Toilet      04/09/2019

Sewer treatment facilities OS, KOS, BOS. Wastewater treatment in a private house: septic tank or VOC

Human life is inextricably linked with water. Therefore, in the construction of housing, one of the first concerns is the construction of a water pipe. But if water is supplied to the house, then you need to take care of the disposal of wastewater. Purification systems must be used to recycle used water and keep soil and water clean. Wastewater. Let's consider what installations can be used for sewerage equipment in a private house.

Today, few people are satisfied with the prospect of living in a house devoid of amenities, even if it is just a dacha. Most owners strive to make their home as comfortable as possible: organize heating, conduct water into the house.

But if there is a water supply system, then a sewerage system is also needed - a system for diverting and processing wastewater. Since far from all suburban settlements have a centralized system for collecting and processing domestic wastewater, a local wastewater treatment system is being built.

Wastewater treatment methods

To clean domestic sewage, as a rule, the following cleaning methods are used:

  • Mechanical - settling, filtering.
  • Biological - processing of wastewater by microorganisms.

In nature, there are two types of bacteria that can effectively clean drains:

  • Anaerobes are microorganisms that carry out their vital activity without oxygen.
  • Aerobes are bacteria that do not "work" in an oxygen-free environment.

As practice shows, it is possible to achieve the greatest effect in wastewater treatment if a combination of several treatment methods is used. The modern treatment system provides for the initial settling of wastewater, and then their biological treatment using anaerobes and aerobes.

Anaerobic septic tanks

A septic tank is an installation in which drains go through several phased stages of treatment. The principle of operation of a septic tank is to settle wastewater and process organic matter by anaerobic bacteria. To achieve best quality septic tanks are made multi-chamber. The main part of the solid waste settles in the first chamber, and pre-purified water flows into the subsequent chambers.

Organic inclusions that make up most pollution of domestic sewage, decompose under the action of anaerobic bacteria. Organics decompose into simple components - methane and water, and insoluble residues settle to the bottom of the chambers.

Treatment of wastewater with aerobic bacteria begins after it leaves the septic tank and enters the aeration fields - devices necessary for post-treatment of wastewater. On aeration fields, wastewater is additionally filtered, passing through a filter made of sand and gravel. Thus, after going through all the stages, the water is purified by almost 100% and does not harm the environment.

Cleaning steps in an anaerobic septic tank

  • Stage one. It is carried out in the primary sump. There is a process that is commonly called clarification of drains. In the first chamber, the contaminated water is separated into specific gravity. Particles that have a heavy weight settle to the bottom, inclusions that are lighter than water rise to the top. In the center of the primary clarifier, where the overflow pipe to the second chamber is located, clarified effluents are collected. Settling continues in the second chamber, only here the sedimentation of smaller inclusions, which are in the liquid in suspension, is already taking place.

Advice! Septic tanks are built in such a way that drains from chamber to chamber flow slowly. Only at a low speed of movement is it possible to ensure high-quality sedimentation.

  • The second stage is biological. Organic matter that has settled to the bottom undergoes biological processing by anaerobic bacteria. During the fermentation of the sediment, heat is released, so the temperature in the septic tank is always elevated. This circumstance allows the use of septic tanks not only in summer, but also in winter.

  • The last stage of cleaning takes place on the filtration fields. The effluents clarified in the septic tank are supplied here through pipes. Holes are made in the pipes through which water seeps into the soil filter. Passing through a layer of sand and gravel, the water is filtered. In addition, it is additionally cleansed with the help of aerobes that live in the soil.

Aerobic type septic tank

In addition to traditional septic tanks, today they are widely used modern systems biological treatment waste water - VOC, additionally equipped with aerators. In such stations, wastewater is alternately processed by anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, as a result, at the outlet of the treatment plant, the water is 98% purified, so there is no need to build filtration fields.

Purified in VOC water can harm to environment be thrown onto the ground or into the nearest body of water. If necessary, water can be directed to a storage well for use in economic purposes e.g. for watering lawns or gardens.

