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Intrauterine development of the fetus by week table. Periods of intrauterine development. Prenatal development of the child in the last stages of pregnancy

What symptoms are most common in each stage of pregnancy? How does the fetus develop?

It is normal for these issues to arise during pregnancy. A woman should know in advance what symptoms will appear on different stages. Pregnancy can be different from woman to woman. Even for the same mother from one pregnancy to another.

A typical pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the first day of a woman's last menstrual cycle, which is about two weeks before conception.

Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. Each of these periods lasts from 12 to 13 weeks.

Stages of embryo development during 38 weeks

During each trimester, changes occur in the pregnant woman's body as well as in the developing fetus, and summary these steps will be described below.

Conception and implantation

About two weeks after a woman has had her period, she ovulates and her ovaries release one mature egg. The egg can be fertilized within 12-24 hours of its release as it travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus.

If an egg meets a sperm cell that has made its way into the fallopian tube, it combines into one cell, a process known as fertilization or conception.

At fertilization, the sex of the fetus is already determined, depending on whether the egg receives an X or Y chromosome from sperm. If the egg receives an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl; The Y chromosome means that the child will be a boy.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, it takes about three to four days for a fertilized egg (or embryo) to travel to the lining of the uterus, where it attaches or implants to the wall of the uterus. After implantation of the embryo, the cells begin to grow. It eventually becomes a fetus and a placenta, which is tissue. This tissue can transport oxygen, nutrients and hormones from maternal blood to developing fetus throughout pregnancy.

First trimester (weeks 1-12)

A woman will have many symptoms during her first trimester as she adjusts to the hormonal changes of pregnancy. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the pregnancy may not show on the outside of her body, but inside, many changes take place.

For example, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone that will be present in a woman's blood from conception. HCG levels can be detected in a woman's urine about a week after a missed cycle. That is why a woman will have a positive result on a home pregnancy test.

Other hormonal changes can contribute to pregnancy symptoms: Elevated levels of estrogen and hCG can be the cause of the nausea and vomiting known as morning sickness, which a woman usually experiences in the early months of pregnancy. Despite its name, morning sickness can occur at any time of the day.

The woman will also feel more tired than usual. This is due to increased levels of the hormone progesterone, which increases drowsiness. She may also need to urinate more frequently as her uterus grows and presses on her bladder.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman's breasts will feel more tender and swollen, which is another side effect increased levels of pregnancy hormones. Her areolas, the skin around each nipple, will darken and enlarge.

A pregnant woman's digestive system may slow down to increase the absorption of beneficial nutrients. But decreased mobility of the digestive system can also cause common complaints such as heartburn, constipation, bloating, and gas.

As more blood circulates to a woman's face, it will give her skin a more Pink colour, described as "the glow of pregnancy".

In addition to the physical changes in a woman's body, she may also experience emotional highs and lows in the early months of pregnancy and throughout. These emotions can range from smoldering, mood swings, and forgetfulness to fear, anxiety, and excitement.

Development of embryos/fetus of the first trimester

A developing baby is called an embryo from conception, which occurs before the eighth week of pregnancy.

During the first month of pregnancy, the heart and lungs, arms, legs, brain, spinal cord, and nerves begin to develop, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

The embryo will be the size of a pea for about a month. In the second month of pregnancy, the embryo will grow to the size of a bean. In addition, ankles, wrists, fingers and eyelids appear, bones appear, genitals appear and inner ear.

After the eighth week of pregnancy and before the birth of the child developing child called a fruit.

By the end of the second month, eight to ten major organs of the fetus have formed. During this stage of pregnancy, it is extremely important that pregnant women do not take harmful medications such as illegal drugs. The first trimester is also the period when most miscarriages and birth defects occur.

During the third month of pregnancy, bones and muscles begin to grow, buds for future teeth appear, and fingers and toes grow. The intestines begin to form, and the skin is almost transparent.

Second trimester (weeks 13-27)

By the second trimester, some of unpleasant consequences early pregnancy may decrease or disappear as female body adjusts to his changing hormone levels. Sleep may become easier and energy levels may increase.

Nausea and vomiting usually improve and go away. But other symptoms may occur as the fetus continues to grow and develop.

A more visible baby appears when the uterus grows behind the woman's pelvis, and the skin on her expanding belly can look like stretch marks.

As the fetus gets bigger and the woman gains more weight, she may also experience lower back pain.

Between the 16th and 18th weeks of pregnancy, the mother may feel the first fluttering movements of the fetus. If a woman has had a baby before, she is more likely to feel the fetus kicking, squirming or turning even sooner because she knows what to expect.

The 20th week usually marks half of a woman's pregnancy.

Embryo / fetus development in the second trimester

In the second trimester, the fetus grows faster and will be 3 to 5 inches long. Between 18 and 22 weeks, an ultrasound can reveal the sex of the baby if parents want to know this information ahead of time.

By the fourth month of pregnancy, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails and neck are formed, and the skin has a wrinkled appearance. In addition, during the fourth month, the arms and legs may bend. The kidneys begin to work and can produce urine, and the fetus can hear.

In the fifth month of pregnancy, the fetus is more active, and the woman can feel her movements. The fetus also sleeps and wakes up in regular cycles. Fine hair (called lanugo) and a waxy coating (called vernix) coat and protect the delicate skin of the fetus.

By the sixth month of pregnancy, hair begins to grow, eyes begin to open, and the brain develops rapidly. Although the lungs are fully formed, they are not yet functional.

Stages of pregnancy for nine months.

Third trimester (weeks 28-40)

In the third trimester, when a woman's enlarged uterus pushes up her diaphragm. The main muscle involved in breathing may experience shortness of breath because the lungs less space for expansion. Her ankles, hands, feet, and face may swell as she retains more fluid and circulation slows.

The mother will have to urinate more often because her bladder will more pressure. She may also have more back pain and pain in her hips and pelvis as these joints relax in preparation for childbirth.

Dark spots may develop on her face, and stretch marks may appear on her abdomen, thighs, chest, and back. She may also notice varicose veins in her legs.

In the third trimester, women's breasts may experience some leakage of colostrum, a yellow liquid, as they prepare for breastfeeding. The baby will sink down into the belly.

During the last weeks of pregnancy, it becomes more difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, so women can be very tired.

As labor approaches, some women enjoy the experience of being pregnant, while others may feel like they can't wait for it to be over.

Embryo / fetus development in the third trimester

By the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus hits and stretches, and can even respond to light and sound and music. Eyes can open and close.

During the eighth month of pregnancy, the fetus gains weight very quickly. The bones harden, but the skull remains soft and flexible to facilitate childbirth. According to ACOG, different areas of the brain are being formed and the fetus is capable of hiccups.

The lungs are now fully mature to prepare to function on their own. The fetus continues to gain weight rapidly.

