decoration of his office is directly related to his need to confirm his own. In this case, it is quite clear that he is primarily concerned only with himself.

There is a communication conflict when no one dares to establish "feedback" with the leader, i.e. no one pays the attention of the boss to his mistakes. A similar situation arises when the employee is not signaled that he is recognized and respected. Whoever never hears words of recognition becomes insecure.

Banal misunderstanding, incorrect interpretation of this or that information also fall into the category of "communication conflicts".

Conflicts of power and anarchy. You can see the goals or the paths leading to them in different ways. Goals are always in the future. They can never be completely substantiated. There is always an element of uncertainty. By setting goals and creating conditions for their implementation, we are already changing the future, even if only in details. Leaders are well aware of this. They know the feeling of powerlessness when opposed by the majority opposition. The constant striving for something new and the inability to realize one's goals gradually break a person.

Intrapersonal conflict can take many forms. One of the most common forms is role conflict, when conflicting demands are made on one person about what the result of his work should be. Intrapersonal conflict may arise as a result of the fact that production requirements are not consistent with personal needs or values.

Interpersonal conflict - this type of conflict is considered the most common. It manifests itself in organizations in different ways. Most often this is a struggle for limited resources, capital or labor, the use of equipment, a vacant position. It can also manifest itself as a clash of personalities. People with different personality traits, attitudes and values ​​are sometimes just not able to get along with each other. There is also a conflict between the individual and the group. It manifests itself as a contradiction between the expectations or requirements of the individual and the norms of behavior and work that have developed in the group. This conflict arises because of the inadequacy of the leadership style, the level of maturity of the team, because of the mismatch between the competence of the leader and the competence of the team's specialists, because the group does not accept the moral character and character of the leader.

Intergroup conflicts arise within the formal groups of the collective, within the informal groups of the collective, between formal and informal groups.

Conflicts are subdivided into conflicts between participants of equal rank (horizontal conflict); between lower and higher subjects on the social ladder (vertical conflict) and mixed, in which both are represented. The most common conflicts are vertical and mixed. Depending on the number of reasons, single-factor ones are singled out, when one reason lies at the heart of the conflict; multifactorial conflicts that arise due to two or more reasons, as well as cumulative conflicts, when several reasons overlap one another, and this leads to a sharp increase in the intensity of the conflict.

Based on temporal parameters, conflicts are divided into short-term (most often they are the result of mutual misunderstanding or mistakes that are quickly recognized); protracted (associated with deep moral and psychological trauma, or with objective difficulties).

The duration of the conflict depends on the subject of the contradiction and on the character traits of the people involved. Long-term conflicts are very dangerous, in which the conflicting parties consolidate their negative state.

Conflicts are distinguished by their significance for the organization, as well as by the way they are resolved. There are constructive and destructive conflicts. Any conflict is constructive by its nature as an instrument of development. There are conflicts that pass without crises, but, however, they are very rare and, as a rule, they are typical for organizations with a very high level of intellectual and communicative culture (both corporate and each employee, primarily the administration), and society itself should be on the same level of development. Constructive conflicts are characterized by disagreements that affect the fundamental aspects, problems of the life of the organization and its members. Their resolution brings the organization to a new, higher and more efficient level of development, leads to an improvement in working conditions, technologies, and managerial relations. The positive role of the conflict lies in the growth of self-awareness of the participants in the conflict. Constructive conflict in many cases forms and affirms certain values, unites like-minded people, plays the role of a safety valve for a safe and constructive release of emotions. Destructive conflicts lead to negative, often destructive actions, which sometimes develop into squabbles and other negative phenomena, which drastically reduces the efficiency of the group or organization, create tensions in the team, and seriously affect the neuropsychological state of employees.

2. The main causes of conflict in organizations. It is not possible to list all the probable causes of conflict in organizations. The main ones are the limited resources to be shared, the interdependence of tasks, differences in goals, perceptions and values, behavior, educational level, as well as poor communication, job imbalance, lack of motivation, etc. Resource allocation. Even in the largest organizations, resources are always limited. Management must decide how to allocate materials, information, human resources and finances to different groups in order to achieve the organization's objectives in the most efficient way. Interdependence of tasks. The possibility of conflict exists wherever one person or group is dependent on another person or group for a task. Since all organizations are systems of interdependent elements, if one unit or person does not work adequately, the interdependence of tasks can become a cause of conflict. Differences in purpose. The potential for conflict increases as organizations become more specialized and broken down into divisions. This is because specialized units form their own goals and may pay more attention to achieving them than to the goals of the entire organization. The reason for the conflict, as a rule, is that neither functions, nor means, nor duties, nor power, nor responsibility are clearly distributed among departments and workplaces. Differences in perceptions and values. The idea of ​​a situation depends on the desire to achieve a certain goal. Instead of assessing the situation objectively, people may consider only those views, alternatives, and aspects of the situation that they believe are favorable to their group and personal needs.

Differences in behavior and life experience. These differences can also increase the possibility of conflict. Sometimes there are people who constantly show aggressiveness and hostility and who are ready to challenge every word. And such scruffy personalities create around themselves an atmosphere fraught with conflict. Research shows that people with traits that make them highly authoritarian, dogmatic, and indifferent to self-respect are more likely to come into conflict. Other studies have shown that differences in life experience, values, education, seniority, age, and social characteristics reduce the degree of mutual understanding and cooperation between representatives of different departments. Poor communications. Poor communication is both a cause and a consequence of conflict. It can act as a catalyst for conflict, preventing individuals or groups from understanding the situation from the perspective of others. Common communication problems that cause conflict are ambiguous quality criteria, the inability to accurately define the job responsibilities and functions of all employees and departments, as well as the presentation of mutually exclusive work requirements. These problems may arise or be exacerbated by the inability of managers to develop and communicate to subordinates an accurate job description.

