Water pipes      05/12/2019

How to dissolve fecal deposits in a cesspool. Causes of silting and rapid filling of the cesspool. Indications for cleaning the cesspool

The moment when the cesspool has completely silted up, you will feel in literally this word. After all, the deposition of silt on the bottom and walls sewer well make it difficult to outflow liquid waste, the pit will fill with drains and the water in the sink or toilet will not drain as quickly as before. In addition, a rather specific smell will be felt in the adjacent territory.

In a word, a silted cesspool promises only trouble. And in this article we will introduce our readers to effective ways control of deposits at the bottom of a cesspool of any type.

In modern sewage disposal systems, three types of cesspool designs are used, namely:

  • An open pit, which is equipped in the form of a well without a bottom. Usually such a pit is mounted at a country house. Moreover, such a “drive” is equipped with both domestic sewage and “conveniences in the yard”. The advantage of this solution is the simplicity of arrangement. The downside is the environmental threat posed by such waste and effluent accumulators.
  • Sealed reservoir, which is supplied with temporary dwellings ( country houses, trailers, snack bars, small cafes and so on). Such a "pit" is a concrete or polymer cylinder where waste flows. The advantage of this design is environmental Safety(drainage does not come into contact with the ground). In addition, silt in this type of cesspool accumulates only at the bottom. Minus - the need for constant pumping of wastewater.

  • Septic tank - complex structure, consisting of a solid waste storage tank and a filter system that cleans wastewater before being discharged into the ground. This design is relatively safe for the ecology of the site and does not require frequent pumping of silty or solid waste. And this is a definite plus of such a decision. But the arrangement of a septic tank, and even with a high degree of purification, will be expensive. And this is a clear disadvantage.

Of course, each of them is cleaned of sludge in different ways. Therefore, further in the text we will go over the most effective options for cleaning open, sealed and filter pits.

Open Pit Cleaning

cleaning cesspool from silt

Cleaning the cesspool from silt, in this case, is carried out mechanically or by chemical means. The first option involves the dissolution of the silt sediment in water after shaking the contents of the pit. To do this, you need to pump out ¾ of the volume of liquid waste and introduce, under pressure, a stream of water into the pit (about ¼ of the volume of the pit). The silt will be washed away from the bottom, after which the viscous suspension can be pumped out with a fecal pump or a sewage machine.

The chemical method involves the introduction into the pit freed from most of the liquid of special preparations that destroy solid waste. Such substances are created on the basis of nitrate oxidizers - non-toxic drugs, which are analogous to conventional fertilizers. Such a preparation liquefies silt deposits, removes the problem of the formation of hydrogen sulfide - a source of unpleasant odor, and even reduces the mass of solid waste.

Thus, to clean a pit without a bottom, you can choose two technologies - cheap, but "dirty" mechanical cleaning or expensive chemical cleaning.

However, at the end of the mechanical or chemical process, you will need to renew the gravel bed at the bottom of the pit. Otherwise, such purges will continue with ever-decreasing frequency. Water will not “leave” through a clogged or bottom.

Cesspool silted up - what to do? In this case, there can be only one solution to the problem - to pump out and take out the waste. However, this service does not come cheap. Therefore, biological preparations or chemical substances reducing solid waste. As a result, the period of operation (the time from one pumping to another) increases significantly.

Biological products, as well as chemicals (the same nitrate oxidizers) decompose solid waste into water and gas. Moreover, bacteria do this all the time, only increasing their presence in the "nutrient" medium. And chemistry decomposes even silty deposits literally before our eyes. Moreover, chemicals act even in drains contaminated with washing powders, soapy drains and other residues of household chemicals.

But pumping out an overfilled tank is an inevitable operation that can only be delayed, not cancelled. And if you have installed a sealed well on your site, look for a company that provides sewage services.

Septic tank cleaning

The septic tank does not imply waste pumping - the drains must “leave” into the ground with almost no residue. And if this does not happen, then something in the septic tank (or rather someone) is not working properly. We are talking about bacteria responsible for the breakdown of solid waste to a semi-liquid state.

Therefore, septic tanks are “cleaned” by the usual “injection” with preparations based on bacterial colonies. Such "cleaners" are introduced into the septic tank through an inspection hatch or directly through the sewer outlet - drop the gel or tablet into the toilet, flush it and wait for the result.