The new definition of an extended pregnancy is when a baby is born after 39-40 weeks.

Today we will discuss and show the intrauterine development of the fetus by weeks of pregnancy in the photo and video, we will analyze everything step by step and in great detail.

Pregnancy is a wonderful physiological process in the female body, which can be characterized by the development of an egg fertilized by a spermatozoon into an embryo, and then into a fetus.

The average pregnancy of a healthy woman lasts - about 9 calendar months or 10 obstetric. The development of any pregnancy is easier to view and track by trimester.

But it is no less interesting to consider in more detail and with a photo the intrauterine development of the fetus by weeks.

Embryo or fetus?

In obstetric practice, there are often two concepts that relate to the stages of bearing an unborn child - “embryo” and “fetus”. How are they different and what is the difference between them?

Intrauterine development of the fetus is divided into stages:

  1. Embryonic- which lasts for the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. Because of its small size and relatively unlike human appearance, the embryo in the womb is called an embryo.
  2. Fetal- lasts from the 9th week of pregnancy until the very moment of childbirth. The baby is already more formed and looks like a little man, it is called a fetus.

The genetic material laid down in the unborn child by the father and mother will directly affect the development of the embryo, and the first trimester of pregnancy and the condition of the mother will have a subsequent impact on the fetus.

baby development from embryo to fetus week by week

1-10 weeks

1 Week

If we talk about the first week of pregnancy, you need to clarify what is taken as the main reference point. In gynecology, however, more often they are guided by obstetric terms.

The first few days after conception, even with multiple pregnancies, the expectant mother does not feel any characteristic signs. This is the time when the menstrual cycle should begin.

The level of hCG is within the normal range and is (5 IU / ml for non-pregnant). In the first week, pregnancy tests are unlikely to show the coveted 2 strips. Since it is precisely by focusing on the level of hCG that pharmacy tests react.

2 weeks

The period is characterized by the maturation of the zygote in the uterus or fallopian tube. And if everything goes well, the pregnancy will take place.

After conception, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

If the attachment has passed, then there may be discharge indicating this event and the appearance of the embryo. They are similar in texture to egg white and sometimes can be bloody.

If the discharge at week 3 is similar in color and consistency to menstruation, then this is not the norm and you should consult a doctor.

3 week

The third week is the starting point in a woman's pregnancy, it is after her that one can say whether conception has occurred. The embryo is so small that its size does not exceed 0.15-0.2 mm in length, and weighs 2-3 micrograms.

If the sperm does not fertilize the egg, it is possible that menstruation will begin a couple of days ahead of schedule. This will be easy to notice if you keep a calendar.

Abundant discharge in the third week can be the cause of a miscarriage.

4 week

The fetus at the 4th week of pregnancy is actively developing and a pregnant woman can feel changes in her body. Many note a strong swelling of the breast, the nipples become bright and acquire special sensitivity. Menstruation does not occur, but sometimes some pregnant women may observe scanty discharge, which should not disturb her.

This time of fetal development is especially dangerous with excessive physical activity, weight lifting. There is also a risk of complications for the embryo when infectious diseases which are most often accompanied high temperature. The abuse of alcohol and cigarettes is also dangerous. It is better to exclude them completely.

So far, the level of hCG increases only in the blood. And on an ultrasound, you will most likely notice a yellow jelly-like body that provides nutrition to the embryo until the placenta begins to fully fulfill its protective functions. Progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy, is actively produced.

The size of the embryo in length is about 2-3 mm.

5 week

At this stage of pregnancy, the size of the uterus changes. At the stage of examination by ultrasound, a qualified specialist can tell about the presence or absence of a multiple pregnancy.

Changes in the body of the expectant mother become noticeable and even more tangible. Many women notice a slight increase in temperature and weakness. But if your condition is more like a cold, see your doctor immediately.

6 week

On this stage, a pregnant woman begins to actively show signs of future motherhood. The uterus of a pregnant woman at 6 weeks is the size of a plum. If you go to the gynecologist, he will already be able to probe it.

If you are pregnant with twins, then an ultrasound at this time will show the presence of two fetal and yolk sacs. At the 6th week of pregnancy, the examination will show small tubercles on the embryo - this is the place for the development of future limbs. It is already possible to listen to the heartbeat of the embryo on a special apparatus. The embryo is no more than 4-9 mm long, and weighs no more than 0.2 - 0.8 grams.

7 week

Important changes are taking place this week. The heart of the embryo becomes already four-chambered, and the main large blood vessels are also formed.

The first trimester can be characterized by the continuation of the development of vital internal organs and other systems of the embryo's body. It weighs about 1 g, and the size from the coccyx to the crown is no more than 13 mm.

The unborn child, although slowly, begins to straighten up. His brain begins to develop very rapidly.

The face of the crumbs is being improved, the upper limbs are being laid. The umbilical cord of the embryo completes its formation, a mucous plug forms.

8 week

The fetus begins to move and increase significantly. Its length is 14-20 mm. The face of the crumbs acquires every day more and more human features familiar to us.

The laying of the main vital organs and systems is gradually being completed. And some are already active. The optic nerve gradually emerges in the embryo, and the appearance of the rudiments of future genital organs can also be observed.

9 week

The embryo reaches a length of no more than 22-30 mm, and its weight is still so small, about 2 g. At this stage, the cerebellum and pituitary gland are actively forming, the middle layer of the adrenal glands is formed, the lymph nodes are born, as well as future genital organs.

Formed limbs begin to move slowly, learn to bend, the first muscle fibers appear. The embryo develops the ability to subsequently urinate.

10 week

The embryo weighs about 5 g, and its length is about 30-40 mm. A heart-born little man beats at a speed of 150 beats per minute. The limbs of the baby are formed, and sometimes fingers can already be seen on the ultrasound images. In the crumbs, most of the digestive tract organs have already formed.

At week 10, the foundation is laid for the formation of subsequent milk teeth. This obliges the expectant mother to keep her food calendar, as well as mark each consumption of a dairy product in it.

11-20 weeks

11 week

The fetus weighs about 8 g at week 11, and its “growth” is about 5 cm. Starting from this moment, the former embryo gradually grows and passes into the fetal stage.

His little heart is already working fully, the vessels and circulatory system are completing their formation. The placenta around the fetus becomes very strong and dense. The liver of the crumbs occupies about 10% of his body. The intestine is already trying to make the first movements, reminiscent of peristalsis.

genital organs are formed. The color of the eyes of the fetus is laid and the sense of smell already appears. The fingers and palms of the crumbs acquire sensitivity.

12 week

The most important stage in the development of the fetus. Critical moments are more dependent on the lifestyle of the expectant mother and her health, eating behavior. The little body is no more than 6-9 cm in length.

But at the same time, the future baby already has all the fingers and toes, and the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are actively formed. The immune system improves and begins to function.