3. Basic methods of conflict resolution

Conflict management, or their resolution, is the process of purposefully influencing the organization's personnel in order to eliminate the causes that gave rise to the conflict and bring the behavior of the conflict participants in line with the established norms of relationships. The more precise the definition of the essential elements of the conflict, the easier it is to find the means for effective behavior in a conflict situation. It is highly desirable that partners be able to agree on how to define a conflict situation. Consistent behavior aimed at overcoming the conflict as a whole involves several stages. Definition of the main conflict problem. It is advisable to find out:

How I understand the problem;

What my actions and what actions of the partner led to the emergence and consolidation of the conflict;

How does my partner see the problem?

Is the behavior of each of us appropriate to the current situation;

State our common problem as concisely and fully as possible;

On what issues do we disagree with a partner, and on what do we stand in solidarity and understand each other.

R. Fisher and W. Ury note that many conflicts occur because people take certain positions, and then focus all their efforts on protecting these positions, instead of identifying the hidden needs and interests that forced them to take these positions. Thus, their false orientation becomes an obstacle to finding a solution that would take into account the hidden interests of the parties involved in the conflict.

Unfortunately, by the position taken in the conflict or by the manner of behavior and actions of a person, it is not always easy to establish what desires or fears drive him. People often hide their feelings. It also happens that people are not aware of their true intentions: they just want something, but they don’t know why they want it. “Reconciliation of interests, not positions, is more effective for two reasons. First, for any given interest, there can usually be several possible positions that satisfy it. Most often, people take the most obvious position. But if you are looking for motivating interests behind opposite positions, you may find some alternative that will satisfy the interests of both parties. A reconciliation of interests can produce better results than a reconciliation of positions because behind opposing positions are both opposing and coinciding interests. Therefore, a solution can be found by looking for shared or overlapping interests. The regulation of the conflict is not yet its resolution, since the main structural components of the conflict remain. However, all regulatory actions are either prerequisites for resolution, or moments of this process. Conflict resolution is the final step. Distinguish between complete and incomplete resolution. If there is a transformation or elimination of the basis of the conflict (reasons, subject), then the conflict is resolved completely. Incomplete resolution occurs when only some of the structural elements of the conflict are eliminated or transformed, in particular, the content of the confrontation, the motivational basis for the conflict behavior of the participants, etc. The situation of incomplete resolution of the conflict gives rise to its resumption on the same or on a new basis. Incomplete resolution of the conflict cannot be considered in any case as a detrimental action. In most cases, it is objectively conditioned, because Not every conflict is resolved once and for all. On the contrary, life is full of conflicts that are resolved temporarily, partially. The resolution of the conflict should be distinguished from its suppression, i.e. the forcible removal of one or both sides without eliminating the causes and subject of the confrontation. Does not lead to the resolution and cancellation of the conflict. This is an attempt to get rid of the conflict by reconciliation or obscuration, and not by overcoming the contradictions underlying it. In many conflicts, you can find more than one conflict situation and even find several options for its expression. A key role in conflict resolution is played by the correct formulation of the conflict situation. The process of resolving any conflict consists of three stages. The first - preparatory - is the diagnosis of the conflict. The second is the development of a resolution strategy and technology. The third is the implementation of a set of methods and means. Diagnostics of the conflict includes: 1) description of its visible manifestations; 2) determining the level of development of the conflict; 3) identifying the causes of the conflict and its nature; 4) intensity measurement; 5) definition of the scope. Effective conflict resolution, i.e. resolution with the least loss of resources and the preservation of vital public structures, perhaps with some necessary conditions and implementation of conflict management principles. The former include: the presence of an organizational and legal mechanism for resolving the conflict; experience in constructive conflict resolution; development of communication links; availability of resources to implement the compensation system. As far as principles are concerned, it is mainly about a specific approach to resolving specific conflicts. There are "power", "compromise" and "integrative" models. The power model leads to the outcomes of two types of conflict: "victory-defeat", "defeat-defeat". Two other models - to the possible resolution of the conflict of the type "win-win" or "win-win". All methods are divided into two groups: 1) negative, including all types of struggle, pursuing the goal of achieving victory for one side over the other; 2) positive, when using which it is supposed to preserve the basis of the relationship between the subjects of the conflict. These are various types of negotiations and constructive rivalry. The distinction between negative and positive methods is conditional. These methods often complement each other. No matter how diverse the types of struggle, they have some common features, because any struggle is an action involving at least two subjects, where one of them interferes with the other. The main positive method of conflict resolution is negotiation. The theory of negotiations was developed by American conflictologists Fisher R., Uri W., Den D. Negotiations are a joint discussion by conflicting parties with the possible involvement of a mediator of contentious issues in order to reach agreement. They act as a kind of continuation of the conflict and at the same time serve as a means of overcoming it. When the emphasis is on negotiations as part of the conflict, they tend to be conducted from a position of strength, with the aim of achieving a one-sided victory. Naturally, this nature of the negotiations usually leads to a temporary, partial resolution of the conflict, and the negotiations serve only as an addition to the struggle for victory over the enemy. If negotiations are understood as a method of conflict resolution, then they take the form of honest, open debates, calculated on mutual concessions and mutual satisfaction of a certain part of the interests of the parties. The use of positive methods of conflict resolution is embodied in the achievement of compromises or consensuses between the opposing subjects. These are forms of ending the conflict, mainly according to the "win-win" or "win-win" type.

