Water pipes      03/05/2020

How to make a camping shower with your own hands. Camping shower and its types Homemade canister shower

Currently, various life hacks are very popular - all kinds of devices, little tricks that make life easier. Our story will be about one of these devices, indispensable in the country or on a camping trip, and at the same time extremely easy to manufacture.


A shower-toptun is a portable device that has 2 hoses, one of which is lowered into a container of water, a watering can is attached to the second, spraying a jet. Both hoses communicate with each other through a special rug with pedals, pressing on which acts like a pump. The mat with the pedals lies on the floor, which makes it very easy to alternately press the pedals, while the hands are free.

Pumps. Most often, 2 pumps are used, connected in parallel to the inlet and outlet. When exposed to the pump, the pressure in it increases, the release valve opens, and water enters the hose with a watering can at the end. At the next stage, the pressure decreases, the pump body increases in volume, as a result of which a rarefied medium is created. The outlet valve closes, the inlet valve opens instead, water is drawn into the pump body (nature, as you know, does not tolerate emptiness).
A pump installed in parallel on another pedal works in a similar way. The pressure exerted alternately in this way ensures an uninterrupted flow.

Hoses. Hoses should be corrugated (preferably). The hose supplying water to the pump operates with negative pressure. Corrugation does not allow it to shrink. The hose supplying pressure to the aerator works with increased pressure. The length of the hoses can vary up to 2 meters. It can be modified to suit your personal requirements.

Watering can aerator. Creates a comfortable watercourse, breaking one stream into many thin jets.

Did you know? The prototype of the modern shower was invented in Ancient Greece. Such a shower is depicted on vases found during excavations in Athens, and dated to the 4th century BC. BC. During the excavations of Pergamum, located on the territory of modern Turkey, the ruins of public showers were found. Established the time when they were actively used-2nd century BC.

Water pressure

The force of pressure depends on the pressure exerted on the pump. The uniformity of the pressure is affected by the rhythm and synchronism of the steps, and the force of the flow depends on the pressure on the pump. Also, the pressure force depends on the height to which the water is supplied.

How to use

The device is very easy to use. Depending on the modification, the process may differ slightly. But in general, the main stages in the operation of the device are as follows:

  1. Assemble all parts of the shower (attach the hoses to the pump mat), if the device is collapsible.
  2. Choose a place for a watering can-aerator (a branch at a suitable height, a hook on the wall of the house, etc.), put a mat with pedals under your feet.
  3. Lower the hose without a watering can into the water tank.
  4. Alternate footwork to create pressure in the pump. You can change the force of pressure by means of the intensity of pressure on the mat.


Important! Leave 1/3 of the capacity for air. This volume is enough to create the pressure necessary for the water to completely leave the tank. Do not force a large volume of air into the pump, remember that a pressure of 1 atmosphere raises the liquid by 10 m.


The shower has a number of undeniable advantages, among which are the following:

  1. Compactness and the ability to quickly prepare for work and collect after work. When folded, it takes up very little space and has a rather small weight (the mass of many factory models does not exceed 2-3 kg).
  2. Simplicity of design. The only condition for functioning is the presence of water. Naturally, in the event that you are going on a hiking trip, taking water with you to take a shower is an unaffordable luxury. But for autotourists or for summer cottages, this is not a problem.
  3. Does not need electricity (this criterion can be written in the pros and in the safety category).
  4. The ability to regulate the pressure (the stronger the pressure on the pedal, the stronger the jet).
  5. Profitability. You use water only when you need it. A bucket of water is more than enough to wash with your head.
  6. The ability to install the watering can at a convenient height.
  7. Multifunctionality of the device (this item will be discussed in more detail below).
  8. The simplicity of the design makes it possible to manufacture the device using improvised materials.
  9. Low price of the device.


