Toilet      07.03.2020

What kind of watermelon is best? Photos and descriptions of common and unique varieties of watermelons Watermelon with a dark green rind

Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 70-81 days.
  • The fruit is round or slightly oblong in shape with a smooth surface.
  • The color is green, the pattern consists of spike-like stripes of dark green color.
  • The flesh is bright red, very sweet and juicy.
  • The average weight of a watermelon: 8-10 kg.

Crimson Suite

Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 67-82 days
  • The fruit is round, the surface is smooth
  • In color and pattern, it is very similar to Astrakhan, only it shines more distinctly in the light.
  • Has soft sweet flesh
  • Average weight of watermelon: 4-5 kg

Crimson glory F1

Variety description:

  • rounded fruit
  • It is resistant to diseases, has a fairly long shelf life, tolerates transportation well.
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 12-15 kg

Madeira F1

Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 70 days
  • The fruit is round or slightly elongated
  • The color of the peel is light green, the pattern is in the form of spots and stripes.
  • The pulp has a juicy crunch and a sweet taste.
  • Average weight of watermelon: 6-8 kg

Charleston gray

Variety description:

  • The fruit is oblong in shape, a bit like a zucchini
  • The color of the peel is light green, without patterns
  • The flesh is monotonously red in color, characterized by the ability to retain a fresh sweet taste for a long time.
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 12 kg


Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 85-97 days
  • The fruit is spherical
  • Dark green color with light spots
  • The flesh is bright red, with a sweet taste
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 7 kg


Variety description:

  • The fruit is slightly oblong
  • The crust has a bright light green color, a pattern in the form of green stripes
  • Has soft flesh
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 4 kg


Variety description:

  • Fruit shape - ball
  • Thick rind, dark green. Drawing in the form of dark broken lines
  • The pulp is exceptionally tender
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 3 kg


Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 71-87 days
  • The fruit is perfectly spherical
  • Color is black-green, without visible patterns. The crust is thin
  • Flesh tender, red
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 2 kg

sugar baby

Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 75-85 days
  • The fruits are round.
  • Fruit color dark green
  • The flesh is bright red, very sweet
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 4 kg

Gift of the Sun

Variety description:

  • Ripening time from emergence: 67-73 days
  • Fruits are oblong
  • The color of the peel is yellow, reminiscent of a melon or pumpkin
  • The flesh is usually red, tender and sweet.
  • Average weight of a watermelon: 4 kg.

Watermelons are a favorite treat for both children and adults. Therefore, be sure to allocate at least a small area in your garden for planting gourds. On how to choose a delicious variety and get a good harvest, I will share my experience. Among them are not only ordinary, but also exotic, with various combinations of colors, unusual shapes and excellent sweet, sometimes even fruity taste. All varietal watermelons can be ordered from me.

Planting a watermelon in the Krasnodar Territory

The end of April and the beginning of May are always hot in Kuban. Planted seedlings at this time take root for a very long time. But there is one way to avoid this.

Place to land

  • I usually choose a place for planting gourds with autumn.
  • With a shovel I dig several parallel trenches at a distance of 0.6-0.7 m from each other, to a depth of 30-40 cm.
  • At the bottom of the groove I put fresh manure and various garden organic debris (small branches, leaves, etc.), and on top I fall asleep with earth.


  • In the spring, when all the snow melts and the soil warms up, I add a little more earth.
  • Having spilled the grooves in the evening with a hot solution of manganese, in the morning I plant seedlings in them. The tops of the seedlings should not rise above the soil level (the edges of the trench).
  • To protect the seedlings from the bright sun, I shade them with willow branches, which I stick with a tent into the edges of the ditch. And that's it, you can forget about seedlings for a week or two.
  • During this time, the plants will take root perfectly and quickly grow. Only after that you can already remove the shelters.
  • The feeding area of ​​each seedling was determined to be approximately 1 m², and the plants began to develop under the open sun.

Soil for planting

The taste and aroma of watermelons, like melons, largely depends on the composition of the soil.

  • Heavy, clayey and poor soils are not suitable for growing watermelons and melons.
  • Melons prefer light sandy, fertile soils without stagnant water and are very fond of the sun.
  • The more sunny days, the sweeter the fruits.

Photo: Watermelon variety Cream Of Saskat

Watermelon care: watering, pinching, prevention

To get the most delicious fruits of watermelons already in August, you need to take care of this in advance: pinch and pinch plants on time and correctly, monitor watering, and apply organic fertilizers for growth, development and disease prevention.

Pasynkovanie watermelons

  1. To do this, you should trim the extra lashes - the plant spends its strength on them, and absolutely all the fruits that have begun to ripen in the conditions of the middle lane will not be able to ripen, this is a proven fact.
  2. Therefore, watermelons need to cut out all the side lashes, leaving only the main one - female flowers form on it.

How to stepson watermelons:

Do not pinch the main stem!

  • We pluck out stepsons.
  • Large-fruited varieties leave 3-4 fruits.
  • Small-fruited 4-6 fruits.
  • We leave 6-7 leaves and pinched the top.
  • Leave 1-2 shoots per plant. And on a watermelon, both 7 and 8 stems usually grow ...
  • Between the leaf and the main stem there is a stepson, like a tomato or cucumber, you pluck it!

watering watermelon

  1. After planting a watermelon bush in the ground around it, I form deepening with a radius of at least 1 m, in which regular watering should be carried out so that the water immediately goes under the root, and does not spread in different directions.
  2. Also a must mulch the surface of the soil, and it doesn’t matter what you have - straw, hay, grass, any husk is suitable for these purposes. Mulched trunk circle with a radius of 0.5-1 m.

top dressing

1-2 weeks after planting, the watermelon will begin to grow actively. At this time, you need to start feeding him.

  • You can feed with herbal infusion or yeast - both of these top dressings are optimal for watermelon.
  • Watermelon should be fed regularly every 10-15 days.

Prevention of late blight

  • Watermelons suffer greatly from phytophthora.
  • Top dressing in the form of a yeast solution saves the plant from this scourge.


I shared about the varieties and features of growing melons in my other article:

Varieties of watermelons

Many have their own proven favorite varieties that are grown year after year. But not every gardener knows that the world of melons is very diverse and counts in thousands of varieties, including amateur ones. In this note I want to talk about the varieties of watermelons that I was lucky to grow.

I think many gardeners would like to try to grow at least a few plants of such a miracle on their site. After all, many of these varieties, in addition to all of the above, have excellent decorative qualities.

Photo: Varieties of watermelon Snake of Georgia

Cream Of Saskatchewan (Watermelon Cream, Saskatchewan)

An old variety allegedly brought by Russian immigrants to Canada. Productive, drought tolerant. Round fruit with light green thin skin and dark green stripe. White or creamy flesh, excellent very sweet taste. It can reach a weight of up to 10 kg, but usually 4-5 kg. Well suited for the northern regions, ripening 80 days.

Photo: Cream Of Saskatchewan variety

Orange Peach - An exotic, rare, early ripening variety from the USA. The period from germination to harvest is 90 days. The fruits are round - elongated, green with dark green stripes, weighing 5 - 6 kg. The flesh is yellow-orange, very tender and sweet. The plant is productive and disease resistant. The supplier country is the USA.

Photo: Variety Orange Peach

Peach (Peach) - Early variety, ripening period - 90 days. The fruits are round - elongated, green with dark green stripes, weighing 5 - 6 kg. The flesh is orange-pink, reminiscent of a peach in color and taste, very tender and sweet. Exotic, rare variety!