Compromise means an agreement based on mutual concessions. Distinguish compromises forced and voluntary. The former are inevitably imposed by the prevailing circumstances or by the general situation that threatens the existence of the conflicting parties. The latter are concluded on the basis of an agreement on certain issues and correspond to any part of the interests of all interacting forces. The technology of compromises is quite complex and in many ways unique, but still there is something repetitive in its structure. These are some ways of harmonizing interests and positions: consultation, dialogue, discussion, partnership and cooperation. Their use makes it possible to identify common values, to discover the coincidence of views on certain issues, helps to reveal positions on which the conflicting parties need to make concessions, to develop a mutually acceptable agreement on the "rules of the game", or otherwise, the norms and methods of further actions in order to find a balance of interests and thereby resolve the conflict. Consensus is a form of expressing agreement with the arguments of the opponent in a dispute. The technology of reaching consensus is more complicated than the technology of compromises. The essential elements of this technology are: analysis of the spectrum of social interests and organizations expressing them; clarification of the fields of identity and difference, objective coincidence and contradiction of priority values ​​and goals of the acting forces; substantiation of common values ​​and priority goals on the basis of which agreement is possible. But the win-win situation is not the only possible way out of the conflict. Let's try to characterize the types of outcome of conflict situations. The first type is withdrawal. It is determined by the fact that one of the parties to whom the charge is brought, transfers the topic of conversation in a different direction. At the same time, the accused refers to the lack of time, the untimeliness of the dispute and leaves the battlefield. Departure as a variant of the outcome of the conflict is most characteristic of a person who is not always immediately ready to resolve a difficult situation. He needs time to think through the causes and ways to solve the conflict problem. The second option is smoothing. A situation where one of the parties either justifies itself or agrees with the claim, but only at the moment. Justifying oneself does not completely solve the conflict and can even aggravate it, as the internal, mental contradiction intensifies. This technique most often uses a type of personality for which any, even the worst, unstable peace is preferable than the best war. Of course, this does not mean that he cannot use coercion for the sake of maintaining relationships, but for the purpose of eliminating, and not exacerbating contradictions. The third type is compromise. It is understood as an open discussion of opinions aimed at finding the most convenient solution for both parties. In this case, partners put forward arguments in their favor and in someone else's favor, do not postpone decisions and do not unilaterally force one possible option. The advantage of this outcome is the reciprocity of equality of rights and obligations and the legalization (openness) of claims. Compromise, while respecting the rules of conduct in a conflict, really relieves tension and helps to find the best solution. The fourth option is confrontation. This is an unfavorable and unproductive outcome of the conflict, when none of the participants takes into account the position of the other. It usually occurs when one of the parties has accumulated enough small grievances, gathered strength and put forward the strongest arguments that the other side cannot remove. The only positive aspect of confrontation is that the extreme nature of the situation allows partners to better see the strengths and weaknesses, understand each other's needs and interests.

The fifth option is coercion. It is the most unfavorable outcome of the conflict. This is a tactic of direct imposition of the variant of the outcome of the contradiction that suits its initiator. For example, the head of a department, using his administrative right, forbids talking on the phone on personal matters. He seems to be right, but is his right so universal? Most often, coercion is resorted to by a person who is confident in his absolute influence and power over his partner. This outcome of the conflict, in a sense, really quickly resolves and decisively eliminates the causes of the initiator's discontent. But it is the most unfavorable for maintaining relationships. And if in extreme conditions, in the official relations of military personnel, regulated by a clear system of rights and obligations, he is partly justified, then in the system of modern personal, family, marital relations, he is becoming more and more obsolete. Predetermining the type of way out of the conflict must begin with the consideration of conflicts and their definition. Then it is necessary to consider the causes of conflicts and focus on the source of tension. For example, some conflicts are caused by circumstances; some are related to the peculiarities of involving people in them; others may be due to a repetitive form of behavior or attitude that may form the basis of a conflict situation. It is useful to have an idea of ​​some of the common causes of conflicts between people, which are the result of insufficient communication or misunderstanding; differences in plans, interests and estimates; confrontation in group conflict situations; wrong assumptions about someone's actions; lack of empathy for the needs and desires of other people, etc.

After discovering the hidden causes and sources of the conflict, the next step is to correct the problem through a passing reaction. For example, if the conflict is caused by little or no communication, the obvious response is to look for ways to improve communication. If the conflict is related to a difference in life plans, the reaction will be one of the compromises developed as a result of negotiations and the search for solutions in which each participant in the conflict remains a winner. If the obstacle is one's own fears and indecision, then the solution lies in the development of methods for overcoming these obstacles by the person himself. With appropriate experience in handling conflict situations, potential conflicts can be prevented altogether, or resolved, and even used as a source of improved relationships with others and self-improvement. The task is not to avoid conflict, which is potentially possible in all social relations and situations internal choice but in conflict recognition and control in order to obtain the best possible outcome. Ideal from this point of view is the rational - intuitive method of conflict resolution, developed by the American scientist Scott G. Ginny. From the very beginning, this method involves consciousness and intuition in the implementation of the choice of course of action in a conflict situation. This approach is based on an assessment of the circumstances, characters, interests and needs of the people involved in the conflict, as well as their own goals, interests, needs. In serious conflicts, the emotions of the participants are always involved. Thus, one of the first steps to resolving a conflict is to suppress the negative emotions it gives rise to - one's own and the emotions of other people. After suppressing emotions, it becomes possible to use reason or intuition, respectively, in order to formulate possible solutions acceptable to all interested parties. The main way to apply the rational-intuitive approach to conflict management is to view any conflict situation as a problem or potential problem that needs to be solved. Then an appropriate problem-solving method is selected, using an arsenal of possible strategic conflict control measures. The strategy chosen will depend on the stage of the conflict (potential conflict, developing conflict, open conflict), the importance of specific solution, on the assessment of the needs and desires of other people, as well as on the nature of the emotions shown in the conflict. Once an appropriate method has been selected, the best way to apply it is determined. For a more successful conflict resolution, it is effective to draw up a conflict map developed by H. Cornelius and S. Fair. Its essence is as follows:

