Toilet      04/23/2019

When to plant snapdragons: growing from seeds. Snapdragon (50 photos): methods of propagation, planting and caring for the plant

If you want to plant it in the garden and get early, long-lasting flowering, then you should sow the seeds in mid-late March. The deadline is early April.


The seeds of snapdragon are small. And they need to be sown almost on the surface of moist, loose soil, lightly sprinkled with soil on top. Seeds begin to germinate after 10-12 days at room temperature 20...23оС. Since seeds take a long time to germinate, during this time it is necessary to ensure constant soil moisture. It should not be dry or waterlogged.

Like most flower crops, small snapdragon seedlings grow slowly. Water them carefully. When true leaves grow, the seedlings are fed with seedling fertilizer in a low concentration.

The grown seedlings dive when 3-4 leaves appear. Seedlings of snapdragons are planted in flower beds at the end of May. A week before planting, the flowers are hardened and attached to a cool content. In general, there is nothing overly complicated in growing snapdragon seedlings.

Planting in flower beds

Snapdragon It has different varieties with different plant heights, from 20...25 cm to more than 70 cm. Therefore, when planting seedlings in the garden, this nuance must be taken into account so that the feeding area is sufficient for long-term flowering. Plants are seated from 12...15 cm to 30...40 cm apart. Flowers will grow well in a sunny place, in loose, nutritious, non-acidic soil.

In dry times in summer, snapdragons need abundant watering. And weeding, loosening and fertilizing will contribute to prolonged flowering.

Snapdragon flowers bloom from bottom to top, remaining decorative for almost two weeks. They stand well when cut. Low-growing varieties look good in the foreground in flower beds, on balconies, and in flowerpots. Seeds for yourself can be collected in the fall. Only a pure variety is no longer available. The flowers are cross-pollinated and it is possible to get your own unique snapdragon colors.

In terms of decorative qualities, flowering until autumn frosts, snapdragons are not inferior to many annuals, they will decorate any flower garden and become a highlight in the garden.

The flower called snapdragon (lat. Antirrhinum) or antirrhinum belongs to herbaceous plants from the Plantain family. Includes about 50 varieties, among which you can find climbing plants. Occurs this flower in countries where a warm climate prevails, you can also see it in North America.

Dog flowers photo: names and myths

As has long been the case, there are many names for plants that grow in one place or another. In Russia they are often called “dogs”, and in Ukraine “mouths”, in romantic France for some reason the name “cleft palate” has stuck, and in Great Britain “biting dragon or snapdragon”. Translated from Greek, where snapdragon appears to come from, “antirrhinum” literally means “nose-like” or “nose-like.”

IN ancient greek mythology there is a story about the first of the twelve labors of the mythical hero Hercules, in which he was able to defeat the fierce and invincible Nemean lion. For this feat, from the goddess Flora, Hercules was honored to receive a flower created especially for him. She called him "snapdragon". It is from this moment that there is a tradition according to which all winners are given this unusual flower.

This plant is about 500 years old, but a German scientist first began to develop new varieties only in the 19th century. Today, there are about 1000 varieties of this plant. All of them were bred thanks to a single species called Antirrhinum majus.

Description of the flower

"Rotiki" flowers

Snapdragon Bush

The perennial snapdragon can grow as both a subshrub and a herbaceous plant, the stems of which vary from 15 cm and reach up to 1 meter. Erect or branched green shoots form into pyramid-shaped bushes. Endowed with upper alternate leaves and lower opposite leaves. The leaves are light green or dark green with reddish veins. The leaf shape can be either elongated oval or lanceolate.

Depending on which variety you decide to choose, you can enjoy rather large, fragrant, two-lipped flowers, which can be either double or simple. All flowers are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences of white, yellow, pink, light fawn, and also red. In addition, you can find varieties with two-color and three-color flowers. This plant begins to bloom in June and delights the eye with its bright flowers until the onset of frost. As a rule, bees and other insects always circle around flowers, because they contain nectar that attracts them.

Even though snapdragon flowers are a perennial plant, gardeners grow them as annuals. If you take good and proper care of the plant, it will survive the winter in the garden without much difficulty and will be able to delight you with its unusual flowering for many years to come.

It is used to decorate borders, but looks great in flowerbeds in single and group plantings. In addition, antirrinum serves as a good decoration for terraces and balconies.

The most common types that gardeners like to use are ampelous flowers, because grown in hanging pots The plant looks great in any room.

What types and varieties of snapdragons are found?

Professional gardeners classify snapdragons by their height. So you can find five different types, including:

Gigantic or gigantella

Height from 90 to 130 cm. The central stems are very tall. Shoots of the second order are much lower, while the third order is completely absent.

Favorite varieties:

  1. Arthur – rich cherry color, up to 100 cm high
  2. F1 red XL of the same color growing more than 1 meter
  3. F1 pink XL grows up to 110 cm and its color is correspondingly deep pink
  4. "The Rose" its flowers are distinguished by the exceptional shine of pink pearls
  5. Snapdragon Opus red is the most popular of this extensive series, with colors ranging from pink to lavender

Tall varieties

Can vary from 60 to 90 cm in height. As a rule, these varieties are grown for cutting, as well as as accent flowers in group compositions. The central shoot is quite high in relation to the side shoots. Yellow varieties have an unforgettable delicate aroma. A cut snapdragon of this type will delight you for a week.

