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The smell of furniture does not disappear. The unpleasant smell of new furniture: get rid of proven methods. Video: tips for housewives: how to get rid of the smell of furniture

If you notice an unpleasant, chemical smell, do not rush to spray all the products you have in your arsenal. Mixing aromas can only worsen the situation, and it will simply be impossible to be in the room. First you need to find out what exactly caused the unpleasant smell from new furniture.

There can be several reasons for the smell.

There are the following main causes of excessive odor:

  • unpleasant odor of the material. Furniture is often made of chipboard or solid wood. It is covered with a layer of paint or varnish, which have a pronounced industrial aroma;
  • room humidity. Sometimes when you put in a new sofa or wardrobe at home, you can feel that they smell musty. This is explained by the fact that the product stood for a long time in a room where the humidity level exceeded the permissible limit. If the internal filling of the sofa under the upholstery has suffered from dampness, then it will be especially difficult to get rid of the smell of charm;
  • chemical processing. To extend the service life of wooden parts and elements, as well as protect them from insects and the negative effects of external environment processed using special formulations. subjected to chemical treatment and leather upholstery furniture.

Such odors can cause discomfort or even be harmful to health.

To minimize the discomfort of buying new furniture, it is recommended to buy quality products from well-known manufacturers who use only high-quality parts and materials in production. They have a less harsh scent that fades much faster.

How to remove the smell from new chipboard furniture at home

The sooner you start to deal with the smells of new furniture, the sooner they will be done away with. There are various effective ways to eliminate foreign odors. Some of them cannot be called cheap, but others, on the contrary, can be classified as economical.

In any case, they will help solve the problem and restore a comfortable environment and a feeling of freshness in your home or office.

This method is considered the least laborious, but it takes the most time to completely remove the odor. Its essence is to ventilate the room in which the furniture is placed as often as possible. This method is suitable for those cases when the apartment is not yet furnished and inhabited, so people are not constantly in it.

Regularly ventilate the room in which there is new furniture

In this situation, it is possible to leave the window for ventilation and engage in further home improvement. Keep in mind that complete weathering can take about 2-3 weeks.

The ozonizer is special device that synthesizes ozone from room oxygen. In just a couple of hours, the device will purify the air and there will be no trace of an unpleasant odor. Together with unpleasant odors, the ozonator neutralizes any substances hazardous to health that have entered the air.


The device should be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, as turning it on too often can lead to a number of negative reactions from the body, such as headache, slight malaise and dizziness. Buying a device is not a cheap pleasure. Its cost significantly exceeds the cost of other methods to eliminate odors. But there are other advantages to acquiring a device. Having bought it once, the device will last for a long time, saving the owners of the house from having to spend time and effort on constant wiping and processing of new furniture.

In the department household chemicals can be found special means to remove odors. Purchased products must be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and only for those materials that are indicated on the liquid bottle. Some compounds are particularly effective on chipboard, wood or plastic products, but it is not desirable that they fall on soft upholstery even in small quantities. These funds are inexpensive and their consumption is quite economical.

Processing with special tools

Purchased products often contain their own flavors, so after using them in the room, more aroma will appear. For people prone to allergic reactions, this method may not be suitable.


Among inexpensive ways to speed up, the use of salt, activated charcoal and tea bags can be noted. Around the arranged furniture, it is necessary to place containers filled with the listed absorbent agents. Every day, the contents of the containers are updated, and the room must be ventilated. The surface of new furniture can be wiped with lemon juice diluted in in large numbers water.

Smell masking

In addition to trying to eliminate an unpleasant odor, you can try to mask it. To do this, peels from citrus fruits or coffee beans. You can also put soap self made with a pleasant aroma.

Which method of dealing with the odor of new furniture to choose depends on how quickly you need to get rid of the smell and what costs you can allocate for this.

Many are familiar with the situation when, after buying new furniture, a characteristic, not too pleasant smell appears in the apartment. This is the smell from chipboard (chipboard), which is the most popular material for the production of inexpensive furniture. Where does it come from chipboard smell whether it is necessary to fight it and what health risks low-quality furniture carries. Read about all this below.

The smell of new chipboard furniture - what is the reason

Back in 1985, WHO recognized chipboard as a carcinogenic material. European furniture manufacturers for the most part follow the path of abandoning the use of this material. However, our cheap furniture made of chipboard is still in high demand among buyers. I want to update the interior, there is no money for expensive furniture, and the smell from new furniture will go away in a couple of weeks. The smell from the chipboard, perhaps after a while it will go away. But the damage may remain.

