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How to properly install hinges on an interior door. How to install hinges on interior doors, depending on their types. External overhead hinges

The safety of the owners depends on the correct choice of entrance doors, and further comfort and coziness in the house depends on the successful selection of interior doors. But not only the canvas itself is important, but also the high-quality installation of fastening elements. Using the most suitable awning ensures long term whole door service.

Types of canopies

Diversity door hinges allows you to choose which way the door will open. Therefore, so that after installing it you do not regret the decision taken, it is important to decide in advance on the type and operating principle of the loops.

Hinges are a fairly simple device that allows you to do all the work yourself.

Butterfly loops

They are the most practical for interior doors. Butterfly loops got their name because of their characteristic shape - when open, they resemble the wings of a butterfly. When folded, the canopy is one card thick. This is achieved thanks to a special shape ─ when closing, one “wing” of the butterfly is precisely marked into the cutout of the second.

When installing such hinges, it is very important to select suitable screws. Since the two parts of the butterfly’s “wings” will be in direct contact with the wood, you should use screws whose heads will be ideally hidden in a special groove in the hinge. At making the right choice, the sash will close well and no additional difficulties will arise during its use.

Simple mortise

This is the most widely known type of awning. It is used in almost every home. It consists of two parts and is secured with ordinary wood screws.

Since doors can vary in size, such hinges must also meet operating requirements.


Structurally, they are not much different from the previous ones, but there are still some differences. The main nuance that should be taken into account when installing these canopies is the installation method. If the previous option is simply attached to the end of the door, then for this type of hinges it is necessary to make special recesses (embed in). This is necessary in order to hide the fastening plates and create a smaller gap between the door frame and the jamb.

Installation of overhead hinges

This work is not particularly difficult due to the simplicity of the hinge design. Outwardly, they are quite simple: two parts (“male and female”) are connected into one, which makes installation easier. In order to secure the door smoothly and correctly on the awnings, you first need to screw the hinges to the door frame. This installation must be done extremely accurately, otherwise the result will be curvature and they will not be able to open normally.

Next, you should correctly install the door on the substrate of the required height and at a slight angle relative to the overhead awnings. Then you need to open it and lean it against the end of the frame. It is important to accurately fix the position of the door. This can be done with a regular plumb line. After final adjustment, you can fix it with self-tapping screws.

They need to be tightened firmly, but carefully so as not to disturb the structure of the wood.

Universal hinges are quite simple in design. Their main difference is that they are made one-piece. Often they small size, which undoubtedly gives them a certain elegance. Their installation will not take much time, because it does not require any additional work. Such loops have a small thickness, so even with closed door, the gap between it and the opening lining is small. When using universal canopies, the beauty of the doorway and the inconspicuousness of the joint are preserved.

How to install hinges correctly

No matter how beautiful and attractive the door is, it is wrong installed hinges It's not just the impressions that will be spoiled. If it does not close, the benefit will be small. Therefore, at the marking stage it is important to take the work seriously. Many this work performed either in a hurry or hastily. But more often than not, after this you have to twist the awnings many times and damage the wood of the door. To avoid this, you need to know some nuances regarding the installation of hinges.

Number of loops. It all depends on the size and weight of the door being installed. Since its weight can vary from 2.5 to 8 kg, the number of canopies will also vary. Standard height interior doors do not exceed 2.3 m, the most correct solution would be to install two canopies.

However, there are designs that have large dimensions. In this case, you need to increase the number of loops.

If there are three of them, you can combine them as follows:

  • Two on the edges of the door (15-20 cm from the edge), and one in the center;
  • Two at the top (the second is 10 cm lower than the first);
  • Two below (the second is 10 cm higher than the last).

It is recommended to carry out marking in several stages. To make work easier, it is best to divide the loops into two parts - upper and lower. The second element of the canopy (the one with the pin) must be attached to door frame, while the first (with a special groove for the stud) will be mounted on the door frame.

