In a private house      06/23/2020

How to fix the toilet: methods of fixing the toilet to the floor. The toilet staggers, how to strengthen: simple effective methods Sealant for fixing the toilet to the floor

To correctly install the toilet on tile follow our step by step instructions with photo and video.

Working time: ~ 1 hour.
Total time: ~ 24 hours.

Preparing a room for a toilet

It is better to install the toilet bowl in a completely renovated room so as not to damage the plumbing. You should have a hole ready for the outgoing sewer pipe, as well as a water outlet for the drain tank.

Tools and materials required for proper installation

To install the toilet, we need the following tools and materials:

  1. Adjustable wrench
  2. flexible hose
  3. fum tape
  4. Pencil or marker
  5. Yardstick
  6. Hammer
  7. Dowels and bolts (should come with the toilet)
  8. Sanitary lubricant
  9. liquid silicone
  10. rubber spatula

How to properly install a toilet bowl with your own hands

Step 1. Eyeliner to the drain tank

Shut off water access to the system. Unscrew the plug on the water outlet using an adjustable wrench. A crane must be connected here. An angled or straight faucet of your choice can be used. Seal the threads on the faucet with fum tape and screw the faucet into a water outlet. If using a corner tap, screw it in so that it points down. Shut off the faucet valve.

screw flexible eyeliner to the faucet outlet. It is not necessary to use a fum-tape, since a sealing gum is provided in the design of the flexible hose.

Step 2. Marking the toilet installation guide

To install the toilet exactly in the middle of the toilet, measure the width of the room against the wall and mark the middle with a pencil. Do the same in the middle of the room and draw a line along the two marks. This line will be our guideline that determines the direction correct installation toilet.

Step 3. Assembling the sewer drain

If necessary, supplement the sewer drain with an angled pipe (45-90 degrees) so that its opening looks towards the outlet pipe of the toilet bowl at a smoother angle.

Advice: To make it easier to connect two pipes, use plumbing grease. Apply it on inner surface drain hole (lubricate the rubber o-ring) and on the outside of the elbow pipe that will enter the hole.

The sewer drain can be connected to the outlet of the toilet in two ways:

  • hard plastic adapter;
  • flexible corrugation.

In both cases, when inserting connecting element use plumbing grease as above.

Step 4. Preparing the base of the toilet and marking it on the tiled floor

Advice: Do not pre-connect the tank to the toilet. When and how to connect the tank to the toilet, you will learn later in the article.

Take the base of the toilet and turn it upside down. The edge of the supporting part of the toilet must be smooth, without defects. Clean it up if necessary with a sharp knife.

Place the toilet base on the floor at the installation location. Follow the line you drew earlier (see step 2) to position the toilet correctly and exactly in the center of the toilet. Additionally, check the correct installation by measuring the distance from the toilet to the left and right walls with a tape measure.

Connect the toilet pipe to the adapter drain system and outline the perimeter of the base of the toilet bowl with a pencil or felt-tip pen - this will help to install it in the future without additional measurements. Also, on both sides, mark the locations of the holes for fasteners.

Step 5. Fixing the toilet to the tile floor

Set the toilet aside and drill holes in the tile for fasteners. Use a special tile drill. The depth of the holes should be equal to the length of the dowels that come with the toilet. Hammer plastic dowels into the holes drilled in the tile.

Put the toilet back in place along the drawn lines and connect it to the sewer drain. Screw the metal screws with washers that come with the toilet into both mounting holes, but only halfway.

Step 6. Additional fixing of the toilet bowl with liquid silicone

Raise the toilet bowl by 0.5-1 cm, place any supports in two or three places (use what you have at hand - plastic, pieces of tiles, etc.). In the gap between the base of the toilet bowl and floor tiles Very gently inject the white liquid silicone. Do this around the entire perimeter of the base of the toilet. Raise the sides of the toilet bowl with your hands and, taking out the stands, add silicone. Silicone should be evenly distributed around the entire perimeter of the base of the toilet and create a plentiful "cushion".

Lower the toilet and tighten the fixing screws all the way by hand (without excessive force). Remove excess silicone that is outside with a plastic spatula moistened soapy water. Form a beautiful edging around the entire perimeter of the base.

It is necessary to wait a few hours (see the curing time of the silicone on the packaging), and only then proceed with the installation of the toilet.

How to install a toilet flush mechanism

On the thread of the main drain device put on the gasket and insert it into the technological hole of the drain tank. WITH reverse side tighten the wide nut with your hands - do not use tools to avoid splitting the tank.

Advice: We recommend installing a locking device that controls the flow of water into the flush tank after installing the flush tank on the toilet bowl. This will make tightening the mounting screws more convenient - you will not be disturbed by an extra mechanism inside the tank.