Now a few words about the "fly in the ointment" in such a large "barrel of honey":

  1. A certain inconvenience can be considered the need to perform certain actions. Of course, it is easier to turn on the electricity than to stagnate, creating pressure with your own weight and movements. But this circumstance is insignificant in comparison with other advantages.
  2. Lack of warm water. In order for hot water to flow from the device, it must first be heated (in the sun, on a fire, etc.).
  3. A weight of 2-3 kg in the case when every 100 g of hand luggage counts (for example, on a hiking trip), is not so small. In conditions that are not prepared in advance for taking water procedures, you will have to equip a place for a shower (like a booth fenced on four sides).

Did you know? At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous psychiatrist Zh.M. Charcot, a hydromassage shower was invented, later named after its inventor. In addition to the massage effect, the shower helps to restore blood flow, improves mental state, and helps to remove body fat.The procedure is carried out in this way: from a distance of 3-5 m, two powerful water jets are directed at a person, one- temperature 45° C, another - 20 ° From above zero.

DIY manufacturing

The simplicity of the design of the device allows you to make it yourself, without much effort. Below is step-by-step instruction making a stomper shower at home.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • car pump with foot drive;
  • rubber hoses (plastic, better corrugated);
  • plastic container with a lid;
  • nozzle-aerator;
  • metal tube with thread;
  • drill.

When all the details are ready, you can start assembling the device. Here is circuit diagram device manufacturing. If you are smart, you can certainly make some changes to the design.

At the time when it comes to the manufacture of such a structure as a shower, in most cases, the craftsmen imagine a booth with a pallet connected to the water supply, or on which a water tank is installed. But, in case finished products cannot be found, then you have to use any improvised material or products with a different purpose. Based on this, the question of how to build a shower with your own hands using the maximum number of elements required for this is also fascinating to skilled experts.

hiking options

Going to rest in nature, a person tries to provide himself with great comfort on the spot. Along with this, carry a large number of things are not needed, and when loading the car there are a lot of necessary elements that you need to take with you. Based on this, a typical tourist shower should take up minimal space, be light in weight, or be made from existing items with a different purpose.

Shop designs

Of all existing models systems of a similar purpose, it is necessary to emphasize only one. It has the form of a simple tight package, to which is attached a small valve with a detachable watering can and a hatch with a lid for filling. Along with this, it is worth emphasizing that the price of such a design is small, and it takes up minimal space, actually weighing nothing.

Such a product is filled with water and hung on a tree. After that, opening the valve, they begin to use it as a simple shower. It is worth emphasizing that the instruction manual also allows the use of warm water, but any specific model has its own permissions.

Given the features of such a design, it can be attributed to the marching one. Along with this, it is possible to create a similarity of this device yourself, using a tarpaulin or film.

Advice! A similar system can also be used for the transport and storage of drinking water. Based on this, the need for her in campaigns is obvious.

Homemade products

Most tourists make an elementary shower from a canister with their own hands, along with this, without damaging the products. It is enough with an additional cover, in which holes are made in advance. It is put on after filling with water and used as a watering can.

In addition, it is possible to use huge plastic bottles or other similar containers. But with a strong need, it is easiest to use a kettle, on the spout of which they put watering cans and hang it on a tree. Such a shower in nature with your own hands can be built in a couple of minutes.

Advice! There are quite a few ways to organize the supply of water from a height, but it is possible to spray a jet only from a watering can. Based on this, it is worth taking with you.

Country designs

Creating a shower on the site with your own hands, you have to face a number of troubles, decide which ones you need, taking into account the terrain and the expected level of comfort you need. Based on this, the manufacturing process should be divided into stages.


  • The easiest way is to make a pillow with gravel and sand, on top of which they install wooden pallet . So in most cases they make a shower in the village with their own hands, assuming that the drain will go straight into the ground.
  • In addition, the method of manufacturing a cement base is quite common.. It is possible to fill it yourself or use a ready-made plate for this. Along with this, it is mandatory to make a bias towards the proposed drainage system. Some masters to simplify the work of stones, which are tamped into the ground.
  • If a shower is made by hand, then it is possible to use every improvised materials. The main thing is that it was easy to walk on them, in addition, in the presence of water, and it was possible to organize a drain.

Advice! The outflow of water must be done so that the liquid goes into the ground, and not under the foundation of the building.