When starting directly to marking, it is advisable to arm yourself with a sharp pencil. In order to make the markings on the door frame with your own hands as correctly as possible, you can simply attach one of the parts of the canopy in the place where it will be attached. Then you should trace it along the contour with a pencil.

It is important to do this as close to the edges of the loops as possible. Since special recesses are often cut out for them on the frame and on the door frame, the further operation of the interior door will depend on the accuracy and quality of the markings.

After the markings have been made on the frame, you can proceed to the door frame. In order to select the correct height for the second part of the canopy (the one with the pin), you can resort to one trick: place a board under the door, the width of which corresponds to the height of the desired gap between the door and the floor; after which you need to transfer the dimensions of the canopy to the door jamb so that they coincide with the first part of the hinges screwed to the frame.

Inserting hinges into interior doors

To make the awnings look beautiful, they can be embedded into wood - both the door frame and the door itself. Many people choose to do this work with their own hands, because there is nothing complicated about it. It will require several tools:

  • Chisel;
  • Hammer;
  • Pencil;

Before you begin, it is important to correctly and accurately outline the canopy on all sides. Next, using these measurements, you need to make a recess with a depth equal to the thickness of the hinge material.

The whole process is clearly shown in the following video:

In order to make the grooves efficiently and correctly, it is important to take your time and approach this matter responsibly. It is necessary to make exactly the depth that will ideally correspond to the thickness of the plate. After all, if the groove is deeper, the frame protrusions will catch and opening and closing will not be smooth. And vice versa - if it’s too small, then there’s simply no room left for loops.

So, having more complete knowledge When it comes to choosing loops, you can make your choice more confidently. It is worth remembering that no matter the quality of the hinges, timely lubrication of the rotation elements will only extend their service life. Moreover, installing and inserting canopies will serve as a good experience and will be useful in the future.

If you decide to install interior doors with your own hands, it is worth noting that it is easiest when the insert door locks and hinges - not made with your own hands, but at the manufacturer’s factory. As a rule, the manufacturer carefully selects such accessories, is reliable and has excellent performance characteristics. Read more about choosing door locks. When buying doors with installed fittings, however, you may encounter some difficulties in choosing. The most common thing is that the color or design is not suitable. For example, you want a gold-colored lock, but the manufacturer says chrome. Or you need Italian magnetic locks AGB, with silent closing like Morelli, with a plastic tongue, but they offer steel. Regarding hinges, you can get by with little expense - buy door hinges without a mortise. A universal loop without an insert does not look so aesthetically pleasing, but still.

There is always a way out - just buy what you need, cut in the locks/hinges with your own hands and install. It is not worth saving on fittings, since a failed mechanism can significantly complicate the further operation of interior doors. Exactly the same lock or door hinges may no longer be produced, and the analogue, as a rule, will not “fit” into the already formed groove. We recommend embedding and installing silent or magnetic locks AGB, Morelli (Italy). For more than 10 years now, the installation dimensions of these products are the same and you can easily replace them as needed, although they simply do not break.

So the locks, universal or hidden hinges have been selected, purchased and brought, you need to install them yourself. For example, for unfamiliar fittings, we first draw a diagram of the upcoming insertion in the real size of the AvtoCAD program for automated installation, but you can mark it according to the manufacturer’s instructions, especially if the insertion of the lock and hinges is done by yourself. Marking is an important stage, it is necessary to pay special attention to it. “Measure twice, cut once” - it works! Otherwise, the product is damaged, the supplier will not exchange it for you, and this is a considerable financial loss. The marking directly depends on the type of lock and its features. It is important to dance from the hole under the handle. If you do not take this into account, the door handles may end up at different distances from the bottom door leaf, and if the doors are installed in close proximity to each other, it will come out - oops or oh! When making calculations and markings, use a square, tape measure, pencil, awl or construction knife.

Do-it-yourself insertion of door hinge locks - methods

1. Using a drill and chisels - the old-fashioned method

The most common is what is called the “household” option.

