Water pipes      06/17/2019

How to choose and connect an electric instantaneous water heater: which type to choose from reviews. How to choose the right instantaneous water heater

A flow-type domestic water heater does not need a special storage tank. The principle of its operation is that the flow of water is informed required amount thermal energy for the short period while it passes through the device.

  • through electrical energy, heating a heating element or an uninsulated metal spiral;
  • using a gas burner;
  • using a heat exchanger in which water receives thermal energy from any coolant.

The last of these options is extremely rare, one of the first two is used much more often.

In order to choose the right instantaneous water heater for an apartment, it is necessary to consistently answer a number of questions:

1. Energy source: gas or electricity? If there are chimney channels in your house and the housing office allows the installation of gas equipment, then the most preferable option would be to install a gas column.

The power of a standard gas burner is enough even to heat water for a shower in winter. If your house is not equipped with chimneys, then you will have to install electric water heater.

Its maximum power depends on the type of existing wiring.

For example, in old houses, in the shields of which fuses are installed, designed for a maximum current of 16 amperes, water heaters with a power of no more than 3.5 kW can be installed.

During the construction of houses in a later period, electrical networks were laid, designed for 32 and even 40 amps.

Such wiring will withstand a heater with a power of up to 8 kW. If you want to install more powerful unit, it is necessary to coordinate with the electricity supplier the laying of a separate power cable.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that instantaneous water heaters with a capacity of from 8 kW are designed for three-phase voltage.

Thus, in apartment buildings powerful "protochnik" are used quite rarely, this option more suitable for individual construction.

Video - types and types of electric instantaneous water heaters:

2. Type of water heater: pressure or non-pressure? For hot water supply to the entire apartment, you will have to install a pressurized water heater that cuts directly into the cold water riser.

Such equipment can provide hot water multiple water points. If you just want to comfortably shower during the summer shutdowns hot water– choose a non-pressure heater.

As a rule, such devices have low power and are equipped with shower heads. However, it must be borne in mind that they are suitable for heating water in the summer.

In winter, when the temperature of the water in the pipes drops to 5 degrees, there will be little sense from a low-power free-flow "flow".

3. What capacity of water heater do I need? It will be much easier for you to determine not so much the power as the flow of water at known incoming and outgoing temperatures.

It is this parameter that the manufacturer indicates in the passport of his equipment. Open the water in the usual mode and note how long it takes, say, a bucket of water with a capacity of 10 liters.

Convert the received data into consumption per minute and feel free to go to the store. Now you can definitely choose the most suitable instantaneous water heater.

Be wary of buying dubious products or outright fakes, even if the seller promises you a significant discount.

Poor quality electrical or gas equipment will not only add to your repair hassle, but also may cause fires or explosions, the consequences of which will be much more expensive.

When buying equipment, ask the seller to show quality certificate and also ask what warranty period is provided for this equipment.

Popular electric heaters (cost and characteristics) ^

As already mentioned, the use of a powerful instantaneous water heater in an apartment is associated with great difficulties.

Therefore, in this review, we will only talk about low-power devices that occupy a leading position in terms of sales. In our country, the following brands have proven themselves well:

1. "Atmor Summer" (power - 3.5 kW, flow rate - up to 3 l / min). Inexpensive budget class heater. Able to "give out" a temperature of 40 degrees, provided that at the entrance it is not lower than 18. Approximate cost - 800-1500 rubles.

2. "Polaris Vega T 5.5" (power - 5.5 kW, flow - up to 4.4 l / min). A compact device with slightly more power.

Easily and conveniently mounted under a bathtub or washbasin, absolutely no claim to the free space of the bathroom. It is completed with a tap or a shower head (depending on the installation site).

3. "Proton" PEVN 5.0-220 (power - 5.0 kW, flow rate - 5 l / min). The approximate cost of this Russian model is 2500 rubles.

This device, like others of domestic production, is good because its creators tried to take into account the low quality of water in our water supply networks. As a result, it is characterized extended service life.

4. "Stiebel Eltron DHC 3" (power - 3.0 kW, flow rate - up to 3 l / min). This manufacturer can be safely attributed to the premium class, which, of course, was reflected in the cost of the model: 8000 rubles.

But for this money you get, as motorists like to say, “full stuffing”: double protection against overheating, protection against water ingress (IP24), trouble-free German automation, as well as a convenient and informative indicator system.

5. "AEG MP 8" (power - 5.0 kW, flow - up to 4.4 l / min). Another solid brand, the cost of one model fluctuates within 7500-8000 rubles.

Reliable and unpretentious device, relatively high price is fully justified by the quality and functionality.

Any water heater requires periodic replacement of the heating element. Read all about the heaters for water heaters in this article:
, learn how to choose, replace, where to buy better.

Instantaneous gas water heater ^

This type of instantaneous water heater is better known to us as geyser. As already mentioned, the installation of such equipment requires coordination with gas services, and also needs a chimney. Exists two ways to ignite a gas burner:

1. Ignition with a wick. Such a column has a small gas wick, which is set on fire once, for example, in the morning and burns throughout the day.

It is from the wick that the gas burner ignites when the tap is opened. This ignition system is cheaper, but is characterized by inefficient use of gas.

2. Piezoelectric. A similar principle is often used in lighters for cooker. This system is battery operated, the spark is supplied automatically when the tap is opened.

Inexpensive models of gas "protochnik" are hydraulically controlled. This means that the flow of water simply turns on gas burner without changing its power.

In more expensive models, "smart" electronics are installed, which analyzes the power of the water flow, the temperature at the inlet to the device and at the outlet of it.

In accordance with the data received, the valve on the burner is controlled, so that the unit always works in the optimal mode.