13 week

The critical cycle ends and the expectant mother will become easier. Her baby has future milk teeth. All systems evolve and continue to improve. Muscle and bone tissue slowly builds up.

The sex organs are already differentiated. The length of the fetus at week 13 reaches 8 cm, and the weight is still very small - 15-25 g.

14 week

At this wonderful stage, you can already determine the sex of the child. The baby is actively developing and has already grown from about 8 to 10 cm, and weighs about 30-40 g. Every day the fetus looks more and more like a little man.

The bones of the fetus are getting stronger, the skeleton is gradually growing, ribs are already beginning to form. The movements of the diaphragm of the crumbs are more and more reminiscent of respiratory ones. The baby already has a Rh factor and a blood type, as its composition is gradually stabilizing.

15 week

In the fetus at this stage, the cerebral cortex begins to form. This is a lengthy process that will take up most of the entire 2nd trimester. The endocrine system of a small organism starts to work. The sebaceous and sweat glands begin their activity.

At week 15, the fetus has already formed taste buds, but the respiratory system is still improving.

The baby weighs about 70 g, height is around 10 cm. At this stage, even if you have a multiple pregnancy, their size does not interfere with free movements either for you or for the babies.

16 week

During this period, the baby is no more than 11 cm tall, and it weighs about 120 g. The baby's neck has already taken a steady, even position, the head turns freely.

Ears and eyes are still in an unusual place, but gradually begin to rise up. The liver of the crumbs begins to take over its functions.

Under the condition of multiple pregnancy, the expectant mother can feel the movements of the children, who are becoming more active.

17 week

The immune system of the baby is included in active work, interferon and immunoglobulin begin to be produced. The kid is already becoming able to provide protection from various infections coming from outside. But still, microbes can be critical for such a fragile organism.

At the 17th week, the crumbs appear, albeit not a large, but fatty layer. The girl has a uterus. The length of the fetus is no more than 13 cm, and weighs about 140 grams.

The baby is already able to capture sounds, feel emotions. Therefore, try to make sure to establish contact with the baby. Talk to him, stroke his tummy, sing songs. This is extremely important for establishing a bond between the expectant mother and the baby.

18 week

The immune system and the brain are actively developing at this stage, adipose tissue continues to accumulate. In the fetus, the formation of the rudiments of molars can be seen. Height is about 14 cm, weight - 200 grams, like a pack of butter.

In the crumbs, a clear reaction to light appears, hearing is noticeably enhanced.

19 week

At this stage, there is a sharp and significant jump in the formation of the fetus and its development. His movements can be called more meaningful and orderly. The respiratory organs are improved and developed. The body of a tiny baby is covered with the so-called primordial lubrication.

The head of the crumbs begins to rotate freely, he can hold it in a fixed position. The fetus weighs about 250 g at week 19, and growth does not exceed 15 centimeters.

20 week

The fetal heartbeat can already be heard with an ordinary stethoscope. The limbs of the baby are fully formed and visible on ultrasound. For the baby, the sounds become more audible. The fruit is about 25 cm long and weighs about 300 grams. Movement is already felt in the tummy.

21-30 weeks

21 weeks

The growth of the fetus at this stage does not exceed 26 cm, and the weight is 360 grams. The digestive system of the tiny man is much more active than before. He often swallows amniotic fluid. Gradually grows and strengthens muscle and bone tissue. The spleen is connected to the organs that work independently.

22 week

This week the baby weighs about 400 grams. Growth can reach up to 28 cm. The fetus is already quite viable, even in case of premature birth.

His brain and spinal skeleton are already fully formed. Reflexes continue to develop. The heart of the crumbs increases significantly in size.

23 week

By this period, the fetus is already quite well formed, its digestive organs work independently. While slowly, but adipose tissue accumulates. The sex organs can be easily distinguished.

The growth of the baby can reach 28 cm, and weight - 500 g. The spleen becomes more active.

24 week

Outwardly, your fetus is already quite similar to a newborn baby. Due to lack a large number fat layer, the baby weighs only about 400 - 600 g with a height of 23-30 cm. But from the 24th week, your fetus will begin to produce growth hormone on its own, which will allow you to gain weight faster.

The respiratory organs are moving to their final stage of development. Reflexes develop very quickly, all sense organs are improved. The baby is already developing a sleep and wakefulness regimen. He begins to feel and respond to the mother's emotions. Fetal movements become more sensitive for the expectant mother.

25 week

Your fetus this week weighs about 700 g, and the growth of a tiny man is about 34 cm. Every day he becomes more and more like a newborn.

Your baby's lungs are getting ready to take their first breath.

The sense of smell at this stage is very well developed, and the baby feels even slight mood swings of the mother and can react to them. The bone skeleton develops and begins to grow more and more actively with muscles. Boys develop testicles and girls develop vaginas.

26 week

An extraordinarily wonderful week of pregnancy. Your baby, being in your tummy, is already acquiring its own individual characteristics and is even able to recognize the voices of his parents. Therefore, try to talk with the baby more often, read to him.

The eyes gradually open. The skeleton of the baby is noticeably strengthened. His lungs are not yet fully formed, but are already taking their final shape.

The baby's brain begins to produce various hormones. The weight is approximately 750 g, but the height reaches approximately 36 cm. During this period, the baby sleeps a lot, for 16-20 hours. His movements can be seen.

27 week

The baby weighs about 900 g. With each a week goes by active growth and building muscle mass and subcutaneous fat. The endocrine system of a tiny human begins a new phase of its activity.

At this stage, the stability of his pancreas is important. After all, it is she who affects the development of all metabolic processes, as well as its mental capacity. The production of surfactant in the lungs gradually stabilizes.

Mom every day feels the development of the baby more and more.

28 week

The bones of the crumbs are still getting stronger. Alveoli gradually appear in the baby's lungs. The weight of the crumbs can reach 1 kg. And the growth is already at around 38 cm. Having become so large, he begins to realize his cramped position in the mother's uterus, but at the same time, bright activity does not appear.

29 week

At this stage, the baby can already do a lot. If you shine a flashlight through the belly, he will notice the light and follow it, this indicates that the eyes are gradually gaining the ability to focus. He has already arranged heat exchange and regulation, the work of the immune system is being debugged.

The skin of the baby becomes lighter, the folds are gradually smoothed out due to the fact that there is more subcutaneous fat. Muscles are actively growing.

30 week

At this stage, a tiny baby weighs no more than 1.3 - 1.5 kg. His nervous system starts to activate. The liver is preparing to carry out its functions. A girl's heart will beat faster than a boy's.

The eyes of the crumbs at this time are open, and the movements become more calm and meaningful. Most often, at week 30, the fetus takes the position from which it will subsequently be born. Therefore, it is worth monitoring his movements so that he takes the correct position.