Popular varieties:

  1. Mix of varieties Madama Butterfly - double snapdragon of various shades
  2. "Canary" yellow-canary color
  3. "Anna German" flowers mostly in the most delicate shades of pink
  4. "Maxi Orange Wonder" salmon - orange gigantic inflorescences
  5. “Goshenka” fiery orange mouths
  6. "Rocket Lemon" truly lemony
  7. "Rocket Orchid" cornflower blue flowers
  8. "Rocket Bronze" salmon flowers, with unexpected orange tints and yellow intros
  9. "Alaska" green snapdragon with white spots
  10. "Volcano" flowers of various types different shades orange
  11. “Swallowtail” a combination of colors, like a butterfly, yellow and crimson
  12. "Velvet Giant" (large and velvety-looking flowers of purple-black tones
  13. "Brilliantrosa" very fragrant pink dogs


Or semi-high universal varieties, the length of which does not exceed 60 cm, are grown both as an excellent decoration for flower beds and for cutting into bouquets.

It differs from other varieties by excessive branching. In addition, unlike its predecessors, it has a central stem of almost the same height as the side shoots.

Common varieties:

  1. Ruby "Rubi" hot pink tone
  2. Lipstick silver “’Lipstick Silver” soft pink and white
  3. Snapdragon Day and Night "Tag und Nacht". It has contrasting white and red flowers - dogs that do not fade under the scorching rays of the sun or fall from gusts of wind. Another name is Queen of the Night.
  4. "Rosella" and "Wildrose" pink snapdragon
  5. 'Libesglut' red-ruby blenny flowers
  6. "Scarlet Monarch" blood burgundy color
  7. "White Monarch" snow-white flowers
  8. Golden Monarch "Golden Monarch" yellow royal flowers
  9. "Bizari" hybrid snapdragon blooming with yellow flowers with dots and streaks of a darker tone


The height of these plants can vary from 25 to 40 cm. They serve good decoration for flower beds and borders. Shoots located in the second and third order are endowed with many flowers. The central part of the plant is almost the same height as the stems of the first order.

Popular varieties:

  1. Hobbit "Hobbit" with its very open mouth - the flowers can be of different colors: white, pink, and also peach, orange, mostly all sunny
  2. Tip-top, delicate pink color with a edging the color of real yolk
  3. “Peach and cream” are compact and sturdy, blooming with lovely flowers of a creamy-peach tonality.
  4. "Lemon sherbet" frost-resistant specimens blooming with fragrant flowers, painted in lemon-canary color
  5. "A ray of sunshine" throughout summer season this plant produces fragrant, deep yellow flowers
  6. Ampelous hybrid snapdragon undersized – Lampion
  7. Snappie orchid - a pinkish flower with a bright spot in the middle, looks like a magnificent orchid
  8. Rainbow mix "Rainbow" all kinds of colors.

Dwarf snapdragon

Plants do not exceed a height of 20 cm. They are planted to decorate borders, carpet beds and alpine slides. In addition, you can grow them in pots and decorate your balcony or terrace. A distinctive feature of this species is that the central shoot is slightly lower than the stems of the second category. Shoots of the third and fourth order are endowed with excessively branching branches.

Popular varieties:

  1. Sakura color - pinkish-cream variety with a white spot in the center
  2. Candy Showers – ampelous snapdragon
  3. "Magic Carpet" two-color flower dog
  4. Dwarf Floral show Bicolor two-color yellow-red “dogs”
  5. “Chimes” cherry lilac
  6. Snapdragon Floral Showers “Floral Showers” ​​colors vary from lemon to orange
  7. 'Tom Thumb' produces lemon flowers with dark flecks

You can also find another group of plants called the Sanderson and Martin classification. It is suitable only for those plants that are grown for cutting and are used by gardeners who breed plants for sale.

  • Azalea or original double plants. The series is represented by varieties of Twinnie varieties: Violet, Rose, terry Twinnie Peach.
  • Ruby star. A variety characterized by rich, star-shaped cherry blossoms.

How to grow seeds in pots

If you would like to decorate your personal plot, then you should use the following methods for breeding snapdragons:

Snapdragon growing from seeds: when to plant

This method is complex, since in order for the seedlings to germinate, they require careful care. If the seeds do not receive enough heat, the seedlings will not be able to sprout, which means that beautiful flower garden You won't be able to with a blooming antirrhinum.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in March and for this you will need:

  • Seeds of the selected variety.
  • A small spatula and a regular sieve.
  • Soil mix.
  • A special pot in which the seedlings will be sown.

It is necessary to fill the selected container with soil. The soil should not be heavy; you can buy it at any store. Place the seeds thickly and press them down lightly with your finger. Be sure to cover with a thin layer of soil substrate, using a sieve for this purpose. After planting, the seedlings must be moistened and covered with film.

In order for seedlings to germinate for sure, they need a temperature of at least 20-23 degrees. As soon as the first borings appear, be sure to harden them. Open the film on the containers each time, increasing the hardening time. Over time, the film should be completely removed.