Stages of wastewater treatment in aerobic septic tanks

  • The first stage is upholding. Just like in conventional septic tanks, the VOC uses such a simple but reliable mechanical way cleaning.
  • The second stage is the processing of the sludge by anaerobic bacteria. Organic matter that has fallen in the form of a precipitate is processed by anaerobic bacteria. That is, up to this point, there are no differences in the operation of a simple septic tank and VOCs.
  • The third stage is processing with the help of aerobic bacteria. When the aerator is turned on in the chamber, the stage of aerobic cleaning begins. In the environment, oxygenated, bacteria efficiently and quickly process most of the organic inclusions.

  • Stage four - again upholding. After aerobic treatment of wastewater, water enters the secondary clarifier, where the insoluble sediment - sludge - settles. Purified water enters the outlet, and activated sludge is reused in the purification process. As excess sludge accumulates, it will need to be removed from the sump.

Simple septic tank or VOC?

What kind of wastewater treatment system should be preferred when building a local sewerage system? There is no single answer to this question. When choosing an installation, local conditions will need to be taken into account. Let's spend a small comparative analysis septic tanks and VOCs:

  • Space required for installation. To install a modern VOC, as a rule, one or two square meters area. If you need to install a septic tank, you will need a large area. The septic tank itself is somewhat larger than the VOC, but the main area will be required for the construction of filtration fields necessary for the post-treatment of wastewater.
  • Geological characteristics of the site. If it is decided to install a VOC, then the geological characteristics of the site can only affect the choice of VOC modification. But the arrangement of filtration fields on clay soils is an intractable task.

Advice! If soil water is high on the site, then you should purchase a VOC with forced drainage, that is, equipped with an additional pump.

  • Autonomy. If the septic tank is a completely autonomous installation, then the VOC requires power to work.

Advice! If the local sewerage system is equipped with a volatile wastewater treatment plant, then during a power outage it is necessary to reduce the use of water to a minimum. Otherwise, overflow of the chambers may occur, since the pumps pumping wastewater do not work.

  • Service. Both a conventional septic tank and VOCs need regular maintenance. The septic tank will have to be cleaned of accumulated sediment about 1-2 times a year using sewage equipment. The cleaning of the sludge collector in the VOC should be carried out more often - about once a quarter, but this work can be easily done on your own.

Advice! When choosing a place to install a septic tank, you need to take into account the need to clean it and leave free passage for the sewer truck.

  • Price. A conventional septic tank is cheaper than VOCs. However, it is necessary to take into account the cost of building filtration fields, as well as the fact that filtration fields last no more than 10-12 years, after which they need to be changed.


Having decided on the type of treatment plant, you can begin designing wastewater systems for country house. Most often, the project is made simultaneously with the project of the house. But if a building that has already been put into operation is being improved, then a sewerage project for a private house is drawn up separately.

When designing a wastewater disposal system, local conditions must be taken into account. Therefore, prior to the start of design work, it is recommended to carry out geological exploration, during which the following points will be clarified:

  • features of the relief of the site;
  • characteristics of the soil, to select the method of water drainage, it is necessary to assess the absorbency of the soil;
  • location level and seasonal rises ground water.

Before the development of a project for a drainage system for a home is started, the following points need to be clarified:

  • average daily water consumption in the house;
  • frequency of use - year-round or periodically.

After collecting information, you can begin to draw up a project.

Tilt angle

An important point is the angle of inclination of the pipeline. This point is important in the construction of gravity systems. If it is impossible to comply with the required angle of inclination, it is necessary to plan the construction of a pressure system in which wastewater is pumped using a fecal pump.

Many home craftsmen who take on self-assembly, underestimate this point, and meanwhile, errors in both directions reduce the efficiency of the system.

If the angle is not large enough, then the flow will move through the pipeline at a low speed. At the same time, some of the large inclusions will have time to precipitate in the pipes, and this is fraught with the formation of blockages. An angle that is too large will also disrupt the normal movement of the conveyed medium. Water will drain too fast, not having time to carry away heavy inclusions that will linger in the pipes, forming blockages.