31-40 weeks

31 weeks

At this time, the baby reaches a weight of no more than 1.5 kg. His internal organs are actively learning to work independently. The liver can already cleanse the blood on its own.

Surfactant, that is, a mixture of surfactants that lines the inside of the lung alveoli, is still being produced. Gradually, the connection of the brain with peripheral nerve cells is established. If the baby decides to touch his eye, then he will definitely close his eyes.

32 week

This is the phase when the baby is actively growing and continuing its development. The organs and systems of his body are establishing their full-fledged work. The baby is becoming more and more like a familiar newborn.

The baby in this period finally takes the head presentation. His Skull is still soft.

33 week

During this period, the baby weighs up to 2 kg. He is already continuing to build up his muscles, getting stronger and forming a fatty layer. His body becomes more proportional, the limbs are slightly lengthened.

The baby is already even able to express his emotions, and many systems of his body are fully functioning. The child is able to express emotions. The kidneys are just preparing for the main function in the future - the ability to filter.

34 week

These days, the development of the baby is almost completely completed. The facial features of the crumbs acquire individual characteristics and become clearer. The baby is actively developing and improving gastrointestinal functions.

35 week

This week is characterized by activity in the growth of both muscle and adipose tissue by the infant. Weekly, the baby continues to gain about 220 g. His skin is completely freed from lanugo, and his shoulders are rounded.

36 week

The body of the crumbs, growing stronger every day, continues the path of improvement. In his already formed liver, the process of iron accumulation is underway. All systems of the body continue to be debugged for flawless operation. The baby is actively moving in the womb, sucking a finger, preparing for the first time to attach to the mother's breast. By 36 weeks, most pre-birth babies lie head down.

37 week

The baby in the womb has formed, as all the vital organs are ready for independent work. The stomach is ready to take food, the heat exchange process is well established. The lungs are ready to take the first breath outside the mother's body. The baby continues to grow stronger and gain weight.

38 week

The baby is formed and ready to be born. In boys, the testicles at this time gradually descend into the scrotum. The skin of babies at 38 weeks acquires a pleasant pink tone.

39 week

Your baby is already fully developed and is often born exactly at 39 weeks, without waiting for the due date. All organs of the baby are fully suitable for independent functioning. The baby reacts to light stimuli and is very sensitive to sounds. The skin is completely cleansed of the original lubrication.

40 week

At the fortieth, final week, the baby is fully formed and ready to be born. His height is already about 49-55 cm, and his weight is from 2.5 to 4 kg. Everything will depend not only on how you ate during pregnancy, but also on genetics.

41-42 weeks

Sometimes the pregnancy lasts more than 40 weeks, the baby is already overdue. At this time, they resort to artificial stimulation of childbirth.

All stages of pregnancy and fetal development from conception to birth video

Knowing how your baby is developing in your tummy is a must. So you can protect yourself from possible complications. Do not forget to regularly visit the gynecologist as well. An experienced doctor will help determine possible deviations during pregnancy and prevent complications.

A woman was created by nature in such a way that at least once in her life she can give the world a new person. The period of expectation and the birth of a child is the brightest and at the same time disturbing time. But the expectant mother should not worry in vain. She should know that a normal pregnancy is the key to the proper development of her child.

If a woman has a clear idea of ​​​​how the baby’s body is formed throughout pregnancy, then it will be quite easy for her to do everything necessary in order to avoid the development of pathologies.

Should a woman know how her child develops?

Knowing how the intrauterine development of the fetus occurs by weeks, the expectant mother can correctly organize her diet and daily routine. Also, the presence of complete information about what changes are considered the norm, a woman will avoid a state of unreasonable anxiety.

Calculating the intrauterine development of the fetus by weeks, it should be noted that it lasts 40 of these calendar periods. In other words, a woman's pregnancy lasts 280 days. During this time, the child undergoes a complete process of formation and development of all organs and systems.

Gynecologists consider the intrauterine development of the fetus by weeks and by periods, which are distinguished by two: embryonic and fetal.

The first lasts from the moment of fertilization of the egg until the 8th week of pregnancy. During this period, after fertilization, an embryo is formed, which descends into the cavity and attaches to it. The fetal period lasts from the beginning of the 9th week until the moment of delivery. The embryo transforms into a fetus, develops and grows.

It is also common to divide pregnancy into trimesters:

  • First trimester (1 - 12 weeks).
  • Second trimester (13 - 27 weeks).
  • Third trimester (28 - 40 weeks).

Now you can consider in more detail how the intrauterine development of the fetus occurs by week.

What happens during the embryonic period?

The most important of this period of development is the formation of the embryo. Over time, it begins to take on the shape of a person. The embryo is formed from the moment the egg is fertilized. It usually occurs in the fallopian tube.

From the moment of fertilization of the egg, the development of the fetus begins.
By weeks of pregnancy, a morula is formed in the first seven days. It is a multicellular organism, a prototype of the embryo. The morula attaches itself to the wall of the uterus, and its outer cells form the umbilical cord and outer membranes of the fetus. From the cells that are located inside it, the organs and tissues of the unborn child are formed.

What does a woman feel?

In the first week of pregnancy, a woman's body temperature is slightly elevated, it is close to 37 ° C. There are no hormonal changes in the body yet, but the expectant mother instinctively feels the changes taking place. From this moment on, a woman should be very careful about her diet and lifestyle, eliminate bad habits and follow the doctor's recommendations.

Every expectant mother will be very interested in how the fetus develops by week of pregnancy. This information will help a woman prevent many dangerous conditions. The third week of pregnancy is alarming because it is during this period that there is the greatest risk of fetal rejection. The immune system of the woman's body tries to reject the embryo. However, in response, a special protein is released that suppresses this protective reaction, and the unborn child has a great chance of survival.

What happens to the embryo in the first weeks of pregnancy?

This period is also characterized by the formation of the placenta. An unborn child at three weeks is a ball with a diameter of 0.2 mm. But during this period, the lungs and respiratory organs, the cardiovascular system, the spinal cord and brain are actively formed, as well as the face and gender of the baby.
A woman begins to feel mood swings, drowsiness and fatigue, early toxicosis may occur.

Further development of the fetus (this is the fourth week of pregnancy) is very intensive. In the unborn child, three germ layers are formed:

  • endoderm - the basis for the development of internal organs;
  • mesoderm - that from which the skeleton and bones will be formed;
  • ectoderm - material for the formation of the nervous system.

The embryo already has a pulsating tube that develops into a heart. On ultrasound during this period, a heartbeat is heard. The respiratory organs, the brain continue to form, the face is more clearly looming. The embryo develops limbs, and by the end of the week they are already bent. The fetus is located in the placenta and maintains contact with the mother through this organ.

His heart is already beating!

During this period, many women only find out about their pregnancy, especially if it is the first. Having found out this fact for herself, the future mother is interested in the main question: how does the development of the fetus occur?