And the result is sure! After all, colonies of bacteria destroy up to 80 percent of solid waste, liquefy sludge and suppress unpleasant odors.

It is on these qualities of bacteria that the functionality of the septic tank is based. After all, the soil itself will cope with water purified by biological products. Therefore, septic tanks do not need to be pumped out and cleaned by traditional methods. Update the colonies of beneficial microorganisms in a timely manner (because they die from household chemicals), and you will never know about problems with cesspools.

A cesspool is a convenient autonomous installation that is used to collect waste from residents. In order for the system to work as long as possible, it must be properly maintained. In the absence of proper care, the cesspool will fail, and all waste will float to the surface. There are several ways to clean a cesspool, and most of them you can do yourself.

Indications for cleaning the cesspool

If an unpleasant smell hovers in the air, and midges fly over the installation, this indicates that it is time to clean the cesspool. If this is not done, then sludge will accumulate at the bottom of the sewer system, and this will lead to an early clogging. To avoid problems, it is recommended to clean at least once a year.

You can do the pumping of cesspools yourself, and for this it is not necessary to call a sewage machine. First you need to purchase a special container, the volume of which should be equal to the volume of the pit and a fecal pump.

Self-cleaning can be done if a small number of people use the sewer. In this case, the pit fills more slowly, and there will be no pumping problems. After the procedure, the cesspool should be rinsed to slow down the formation of stony deposits.

Self cleaning methods

There are three main ways to clean a cesspool, these are:

  • pumping method;
  • cleaning with biological preparations;
  • chemical cleaning.

Pumping out content

The very first and traditional method is pumping. You can carry out the process both independently and with the help of special services. The call of specialists will be needed if the pit has a decent size, since this service is not cheap.

If the installation is small, for example, suburban area, then the owner himself can cope with the task of eliminating sewage. This will also require caution. When cleaning cesspools, appropriate protection should be worn:

  • rubberized clothing;
  • respirator;
  • durable shoes;
  • latex gloves.

It is not worth cleaning with a pump alone, as methane is formed inside the cesspool. This gas is very dangerous for humans, so there should be a person nearby who can quickly come to the rescue in case of poisoning.

The use of biological preparations

Biological drugs are perfect solution in order to clean the cesspool. The principle of operation of biological products is that under their action, feces and waste are converted into liquid. It has no smell and is safe for humans. Advantages of using biopreparations:

  • agents break down fats, feces, toilet paper, and disinfect cesspools;
  • when cleaned, they do not have a negative effect on Construction Materials(metal, brick, plastic);
  • preparations begin active work after 2 hours, and after 4 hours they eliminate an unpleasant odor.

Despite the advantages, this method has a drawback - the products cannot work at low temperatures, and their use in the winter is excluded. This is where chemicals come in.

Chemical method

To clean the cesspool chemically, use the following tools:

  • nitrate oxidizing agents;
  • ammonium compounds;
  • bleaching powder.

Such funds are not afraid of cold weather, but are extremely toxic. They do well with various types household waste and resistant to aggressive environments. Chemicals have one significant disadvantage - they are unsafe for environment.

At mechanical cleaning a vacuum cleaner and a silo pump are used. To use such equipment, it is only necessary to provide it with an unhindered access to the cesspool.

The dispenser is special machine which has a vacuum pump. With its help, the contents of the installation are removed. This method is considered the most convenient, since the pumping of cesspools is carried out quickly and efficiently. If desired, you can ask to flush the installation for an additional fee.

Like the previous methods, the vacuum cleaner has a drawback - it sucks up waste only in liquid form. To remove solid impurities, it is wise to use an ilosus, because it is able to turn them into a liquid and pump out impurities without difficulty. But he also has a minus: after using such a device, the pit will stop absorbing moisture, and you will have to call specialists more often.

In order for the cesspool to function as long and efficiently as possible, you can use a few simple tips:

  • If it was noticed that there is an unpleasant smell in the air, it is necessary to place special agents (liquid formulations or powders) in the cesspool that accelerate the decomposition process.
  • The state of the system must be constantly monitored and subjected to mechanical cleaning. If the sewer is full and it rains, then all unwanted waste will float out, and this is fraught with an unpleasant persistent smell.
  • To drain the soil faster, it is worth making a hole in the bottom of the pit and inserting a plastic pipe into it.
  • If ready installation cannot cope with the incoming waste, it is advisable to dig another hole and connect them with a pipe.