Definition of the problem of conflict in general terms;

Identification of the parties involved in the conflict;

Identifying the needs and concerns of each of the main actors in the conflict.

Drawing up such a map will allow: 1) to limit the discussion to certain formal frameworks, which will largely help to avoid excessive manifestations of emotions; 2) to create an opportunity for joint discussion of the problem, to express to people their requirements and desires; 3) figure out how own point point of view, and the point of view of others; 4) choose new ways to resolve the conflict. Thus, it becomes clear that the conflict process in the workforce can be managed. But prevention, the prevention of destructive conflicts should be in the constant field of vision of the administration of the organization. Various HR departments, as well as company managers, need to develop a set of rules and norms in order to increase the level of relationships not only with the help of socio-psychological measures, but also with the help of organizational and managerial methods. The manager has the opportunity to foresee the beginning of a conflict situation, intervene in the process of the conflict in time, make his own adjustments and bring the conflict situation to an optimal solution. It is important to remember that just as no leadership style can be effective in all situations without exception, so no conflict resolution style (be it cooperation, compromise, evasion) can be singled out as the best. Considering the main methods of resolving conflict situations, we can say that they are divided into two groups: 1) negative, including all types of struggle, pursuing the goal of achieving victory for one side over the other; 2) positive ones, when using which it is supposed to preserve the basis of the relationship between the subjects of the conflict - various types of negotiations and constructive rivalry. The difference between negative and positive methods is conditional, they often complement each other. The choice of methods for resolving a conflict situation determines the strategy of behavior in a conflict. The leader can choose the tactics of avoiding the conflict, smoothing it, a compromise solution, coercion or rejection of someone else's position.


Conflict means disagreement of the parties, in which each side tries to achieve its acceptance. Conflict can take place between individuals and groups and between groups.

Most people believe that conflict is a negative phenomenon, that they cannot control it and try to avoid it whenever possible. But the conflict is difficult to correct, acquiring destructive power. This needs to be known, and managers and subordinates need to understand that conflict is an enriching life if it is properly managed. The conflict helps a separate work team and the organization as a whole to be in good shape, it allows you to determine what is needed for the development and improvement of all areas of activity. The ability to manage conflict can be decisive for the survival of the team as a whole. Conflict itself does not strengthen or weaken an organization. But both subordinates and managers should be able to manage it, making it as useful as possible. If they avoid discussing their difficulties and fears, they can neither understand the real state, nor the ways of development, nor draw lessons for themselves and for others. Potential causes of conflict are shared resources, task interdependence, differences in goals, differences in perceptions and values, differences in behavioral styles and biographies of people, and poor communication. People often do not respond to situations of potential conflict unless those situations involve minimal personal loss or threat. Structural methods for resolving conflicts include clarifying production expectations, mechanisms for coordination and integration, setting higher levels of tasks and a reward system.

Potential negative effects of conflict include: reduced productivity, dissatisfaction, lower morale, increased employee turnover, worse social interaction, worse communication, and increased loyalty to subgroups and informal organizations. However, with effective intervention, conflict can have positive consequences. For example, more in-depth work on finding a solution, diversity of opinions in decision-making and better cooperation in the future.

There are five conflict resolution styles. Evasion represents avoidance of conflict. Smoothing is behavior as if there is no need to be annoyed. Coercion is the use of legal power or pressure to impose one's point of view. Compromise - yielding to some extent to another point of view, is an effective measure, but may not lead to an optimal solution. Problem solving, a style preferred in situations that require a diversity of opinions and data, is characterized by openly acknowledging differences of opinion and clashing these views in order to find a solution acceptable to both parties.

If you skillfully manage the conflict, then it strengthens both the team and the organization as a whole, and helps to develop a common management concept in both small and large organizations.


1. Economics and organization of the activity of a trading enterprise: Textbook / Edited by A.N. Solomatina. – M.: INFRA-M, 2001.

2. Conflictology: Textbook / Edited by V.P. Ratnikov. - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2005.

3. G.V. Borozdin. Psychology of business communication. Textbook. - 2nd ed. – M.: INFRA-M, 2003.

4. Linchevsky E.E. Mastery of managerial communication: a leader in everyday contacts and conflicts. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2002.

5. Smirnov E. Development of management decisions. – M.: UNITI, 2002.

Shalenko V.N. Conflicts in labor collectives. - M., 1992.

In the modern world it is difficult to do without conflicts. A conflict can happen with anyone, anywhere and anytime: at home, at work, in a store, on public transport and even on the Internet (although it would seem that strangers have something to share?).

The slightest minor conflict can spoil the mood for the whole day. And it is very difficult to hide from others, and therefore it is easy to spoil the mood of others. This can lead to a series of new conflicts. But forewarned is forearmed. Having studied the specifics and causes of conflicts in more detail, you can try to avoid them.