The optimal angle of inclination depends on the diameter of the pipe that is used to create the pipeline. The smaller the diameter, the larger the slope angle should be. So, if pipes with a diameter of 50 mm are selected, then a slope of 3 cm per meter should be observed. When using 100 mm pipes, the slope should be 2 cm.

System elements

When creating a project, a diagram of internal and external networks is created. In internal networks includes all the elements that are located in the house, these are:

  • a riser connected to a fan pipe led to the roof;
  • elements of plumbing (sinks, bathtubs, toilets, etc.);
  • pipes connecting plumbing elements with a riser.

The boundary separating the internal and external networks is the pipe outlet through the foundation. External networks include:

  • a pipeline connecting the output with a treatment plant;
  • revision wells for network maintenance;
  • cleaning plant.

When constructing a local sewage system, one cannot do without a local treatment plant. Depending on local conditions and the capabilities of the owners, this can be a simple anaerobic type septic tank or a modern local bio-treatment station.

Sewer treatment facilities OS, KOS, BOS.

One of the main ways to protect the natural environment from pollution is to prevent the ingress of untreated water and other harmful components into water bodies. Modern treatment facilities are a set of engineering and technical solutions for sequential filtration and disinfection of polluted effluents with a view to their reuse in production or for discharge into natural water bodies. For this, a number of methods and technologies have been developed, which will be discussed below.

More about wastewater treatment technology

Since centralized sewerage systems are not laid in all places, and some industrial enterprises require preliminary preparation drains, today local sewer facilities are very often equipped. They are also in demand in private houses, suburban cottage towns and detached residential complexes, industrial enterprises, shops.

Wastewater differs in the source of pollution: household, industrial and surface (occurring from atmospheric precipitation). Household drains are called household fecal. They consist of contaminated water removed from showers, toilets, kitchens, canteens and hospitals. The main pollutants are physiological and household waste.

Industrial effluents include water masses that were formed during:

  • performance of various production and technological operations;
  • washing raw materials and finished products;
  • equipment cooling.

This variety also includes water pumped out of the bowels during the extraction of minerals. Industrial waste is the main source of pollution here. They may contain toxic, potentially dangerous substances, as well as waste that can be recovered and used as secondary raw materials.

Surface (atmospheric) effluents most often contain only mineral contaminants; minimum requirements. In addition, wastewater is classified according to the concentration of various pollutants. These characteristics influence the choice of method and number of purification steps. To determine the composition of the equipment, the need for construction, as well as the capacity various types facilities, the calculation of the production of wastewater treatment is performed.

Basic cleaning steps

At the first stage, mechanical wastewater treatment is performed, the purpose of which is filtration from various insoluble impurities. For this, special self-cleaning grids and sieves are used. The retained waste, together with other sludge, is sent for further processing or taken to landfills along with municipal solid waste.

In the sand trap, fine particles of sand, slag and other similar mineral elements are deposited under the influence of gravity. At the same time, the filtered composition is suitable for further use after processing. The remaining undissolved substances are reliably retained in special settling tanks and septic tanks, and fats and oil products are extracted using grease traps, oil traps and flotators. On the stage mechanical cleaning up to three quarters of mineral contaminants are recovered from waste streams. This ensures the uniformity of the liquid supply to the next stages of processing.

After that, they use biological methods purifications performed by microorganisms and protozoa. The first structure where water enters at the biological stage is special primary settling tanks, in which suspended organic matter settles. At the same time, another type of settling tanks is used, in which activated sludge is removed from the bottom. Biological treatment allows you to remove more than 90% of organic contaminants.

At the physico-chemical stage, the dissolved impurities are removed. This is done using special techniques and reagents. It uses coagulation, filtration, and settling. Along with them apply various technologies additional processing, including: hyperfiltration, sorption, ion exchange, removal of nitrogen-containing substances and phosphates.

The last stage of treatment is chlorine disinfection of the liquid from the remaining bacterial contaminants. The diagram below shows in detail all the stages described, indicating the equipment used in each stage. It is important to note that treatment methods for various industrial enterprises differ depending on the presence of certain pollutants in wastewater.