When it was noticed that pumping out the cesspool began to be required more and more often, it would not be superfluous to restore the operation of the installation using available methods. Usually, problems begin in the winter, when drains begin to freeze, and the situation can only be corrected by defrosting them.

The procedure is usually used heat gun or her homemade version. The method requires a power supply, but in its absence, the use of fires is allowed, blowtorches and etc.

There is another method, but it is only suitable for those people who have at least minimum experience in dealing with electricity. The essence of the method is that a long metal pin is driven in in the middle of the cesspool, a stripped electrical cable is connected to it, and a current of 220 V is supplied. When working, it is required to observe safety precautions and wear rubberized protective equipment. The whole procedure can take 24 hours, it all depends on the size of the sewer.

Due to the fact that wastewater contains not only organic matter, but also inorganic inclusions, aerobic bacteria located in the sections of the station cannot completely process everything. Then the question arises of how to clean the septic tank without pumping out and what should be done for this. Microorganisms that have already served their purpose die, settling to the bottom in the form of silt. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically remove the sediment from the system. Consider the features of the operation of treatment facilities, as well as methods for pumping out sediment.

Not so long ago as autonomous sewers simple sealed tanks of large volumes were used, from which water had to be constantly pumped out, but now everything is much simpler. Modern systems are real wastewater treatment plants, so there is no need to call vacuum trucks, because the liquid is cleaned biologically and flows into the soil or reservoir. It remains only to manually remove the sediment using a special pump.

The process of self-cleaning a septic tank

The principle of operation of the station, which does not require pumping, is as follows. The first chamber of this device is the largest and is called the reception room. This includes stocks sewer pipes from home. Here the liquid is collected and settled until it reaches a certain level. Substances that are lighter than water collect at the top, and large and heavy inclusions settle to the bottom. Fats and insoluble substances that float on the surface in this chamber are hydrolyzed by the yeast over time and can be further dissolved.

After a certain level of liquid in the first chamber is reached, it is poured into the next compartment, where it continues to be clarified with the help of aerobic organisms. This compartment is called the aeration tank. Here, the wastewater is saturated with oxygen using a special compressor and actively mixed. This mixing method is called aeration, which promotes a more efficient decomposition of the organic components contained in the water. This is the next stage of cleaning, which is the most effective.

The next section is called the bioreactor. Thanks to special lime-type backfills that can be added here, harmful phosphorus-nitrogen inclusions are eliminated from the drains. In the next chamber, purified water is finally settled and can even be disinfected using chlorine-containing reagents. But in the standard configuration of the septic tank, such reagents are not provided.

How to properly maintain the station

The sludge accumulated in the sections will periodically have to be pumped out (several times a year). The frequency of pumping depends on the volume of the tank and on the intensity of use of the station. For pumping, a sewage machine is not needed; sludge can be removed manually using a special pump. Further, this precipitate can be dried and further used as a very good fertilizer for lawn, flower beds or shrubs that do not bear fruit.

device and principles of maintenance of a septic tank

Important: do not completely remove all sediment from the system. It is necessary to leave some of the sludge so that it continues the cleaning steps. Approximately one fifth of the sediment should be left. This will enable the station to operate effectively in the future.

Some people prefer to completely clean the system and buy microorganisms for it again, but why do this if there is already a ready-made microflora in the chambers, it should simply be left partially untouched.

Ways to clean the station:

  • In the presence of special pipes for sludge, you can use them. By installing such pipes, you will see that the sludge will exit the system by gravity if the necessary pressure is created in it;
  • For those who have not purchased pipes, there is also an option - pumping out sediment using a sewage machine, which will also help in case of a dense congestion;
  • The third option for removing sediment is to manually pump out sewage sludge using a special sludge pump. Modern septic tanks with biological treatment are equipped with automatic system distribution of solid and heavy inorganic inclusions in storage tanks from where they can be easily removed.
  • Sludge removal with special bacteria. Special microorganisms, which can be purchased at a specialized store, do an excellent job with all the contents of the chambers. But they decompose organic matter, fecal matter and fats. As a result, even sediment does not remain.