Photo: variety Peach (Peach)

Tender Sweet Bi-Colour - Medium climbing plant, early maturing (85-90 days). The fruits are round, slightly flat, green in color with dark green stripes and with a yellow spot on the side. The flesh is red, with an orange tint. Very tasty, sweet, refreshing, delicious taste. Weight on average 3-4 kg.

Photo: Tender Sweet Bi-Colour

Tender Sweet Orange - 85-90 days. Delicate watermelon of sweet orange-pink color. The fruits are elongated, dark green in color with light green stripes and yellow spots. The flesh is orange with a pink tint. Very tasty, sweet, refreshing, delicious taste. This is one of the best varieties of watermelon with orange-pink flesh. Weight on average 4-5 kg, but can grow up to 20 kg.

Photo: Variety Tender Sweet Orange

Yellow Wonder - An early maturing variety that ripens 70-75 days after sowing. The fruits are elongated-oval, leveled, with a strong bark of a beautiful rich yellow color. The average weight of the fruit is 4.5 kg. The pulp is bright red, juicy, aromatic, with a taste of carrots. The sugar content is 10-11%. Seeds are small, black.

Photo: Yellow Wonder variety

Snake of Georgia - Variety Snake of Georgia, you will not immediately understand that this is a watermelon. The pattern on the bark is exactly like snake skin. Early variety, suitable for outdoor cultivation in middle lane and in the south of Russia. The plant is climbing, the main lash is of medium length to long. The fruit is oblong-oval, smooth, salad green, with prickly light green stripes of medium width. Fruit weight 10 kg. The pulp is bright scarlet, sweet, with a unique aroma.

Photo: variety Snake of Georgia

Golden - Variety from China. Ultraearly, 63-70 days. The plant is medium climbing, medium leafy. The fruits are not large, rounded, bright green-golden in color, thin-skinned. The pulp is intensely golden yellow, soft-grained, juicy, sweet with the aroma of watermelon and exotic fruits. The average fruit weight is 1-2 kg. High yielding, drought tolerant variety.

Photo: Variety Golden

Golden teacher - Variety with golden-green-yellow bark. Early maturing: from germination to ripening - 68-73 days. The plant is short, compact. The fruits are smooth, rounded, weighing 3.5-4.5 kg. The flesh is bright red-orange, tender-grainy, juicy and very sweet. The sugar content reaches 10.4-11.0%

Photo: Variety Golden teacher

Shining Cream - American selection. Mid-season. The fruits are round, the skin is white-yellow-cream, with green longitudinal stripes. The flesh is orange-pink, very sweet. Weight up to 3 kg. Up to 8 fruits are knitted on one bush.

Photo: variety Shining Cream

Fu-Then - The plant is long-branched, widely branched, early ripening up to 60 days. The fruits are oval, weighing 1-2 kg. The bark is thin, white-golden with faint green strokes, the flesh is bright red, juicy, sweet. High yield both in the greenhouse and in the open field, sets up to 8 fruits at the same time.

Photo: Variety Phu-Then

Hong Tsai Bao - Early (70-80 days). Miracle of the Chinese collection. The plant is long-leafed, medium leafy, simultaneously sets up to 25 fruits. The fruits are round, portioned, weighing 1-2 kg, they are distinguished by a delicious taste and precocity. The bark is dark green with a black pattern. The pulp is bright yellow, sugary-granular, with an amazing honey taste. It has a particularly long fruiting period. This variety is easy to care for, grows well both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Can be grown even on the balcony, the fruits in this case will be 300-500 g

Jing-Kang-Xiao-Huan - (Beijing small yellow stove) (China) - a variety of very early watermelon with yellow flesh of the highest quality. Long fruiting period. The fruits are beautiful, rounded, weighing 1.5-2 kg. The correct pattern stands out on a light green peel. The pulp is crystal yellow, sweet, refreshing, tender, the peel is thin. It can be grown both on the ground and on a trellis.

Photo: Variety Jing-Kang-Xiao-Huan

Miracle berry - An early ripening thin-skinned variety with juicy yellow-creamy-pink flesh, a vegetative period of 80-90 days, round fruits of dark green color. Cultivation is simple, sowing in open/protected soils is possible. Timely sowing and removal of lateral shoots will bear fruits weighing from 2 to 4 kg. The berry is indispensable in the preparation of nutritious watermelon honey, candied fruits. Seeds of medium size (length 13.0-14.0 mm, width 8.0-9.0 mm), light Brown, smooth.

Amber - A medium-sized, round-oval watermelon with a dark green skin with light strokes, similar to the sun's rays. Juicy, sweet pulp, unusual bright orange color with small dark few seeds.

Photo: Variety Amber

The taste is simply outstanding - reminiscent of a real sherbet, will give everyone great pleasure. The skin is so thin that the watermelon consists almost entirely of pulp. For better ripening, 1-2 fruits are left on the plant. From sowing to ripening 80 days. The weight of one berry is 3-4 kg.

Photo: Variety of watermelon Yantar

Watermelon is a berry that is actively grown in countries with a warm climate. But, despite this, watermelons have been planted in Russia for many years and get a good harvest. Of course, it all depends on the technology of planting, tillage and fertilizers.

Another thing to consider is the variety. It is the variety that affects the time of appearance of the first sprouts and fruits. Therefore, you should carefully familiarize yourself with all the characteristics of early and early ripening varieties of watermelons.

Early varieties of watermelons

It is worth noting that watermelon has a high content of beta-carotene, citrulline, antioxidants, lycopene. All these components increase immunity, prevent premature aging and cancer. Be sure to include a slice of watermelon in your diet every day during the warm season. (You can read about the benefits of watermelon for the body in this article).

Currently, agricultural technology provides a huge variety of early varieties of watermelons. Each differs from each other in taste, size and even the color of the pulp. But alone general characteristics is the rapid ripening of fruits.

Popular early varieties:

    1. "Spark". Plant vegetation - 60-70 days. Ripe berries are rounded. The peel has an elastic structure, the color is green with a black tint. Inside the berry is red. Seeds are small, black. Has high juiciness. It tastes like sugar, like honey. Berry weight 3 kg. According to agricultural technology, the planting period begins from the end of April to the beginning of May, it is desirable that the warming of the soil be +10 +18 degrees. This variety gives a good harvest. Excellent resistance to cold.
    2. "Gift to the North". Watermelons ripen in 65-80 days. The berry has a rounded appearance, medium size. The structure of the fruit is smooth greenish in color. Ripe watermelon weighs about 10 kg. Inside red or scarlet. It has high juiciness and sugar content. Grown in late April - early May. It resists diseases well and does not require additional care.

We offer to see interesting video how to grow early varieties of watermelon:

    1. "Au Producer". The time from the appearance of sprouts to ripened fruits is from 70 to 80 days. Ripe berries look like an oval. The structure is dense and smooth, the color is green. The stripes are clear, dark in color. The weight of the berry reaches up to 12 kg. The flesh has a scarlet or red color. The taste is sugary and juicy. Excellent resistance to stem rot, anthracosis. Therefore, the variety has good yield and transportation. It is recommended to grow it on sandy soils. The first crops are produced when the soil warms up to +15 degrees.

Watermelon "Spark", dark green with an almost black tint

    1. Crimson Ruby F1. The fruits ripen in 63-71 days. This is a fertile variety with powerful tops, excellent root and leaf system. The berry is oval, slightly elongated. The structure of the peel is dense, dark green in color, stripes of light green color with a white tint are clearly visible on the surface.