Features and requirements for the arrangement of treatment facilities

Domestic sewage is classified as monotonous in composition, since the concentration of pollutants depends only on the volume of water consumed by residents. They contain insoluble impurities, emulsions, foams and suspensions, various colloidal particles, and other elements. Their main part is mineral and soluble substances. For the treatment of domestic wastewater, a basic set of treatment facilities is used, the principle of operation of which is described above.

In general, domestic sewers are considered simpler, since they are built to treat wastewater from one or more private houses and outbuildings. They are not required to high performance. For this purpose, specially designed installations are used that provide biological wastewater treatment.

Thanks to them, in suburban housing it became possible not only to equip a shower room, bathroom or toilet, but also to connect various household appliances. Typically, such installations are easy to install and operate, do not require additional components.

For industrial effluents, the composition and degree of pollution vary depending on the nature of the production, as well as options for using water to provide technological process. In production food products wastewater is characterized by high pollution with organic substances, therefore, biological treatment is considered the main method of treating such water. The best option can be called the use of an aerobic and anaerobic method or a combination of both.

In other industries, the main problem is the treatment of oil and fat-containing effluents. For such enterprises, special oil separators or grease traps are used. But the most safe for the environment are water-circulation systems for the purification of polluted water. Such local treatment complexes are installed at car washes, as well as at manufacturing enterprises. They allow you to organize a closed cycle of water use without its discharge into external water bodies.

Special systems and methods are used to determine the method of organizing cleaning and choosing a specific facility (there are many enterprises, so the process must be individualized). Equally important is the price of equipment and work on its installation. The best option for each case, only specialists will help you choose.

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Last year, I was preoccupied with the choice of a system for removing and sedum waste domestic water. First considered autonomous non-volatile wastewater disposal structures on the basis of underground filtration facilities with wastewater discharge into the ground as the most economical and easy to implement. These systems consist of a septic tank and an underground filtration facility:
. for sandy and sandy loamy soils - a filter well or underground filtration fields;
. for light loamy soils - a filter cassette.
But none of these designs worked for me. The fact is that the possibility of using such structures depends primarily on the filtering properties of the soil and the level of groundwater. In this case, the groundwater level must be at least 1 m deeper than the bottom of the structure (filtering well and cassette) or irrigation pipe tray (underground filtration fields). Unfortunately, in my area, the groundwater level is above this cherished mark of 1 m. In addition, I did not have the conditions for gravity discharge of purified water into a roadside ditch or soil. Therefore, even if I could, for example, arrange the same filter cassette with the help of bulk soil, but considering that my earth is solid clay, taking into account the costs of creating a clay castle, a surface filter layer, I needed significant cash injections. And not only did this not solve the problem with the gravity drainage of treated effluents, I now had to install it in a pump that feeds settled effluents into the filter cassette. It also became necessary to build an additional storage well with another float-operated fecal pump installed in it for the forced removal of treated water into a roadside ditch, which was almost flush with my site. That is, the system has already turned out to be non-volatile. And when taking into account the cost of a septic tank, excavation for the arrangement of an underground filtration system and a prefabricated well, the amount turned out to be very significant. In addition, it would also be necessary to find a place for these structures on our not so large site. Therefore, considering all possible options with non-volatile autonomous structures of natural underground filtration, I was forced to abandon them. I will only say if you are on the site low level groundwater, sandy or sandy loamy soil, then I advise you to choose the design of water treatment based on underground filtration systems. And the most economical design in this case is a septic tank + filter well.

And I began to consider more expensive autonomous biological wastewater treatment systems.
First from a large number existing systems presented at Russian market head was spinning. But, when I understood a little about the principles on which most autonomous treatment systems work, it turned out that there are not so many of them. The names of firms, installations differ, but the principles of operation for most of these installations are similar. The most important thing is to understand what exist or how they are now called local treatment facilities ( VOC) (Tank, Helyx, etc.) and biological wastewater treatment plants(Topas, Unilos, Tver). The main difference between septic tanks and biological wastewater treatment plants is, first of all, in principle and the degree of wastewater treatment.