By weeks of pregnancy, this is the fifth calendar period. At this time, the embryo still bears little resemblance to a person, but its heart is already beating, the sex is clearly defined, the kidneys, liver, pancreas and thyroid glands are being formed.

Already in the 8th week future baby takes on the shape of a man, his height is 3-4 cm. He has already formed arms and legs, his forehead is clearly visible, the outlines of his eyes, lips and nose have been outlined. Internal organs are actively formed and developed. The stomach is already able to produce juice, the heart is formed, the intestines are growing, the trachea and bronchi have appeared. The spine, brain and limbs are actively developing.

By the end of the eighth week of pregnancy, the embryonic period of development ends, but the first trimester is still ongoing. The unborn child has already acquired a human appearance, the placental-uterine circulation has been formed.

fetal period

This stage begins from the 9th week of pregnancy and lasts until the very birth. The fetal period is divided into two parts:

  • early (9 - 28 weeks);
  • late (29 - 40 weeks).

In the early fetal stage, the development of the fetus continues. By weeks of pregnancy - this is the ninth. At this time, the growth of the fetus is 40-50 mm. He begins to show activity: he bends his arms and legs, turns his head, brings his fingers to his mouth. But the mother is not yet able to feel it, the fetus is still too small.
Outwardly, the future baby looks like a little man with a big head. The eyes are still closed, and the skin is transparent. The sexual organs begin to form, and this process will continue until the 20th week. The cerebellum and pituitary gland develop. The heart has four chambers. The tail disappears, being replaced by the coccyx.

Embryo turns into a fetus

At the tenth week of pregnancy, the embryo is already called a fetus, and weighs 5 grams. In his photographs, isolated fingers, neck, elbows, knees, eyelids and upper lip are already visible.

There are taste buds on the tongue, the thickness of the umbilical cord increases.

The eleventh week of pregnancy is characterized by the further development of the fetus. He already has eyelashes and milk teeth. The rectum is formed. The spinal cord is already producing red blood cells. The intestines are ready to go.

Many mothers during this period are sent by a gynecologist for a planned ultrasound. Going through this procedure, women are interested in the main question: is the development of the fetus normal?

By weeks of pregnancy, the twelfth period begins. During this period, the phalanges of the fingers and earlobes are formed in the child, he opens and closes his eyes. The intestines are already contracting, and the liver is able to secrete bile. The baby's circulatory system functions, leukocytes appear.

At the twelfth week, the first trimester of pregnancy ends and the second begins.

Baby is actively growing

During this period, all fetal systems are formed, their development and growth is underway. At the thirteenth week, which marks the beginning of the second trimester, the baby reaches up to 80 mm in length and weighs about 20 g. At this time, the skeleton is intensively formed in the fetus, the pancreas begins to produce insulin.

The gynecologist will refer the expectant mother for the first genetic study. After examining the results of the ultrasound, the doctor will be able to tell you how the intrauterine development of the fetus occurs by weeks of pregnancy, whether the indicators are normal.

At the 14th week, the baby's face continues to form, facial expressions, eyebrows and hair on the head appear. On the body of the fetus, a fluff and a cheese-like lubricant are formed. The thyroid gland begins to work, its own hormonal background develops.
The excretory system functions, the child makes respiratory movements.

In the antenatal clinic, you probably saw a stand that shows the intrauterine development of the fetus by weeks.

A table with this kind of information will be useful to every woman.

At the fifteenth week of pregnancy, the baby develops hearing, the intestines form the original feces, the placenta thickens. The fruit weighs about 50 g, its height is 60 mm.

Expectant mother feels the first movements of the baby

The sixteenth week of pregnancy is marked by an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid. The child is actively moving, and the mother begins to feel it. Muscles are developed on the face and facial expressions are characteristic of the child at this time. Bones and nails are already almost fully formed, the skin is very thin and blood vessels are clearly visible through it.

During this period, the gynecologist sends the woman for a second genetic screening. For this, the expectant mother will have to undergo a second ultrasound. It perfectly shows the intrauterine development of the fetus by weeks. Photos that can be taken at this stage are presented below.

Counting fetal movements

From the 28th week of pregnancy, the third trimester begins, and from the 29th - the late fetal period. At this time, the child is cramped in the womb, and his movements are not so active. Nevertheless, a woman must clearly track the tremors, their number should be at least 10 per hour. The brain is actively developing, and furrows appear on it. The teeth are covered with enamel, the eyes are capable of focusing. The weight of the baby is about 1250 g, and the height is 37 cm.

At the 30th - 31st week of pregnancy, the baby is already in its final position in the uterus. The fetus is actively gaining weight through an increase in muscle mass and subcutaneous fat. If a child is born during this period, he has every chance of survival.

Further intrauterine development of the child (by weeks this is already the 32nd calendar period) is characterized by the improvement of the immune and nervous systems. The child has his own schedule of wakefulness and sleep, he has his own temperament. The baby weighs 1800 g, and its height is 42 cm.

At the 33rd - 34th week of pregnancy, the baby actively trains the lungs, perceives the entire environment in full. The skin of the fetus becomes smooth, the bones of the skull become stronger.

Baby is preparing for birth

At 36-37 weeks of gestation, the fetus is preparing for birth. In the mother's stomach, he is already cramped and it is becoming more and more difficult for him to move.

In his body, there are enough fat reserves for thermoregulation after birth, the lungs are ready for breathing. The fluff on the body is no longer there, but the hair on the head and nails grow.

On the 38th - 40th week, all mothers expect childbirth. This can happen at any time. The child descends and the mother becomes easier to breathe. A woman carefully monitors the discharge of the mucous plug and the appearance of contractions.

And finally, it worked out! Mom and baby are together now. The baby is still very small, but full of energy to explore the new world. Now his status is a newborn.

Table of intrauterine development of the fetus by week of pregnancy

This article gives a full description of how the intrauterine development of a child takes place by week. The table below will serve as a kind of conclusion to all of the above and will serve as a reminder for the expectant mother.