      The mass of watermelon is from 4 kg to 9 kg. Scarlet inside, with black or brown seeds. Crispy, sugary taste. The plant is not whimsical, can grow on any soil.

Interesting fact: The Japanese, known for their incredible inventions, developed a variety of square-shaped watermelons that take up less space during transportation. A little later, the idea of ​​square watermelons took root in the United Arab Emirates.

    1. "Ataman F1". The time from the appearance of sprouts to ripe berries is from 2 to 3 months. Berry oval or round. The structure is elastic green in color with a dark tint. The stripes are light green in color. The weight of a ripe fruit varies from 4 kg to 7 kg. The flesh is bright red or scarlet in color. The taste of the pulp is sugary, juicy. This variety is high-yielding, up to 15 kg of fruit can be harvested from one bush. In addition, watermelons tolerate diseases well. Can be stored for 30 to 40 days.

Watermelon "Farao F1", elliptical slightly oblong berry

    1. "Farao F1". The ripening time is from 65 to 81 days. In shape, it is an elliptical, slightly oblong berry. The skin is not thick. The surface structure is elastic, dark greenish in color. The stripes are light green in color. A ripe berry weighs from 3 to 6 kg. The color of the pulp is scarlet with dark brown seeds. It tastes juicy, crispy and sweet. Resistant to any disease. Grow in any soil. The yield is excellent, from one bush you can collect up to 7-8 kg.
    1. "Top Gun". The time from the appearance of sprouts to mature fruits is 60-65 days. The berry has a round appearance of medium size. The weight of a ripe berry reaches 16 kg. The structure of the peel is thin, smooth, dark greenish in color with light green stripes. Scarlet or red inside. Juicy and sweet in taste. The yield of the variety is very high, up to 20 kg of crop is harvested from one bush. Agrotechnics of cultivation recommends planting in open ground and under a film. Quietly tolerates fungal diseases.

Watermelon "Photon", oval-shaped fruit

    1. "Photon". The variety ripens in 2.5-3.5 months. According to agricultural technology, seeds are sown from late April to early May. The ripe berry has an oval appearance of medium size. The structure of the peel is elastic, the color is dark greenish, the stripes are light greenish. The weight of a ripened watermelon is from 6 to 9 kg. The pulp has a red or scarlet color. The taste is juicy and sugary. Seeds in mature fruits are not large black. The first harvest can be harvested in mid-July. This variety is not whimsical and resists fungal diseases well. The return of the crop is high, up to 10 kg of crop is harvested from one bush.
    2. "Bonta F1". Berries ripen in 62-81 days. The leaves are medium sized and dissected. The fruit is round small size. The peel is not very thick with a smooth surface, greenish in color, stripes of dark green color.

      The mass of the berry can reach up to 7 kg. Inside the watermelon is red, soft and crumbly. The taste of the fruit is sweet, sugary like honey. You can grow a variety in any soil, it tolerates diseases very well.

    3. "Shuga delicate F1". Fruit ripening occurs in 2-2.5 months. According to the description, the plant has a climbing appearance, the main lashes are of medium length. The appearance of the fruit is round. The skin is not thick with an elastic structure. The color of the skin is dark green with distinct stripes of light green. Inside the fruit is scarlet or red. It is juicy and sweet in taste. The mass of a ripe berry is 2-3 kg. According to agricultural technology, it must be grown in fertilized soil, preferably previously dug up. Judging by the description, this is a heat-loving plant, so it must be planted in warm soil up to 12-15 degrees. It tolerates any fungal diseases.

Watermelon "Karistan", a rounded green fruit with dark stripes

    1. "Karistan"- This is a medium variety. The fruits appear and reach maturity in 65-75 days. The fruit is round or oval. The color is green, the stripes are dark greenish. The skin is smooth and not very thick. Scarlet pulp with black seeds. It tastes sugary, crumbly and very juicy.

      The weight of a watermelon can reach up to 12 kilograms. According to agricultural technology, seeds are sown around the end of April - beginning of May. It is desirable that the earth warms up to +15 degrees.

This is interesting: Nutritionists believe that in the absence of contraindications, an adult can consume 2-2.5 kg of fresh watermelons per day.

    1. "Sweet Diamond". The period of appearance of mature berries is 60-75 days. This variety is high-yielding, on one stem it grows up to 12 kg of crop. The type of berry is round, small in size. The peel is not thick with a dense structure. The color of the surface is greenish, the stripes are light green. The weight of a ripe berry is 3-5 kg. Inside the watermelon is red or scarlet. It tastes juicy, crunchy and very sweet. Agrotechnics recommends planting seeds in
      By taste, the fruits are sugary and very juicy. You can sow seeds in open and closed ground.

Watermelon "Nica", ellipsoid fruit with light green stripes

    1. "Nice". The period from the appearance of sprouts to ripe berries is 2-2.5 months. The fruit has a short ellipsoid appearance. The structure has a smooth surface of a greenish color, stripes of a dark green color. The weight of a watermelon reaches 12 kg, sometimes 20 kg.
  1. "Sugar Lightning F1"- it's ultra early hybrid. Ripening time from 60 to 70 days. Judging by the description, the plant has short lashes, the length of the main lash is not more than 2 meters. The leaves are not large, medium dissected with narrow lobes. The type of fruit is round, medium in size. The skin is not thick with a black-green color, the stripes are mild. The mass of watermelon varies between 1.7-2.3 kg. The pulp is scarlet in color, tastes like honey, very sugary, juicy and fragrant. The variety is cold tolerant.

Early maturing varieties of watermelons

Watermelon "Sugar Baby", a rounded berry with slightly visible stripes

Early maturing varieties usually mature in 50 days. In addition, these varieties have small fruits, their weight reaches 7 kilograms.

Known early maturing varieties:

    1. "Skorik". Ripe berries appear in 65-90 days. The speed of reaching ripeness is 2-3 days. The stem is branched with long lashes. The main lash can grow up to 3 meters. The leaf blades are wide-lobed and dissected. The shape of the watermelon is round and smooth. The weight of the fetus can reach 3 kg. The pulp is scarlet, the taste of sugar is similar to honey.
    2. "Sugar Baby"(baby sludge). The time of appearance from cotyledon plants to the first fruits is one and a half months. It is a spherical berry in shape. The structure has a smooth surface with a greenish color, the stripes are weakly expressed. The mass of one berry is from 2 to 6.5 kilograms. The pulp has a carmine-ruby appearance, palpably grainy.

      It is very sweet and juicy in taste. The smell is mild. The skin is thick and quite hard. From one plant collect up to 10 kg. Excellent resistance to fruit anthracnose and other fungal diseases. Does not require additional care and grows quietly without watering. Ripe fruits can be eaten fresh and pickled for the winter.

Watermelon "Lady F1", small oval berry

    1. "Lady F1". Berry ripening time is from 60 to 70 days. Judging by the description of the lashes, this is a vigorous plant. The length of the main lash reaches 6 meters. The leaves are medium, dissected, green with a gray tint. The shape of the watermelon is oval, small in size. The skin is smooth with a dense structure. The surface color is yellow-greenish. Stripes of medium size dark greenish color. The pulp has a red or scarlet color. The structure of the pulp is crumbly and granular. It tastes juicy and sweet. The weight of the fetus reaches 7 kg.

Interesting to know: Vietnam has an interesting tradition. During the celebration of the Vietnamese New Year, watermelons are always served on the table, as it is considered the most important symbol of this holiday. A kind of talisman for the New Year.