Septic tanks. Local treatment facilities. (LOS)

Most existing septic tanks (VOCs) work according to the following principle: wastewater flows by gravity into the first section of the septic tank, where insoluble substances are retained. Solid impurities that can settle accumulate on the bottom in the form of sediment, and fats, oils and surfactants form a film on the surface. Further, the drain alternately passes through the remaining sections of the septic tank, where the drains are subjected to biological treatment processes under the influence of a colony of anaerobic bacteria, which do not need oxygen in the air for life. The appearance and reproduction of bacteria is due to the entry of organic compounds into the septic tank, which serve as a nutrient medium for them. As a result of the "work" of bacteria, the content of harmful substances in the runoff, and due to the additional settling of suspended particles, the runoff is clarified. The decomposition of sewage is accompanied by the release of gases, which are removed by ventilation. It is this principle that is laid down in septic tanks. Tank, helyx, Biofilter, SANITEC etc.

An example of a modern septic tank.

IMPORTANT! Not a single septic tank gives a degree of treatment of more than 85% of wastewater, which is why they are usually used in the chain of construction with underground after-treatment of wastewater, or as storage tanks for the periodic pumping of their contents with the help of sewage trucks. Manufacturers of septic tanks using various structural elements and porous loadings are trying to increase the degree of wastewater treatment, but even the most advanced septic tanks of the " Favorite 2P", this figure does not exceed 90%. From my point of view, this is not enough to tell the owners of neighboring plots that I am dumping practically clean water into a common ditch.

As I wrote above, based on the nature of the soil and the level of groundwater in my area, the construction of underground filtration systems was not possible for me, and pumping out the storage tank every three months is too troublesome and expensive. That is why I immediately closed the topic of septic tanks for myself.
Again, if you lead a dacha lifestyle outside the city, that is, with irregular residence, then it makes sense to take a closer look at options with septic tanks and storage tanks. In my case with permanent residence outside the city there was only one option left - these are autonomous stations for deep biological wastewater treatment. These stations are TOPAS, UNILOS, TVER, UBAS etc.

Stations for deep biological treatment of sewage

The principle of operation of all stations deep cleaning stock is about the same. It is based on fine-bubble air aeration with the help of artificial air supply necessary for the oxidation of organic particles in wastewater.
The design solutions adopted to implement this principle of wastewater treatment and used in modern plants differ and sometimes significantly. Let's see, how Topas and Unilos cleaning stations work. In them, first, wastewater enters the septic chamber, where primary mechanical wastewater treatment takes place, during which suspended particles are separated. Further, the waters flow into the aerotank, in which organic pollutants that are difficult to oxidize are finally destroyed by the oxidation of activated sludge. The sludge mixture from the aeration tank enters the secondary settling tank, from where the sludge is returned to the aeration tank, and the clarified waste water is removed. Discharge or removal of wastewater treated in this way is carried out by gravity or using a fecal pump with a level indicator (float) and without a check valve.
The design and operation of stations for deep wastewater treatment such as Tver, Yubos, is somewhat different. Let's see, how it is implemented in a Tver type installation. First, wastewater enters the septic chamber, where primary mechanical wastewater treatment takes place, during which suspended particles are separated. Further, the waters flow into the bioreactor and then into the aerotank in which organic pollutants that are difficult to oxidize are finally destroyed by the oxidation of activated sludge. The sludge mixture from the aeration tank enters the secondary settling tank, from where the sludge returns to the aeration tank, and the clarified wastewater first enters the aerobic bioreactor, where it is saturated with oxygen and then, after settling in the tertiary settling tank, is discharged onto the terrain. Discharge or removal of water is carried out by gravity or using a fecal pump with a level indicator (float) and without a check valve.
And in settings like Topas and in settings like Tver A significant factor for me was that the water is discharged onto the terrain, which means that the effluents do not need additional soil post-treatment. Manufacturers of these systems guarantee the degree of wastewater treatment at correct operation not less than 96-98%.
When you choose a system and they tell you that this system is of the Topas type, and this is of the Tver type, then it is advisable to buy not a "type" but Topas or Tver itself. The original, from my point of view, is always better than what is made in its likeness, but this is my subjective point of view, which does not claim to be the ultimate truth.
So, now everything has become much easier - it remains choose between Topas and Tver. And although each of these installations for deep biological wastewater treatment has its own long history and practically has no negative reviews among those who have acquired similar installations in their suburban areas, I still chose the Tver installation. For me personally, the determining factors were not the cost of installing and assembling the station, it was just lower for Topas sellers. The main thing for me was the simplicity, conditions and cost of operating these stations. All these indicators, again from my point of view, turned out to be more attractive for manufacturers of Tver biological treatment plants. The table below shows the comparable characteristics of the two systems that I considered important for me when choosing between these two most reliable biological wastewater treatment plants.