When installing the locking device, check for burrs on the bottom of the device where the hose is put on. Remove bumps so that the further connection is tight. Insert the locking device into the hole in the tank intended for it and tighten it from the back with a plastic nut. Again, do not use any tools, tighten the nut by hand.

How to install a cistern on a toilet

After the silicone has completely hardened and the cistern drain mechanism is assembled, you can proceed to install it on the toilet.

Between the drain tank and the base of the toilet bowl, it is necessary to lay a soft gasket in the form of a ring (comes with the toilet bowl). Then slide the cistern onto the toilet so that the holes for the tie screws on the toilet align with the holes on the cistern. The connecting screws must have a plastic flat washer and a rubber cone. Insert the fixing screws into the holes of the drain tank and twist them on the other side with plastic nuts (horns). When tightening the screws, make sure that the tank is horizontal.

Screw the flexible hose that supplies water to the fitting at the drain tank. This connection does not require the use of a fum tape, since the connection will occur through a rubber gasket.

The installation of the cistern on the toilet is completed, you can open the faucet and check the flow of water, as well as see and eliminate possible leaks in the system.

Put the lid on the drain tank so that all the elements of the trigger mechanism enter the hole. Screw the release button into the hole. Check the functionality of the button. At this stage, the installation of the toilet cistern is completed.

How to install a seat and lid on a toilet

The simplest remains. Attach the seat to the toilet and thread the mounting screws through the holes. Without much effort, tighten the screws on the back of the toilet with nuts. Toilet seat installed.

Video lesson: How to properly install the toilet on the tiled floor in the toilet

Work completed. You installed the toilet with your own hands and, rest assured, you did it right!

The final step in the repair of the bathroom is the installation and fastening of the toilet bowl. This is a responsible task, since the toilet bowl is not only an interior decoration, but also a functional device.

Often, even if repairs are done on their own, craftsmen are invited to perform this work, but if the builder has the desire and initial skills, installation and fastening of the toilet to the floor can be done on their own. Of course, it is necessary to approach the solution of the issue with full responsibility and prepare.

Varieties and features of the installation of toilet bowls

There are many models of toilet bowls, which differ in a number of ways. different models have different design, provide different degrees of comfort, differ in the installation method. When choosing a mounting method, it is important to consider the main characteristics of the device.

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a toilet is the layout. There are three popular toilet bowl schemes.

The separate type differs in that the tank is far from the bowl at a considerable distance. This guarantees a powerful pressure, but also a strong noise. Installation is quite complicated, since you need to separately mount the bowl and tank. The scheme is outdated and practically not used.

Note! The "compact" system is by far the most common. It is distinguished by simplicity and functionality. The tank is placed simply on the bowl, which ensures ease of use and ease of installation.

Monoblocks have similar characteristics. In this case, the tank and the toilet are one. Such a system is easy to install, you can use dowels, glue. Installation is extremely simple, just attach the toilet to the floor and bring water to the tank.

The list of materials from which toilet bowls are made is wide. When choosing a method of operation, it is worth considering this characteristic of the device. Most often you can find:

  • faience;
  • porcelain;
  • reinforced acrylic;
  • cast iron;
  • steel.

Often you can see bowls made of exotic materials, stone or even glass. For installation similar products it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's recommendations, but it is better not to take risks and call the master.

Bowls made of cast iron and steel are most suitable for installation in public places, but for the home they choose one of the first three varieties. Faience, porcelain and acrylic can be attached by almost any known method.

Fastening with dowels or anchor bolts

This method is only suitable for those models that have mounting holes in the base of the bowl. These are “ears” with holes into which the dowel is screwed, or holes in the wall, designed for hidden fastening with the help of corners.

Before starting work, you need to prepare the tool. It will take quite a bit:

  • roulette;
  • marker or pencil;
  • electric drill and drill bits for concrete;
  • core and hammer.

You also need fasteners for the toilet (as a rule, it is included in the delivery), a key or a screwdriver (depending on the shape of the dowel or bolt head).

Step 1: fitting and marking

As you might guess, you need to start by choosing a place. This is unlikely to be a problem, the toilet is not a room where you can roam a lot. It is better to try on a model, because a toilet bowl is brought into the room. Costs once again measure the distance to the drain and the distance from the walls, the device should look good, stand securely, not stagger, there should be enough space between the wall and the side.

Mark up immediately. The easiest way is to outline the contours of the base of the bowl with a marker, separately marking the attachment points.