In order for the beneficial bacteria in the compartments to live for a long time and effectively cope with the work, it is necessary to purchase detergents without chlorine for septic tanks and exclude the use of aggressive household chemicals, such as washing powders, shampoos, cleaners and detergents, bleaches. If, nevertheless, you did not keep track, and chemicals still got into the biological treatment plant, then you should populate it with new microorganisms and create for them favorable conditions. Also don't forget about extra water.

If a massive release of wastewater is carried out, then some organic matter will not have time to decompose, which may cause the formation of certain fatty acids, which did not have enough time to turn into carbon dioxide or methane. This, in turn, will affect the fact that the process of decomposition of organic matter will be slowed down. In this case, bubbles with hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide will begin to rise to the surface. They will hook on the way particles of silt, stuck from the bottom, and together with the fatty film on the surface of the water form a dense crust, which can reach a large thickness.

The crust formed in this case should not come out of the septic tank, otherwise it can clog the pipes. Therefore, a special tee is installed at the outlet of the last chamber. The lower end of the tee is drowned in water, and the upper end is brought up. Thanks to this device, the pipes will not become clogged, and the crust will not float away from the septic tank.

septic tank cleaning equipment

If the tee is clogged, then it can be cleaned through the pipe that is included in the design. Therefore, periodic cleaning must be carried out. This is a necessary measure that will help avoid accidents and be able to maintain the station in working order. The frequency of sediment removal in the chambers will depend on how often you use the sewer and how large the chambers are.

Sludge removers

Before the emergence of stations of deep biological treatment chemical substances coped with the task of purification, which eliminated the smell and accelerated the process of decay of effluents. But, even despite their high efficiency, such substances had a negative impact on the environment. Popularity was formaldehyde, which has an extremely high degree of toxicity. Oxidizing nitrates and sometimes ammonium were also used. But today in these dangerous substances no need.

Sludge removal products that the modern market offers can be divided into several categories:

  • Biological (bacterial strains, biological products that decompose organic matter);
  • Chemical (substances that contain a coagulant that promotes the adhesion of small particles into large elements with further settling to the bottom).

Biological drugs have many advantages over their chemical counterparts. They are absolutely safe for the environment, as they are a product of nature. They will not destroy the tank body, which cannot be said about some types of chemicals. Just like chemical preparations, bacteria eliminate unpleasant odors from the system, preventing the process of decay in water (organic matter breaks down, not rots). The liquid purified with the help of microorganisms can be safely poured onto the soil (or used in your household, for example, for irrigation). You do not have to look for a long time where to drain the water from the septic tank, as you can pour it anywhere: into a pond, onto sand, into the ground.

Detergents approved for use

Since aerobic microorganisms are extremely sensitive to chemicals, chlorine-containing cleaners and detergents, alkalis, preparations with phenols and aldehydes, and so on should be excluded from everyday use. Do not use detergent with a special antibacterial additive, as it will simply kill the beneficial bacteria in the chambers.

It is better to purchase ecological preparations that are designed for safe washing of dishes, for example, Shpyul-S. This product will do a great job of removing grease from your dishes without harming bacteria or the environment. To keep your home clean, you can use All-Clean, which has a mild formula and is also safe for septic tanks. In addition, such a substance will not only effectively cope with pollution in the house, but will not cause allergies or irritation on the skin.

septic tank maintenance and cleaning winter time of the year

You can clean plumbing with universal remedy San Luce Fresh, which can be used to clean toilet bowls, sinks, bathtubs and cisterns. It can also be used to clean and add shine to chrome parts. All these funds can be used at least every day, since when they get into waste water they won't harm the bacteria living there. When purchasing washing powders and detergents, read the composition, and if you see the presence of chlorine or alkaline compounds there, then it is better to choose another, more gentle product.

Today, there are even bleaches in stores that do not contain dangerous chemicals, but effectively remove stains due to the active oxygen contained in it. Such bleach will not harm you or the bacteria in the septic tank. Using such preparations, you will not only maintain the efficiency of your wastewater treatment plant, but also preserve the ecology of your site.