When and how to sow dogs video review:

Growing using seedlings.

The most common way. Seedlings are grown indoors, and as soon as the seedlings appear, they must be transplanted into open ground or a container.

When should antirrinum seedlings be planted in the ground?

Doggy flowers

After the seedlings have been hardened and thoroughly strengthened, they must be planted in open ground. This procedure is carried out at the end of May days or at the beginning of June days. There is no need to worry about the slight cold that is still present at night, because your hardened plants will cope with them without much difficulty.

The plant prefers to grow in sunny or slightly shaded areas, where there are no strong winds that can break the delicate, although quite flexible, branches.

The only main condition for successful flower growing is thorough soil drainage.

Light, nutrient-rich soil is suitable for planting.

For the snapdragon to feel great, it will need soil consisting of:

  • vegetable compost
  • river sand
  • peat

All of them are used in equal quantities.

How to plant snapdragons correctly

Snapdragon seedlings

Depending on the variety you choose, the distance at which the resulting snapdragon seedlings are planted depends. This is done to avoid unnecessary bald spots or, conversely, excessive thickening of the planting area.

  1. If you decide to decorate the garden with tall flowers, then they should be located at a distance of about 40-50 cm from each other.
  2. Medium-sized plants are planted at a distance of approximately 35 cm.
  3. Low-growing plants should be placed in the ground, keeping a distance of 20 cm between plants.
  4. For dwarf flowers, 15 cm will be enough.

After sowing the seeds, be sure to loosen the soil, remembering to moisten and feed it. The soil must be neutral or slightly acidic. Also, do not forget about the drainage layer, which is required when planting snapdragons.

Do not forget that planting is carried out only in soil that has been well moistened in advance.

The plant has a taproot, so before planting the seedlings, be sure to dig up the soil to about 35 cm.

Prefers to grow in sunny areas, but does well in partial shade. But it is worth considering that if you plant the plant in a shaded place, its flowering will not be so lush. Water the plant only on dry days.

Snapdragon planting and care

As soon as you plant a flower, be sure to monitor the soil moisture, since it needs moisture to adapt to a new place.

On dry days, the plant should be watered in the morning. When the flowers bloom, it is also necessary to moisten the plant.

But, you should not overdo it with moistening the soil, since stagnation of water and watering carried out in the evening can harm your flower.

If you want the flowering to be lush and last a relatively long time, then you need:

  • Don't forget to loosen the soil and remove weeds. This procedure is carried out in the evening. Remember, the less grass there is next to the snapdragon, the fewer pests and diseases it will attack.
  • Tall plant species must be tied up to protect them from bad weather and wind.
  • If you want to prolong flowering, then that's it wilted flowers should be removed. In order to collect seeds from a plant, you need to leave a few flowers in its lower part.
  • The plant should be fed. The first time you need to apply fertilizer 10-15 days after planting, using organic matter or nitrophoska. After the buds appear, you need to feed them a second time with mineral fertilizers.

What diseases can affect antirrhinum

Gray rot, nasty black leg and septoria can attack snapdragons at any time; to cope with them you will need special drugs. First, get rid of all the flowers that have been affected and be sure to treat the soil with antifungal agents.

The main pests that can attack antirrhinum are caterpillars, fly larvae, butterflies and scale insects. To get rid of insects, visit a specialized store and purchase the appropriate product.

How are Antirrhinum seeds collected?

All seeds are enclosed in fruits, which are a multi-seeded capsule. Seeds must be collected before they are fully ripe. Fully ripe seeds are colored black. They must be stored in a paper envelope. This will allow enough air to penetrate to the seedlings. Dry the seeds and place them in the refrigerator until spring. Seedlings that are grown from seeds may differ from their parents.

The plant blooms until frost. You must decide for yourself whether snapdragon is a perennial or an annual.

If you want to grow it as a perennial, then cut off the shoot, leaving a shoot no more than 8 cm high above the ground. Do not forget to cover it with ordinary peat, dry fallen leaves or sawdust. In the event that antirrhinum is grown as annual plant, then it is necessary to promptly remove wilted inflorescences that can sow seeds. After all the flowers on the shoot have faded, trim it as low as possible to the soil. This procedure will certainly prevent the seeds from spilling onto the ground. With the onset of deep autumn, the soil where the snapdragon grew must be dug up and the dried plant itself must be burned to avoid a new encounter with pests that could have settled in it.

Snapdragon application in landscape design:

Those who once decided to decorate their plot with snapdragons will no longer be able to refuse this amazing and unusual flower. Its beautiful and bright blooms fascinate others. The variety of varieties allows the plant to be used both in single pattern plantings and in mixed group installations.

Antirrinum will allow its owners to enjoy flowering for a long time, and its original slightly sweet aroma will be remembered until the next season.

Snapdragon in a flowerbed with other flowers video:

The most beautiful among annuals, the snapdragon flower is rightfully in great demand in ornamental gardening, and planting and caring for it have some peculiarities. Is this annual afraid of frost in the spring? Does it need to be pinched? When to sow snapdragons in open ground or is it better to grow seedlings - let's understand all these questions a little.