Table Comparison of the parameters and characteristics of the Tver-0.75P and Topas-5 installations

Parameters and characteristics Unit rev. Tver-0.75P Topas-5
Usable installation volume cubic meters 3.0 1.5
Number of cleaning steps --- 4 2
Biological processes in the winter period (water temperature not less than +12 gr.С) --- carried out (air supply room temperature) no (outside temperature air supply)
Scheme of waste water movement --- gravity (simple and without electronics) forced (available for control only by service specialists)
Additional measures during installation high level ground water. --- not required (shallow occurrence + loading skirt) required (concreting)
Sensitivity to power fluctuations. --- No a stabilizer is required.
Service maintenance --- possibly on your own only service technicians
The frequency of service and technical work --- 1 time per year 1 time in 3 months

Well, in conclusion, a small photo gallery of work on the mounting of the Tver installation in my area. Now only time will tell how right I turned out to be in my choice of such an important thing in life outside the city as it is. autonomous system sewerage.

Modern private houses are practically no different from cozy apartments. In them now you can find all the conditions for living. For example, in apartments, sewerage is presented in the form of a centralized wastewater treatment systems. In private homes, sewerage is a wastewater treatment system through several stages of filtration into the ground. Sewerage for the apartment does not include special costs and operational difficulties.

What are the features of the sewerage of a private house

There are many types of equipment that are used for wastewater treatment. A suitable type of wastewater treatment system must be selected taking into account many factors. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the water that has been treated, and the direct amount of wastewater.

In Russia, as in other countries, there are norms and standards that must be met by wastewater treatment. Therefore, during the construction of a modern country house or high-rise building, it is necessary to equip a modern one. Today the most common and the easy way for purification of drains is the use of an ordinary septic tank.

Types of sewerage

Sewerage systems can be divided into local and general. They are used in the construction of any modern home. The most common are two types of wastewater treatment systems:

1. Cleaning using a septic tank and underground filters.

2. Aeration station.

Wastewater treatment methods

Modern treatment plant systems can use both biological and mechanical treatment. You can decide on your own suburban area all problems, just starting to use a septic tank. It is a method of wastewater treatment, which allows purification by almost 50%. This building is quite simple.

Sewer septic tank

The sewer septic tank consists of a special reinforced concrete well, which is installed near a country house. After the separation of sewage, sludge is formed. After disinfection, it can be used as fertilizer for the garden.

It is considered traditional with underground filtration. This method is quite convenient and practical. After all, the principles of its operation are simple. The decomposition of incoming wastewater occurs with the help of microorganisms.

A sewer septic tank with underground filtration is made from a sealed container. It should be divided into several compartments. Domestic wastewater must flow into this tank on one side, and clarified wastewater on the other.

The purification process itself takes place directly in the central (internal) sectors of the septic tank, which have different functional purposes and the degree of water purification. Insoluble residues that form during cleaning should be pumped out regularly.

Modern methods of wastewater treatment

The modern world is full of new technologies that have found application in all branches of human activity. They did not bypass the wastewater treatment systems.

Modern manufacturers today can offer reliable, durable and sealed models. They are made from highly resistant polymers. It is these models that replace the old septic tanks made of brick and concrete. But still, to ensure maximum wastewater treatment, the use of one septic tank is not enough.