Where does the smell from chipboard come from and what is its danger? Chipboards are made from pressed sawdust, which are glued together with resin. And in the production of resins, formaldehyde is used. This substance poses a serious health hazard. Also, it happens gradually. Inhaling the characteristic smell of new chipboard furniture, people often do not even suspect what consequences this can lead to. The first signs of poisoning are irritability, insomnia, lethargy. There may also be external manifestations in the form of allergic reactions: rash, itching, inflammation of the eyes, etc. Prolonged inhalation of formaldehyde vapors leads to the development of cancer and can even provoke irreversible changes at the gene level.

It is especially unpleasant when the smell of new chipboard furniture is clearly felt in the children's room. Children's body more sensitive, so characteristic symptoms poisoning can appear quite quickly. Therefore, what you definitely shouldn’t save on is repairs in the nursery. By the way, back in the 90s in Russia it was forbidden to use chipboard for the manufacture of furniture for kindergartens. The reason is still the same - increased, causing a characteristic smell from chipboard.

How to deal with the smell of chipboard?

Knowing about negative impact formaldehyde on health, you can protect yourself and your family. Of course, the most reliable thing is not to buy chipboard products. Then the question of how to remove the smell of new furniture will not stand at all. But what to do if the furniture has already been bought, and there is an unpleasant smell in the apartment? First of all, you need to do an air analysis. It is possible that the limiting norms of formaldehyde concentration are not exceeded.

In this case, there is no serious threat to health, and you just need to decide how to quickly remove the smell of new furniture.

The intensity of the smell from chipboard depends on various factors: room temperature, humidity, frequency of ventilation, etc. Warm and humid air will exacerbate the situation if the formaldehyde concentration is high enough.

The smell of new chipboard furniture can last for about a month. Therefore, experts do not advise immediately to enter the apartment after the completion of the repair, and even more so to bring a child there. It is best to wait 3-4 weeks. All this time, the room must be intensively ventilated in order to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the air.

If even after this time it was not possible to remove the smell of new furniture, then a radical solution would still be to get rid of such interior items. After all, the health of your family is much more expensive than the cost of repairs. But it is important to pay attention to the quality of furniture even at the stage of purchase. It is desirable that the edges and edges of the furniture are sealed. In addition, a sharp chemical smell from chipboard can be felt even in the store. Of course, the purchase of such furniture should be abandoned.

Buying new furniture is always a long-awaited and pleasant event. However, in addition to joy, it can deliver a lot of trouble, one of which is a specific aroma. The materials used in the production of new furniture give off an unpleasant odor that is quite difficult to remove. But nothing is impossible in the world, and if you are wondering how to get rid of the smell of new furniture, the tips given in our article will surely come in handy. "Dream House" made sure that readers found a solution to this problem.

How to get rid of the smell of new furniture

Getting rid of the smell of new furniture with the help of specialized products

Modern manufacturers of technical devices have long developed a device that can eliminate even the most unpleasant and corrosive odor in a fairly short period of time. One such device is an ozonator. The essence of his work is to generate ozone from atmospheric air, which is a neutralizer of any odor. To eliminate the smell that accompanies new pieces of furniture as quickly and effectively as possible, you just need to turn on the ozone generator indoors and leave it to work for several hours. In addition to eliminating odors, the ozone generator also disinfects the air and neutralizes harmful compounds that may be present in chemical treatments used in new furniture.

However, the cost of the ozonizer can hardly be called democratic, and its purchase is justified, because. You can also remove the smell of new furniture with the help of more affordable ones. For example, in specialized stores you can find an odor remover that also successfully copes with its task. The diluted liquid is applied to a wooden or wooden surface, creating a kind of film that prevents the spread of odor. Deodorizing liquid is a very effective helper in the fight against unpleasant odors, but it is not recommended for allergy sufferers and, moreover, this liquid can only be used on furniture made of chipboard, plastic or wood.

The smell of new furniture what to do

We eliminate the smell of new furniture with improvised means

To understand what to do to eliminate the smell from furniture, you first need to find its root cause. The most strongly specific aroma emits chipboard and varnish used to cover furniture. In chipboard, especially if the material is not of high quality, formaldehyde is used - a reactive substance that not only causes discomfort, but also adversely affects human health. In this case, experts recommend the use of odor-absorbing substances. They are tea and table salt. In the room where the new furniture is located, it is necessary to lay out tea bags or bags of salt. If the source of the unpleasant odor is a closet, table, or nightstand, place absorbent materials in all compartments of these pieces of furniture. At the same time, the doors of cabinets and shelves should be left open for several days. When the specific smell does not cause discomfort, ventilate the room well and wipe the surface of the furniture with a weak aqueous solution with the addition of lemon juice.