Varieties and types of snapdragon

Antirrhinum or snapdragon (Antirrhínum) belongs to the Norichnikov family. This perennial plant is native to the Mediterranean, but in our latitudes it is cultivated as an annual. The stems of antirrinum branch well, forming a compact bush, the height of which ranges from 15 to 100 cm. The flowers of snapdragon are large, irregular shape, externally resembling an open mouth. For this feature, the plant is popularly nicknamed “dogs”. Bright and fragrant, they are collected in racemose inflorescences. The color of the annual plant is varied and depends on the variety of antirrinum. The most popular flowers are white, yellow, red and purple.

To date, breeders have managed to develop more than 800 varieties of the popular plant, which are divided into 15 groups. Among them are:

  • tall varieties that reach 130 cm in height;
  • tall varieties up to 90 cm;
  • medium-sized plant species up to 60 cm;
  • low-growing varieties up to 45 cm;
  • dwarf forms up to 25 cm.

All tall varieties have one distinctive feature– the main stem of the plant rises above the 1st order stems, forming the main peduncle with large inflorescences.

Medium-sized forms of antirrinum branch well and vary in flowering time. Among them you can find early and late varieties of annuals.

Low-growing snapdragon species have a spherical shape with many stems and form compact bushes, but their flowers are noticeably smaller than those of their tall relatives.

All varieties of antirrinum are divided into several classes:

  • Cut species are tall varieties with large flowers that do not lose their decorative qualities for a long time. One of them is the Admiral variety.
  • Planting species - these include low-growing and dwarf plant forms that have a long flowering period and form a compact bush, such as “Scarlet”, “Carmine” or “Lilek”.
  • Universal species are medium-sized varieties that are distinguished by brighter colors and a variety of transitional shades, forming a small bush with a large peduncle and large flowers. Such plants look good when cut and remain attractive for a long time. The annual flowering period is more than 3.5 months. This type includes varieties “Torch”, “Day and Night”.

Snapdragon flowers: planting and care, photo in the garden


Snapdragon is a rather light-loving plant, and with a lack of heat it retards its growth and ripening of seeds. Tolerates light frosts down to -5 degrees.

The annual plant can be grown on any soil, but it has been noted that it grows better on light, fertile soils. You need to choose a place for planting in the garden that is sunny and protected from cold winds.

Growing from seeds

Antirrinum is grown as an annual plant by sowing seeds for seedlings or directly into the ground. These methods have a number of advantages.

Sowing seeds in the ground- this method is suitable for flower growers who can monitor the crops - who lives at the dacha at this time, or who own house. Sowing in the ground at first glance seems less labor-intensive, but the percentage of plant survival greatly depends on care. Sow seeds in the ground late autumn or spring in April. This is a fairly cold-resistant annual; as already mentioned, the seedlings can withstand temperatures down to -5°.

Seeds are sown directly on the flower bed, without covering them with soil. Since snapdragon seeds are very small, it is recommended to mix them with sand for uniform sowing. The sowing bed must be cleared of weeds that choke the young shoots. When seedlings appear, the plant needs regular weeding and careful watering.

The grown shoots are thinned out, leaving 20 cm between them. Flowering of plants grown in this way begins much later, it occurs in mid-summer and is shorter due to possible early frosts.

Sowing seeds for seedlings starts from the beginning of February and continues until the beginning of April. Seedlings grown by seedlings will bloom in early May-June. The process of growing seedlings has its own characteristics that every gardener needs to know:

  1. Seeds are sown in light, moist soil without covering them with soil. They need light and warmth to germinate. Optimal temperature for seed germination from 22 to 25 degrees.
  2. For normal development, the plant needs light. If sowing was done in February, then it is necessary to organize additional lighting for the seedlings. Seedlings sown in March - April do not need additional lighting. This is due to the length of daylight hours, which gradually increases from March. For successful cultivation Seedlings need lighting on cloudy days.
  3. With the appearance of the first shoots, you need to open the greenhouse and monitor the level of soil moisture. Excessive moisture or dryness has a detrimental effect on young seedlings. At high humidity, plants are affected by blackleg. To prevent diseases, seedlings are sprayed with a solution of biostimulants: Epin-Extra, Novosil, Zircon. At the first signs of infection, damaged plants are removed.
  4. With the appearance of the first pair of true leaves, the seedlings should be picked into separate containers, which will ensure their proper development and formation of the root system.
  5. To form a bush, it is necessary to pinch the seedlings over the third or fourth pair of leaves.
  6. Before planting seedlings in the garden, it is necessary to harden them off. To do this, containers with seedlings are taken outside during the daytime. Planting in the garden is carried out only with the onset of warm weather, usually at the end of May.

We, in turn, prefer to do without picking even such plants with tiny seeds, so we sow antirrhinum for seedlings in peat tablets. Then we just thin out the grown seedlings:

Planting snapdragons in the ground

Partially flowering seedlings are planted in the garden. For abundant flowering choose an open sunny place. Before planting, it is advisable to fertilize the soil with peat and add sand for looseness. Leave 20-30 cm between plants for comfortable growth. Depending on the variety, the distance may be greater.