What is conflict

Conflict is an intractable contradiction. This is a situation in which each of the parties seeks to take a position that is incompatible and opposite to the interests of the other side.

  • pre-conflict stage
  • open conflict
  • completion
  • post-conflict period

Family conflicts

Family conflicts can be divided into 3 types:

  • conflicts based on an unfair division of labor (- Why didn't you take out the trash? - Why should I take out the trash?)
  • conflicts based on the dissatisfaction of any needs (- Why don't you cook anything? - Why didn't you buy me a fur coat?)
  • quarrels due to lack of education (uncivilized behavior at the table of one of the partners, words used by one of the partners that the other does not like)

Causes of family conflicts

Let's turn to statistics. A survey was conducted among 266 American family counselors. As a result, among others, problems were identified, due to which conflicts and disagreements most often arise in married couples. This …

  • Difficulties in communication are 86,6% couples
  • problems related to children and their upbringing 45,7% steam
  • sexual problems - 43,7% steam
  • financial problems - 37,2% steam
  • leisure - at 37,6% steam
  • relationships with parents 28,4% steam
  • marital infidelity - 26,6% steam
  • household - at 16,7% steam
  • physical abuse - 15,7% steam
  • other problems - 8,0% . steam

The main thing, when conflicts arise, is to understand how to behave in such situations and not let conflicts spoil your relationship. Here are some behaviors:

  • adaptation (agree with a partner, have an opinion, but do not express it)
  • avoidance (avoidance of a conflict situation)
  • cooperation (an attempt to reach a compromise, a joint solution that satisfies both parties)

It is important to recognize that there is conflict in the family - this is the first step to solving the problem. Then, you need to discuss with family members possible ways to resolve the conflict and choose the best one. If you can't resolve the conflict on your own, then better solution- contact a family psychologist. Qualified help from a psychologist will definitely not hurt you.

With conflicts in the labor collective, things are somewhat different.

Conflicts are possible for several reasons:

  • related to the labor process
  • related to human relationships
  • due to the injustice of the employer, according to subordinates

There are several steps to resolve such conflicts:

  • understand the cause of the conflict
  • find out if there is a secondary cause of the conflict (after all, often the main cause of the conflict is just an excuse to move on to open confrontation)
  • find ways to resolve the conflict
  • make a mutual decision to get out of the conflict
  • eliminate the causes of conflict
  • and the final step is the reconciliation of the parties

Any conflicts in the team fall on the shoulders of the employer. After all, productivity decreases when relationships are strained in the team. Conflicts disorganize workers. People begin to think more about the conflict that happened, and not about work. Therefore, the employer himself should first of all try to resolve the conflict between employees.

But if the conflict occurs with the employer himself, then the problem is much more serious. Such conflicts by mutual agreement are resolved much less frequently: only 62% of conflicts between employers and subordinates are resolved. In such cases, it is important to think about other people's interests, but also not to forget about your own. In general, it is not for nothing that they say that it is better not to argue with the authorities. Of course, when it comes to hurt pride, when reputation and professional status are at stake, it is difficult to control oneself and not react to provocations. But once having avoided conflict, you will understand that it is much more pleasant and effective to negotiate and compromise. You just need to give yourself a clear setting: “Work is not a place for conflicts and showdown!”

Summing up, it can be noted that any conflicts have a bad effect on our mood and our health. Remember, nerve cells regenerate very, very slowly. And when a person is angry, he produces the hormone of aggression - norepinephrine, and when he smiles - the hormones of happiness serotonin and.

It is also important to remember that in no case should one go beyond the scope of this conflict and drag past disagreements and grievances into it. Otherwise, it will accumulate like a snowball, and each time it will be more and more difficult to get out of the conflict. Don't forget to weigh the pros and cons. Indeed, sometimes the game is simply not worth the candle, and it is better to give in than to waste time arguing. You have to pull yourself together. It is better to simply transfer the conversation to another topic or move the conversation to another time. Perhaps the cause of the conflict will already become irrelevant, and it will be settled. Most small conflicts after a while seem to us meaningless and ridiculous. Try to distract yourself, let go of the situation and think about something good and pleasant. Always remember the famous Confucius quote “ The best war- the one that was avoided.

Books on conflicts

If you are studying conflicts, books and specialized literature that you can read are presented below. Here is a small list of books that you can read to improve your conflict avoidance and resolution skills.

  • Coren, Goodman- "The art of bargaining or everything about negotiations"
  • Lixon- "Conflict. Seven steps to peace"
  • Egides -"Labyrinths of communication or how to get along with people"
  • Schwartz, Gerhard"Management of conflict situations: diagnostics, analysis and resolution of conflicts"

Take care of your family and friends, maintain good relations with colleagues, try to think positively and smile more often!

Ways, methods and methods of conflict resolution everyone needs to know, because sooner or later in life one has to deal with difficult situations disputes and contradictions. Everyone wants to get out of an acute situation with dignity, while not spoiling relations with another person and a group of people. However, most often the conflict takes a more critical form and leads to a break in relations. How to learn to resolve issues of disagreement, and if possible avoid them altogether?

Conflict is inherently a normal state of human personality. It is collisions with others that indicate that the individual realizes his life activity. At the same time, it is extremely necessary to know the mechanisms for resolving conflict situations, since this knowledge will help strengthen relationships in the social, professional and personal spheres. Skill resolve conflict quickly and competently- a very necessary skill that is useful for organizing a comfortable environment around you and in the team in which you have to be.