Marking and inserting an interior lock

We take a tape measure and measure from the bottom of the canvas, at the end where the lock will cut in 95 cm (this is our standard, 100 cm is possible), apply a square, draw a transverse line and transfer the markings to the plane of the canvas, to mark under door handle. Marking is done with a sharp pencil or awl.

We take the lock and use a square to measure the distance from the front plate to the middle of the square hole of the handle and apply the result on the plane of the canvas on both sides. We apply the lock to the end of the canvas, so that the line drawn in advance for the handle is in the center of the hole in the square and mark the upper and lower edges of the lock. We will drill this size. Next, use a square to mark the center of the canvas and draw the center line of the insert.

After marking for the lock and along the drawn center line, drillings are made on the end part of the canvas with a pen (usually 14-16 mm, depending on the thickness of the lock), as often as possible from each other. In order not to drill out too much, a notch is made on the feather drill to the depth of the lock using iso or masking tape.

The trick is to avoid catching the adjacent hole with the pen, since a drill rotating at high speed can suddenly jam, get stuck and damage the door. Then the groove is formed using several flat chisels, first removing excess wood along the blade, and then cleaning the side planes so as not to split the blade. Then holes are drilled for the handle, and, if necessary, for the cylinder (key) or screwdriver. It is important to drill holes on both sides of the canvas, and not through it! A lock is inserted into the formed groove, aligned with the drilled hole for the handle, its overhead, decorative strip is outlined with a sharpened pencil and the final selection is made with a chisel.

That's it, the lock mortise is done by hand!

Mortise of the lock mate

The counter part or “response” is cut in after the door block is installed. The markup is very simple. We close the door and, through the pretend gap, mark the lower and upper edges of the latch. We draw transverse lines on the box. Next, use a square to measure the distance to the edge of the tongue on the door and transfer it to the frame. This will be the limiter for the upcoming drilling and installation of the answer.

We drill two holes with a pen, and select the central part with a chisel. We attach the lock strike plate, drill holes for the screws and fasten it. We try - everything works. The answer should be deepened only if its thickness exceeds 1 mm. This is done with a chisel, having previously outlined the screwed-on mating part.

Marking and inserting door hinges

The trick is that marking and inserting hinges should begin with the door leaf. And so our door is 2000 mm, and the hinge is 200 mm, we measure 20 and 160 cm from the top of the leaf along the end, draw transverse lines, apply the loop parallel to the end of the leaf below the line and mark the edges with a sharp pencil.

It is more correct to mark exactly the loop that will subsequently be installed in this particular groove, since the factory stamping may differ. We take it with our own hands, and with the help of a chisel, and as shown in the video, we cut the lower and upper hinges into the door.

Another feature is the insertion depth. It happens that the gap between the parallel folded parts of the hinge is less than 2 mm, and the requirements for the hinge gap of the door block are just 2 mm. In this case, the loop needs to be deepened a little less. There may be a gap of more than 2 mm, then the loop still cuts flush with the plane of the end! Thus, you will have to come to terms with the hinge gap of the assembled block, but take this point into account when calculating, marking and filing the top element of the box, since it is standardly 6 mm, 4 mm from the rebate part and 2 mm from the hinge part, respectively.

The next stage is inserting the loops into the box element of the block. So the hinges are cut into and installed in the canvas, we attach the box and mark the edges of the hinges. We apply the loop to the marks parallel to the door frame and trace it with a pencil.

There is one correct nuance. We should take into account in advance the fact that the thickness of the door leaf and the width of the quarter frame from the seal to the edge may be different, but we really need a good rebate, that is, a tight (but not too tight!) fit of the seal to the leaf when the door is closed! To do this, before inserting the loops, we measure these values.

Let’s say the blade is 40 mm and the quarter is 42 mm, what should we do? Everything is very simple, you need to cut the loop into the box 2 mm deeper into the seal than into the canvas. But this is initially incorrect, since in this case, a deep-set hinge will expose part of the mortise, and when opening/closing the door, it will begin to wipe against the frame or platband, producing an unpleasant creak. Therefore, it is more correct not to recess the hinges in the box, but to push them out on the canvas and by the same 2 mm.