Antirrhinum care

Pretty snapdragon unpretentious plant, all care for it comes down to regular watering, weeding, protection from pests and diseases. In this case, you need to ensure that the plant is not flooded, which will lead to root diseases and further death. You can ensure the required level of soil moisture by mulching the soil with sawdust or peat.

Feeding annuals

Healthy and beautiful flower can be obtained even on poor soils by systematically feeding the plant. The first fertilizing should be carried out no earlier than two weeks after planting the seedlings in the garden. Further application of fertilizers is carried out every two weeks throughout the entire growing season. For these purposes, weak solutions of weed infusion are suitable, bird droppings or mullein infusion.


To preserve varieties and further cultivation snapdragon on the site it must be propagated correctly. This is done in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • sowing seeds.

You need to make cuttings of antirrinum in the spring, cutting young cuttings from mother plant, which overwintered indoors. Rooted shoots are planted in the garden at the end of May. Plants obtained in this way begin flowering earlier than usual and have a long flowering period.

Large and healthy specimens are selected for collecting seeds. Snapdragon seeds are small, and to prevent them from scattering on their own, the seed pod is tied with cotton cloth and the seeds are allowed to ripen. It is better to store seeds in a cool room for no longer than 3 years.

Diseases and pests of snapdragon

Very often seedling crops are affected fungal diseases:

  • fusarium;
  • blackleg;
  • rust;
  • septoria.

To prevent and combat diseases, damaged plants are sprayed with biological products with repeated treatments after a few days.

Antirrinum is susceptible to attack by pests that eat away the buds and spoil the leaves and stems of the plant. A common pest is different kinds scoop Their butterflies lay their eggs on weeds, and hatched larvae later crawl onto the plant and damage it. For prevention, regular weeding and destruction of weeds near the snapdragon is carried out. Affected plants are sprayed with biopreparations and infusions, carrying out several treatments.

Snapdragon in landscape design (photo)

Various varieties and types of snapdragons are used in gardening design. A wide variety of varieties and bright colors of flowers have made it one of the leading annuals.

Dwarf and undersized forms of the plant look good in flower beds, flower beds, they make up borders or colored spots on the lawn. Some types of annuals can be grown in balcony boxes and flowerpots. Tall varieties of antirrinum are mainly used for cutting and retain their decorative qualities for up to 2 weeks. Peduncles are part of many flower arrangements.

These are the somewhat laudatory reviews we received about antirrinums - these long-flowering annuals are painfully beautiful. Try to grow snapdragon flowers in your garden, and you will soon see for yourself that planting and caring for them, although they require some skill, are within the capabilities of any gardener.

Flowers snapdragon (lat. Antirrhinum), or antirrhinum,- a genus of herbaceous plants of the Plantain family, covering about 50 species of perennials, including climbing ones, common in the warm zones of the Earth, but for the most part- V North America. The Russians call this plant “dogs,” the British call it “snapdragon” (biting dragon), the French call it “wolf’s mouth,” and the Ukrainians call it “mouth.” WITH Greek language the name “antirrinum” is translated as “nose-like”, “nose-like”.

An ancient Greek myth tells about the first labor of Hercules, when he defeated the Nemean lion, famous for its ferocity and invulnerability. The goddess Flora handed Hercules what she created in honor of his victory beautiful flower, which she called “snapdragon.” Since then, it has become a tradition in Greece to give snapdragons to heroes. The snapdragon flower has been in culture for about five hundred years, and breeding work was started by German scientists in the 19th century, and today about 1000 varieties of snapdragon are grown in the gardens of the planet, and the most interesting thing is that the basis for this variety of forms and hybrids was a single species – Antirrhinum majus.

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Planting and caring for snapdragons (in brief)

  • Landing: in warm climates, sow seeds in the ground in April or before winter. Seeds are sown for seedlings in mid-March; seedlings are planted in open ground closer to mid-May or early April.
  • Bloom: from mid-summer to late autumn.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or partial shade.
  • The soil: well-fertilized, breathable, light loamy soils with a pH of 6.0-7.0, cultivated to a depth of 30-40 cm.
  • Watering: only in the mornings during dry seasons, abundant.
  • Feeding: 2-3 times before flowering with complete mineral fertilizer.
  • Reproduction: seeds and cuttings.
  • Pests: aphids, root-knot nematodes, spider mites, cutworms, thrips, slugs.
  • Diseases: late blight, fusarium, verticillium, blackleg, septoria, sclerotinia and downy mildew.

Read more about growing snapdragons below.

Snapdragon flower - description

The snapdragon plant is a subshrub or herbaceous plants with straight, branched green thinly furrowed stems from 15 cm to one meter in height, forming pyramidal bushes. The upper leaves of the snapdragon are alternate, the lower ones are opposite, their shape is elongated oval or lanceolate, the color is from light green to dark green with red veins.

The flowers are fragrant, rather large, irregular, two-lipped, depending on the variety, simple or double, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, and are colored white, yellow, pink, soft fawn, all shades of red, but there are also two-color and even three-color varieties. The fruit is a two-locular multi-seeded capsule, with 5,000 to 8,000 seeds in one gram. Flowering of snapdragon usually begins in June and ends with frost.