An important requirement: in the room where gas water heating equipment is installed, the window must be ajar without fail.

This is done to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.

Do-it-yourself installation of the "protochnik" ^

1. Connecting the heater to the water supply system. It is believed that the most common low-power instantaneous water heaters serve exclusively in the summer, when the hot water supply is turned off for preventive purposes.

Therefore, major changes to install such a device do not need to be done. It is most rational to connect the outlet pipe to the shower tube, and the inlet pipe through a tee to the cold water supply system.

More powerful pressurized water heaters, like boilers, connect on a return basis.

2. Electrical connection. Even if the water heater has an average power of approximately 6 kW, it is still necessary to connect it it is necessary to stretch a separate wire from the shield.

This has to be done for the reason that most meters are not designed for such a current load (approximately 27 amperes).

The cross section of the wire and the type of circuit breakers (in this case, you need to install an RCD) are selected according to special tables. Remember that the outlet into which the water heater is connected must have a ground wire.

3. Connection to the gas main.

It is forbidden to make such a connection on your own!

After gas water heater mounted and connected to the water supply system, it is necessary to invite a representative of the gas service, who will connect the equipment to the gas supply system.

A short video about the pros and cons of instantaneous water heaters:

Calculation of the power of instantaneous water heater

When choosing an instantaneous water heater, its power plays a decisive role. The power of an instantaneous water heater can be determined based on the purpose of use (for example, showering, washing hands, etc.).

To do this, use the table below. First determine the required hot water flow (l/min) for the largest hot water point. Even if you use a tankless water heater for several points, then select its power according to the water intake point with the largest required power.

Required temperature, ºС

Required flow, l/min

Required water volume of storage water heater, l

hand washing

Kitchen sink

Knowing the flow rate at the largest point of water consumption, the power is calculated by the formula:


P– water heater power, kW;

G– flow or flow, l/min;

∆t– required temperature increase, ºС, ∆t = T-t in ;

T- required temperature at the water heater outlet, ºС,

t in- temperature cold water, ºС (+5 ºС in winter, +15 ºС in summer).

If you plan to use several points at the same time, then the power of the instantaneous water heater should be increased by another one and a half times.

Important! It is possible to get a comfortable full-fledged stream of hot water using an instantaneous water heater only if its power is from 8 kW and above. In houses of old buildings with 16-ampere plugs, a water heater with a power of more than 3.5 kW simply cannot be installed. And in houses with electric stoves and new houses where there are 40- or 32-ampere meters, it is permissible to install “flow-throughs” with a power of up to 6 kW.

On a note. There is also a more simplified calculation. In order to estimate the required power of the water heater, you can use a simpler calculation: divide the power value (kW) in half. As a result, a fairly accurate value of water flow (l / min) will be obtained when it is heated by about 25-30 ºС. For example, for taking a shower, a 16 kilowatt device will provide a water flow of 8 liters per minute.

Single phase or three phase

There are instantaneous water heaters for both single-phase (up to 12 kilowatts) and three-phase networks (from 12 to 36 kilowatts).

With a centralized installation, if you have the opportunity to install a three-phase water heater, install it, as it is more powerful. The more powerful the water heater, the more comfortable and economical it is.

When installing instantaneous water heaters at each water intake point separately, install predominantly single-phase ones, having previously calculated their power, as described above.

Pressure and non-pressure

According to the installation method water supply network instantaneous water heaters are divided into pressure and non-pressure.

System (pressure) instantaneous water heaters (from 4.5 kW and above). They only provide inlet and outlet for water. They are cut into hot and cold water pipes, i.e. hot water is "bred" to the whole apartment. This is very convenient, because during the period of hot water shutdown, you can not only take a shower, but also use hot water from any tap in the apartment. Such a water heater turns on and off automatically, reacting to the flow of water.

The pressure water heater in the image below cuts into the water supply system and can power all water intake points.

Non-pressure instantaneous water heaters (from 3.5 to 8 kW) are equipped with their own shower or kitchen nozzle (it is included in the device kit) and work only for one water intake point. Such devices cannot be used with other fittings than the one that was sold complete with this water heater. Such water heaters are convenient, say, in the country.

The image below shows a pressureless water heater. Distinctive feature non-pressure water heaters is the presence of a tap at the entrance to it and never at the exit.

It is recommended to use small instantaneous water heaters equipped with shower heads with a power of 3 to 6 kW only in summer. In winter, there are often complaints that the water heater worked fine in summer, and now, during a heating network failure, it refuses to heat water. Reason: in summer, the temperature of “cold” water “incoming” from the tap was +15 ° C. His small instantaneous water heater with a capacity of 3.5 kW (with ∆t - 25°, giving 3 l / min) in the summer easily "heated up" it by another 25°. That is, 15° + 25° = 40°C is quite a suitable temperature for washing. And in winter, the water in the tap is colder, about 5 degrees. So: 5 ° + 25 ° = 30 ° С - under such water, of course, you will freeze. And the device itself has nothing to do with it, it works as usual, nothing has broken in it. Small instantaneous water heaters were developed for the warm countries of Asia and Africa. And there are no such differences between winter and summer temperatures, and the temperature of the water in the tap is always about + 15 °. It just needs to be warmed up a bit.

A few words about the efficiency of instantaneous water heaters

IN household with the need for hot water 150 l / day, .

Considering the low cost of an instantaneous water heater, its compact size and the fact that it is almost always equipped with kitchen faucet or a shower head, it is reasonable to buy such a water heater for each water intake point separately, because. this leads to energy savings in heating water in pipes if the water intake points are significantly removed from the water heater.

Since the water in an instantaneous water heater is heated only during consumption, energy is not spent on maintaining the temperature of a certain amount of water, as in storage water heaters and this reduces operating costs.