    1. "Wed 2"- This is an ultra-early variety. Ripening time from 50 to 70 days. Grown in many regions of Russia, Moldova and Ukraine. The appearance of the fruit is oval-round with a ribbed structure. The crust is thin greenish in color, stripes of greenish color with a dark tint. The weight of a mature fetus is 5 kg. The pulp is red, the taste is sugary, fragrant.
    2. "Precocious Sugar". The ripening period is from 65-75 days. The plant has short whips, the length of the whip is 1.7 meters. The fruits are round and small. Fruit weight 4 kg. The skin is thin, 2-4 cm wide. Scarlet flesh with black seeds. The taste is sugary, juicy and sweet. Productivity is high, from one plant 6-12 kg. Excellent resistance to anthracnose and powdery mildew. The variety is grown in open and closed ground.

Watermelon "Eureka f1", has a bright scarlet hue of pulp

    1. "Eureka f1". Vegetation time from 2-2.5 months. The berry ripens in a week. The stem is small. The main lash is short. The leaves are small, the plate is dissected. Watermelon has a rounded appearance of medium size. Weight reaches 8 kg. The peel is medium or thick. The color of the fruit is dark green. The color of the pulp is scarlet. In terms of taste, watermelon is sugary and juicy. Seeds of a mature fruit are small black or dark brown. Good resistance to fungal diseases. The variety is not whimsical, it can be grown in any soil and without watering.
    1. "Sugar Lightning F1" is an ultra-early hybrid. Ripening time from 2-2.5 months. Judging by the description, the stem has short lashes, the length of the main lash reaches a maximum of 2 meters. The leaves are small, medium-dissected lobes are narrow. A ripe berry of a rounded shape of medium size. The peel is not thick, black-green in color with slightly pronounced stripes. The weight of the berry varies between 1.7-2.3 kg. Scarlet inside. Possesses "honey", sugary, juicy taste and pleasant aroma. The grade perfectly maintains low temperatures.

Watermelon "Sugar Lightning"

  1. "Turbo F1". It belongs to early maturing varieties. The ripening period is one and a half months. In shape, it is an oval berry of small size.

    The mass of a watermelon reaches 10 kg. The skin is thin, smooth, dark green in color. Light green stripes. Inside the watermelon is red, dense, sugary and juicy to taste. The variety has high yield, up to 7 berries can be tied on one bush. Agricultural technology: the fruit can be grown in sandy and sandy loamy soils. It is best to plant in warm soil up to +12 +15 degrees. The seeds are sown in early May.


Watermelon "Top Gun", the fruit is oval and distinct high content sugar

Sergey, 55 years old

“I have been cultivating for a long time. I grow different varieties watermelons. Basically, I prefer to choose early ripe varieties - "Spark", "Top Gun", "Boton", "Lightning", "Karistan", "Sweet Diamond". Be sure to follow the technology of planting seeds.

Excellent fruits. They ripen quickly, in about one and a half to two months I have a good harvest. Watermelons are sugary and juicy. The yield is high!

Alexey 48 years old

“I have been growing watermelons relatively recently, only 5 years. On my site I plant early and early ripening varieties - "Early Sugar", "Eureka", "Spark", "Sugar Baby", "Skorik", "Lady". For all the time I get an excellent harvest. Watermelons are very tasty, juicy, sweet. We all year round we eat fruits, marinate for the winter and just eat them fresh.”

Elena, 58 years old

"I love watermelons and on my suburban area I plant this berry every year. I plant early and early ripening varieties - "Spark", "Gift to the North", "Au Producer", "Ataman". The fruits grow large and taste sweet, juicy. The yield is good. Up to 7 fruits grow on each bush.

Watermelons of early and early ripening varieties are the most great option for cultivation in the suburban area. The fruits ripen quickly, after about two months it is already possible to pluck ready-made watermelons. And the reviews prove that the varieties are high-yielding and not whimsical. And the ripe fruits have the best taste!

Below, we suggest you watch a video about why early ripe watermelons are so good:

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Good day to all readers!

The work of breeders now gives us the opportunity to grow in central Russia and more northern regions not only the usual fruits and vegetables, but also such a heat-loving crop as watermelon. Today, minke whales are grown even in northern latitudes. Ripe fruits can not boast of huge size, but have juicy pulp and sweet taste.

Where to start if you decide to grow watermelons on your site? The success of the event directly depends on the right variety. And of course, you should study the agricultural technology of culture, if you have not had such experience. Heroes of the day today

The best varieties of watermelons

Early varieties of watermelons

It makes no sense to explain the popularity of early watermelon varieties. And so it is clear that everyone would like to open the season for eating this berry as early as possible. Specialists tried and pleased us with the early varieties bred. Let's give brief description the very best of them.

Turbo F1

Refers to ultra early hybrids. Ripening occurs in just 55 days. The plant is characterized as a powerful hybrid with strong developed roots. At drip irrigation forms 4-5 ovaries on each lash. The fruits are oval in shape, dark green in color with light stripes, weighing from 9 to 15 kg. The pulp has a very pleasant taste.

Ataman F1

A hybrid variety that matures in 70 to 85 days. The plant has a powerful root system and developed leaves. The fruits are elliptical, green, the stripes are weakly expressed. The flesh is bright red, has a rich sweet taste. The variety is high-yielding, the fruits have a long shelf life.

Farao F1

Ripens as much as the previous hybrid. The berries are elongated. Their color is dark green with light green stripes. The skin is thin, shiny in appearance. In the scarlet pulp there are maroon bones. Suitable for growing on any soil. The variety is disease resistant. The weight of 1 fruit reaches a maximum of 6 kg.

Karistan F1

Another early variety suitable for cultivation in most climatic zones of Russia. The plant is strong, with a powerful root system. The shape of the berry is oval, the crust is shiny, smooth, the color can be either dark green or light. The standard weight is 3-5 kg, individual specimens can reach 12 kg. The pulp is dense, juicy, tasty.


The ripening of berries occurs at 65-70 days. Suitable for greenhouses and open ground. The fruits are round, with alternating dark and light green stripes. The crust is thin, the pulp is granular in structure, sugary. The average fruit weight is 7-9 kg. The variety is high-yielding, resistant to diseases.

Red Star F1

The culture is intended for planting in open and closed ground. This is an early hybrid with a growing season of 60-65 days. The skin has a dark green color. The fruits grow rounded. The variety does not require special care and is disease resistant. The flesh is dark red, sweet. In the middle lane in early spring film cover is used.

Early varieties are ideal for growing in the Moscow region, Siberia and the Urals, as they have a good growth rate, disease resistance and high yields.

Varieties for central Russia

To get a full-fledged harvest of watermelons in central Russia, you need to choose early-ripening varieties, the emphasis is on this. Do not chase huge sizes, due to climatic conditions, you still will not get large fruits. If you grow watermelons for yourself, transportability indicators or the color of the berries are also not important to you.

Pay attention to the following representatives of melons and gourds:

Romanza F1

Romanza F1

Mid-early hybrid from the moment of sowing ripens in 76 days. The fruits are rounded, with an average weight of 9-12 kg. The flesh is pink-red, sugary, with very small seeds. The variety sets fruits well and gives a high yield. During the season, watermelons can be obtained from one plant three times.

Bomb F1

High-yielding mid-early hybrid. Fruits are oval, large, average weight - 11-13 kg. With a rare planting, the berries grow even larger. Green skin with dark stripes. The pulp is tasty, sweet. Does not require frequent watering. The fruits have long term storage.