  • At the time when they make a shower in the yard with their own hands, then it’s worth thinking about what kind of container you need to use for water. This is especially important if it is not possible to buy a regular tank.
  • Immediately it is worth emphasizing that the barrels in which they used to be chemical substances or petroleum products are not suitable for these purposes. They may leave a residue that will later dissolve in water and can lead to poisoning of the body.
  • In addition, open containers should not be used. Sick birds or their waste products can get into them.
  • The easiest way is to make a do-it-yourself shower from a eurocube, because this container is excellent in all respects and at the same time has a sufficient amount. But you need to take into account the enormous weight and use strong supports during installation.
  • A tank for similar purposes is selected very scrupulously, because this is the base of the entire structure and it will depend on it appearance frame.

Advice! It is quite simple to install a tap with a watering can on the container, but you should not forget that it is better to use a screw or needle locking mechanism. These systems allow you to precisely adjust the force of pressure, which significantly increases the level of comfort.


Some masters prefer to create the simplest floors, using plain film. But, in case it is done solar collector for a do-it-yourself shower, it is assumed that the structure will be in the open air and light will penetrate through it. This leads to a certain discomfort for some people, because the interior space will be viewed.

Given this feature, experts advise using profile pages or moisture-resistant plywood. In addition, dry reeds are suitable for these purposes, which are tied together, creating a full-fledged overlap.

Advice! Sometimes dilapidated building materials are perfect for such a task. But they need to be put in order and subjected to protective treatment. A simple paint may work for this.

Structures in the apartment

Sometimes such situations arise, at a time when you need to equip a shower in an apartment, but along with this there is no way to install a cabin. Then it is possible to use intentionally created designs or non-standard technical solutions.


The easiest way to install a shower in the apartment with your own hands, if it is placed in the bathroom. It is possible to use the bowl itself as a pallet, but along with this, in the places of its contact with the wall, all joints must be sealed using sealant. In addition, it is assumed that installed faucet will have a shower head that will take the opportunity to be fixed on the wall.

Then you should buy a special fence or curtain that will protect the room from splashes. Along with this, it can completely cover the entire perimeter or only the bath, which is located a meter from the mixer.

Advice! Such solutions are quite simple, because they were used in a very distant past and some companies develop a lot of products for them. But when choosing them, you must be careful so that all the elements are perfectly combined with each other into a single system.


In addition, in our time there are still apartments in which there is no room like a bathroom. In addition, the environment is seen at a time when people buy a dorm room and want to take personal comfort while saving space. Based on this, in such cases, a shower room is made in the apartment with their own hands, but it is connected to the toilet.

First of all, in similar situations, you need to drain. Along with this, in sewer pipe they cut a branch, which is bricked into the floor screed with waterproofing, making it look like a storm drain at an angle. Needless to say, the level of the threshold and the floor will rise very much, but this is a necessity that cannot be avoided.

Then just install a mixer with a shower head on the wall. In such a room it is possible to take normally water procedures. In addition, the closed toilet seat will serve as unusual chair which is very convenient for some people.

Advice! Such a solution can be called extreme, but in certain specifications it is the only one. But if it is possible to use just the cabin, then it should be used.


After reviewing the video in this article, it is possible to study in more detail these designs and the principle of their manufacture. In addition, taking the text above as a base, it is worth concluding that, in fact, under arbitrary conditions, human ingenuity allows you to create designs that can significantly expand the level of comfort.

Along with this, making a shower with their own hands from improvised materials, the masters take into account all the wishes of future users. This gives rise to the most extraordinary designs with fantastic designs and technical highlights.

When it comes to making such a structure as a shower, usually craftsmen imagine a booth with a pallet connected to the water supply, or on which a water tank is installed. However, if the finished product cannot be found, then any improvised material or products with a different purpose have to be used. Therefore, the question of how to build a shower with your own hands using minimal amount elements required for this, is interesting even for experienced specialists.

hiking options

Going to rest in nature, a person tries to provide himself with maximum comfort on the spot. At the same time, you should not carry a lot of things with you, and when loading the car there are a lot of necessary elements to take with you. Therefore, a typical tourist shower should take up minimal space, be light in weight, or be made from existing items with a different purpose.

