Water pipes      06/12/2019

A unique wellness procedure is a beer bath. Beer spa baths in Prague

Hello friends! This is the final part of Vyacheslav's review, in which you will learn about beer baths in Chodova Plana and the Chodovar brewery. Last time it was about For everyone who lives on the territory of the Khodovar complex, an excursion to the brewery is free of charge. Hotel U Sladka has a spa center where you can book massages and beer baths.

Despite the large assortment of delicious beers, the Czechs went further and came up with: banana, coffee, cherry, nettle and chili beer. But this is all just a marketing ploy. Beer with additives and colorings palatability, of course, loses to the classic light and dark.

Review of beer baths.

Excursion to the Khodovar brewery

A tour of the brewery begins with a 15-minute video. After that, the guide leads through the shops where beer is made.

The first brewery in Chodova Plan was built in 1573, but a strong fire destroyed it. In 1862, the new owner built a brewery that has practically retained its original appearance.

The Khodovar plant works only in the first half of the day, and in the afternoon there are excursions to the plant.

Here technologists taste beer and check its quality.

According to the recipe, germinated malt is mixed with water and beer wort is brewed in such a vat.

In the next workshop, hops and barley are added to live beer, and the fermentation process begins. I myself did not know, although I work in the beer industry, how non-alcoholic beer is made.

According to our guide, beer after brewing and before refining is poured into baths, where it languishes. For non-alcoholic languor, it takes only an hour and a half, and for normal beer, it takes 3 days.

After that, the beer enters the bottling shop and .... to sleep. :)

The plant serves only 30 people, and the total number of workers at the Khodovar complex is 330.

In general, no military secrets will be revealed to you at the Khodovar brewery, but many will like the process and tasting.

Beer baths in Chodova Plana

After checking into the hotel, they explained everything to us and gave us leaflets on which a list of procedures was indicated. We checked into the rooms at 14.00 and an hour later we were taking beer baths.

If you think that the bathtub will be filled with one beer for you, then you are deeply mistaken. Initially, a metal container is filled with mineral water from a spring at a temperature of 36º C, a pre-prepared sourdough from malt and crushed hops is also added there, and another 5-6 liters of fresh beer are added there.

They take beer baths in swimming trunks, a swimsuit or without them. Sheets serve as partitions from prying eyes.

Taking a bath, you can drink beer in unlimited quantities. The composition of beer baths can vary, and aromatic herbs are often added there.

You don't have to worry about hygiene sanitary norms observed, wash and fill the bath in the presence of customers.

There are single and double baths, but the two of them in one bath are cramped. From the tap, you can add cold or hot water, adjust the temperature according to your feelings.

You will not be allowed to simply lie in such a bath for 20 minutes, because you still need to take beer inside. :) , but not from the bath, but from a glass filled under the tap.

Bathing in beer is arranged every hour, there are always those who wish, so it is better to sign up for the procedure in advance.

Beer baths relax and heal the skin thanks to vitamin B, heal some skin diseases have a beneficial effect on the joints.

After taking a beer bath, everyone is wrapped in a sheet and invited to a quiet room, where they are wrapped in blankets. And ... .. another mug of beer is already standing next to you. Relaxation continues for 20 minutes, with calm music, no chatter, only beer and twilight. We had the exact same procedure 2 days later.

After completing the procedures, it is advisable not to wash for 4 hours, otherwise the whole process will go down the drain. We sat in the room with a stopwatch :) so as not to wash off the fragrance of beer ahead of time, although in the room all shower products are also based on local beer.

The next day we were invited for a massage. Professional masseurs speak German, English and Russian.

During wraps for 20-30 minutes, I sweated as if I were in a 120 degree sauna. Having unwrapped me, the massage therapist asked me to rinse in the shower and return to the original one. The massage I received was 10+.

The mass for wrapping consisted of hops, which, after fermentation, were heated to 55 degrees.

Another massage we got was with stones. Heated stones were evenly spread from the feet to the calves, then higher, to the neck. The couple were in socks and a couple were laid on the buttocks. You can breathe, but it is undesirable to move.

Turning me back into a baby, wrapping me in towels from head to toe, playing music, turning off the lights. Twilight and calm music relaxed. The dream really did not visit me, because after 25 minutes they undressed me, removed the stones, rubbed them with oils and began to massage my back and cervical vertebrae. Then they sat down and continued.
Unlike the first massage, undress not completely.