Most people are not even aware of what conflicts they are involved in, what events in their lives can be attributed to such acute situations, and what are the reasons for the appearance of disagreements. For a person, discord has an extremely negative effect, since all disagreements with others first of all give rise to an intrapersonal conflict. Which, in turn, leads to poor health, nervousness, changes the character of a person in a negative direction. Have you noticed how a pessimist with an established program of a loser gradually develops from a cheerful acquaintance? The problem of such people is hidden in the wrong communication in society. If you are not happy with such a prospect of metamorphosis, you should find out what are ways and means of conflict resolution.

The term conflict in psychology is defined as a clash of inappropriate and polar aspirations in relationships between people, in social groups and within oneself, which leads to emotional experiences.

Conflicts arise on the subject of contact of ideas, views, interests. The conflict is especially acute when it comes to one's own achievements, goals, desires, ideas and motivations. The mechanism of the influence of the conflict on a person: a collision - an emotional shock - a desire to feel one's significance, to ensure one's safety, to retire.

Ways to resolve conflicts

Options and ways to resolve conflicts are varied. In those situations where the interests and opinions of each other are affected, there are various aspects of people's behavior worked out by specialists. Based on this analysis, main ways to resolve conflict situations:

1. Competition.

Such a strong-willed method of resolving a disputed situation is suitable for strong personalities who are active and determined to realize their own interests, first of all, without relying on the interests of other individuals who are in the work process. A distinctive feature of such people is the ability to force others to accept his means of resolving disagreements.

This method is the sharpest of all the other conflict resolution options. Suitable for those who have a powerful reserve of internal strength in order to turn the tide and win over others to their side. Most often, such methods of conflict resolution are acceptable for leaders. In this case, it is easiest to achieve the subordination of employees, the positive fulfillment of the tasks set, and set the team up for the success and prosperity of the company. It is strong personalities that are able to lead organizations out of crisis, raise the general spirit and mood of the team for effective work and achieving positive results.

Competition implies a strong position in the person who resorts to this type of dispute resolution. However, there are often people who use this method of neutralizing the current conflict because of their own weakness. A familiar situation when a person loses hope of resolving the situation in his favor and resorts to inciting a new contradiction with others. So, children often provoke their elders, getting what they deserve, they already act as a victim, complaining to their parents about the behavior of another child, whom he himself pushed to hurt himself or hurt himself. It is not uncommon for people to act as provocateurs solely because of their stupidity. This situation is the most difficult and difficult to resolve in a team, especially if the boss becomes the culprit of the next conflict, which is difficult to resist due to subordination. Ways to resolve the conflict are diverse, however, having decided to resolve the confrontation in this way, you need to be confident in your own abilities and definitely know that the chances of stabilizing the situation in your favor are very high.

2. Evasion.

There are a variety of ways to resolve conflicts, however, it is reasonable to use this method when the advantage of the opposing force becomes obvious.

"Escape" It is considered a manifestation of cowardice and weakness, but not when it brings an advantage in further work and in relationships. More than once, most likely, you have come across how leaders are playing for time, delaying the adoption of a resolution, and postponing the resolution of issues for an indefinite period. The justifications for this are varied. Remember that there is a risk of a complete fiasco, since it is quite difficult to avert the inevitable, and you should not constantly get carried away in this way of resolving conflict situations.

However, there are situations when it is reasonable to use evasion to buy time. This is a manifestation of the strong and smart side of the personality. True, one should clearly distinguish between the desire to avoid responsibility and be in a wait-and-see position in order to resolve the conflict in one's favor. Luck may not turn to you, then defeat may become with a strong blow and emotional shock (awareness of one's own indecision). Therefore, use this way of resolving contradictions wisely.

3. Fixture.

In this form, you can resolve differences in the case when you recognize the dominance of the opponent. Here you have to neglect your interests for the sake of settling disputes. You can regard adaptation as a manifestation of weakness, or as a reasonable position if:

Yielding to your opponent, you do not suffer great losses;
the priority for you is to maintain friendly relations with a colleague or team;
you do not have all the necessary resources and power to suppress differences;
you realize the importance of the opponent's victory over you;
resistance and continuation of the struggle can significantly harm one's own interests, further career and health;
the competitor has too powerful suppression levers, it is necessary to adapt, look for loopholes and other ways to resolve the conflict in order to stay afloat and develop stronger than the rival in the future;
you are aware of the pitfalls behind the decision. By giving an opportunity to an opponent to implement an idea, you gain an advantage in case of confirmation that this decision on the part of the opponent was reckless.

4. Cooperation.

This way of resolving the conflict is based on the fact that both parties find favorable positions for reconciliation and, without resorting to ignoring their own and others' interests, enter into positive interaction. All methods of conflict resolution have their pros and cons, however, this way to resolve disputes is the most favorable.

When both parties accept responsibility, have all the necessary resources to reduce or complete elimination of the conflict then they are ready, taking into account mutually beneficial decisions, to continue cooperation. This position is definitely for tactful and strong individuals who are able to express and voice their opinions, goals, desires, intentions and listen to the opponent in order to come to a common conclusion.

As a rule, those organizations that are far-sighted and able to find more global facets of common interests face this form of conflict resolution. Proper prioritization allows later to resolve disputes at intermediate levels of a narrow direction or temporary nature. This is a manifestation of strength.

If the decision is due to weakness, then such cooperation is more likely to take the form of accommodation. However, this option is not negative if there are no sharp changes in the distribution of opposing forces in the near future.