The variety is considered medium late. From sowing to fruiting takes 90-110 days. The shape of the fruit is round-ellipsoid. Their weight varies from 6 to 16 kg. The peel is dense, medium thickness, dark green. The stripes are almost invisible. The pulp is raspberry in color, sugary, with a small amount of seeds. The peculiarity of the variety can be considered long terms crop storage.

Astrakhan watermelon

Grown throughout Russia, it is considered an unpretentious and productive mid-early variety. The fruits have a long shelf life and good transportability. The culture is very disease resistant. The shape of the fruit is round or oblong. The main background of the skin is dark green, it has light stripes. The pulp is red, juicy, fragrant. The mass of fruits is from 8 to 10 kg.

Melania F1

Refers to early hybrids, ripening 80 days after germination. The variety is strong, resistant to diseases and changing weather conditions. Fruits are oval, weighing 8-10 kg and more. In order for the crop to ripen in the middle lane, cultivation under a non-woven covering material is recommended. For seedlings, seeds are sown in pots towards the end of April. The hybrid has excellent palatability.

Vizier F1

Hybrid with an average term of maturing. The grade gives a plentiful harvest, easily transfers transportation. The fruits are elongated. From the moment of sowing to harvesting, 68-72 days pass. It has strong roots and a powerful leaf apparatus. The fruits are uniform in size, with an average weight of 10-14 kg. The surface of the peel is bright green with uniform dark stripes. The skin is thick and shiny. The pulp is firm, dark red, sugary.

Crimson Suite

An ideal sugar variety for growing in central Russia, has a super early dates maturation. It takes 70-80 days from the moment of sowing to harvesting. Under ideal growing conditions, fruit weight can vary from 5 to 12 kg. The shape of the watermelon is slightly oblong, dark green in color. Lighter stripes run along the main background. The pulp changes color during ripening from pink to red, sweet to taste. The variety is resistant to diseases, can grow in dry soils.


The variety is an improved variety of Crimson Sweet. Productive, high yielding plant. It has large elliptical fruits weighing 13-15 kg. Kimera belongs to mid-early varieties, 75-80 days pass from the moment of germination to ripening.

The color of the peel is light green with dark green stripes. The pulp is sweet, crispy, rich red. In terms of sugar content, minke whale is superior to Crimson Sweet.

Tamerlane F1

High-yielding mid-late variety (Krimson suite type). It is successfully grown in beds, but the plants require shelter. The variety is adapted for cultivation in various climatic zones. The ripening period is 95 days from the moment of emergence of seedlings. The plant grows with a strong stem. The fruits are oval, their color alternates between light and dark stripes of green. The average weight of watermelons is 12-14 kg. The pulp is red, dense, has no voids. Culture loves drip irrigation.

The main attention is paid to how many days pass from the beginning of fruit set to their ripening. This information is usually indicated on the packaging. Mid-late varieties of watermelons are also grown in the middle lane, but in greenhouse conditions, using the seedling method.

Varieties of watermelons for the Moscow region, for open ground

If there is no greenhouse on your site, then when planting watermelons, you should pay attention to varieties that can really be grown in open ground. Since the summer in the Moscow region is not very hot and rather short, it is advisable to select early early ripening varieties and grow them in seedlings. Consider the following candidates:

Suga Baby

Sugar baby matures in 65-70 days. The fruits are perfectly rounded and dark green in color. The skin is thin. The pulp has a granular texture, sugary taste. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing from 1 to 6 kg. The variety is adapted to different climatic conditions. It can be grown outdoors and under film cover.

Maristo F1

A new hybrid variety with early maturation. The growing season lasts 58-60 days. The variety is resistant to fusarium and anthracnose. Fruits weigh 9-11 kg, have a dark green color with light stripes. The pulp is dense, rich in color, sugary and aromatic. The crop is subject to long-term storage and tolerates transportation well. Ripening is friendly.

Erken F1

Ultra-early, fruitful, reliable hybrid. The variety was bred recently. The best yield results are obtained with the seedling method of planting using thermoses. It is resistant to diseases, does not require special care. Stably fructifies under various weather conditions. The fruits are round, weighing from 8 to 10 kg. The light green background is covered with dark stripes. The flesh is sweet and crisp, dark red in color.

Baraka F1

The hybrid was bred for outdoor cultivation. With the seedling planting method, ripening occurs in 2 months or a little longer, with direct sowing 72-77 days. The average fruit weight is 11-13 kg. The hybrid has deep red flesh with a high sugar content and small seeds. Fruits are oval-shaped, perfectly stored.


The hybrid is intended for growing in a greenhouse, but can also grow in open ground. The variety is considered medium ripe, about 95 days pass before ripening. When planting in open ground, they are grown in seedlings. Can be used in both southern and northern latitudes. Fruits of an oval form, weighing up to 10 kg. The color alternates between light and dark green stripes. The pulp is tender, sugary, rich scarlet color.

Be sure to use a film cover when growing watermelons in the Moscow region. This is especially true in the spring when the nights are cold and there can be unexpected frosts.

For the Urals and Siberia - what varieties of watermelons are grown in Siberia

The miracles of selection today make it possible to grow watermelons even in risky farming areas - in Siberia and the Urals. When breeding varieties for these regions, the need for the culture to endure difficult weather conditions, withstand low temperatures, and ripen in a short summer period was taken into account. For cold regions, the following varieties are most suitable:


This name is due to the qualities of this berry. The variety calmly tolerates low temperatures, up to small frosts. The bushes are very powerful, the main shoot can grow up to 5 m in length.

The fruits are spherical, slightly elongated. The average weight is from 5 to 7 kg. The main color of the peel is greenish, a weak mesh is noticeable on it. Dark stripes run along the main background.

The pulp is rich red, sweet, contains large brown seeds.

In care and storage, the variety is unpretentious. It takes 85-97 days from the moment of germination to harvest.

Siberian lights

Early ripe variety with medium-sized fruits weighing 2.5-5 kg. It takes 80 days from germination to maturity. Bred specifically for cold regions. It tolerates drought and low temperatures well. It can be grown in open and closed ground.

The variety is high-yielding and resistant to Fusarium. Watermelons are round in shape, dark green in color. The pulp is juicy, tasty, few seeds.

In Siberia and the Urals, varieties intended for central Russia can also be planted. In this case, watermelons are necessarily planted by seedlings and subsequently grown in a greenhouse. Otherwise, the crop will either not have time to ripen, or will not meet your expectations with its size and taste.

Varieties of watermelon with yellow flesh

Varieties of watermelon with yellow flesh are in no way inferior to traditional varieties in taste, but at the same time they look very original. If you want to surprise your guests not only by growing a watermelon with my own hands, but also its unusual appearance - pay attention to crop varieties with yellow flesh that are suitable for your region.


An early ripe hybrid bred in Astrakhan. The name of the variety speaks for itself, since the half slices of watermelon are very reminiscent of the moon in their appearance. The fruits are not very large in size, the average weight is 3-4 kg. From the outside, the watermelon looks like its counterparts, which have red flesh, and its smell resembles the aroma of the Astrakhan watermelon.

The pulp is juicy and tender, contains a minimum number of seeds. The taste is sweet, with a slight lemon note. The variety belongs to early ripening species, the fruits ripen for about 90 days. Seedlings are planted for seedlings at the end of April, and after 30 days, plants are planted in open ground.


It grows well in central Russia under a film cover, an early ripe variety. Refers to hybrids with yellow flesh. The fruits are oval, light green in color with dark stripes. The pulp has almost no seeds, juicy, sweetish. The fruit gains a mass of 4-4.5 kg even with a small number of sunny days. Grown by seedlings in open ground. harvested perfectly preserved for 2-3 months.