Step 2: drilling

The most important thing is to drill the flooring. Tile requires special care. Before starting work, holes are marked with a core, this will prevent the drill from jumping off and ruining the repair. Drill tiles at low speed.

The hole should be a few millimeters deeper than the dowel used, and the plastic insert included in the delivery should fit snugly into it. The criteria for an anchor bolt are the same, it should fit easily enough into the hole, but not dangle.

Step 3: Installation

Before putting the bowl in place, you need to remove the traces of drilling. Be sure to remove concrete chips, shards of tiles. Plastic dowel inserts are inserted into the prepared holes, if necessary, they are finished off with light hammer blows through a bar gasket. Put the toilet in place. You can screw it, but it is important not to forget the rubber or nylon washers, they will secure the material of the bowl.

In the same way, toilet bowls are installed that do not have a vertical, but a lateral mount. For their fixation, special corner fasteners are used, while the sequence of actions does not change.

Glue installation

The method of installing a toilet bowl using adhesives is not inferior to the previous one in popularity, which is not surprising, because it provides the proper result and has a number of advantages. The use of glue is:

  • clean installation without noise and dust;
  • ease of operation, even a beginner can handle it;
  • the method allows you to fix the toilet from any material;
  • absolute safety, the floor is guaranteed not to be damaged;
  • reliability due to the use of modern materials.

The only significant drawback of this method is that it will be possible to use the toilet only after the glue has completely solidified, and this is up to a day or more.

This installation method requires virtually no tools, just stock up on a tape measure and a marking pencil and a small spatula to remove excess adhesive. Of course, you can not do without glue. The choice of a particular brand depends on the wishes of the owner, you can recommend a time-tested epoxy resin.

Step 1: fitting and marking

This stage is not much different from the one described above, the only thing is that you do not need to mark the holes, they simply will not be. It is enough to put the toilet in the chosen place, make sure that its location meets your own wishes, measure the distances to the walls with a tape measure and circle the outline of the base with a pencil or marker.

Step 2: surface preparation

One of the main conditions for reliability adhesive bond– smooth and clean mating surfaces. You need to start from the base of the bowl. Using fine-grained sandpaper, level the surface.

Next, move on to the floor. The tile is degreased ammonia and then wipe dry with a tissue. In some cases, it is advisable to sand the floor covering with sandpaper, but this must be done with all possible care.

Step 3: gluing

An adhesive or sealant is applied to the edge of the base of the toilet bowl. It is important to apply just the right amount. If there is too little glue, it will not be possible to achieve proper reliability, otherwise the excess can ruin the look of a fresh repair.

The prepared toilet bowl is lifted and transferred to the installation site. Here it is better to work with an assistant, he will help you navigate and put the device exactly in the chosen place.

Immediately sprinkle the floor around the bowl with soapy water, this will facilitate the removal of excess adhesive and ensure the cleanliness of the room. With a narrow spatula, remove glue streaks, leave the toilet until the seam is completely solidified. During drying, it is advisable not only not to use the device, but also not to touch it.

Mounting on taffeta

This method is most suitable for installing a toilet in a bathroom. wooden house. Its feature is a wooden lining (taffeta), on which the plumbing device is installed. The method is distinguished by the simplicity of work and the availability of the materials used.

Important! First, cut out the lining itself. For this, durable wood is used, the dimensions are easiest to note according to the sample. The finished plank is lightly cleaned with sandpaper, impregnated with drying oil.

The next step is to create anchors, clamps that will not allow the board to move. Sufficient reliability will provide nails hammered into the board at different angles, for greater reliability, you can use anchor bolts.

A recess is left in the screed at the installation site. Pour the solution into it. Immediately, without letting the concrete harden, install the taffeta with the nails down. Press in such a way that the board is flush with the floor. Allow the screed to dry.

After the solution has hardened, all that remains is to screw the toilet bowl using ordinary screws, under the heads of which it is imperative to put rubber or nylon gaskets. Everything, you can connect the drain to the sewer, supply water to the tank.

Installing a toilet in a screed

In the past, the most common way to attach a toilet to the floor was to install it with cement. The essence of the method is simple, when pouring the floor, a recess was left in which the base of the bowl was placed. The toilet was installed, leveled and filled with mortar.

As a plus similar way we can note the simplicity of work and the stability of the device, it does not need to be further strengthened, only the careful dismantling of such a toilet bowl is impossible, it can only be broken.

Fixing the toilet bowl to the floor is a responsible process that requires not so much knowledge and experience as accuracy and diligence. You do not have to be a major specialist to cope with the work, you just need to be patient and choose the method of fastening according to your strength. A little effort - and the toilet is in place, the device works, and the money on the installation is saved.