  • There is a high risk of damage to the door leaf coating as a result of a slip drill or chisel, especially if the tool is not sharpened to razor level before starting work! Sharpen it cutting tool, use new drills,
  • there is a great risk of simply splitting the canvas through inept actions or, say, stabbing, which will then significantly affect the strength and durability of door blocks and structures,
  • you may not like the aesthetics of the inset, especially if you have no experience in “wood carving”,
  • it will take a long time, but “long” is not something that should frighten a novice craftsman eager to cut into locks and hinges with his own hands,
  • The list can be continued, but the lock in the interior door has already been installed with your own hands, and this is the main thing!


  • in skillful, diligent and diligent hands, there may not be all the shortcomings, do not be alarmed,
  • the cheapness of the tools used, especially if you practice “household”. Do not buy frankly cheap chisels and feather drills!

2. Inserting hinges and locks into doors using a hand router.

The technology depends on the type of equipment used. There is a technology of template milling, when all manipulations are carried out according to a pre-prepared template or using a “ruler”, using cutters of different diameters and lengths. There is, of course, professional equipment, where everything is thought out and adapted for the work. In any case, the basic principle is rotating at a speed close to 25 thousand rpm. a milling cutter with the help of which the correct insertion of hinges and locks into an interior door occurs with your own hands. For example, in our work we use more than three types of milling cutters from the manufacturers Makita and Virutex, various templates and a Spanish template holder, screw and spiral cutters of different diameters from “CMT” Germany.

The markings for inserting with a router are no different from household ones, and the milling itself has a number of features, which will be discussed below.

What about door lock, then cutting it in with your own hands using a router is carried out using a standard ruler that comes with the equipment, using cutters of different diameters. In general - nothing complicated, the main thing is that the movement of the collet with the cutter provides it with required depth dives, to the height of the castle, respectively. In the video, a do-it-yourself lock using a router is made offset to the left edge. This is another subtlety of installing silent AGB locks and more. The counter part of the lock with the tongue is rounded and should be installed along the edge of the box, so in order for the lock to look beautiful, you need to take this into account when inserting it, moving the lock along the canvas if necessary.

Do-it-yourself cutting of hinges with a router has a number of features. On the door leaf, everything is similar to the lock, using a ruler we select the plane, depth and parallel edge, then we form the end edge with a chisel of 30-40 mm.

The trick is that in order for the end edge to turn out beautiful and accurate, the chisel must be held perpendicular to the plane at the moment of hitting with a hammer, chopping and cleaning the wood in several stages, a little at a time, this is important.

It is more difficult to embed hinges into the door frame with your own hands, since, unlike the door leaf, which has one pressing plane, the frame consists of two planes. Essentially, you will have to mill the lower plane and press the equipment platform to the upper one. The task is not easy, and therefore our milling cutters have special modifications to the platform. Of course, there are all sorts of devices, carriages, templates and even a special loop router made by Virutex. We didn’t use carriages, you get tired of making templates for each loop, but loop Virutex is a thing, but it’s expensive, and we don’t need it. How can you cut hinges into a box with a simple router, but with your own hands - I don’t know, I’ve reached a dead end, ideas will come up, I’ll add to the article.


  • high cost of equipment,
  • all sorts of nuances associated with inept use.


  • accurate, high-quality, neat insertion of locks and hinges into interior doors made by hand!

As a rule, when buying a door, you purchase it ready-made with hinges already attached. But if you purchased a disassembled structure, then you will have to install them yourself. If you insert the hinges incorrectly and allow even a slight distortion, this will lead to unnecessary consequences in operation: the door will not close tightly or the lock pawl will not reach its place.

To carry out the replacement work correctly, you need to know in what sequence the door hinges should be installed with your own hands; in the future, this will help you avoid operational problems.