5. Compromise.

When choosing conflict resolution methods, one should not forget about such a way of resolving disagreements as the desire of both parties to compromise solutions. Sometimes this can be the only rational way to suppress the conflict. This method is suitable for those individuals who seek to realize common interests, but believe that their simultaneous achievement is unlikely. This situation often arises when the parties have an excellent margin of opportunity, but have different scheme winning results and mutually exclusive interests. In that case, the most the best option is short-term cooperation on compromise terms and gaining benefits for both parties.

Ways to resolve conflicts

All currently existing conflict resolution methods are of two types and carry two results of confrontation settlement:

Negative methods;
positive methods.

Negative ways to resolve conflict include obligatory struggle with the subsequent destruction of the unity of relations. Regulating problems with positive methods, both sides either come to an agreement, or subsequently retain the ability to interact, negotiate and constructively dialogue.

In practice, both methods complement each other, since the element of struggle is equally inherent in any method of settling disputes. In order to come to a consensus, it is necessary to defend your own interests, set priorities, put pressure on opponents to incline to your side. Moreover, creative rivalry gives rise to new ideas, gives impetus to the development of technologies, brings to life the innovation necessary for further development. In addition, we remember the saying that " truth is born in a dispute».

Although the types of wrestling are diverse, they all have common features. Purpose of the fight- the direction of the conflict situation in the direction of reconciliation or victory. Nevertheless, each side considers it its duty to remain in a superior position. Fighting is impossible without an awareness of the chances of victory, strategy, the right time and place to strike.

There are the following ways to reverse the situation:

Direct or indirect influence on the opponent;
a change in the balance of opposing forces;
informing the opponent about his intentions both properly and truthfully;
analysis of the capabilities of the enemy and their forces.

Conflict resolution methods

Methods of conflict resolution can overlap and be combined with different types of struggle. You can consider the main ones.

1. The desire to achieve victory in order to gain authority and space for the implementation of their further actions.

The main goal is to destabilize the opponent by suggesting to him those in which he is weak. It is important to weaken the position of the opponent, to limit his freedom, to sacrifice one's own benefits in order to obtain better positions and mechanisms for further suppression of the opposing side.

2. Using the resources of the opponent to achieve their own benefit.

The main goal is to incline the enemy to those actions that will bring obvious benefits for themselves.

3. Criticism of the workflow of rivals.

The purpose of this method of struggle is to reveal, expose and disable the opponent's key control centers. Exposure, discredit, refutation, criticism, disclosure of the negative side helps to gain time and prepare a platform for the realization and promotion of one's own interests.

4. Tightening.

Aspects such as the speed and timeliness of striking play a fundamental role in defeating the enemy. To implement such methods of struggle, they resort to deliberately delaying solutions to pressing issues. You can just buy time in order to pick up the right moment, to weaken and crush the enemy.

5. "Time works for us."

A way for those players who are confident in their chances of winning and are waiting for the moment when they can strike. During this period, you can arrange forces, collect the necessary resources and prepare. The most striking example of this type of struggle is the expression of one's position at the very end, when there is an opportunity to weigh all the pros and cons, to use the ideas already voiced, while maintaining equanimity and dignity.

6. Avoidance of responsibility.

This method of struggle has something in common with the 4th method, it is only used not to get a temporary opportunity to gather forces and wait for the right moment to strike, but is used to completely destabilize the enemy. As a rule, in the end, the decision is not made at all, due to the physical, moral and financial exhaustion of the opponent.

7. Complete withdrawal from the conflict.

At first glance, it may seem like a manifestation of weakness, however, it makes it possible to gather strength, better study the opponent, solve a problem or find ways to solve it and deliver an unexpected blow, and then become a winner in a conflict situation.

Positive Ways to Resolve Conflict based on constructive negotiations. As a rule, the goal of interaction with an opponent is a unanimous victory over him. However, the variant of achieving one's superiority is chosen to be softer, in comparison with the above described methods of struggle. Negotiations help determine the opponent's position, probe for weaknesses, play on one's own advantages in a particular issue, come to mutual concessions, and make a mutually beneficial decision.

Ways to resolve the conflict through negotiations are based on the basic rules of conduct, which, if observed, bring a positive result and success in confrontation.

1. It is necessary to concentrate on the subject of negotiations, and not on their participants, to refuse criticism of the opponent, as this leads to emotional stress and exacerbation of the communication process.

2. As a rule, rivals emphasize their positions, clearly defending them. However, one should go deeper and return to the question of what interests the opponent is pursuing. Thus, it is possible to find out the sincere intentions of the enemy and come to an open dialogue, resolving all the contradictions between both sides.

3. It is advisable to analyze the benefits that both parties will receive in the event of an agreement. Finding problems and ways to solve them that are based on the interests of both teams will help steer the negotiations towards reconciliation. Being against any common problems is psychologically more correct than being opposed to each other.

4. Objectivity in the analysis of the problem makes it possible to avoid negative attitudes towards the opponent. One way or another, having discarded subjective characteristics, it is much easier to come to a single decision and focus on meeting common interests without prejudice and pretensions.

Ways to resolve conflicts also depend on how they will be regulated. Sometimes a lottery method or the involvement of a third party to resolve disputes is used. This is convenient in the case when negotiations reach an impasse, and it is extremely difficult to come to a common solution.

Speaking of disputes, one cannot ignore such an important indicator as emotionality. In order to successfully solve the problem on the way to mutual understanding, you should have several skills that contribute to the successful completion of conflict situations:

Have peace and. This allows you to more adequately assess the situation and the current situation;
keep your emotions under control and monitor your behavior;
be able to listen to the opponent and not interrupt, monitor the feelings of the people present;
understand what people have different ways dealing with a given situation;
try to avoid insults to the opponent.