Tip: you need to bring slippers, a bathrobe and a good mood. The package for 3 nights and 4 days does not include a sauna. Price per hour 5€ per person.

Towels and sheets are given when ordering a sauna.

The hotel has a swimming pool and sauna.

If you want to sign up for a massage, it is better to do it in the afternoon, and take beer baths in the morning.


3 nights, 4 days in December 14th for two - 360 €.

The price included:

2 times beer baths, 2 times massage. Once with pebbles, second time with hot hops.

Meals in the morning and evening (at the restaurant)

Second time 4 nights and 5 days - 436€

Sauna every day (1 hour)

3 beer baths and 3 massages. The previous two + one more aroma massage of the whole body.

I do not advise taking 1 or 2 days. In recalculation, it turns out that by purchasing a package, you will spend less than for each procedure or bath separately.

The company store sells high-quality beer-based cosmetics: gels, shampoos, bath foam.

And for those who are hungry after a busy holiday, there is a restaurant "In the rock" (link at the beginning of the article.)

On this, perhaps, we can finish. Beer baths in the village of Chodova Plana have never been exotic, on the contrary, it is from here that they got their spread. Do you want to make sure they healing benefits come to the Czech Republic!

Thank you Vyacheslav for the informative review! Thank you all for your attention!

Have you ever taken a beer bath? You will answer - no, that's also why it is. Cosmetologists say that beer and hops have a healing effect on the skin. And all thanks to the fact that they contain iron, selenium, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, as well as vitamins B1 and B3. The best SPA resorts in Japan offer this procedure to their wealthy clients. Not so long ago, beer baths became popular in the best hotels in London. Rich Englishmen are ready to pay a lot of money for this pleasure. And I will tell you how to take such a bath at home.

To do this, add 0.5 liters of dark beer to the bath. The water should be fairly hot, but not scalding. Take a bath for 10-15 minutes, while the heart area should be above the water level. If you are confused by the smell, then try to choose a less odorous variety of this drink.

By the way, beer steam is very useful for the skin. It is no coincidence that true lovers of bathing in the bath pour beer on hot coals.

Starting today's topic, we are afraid to imagine how men will react to it. After all, we are talking about beer baths. The surprise of absolutely any person is now understandable. After all, beer is a traditional low-alcohol drink. And in our country, when no one sees any other reason for using beer, it even sounds absurd. But we are in a hurry to inform you that this is not a hoax, but a real healing procedure that came to us from the very heart of Europe. No need to think that you need to fill the entire bath with beer. Just a few liters will suffice. In addition to the beer itself, which, by the way, is made specifically for the procedure, some other ingredients are used. Yes! Special beer is used, so true connoisseurs can exhale! Of course, it will not be possible to use the beer that is sold in stores, because the procedures require a product of natural fermentation, and not chemical synthesis, which beer has become in industrial projection. So what is beer, really?

Beer is a low-alcohol drink obtained by alcoholic fermentation of malt wort with the help of brewer's yeast. The history of beer begins in the early Neolithic, and this is about 9500 BC. It was at this time, according to scientists, that the cultivation of grain crops began. And the grain itself was first grown specifically for brewing beer, and not for bread. In the Middle Ages, when beer production moved to the monasteries, the monks improved the technology and used hops for the first time. Well, in our country, the mention of this drink dates back to 1360-1380. Beer was considered a drink for the poor, for those who could not afford wine. But, despite this, beer gradually occupied its niche. The French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur revolutionized brewing when he discovered that brewer's yeast is a living organism. A little later, the Danish botanist Emil Christian Hansen began work on breeding a pure strain of yeast for brewing. It is this period that can be considered fundamental to the "beer boom".

As for the naturalness of beer, it must be said that the average alcohol content in beer is about 5% vol. Ordinary brewer's yeast stops working when it reaches a strength of more than 5.4% alcohol. For the production of strong beer, yeast that is particularly resistant to alcohol is used. The record of the fortress with the traditional method of brewing was beer with an alcohol content of 14%. But drinking beer is hardly suitable for health purposes.

What are the benefits of beer baths?

Say what you like, but the beneficial properties of beer for the body are undeniable, fermentation products affect the body only in a positive perspective. So, if we consider the direct impact, we note that beer baths have a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair. In general, everything with which it comes into contact during the procedure. Beer is an active antioxidant, blocking free radicals, which allows us to talk about the effect of rejuvenation. In this capacity, it not only slows down aging, but also prevents cardiovascular disease and helps restore muscle tissue. Beer also stabilizes blood pressure.