Loop selection

Before purchasing hinges, you need to decide which ones will suit your door; they are divided into three types.

  1. Brass. Such hinges are widely used because brass, due to its ductility, is easily processed: coated with chrome or polished.
  2. Brass plated. As a rule, such hinges are made of various alloys and coated with brass plating, as well as other compounds that imitate by similarity: chrome, bronze or gold.
  3. Steel. These are the most reliable and high-quality hinges, because unlike brass, the hinges of which wear off over time, steel hinges are not subject to this process, and therefore they can be considered eternal.

When choosing loops, you need to take into account some factors that determine the duration of their operation.

Firstly, the weight of the door. Usually, two hinges are enough for one door, but if the door is made of solid wood, then it is correspondingly heavier, which means it is better to install three hinges.

Secondly, the bearings are in the hinges. This hinge design will not creak after long-term use.

Secondly, depending on the side of the door opening, the hinges can be left-handed and vice versa.

What you need for self-installation

  1. Loops.
  2. Chisel and hammer.
  3. Screws and screwdriver.
  4. Pencil for marking.
  5. Wooden wedges.
  6. Level.

We make markings and cut out seats

Hinges must be installed correctly with a distance of 20 or 25 cm from the bottom and top of the door. But at the same time, carefully inspect the surface so that there are no knots or chips in the areas of intended installation. If you screw a screw into such a place, it can split the box or go awry, which will not allow the hinge to be properly secured. If there are such places, then the fastenings need to be moved a few centimeters up or down.

First, we make markings on the door with a pencil. We place the loops in the places of intended fastening and circle them. Then we apply a chisel to the marking and carefully tap it with a hammer along the entire marking to cut out the outline of the loop. After this, you need to make several cuts along the length and, using a chisel on the side, make a recess.

If you make a recess larger than the thickness of the hinge, then when closing the door the other half will rest against the frame, which will subsequently lead to deformation and upholstery of the door.

The same procedure must be done with the second seat. Then, apply a loop and secure it with self-tapping screws. That's it, the door is ready, now you need to cut the hinges into the frame.

How to mark a box

This is where you'll have a little more difficulty mapping out the location. To do this, we install the door in the frame and use wedges to fix it in the intended closing location. If there is a lock on the door, it will make the work much easier; you can close it and adjust the door. We place wedges under the bottom and use a level to bring it to the line.

The door in the frame must be adjusted both horizontally and vertically. If you set it horizontally incorrectly, the door will be placed askew and will not close well. And it's wrong installed door vertically will open independently.

Having aligned all the corners, we make notes with a pencil in the places where the hinges come into contact with the box. Here it will not be possible to completely mark and therefore it is better to unscrew the hinges from the door again, outline their outline on the frame and screw it into place.

After this, you need to cut out the recesses for them in the same way as you did on the door. The rules are the same - the main thing is not to overdo it with depth. When you have everything ready, place the wedges under the bottom again, bring the door to the frame and secure it in place with self-tapping screws. Everything is ready, we check it for the quality of opening and are happy with the result.

To prevent the door leaf from cracking during fastening with screws, you need to make holes in the screw-in areas with a thin drill.

If you don't have necessary tool or you do not have the skills to do such work, then you can purchase butterfly loops. They belong to the “no-cut” class and anyone can install them. The principle of operation is that when closed, the cards (the sides of the loops) fit into one another. Thanks to this, such hinges do not require insertion, and the gap in the closed position is small.


When purchasing doors, hinges are usually installed. But if the structure was purchased disassembled or only the door leaf is replaced, door hinges are installed. You can do it correctly with your own hands, without spending money on the services of a specialist. The main thing is to carefully follow the insertion rules, otherwise problems may arise during operation: creaking, rubbing, jamming.

How to open iron door without key by yourself>

Common varieties

Before purchasing, it is better to study the range of products and get acquainted with the design features and appearance in order to install the canopies correctly.