In addition, instantaneous water heaters minimize water consumption due to the fact that the user does not have to wait long for the water to reach the required temperature.

Instantaneous water heaters are very durable. Their service life is more than 20 years, while the accumulative 8-10 years with proper maintenance.

Price and brand

After you have selected several alternative models according to the characteristics described above, you will only have to call our office if you need to ask all your questions, clarify what is currently available and choose the water heater that suits you best for the price and brand of the manufacturer.

The highest quality instantaneous water heaters are Aeg and Stiebel Eltron, so these are the companies

The boiler is not able to heat the required amount of hot water or is it always needed immediately? Is the only reliable and affordable source of energy - 220 or 380 V? There is no desire, opportunity, conditions for the installation of bulky equipment? Not sure how to choose an instantaneous electric water heater? The information in the article will give answers to all questions.

Installation of flow heating of water is arranged quite simply. The basis of the engineering solution is the heat transfer zone. It contains a heating element of one type or another.

  1. The classic solution is a heating element, inside of which there is a wire spiral.
  2. A more modern heater is tubular. This is a moisture-proof inductor that has good efficiency and heats up to high temperatures.
  3. The most technologically advanced solution is the system induction heating. It consists of an electromagnetic coil and a core, which is heated by Foucault currents.

To allow the temperature of the liquid passing through the instrument's circuit to be adjusted by the user, heater manufacturers offer a range of control circuits. Among them, there are necessarily security systems. They prevent the heating of water to a boiling point or above a predetermined maximum value, operation in the mode idle move, short circuits and other emergencies.

The flow heater has an impressive list merits. They make it a very convenient product for quickly, within seconds, getting hot water. For example, future owners are attracted to:

  • compact size;
  • no special installation requirements;
  • the ability to work with any flow of water;
  • clear adjustment mechanics;
  • equipment that allows you to immediately select a model that meets your needs.

But the instantaneous electric water heater also has disadvantages that can create problems in the average apartment or house. For example:

  • a powerful device, having a consumption of 7 kW or more, will easily overload weak wiring;
  • the number of liters of water that the unit is able to heat per minute to a comfortable temperature may not be enough to meet the needs of the family;
  • an incorrectly selected type of water heater can be used inefficiently.

An accurate assessment of all parameters will allow you to choose a flow heater for a house, cottage or apartment, the characteristics of which will be very attractive. Let us dwell in more detail on those features of the device that should be considered when buying.

Types of flowing electric heaters

As mentioned above, all flow type devices are built on the same basic circuit. Deciding which is better to buy an electric water heater is, first of all, according to its performance characteristics and design. On the market are:

  • appliances wall mounting with vertical body orientation, with bottom piping. They can supply water to a shower through a flexible hose, to a gooseneck or to a water take-off line;
  • wall-mounted heaters with lateral supply. They are optimal for location behind a partition or wall. Unregulated models work perfectly: water, when taken in an amount not exceeding the performance indicator of the device, always has an exactly set temperature;
  • top-mounted appliances are optimal for the kitchen. They are easy to install under the countertop, inside the furniture set;
  • tubular flow heating systems. Their connection is made directly inside engineering systems, installation is carried out directly in the line of the pipe passage. The fluid inlet and outlet are located at the ends of the heater, and the adjustment systems are either not provided or are designed for a single heating mode setting. A separate product segment is compact water heaters manufactured in the format of a stand for a kitchen sink faucet.

The latter type of flow heater may be the best solution if the owners chose it for installation in the apartment. Such a device can be paired with a storage class boiler through a three-way mixing valve. This ensures the constant availability of hot water, the possibility of intensive extraction and constantly comfortable temperature liquids.

What to consider when choosing a device

Let us dwell in more detail on the complex of characteristics of a flowing electric heater, the choice of which will allow you to get a device that does not create trouble and provides a sufficient amount of hot water. Immediately, we note several features that allow you to better evaluate the device.

  1. The specified performance of a flow heater is the amount of water that it is capable of delivering in a constant flow at the maximum (indicated in the passport) temperature.
  2. Unregulated devices or those equipped with mechanical control systems always have a clear power consumption indicated in the characteristics of the device. At the same time, flow heaters with electronic control spend as much energy as it takes to heat water to a specified temperature.
  3. Devices equipped with a shower head are not always suitable for giving. The nozzle has very small holes. It is suitable for washing dishes or hands, but it will be inconvenient if the water heater is placed in the shower.

Devices intended for one point of water sampling are called non-pressure. Installed at the entrance safety valve, which provides an internal fluid pressure of 1 atmosphere. Such a water heater cannot supply water more strongly than its design allows, even if it whips from a “cold” tap with an intense stream.

Devices designed for several water sampling points are capable of withstanding pressures up to 10 atmospheres. They can be installed directly at the entrance to the apartment and pick up a performance sufficient for all household needs.

Choosing an electric instantaneous water heater by power

Before going to the store, you should consult with electricians. The calculation of the average wiring in a modern house is based on the ability to connect several powerful consumers. This washing machine, oven, electric grill. Therefore, a small flow heater with a power of 4-6 kW can be safely used if it is turned on for a short time (up to half an hour).

If the house is old, the wiring is weak, it is recommended to make a separate input to the apartment, from which the instantaneous water heater will be powered. Ideal Solution- lead to the shield of the bus flat directly from the basement or from the central distribution point. In this case, one more problem can be solved: to provide a neutral wire, which is in modern houses, is necessary to connect the device, but is not available in old buildings.

It is recommended to make a separate entry in any case. However, realizing that no one will do serious repairs with wall chasing or opening wire laying channels without special need, it is worth carefully evaluating the capabilities of existing wiring and choosing a water heater that can work in existing conditions without accidents.