Attention should be paid to additional technological operations that allow for post-treatment of incoming contaminated water. Such post-treatment is carried out using underground filters.

You can also use biofilters. On its surface there is a special film that contains microorganisms. These bacteria filter the contaminants. The result is silt.


Modern biofilters are special trenches and wells, a filter field and sand and gravel filters. Underground filters not only carry out high-quality wastewater treatment.
They also carry out underground irrigation. And this has a positive effect on the development of plants on the site.

aeration station

Aeration stations are also very popular. This device is valued not only for the quality of cleaning. To install an aeration station, it is not necessary to prepare a special pit. And the cost of its operation is very small. This station can be installed anywhere.

In the aeration station, a biological process is combined with an artificial air supply. As a result of such treatment, you can get not only high-quality purified industrial water, but also organic fertilizers. Using this method of cleaning is excellent results and significant benefits.

During construction sewer system it is very important to pay attention to correct installation and operation of treatment facilities. The installation of the system must ensure good ventilation. Otherwise, microorganisms may disappear.

You also need to monitor the condition of biofilters. They must not be filled with water. Special attention they need to be addressed during heavy rains and spring floods. Biofilters should be regularly washed with chlorine water, which will ensure the disinfection of wastewater.

Under the condition of high-quality installation and proper operation, the wastewater treatment system will work efficiently long time. And most importantly, the owners of a country house will feel comfortable in it.

Water supply is a prerequisite in the engineering support of a residential building. The system is formed by several functional blocks, including the supply and output infrastructure. Moreover, at the stage of wastewater disposal, a crucial stage of cleaning is provided. This is the most important condition for maintaining the regulatory environmental background, not only within the home, but also in the urban environment as a whole. The sanitary and hygienic indicators of the area also depend on how well the wastewater treatment plant in the communications of a separate facility will be performed. In multi-apartment buildings, this task is solved by managing organizations, and in a private house it is taken on directly by the owner.

Wastewater and treatment standards

Contaminated waste living conditions water is far from homogeneous. It is formed by many groups of elements, most of which are hazardous to health to varying degrees. First of all, these are mineral substances that fill drains both at home and in the external environment. For example, a storm water treatment plant, which involves the installation of coarse filters, is just focused on combating this kind of pollution. They are of inorganic origin, may include salts and soil particles, and in rare cases, chemical compounds. Much more dangerous are organic inclusions, which are based on the decaying remains of an animal and plant origin. Chemical elements, including household polymers, also make up a large proportion of this group of contaminants. Why should wastewater treatment get rid of? Each filtering step takes on a specific category of unwanted items. For example, in accordance with the regulations full cycle treatment must pass through the drains of at least 0.1 mg of iron per 1 liter.

Mechanical Methods

The simplest but milestone cleaning, during which wastewater is disposed of coarse elements. In particular, it can be leaves, food debris, soil particles, sand and small stones. To eliminate such inclusions, coarse filters are used, which are installed on the sewer line. This may be an on-site surface wastewater treatment plant that will serve both the domestic drainage line and the utility channels. Despite the external primitiveness of such cleaning, it performs a multi-stage filtering. At least even simple installations provide for the implementation of three stages of purification, including sedimentation, filtration and straining. On last step sand traps come into play, which rid the drain of small but visible foreign bodies.

biological methods

Bioinstallations are not always used in the domestic sphere, but their presence significantly improves the quality of water treatment, and in some cases endows wastewater with qualities that improve further treatment processes. To solve the problems of biological filtration are used different systems. For example, biofilters act like microdrainage. The membranes installed in them contain sand and gravel, which allows them to perform an aerobic function. In the industrial sector, a biological wastewater treatment plant is used in the form of a closed tank into which oxygen is supplied. An important condition The work of such facilities is the production of activated sludge, which decomposes organic compounds. In the sludge layer itself, there are different groups of bacteria with properties that are useful for cleaning. The principle of operation is similar to this method. Their peculiarity lies in providing natural conditions for wastewater treatment without technological maintenance of filtration by artificial means.