By location

According to the direction of door opening, awnings are:

  • Left-handed.
  • Right-handed.
  • Universal.

To correctly determine what type of hinges is needed, you need to stand facing the opening from the side in which the door opens (towards you). If it goes to the left, left-handed loops are needed, to the right, right-handed ones.

By material type

Loops are:

  • Made from brass, the canopies are plastic: chrome-plated and polished.
  • Brass plated - based on an alloy of different materials, the top is covered with decorative coating imitating bronze, gold, silver.
  • Made of steel - the most reliable type, cannot be erased.

In appearance and configuration

The most common models:

  • Card (straight) - there are plates on the sides. Good option to hang interior doors.
  • Corner canopies – designed for swing doors, have the shape of an angle.
  • Screw-in - instead of plates, they have pins mounted on an axle, designed for lightweight door models.
  • Hidden - installed on expensive entrance doors. The hinge is recessed into the structure.
  • Italian hinges are very similar to ordinary furniture hinges.

By mounting method

By installation type:

  • Overhead canopies - they can be placed on top of the canvas and the box.
  • Mortise - special recesses are made for them.
  • Screw-in - screwed onto the pins of the mechanism.

Before purchasing, you need to consider the following points:

  • Door weight - usually two hinges are enough. But if you hang a canvas that is heavier than the standard one, or there are doubts about the reliability of the hinges, it is better to install three.
  • To avoid creaking, you need to install special bearings for the hinges.
  • Determine the position of the loops: left-handed, right-handed.

Butterfly hinges: features

– invoice, card model.

It does not require insertion due to its special design - it does not consist of two plates, but is a solid plate divided into two parts, which fit into each other when closed, without forming gaps.

Advantages of the butterfly canopy:

  • Easy installation.

Disadvantages of the butterfly canopy:

  • The door does not come off its hinges.
  • Over time, distortions are possible.
  • Used for light fabrics.
  • The canvas must be perfectly smooth.

Installation Tool:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Awl.
  • Drill.
  • Roulette.
  • Pencil.
  • Self-tapping screws.

Installing butterfly door hinges with your own hands:

  • Make indents from the edge of the canvas at the top and bottom by 20 cm.
  • Attach the plate to the end, mark the holes for the screws.
  • Drill.
  • Lift and attach the door to the frame, duplicate the location
  • Screw on the hinges.
  • Raise and hang the canvas.

If a gap has formed between the box and the plate, you need to install a gasket under the butterfly hinge with your own hands.

Hinges for a metal door

They perform the same functions as the interior ones, but are not interchangeable, because they need to be welded.

Types of canopies for metal doors:

  • Hinges with bearings - thanks to it, structures can withstand doors of greater weight.

There are: cylindrical canopies (must be welded to plates that provide a gap between the loop and the blade) and teardrop-shaped (the shape itself provides a gap).

  • Hidden (internal) hinges – cut protection, weather protection. Minus - the canvas does not open completely. There are two types: plate (plates connected by pins, for lightweight doors) and cylinder (withstand heavy doors).

Installing hinges with bearings yourself:

  • Place the canvas in the box, observing the gaps.
  • Treat the canopies with lubricant (so that the ball does not get stuck during welding).
  • Place the canopy - the hinge pin is pointing upward, adjust the gap.
  • Weld using electric welding.

Algorithm for installing hidden canopies with your own hands:

  • Preparing holes for canopies: rectangular recesses in the canvas and frame.
  • Weld it into the hole in the box.
  • Weld to the canvas.

In everyday life, awnings with bearings are most often used due to ease of installation.

Door markings

You will need:

  • Pencil.
  • Ruler (long)

Do-it-yourself marking algorithm:

  • Determine the opening (left-handed or right-handed).
  • Measure 20 cm from the top and bottom of the canvas and make notes.
  • Attach the loops to the marks (the top of the plate on the mark), circle, and mark the points for attaching the screws. The rod should not touch the door so that the door opens and closes freely.
  • If there are knots or chips at the calculated location, the loop should be placed a couple of centimeters lower.
  • Assemble the box.
  • Make marks in the same way, maintaining a gap between the box and the canvas (2-3 mm).
  • If the canvas is made of solid wood, or weighted, you need to install another loop (a little closer to the top).