Selection by water consumption

As mentioned above, the nominal performance is indicated in the passport for the heater. The flow of water given out by the device is always diluted. Therefore, if 3 liters of selection per minute with a temperature of 55 degrees are declared, such indicators are enough for a comfortable shower.

The second factor to take into account is the difference in instrument performance over the seasons. The water in the supply pipe varies in temperature. In summer it is warmer, in winter it is very cold. For example, in summer, a water heater with a power of 8 kW will provide a selection of 3.1 liters of water with a temperature of 55 degrees (18 at the inlet). And in winter, when water is supplied at 6 degrees, the output will only be 2.3 liters of hot liquid.

To successfully choose a device, you should focus on its class and the declared performance indicators. For example, for a non-pressure device that is mounted at one sampling point ( kitchen sink, bathroom, shower), a capacity of 3-4 liters will be enough (less if there is no habit of taking a shower with a good flow of water).

For a pressurized water heater with several sampling points, a minimum figure of 3 liters per minute for one consumer is taken. Each subsequent tap should add 1.5-2 liters to the recommended performance of the device.

Heating element features

The class of the heating element can be a decisive factor in determining which brand to choose a water heater. For example:

  • the simplest devices use one or more heating elements. They can be anodized or copper sheathed;
  • more advanced devices are equipped with ceramic tubular heaters. They are durable, expensive, efficient;
  • the best heaters are glass-protected spiral blocks. They do not require maintenance, slightly change the rate of heat transfer during the formation of scale.

Spiral induction heat exchangers are the most technologically advanced solution. During their operation, very little scale is formed, since the Foucault currents, in addition to heating, cause the vibration of the central core and the current spiral. Some water heaters of the Swedish Electrolux brand are equipped with such heaters.

The material from which the heater is made

The heater housing is the last thing worth evaluating. Each buyer has a personal rating. For example:

  • practical people will prefer plastic. It is easy to care for him, but over time, scratches, roughness, collecting dirt inevitably appear;
  • cases covered with enamel look rational. They are durable, the surface is durable, wear-resistant, looks aesthetically pleasing;
  • Anodized body parts look stylish and impressive. However, the coating may wear down to the base over time. Excellent strength indicators for the titanium layer. Such a case is an expensive solution, but it looks extremely attractive;
  • all metal, polished, made of of stainless steel or alloy water heaters - the height of perfection in the eyes of some buyers. But there is one factor to consider. On a smooth mirror surface metal stains and other visual imperfections will always be visible. It will require careful, constant care.

Which company is preferred

Knowing how to choose a flowing electric water heater, one cannot but mention the companies that are leading in customer preferences. At one end of the scale are simple, inexpensive, and reliable solutions. As a bright representative, the Polaris brand can be noted. Here are classic, simple heating elements, moderate power consumption, maintainability and availability of spare parts.

At the other end of the scale are products from Electrolux. Here technological innovations are used. For example, induction heating blocks, spirals protected by glass. The price of water heaters is high, but the reliability is even higher, the products will not require maintenance or repair for many years.

Rating of the best instantaneous electric heaters

It's time to get acquainted with the best representatives of the instantaneous water heater market. In order not to repeat the same indicators: electricity consumption, performance, number of sampling points (device type) and others, they are summarized in a table. And the rating will introduce the main features of the devices.

ModelProd., l/minpower, kWtHeater typeSelection pointsControl
3,9 8 tubular1 electronic
4,1 8 copper heaterSomeMechanics
Polaris Mercury 5.3OD4 5,3 heating elementsomeregime
4 6,5 copper tubular1 regime
7,3 12 (380V)heating elementsomeregime
Timberk WHEL-7OC PRIMALUX4,5 6,5 heating element1 Mechanics
Electrolux SP 21 ELITEC10,7 21 (380V)spiral heatersomeungovernable
5 7 heating element1 Mechanics
2,8 5,7 spiral blocksomeMechanics
4 7,5 copper heatersomeMechanics

A solution that can be considered universal. The water heater is electronically controlled, you can set the temperature threshold, there is an accelerated heating mode. Setting the desired parameters is done with convenient circular controls. The water heater belongs to the non-pressure class (one sampling point), equipped with a hose with a shower head.

Flow type electric water heater, which is suitable for an apartment where a family of two lives. The performance is enough to take a shower, for domestic needs. The device withstands up to 10 atmospheres of water supply, can be installed at the entrance of the apartment, is powered by single-phase network 220 V. Its design is simple, the pipe supply is standard, 0.5 inches, so even do-it-yourself installation will not cause any difficulties.

Representative of simple, reliable solutions for small apartment or at home. With good performance for its power, the water heater offers a simple circuit setting modes with the push of a button. Installed at the entrance to the apartment, it is able to provide water analysis at several points. The convenient shape of the body allows you to install it in the bathroom, and the equipment (hose and shower head) allows you to use the device to create comfort in the country.

Representative of the market segment of the most reliable and unpretentious devices. This water heater is made in an enameled case, equipped with copper heating elements, comes with its own inlet water filter, offers one-button operation mode setting. Designed for one point of consumption (non-pressure class), this appliance will be very effective in the kitchen or in the bathroom. For installation in the bathroom, the manufacturer offers a goose faucet that comes with the device.

A product ideal for a private home. The device operates from a three-phase network, has sufficient performance to provide hot water to a family of 3-4 people. It can be installed at the entrance to the house, withstands up to 10 atmospheres of water pressure and offers an accelerated mode of water heating. The temperature is controlled by a single regulator on the body.