How to remove the smell of new furniture

How to remove bad smell from upholstered furniture

If upholstered furniture is the source of the odor, spread out sofas and armchairs as much as possible and ventilate the room. It is recommended to put lemon and orange peels in containers for storing laundry, as well as near furniture, which are good neutralizers of unpleasant odors. Instead of citrus peels, you can put a saucer of vinegar in the room or use special aromatic sachets with essential oils.

How to eliminate smell from new furniture

Removing odor from upholstered furniture can be quite a painstaking task if it smells musty. If new furniture emits a similar aroma, most likely it has been in conditions of high humidity and dampness for a long time. In this case, in addition to the above recommendations, you need to create a draft in the room for the whole day, and then turn on or, drying air. If, despite all the manipulations, you still smell musty, you may need to take the furniture for cleaning, because. it is possible that the source of the smell is in the deep layers of the upholstery.

Removing odor from upholstered furniture

Effective odor removal from upholstered furniture

A specific smell can also be emitted by a new leather furniture. If you are not one of those who like the smell of candy, spread out your own or armchairs, and then open all the windows in the room. When the initial smell is a little removed, place a container with freshly ground coffee near the products, lay out the skins from citrus fruits, absorbent, a bag of salt or tea bags. But keep in mind that during the production process it undergoes extensive chemical processing, so the aroma emanating from it can last for several months.

Getting rid of the smell of old furniture

If the smell of new furniture is more likely to disappear after a while, then the aroma old furniture every day will only get worse. To eliminate discomfort and remove the smell of old furniture, first of all, you need to wipe the surface of the products with an vinegar solution or a solution of manganese. When the liquid dries well, put any absorbent substances inside the furniture - salt, tea, natural coffe, citric acid, etc. It is also recommended to wipe the surface of old furniture from time to time with special disinfectants, because it is possible that the reason for the formation of a musty aroma lies in the spread of bacteria and.

If bad smell has old upholstered furniture, it is most effective to hand over the product to dry cleaning. Since odors dig into the fabric very deeply and firmly, it will be quite problematic to get rid of them on your own. However, if an unpleasant odor on upholstered furniture was formed due to a spill or an incident that happened to a child or pet, you can try to eliminate it with an vinegar solution or a liquid car odor eliminator. Simply rub the stain generously with a vinegar solution or odor remover, then wait until it's completely dry. Just before proceeding with the manipulation, check the effect of the funds on the back of the sofa, because. Some types of upholstery can be deformed by concentrated liquids.

Not always smells emanating from new furniture are unpleasant. But this does not mean that they are absolutely safe for the health of households. Basically, furniture products, including upholstered furniture, are made of chipboard (chipboard). And chipboard is the main source of formaldehyde and phenol, toxic substances that pose a certain danger to humans. The sharpest aroma comes from the uncovered ends of furniture and chips, where shavings and resin are exposed.

Lacquer to cover wooden furniture, also emits an odor and releases into the air harmful substances. The air environment of the apartment is polluted, and this negatively affects the well-being of people.

Laminate can also be used in the production of furniture, decorative tiles, upholstery materials impregnated with special substances that allow the furniture to maintain an impeccable appearance for a long time. This "chemistry" not only smells, but can also cause allergic reactions, headache, asthmatic attacks and other unhealthy reactions of the body. Children and the elderly are at risk.

To reduce the risk of possible poisoning to zero, you need to buy certified furniture that meets established standards and has passed quality control. If a chip or other damage is found, the purchase should be returned to the store.

The use of specialized tools

Any furniture exudes smells, whether it is a bedroom set or a kitchenette, a bookcase or a convertible sofa. Remove the smell of new furniture will help modern device, capable of eliminating any, even the most corrosive aroma in a short time. It's called an ozonator.

The device generates ozone from the air, which is an odor neutralizer. It is enough to turn on the ozonator in the network and let it work for several hours. Windows and doors in the room must be closed.

The ozonator will not only remove the unpleasant odor, but also disinfect the air, while all harmful and toxic compounds will be neutralized.