How to make a cut-in with your own hands

Required tools:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Chisel.
  • Drill and drill bits.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Cutter.
  • Awl.

How to cut hinges into a door – independently and correctly. Insertion algorithm:

  • If the canvas is made of solid wood, you must choose a place without knots or chips. For a regular fabric, make 15-20 cm indentations at the bottom and top. The loop will begin from this point.
  • Mark the edges of the fastening with a pencil or screw it in for a while to make slits with a cutter or chisel (light blows of a hammer)
  • You need to knock out the area for the hinge inward so that the edges remain even.

  • Check the depth of the recess: place a loop in the recess, place a ruler on top - if it does not stick out, the depth is sufficient. If it protrudes, the gap between the box and the canvas will be large. Need to increase the depth. If the hinge is recessed, the door will press against the frame. A spacer is required (for example, cardboard).
  • Assemble the door frame, lift and attach the panel, making an indent of 2 mm on top, duplicate the markings.
  • The loops cut in, just like in the canvas.
  • Raise and hang the canvas.

Hidden hinges: installation features

This mechanism is used for hidden doors– the door merges with the wall.

Able to withstand canvases of different weights: cheaper - 40 kg, more expensive - 200 kg. When purchasing, you should proceed from the weight for which the hinges are designed.

Loops can be placed in fabric made of the following materials:

  • Tree.
  • Aluminum.
  • Steel.

Location of hidden loops: the end of the canvas.

If ordinary hinges are installed in the amount of two pieces, then three hidden ones are needed - for reliability.

More about installing hinges in the video:

If the installation of hidden hinges has taken place, some models are adjusted with a hex wrench:

  • Horizontal adjustment: alignment of the sash with a screw relative to the jamb.
  • Vertical: adjusting the gap between the canvas and the floor, the top of the canvas and the top of the box using a vertical screw.
  • Clamping – uniform fit of the leaf to the door frame using an adjusting eccentric.

As a result, hidden hinges are used on doors from the upper price segment, which is why they are made of quality materials, which is reflected in the total cost of the kit. In their self-installation and adjustment is not particularly difficult, but before that you need to carefully study the instructions in order to understand all the nuances of the process.

Every home craftsman should know how to install hinges on a door. High-quality functioning directly depends on the correct installation of these small parts. interior designs.

Many of us, when choosing, don’t even think about the enormous importance of hinges for such structures. We are sure that the design of the door leaf and the reliability of the purchased frame are much more important, and everything else is trifles. This approach to choosing a door is incorrect. A canvas without well-chosen awnings will be just a blank. There's no point in it. Only after installing the hinges does the door turn into a functional structure.

Hinges for interior doors

There are five types of door awnings that are most commonly used these days. Before you install hinges on an interior door with your own hands, you need to understand their design. The specifics of the latter determine the features of the installation of canopies. Below are the common types of loops:

  1. Card (otherwise called straight). The most simple awnings equipped with special plates on the sides.
  2. Angular. In essence, they are the same card loops, from which they differ only in the shape (angular) of the plates. Such canopies are usually placed on interior doors of a pendulum design.
  3. Hidden. Hinges mounted on expensive products. Hidden awnings have a special hinge that is recessed into the door leaf.
  4. Screw-in. Such products do not have plates. Instead, there are pins on the rotating axis. Roll-in awnings are ideal for lightweight canvases.
  5. Italian. They have a hinge with a special design. Such hinges are usually mounted on doors made in Europe.

Canopies for interior structures are also divided into universal, left- and right-handed. The first of these can be placed on any side of the canvas. According to the installation method, hinges are divided into mortise (they form a single surface with the door, as they are mounted in recesses prepared in advance), overhead (placed directly on top of the door structure) and screw-in (they are screwed in using pins).