Intrauterine development of the fetus by week of pregnancy
gestational age in weeksFruit length, cmFruit weight, gDevelopment of organs and systems
4 0,1 Fertilization of the egg, its implantation, embryo and organ rudiments.
5 0,15 - 0,2 Bookmark of the liver, pancreas, upper respiratory organs, heart.
6 0,4 - 0,6 The appearance of the rudiments of limbs, listening to the heartbeat, the neural tube closes, parts of the larynx and middle ear are formed.
7 0,7 - 0,9 The trachea, esophagus, small intestine, adrenal glands and sternum develop. The brain is active.
8 0,9 - 1,2 The embryo clearly distinguishes the body and head, which are equivalent in size. The rudiments of the nose, eyes, mouth and organs of the reproductive system are formed.
9 1,3 - 1,5 1 The cerebellum develops, fingers form on the limbs.
10 - 11 2,7 - 3,5 4 Joints, upper lip, auricles, external genitalia, rudiments of milk teeth develop.
12 9 20 - 25 A face is being formed, the intestines are contracting, the liver is producing bile, the child is moving.
13 10 28 Limbs are fully formed. The pancreas produces insulin.
14 - 15 12,5 50 - 90 The excretory system is active, the child produces urine.
16 16 120 Distinguish the gender of the fetus. The skin is very thin, muscles are formed. The child does not move so chaotically, the mother feels the first shocks.
20 25 280 - 300 On the skin of the baby there is a fluff and a cheese-like lubricant. The intestines form the original feces. The child is able to hear.
24 30 600 - 800 The work of the kidneys is activated, the fetus is dynamically gaining weight.
28 35 1200 The muscles and reproductive system of the child are being formed.
32 40 1500 - 1600 There is an active development of the senses and the nervous system: the baby is able to see the light and feel the taste.
36 45 2400 - 2500 The child quickly gains weight, his activity decreases.
40 50-52 3200 - 3500 The baby is ready to be born.

Of course, it is best to study this information when pregnancy is just planned. Then the woman is more likely to properly organize nutrition, regimen, intake of necessary vitamins and minerals. However, information about the intrauterine development of the baby will always be timely and interesting for the expectant mother, regardless of the duration of her pregnancy.

First month (0-4 weeks)

On the seventh day after fertilization, the fetal egg is fixed in the uterus. On the 3rd week, the embryonic period of development begins - all vital organs and human systems are laid. The baby's heart begins to contract on the 23rd day. The baby looks like a tiny (up to 7 mm) bean floating on the germinal cord.


In the 2nd week of pregnancy, the level of hormones in the mother's blood changes and pregnancy can be established by analysis of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin. The first trimester is a crucial time for the formation of the organs of the unborn child, so you need to monitor your lifestyle. It is advisable to spend more time outdoors, avoid overload, stress. As a rule, in early pregnancy, the mother experiences drowsiness. The body knows what it is doing: now all the resources are going to bookmark the baby's systems, and you need to rest more. Some women develop toxicosis. Correct Mode nutrition and sleep helps to improve well-being. Many women complain of breast hypersensitivity and frequent urination.

Second month (5-8 weeks) baby

On the 5th week, the liver and other organs are laid, the heart and circulatory system work. Facial features are outlined, you can see the nose, ears and eyes, teeth are laid. The baby already has a stomach and esophagus, a pancreas and an intestinal rudiment. The baby reacts to changes in the position of the mother's body in space. trains the vestibular apparatus. He develops nerve cells, touch. It reaches a length of approximately 30 mm.


In our country, there is an allowance for those who are registered in early dates pregnancy - up to 12 weeks. This is done so that mothers pass all the necessary examinations on time and everything possible can be done for the health of the unborn baby. So plan your first visit to an antenatal clinic (or family planning center). Frequent complaints of constipation. For prevention, review your diet, try to walk more. Remember that stool retention for more than 2 days is harmful to the fetus, so be sure to discuss this issue with your doctor. An emergency measure is laxative suppositories with glycerin. Hormonal fluctuations can affect the condition of the hair and skin.

Third month (9-12 weeks) baby

All systems continue to evolve. There is a formation of kidneys and blood of a small one. The fingers have grown, and the rudiments of nails appear on them. There is already a tongue in the mouth, and taste buds are formed on it. The baby reacts to the taste. The fetus begins to move, although the mother cannot yet feel it: it is surrounded on all sides by amniotic fluid. It feeds and receives oxygen through the umbilical cord. The first bones are formed. The kid already knows how to squeeze his fingers into a fist!


The placenta develops. Although the baby is still very small, in some women the tummy begins to grow. Try to wear loose clothing. Problems with a chair can begin. Do not lean on foods that contribute to bloating (cabbage, brown bread), monitor the regularity of the stool and eat less, but more often. After 8 weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, the first ultrasound is done. Follow the recommendations of the gynecologist and try to rest more.

Fourth month (13-16 weeks) baby

Congratulations, your child is now officially called not an "embryo", but a "fetus". At this time, the digestive system develops, the skeleton strengthens, the excretory system of the fetus begins to operate: the baby swallows some amniotic fluid, which is then excreted. The endocrine system begins to function. At 14 weeks, the fetus reacts to changes in the taste of the amniotic fluid.Using an ultrasound, you can sometimes see who mom and dad are waiting for: a son or a daughter.In the crumbs, you can also already determine the blood type and Rh factor.The brain continues to develop actively.The fetus moves its arms and legs, some babies begin to suck their thumbs.


The formation of the placenta ends, which becomes the main source of nutrition and oxygen for the baby. Previously, these necessary functions were performed with the help of the corpus luteum, which had matured in one of the ovaries. In the II trimester, toxicosis rarely torments women. Pregnant women have adapted to the new level of hormones, psychologically reconciled with their new condition and begin to enjoy it a lot. True, memory and concentration usually continue to deteriorate. There are swelling of the extremities. Keep an eye on the pressure, do not forget to take tests on time in order to take action in time and prevent anemia. Some mothers may feel the first movements of the fetus.

Fifth month (17-20 weeks) baby

The lungs are actively formed, the spleen (hematopoietic organ) begins to work. sebaceous glands. If you watch the baby with an ultrasound. you can see him making faces. The baby begins to react to sounds - turns the head in the direction of their source. By the end of the fifth month, the length of the fetus reaches 20-25 cm, the baby weighs about 300 g.


A gynecologist with an obstetric stethoscope listens to the fetal heartbeat. Usually, women themselves begin to feel the movements of the fetus, which brings great joy, because this is the first contact with the baby! Under the influence of estrogen, the areola darkens, pigment spots on the face may appear. The baby is growing, and mother's back feels an increased load.

Sixth month (21-24 weeks) baby

The baby gradually begins to make respiratory movements. Hair appears on the head. The parts of the brain are differentiated. The work of all systems is being improved. The muscular system develops: the baby actively moves, swims in the amniotic fluid, and then rests - sleeps, just like an adult. He already has eyelashes and eyebrows. From the end of the 6th month, the baby already reacts to light and sound, as well as to touching the mother's stomach. Sometimes the baby hiccups. By the end of the 6th month, the baby can already weigh up to 900 g.


Pregnant women usually complain of back pain and the fact that at night it is increasingly difficult for them to find a comfortable position for sleeping. In some cases, it begins to reduce the legs. You may be deficient in magnesium and vitamin B. Sign up for prenatal classes for advice on how to behave in childbirth and advice on caring for your baby.

Seventh month (25-28 weeks) baby

The baby is actively moving and "communicating" with his mother. His lungs are developing. The endocrine system of the crumbs is already working almost autonomously, the stomach and intestines are functioning. Nervous system and the fetal brain are improving, usually at this time the eyes are slightly opened. Now the baby receives information with the help of the senses: sight, hearing, taste and touch, noticeably reacts to pain.