The disadvantage of the ozonizer is only one - the high cost. Not every family can purchase it to eliminate the smell of new furniture. On sale you can find liquid to eliminate odors. According to the instructions, it is diluted with water and applied to hard surfaces of wood and plastic furniture, forming a film. The film coating will prevent the spread of unpleasant odors.

However, the liquid also has disadvantages:

  • it can only be used for wood, chipboard and plastic products;
  • people prone to allergic reactions, it is not recommended to use it.

We use improvised methods

There are quite available funds fight odors, especially since they are in every home. For example, tea bags (black, green, herbal) or orange and lemon peels.

If the bad smell comes from the new cabinet, bookshelves or bedside tables, you need to pull out all the drawers, open the doors and put bags of salt or tea bags in all compartments. The neutralization of the smell will last for several days. And then it is recommended to ventilate the room well and wipe all surfaces with water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

If the source of the smell is upholstered furniture, it is laid out, and citrus peels are placed around it. Another option is to put saucers with vinegar or use aromatic sachets.

It happens that new furniture smells musty. This suggests that it was kept indoors with high humidity. You can remove the smell in the following way: hold the furniture in a draft for a day, and then warm the room with a fireplace or other heater. However, these actions may not be enough. If the source of an unpleasant odor has penetrated deep into the upholstery, then the furniture must be cleaned or returned to the store with a warranty card. Moreover, the case will probably deform from dampness in the near future.

How to remove the specific smell of leather furniture? The room must first be ventilated, while the sofa or chairs must be laid out. When the strong smell is gone, you need to spread the same absorbent substances around the leather products: tea bags, bags of salt or citrus peels. You can put a container with ground coffee beans next to the sofa. However, tune in for a long period, up to several months, of getting rid of the smell exuded by the skin.

And do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, then neither new nor old furniture will cause discomfort in the form of extraneous odors.

The main feature of a comfortable life of any person is furniture. The acquisition of this important attribute in houses and apartments causes a lot of positive emotions among housewives. Updating wardrobes, sofas and beds not only decorates the interior of the living space, but also adds coziness and warmth to it. But unfortunately, an unforeseen situation in the form of an unpleasant smell that the furniture emits can spoil positive emotions. In this case, you should not be upset. There are many effective methods combat this problem. Let's take a closer look at the question of how to get rid of the smell of new furniture together.

Initially, it is necessary to comprehensively approach the solution of this issue. It is necessary to determine the cause of the occurrence of a specific aroma. There are such sources of its occurrence:

  • The smell of the material from which the furniture is made. It is made from wooden materials which are covered with a layer of varnish or paint. This creates an industrial flavor. It tends to quickly disappear, you can simply not wait for this and solve the problem today. Less toxic is furniture made from natural materials. The main part of it is presented from natural wood and textiles.
  • Excessive room humidity. When you buy new furniture and put it in an apartment where the humidity level is more than 60%, then the furniture smells of charm. If you do not get rid of dampness in the house in time, cabinets and sofas are filled with mold, which is dangerous to the life and health of households.
  • Chemical processing of furniture. Cabinet, sofa and chair manufacturer processes materials chemicals. This is done so that insects do not start in the furniture. Thus, our furniture is protected from the negative effects of the environment. This fragrance is the most difficult to remove.

Only by completely removing traces of the specific smell of new furniture, you can fully enjoy your renovation.

Consequences of breathing polluted air

The specific aromas of new furniture bring us a number of inconveniences and great harm to our body. Sofa manufacturers treat materials with chemicals that contain poison. Over time, these substances begin to evaporate and fill the air throughout the house. The person begins to breathe this muck. Owner modern furniture and members of his family often get sick. Such odors cause headaches and nausea. In advanced cases, oncology can develop. For these reasons, action must be taken immediately. There are cases when tenants of an apartment like a specific smell, but this negatively affects their health.

Household odor removal methods

In the modern world, there are many ways to deal with the unpleasant smell of furniture. The main ones are:

Ventilation of the living space. Before you start to fight with the aroma, try to simply weather it out. Open all windows. Open all the cabinets and unfold the sofa. After a while, the smell will definitely disappear forever. Perform ventilation procedures several times a day. The more often airing is carried out, the faster the unpleasant smell will leave you. Be prepared for the fact that this method of getting rid of the problem may take two to three weeks.