Yellow seedless F1

The name of the variety speaks for itself. This is a hybrid novelty with round fruits of medium size. The hybrid belongs to early ripe varieties, it is resistant to diseases and unpretentious in care. The skin of the fruit is thin. The pulp is juicy and tender, tastes like a mango. Seeds are almost absent. Watermelon is consumed fresh, used for the preparation of candied fruits and desserts.

Yellow watermelon - A gift from the sun

The gift of the sun is an ultra-early variety, the ripening time of which is about 2 months. Ripe fruits have a slightly elongated shape and weigh an average of about 3.5-4 kg. Particularly large specimens can reach 6-7 kg. A variety with a delicate, sweet taste, and a golden yellow skin. This culture is frost-resistant; gardeners grow it in the cold climatic conditions of Siberia.

Densuke - black variety of watermelon

This is interesting! The rare representatives of this culture include the black watermelon of the Densuke variety. It is considered one of the exclusive varieties. The skin is glossy black. Fruits are round in shape. The flesh of this berry is bright red, sweet in taste. The variety is bred and grown in Japan and is considered the most expensive in the world. The average weight of Densuke is 5-7 kg. They sell exotic berries at local auctions and via the Internet.

Watermelon has rightfully earned the title of "Sweet King of Summer". After all, this berry is not only very tasty and sweet, but also healthy - the pulp contains beta-carotene, vitamins C and PP, and fiber. It has been proven that regular consumption of watermelon reduces the likelihood of cancer. Now on the shelves of supermarkets and markets you can see a crazy variety of watermelon varieties: striped and plain, round, oval and square, seedless, red, pink, yellow and white. But the most popular among agronomists and consumers are early varieties of watermelons. It is about them that we will discuss further.


This is an old variety of Kharkiv selection, notable among experienced vegetable growers. It is not without reason that it belongs to the earliest varieties of watermelons, because the harvest period from the moment of germination begins only on the 80th day. The fruit is spherical in shape, weighing up to 2.5 kg, has a thin glossy dark green skin without stripes. The seeds are very small, and the pulp is scarlet with a pronounced smell.

Growing this variety is not difficult, because it is surprisingly unpretentious and resistant to anthracnose and, in part, to powdery mildew. The only disadvantage of this variety is the short shelf life. Therefore, it is not suitable for wholesale cultivation - only for the home garden.

gift to the north

Before 70 days, you definitely will not harvest this variety. But on the 75-80th day after the emergence of seedlings, you can start harvesting. The fruits are similar in shape to the Light, but the difference is that the Gift to the North has recognizable light green stripes. The flesh is red, crispy and sugary.

This variety is excellent for open ground and mass cultivation. Seeds begin to germinate in April-May. It is transportable, long-lasting, resistant to disease and drought. Weight Limit fruits - 10 kg.

Crimson Ruby F1

This hybrid can be called very early, because the time for fruiting comes already on the 63-68th day. Oval-shaped berry with a powerful root system and spreading leaves. The skin is firm, dark green in color and barely visible wide white lines. The flesh is scarlet and the seeds are black or brown. This watermelon on the scales usually shows from 4 to 9 kg.

Ataman F1

The fruit ripens in 70-85 days. This is a powerful plant with well-developed roots and leaves. The fruit is ellipsoid, green, with pale stripes. Inside the watermelon is a bright red color with a rich sugary taste. The hybrid is high-yielding and long-term. 100 tons of crops are harvested from one hectare.

Farao F1

The ripening time is identical to the previous relatives of the Farao. This is an elongated dark green berry with light green stripes and a thin shiny skin. And the pulp is scarlet, with maroon bones. The seeds of this hybrid germinate in any soil, and the adult plant is resistant to diseases. The ripened berry does not exceed 6 kg.

Top Gun

The berries of this variety are early ripe: 60–65 days are needed for full development. This is the largest variety of all early watermelons. Its average weight is 14 kg. This is a green-yellow minke whale with scarlet flesh. The variety is resistant to fungal diseases; as a result, 20–22 kg of crop can be obtained from one grown bush.


Sowing with seeds begins in May, and planting seedlings in early June with a 100 × 100 planting pattern. The ripened berry has an oval shape, an elastic, grassy-colored peel, and red flesh. The seeds are large and black. Fruits weighing from 6 to 9 kg are harvested in July.

Bonta F1

Ripening period 60-80 days. The fruit is round, relatively small: weighing up to 7 kg. Light green skin with dark stripes. Inside the watermelon is bright red, it tastes one of the sweetest.

Sludge delicate F1

About 70 days the fruits of this variety ripen. It looks like a watermelon “like from a picture”: bright green, with clearly defined stripes, scarlet inside. It is not grown on all types of soil, and only in warm, well-lit places. The fruits come out relatively small - 2-3 kg.

sweet diamond

This variety needs only 75 days to fully mature. The shape is round, slightly elongated, weight - 3-6 kg. The bark is thin and striped. The flesh is blood red, juicy, sugary. Transportability and safety at a high level.


Watermelon with long - from 1.5 m - lashes. Fruits are oval, glossy, weighing 5-6 kg on average. The skin is not thick - only 1-1.5 cm, and under it is light red flesh. The shelf life of this variety is a month.

Due to the long lashes, this watermelon cannot be called easy to care for. Constantly need to tie up and cut off the shoots. Productivity, in comparison with other grades, low. But watermelon is resistant to various diseases.

Sugar Lightning F1

Another ultra-early watermelon that grows well in central Russia. Harvest can be obtained in just 60 days. The name of the variety corresponds to the taste of the fruit. This berry tastes cloyingly sweet, like honey. Its flesh is scarlet-red, fragrant, and the peel is dark, without stripes. The leaves are small, widely dissected. A feature of this variety is its cold resistance.


Watermelon Skorik does not differ in precocity from its early relatives. This variety was bred back in 1997, but is still popular and has a good reputation. The ripening period is 65–85 days. The fruit has a rounded shape and a striped color. This variety requires sunny weather and fertile soil. Excessive rate of organic fertilizer adversely affects its development. It is better to use phosphorus-potassium top dressing.

Sorento F1

Watermelon Sorento F1 is a high-yielding early hybrid. From one hectare you can collect 60 tons. This watermelon ripens up to 80 days. You can plant both indoors and outdoors, only the planting pattern will be different. If for open ground the optimal size is 140 by 100 cm, then for closed ground it is 70 by 70 cm. As a result, medium-sized fruits weighing 9 kg are obtained. Its flesh is tender, rich red, with a rich aroma, and the peel is green and striped.

Lady F1

Dutch breeders have bred the vigorous watermelon Lady F1. Its lashes can reach a length of 5 m. The plant is round-elongated with dark green wide veins.

The peel is thick - 2.5 cm, and the flesh is red, without fibers. This early variety is renowned for its resistance to cracking, anthracnose and fusarium.

It is better to buy watermelon seeds in specialized stores, where they provide agronomic advice and guarantee germination.

Video "Overview of the best varieties of watermelon"

In this video you will hear about the best varieties of watermelons.

Watermelon has a sweet, juicy pulp, rich in vitamin composition and allowing to improve health and increase vitality in the summer-autumn period. The size and shape of green berries are different, and the weight ranges from 1.5-50 kg. You can plant melons in different areas, there are even varieties of watermelons for Siberia.

Early types of melons

The types of melons below are good for the middle zone, as they easily tolerate low temperatures and damage to fruits by anthracosis. These are the best varieties of early ripe watermelons.