Adhering to these small rules, you will notice that resolution of interpersonal conflicts will be easy for you, minimal loss nerves and with the most favorable outcome.

What else is important to remember about conflict resolution

If conflicts are not finally resolved, the likelihood of their resumption is very high. However, any desire to settle disputed issues has its fruits. First of all, it gives ground for further development. If you are able to resolve the conflict in personal relationships, then you deserve the trust of the opponent. It doesn't matter what conflict resolution methods you use. There is confidence that you will be able to solve even the slightest troubles and problems, while maintaining a solid relationship.

If you feel fear when a conflict arises, it means that deep down you are afraid that the chances of a positive resolution for you are minimal. Moreover, if in the past the experience of resolving conflicts is negative, then confidence in a favorable outcome of the dispute is reduced to zero. As a rule, in this case, you will make concessions, flight, which will lead to sharp outbursts of emotions that can only aggravate the situation.

Which ways, methods and methods of conflict resolution you should use depends on your character and internal qualities, the main thing is to implement your own in the process of conflict resolution and, if possible, avoid the resumption of clashes.

The study of the problems of conflicts in organizations is very relevant in modern conditions.

As you know, organization is always enough complex system and its functioning is subject to certain laws. Non-observance and violation of the latter can often be the cause of the emergence and development of conflicts, which can have serious and sometimes destructive consequences.

Definition 1

The very word "conflict" (lat. " conflictus”) - means “clash” (of opposing views and interests, a serious disagreement, a dispute with heated controversy, etc.).

Conflict is always a social phenomenon, proceeding from the very essence of the nature of social life. Organizational conflict should be understood as the process and system of interaction between groups and individuals, aimed at resolving existing contradictions arising from the clash of opposing interests, goals, positions, opinions, views, etc.

Conflict factors

The main difference between the external factors of the conflict and the internal ones in the first place is that they do not depend on the characteristics of the activities of the organization itself, which means that it is almost impossible to counteract them.

The main external factors of the conflict include:

  • social polarization;
  • economic and political instability;
  • natural disasters
  • deepening social stratification;
  • social tension, etc.

Internal factors of conflict. They can be both objective (financial, economic, organizational, etc.) and subjective (psychological, personal) in nature. Comprehensive consideration of the totality of conflict factors is very important for the effective functioning of any organization.

The main causes of conflicts

For effective conflict management, as well as their prevention, it is very important to determine the causes of their occurrence as accurately as possible. An experienced manager who is well versed in the classification of conflicts, as well as in the causes of their occurrence, will always find it much easier to take effective steps to eliminate and prevent all these causes.

There are quite a few objective factors that can serve as a cause of conflicts. The main ones are: power and distribution of resources, status positions, prestige, career, and much, much more.

Ways to resolve conflicts

Conflict management is the process of purposefully influencing conflict. Conflict management begins from the moment a problem situation arises until the end of the conflict. This process includes measures for the prevention of conflicts, their diagnosis, forecasting, settlement and, finally, resolution.

A significant part of researchers in the field of conflict studies note that conflict management includes the following two main stages:

  1. Stage 1- conflict prevention (consists of symptoms, diagnosis, prediction and prevention);
  2. Stage 2- the end of the conflict, which includes the weakening, settlement, resolution, extinguishing, suppression, overcoming, suppression, and elimination of the conflict.

Remark 1

Thus, conflict management This is the most important task of the management of any organization. The effectiveness of conflict management largely depends on the level of competence of the organization's management.

Conflict management begins with its prevention, that is, with the creation of conditions that prevent its occurrence. If the onset of a conflict is inevitable, then conflict management begins with early diagnosis and more accurate forecasting of the prospects for the development of the conflict. As for the procedures for the settlement and resolution of the conflict, they are applied with the aim of already completing the conflict interaction.

Main signs of conflicts

Regardless of the originality and uniqueness of each conflict, it is still possible to single out the most common features that manifest themselves in styles of conflict behavior (which are also often called strategies, models or techniques).

Such strategies include, first of all:

  • evasion (avoidance, withdrawal);
  • fixture;
  • compulsion;
  • consensus (cooperation);
  • compromise, etc.

Basic technologies and stages of conflict resolution

Conflict resolution consists of $3$ main steps:

  • recognition of the conflict as an accomplished fact;
  • institutionalization of the conflict (determination of the basic norms and rules in accordance with which conflict interaction should take place);
  • legitimization of the conflict (recognition of these norms and rules, as well as their observance).

The main prerequisites for conflict resolution are:

  • organization of the conflicting parties;
  • readiness to recognize the legitimacy of the mutual demands of the parties and accept any result of the conflict settlement (even if it contradicts their interests to a certain extent, that is, a compromise);
  • belonging of the conflicting parties to the same social community.

The technologies that are used in the process of conflict resolution can be divided into the following four main blocks:

  • communicative;
  • informational;
  • organizational;
  • socio-psychological.

The conflict resolution process can be broken down into three main steps:

  • diagnostics of a conflict situation;
  • choice best way conflict resolution;
  • direct managerial impact, as well as an assessment of its effectiveness.

There are three main prerequisites that are necessary in order to begin effective conflict resolution:

  1. the conflict must be mature enough;
  2. the parties to the conflict must feel the need to resolve it;
  3. the conflicting parties must have sufficient resources to resolve it.

Remark 2

It follows from this that the resolution of the conflict (that is, its complete completion) should be started after its settlement (or, in other words, partial completion).