Most often, perennial snapdragons in nature are grown in horticulture as an annual plant, but with good care And favorable conditions cold-resistant snapdragons can successfully winter in the garden and bloom more beautifully the next year. IN garden design antirrinum is grown as a border plant, although snapdragon looks great both in a flower bed and planted in groups against a green lawn. Snapdragons are often used to decorate balconies and terraces.

Of particular interest to flower growers today are ampelous forms of snapdragons, which can be grown in suspended structures for decorating terraces and galleries.

In the photo: Snapdragon flowering in the garden

Growing snapdragons from seeds

Sowing snapdragons

Snapdragon reproduces by generative and vegetative methods. Snapdragon seeds retain the ability to germinate for several years. If you live in a warm climate, you can grow snapdragons from seeds, sowing them directly into the ground, and they will sprout in two and a half to three weeks, without any problems surviving even a slight cold snap at night, which is common in spring, but in areas where it is warm occurs gradually, it is better to use the seedling method of growing snapdragons. How to grow snapdragons from seeds using seedlings? This process is neither complicated nor labor-intensive.

So, sow snapdragons: early March pour coarse sand into bowls with a diameter of at least 10 cm with drainage holes, and on top of the sand - compost soil mixed with sand, compact it, level it, sprinkle it with water from a sprayer and distribute seeds also mixed with sand over its surface, which we then cover on top a thin layer of the same substrate, moisten it with a fine spray bottle and cover the sowing bowl with glass.

Every day we remove condensation from the glass, let the crops breathe and, if necessary, moisten the soil with a sprayer. At a temperature of 23 ºC and moderate substrate humidity, sprouts will appear in a couple of weeks. As soon as this happens, move the bowl to a bright, non-sunny place so that they do not stretch out, and as soon as the emergence of seedlings becomes widespread (in 3-4 days), remove the glass.

In the photo: Growing snapdragon from seeds

Snapdragon seedlings

The seedlings will grow slowly at first, and your task during this period is to ensure proper soil moisture, watering the soil in the morning so that there is enough moisture, but not in excess, as this can lead to seedlings getting blackleg disease. “Fallen” sprouts should be removed with tweezers, and the place where they grew should be powdered with crushed coal or sprinkled with a small amount of calcined and cooled river sand. After a pair of true - not cotyledon - leaves appear, the seedlings dive into a container or box, placing them so that they grow freely.

You can plant seedlings in individual pots or, for example, plant three sprouts in larger pots.

Place the picked seedlings in a bright place, protecting them from direct sun rays, and begin to gradually accustom them to the environment and temperature in which they will find themselves after transplanting into open ground: slightly open the window for a while during the day, but make sure that the seedlings are not in a draft. The central shoot of each seedling after the development of 4-5 leaves must be pinched to enhance tillering, but if the side shoots are also growing too actively, pinch them too.

Pictured: Red snapdragon

Snapdragon - planting

When to plant snapdragons

At the end of May - beginning of June, grown, strengthened and hardened seedlings are planted in open ground. And don’t be afraid of the last night’s cold snaps: your young “lion cubs” will survive them calmly. The site for growing snapdragons can be either sunny or slightly shaded, but must be well drained and protected from strong winds. The soil needs to be light and nutritious. The best soil for snapdragons– a mixture of sand, compost and peat in approximately equal proportions. The optimal soil pH for snapdragon is pH 6-8.

In the photo: Snapdragon in a flowerbed

How to plant snapdragons

Planting snapdragon flowers is carried out according to the following scheme: tall varieties are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, medium-growing varieties - at a distance of 30 cm, low-growing varieties - after 20 cm, dwarf varieties - after 15 cm. As soon as the snapdragon takes root, it begins to grow very grow quickly and turn into a lush flowering bush. You should know that Snapdragons are planted in well-moistened soil.

Snapdragon - care

How to grow snapdragons

This plant is unpretentious and needs only what anyone needs. garden flower: in watering, loosening the soil, removing weeds and fertilizing. You will only have to water the plants in dry times when there is no rain, but not at night. The next day after watering or the same day in the evening, it is advisable to loosen the soil and weed out the weeds. It is advisable to tie tall varieties of snapdragon to a support. It is better to pick off wilted flowers so that the plant does not waste energy on them.

If you want to get snapdragon to bloom for a long time, do not let it set seeds, remove the flower shoot as soon as the last flowers have withered. You need to cut off the peduncle under the lowest flower, then new arrows and new flowers will appear.

As soon as the plant takes root in the ground after planting, it needs to be fed with nitrophoska and organic matter, the second feeding is carried out when the snapdragon begins to form buds, and in this case, use a solution of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate at the rate of one tablespoon of each ingredient per 10 liters water.

On the picture: Pink flowers antirrinum

Pests and diseases of snapdragon

Sometimes red rust spots appear on the plant; septoria, blackleg, gray or root rot can affect the snapdragon. Diseased specimens should be immediately removed and burned, and the soil in the place where they grew should be treated antifungal drug(fungicide).