Physical and chemical methods

Also a group of methods that is not common in the domestic sphere, but in the industrial economy it is used quite widely. Coagulation is considered to be the most effective technology for physical and chemical treatment. It allows you to build up the sedimentation processes, which facilitates the work of an already mechanical filtration system. The chemical effect is expressed in the "sticking" of small particles into larger ones, and the physical means of cleaning just remove the elements formed by coagulation. Domestic wastewater absorption plants are also popular in large facilities, but are more commonly used as an auxiliary filtration technique. This method can be called point - it is optimally suited for removing certain types of contaminants, including dyes, fertilizers, etc. To coarse chemical methods cleaning can include treatment with potassium permanganate and chlorine. This simplest method getting rid of pathogenic inclusions, which has proven itself well in the household.

Waste water disinfection

With varying degrees of efficiency, disinfection can be performed with the same chemistry, but such agents are of little use for regular use. Modern disinfection is increasingly provided by equipment with ultraviolet rays. This light spectrum destroys microorganisms without leaving behind harmful traces. It is the safety of the method that has led to its widespread use - from the treatment of domestic and sewage effluents to the maintenance of factory waste. Directly at the facility, the ultraviolet wastewater treatment plant is mounted in the wastewater channels. Provides passive exposure without the need for additional structural solutions. However ultraviolet lamps work only with drains prepared for fine cleaning. That is, the same stage of rough mechanical cleaning follows first, and then the stage of disinfection can be organized.

Sludge removal

The passage of wastewater through the filtration channels is in itself the engine of the treatment process. But also, as the operation of water communications, sediment accumulates. These are the most harmful and sometimes toxic elements that should not only be removed, but also disposed of. in special ways. First of all, centrifuges are used to extract the sediment, which also perform dehydration. As a rule, local wastewater treatment plants contain decanter mechanisms for loading and unloading sludge. After that collected material undergoes a series of preparations for disposal, including pasteurization, conditioning, drying, thermophilic stabilization and composting.

Technical organization of cleaning

Before installing the equipment, a project of an integrated solution is developed. It specifies the means by which the cleaning will be carried out, the configuration of the placement, the requirements for installation operations, etc. Typically, the entire installation process is implemented in three basic steps. First of all, communications are mounted. This may be a piping system, power supply, sometimes ventilation and climate control devices. Next, the working equipment is directly introduced into the created infrastructure. Depending on the chosen principle of operation, the wastewater treatment plant may provide for direct installation into the circulation channel or the placement of a separate reservoir unit with active elements, in which the serviced liquid will accumulate, filter and be discharged. The third stage is the performance of commissioning operations, in which the equipment is checked and adjusted.

Installation work

The installation method depends on the scale and specifications for organizing a cleaning system. At large enterprises, the principle of local construction of process units is often used, which are assembled by functional elements - membranes, motors, control relays, etc. As an alternative solution, manufacturers of treatment equipment offer the placement of ready-made monolithic blocks on the output channels, for which it is enough foundation. Mainly used in everyday life compact installation wastewater treatment, which is integrated into the channel through conventional plumbing activities. The filter is installed and fixed with mounting fittings, and during operation, the user only has to replace the membranes with a certain frequency.

Automation of cleaning systems

Complex ones, which include several stages of water treatment and filtration, are provided by software controllers. These are devices that allow you to work in automatic mode without user intervention. The cleaning parameters are fixed by sensors that send data to the control unit. Further, according to the previously entered threshold values, decisions are made to turn off, turn on or change the operation parameters of a particular device. The installation of complex wastewater treatment is not complete without emergency signaling systems. As a rule, they are triggered in the event of a power outage, overflow of individual nodes, or when a certain component fails.


Systems should be selected on the basis of many parameters - from the nuances of the design to the way they are controlled. But the main criterion is still the principle of filtration. In the simplest versions, the wastewater treatment plant provides only a superficial mechanical screening of unwanted inclusions. This equipment is suitable for household use. But for industrial facilities it is desirable to choose complex solutions, which provides for multi-stage cleaning.