The process of installing plumbing equipment must be carried out, adhering to certain rules. Not everyone is ready to decide on its installation without the help of a specialist. But, if we talk about fixing the toilet to the floor, then this task is also able to be completed by a beginner who is not familiar with either the plumbing device or the rules for its installation.

Ways to install toilets

There are three main ways to install a toilet bowl, we will consider them in order. But whichever one you choose, you should remember that all installation work start with the assembly of the construction of the drain tank. In order for all the details to be in place, and you do not mix anything up, you will need our instructions. After the device is assembled, it can be mounted on the chosen place. Another important point– make sure that all connections for water supply and for its removal are ready before installation.

In order to make a choice between all methods, you should consider the material from which the floor in the toilet is made. Not all surfaces can use the same type of attachment.

Dowel fastening

This is the most practical way to secure the toilet to the floor surface. You do not need to spend a lot of effort and time to complete the installation. This method is good to use when the floor is absolutely smooth and even and it is absolutely impossible to apply if there are at least some irregularities and differences in the floor level. In this case, flushing problems may occur.

It is best to mount light compact devices on dowels, in which case you will definitely avoid problems due to unreliable fixation. Masters recommend placing a gasket under the base of the device, and only then carry out installation. If you don't have a ready-made gasket, make one from a piece of old, discarded linoleum or rubber. To get a gasket right size and forms, you need to put a toilet bowl on linoleum or rubber and circle it with a marker. Then just cut along the contour with a knife.

Usually, a kit is sold in a plumbing store along with the product itself, it includes dowels or fasteners specifically designed for plumbing fixtures.

So, the installation process itself is as follows:

  1. First, markup is done. To do this, in the place where the device will be located, put the toilet bowl and circle its base. Then it is removed and the sealant is smeared with a thin layer. A pre-prepared substrate is attached to this place.
  2. Further, holes for fasteners are made in the appropriate places. Try to make these holes slightly larger than the diameter of the dowels. This will make installation easier.
  3. Now it's time to hammer in the dowels and install the toilet itself. It is simply screwed into place.

If you need to slightly raise the device by a few centimeters, then use a piece of board. A stand is made from it, repeating the contour of the base of the toilet bowl. The stand is placed on the floor and the substrate is placed on top. All are glued together with sealant and dowels are inserted into the holes made directly in the stand and gasket.

Do not overtighten the fasteners, otherwise you can damage the plumbing, or rather its ceramic surface. After the device is securely fixed in place, you can connect it to communication systems.

Fastening with glue

This method is the easiest to do it yourself, but it will take a lot of time. The fact is that epoxy resin, on which plumbing is installed, freezes for a very long time, more than 12 hours. This type of fastener is also best used if your bathroom floor is flat. Usually they are used to mount a plumbing fixture on a tile.

Let's take a closer look at how to glue on epoxy resin:

To do this, take the following components:

  • Resin;
  • Cement;
  • Solvent or plasticizer;
  • Hardener.

All this must be taken in a certain proportion. Resins - 100 parts, cement - 200, solvent - 20, hardener - 35. The components are combined in the following sequence - first the resin is heated to 54 degrees. A solvent, a hardener, and only then cement are poured into it. During the cooking process, the mass is constantly stirred so that it is homogeneous.

The resulting resin is used for an hour and a half. It is applied to the base of the toilet with a layer of 0.5 cm and put it in place. The pipes align and press the device to the floor. Now you need to let it stand for at least 12 hours, more is better. Only after this time has elapsed can the toilet be touched, connected to systems, and so on.

Taffeta fastening

This method is usually used if the floor in the bathroom is wooden. Taffeta is a substrate made of wood about 3 cm thick, plumbing fixtures are attached to it. Since the bathroom is a room with high humidity, That wooden stand must be treated with drying oil.

Taffeta is mounted using anchors. Usually they are driven in in a checkerboard pattern so that they protrude a couple of centimeters.

The recess for the toilet is filled with cement and then taffeta is installed there so that the anchors are at the bottom. It turns out that the surface of the taffeta should practically not protrude above the floor, but be flush with it.

The solution should harden well, for this the toilet is left alone for twelve hours. After that, the installation can be continued. The equipment is additionally fixed with screws. In this case, it is imperative to use rubber washers. Then the surface of the device will not be damaged when fixing the screws, that is, when they are tightened.

Experienced craftsmen recommend lubricating the screws with graphite or grease before installation. Then, if necessary, it will be very easy to take them out. Instead of a piece of wood for taffeta, you can use rubber with a thickness of 0.5-1.5 cm. A rubber rug is ideal for this. The substrate, made in this way, should be a couple of centimeters smaller than the toilet support.