Shop designs

Of all the existing models of systems for this purpose, it is worth noting only one. It looks like an ordinary tight package, to which is attached a small valve with a detachable watering can and a hatch with a lid for filling. It should be noted that the price of such a design is quite small, and it takes up minimal space, weighing almost nothing.

Such a product is filled with water and hung on a tree. Then, opening the valve, they begin to use it as ordinary soul. It is worth noting that the instruction manual allows you to use even hot water, but each specific model has its own tolerances.

Given the features of this design, it can be attributed to the camp. At the same time, you can create a similarity of this device yourself using a tarpaulin or film.

A similar system can also be used to transport and store potable water.
Therefore, the need for her in campaigns is obvious.

Homemade products

Most tourists make an elementary shower from a canister with their own hands, without damaging the products. It is enough just to have an additional cover with you, in which holes are made in advance. It is put on after filling with water and used in.

You can also use large plastic bottles or other similar containers. However, if there is a strong need, it is easiest to use a teapot, on the spout of which watering cans are put on and hung on a tree. Such a shower in nature with your own hands can be built in a few minutes.

There are many ways to organize the supply of water from a height, but you can only spray a jet from a watering can.
Therefore, it is worth taking with you.

Country designs

Creating a shower on the site with your own hands, you have to face a number of problems that need to be solved taking into account the terrain and the expected level of necessary comfort. Therefore, the manufacturing process should be divided into stages.


  • The easiest way is to make a pillow with gravel and sand, on top of which they install. This is how they usually do a shower in the village with their own hands, assuming that the drain will go straight into the ground.
  • It is also a fairly common method of making concrete base . You can pour it yourself or use a ready-made plate for this. At the same time, a slope must be made in the direction of the intended water drainage. Some masters simply use stones that are tamped into the ground to simplify the work.
  • If you make a shower with your own hands, then you can use any available materials. The main thing is that they can be easily walked on even in the presence of water, and there was an opportunity to organize a drain.

The outflow of water must be done so that the liquid goes into the ground, and not under the foundation of the building.


  • When they make a shower in the yard with their own hands, then you should immediately think about what container you need to use for water. This is especially important if it is not possible to purchase a standard tank.
  • It should be noted right away that barrels that previously contained chemicals or petroleum products are not suitable for these purposes. They may leave a residue, which then dissolves in water and can lead to poisoning of the body.
  • Also, do not use open containers. They can get sick birds or their waste products.
  • The easiest way is to make a do-it-yourself shower from a Eurocube, since this container is excellent in all respects and at the same time has sufficient volume. However, it is necessary to take into account the large weight and use strong supports during installation.
  • A tank for such purposes is selected very carefully, since this is the basis of the whole structure and the appearance of the frame will depend on it.

Installing a faucet with a watering can is quite simple, but it is worth remembering that it is best to use a screw or needle locking mechanism.
These systems allow you to precisely adjust the force of pressure, which significantly increases the level of comfort.


Some masters prefer to create the simplest overlaps using ordinary film. However, if you make a do-it-yourself solar collector for the shower, then it is assumed that the structure will be in the open air and light will penetrate through it. This causes some discomfort for some people as the interior space will be viewed.

Sometimes old Construction Materials great for this task.
However, they must be put in order and subjected to protective treatment.
This can be done with regular paint.

Structures in the apartment

Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to equip a shower in an apartment, but it is not possible to install a cabin. Then you can apply specially designed designs or non-standard technical solutions.


The easiest way to install a shower in the apartment with your own hands, if it is located in the bathroom. You can use the bowl itself as a pallet, but at the same time, in the places where it comes into contact with the wall, all joints must be sealed using sealant. It is also assumed that the installed faucet will have a shower head that will be able to be fixed on the wall.