From this time on, uterine contractions of Braxton-Hicks may appear: moments when the uterus painlessly tenses and immediately relaxes. It's not dangerous, just training before childbirth. But it is better in such cases to limit physical activity, lie down and relax. The uterus presses on the sciatic nerve, and women experience pain in the sacrum. Some women develop colostrum.

Eighth month (29-32 weeks) baby

The baby usually turns head down in the uterus. With his current size, he can no longer "tumble" in the uterus as freely as he did before. If the baby is born now, he will be viable, but he will need a long "terminating" - special care.


In some women, the stomach drops somewhat, it becomes easier to breathe. A rolled over baby can give you discomfort if it kicks in the ribs. There may be problems with urinary incontinence during coughing or sneezing: the uterus presses on the bladder, and the muscles of the perineum are excessively relaxed. Always carry your passport, exchange card, medical policy with you.

Ninth month (33-36 weeks) baby

The baby is almost ready for birth. After the 36th week, he will be able to breathe on his own. But the development of important organs is still ongoing.


In the ninth month of pregnancy, most women experience anxiety and, at the same time, impatience. Spasms sometimes become painful - these are no longer Braxton Hicks contractions, but false contractions. Decide on the maternity hospital and the tactics of childbirth, talk with your doctor. Very soon you will see your baby, with whom you have already spent a long 40 weeks.

Pregnancy is a unique physiological process that allows parental cells to connect and form a new organism. The development of the fetus by weeks of pregnancy is an interesting event that many mothers like to remember. Every day, weeks of pregnancy entail grandiose changes in the fetus and unforgettable impressions that arise in the mother. From this article, future mothers will learn a lot of useful and interesting information: when the baby begins to lead an active lifestyle, to hear her voice. It is equally interesting to know about changes in the weight of the fetus, when the long-awaited ultrasound will take place to recognize the sex of the crumbs.

Intrauterine development of the fetus is divided into two stages:

  1. The embryonic period lasts eight weeks after the fertilization of the egg. At this time, the embryo is inside the woman;
  2. the fetal period is counted from the ninth week until the moment of delivery. At this stage of development, a woman already carries a fetus under her heart.

There is a real term of childbirth, which is counted from the moment of fertilization and obstetric, taking into account the first day of the last menstruation. Their difference is 14 days.

An exciting journey through the weeks of pregnancy


Happened an important event- fertilization. The zygote begins its formation. Every day and even an hour, the number of embryonic cells increases by crushing, and on the third day it consists of 8 cells, and on the fourth of 20. They form a small lump that moves to the uterus to begin full development and growth.


The fertilized egg is attached to the wall of the uterus. This process is called implantation and is critical moment for embryo development. The mother's body is rebuilt, producing hormones to protect the embryo. Pink or brown discharge may be observed.

In the same week, the cells of the ovum are grouped:

  • the inner layer is responsible for the formation of the lungs, liver, digestive organs;
  • the middle layer forms the bone and circulatory system;
  • the outer layer develops the nervous system, skin and hairline, etc.


This week precedes the development of the spinal cord and brain, the spine is formed.

On the 20-21st day, we can say with confidence that the conception was successful. The embryo consists of many cells, and the tiny heart begins to beat - the fetus is ready for intrauterine changes. The dark discharge that appears indicates the threat of a miscarriage.


The embryo reaches the size of a poppy seed - 1.5 mm. During this period, the laying of the foundations for internal organs begins, the heartbeat increases, the neural tube enters a new phase for the development of the brain, limbs are born. Extra-embryonic organs are formed: the yolk sac, which provides nutrition to the embryo, the chorion - the future placenta.


At this stage, the embryo is no larger than a sesame seed. The placenta is responsible for its nutrition, connecting to it through the umbilical cord.

  • An ultrasound specialist can already determine how many children a woman will have.
  • The heart begins to divide into two chambers, changes in the reproductive system and brain appear.
  • On ultrasound, you can see inaccurate facial features, slits for the mouth, recesses for the eyes and nose appear.


There is an improvement of the heart, lungs and bronchial tree. The facial features continue to emerge, the phalanges of the fingers appear. The uterus enlarges and reaches the size of a plum.


This is the time when future parents begin to replenish the family album with the first photograph of the intrauterine development of the child. The heart is already four-chambered and there are 100-190 beats per minute - this is normal. The tail at the base of the spine disappears, the placenta fully supports nutrition and intrauterine processes. There is a rapid development of the brain, the middle layer of the adrenal glands, and lymph nodes.


The laying of vital organs and tissues is nearing completion. The size of the embryo is only 4 mm, and it already looks like a properly formed organism with protruding fingers, joints, auricles, slits for the eyes and mouth. The nervous system is developed, the rudiments of the first teeth are formed.

The embryo begins to move, but for the expectant mother it is imperceptible.


The embryo passes into the fetal stage. He gained weight up to 2 grams and has a size of 22-30 mm. The cerebellum, the middle layer of the adrenal glands, the lymph nodes, the mammary glands, the genitals continue to develop by weeks.

Grandiose changes are taking place: the tiny creature moves its head, swims in the uterus, reacts to the movements of the mother and hears sounds, grabs the umbilical cord, shoves a finger into the mouth. The urinary system begins to work, the sense of smell develops, which will help the newborn to find the breast.


Weight - 5 g, size 30-40 mm. These days are full of events. The diaphragm is fully formed, the brain is actively developing, the skull and skeleton are ossified, the membranes between the fingers disappear. The liver begins to secrete bile, the intestines contract.


The weight of the baby is 8 g, the body length is 5 cm. The formation of blood vessels is coming to an end, the heart works correctly, the placenta becomes denser and creates excellent protection for the nascent organism. The head is still big, but its transformations take place every day, the liver occupies 10% of the whole body.


The first trimester is in its final stages. The tiny creature has increased significantly and has a weight of about 9 cm. The rudiments of milk teeth are formed. The digestive system, bones and muscles continue their transformation. The little man is able to smile, sleeps little and has his own taste preferences. The immune system becomes stronger. The tummy of the expectant mother is rounded.


The mass of the baby reaches 15-25 grams, height is 10 cm, there are 150 heartbeats per minute, 30 liters of blood are pumped. The cerebral cortex becomes more complex, the sweat glands come to work. The fetus swallows nutrients, spits out liquid, exercising the lungs. The oral fissure opens periodically.

The bone tissue hardens, the skin becomes multi-layered, but it is still transparent, the eyelids are closed. The placenta independently supplies oxygen, removes waste.


The intrauterine baby is becoming more and more active. Her weight is 35-45 g, height is 11 cm. The skeleton is being formed, the diaphragm is preparing for the first cry, the child has a Rh factor and a blood type. The development of the thyroid gland occurs, the body prepares for the digestion of proteins and the onset of fat deposits. The intestines produce the first stool, which is bile.