Compact, designed for use in apartments (inlet water pressure up to 6 atmospheres), this water heater will appeal to many. It is equipped with a regulator that will allow you to balance the water intake and the load on the wiring. This device will be convenient both in the kitchen and in the bathroom, where it can be mounted directly above the bathtub or washbasin. A gander crane is supplied with the device.

An excellent solution for a private house where a large family lives. This reliable unregulated device boasts a whole range of record-breaking performance. First, it is equipped with an induction heating system. Secondly, it has the maximum outlet temperature limit in its class of 60 degrees. Thirdly, it can provide good performance for its power. The device is powered by a three-phase network, can be installed at the water inlet to the house, weighs less than 4 kg.

A good and reliable solution for the bathroom. It has everything that is required from a high-quality non-pressure type instantaneous heater: medium power, sufficient performance for an intensive shower, simple mechanical operation mode switches. The device is completed as if it was specially designed for the bathroom: the manufacturer offers a goose faucet and a flexible hose with a shower head.

A unique device from the Swedish brand was developed for the kitchen. Here, the top eyeliner for mounting the device under the countertop, moderate power consumption and performance sufficient for domestic needs. In this case, the water heater is designed for several consumers. Therefore, it can be placed in such a way as to supply water to the sink and to the bathroom washbasin at the same time.

The device is very reliable. The heating element is a spiral type with a special mechanics of work: it vibrates when voltage is applied. This does not allow scale to settle, as a result, the service life of the device is very high.

Completes the rating handy device for bachelors or a family of two. This water heater will fully satisfy the needs of such a target group. There is everything for universal use. For example, you can install this device for hot water supply to a bathroom or install it at the entrance to an apartment (several consumers are allowed). Reliable copper heating elements ensure durability, and setting the outlet water temperature with a simple movement of the rotary knob is a very convenient option.

As a conclusion

There is a lot of talk about flow heaters, but always one-sidedly. The attitude to this device can be described in one phrase: “don’t like it? You just don't know how to cook it." Whatever modern views flow heaters considered, each will require an integrated approach. It is enough to provide the device with a reliable power source, evaluate the water consumption and choose the appropriate model, and connect it where it will be most effective. And then the purchased heater for many years of work will never make you disappointed in yourself. You just need to go to the store and know what to look for when buying.

Today, flow models of water heaters are in great demand among buyers. This is primarily due to their compactness. At the same time, they are not inferior to storage types in terms of performance. It should also be borne in mind that the power consumption of flow modifications is very low. There are quite a few manufacturers on the market.

IN Lately The range of instantaneous water heaters is expanding greatly. They differ in their characteristics and management. You should also take into account a rather serious variation in the price of goods. In order to understand how to choose an instantaneous water heater for an apartment, you should familiarize yourself with the main parameters of the devices in more detail. Additionally, you should know the main components of the model.

How is a water heater installed?

The inlet and outlet pipes are located at the bottom of the device. They may vary in diameter. Above the pipes are filters. Next, a special anode is installed, above which the heating element is located directly. Under the thermostat there is a special gasket. The mounting plate in the device is installed above the control unit.

Hot water is removed through a heat exchanger. The heating element probe is located near the flow sensor. Additionally, the water heater includes a housing, a power supply unit with a switch and thermal insulation sheets.

Important Device Settings

First of all, for instantaneous water heaters, the power of the device is taken into account. Additionally, the documentation indicates such a parameter as performance. Power supplies, in turn, have their own characteristics. In this case, it is important to note the limiting voltage and frequency of the instantaneous water heater. Pressure sensors in the device can withstand different things.

If we consider two-valve modifications, then the above parameter fluctuates on average around 3 bar. The protection system is most often installed class IP30. This tells the buyer that the power supply of the device is protected, and the model will not have problems with overheating. Another interesting indicator is considered to be maximum temperature. The last thing to note is the dimensions of the device.

How to decide on a purchase?

In order to understand how to choose the right instantaneous water heater for an apartment, it is necessary to assess the load that will be placed on the device. If no more than three people live in the apartment, then the maximum power of the model should be approximately 12 kW. All this will allow the performance parameter to be kept at the level of 3 liters per minute.

The maximum temperature must be at least 50 degrees. Also, the choice of instantaneous water heater for an apartment should be based on the parameters of the power supply. In the device, it is most often set to 220 V, and its frequency can be in the region of 20-30 Hz. If the house has certain problems with power surges, then it is better to select a model for 30 Hz. The protection system must be marked IP 30. It is better to select probes of an anti-corrosion type, because they can last for quite a long time. Heating elements are most often installed shielded type. Recently, however, manufacturers have also begun to produce steatite counterparts. In this case, it is rather difficult to give preference to any modification.

If choose a budget option, then it is better to stop at a shielded heating element. In order for the master to easily connect the device to the water supply system, the inlet and outlet pipes must be 2.3 cm in diameter. A good instantaneous water heater will cost around 5 thousand rubles.

Reviews of the models "Electrolux"

Flowing water heaters (electric) for an apartment of the presented brand are distinguished by fairly high-quality protection systems. According to buyers, the models are absolutely not subject to overheating.

Additionally, it should be borne in mind that their productivity is on average at the level of 3 liters per minute. Thus, for large families, the models of the presented company are well suited, this is confirmed by users.

However, in terms of performance, there are also more modest instantaneous water heaters on the market. Their maximum power is on average 5 kW. They are very compact in size. As for the design, many say that everything is beautiful here, the lines are smooth. A good instantaneous water heater will cost the buyer in the region of 5 thousand rubles.

Advantages of the Electrolux 20T model

This instantaneous water heater for an apartment has good reviews. Many buyers choose it because high performance at 4 liters per minute. This model is suitable for a family of five. The heat exchange zone of the "Electrolux 20T" is very extensive. If we talk about the power supply, then it can withstand the maximum voltage of 230 V.