In the middle lane, it is better to plant melons in greenhouses with the appropriate temperature maintained until sprouts appear. Greenhouses should be covered with a thick film or be made of polycarbonate, which transmit light and air well.

Tip: Seeds must be treated before planting. blue vitriol to prevent the development of plant diseases.

When preparing watermelon for planting in greenhouses, the following seeds are taken:

  1. Watermelon varieties "Siberian Lights"- the period from planting seeds to a mature state is 80 days. The melon is dark green with small stripes. The pulp is light reddish, sweet, has porous fibers. The seeds are small, light brown, the peel is thin. Such early varieties of watermelons can be grown in greenhouse conditions or outdoors. The main condition for ripening is soil temperature + 140C.
  2. ultra early- the berry of early ripening for a period of up to 80 days, is more resistant to temperature fluctuations. The pulp is scarlet, with veins. Contains a large amount of sucrose, seeds are black, medium.
  3. Watermelon variety Chill- the fruits ripen within 75-85 days, the fruits are round in shape of a green saturated shade with blurry stripes. Scarlet pulp, juicy. Seeds - light with brown patches, large. The average fruit weight is 5 kg. The positive side is long-term keeping quality and resistance to transportation.
  4. Variety Astrakhan- the period from the appearance of the first shoots to the ovary takes 1.5 months. The fruit is round, without stripes, weighing up to 6 kg. The flesh is dark red, with large black seeds, the peel is thick.
  5. spark- has the earliest maturation. The weight of the berries of the Light is about 4 kg. Easily adapts to the planted area, not whimsical in care. Fruit shape Light is round, without stripes, dark green. The spark has a juicy, sweet taste. Ripening time - 1.5 months.

Tip: Early berries have a sweet taste and aroma. The yield from one lash allows you to collect up to 7 kg, the berries easily endure weather adversity, do not require special care. The main rule is watering.

Other early varieties

Good early types of melons include:

  1. Variety of early ripe watermelon Producer- It takes 70-80 days to ripen. The fruit is round without bulges, smooth with a shiny peel, berry weight - 5 kg. stripes white color clear, the crust is thin, light green in color. The pulp is fibrous, slightly pinkish, tender. Fruits do not deteriorate during long-term storage.
  2. Watermelon variety early Skorik- large with white wide stripes. Seeds black, large in large numbers. The pulp is fleshy, sweet. The ripening period is 70 days. Weight - 1.3-3.7 kg. The yield is excellent, it is not whimsical in care and can be grown both in the greenhouse and in the garden. The crop is not exposed to diseases and pests.
  3. Ataman– ripening time takes about 66-83 days. The fruit is elongated, stripless. The peel is of medium thickness, pale green. Berry weight - 6-8 kg. The flesh is purple-pink, porous, with a large number of small seeds.
  4. Charleston gray- ripening time is at the end of July beginning of August. Productivity is stable - 100 t/ha. The gray variety is old, the plant has a whip up to 5 m long. The berry is oval in shape with wide stripes, smooth, weighing 12-18 kg. The crust is thick, 1.5-2.5 cm thick. The color is light green, the flesh is scarlet, porous. Seeds are brown, large. The berry of this species does not lose its taste during storage.
  5. top gun– 58-62 days of seedlings and 65-67 days of sowing. Top gun hybrid contains a high percentage of sucrose, the flesh is very sweet with large black seeds. With proper care, the top gun gives a consistently rich harvest. Top gun occupies a leading position among other watermelon species due to its rapid maturation, good keeping quality, resistance to temperature changes and diseases.
  6. Karistan- a hybrid whose commercial qualities do not change for two weeks after harvest. A positive feature of the Karistan variety is its early ripeness and excellent taste. Watermelon Karistan is not exposed to fusarium and anthracnose, which has a good effect on its storage. Karistan has a light green color with stripes of different widths. The crust is smooth, the shape resembles an ellipse, the seeds are whitish in large numbers. The pulp is crispy, sweetish. Bahcha Karistan weighing up to 12 kg. Harvest can reach up to 250 c/ha.
  7. Varieties of sweet watermelons for open ground: Melitopol 142 and Stokes 647/649. The weight of the berries of the first type barely exceeds 4-5 kg. The pulp has many small seeds, it is tasty, fibrous structure. Watermelon of the second type has an orange-red pulp, it is not very sweet, juicy. These types of melons are most suitable for Siberia, as they are less whimsical in care and resistant to weather changes.

Tip: Early types of melons easily tolerate cold, high humidity, do not deteriorate during long-term transportation and storage.

The best late varieties

Among the best late-ripening varieties, the following are noted:

  1. Late-ripening watermelon variety Crimson Sweet - late harvest, from sowing to ripening takes 85-90. The fruits are large, their weight reaches 10-12 kg, sweet, the pulp is bright red tender, with small seeds. The peel is bright green with white patches. The transportability is good, the harvest is stable - from 1 ha to 200 kg.
  2. Kai is late, easily tolerates low temperature conditions and lack of light. It takes 85 days before the harvest. Fruit with wide stripes of barely noticeable white color. The core is porous, very sweet, pink. Sings for 75 days. The berry is oval in shape, light green in color with pale stripes. The pulp is juicy, fibrous, rich red color with small seeds.
  3. Impulse is a late variety of delicious elongated watermelon, stripless, saturated green. The skin is very thin. The pulp is scarlet, watery with medium seeds. The average weight of a berry is 8-20 kg. Productivity up to 300 kg per hundred square meters.
  4. Beijing joy - hybrid, early. From sowing to the ripe state of the fetus, 105-115 days pass. Peking watermelon has a dark-colored, rounded shape in the form of a ball and a peel with white stripes. The pulp is sweet, dark red, watery.

Late watermelon varieties are resistant to diseases, excess moisture and lack of watering. The best varieties of delicious watermelons are early and early-ripening, grown in a summer cottage. The fruits ripen quickly, after two months you can harvest. Watermelons are high-yielding - the most unpretentious in care, and ripe berries have excellent taste.

Watermelon not only benefits the human body, but also quenches thirst in the summer heat, various dishes and drinks are made from it. There are an incredible variety of varieties of this berry; when choosing, sometimes your eyes just run wide. The best varieties of watermelons, their features and benefits will be described in the article.

The first thing a gardener counts on when planting a crop is a large, high-quality crop. Below are the most productive varieties of watermelons.

How to choose a variety according to the ripening period?

Check also these articles

Depending on the ripening period of watermelons, they can be grown in different areas. For the southern, any variety is suitable, and in the northern, only early cultures bear fruit.

  • Watermelons of early varieties ripen very quickly in 60-80 days: "Sugar Baby", "Lunny", "Spark", "Zenith", "Prince Hamlet F1", "Regus F1", "Sagi F1", "Sunday Special", Winner 395, Yellow Buttercup F1, Charleston Grey.
  • Mid-season varieties ripen in 80-90 days on average. These should include: "Black Prince", "Astrakhansky", "Volzhanin", "Bykovsky - 22", "Imbar F1", "Delicacy F1", "Crimson Sweet".
  • Late varieties of watermelons ripen in 90 or more days. These include: "Icarus", "Chill", "Red King", "Favorite of the farm of Pyatigorsk 286", "Melitopol 60".

What varieties of watermelon are the sweetest?

The sweetness of a watermelon is one of the most important criteria when choosing a berry. Unsweetened fruits, as a rule, are bought for canning, but for fresh use, it is important that the watermelon is tasty and sweet. So which varieties of watermelon are the sweetest?