We begin to figure out how to properly install the attachments we are interested in different types. The very first step is marking the door leaf. You need to step back from the top and bottom of the door by 0.2 m and mark the starting lines (use a simple pencil). After this, apply the hinges to the marks made (be sure to take into account the direction in which the door structure will open), trace their outline. And then put the appropriate marks at the attachment points.

Fitting and installation of hinges

At this stage, you should carefully examine the condition of the canvas. The areas where the awnings will be installed should not have any defects, in particular knots or cracks. If during installation you begin to screw fasteners into problem areas, there is a high probability that the door will split or warp. If defects are found in the marked area, re-mark so that the attachment points for the canopies are a couple of centimeters away from cracks and knots.

Now you can collect door block and mark the mounting points for the hinges on the box. In this case, it is necessary to maintain small (literally 2–3 mm) gaps between the door leaf and the door frame. This procedure is easiest to perform before the door structure is mounted in its proper place. If you have already installed the door, secure it (as tightly as possible) with wooden wedges in the opening.

When the weight of the interior door is large enough, you need to hang it not on two, but on three hinges. The latter should not be embedded in the middle of the canvas, as many believe, but with some offset towards the canopy located on top. In this case, you will be able to correctly adjust the load that affects the fittings used. A third hinge must be installed if the door has dimensions larger than standard (50 mm thickness, 200 cm height, 80 cm width).

Card type hinges (corner and simple) are very easy to install. Moreover, this operation can be performed in two ways. The first is suitable for awnings, the two parts of which are characterized by different shapes. Hinges of this type fit one into another when closing the interior door. Due to this, they are installed directly on the surface of the canvas.

Card type loop

To install such canopies you will need and electric drill. There are two nuances here:

  1. If the hinges are placed on a heavy door, you must pre-drill holes in it, only after that you can start screwing in the screws.
  2. Hardware can be screwed in immediately, without first making holes for them, if you are dealing with lightweight structures made of plastic or wood fiber material.

The second installation method involves slightly recessing the awnings into the door. In this case, when closing, they will never stop the canvas (when using the first installation method, this situation arises quite often).

It is recommended to make the notches for the hinges with a regular chisel. Simply use it to cut off the material on the opening and on the door itself to the depth of the canopy being installed. And then attach the latter to the area where it is installed and secure it with fasteners. Mount and secure corner products follows in a similar manner. Place one half of them on the end of the door leaf, the second - on the door.

Modern models of interior doors, as a rule, are equipped with higher quality and innovative fittings. Such structures need to be mounted on hidden canopies. Such hinges are much easier to care for; they rarely need repairs, as they differ high level operational reliability. And a purely externally installed covert canopy makes the appearance of the door more attractive, without burdening the door with clearly visible hanging elements.

Hidden loop example

For correct installation Hidden hinges require an electric router. Without it, you will not be able to perform the operation yourself. The installation itself, if such a tool is available, is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Mark the attachment points of the canopies according to the algorithm described in detail above.
  2. Use an electric router to cut out the recesses for the hinges. And then you further process these areas with a chisel.
  3. Disassemble the hidden canopy into two parts. There is very important point. The loop elements have different geometric dimensions. You need to install a part with large parameters in the door frame, and a smaller part in the door leaf. And nothing else!
  4. Pin it most mechanism using self-tapping screws.
  5. Connect the mounted elements into a single structure and, with some force, but very carefully, tighten the fastening screw.

Screw-in type canopies are most often used for installing enclosed interior structures. It is very easy to distinguish such loops from ordinary card loops. The former have special threaded pins on the sides. It is they who allow the installation of canopies. Let us repeat that screw-in products cannot be placed on doors that are heavy. Italian awnings are mounted similarly to standard card awnings. But with one peculiarity. They are placed at the bottom and top of the door leaf, and not at the ends, as is the case with card products. We hope that now you can install hinges of any type on your interior doors without the help of specialists. door designs. Good luck!