Next, you should purchase a special fence or curtain that will protect the room from splashes. At the same time, it can completely cover the entire perimeter or only the bath, which is located a meter from the mixer.

Such solutions are quite simple, since they have been used for a very long time and some companies develop a lot of products for them.
However, when choosing them, you need to be very careful so that all the elements are perfectly combined with each other into a single system.


Even in our time, there are still apartments in which there is simply no such room as a bathroom. There are also situations when people buy a room in a hostel and want to get their own amenities, saving space. Therefore, in such cases, a shower room is made in the apartment with their own hands, but it is connected to the toilet.

First of all, in such situations it is necessary to drain. At the same time, a branch is cut into the sewer pipe, which is walled into a floor screed with waterproofing, making it look like a storm drain at an angle. Of course, the level of the threshold and the floor will rise greatly, but this is a necessity that cannot be avoided.

Next, just install a mixer with a shower head on the wall. In such a room, you can safely take water procedures. In this case, the closed toilet seat will serve as a kind of chair, which is very convenient for some people.

Such a solution can be called extreme, but under certain technical conditions it is the only one.
However, if it is possible to use the cabin, then it should be used.

Walks in nature, night hikes, tent camps or just an unfinished dacha... What do these seemingly completely incompatible places have in common? One little nuance, from which it is difficult to refuse a person accustomed to the benefits of civilization. Namely - in any, as they say, Spartan conditions, it is impossible to accept water procedures. In a simple way, you can’t take a shower in nature or in unfinished infrastructure. Sometimes this becomes a problem that does not allow you to relax normally and plunge into the atmosphere of a real holiday. Without looking ahead, we can say: the problem is being solved! How? Another, no less interesting question.

Camping shower

Yes, what inventive people just do not come up with. marching country shower that is no exception. Why "dacha"? The fact is that often, looking behind the fences of gardeners, you can see a simple structure that is taken out every evening and brought into the house. That's why they called her the dacha.

But the lack of benefits on a favorite piece of land does not limit the possibilities of the above invention. Hiking, long walks, overnight stays - such a necessary thing as a camping shower can come in handy everywhere.

An easy choice

The needs do not go unnoticed, so the "smart" Chinese have learned how to mass-produce these designs. A camping shower can take any form, for every taste and for every preference. Need closed type- Please. The tent with a built-in tank is already ready for use. It remains to pour water. Ten, fifteen and even twenty liters are at the disposal of a clean traveler. There are also lighter designs: a frame with cellophane curtains, at the top of which you can see a small barrel.

A camping shower of this type has no disadvantages. Among the advantages can be considered lightness and low cost. All of these options are good for hiking and commuting, but it begs the question, “Why buy?” It's no secret that the need for invention is cunning. Don't pay money for something you can build yourself. For example, you can do camp shower with your own hands. He will perform his functions as well as his commercial "brother".

How to make a camping shower with your own hands

You should not reinvent the wheel in this matter, everything has long been invented and tried. There is only one task - to make a good do-it-yourself camping shower, which should have such properties as ease of construction, low cost (it is desirable that all materials for the construction are at hand) and relative comfort.

First building

How to make a camping shower when there is almost nothing around, only nature itself? It doesn't matter, simple options will always find their use. Everything ingenious is elementary. The same can be said about the designs of the soul. The first thing that comes to mind for such a case is plastic bottles. Yes, there are no limits to fantasy. To build a camping shower from plastic bottles, a lot of material is not required.

First and foremost is capacity. The bigger it is, the better. After all, the water will flow longer, which means that the soul will be enough for a leisurely bath. Ten or five liters with proper and rational use enough. So, there is an eggplant. We need to start building. This option will be the most comfortable, so you have to work. An empty container should be placed just above your own height. Otherwise, when taking a shower, you will have to bend down, which is not very pleasant. But here it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the procedure for filling the eggplant with water will take a lot of time and effort. In the "shower" capacity you need to make a small hole. Water will flow out of it. You need to insert a small hose into this hole, it will be easier to take a shower with it. There will be no need to wriggle in front of the jet. It is desirable to process the joints well with resin or plasticine so that water does not seep through. The first do-it-yourself camping shower is made. Of course, you can add something of your own to it, it's up to fantasy.