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Dangerous insect pests include scale insects, fly larvae, caterpillars and butterflies that lay eggs. It is always easier to take preventive measures than to treat an already existing disease or expel insects that have settled in flowers, so follow the recommendations for caring for the plant, promptly remove diseased or pest-affected specimens, do not allow plants to grow too close to each other, maintain moderation in moistening the area, watering the flowers under the root, and not over the leaves, and snapdragons will not be afraid of either disease or insects.

In the photo: Growing snapdragons

Snapdragon after flowering

Snapdragon can bloom until autumn frosts, but when a steady autumn comes, cut the snapdragon, if you grow it as a perennial plant, so short that the rest of the stem rises above the ground 5-8 cm tall, and cover the area with peat with sawdust or dry foliage - mulch will help plants survive the winter. If you are growing annual snapdragons, then, in order to avoid self-seeding during the entire flowering period, timely pick off faded flowers, and when all the flowers on the arrow have faded, cut the peduncle as low as possible. This must be done in order to prevent the seeds from ripening and waking up on the ground. When will it come deep autumn, dig up the area and burn the remains of the plants to destroy the pests that have settled in them.

In the photo: Snapdragon flower

How and when to collect snapdragon seeds

Most seeds garden plants harvested when they are fully mature. But snapdragon seeds need to be harvested in the incomplete ripeness phase, so that they can then be ripened in a dry room with good ventilation. The collection is carried out in a long paper bag, as for a baguette. They start collecting seeds when the fruits on the lower part of the peduncle ripen: the upper part of the peduncle, on which the fruits are still green, is cut off and thrown away, and a paper bag is put on the remaining part of the flower shoot, tied with a thread below the fruits and the shoot below the bandage is cut off. The inverted bag is hung in a warm, dry room and they are waiting for the ripened seeds to spill out of the boxes into the bag. Then they are placed in cardboard boxes and stored at a temperature of +3-5 ºC, protected from possible moisture ingress.

In the photo: Antirrhinum flower

Types and varieties of snapdragon

Today, in professional floriculture, there are several classifications of snapdragons, and the most common of them is according to plant height. According to this criterion, varieties are divided into five groups:


The height is from 90 to 130 cm. The central shoot in plants of this group is much higher than the shoots of the second order, the shoots of the third order are absent. Varieties: Arthur - cherry-colored, 90-95 cm high, F1 red XL and F1 pink XL 110 cm high, red and pink, respectively.


60 to 90 cm grown for cutting or as a vertical accent in mixborders or groups. Side shoots much lower than the central one. Snapdragon tall in the cut is up to a week or longer, the most fragrant varieties are yellow shades. Popular varieties: Anna Herman - soft pink snapdragon, Canary - bright yellow variety, a mixture of varieties Madama Butterfly - terry snapdragon of different shades and others.

Pictured: Yellow snapdragon

Tall or medium tall

Representatives of the variety reach 40-60 cm in height, universal varieties grown both as a flower bed decoration and for cutting. They are distinguished by strong branching. Characteristic feature varieties of this group is also that the central shoot is slightly higher than the side shoots. Varieties: Golden Monarch – yellow color, Ruby - hot pink, Lipstick silver - pinkish-white.


From 25 to 40 cm in height, grown as flowerbed or border flowers. These varieties have many flowering shoots of the second and third order, while the main shoot is at the same level or slightly lower than the shoots of the first order. Varieties: Hobbit, Tip-top, hanging hybrid Lampion.

In the photo: White snapdragon


15-20 cm in height, flowers for borders, carpet flower beds, rock gardens and ridges. They are grown in the same way potted plants. These varieties are distinguished by strong branching up to shoots of the third and fourth order, the main shoot is usually lower or at the level of shoots of the second order. Varieties: Sakura Color - a pinkish-white variety with a spot, Candy Showers - an ampelous snapdragon.

In addition to this classification, there is an equally popular classification by Sanderson and Martin for year-round cut varieties, but it is of interest only to those for whom growing snapdragons is not a pleasure or an aesthetic need, but a means of enrichment.

Antirrinum- one of the most famous perennial herbaceous plants, a favorite of gardeners and a frequent visitor to lush flower beds, which has earned love for its bright and beautiful flowers of unusual shape with a rich and vibrant palette of colors.

A florist who has planted antirrinum once will plant it season after season - the ease of care and amazingly beautiful color are simply captivating. The branched straight shoots of this plant form a dense pyramidal bush, the lower leaves are opposite, and the upper leaves are alternate.

The color of antirrhinum flowers can be white, pink, yellow, beige, blue, light blue or two-three-color. In total, there are twenty-two species in nature. as you can see in the photo, antirrinum most widely represented species antirrhinum major(“”) and its varieties, of which more than 1000 were bred by flower growers.