Sanitary standards for the construction of a septic tank

Before choosing a place for a future sewer, you need to familiarize yourself with the sanitary standards for a septic tank. This is a list of some documents in accordance with which construction should be carried out. The main document that should be followed during the construction of such structures is SNiP 2.04.03-85. This regulatory document regulates the construction of sewers. If water is supplied to the house from a well or well, then compliance with the norms of SNiP 2.04.01-85 and 2.04.04-84 will also be required.

IN sanitary standards(SanPiN are regulated sanitary requirements, whose main task is to maintain the purity of water located on the surface. Since the septic tank is considered a potentially hazardous area, it is also subject to regulation by SanPiN 2.2.1 /

Distance to the well

Choosing a place for a treatment plant should not only be based on your own preferences, but also in compliance with standards. The point is that in the case emergency runoff can enter drinking water if there is a well or borehole nearby. Water pollution can cause disease or even death. Even despite the fact that modern treatment plants have strong hermetic cases, it is impossible to exclude the situation of pipe rupture or depressurization. Therefore, you should choose the maximum distance to the nearest body of water.

The regulations state that the choice of the distance from the well or well to the treatment plant will primarily be influenced by the type of soil on the site. If there are filter layers that can filter out drains in case of force majeure, then the distance can be reduced.

Getting permission

Cesspools and septic tanks can harm the environment, so they cannot be built uncontrollably. Before preparing a project, be sure to contact the SES and obtain the necessary permission. Only after it is given to you, and the project is approved, you can proceed with the construction of the structure. A permit will not be issued if the construction does not comply with the sanitary rules and building codes that are in force at the time of the creation of the project.

septic tank maintenance and cleaning

Distance between treatment plant and the water intake point must be at least 20 meters. With the help of hydrogeological studies, the search for filtering areas is carried out. With their help, you can analyze the quality of the soil and its composition. If the soil quickly passes water, for example, sandy or sandy soil, then there should be at least 50 meters to the septic tank from the water intake point, and sometimes even 80 meters are required.

Also, during the construction of such systems, the norms for the location of pipes with drinking water should be observed. The pipe with drinking water should not be less than 10 meters. This necessary condition in case the water supply fails, and drains can get into drinking water. The slope of the terrain should also be taken into account. Be sure the water intake point must be located above the cesspool or.

Regarding residential buildings, the treatment structure should be located at a certain distance. First of all, the footage to the foundation of the house is taken into account (it must be at least 5 meters). But you should not place the storage tank too far from home, as it will be difficult to ensure uninterrupted operation with a very long pipeline. In order not to cost a lot of revision wells, place the system at the optimal distance from the house. You must also consider the location to the neighbors' buildings.

By standards, a cesspool cannot be located closer than 5 meters from the road, and only 30 meters from open water bodies. It matters what the distance to the fence will be. It can be chosen arbitrarily, but not closer than 2 meters to the neighbor's fence. After all, when servicing the system, for example, when pumping out sludge, unpleasant odors. If the structure is located directly under the neighbor's fence, then this can cause conflicts.

When locating treatment facilities, their type, soil properties, distance to water intake points, residential and commercial buildings, open water bodies and to a neighbor's house are taken into account. It is always necessary to be prepared for the fact that with improper installation or as a result of strong soil mobility, the tank may crack and human waste will fall into the ground. If a well is located nearby, it may be contaminated with fecal matter. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and place the structure as far as possible from water intake points or reservoirs.

Among the most popular cleaning methods of the structure are:

  • manual cleaning with a bucket that is tied to a rope;
  • pumping with a fecal pump;
  • pumping out the pit with a cesspool machine;
  • biological treatment with biological preparations containing bacteria;
  • chemical cleaning.

How to remove sludge from a cesspool with a bucket? To do this, it is necessary to dilute the silt itself with water, take a bucket and a rope. You tie the bucket to a rope and lower it yourself to the bottom of the pit, scoop up the waste and all the liquid, and so gradually pull it out. This is a rather unpleasant procedure, as disgusting aromas come from the device. Moreover, it is only possible if your pit is without a bottom and has a shallow depth. After completing the procedure, be sure to fill the bottom with gravel in order to facilitate subsequent cleaning of the bottom. Cleaning sludge from cesspools manually must be sold in a special protective suit in order to avoid the ingress of toxic gases into the body.