Thus, if there are certain overloads in the electrical wiring in the house, this device able to withstand them. There are only two modes of operation. If you believe the buyers, then the electricity consumption in this case is 3 W per hour. Many note precisely its frugality. The hot water outlet has a diameter of 2.5 cm. The thermal insulation of the device is installed with a thickness of 2.1 mm. The presented instantaneous water heater for the Electrolux apartment on the market costs about 4500 rubles.

This instantaneous water heater for an apartment is unique, and its power is as much as 12 kW. It uses a steatite heating element. Thanks to this, the performance of the device reaches as much as 4 liters per minute of use. The control of the instantaneous water heater is provided by a push-button type. There are three modes in total. The user can set the maximum temperature to 50 degrees.

The power supply is installed quite high quality, and absolutely not afraid of overloads. In this case, its operating frequency parameter is at the level of 25 Hz. The unit has a thermal switch. The heat exchange zone is quite extensive, and the thickness of its thermal insulation is as much as 1.5 mm. Under the thermostat, a protective gasket is provided by the manufacturer. Separately, it should also be noted the reduced noise level of this model. This was largely achieved through the installation of a high-quality casing.

According to buyers, during operation, the instantaneous water heater makes practically no sounds. There is also no vibration. The installation of "Electrolux 35S" is more than simple. The pipes in the lower part are standard, and are suitable for the plumbing system at home. Fastening to plastic outlets is permitted. This instantaneous water heater in the store costs about 5100 rubles.

Water heater "Electrolux 30S"

If you believe the buyers, then the "Electrolux 30S" is the best instantaneous water heater for an apartment from budget models. Its heating element is of a shielded type. Its length is exactly 7 cm. The mounting plate in this case is located above the control unit. Due to this, manufacturers managed to significantly expand the heat exchange zone. It should also be noted that the performance of the model is quite good.

According to users, it suits well for a family of four. The maximum temperature on the panel can be selected 50 degrees. The power supply is programmed to switch two modes. This instantaneous water heater for an apartment costs around 4 thousand rubles.

Consumer opinion about Termex devices

For many models of the presented brand, thermostat gaskets are not installed. As consumers note, this element can wear out quickly, and this should be taken into account. If we talk about the advantages, it is important to note the high power of the device. However, its operating frequency parameter does not exceed 25 Hz. Mounting plates in instantaneous water heaters are installed the most common, and they withstand medium loads.

The blocks have thermal switches. Also, buyers note fairly high-quality regulators. In general, the models of this brand are distinguished by their versatility, and they have quite a few modes. Due to this, instantaneous water heaters can be safely called universal. cost good model on the market in the region of 6 thousand rubles.

Features of the water heater "Termeks S600"

This instantaneous storage water heater for an apartment is valued by many buyers for its versatility. As mentioned earlier, the devices of the presented company have many different modes, and this instance is no exception. The user can select a maximum temperature of 50 degrees. The nozzles in this instantaneous water heater are provided in a standard size.

However, before buying, please note that plastic pipes it is better not to mount the device. This is due to the fact that the latches are installed quite rigid. In this case, the wear of the plastic outlets will be inevitable. This was noted by many masters involved in the installation of such equipment. If we talk about the advantages, then a reliable protection system also deserves attention. It is installed in this case of type IP 30. Thermal insulation sheets in the device are used with a thickness of exactly 2 mm. The heating unit of the Termex S600 model is copper. This instantaneous water heater for an apartment costs about 5800 rubles.

New model "Termex W200"

Many buyers appreciate this instantaneous water heater for an apartment for its compactness. The performance of the device in this case is at the level of 3 liters per minute. All this became possible thanks to the installation of a shielded heating element. Its total length reaches 7 cm. All fasteners for mounting the model are included in the standard package. The diameter of the nozzle outlet is 2.7 cm. The probe at the thermostat is exactly 6 cm long.

The control unit in this case is a multi-channel type. In total, the device is designed for six different modes. Thus, the performance of "Thermex W200" will vary. When using turbo mode, the power consumption is exactly 3 W per hour of operation. The presented compact instantaneous water heaters for an apartment will cost the buyer in the region of 5700 rubles.

Review "Termeks S350"

If you believe the experts, then this model, among other devices, is distinguished by the presence of a shut-off valve. Due to this, this flow-through water heater for an apartment is able to withstand pressure at a level of 3 bar. It is simple in design, but it will look great in an apartment. The Termex S350 model weighs exactly 5 kg. Of the features, it should be noted first of all a high-quality thermal switch. When the system overheats, it helps quite well.

Additionally, it is important to mention the quality of the control unit. In total, the device can be selected among seven different modes. The "turbo" function is also available, some users consider this a significant advantage. The user is also able to operate the presented instantaneous water heater in an economical mode. The nominal productivity of the device is at the level of 3 liters per minute. For a large family, this model is suitable. Of the shortcomings, only the high cost of the goods can be noted. On the market, they ask for about 6100 rubles for it.

What do they say about the Vailant models?

Many models of this brand are equipped with manual switches. They use mesh filters. The outlet valve of the heat exchanger is capable of withstanding a maximum pressure of 4 bar. The casings of the heating elements are used quite dense. Due to this, their noise level does not exceed 45 dB. The protection system for instantaneous water heaters is available in the IP30 series. Thermal insulation sheets for models are used with a thickness of at least 2 mm. Protective gaskets are installed under the thermostats by the manufacturer. If we talk about the shortcomings, then experts mention a rather complicated setup of models. This is due to the fact that the control units have quite a lot of functions.