Hops, used in the production of beer, is also a component in the production of the well-known medicinal product"Valocordin". All because of the special qualities of hops on the human body: it relaxes, has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. And this circle useful properties is not limited.

How to prepare a beer bath?

Before answering this question, we will note some features of beer baths. First of all, as we have already noted, specially prepared dark beer is used. Therefore, it becomes logical that such procedures are far from cheap. In our country, unfortunately, there are no spa salons located together with a private brewery, so the highest quality service will be provided to you only in Europe. Czechs have become innovators in this matter. In a place called Chodova Plana, the first beer spa center is located specifically for such procedures. Currently, such spa-salons are common in the Czech Republic and Germany. But you shouldn't be upset. In Russia, in the city of Anapa, the construction of a shopping complex called "Red Square" has already begun, where it is planned to place the first in Russia beer spa-salon "Bogerhaus".

And now let's move on to the preparation of the procedure itself. First, you will need to find a quality dark draft beer. And secondly, follow our advice. It is recommended to take such a bath for no more than 20 minutes, and after the procedures you need to rest for at least half an hour. The time limit is due to the alcohol content in the water, with a longer exposure, it will become destructive. The temperature of the bath should be no more than 38 degrees. You can also add some dried herbs to give a fragrance and relax the body.

For one bath, you will need no more than three liters of dark, unpasteurized beer. Please note that the secret of traditional beer baths is kept in the strictest confidence by keepers from Europe, so there are very few people who know the true recipe for a special dark beer for beer baths. But, despite this, a similar effect can be achieved at home.

After the end of the procedures, it is necessary to immediately rinse the bath so that the color of non-beer is not absorbed into it. And do not forget to leave the bathroom door open so that alcohol vapors quickly disappear from it.

Beer has always been a popular drink, but the procedure of beer baths has become modern society something elite. That is why the keepers cherish the secret of a special beer that can rejuvenate you and breathe more energy into you. But some information still leaks out, so beer procedures have become available to everyone.

Today, there are many wellness procedures that help improve health and boost immunity. Among all the variety, one can single out a beer bath. In cosmetology, this kind of procedure is used to rejuvenate the skin. Doctors note the content of microelements important for humans in hops - selenium, zinc, iron, copper, as well as B vitamins. In Japan, America, this procedure is the most effective method, affecting the acceleration of the regeneration of the entire body.

Preparing such a bath is quite simple: 20 liters of beer are added to a bath filled with warm (about 35 - 37 degrees) water. Beer is the best dark varieties, with a pleasant aroma. For such a procedure the best option is a "live beer", it does not contain preservatives and it is made according to a traditional recipe. Take a bath with beer should be about 15 - 20 minutes. The course consists of 5 or 10 sessions, which are held every day or every other day. To make the beer bath more effective, it is best to take it at least an hour and a half after the main bath.

Benefits of a beer bath:

  • rejuvenation of cells and skin
  • Helps with excessive sweating oily skin, with acne
  • beer vapor closes pores, which helps to reduce fat formation (acne, acne, greasiness, irritation disappear)
  • regeneration processes are accelerated, the upper layers of the skin are renewed. Often a beer bath is prescribed for eczema and psoriasis.
  • minerals and microelements contained in beer relax the body, relieve fatigue, normalize the functioning of the nervous system
  • a warm bath warms up the joints well, helps to strengthen them, improves the body's resistance
  • lower blood pressure, weight loss

The beer and yeast cultures contained in this drink tone the skin well, after the bath, the upper dead particles of the skin are naturally removed, and there is no need to apply scrub or peeling, which is especially important for sensitive skin. present in beer essential oils have a beneficial effect on the skin - it becomes tender, soft, well hydrated. Inhaled beer vapors help to saturate the body with oxygen, the simultaneous relaxing and warming effect relieves the body of traces of stress.

But, despite such a huge positive effect on the human body, beer baths have several contraindications. First of all, they are prohibited in diseases that occur in an acute form (genitourinary, cardiovascular, kidney failure and so on.). It is also forbidden to take any baths, not only beer ones, with various neoplasms in the body, both benign and malignant, as well as with an acute stage of the tuberculosis process. This procedure is not recommended for women who are in position. With caution, a beer bath is prescribed for infectious diseases, progressive glaucoma, intolerance to some components that make up beer.