How to clean a cesspool of silt using a fecal pump? This is an automated, easy way. You will need a fecal or water pump, as well as a special sealed container for waste disposal. If you have automatic pump, then you need to place it inside the pit, it will filter out sewage and pump it out on its own as it fills up. If semi-automatic, then you will need to control the pumping process. Liquefy the liquid before pumping it out, pump it out and dispose of the waste. Flush the hole with water and pump it out again. The fecal pump crushes large human waste.

How to clean the cesspool from silt by turning to the sewers? This method does not involve intervention in cleaning on your part. You will need to find a sewer company and order a cesspool pumping service. On a pre-selected day, an ilosos car will arrive, they, with the help of a powerful vacuum pump(ilosos) will clean the bottom of your structure. They will dispose of all pumped waste and wash the devices. We recommend that you definitely check the availability of documents that confirm the company's ability to provide services for pumping household waste from sewer systems, in order to confirm that the representatives of the company must dispose of sewage without fail.

If you have sludge in the cesspool, then you can also clean it with the help of special biobacteria. There are special biological preparations for cleaning cesspools. It can be powder, liquid or tablets, all this is added inside the structure. They reduce the mass of liquid and solid household waste by 80%, moreover, they interrupt and completely remove unpleasant odors from the site, prevent the appearance of sludge, clean the sewage pipes and walls of the device from sludge. All this increases the service life of the plant. Moreover, the data biological preparations are completely environmentally friendly and safe for adults, children and animals. As part of biological products there are special microorganisms (bacteria), it is they, getting into the drains, that begin to act and destroy the unpleasant odor and decompose sewage. For example, you can choose . These drugs are used in all seasons, except for winter, as they freeze and die. All features of the use of bacteria are indicated on reverse side packages with them. As a rule, you just need to throw them into the structure every 2-3 weeks and wash the device regularly with water.

How to get rid of sludge in a cesspool using chemicals? If your device is silted up in winter, then instead of biological products you need to use a chemical preparation. For example, nitrate oxidizers. They are similar in composition to nitrate fertilizer and are considered environmentally friendly. As a result, a waste product is formed from the action, which can be used for fertilizer. Formaldehyde and ammonium salts are generally strictly prohibited, since they are unsafe for humans due to toxicity.

Chemical reagents thin the sludge, eliminate unpleasant odors and reduce the volume of domestic wastewater. They work even in an aggressive environment, if there is household chemical waste.

During the construction of small suburban or country houses most homeowners solve the problem of sewerage drainage simply - they dig a cesspool, where all the waste of the residents is drained through pipes. But the time “H” comes and the accumulated sewage reminds of itself with a pungent smell. So, it's time to get down to not very pleasant work - pumping out the contents and exporting them. And how to clean a cesspool without pumping? The current achievements of technologists make it possible to do this without spending money on attracting professionals.

Unlike a septic tank, a cesspool is a primitive reservoir without any signs of sewage treatment. And all its contents are stored there in full until the moment of pumping out. And not just stored: an "explosive" mixture of feces, food waste and detergents is a potential threat to human health if it enters the soil. Therefore, timely cleaning of toilets and cesspools is so important: their overflow leads to environmental contamination.

In addition, a drain pit filled to the brim emits a very unpleasant odor that can negate the delights of living in nature.

Tip: To avoid force majeure, you should take care of cleaning the cesspool in the country when it is two-thirds full.

Cleaning methods

Cleaning the drain pit can be done in three ways:

  • pumping out the contents with its subsequent export;
  • treatment with special chemicals;
  • with help .

When choosing a method for how to clean and how to remove the smell from a cesspool, the following points should be considered:

  • the use of chemicals harms the metal components of the local sewer system;
  • the presence of a dishwasher in the house and washing machines involves the use of detergents that make useless the use of bacteria that cleans drains. They will quickly die from contact with household chemicals. As a result, you will spend money, and drain hole do not clean.

From this point of view, the most universal is still mechanical way removal of sewage, but the use of special preparations will significantly reduce the number of calls for sewers.

Speaking about how much it costs to pump out septic tanks and cesspools, the price here can be in the range of 700-900 rubles per 1 cubic meter and also depends on the volume of the required machine.

How to pump out a cesspool with a pump is shown in the video.