Eyes have taken their place, facial features take on correct form. The uterus becomes heavier, its weight is 250 gr.


The size of the fruit resembles an orange, weighs 70 grams, and is 13 cm tall. Most of the body is covered with hair fluff, which retains heat. When the child gains a sufficient amount of adipose tissue, heat transfer will turn on in the process, then the extra hairs will fall off.

The nails are already formed and lines appear at the fingertips. The child grimaces, the sucking reflex is well developed. The sex organs continue to form.


The height of the baby is 14 cm. All the constituent components appeared in the blood. The neck is aligned, the liver takes over the function of digestion. There is a laying of permanent teeth, which replace milk teeth. The skin is still transparent and the blood vessels are visible. The baby moves all parts of the body, which has a positive effect on the development of the brain.


Here the growth of a little man is already more than 15 cm, his weight exceeds the mass of the placenta. The neck has grown stronger, now the head turns 180 degrees. There is an active accumulation of fat on the body, the bronchi are almost fully developed. The child begins to move his eyes. He is already able to protect himself from infections that may come from his mother.

There is an emotional and mental development, so a pregnant woman is strictly forbidden to experience stress, worry, be nervous.


The inner ear is formed in the child, the retina of the eye acquires sensitivity, the blink reflex appears, but the eyelids are still lowered, the rudiments of the molars are laid. The baby is responding better to voices, so there is no need to be shy to talk to the tummy.


The fruit can be compared to a small vegetable marrow. The length reaches 16-17 cm, and the weight is 300 gr. The skin is protected by primordial lubrication from amniotic fluid. There is a leap in development, movements become clear and correct. The head rotates and holds its position long time. The kid perfectly reacts to the factors of the outside world, and responds to them with strong blows.


The tiny creature already reaches 20 cm. It begins to show its dissatisfaction with the wrong postures of the mother or loud sounds, it can distinguish the time of day.

Intervertebral discs appear, a layer of the epidermis is formed, movements become more complicated, and mother feels them perfectly.

twenty first

The child gains weight up to 360 grams, reaching a length of 26.5 cm. The digestive system is active, the fetus swallows amniotic fluid, and the spleen begins to function. Bones and muscles are strengthened. Taste receptors are fully formed on the tongue. In boys, the testicles form, and in girls, the vagina.

twenty second

The baby is gaining more and more weight. Now her weight is 500 grams, and her height is 28 cm. The lungs are fully developed, the brain reaches a weight of 100 grams.

Preterm birth at 22 weeks can be successful, because there is modern equipment for nursing such babies.

twenty third

The mass of the child increases, and the uterus grows, creating discomfort for the mother. A wrinkled appearance of the skin is observed, fatty tissues grow. Arms and legs lengthen, nails and hair grow.

The genitals of the boys are lowered to the right place. It is impossible to believe, but such a small creature is able to dream. The number of movements reaches 10 times a day.

twenty fourth

The growth of a small person is 30 cm, he can already hiccup due to improper ingestion of amniotic fluid or hypoxia, you need to notify the gynecologist about this.

The child often changes position. He already has little space in the placenta and he begins to push and push harder.

twenty fifth

The future family member has a body length of 33 cm and weighs 700 grams. The skin acquires density and color. The lungs train, prepare for the first breath, the brain begins the work of the adrenal glands. Muscles appear.

Weakness, dizziness in mom means signs of anemia, you need to see a doctor.

twenty sixth

Weight reaches 750 grams, height 35-36 cm. little creature takes on individual traits. The tremors become painful for the mother, and loved ones can follow the movements of the baby.

The brain produces essential hormones, the hearing becomes thinner. The lungs are filled with a special substance that will help them not stick together at the moment of the first breath and cry.


The mass of the crumbs increases to one kilogram. The endocrine system begins to produce new functions, the amount of subcutaneous fat returns to normal. The substance that contributes to the full disclosure of the lungs has been completely developed.


The baby already weighs more than one kilogram, the height is 38 cm. His skin becomes smooth, because fatty tissues increase.

The pupillary membrane disappears, allowing the eyes to open. The baby becomes cramped, but this does not affect ontogenesis.

twenty ninth

The creature inside the mother weighs 1,300 kg and is 40 cm tall. It is already preparing for birth. The nasal passages are freed from mucus, the amount of primordial lubrication and the fluff on the body are reduced. The child receives a sufficient amount of antibodies from the blood of the parent.


This is the period when the future family member grows rapidly, thermoregulation is developed, the liver accumulates iron, the eyes are fully opened. The child assumes a position for an auspicious birth.

thirty one

Each week is characterized by an increase in the weight of the fetus by 300-400 grams. At the 31st week of pregnancy, the weight of the baby is 1.5 kg, the length is 41 cm. The pancreas reproduces the production of insulin, the liver takes on the purification of blood from toxins, the brain makes up 1/4 of the organ of an adult.

In boys, the testicles "get" to the scrotum, in girls, the clitoris appears.

thirty second

The baby is growing, but his skull is still soft, the internal organs are fully functioning. The body produces immunoglobulins that mimic the infant's defenses against bacteria and germs in the first year of life.

thirty third

The baby lies down in the fetal position, because there is less and less space in the womb. It takes a lot of calcium and iron from the mother's body.

thirty fourth

The kid is preparing to meet his parents. His weight exceeds 2 kg, height is 47 cm. Active training of the gastrointestinal tract takes place. The woman begins to feel false signs of contractions.


The fetus weighs about 3 kg, body length reaches 48 cm. The shoulders are rounded, fat appears. The child is at the birth canal and takes the appropriate position.

thirty sixth

The head center coordinates the work of thermoregulation, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. After the birth of the child, they immediately begin their work. The pregnant woman is worried about shortness of breath.


The baby's weight is 2,950 kg, length is 48-49 cm. Breathing, movements, and heart activity are improving.

thirty eighth

A new person has not yet been born, but weighs more than 3 kg, and is already 50 cm tall. All organs are fully developed and function well.

thirty ninth

Weight - 3.5 kg, height - 51 cm. The stomach is filled with enzymes that will help the child process food. A small person perfectly feels sounds and light, the sucking reflex is developed.


The family is waiting for replenishment, and it will happen soon. The weight of "little happiness" is 3.5 - 4 kg, height - 51-54 cm.

The abdomen drops significantly. The mucous plug, amniotic fluid, depart, contractions begin. After a certain time, the long-awaited baby will be born. Experts assess his condition and monitor his health for several days.

So the long expedition for the weekly development of the fetus came to an end. In order for the pregnancy to be easy and successful, you need to listen to the doctor's recommendations and monitor your health. There is only joy and happiness ahead.

A film about the development of the fetus in the womb