Large and miniature watermelons like Carolina Cross and Pepquinos are grown all over the world, there are record holders for ripening and sweetness. But what other unusual varieties of watermelons have been created by nature, breeders and are successfully grown in different countries?

  • Seedless watermelons are popular all over the world. For some consumers, choosing the seeds is a very troublesome business, and seedless watermelons allow you not to waste time and enjoy the sweet berry to your heart's content. There are many similar varieties. : Lunar, Yellow Buttercup F1, Imbar F1 or red: King of Hearts, Sagas F1, Sunday Special, Regus F1. 'Prince Hamlet F1' is low seeded and often includes seedless varieties.
  • "Densuke" is grown on the island of Haikido (Japan). Watermelon has a black rind and bright, red flesh. Very tasty, but its peculiarity is its rarity and the huge price (up to $ 60,000) that gourmets are willing to pay for an unusual berry.
  • IN Lately increased popularity for unusually shaped watermelons. In Japan, the production of square watermelons has been established. In typical home gardens, gardeners try to make interesting watermelons of an unusual shape: heart, cone, pyramid, pear, square, rectangle, and the like. Of course, the price of such fruits is much higher than the usual round or oval berries.

Perhaps, since childhood, everyone is familiar with such a juicy and large berry as a watermelon. And, most likely, having heard the name of this plant, the vast majority of people imagine red juicy pulp with black seeds, framed by a green peel. It looks like the most common variety of this berry - Astrakhan. It is he who prevails on the shelves of shops and markets.

However, in addition to the classic, in our view of the Astrakhan variety of watermelons, you can meet others that differ not only in appearance, but also in taste. If you delve into the topic, then more than 1200 varieties of this plant are known. Some of them are similar to each other, but there are some of the most exclusive varieties of watermelon.

Did you know? Watermelon is 92% water. Therefore, in the summer heat, it is a pleasure to eat it. Also, according to research, after an intense workout, watermelon will saturate the body with moisture more efficiently than the same glass of water.

black watermelon

One of the most exclusive varieties of watermelon is Densuke. It has a round shape, a glossy black peel, but lacks the usual "watermelon" stripes. The flesh of such a watermelon is bright red and sugary sweet.

Black watermelon is grown in only one place on the planet - in Japan, on the island of Hokkaido. This variety was bred in the mid-1980s in the city of Toma. It is considered an exclusive species, due to the limited yield. In this regard, today, black watermelon is the most expensive berry in the world.

On average, a crop of 10,000 pieces of this variety of watermelons is harvested per year. Not many people can afford to buy it, since the cost of a berry is about $ 250. It can also be purchased at worldwide auctions, where there have been cases of selling such watermelons for 3200-6300 dollars apiece.

The Japanese decided not to stop there and brought out varieties of black watermelon - without seeds and with yellow flesh. But they are no longer considered the original Densuke black watermelon variety.

The Sugar baby watermelon variety, bred in France, is considered the oldest and most popular early watermelon in the world. Seeds are sown at the end of April, and 75-85 days pass from the moment of germination to ripening.

Suga baby watermelon has a round shape, dark green skin with dark stripes and bright red flesh. The flesh of this watermelon is very sweet, tender and grainy, and the small seeds in it are few and black in color. The weight of berries, on average, is 3.5-4.5 kg.

The Shuga baby watermelon variety can be grown in the northern regions, as it is very unpretentious. Requires moderate watering, which is especially important during the ripening period. The variety is usually grown in film greenhouses. In culinary terms, Shuga baby is good for salting.

Important! If yellow streaks are visible in the cut of the watermelon, there is a high probability of the presence of nitrates. These chemicals can cause severe poisoning of the human body.

Yellow watermelon was obtained by crossing an ordinary watermelon with a wild one. Thus, it turned out that outwardly such a berry is no different from an ordinary watermelon, but the flesh has a rich yellow color. There are very few seeds in this variety of watermelon. The fruits of yellow watermelon are round and oval.

This green-skinned variety is native to Thailand, but is also very popular in Spain. Breeders have bred a variety whose skin is green with faint stripes, and the flesh is characterized yellow(caused by a large number of carotenoids that affect intercellular metabolism).

Yellow watermelon is of great interest to people on various diets. Its calorie content is only 38 kcal. The composition of the berry contains a lot of vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, iron. In this regard, this variety is considered beneficial for health: it improves eyesight, strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of nails and hair, and is beneficial for people suffering from anemia and anemia.

Outlandish for many people, a square watermelon is not a miracle of genetic engineering or selection. In fact, they are formed from the fruits of ordinary varieties. How to form a berry into such a shape was invented in the 1980s in Japan. The authors of the idea just wanted to make the transportation of watermelons more convenient.

When the watermelon reaches about 6-10 cm in diameter, it is placed in a transparent plastic cubic box. Square Japanese watermelons require a lot of attention, and farmers spend a lot of effort, because each instance must be taken care of separately.

The trouble is that the watermelon needs to be corrected in such a way that the strips are beautifully arranged along the edges. It is necessary to monitor the timeliness of watering and fertilizing so that the watermelon is right size. It is important not to miss the time when the berry is ripe, as it should not grow too large. Otherwise, not only the watermelon itself will crack, but also the box in which it developed.

Due to the fact that standard boxes of the same size are used to grow square watermelons, the fruits often do not ripen. After all, watermelon berries tend to have a different size by nature. It turns out that the taste of such a watermelon is not always good. So if you need a tasty and juicy watermelon, you are more likely to choose it among the fruits of a rounded shape.

Marbled watermelon is so called because of the pattern on its peel - dark green veins on a light background. There are several varieties of marble watermelon. For example, French breeders bred the Charleston Gray variety, and Russian breeders bred the Honey Giant. The culture itself is disease resistant and easily tolerates drought.

Marble watermelon often has an oblong shape and weighs from 5 to 15 kg. The flesh of such a watermelon is pink or red and contains very few seeds. Taste qualities marble watermelon are excellent.

Marble watermelons can be stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well.

Did you know? Watermelons are credited with a lot useful qualities due to which this berry has a beneficial effecton the human body. Watermelon contains fibers that promote good digestion and intestinal motility. Due to the saturation with potassium, nitric oxide and lycopene, watermelon is also good for kidney function.

Watermelon "Moon and Stars" got its name due to the external color. The peel has a dark green color, on which yellow spots protrude. Small spots are stars, large spots are small moons. The foliage also has yellow spots.

The fruits grow quite large, up to 7-14 kg. The ripening period, from germination to ripeness, is 90 days. The pulp of the fruit is juicy and aromatic. The color of the pulp of this variety is both red and yellow.

Another unusual type of watermelon is the white watermelon. Watermelon of the American variety Navajo Winter has an almost white skin. The flesh in such a watermelon can be both pink and red, but in any case, it is very sweet and crispy. The variety is drought tolerant. Fruits can be stored up to 4 months

White, such watermelons are not only the color of the skin, but also the color of the pulp. The white flesh of a watermelon looks quite strange, at least to most people. Such a hybrid species is obtained by crossing wild and cultivated varieties.

There is an unusual watermelon that has red flesh and yellow skin. The variety is called "Gift of the Sun" and was bred in 2004. The peel has a golden yellow solid color, or is complemented by noticeable orange stripes. The flesh is bright red, juicy, grainy, tender and very sweet. The seeds are black. Outwardly, "Gift of the Sun", because of the yellow peel, looks more like a pumpkin.

From the moment of emergence, the berry ripens for 68-75 days. The mass of round fruits reaches 3.5-4.5 kg.