Probes, as a rule, are mounted precisely anti-corrosion. If the water used in the house is of poor quality, then this is a great advantage. However, this element is displayed quite significantly on the price. Heating systems are mainly installed with a length of at least 7.5 cm. The cold water pipe has a diameter of exactly 2.3 cm. There are no flow sensors for water heaters of the presented brand. A good model will cost around 5400 rubles.

Water heater "Vailant VED12"

This instantaneous storage water heater for an apartment has mostly positive reviews. If you believe the buyers, then this model has a quality manual switch. The control unit in this case is a multi-channel sample. The owner is able to use the economy mode. The power consumption of the "Vailant VED12" is a maximum of 2 W per hour.

The performance of the presented instantaneous water heater is at around 3 liters per minute. This model has a mounting plate. According to experts, it is possible to mount the Vailant VED12 instantaneous water heater only on fittings. It has no flow sensors. Also of the shortcomings, a rather small cold water pipe should be noted. Due to this, the user may experience certain problems when installing the device on the wall.

Filters are provided by the manufacturer only with a mesh type. They are installed at the instantaneous water heater under the control unit. The owner is able to set the maximum temperature to 55 garus. Probes in this case are used with a special anti-corrosion coating. The presented flow-through water heater for an apartment costs around 5200 rubles.

Model "Vailant VED24"

If you believe the reviews of the owners, then the specified instantaneous water heater is ideal for a small family.

The probe is installed in an anti-corrosion type. In turn, the heating element is shielded, and its length is 7.2 cm. A protective gasket is installed under the thermostat. Thermal insulation sheets are used with a thickness of 2 mm. The control unit of the presented model has a multi-channel type.

This allows the user to select different operating modes. In this case, the manufacturer provides a push-button setting. This instantaneous water heater costs about 5 thousand rubles.

The presence of hot water is one of the indispensable attributes of a comfortable life. Citizens are so accustomed to such conditions that the temporary shutdown of hot water supply becomes a lot of inconvenience. There is also a lack of hot water outside the city, in dachas. An electric instantaneous water heater can solve this problem. This device can supply hot water not only on a temporary basis, but also on a permanent basis: you can build a hot water supply system for a private house.

Principle, device and features of work

An electric instantaneous water heater is a small device that heats water flowing through it. The heating element is a heating element (tubular electric heater) or an open spiral. Heaters with heating elements are more common - they are safer and the heating element is easier to replace. In very compact models - faucet nozzles, etc. - there is simply nowhere to put the heating element, therefore an open spiral is used.

The device turns on when the flow appears (the tap opens), turns off when the flow disappears. The set temperature is gained in a few seconds, after which it is maintained constantly (with sufficient power of the heating element).

Externally, a conventional instantaneous electric water heater is a small plastic case connected to cold water and electricity. Has one outlet for hot water. Depending on the purpose, it can supply hot water to one (individual) or several (system) points of analysis.

What parts does an electric instantaneous water heater consist of?

The structure of a flowing water heater is simple, there are the following elements:

  • Cold water inlet. It is connected to the water supply, usually with a braided flexible hose.
  • Flow sensor. It monitors the appearance of water in the device (the tap is opened) and turns on the heating element. It also turns off the heating when the flow disappears (the tap is closed).
  • Tank with heating element. A small container, inside of which there is a heating element, curved in the form of a spiral. This is where the water is heated.
  • Hot water outlet. From the tank with water goes a tube through which heated water is discharged.

As you can see, the device is simple. There is also a control panel on the cover, where the conductors from the flow sensor and the heating element are brought out - so that you can adjust the operating mode and monitor the status of the device (on indication).

Types and connection to water supply and electricity

There are two main types of instantaneous electric water heaters: pressure and non-pressure. Pressure pumps are also called system and often have the word Sistem in their name. They plug into the gap water pipe, as a rule, have a large capacity and can provide hot water to two or more draw points.

Non-pressure or individual instantaneous water heaters are connected as usual Appliances- through a flexible hose or a branch of a water pipe. They supply one point with heated water, have relatively small capacities (3-7 kW) and low cost. They exist in different forms:

If you need to wait a few weeks when the hot water supply is turned off, you can supply an individual non-pressure electric instantaneous water heater of any kind. If a constant supply of hot water is required, it would be more rational to install a pressure unit.

Connecting a pressure water heater to the water supply

Pressure or system electric water heaters are connected to existing system water supply in a broken pipe. They crash with a tee, which installed before the first branch. Cut-off valves are installed at the inlet of cold and hot water. Ball Valves. They turn off the device if there is a centralized hot water supply. These cranes are also needed so that, if necessary, the device can be removed for repair or replacement.

Quality tap water leaves much to be desired and embed the heater better after the filter. If there is no filter at the entrance to the apartment, it is advisable to install it either immediately after the branch to the apartment, or already in front of the water heater.

In a private house, such a unit will work if there is pumping station or a self-assembled system with a hydraulic accumulator. It crashes after all the filters, from the output there is a wiring to consumers.

Non-pressure connection to water

A non-pressure (individual) electric instantaneous water heater of a standard type is connected like a regular household appliance. There must be a tap from the water supply with a tap and a thread at the end. Using a flexible braided hose, the device is connected to the water supply.

Nozzles on the tap for heating water - a small group. They are mainly screwed onto the threads at the end of the spout (gander). To do this, first unscrew the grid, which is usually installed there.

Some time ago there were quite a lot of them, but they differed in low efficiency. The nozzle itself has a solid size and you can’t attach it to a low crane - it interferes. TO In addition, faucets with electric water heating have appeared on the market, which heat water better, have the ability to adjust the temperature and are more convenient to use. They are installed in place of a conventional faucet on a sink or sink. The only difference between the installation is the need for an electrical connection.