Hidden mount

There is another variety - this is a hidden toilet mount. It differs slightly from the method described first, but still has its own nuances. Let's consider the process in detail:

  1. As with open method installation, with a hidden method, a contour is also drawn on the tile, which repeats the base of the toilet bowl. Attachment points are also marked.
  2. The hidden fastening kit is placed on the floor and markings are made along which holes will be drilled.
  3. Next, the fastening is fixed with bolts.
  4. The toilet is installed in its place and fastened with bolts. In this case, the emptiness of its base should fall on the hidden fasteners. It is fixed through the side holes. Do not immediately tighten the bolts strongly so that you can later adjust the toilet when connected to the systems.

If you need to install hidden fasteners, but you cannot drill the floor, then use the following methods:

  • Put the toilet on liquid nails.
  • Seal it with silicone sealant.
  • Apply epoxy.

Whichever method you choose, always keep in mind that for better adhesion, the surface of the tile must be cleaned sandpaper so that it acquires the desired roughness. Only then will the adhesion of the two surfaces take place in the best possible way.

There is also such an option as side mounting the toilet to the floor. It is usually applied to toilets with a concealed mount or if you need to install a corner toilet. Then just purchase a special set of side mounts. The toilet bowl is mounted on plastic brackets, to which screws, dowels and caps are attached.

So, we have considered all known methods of fastening such a plumbing device as a toilet bowl to the floor. All methods are very different from each other in the complexity of implementation and the time spent on their implementation. However, all of them are easy to implement without outside help. It is very important to choose the right type of fastener for each specific case. It depends on many factors, such as, for example, the material from which the floor in the bathroom is made.

Modern technologies for the manufacture of sanitary ware allow you to fill the market building materials various models of toilet bowls.

Sanitary appliances vary in modifications drain cisterns, material of manufacture (porcelain, faience), fastening device, location of the water supply and drain outlet. In most cases, bathrooms toilet rooms tiled with tiles.

The walls and floors are covered with tiles. How to attach to tiled floor toilet so that it stands firmly on its base? In this article, we will give the reader information on how best to do this.

Preparatory work before installing the toilet

Achieve a comfortable toilet pipe length

The drain sink is installed when the wall and floor tiling work is completed.

If you install plumbing first, and then proceed to the device floor covering from ceramics, you will have to deal with a rather complex cut in the slabs to bypass the base of the pedestal of the plumbing fixture.

This will cause the risk of damage to the cladding if the selection of cut tiles is unsuccessful.

When facing walls and floors with ceramic tiles, you need to achieve a convenient protrusion length from the wall water pipe.

The outlet of the water pipe must be such that a stopcock can be installed.

The sewer drain can protrude from both the wall and the floor. The sewer socket must provide hermetic connection with corrugation.

Necessary tools and materials

To successfully complete the task, you should acquire patience and prepare the following set of tools:

  • perforator, drill;
  • marker;
  • drills for glass and ceramics;
  • screwdrivers;
  • sealant;
  • spanners;
  • adjustable wrench and cap heads with a collar;
  • dowels with self-tapping screws;
  • pliers;
  • corrugated pipe;
  • tap;
  • core;
  • grinder with an abrasive wheel;
  • connecting hose.

Installing a toilet on a tiled floor

Toilet installation

Installing a toilet bowl on a tiled floor different ways depending on the position of the mounting holes in the sink pedestal.

There are three options for attaching a plumbing fixture to ceramic coating gender:

Most Models drain sinks are made with mounting holes for vertical fastening. The installation of the sink is carried out in several stages:

Before installing the toilet, check the horizontal position of the installation site. If no deviations are found, then the base of the pedestal and tiles are not cleaned along the contour of the sink support.

Installing a toilet with side mounting holes is somewhat different than installing a sink with vertical fasteners.

The difference is that the mounting parts are hidden under the instrument's pedestal.

Install this model of the device as follows:

This installation method is resorted to if the floor base is equipped with a heating system. There is a risk of damage to the heating equipment when drilling mounting holes. For more details about the work, see this video:

In this case, cleaning the base of the pedestal and the surface ceramic tiles on the contour of the support of the toilet bowl is required. This is done to increase the adhesion of the surfaces to be glued.

Press the toilet firmly against the floor

Glue the toilet on a tiled surface liquid nails. The surfaces are covered with glue, then they are pressed against each other.

The toilet bowl is removed from the installation site and placed on its side. Withstand the time specified in the instructions. Then set the sink in place, press it to the floor.

The rest of the installation work is carried out in the same way as in the previous cases.

You can start installing a toilet on a tiled floor on your own only if you have the skills and experience in this type of work.