Usage technical device . If you prefer to use quick ways action, the ozonator device will be suitable. He will help a lot. This machine generates ozone from the oxygen that is in the house. It will also help you freshen the air in the room, rid it of harmful components. It is worth noting that ozone in large quantities adversely affects the health of residents, for example, it can cause migraines. Therefore, it can only be useful in moderation. The cost of this apparatus is usually high, as is its effectiveness. Not every consumer can afford it. You can replace it with a liquid that is applied to the surface of the furniture, covering it protective film. This film prevents the evaporation of chemical aromas.

improvised means

There are many folk ways solutions to this problem. They consist in using the simplest tools at hand. Usually, every hostess has these. Namely:

  • Baking soda. It will effectively help to remove the irritant. Most often, the smell comes from the varnish that the furniture is covered with. Therefore, place plates of soda throughout the room where the furniture is located. It quickly absorbs the smell.
  • Tea bags. Tea bags must be hung on the doors of the rooms.
  • Activated carbon. An excellent sorbent for neutralizing various odors. Grind a few charcoal tablets and put in a saucer. Place in the corners of the room.
  • Ammonia. Wipe the surface of the furniture with a solution ammonia and water. Three drops of this remedy will be enough.
  • Natural coffe. It is an excellent air freshener. It is enough to pour a few grains into a plastic cup or other small container and put indoors. For prevention, you can put in bags in cabinets and chests of drawers.
  • Vinegar solution. Its pungent smell is able to neutralize other odors. He disinfects. Preparing a cleanser. Half a glass of water to half a glass of vinegar. Wipe cabinets with this solution using a tissue.
  • Essential oils. After the ventilation procedure, bottles of essential oils can be placed in sofas and chests of drawers. With their pleasant smell, they neutralize the remnants of the aroma of new furniture.
  • Salt, sugar or cloves. Place in bags in a small amount on the shelves of the cabinet.
  • Heater. Sometimes, there are situations when a person purchases new furniture with an already musty smell. This happens when the furniture was stored in a damp room before purchase. In this case, be sure to dry the furniture well. Since you can not dry the furniture in the open sun. A simple heater or fireplace will come to the rescue. Turn it on for three hours in the room where the furniture is. From the dampness of the furniture there will be no trace.
  • Lemon or citric acid. Squeeze lemon juice and dilute with running water. Wipe down the surface of the sofa. You can replace it with a solution citric acid in water. This is very effective method, which quickly removes unpleasant odors and leaves behind freshness.

I would like to emphasize that improvised means are effective and budget options elimination of the problem. They are easily accessible and available to every housewife in the house. If these products do not help eliminate the smell, then you will have to replace it. For example, in a sofa, it may be worth changing the upholstery. It's cheaper than buying new furniture.

Purchasable funds

In any household chemicals store you can find a large selection of special products to neutralize unpleasant air. The market price of such funds is not very high. When using purchased products, be sure to read the instructions. Some of them may be designed only for furniture made of chipboard. Getting them on soft tissues can lead to irreversible consequences. Some purchased products already have air fresheners in their composition. After their application, additional refreshment is not required.

There are quite a few ways to remove specific odors. All of them differ in their effectiveness and the amount of time spent. In order to choose the right method, you must be guided by the following circumstances:

  • Availability at hand simple means. If you have chosen this method of struggle, then in the absence of soda at home, for example, you can replace it with vinegar, salt or ammonia.
  • Depending on the cause of the aroma. If the source of the specific smell is the upholstery of the furniture, due to its treatment with chemicals, then the methods for materials with chipboard will not work. The main thing is to choose the right way to solve the problem. Otherwise, due to your inexperience, you can only exacerbate the problem.
  • Depending on your budget. If you need to choose a cheaper option, then stop at the choice of improvised means. The most expensive way is to buy an ozonator. In just a few hours you will forget about the problem of unpleasant odors.

To prevent the appearance of a specific smell of new furniture, you need to follow just a few simple rules:

  1. Buy new cabinets and sofas from trusted manufacturers and sellers. Furniture should be made only from natural materials. Sellers of new furniture should store upholstered furniture in dry rooms to prevent moisture penetration into the furniture.
  2. Delivery of furniture should be done only by specialists. If the surface is damaged during transportation of the sofa or cabinet, this can lead to the appearance of a specific smell.
  3. After arranging new furniture, it is necessary to ventilate the room.
  4. Wipe new furniture with a damp cloth.
  5. To prevent the occurrence of smell, put bags of cinnamon or vanilla sticks in the cabinet shelves and in the sofa.

If you follow all these rules, then the problem of the smell of a new sofa or wardrobe will not overtake you.