Electrical connection

Any electric instantaneous water heater is a powerful and requires a separate power line. As an exception, you can connect to the line that goes to the electric stove - the line is suitable for the parameters. Only in this case it is necessary to ensure that the stove and instantaneous water heater are not switched on at the same time, otherwise the machine will work on overload.

The connection of a flowing electric water heater is standard - from the shield, the phase from zero is brought to a two-contact RCD (it is imperative to break both the phase and zero), then the phase is also turned on to the machine and only after that it is supplied to the consumer.

The connection itself can be made through a three-pin plug with a socket with a mandatory ground connection. You can also install a contact plate or connect a cable directly to the appropriate heater inputs.

They pull the power line with a copper wire (mono-wire):

  • up to 7 kW section 3.5 mm;
  • from 7 to 12 kW - 4 mm.

The machine is selected according to the maximum current consumption (available in technical specifications). They take the nearest higher denomination (if you take a smaller one, there will be a lot of extra operations - every time you switch to maximum power). RCDs are taken one step higher at face value, the leakage current is 10 mA.

Read more about the selection of circuit breaker ratings.

Control type

You can adjust the operation of the electric water heater (change the degree of heating) using several regulators, which are located on the control panel. Management is hydraulic and electronic.

An electric instantaneous water heater with hydraulic control heats the water by a certain number of degrees. It always turns on maximum power, even if it has several different heating modes. And even if one of the modes was set before turning off, it will turn on again from the maximum.

He also has one more feature - the water heats up by a certain number of degrees. It is necessary to change the degree of heating manually - switching modes after switching on. Moreover, the maximum temperature delta, most often, is 25 ° C. That is, if at the inlet you have water + 5 ° C, then at the outlet of such a device it simply cannot be warmer than + 30 ° C (with full flow). This does not mean that the unit is broken or not working properly. This means that he simply cannot make it warmer. You can slightly correct the situation by reducing the pressure, then you can achieve a slight increase in temperature, but you will not get full hot water in such conditions from such a unit.

Electronically controlled units usually have more power and a significantly higher price. This is due to the fact that they have heating elements with multi-stage power control, and they are more expensive. In addition, the "stuffing" of such an apparatus is more complicated - there are several sensors, in addition, it also contains a microprocessor that processes data and regulates the operation of the heaters. If the unit is selected correctly in terms of power, it will be able to maintain the set temperature (usually up to 40 ° C) with a deviation of one degree.

Choosing an electric instantaneous water heater by power

Whatever type of electric water heater you choose, you need to choose the right power for it. That's right, in this case, it's so that it lives up to your expectations. The easiest way is to focus on the number of taps that will require the simultaneous supply of hot water:

Not all electrical networks can withstand such capacities. Often the total allocated power per house or apartment is much less. In this case, it is worth considering the possibility of installing less powerful individual instantaneous water heaters or. Great option- but it is for those who have the ability to connect to the gas main.

Selection by water consumption (capacity)

You can choose an electric instantaneous water heater according to the required flow rate. There are norms for the consumption of hot water for different consumers. By adding up the required flow rate for your case, you will get the desired figure. So the average cost is:

When choosing, you must match both the power value and the flow rate. In this case, water at all flow points that can work simultaneously will be supplied at a given temperature. If not, you will have to ensure that only one tap is open at a time.

What the market has to offer

The choice of electric instantaneous water heaters is at least large ... You can easily get confused. What should you pay attention to besides power and performance? On the material from which the tank and the heating element are made. The tank can be copper, stainless and plastic. This information is not provided by all manufacturers, but if it is not available, most likely the filling is made of plastic. It is, of course, heat-resistant, but not as reliable as metals.

Also pay attention to the minimum and maximum cold water pressure at which the unit can operate. There are capricious models, for the connection of which it is required to install a reducer on our networks.

NamePowerDimensionsPerformanceAmount of pointsControl typeOperating pressurePrice
Thermex System 8008 kW270*95*170mm6 l/min1-3 hydraulic0.5-6 bar73$
Electrolux Smartfix 2.0 TS (6.5 kW)6.5 kW270*135*100mm3.7 l/min1 hydraulic0.7-6 bar45$
AEG RMC 757.5 kW200*106*360mm 1-3 electronic0.5-10 bar230$
Stiebel Eltron DHM33 kW190*82*143mm3.7 l/min1-3 hydraulic6 bar290$
Evan B1 - 9.459.45 kW260*190*705mm3.83 l/min1 mechanical0.49-5.88 bar240$
Electrolux NPX 8 Flow Active8.8 kW226*88*370mm4.2 l/min1-3 electronic0.7-6 bar220$

Separately, it is worth talking about taps with electric water heating. They are also called faucet-water heater. They appeared not so long ago, but are quickly gaining popularity, as they are easy to use, just connect.

NameControl typeHeating rangeOperating pressureConnection sizePower / voltageHousing materialPrice
ATLANTA ATH-983auto30-85°Cfrom 0.05 to 0.5 MPa1/2" 3 kW / 220 Vceramics40-45$
Aquatherm KA-002mechanicalup to +60°Cfrom 0.04 to 0.7 MPa1/2" 3 kW / 220 Vcomposite plastic80$
Aquatherm KA-26mechanicalup to +60°Cfrom 0.04 to 0.7 MPa1/2" 3 kW / 220 Vcomposite plastic95-100$
Delimanoautoup to +60°C0.04 - 0.6 MPa1/2" 3 kW/220-240 Vplastic, metal45$
L.I.Z. (Delimano)hydraulicup to +60°C0.04-0.6 MPa1/2" 3 kW/220-240 Vheat resistant ABS plastic50$