Second building

There is the most reliable and proven method, which, probably, everyone used. This is a bucket. No, you should not pour it in one gulp: there will be little effect. This design worth redoing. A couple of actions - and from the bucket you get a camping shower. For this design, you will need a few tools and materials: a drill, a large and long bolt, emery, a nail and a nut (of course, the same size as the bolt). So, in a bucket with a drill, you need to make a hole. If you don't have one at hand thin tool, a hole can be made with a nail.

But it will not be neat, so the edges should be further processed with emery. It remains for small: to thread the bolt into the hole and not completely tighten the nut. Thus, a large washbasin turned out. Raise the bolt - water flows, release - water does not flow. This is very convenient, because the liquid does not run in vain, only when it is needed.

How to arrange a shower

Usually a camping shower is built for a short time. Day, two - no more. Therefore, many are not too worried about the arrangement of the structure. But when it comes to constant use, you really need to rely on convenience. For example, shower curtains.

They will add home comfort. Curtains must be waterproof. The tape fits perfectly. How to fix it? Around the tree, with the help of branches, you can pull a rope, and hang a curtain on it. You should carefully examine the place near the shower. There should be no extra branches, needles, thorns, splinters and cigarette butts. Taking a bath next to garbage is not only unpleasant, it can be harmful to health.

Love to be in nature? Can't imagine life without hiking in your native land? Are you building a cottage while you have nowhere to wash? Or maybe you just like extreme sports? You will have to learn how to build a camping shower with your own hands. You can make it from almost any improvised containers. wash in warm water, in a warm room is not only pleasant: in cold weather, health can depend on such a shower. Even novice conquerors of nature can build a camping shower.

Building a watering can

The simplest shower arranges like this. A curtain is attached to the tree (if you want to wash alone). A hole is made in the cap of a large plastic bottle, where a piece of hose is inserted. The lid itself is attached to the bottle with electrical tape (if there is a hose). If it is not there, then in order for water to pour, it is enough to unscrew the lid. For a large capacity, any thin hose is suitable, for a "one and a half" - a tube from a dropper. It must be securely fastened in the opening of the cover. To prevent water from flowing spontaneously, you can pinch the hose with a stopper or use a wire hook to attach the end at the top. Next - cut the bottom of the bottle, close the lid, strengthen it on a high branch. For convenience, you can place the bottle in a net or simply attach it to a branch with a wire. The simplest camping shower is ready. A heating pad, etc. can be used instead of a plastic bottle. Such a device is quite suitable for summer time.

But what if you are on a hike, around the mountain and -20 ° C, but you really want to wash? Actually, it is the next building that will be what is called a “real camping shower”. Naturally, you can make it anywhere, but, they say, it was the climbers who came up with this method of hygiene.

We build a portable camping shower

Actually, only the curtain will be portable and we assemble all other parts right at the halt. We will need:

  • Devices for kindling a fire.
  • Boulders the size of a three-year-old boy's head, but a bucket of ordinary pebbles or other stones can also be used.
  • Curtain.
  • Plastic bottle with stopper and hose.
  • A tent or film stretched over a frame. The frame can be carried with you, or you can build between trees.

In order to construct warm shower camping, kindle a fire, put stones in it, heat water over the fire. While everything is warming up, we mount a kind of wigwam from cellophane (if there is no empty tent). You can use branches, etc.

We make a mount above the wigwam: we will hang here plastic bottle(see device above) with water. When the stones warm up, carefully lay them around the perimeter of the "wigwam". This is the most dangerous part of the procedure: you can burn yourself. Boulders or pebbles must cool in the "wigwam" so that they can be stood on. In the process of cooling, they warm the air very much. Then we hang the bottle with hot water and… with light steam! Usually, stones allow 4-5 tourists to take a camping shower, and only after that the “room” begins to cool down. If you do everything quickly, and take more boulders, then even a group of 15 people will have time to complete the prescribed bath procedures.