  • Antirrhinum buds have a pleasant sour taste: these flowers can be added to salads, ice cream and sorbets, in addition, they contain useful vitamins and add a delicious aroma to any dish.
  • In mild and warm climates, antirrinums - perennials, but does not survive harsh Russian winters, so it is used as an annual plant, although it lives quite a long time in greenhouse conditions.
  • If flower growers are interested in a persistent, long-lasting and pleasant aroma, then they should pay attention to yellow antirrinums and plant them.
  • Snapdragon is also useful in the pharmaceutical field: it is widely used to treat various diseases of the liver, stomach, eyes, genitourinary system and colds. A decoction of this plant was previously used in the East as an antidote, and was also mixed with lily oil and smeared on the face to improve the color, elasticity and softness of the skin. Despite this, using it other than as prescribed by a doctor is extremely dangerous - it is very poisonous plant, life-threatening if the dosage is incorrect.
  • There are such subspecies of the plant as dwarf varieties(15-20 centimeters), short (20-30 centimeters), medium or semi-tall (20-60 centimeters), tall (65-150 centimeters).

Thanks to its wide distribution throughout the world, Antirrhinum seeds have a low price: from 15 to 20 rubles for a small bag of seeds and up to 40 for particularly rare varieties.

Flower shops also sell seedlings at a price of 20-30 rubles per plant or cassettes with seedlings of 10, 30 and 50 sprouts costing from 200 rubles for the minimum volume.

Types and varieties

The antirrinum itself is most often represented by the “antirrinum large” variety; there are about a thousand different varieties snapdragon. There are several popular Antirrhinum species: large, ampelous and twinnie. There are more than 1000 species in total.

The most famous of them is Antirrhinum major, or snapdragon, which received its second name in connection with unusual shape flowers: two-lipped, wide at the bottom and narrower at the bottom, similar to the open mouth of a lion.

Large antirrinums have been grown for more than 500 years as ornamental plants in flower beds, greenhouses and greenhouses. Antirrinum twinnie, or terry antirrinum – a variety of Antirrinum major, one of the most common species in floriculture, has large double flowers of various colors.

Antirrinum twinnie is a hybrid, unpretentious and surprisingly beautiful. Antirrinum ampelous, or antirrinum F1– also one of the popular varieties of antirrinum major.

This is a rather rare hybrid, designed specifically for growing in balcony boxes and hanging baskets. Unlike other antirrinums, it does not stand, but forms a beautiful “beard” 40-80 cm long.

A lush, hanging plant ideal for growing at some height. Thanks to the variety of species, ease of care and beauty, antirrinum remains one of the undoubted leaders in flower beds and greenhouses.

Places of growth

Antirrinum is a fairly unpretentious plant that grows in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in North America. In particular, the most common is Antirrhinum major. In general, antirrinum tolerates cold and almost any weather conditions well, but does not like drought and excess moisture.


In order to grow antirrinum, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort, but your work will bring wonderful results: this plant blooms from June until frost, it is quite unpretentious and easy to care for. There are two simple ways grow antirrhinum in your own garden.

The first way is planting antirrinum straight into the ground. This method is more suitable experienced flower growers because it requires a lot of attention and experience.
In order to grow healthy and beautiful antirrinums, you will need:

  • Antirrinum seeds(you can get them at any flower shop).
  • Prepared soil, preferably loamy, thoroughly weeded. Remove all weed roots to prevent them from germinating!

So, you need in May - early June, when the risk of frost has finally passed, plant seeds mixed with coarse sand on the ground and lightly sprinkle with soil. Cover the top with film or agrospan and regularly moisten the soil.

This is the simplest method, but it requires a lot of attention and very frequent weeding - if there is insufficient weeding, the weeds will initially kill the weak and tender sprouts of the antirrinum.

The seedling method of planting antirrinum will not be difficult even for a beginner. Start planting seedlings around the end of February to the beginning of April, and do not plant until the threat of even minimal frost has completely passed.

You will need:
Antirrinum seeds (their price is not high);
Coarse sand (it is not recommended to use construction sand: it contains a lot harmful substances, unsuitable for normal development, if you still decide to use construction sand, rinse it thoroughly and calcine it for cleansing and disinfection);
Bowls with a diameter of 10 centimeters with drainage holes (they can also be purchased at a flower shop; you can use plastic or ceramic with equal success);
High-quality expanded clay or polystyrene foam broken into large pieces;
Compost soil;
Spray bottle with water;
Glass, cling film or bags;

To grow you will need:

1. Mix sand with Antirrhinum seeds for ease of distribution;
2. Pour crushed foam or expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot to about 1/5 of its depth, pour sand on top, then composted soil, thoroughly mixed with sand in a ratio of 3/2;
3. Compact and moisten the soil, carefully scatter the seeds on it in a thin layer, sprinkle with water again;
4. Cover the bowls with film, a transparent bag or glass, regularly remove condensation and keep the soil moist, maintain a temperature of 22-26 degrees.

After about two weeks, the first shoots will appear, then you need to place the bowls in a bright, but not sunny place, and after 3-4 days remove the glass completely. Now it is important to care for the sprouts.

The key to success is regular watering (preferably in the morning) and good lighting without direct sunlight. You can harden off your sprouts by occasionally placing them on the windowsill, but without exposing them to a direct draft.

When 4 or 5 shoots appear, you need to pinch the central shoot for better flowering and tillering. In mid-May - mid-June, the shoots can be moved to open ground.

Flower care

Further care behind the antirrhinum simple enough:

Antirrinum loves nutritious and fairly light soil. Ideal option there will be a mixture in equal proportions of soil, peat and sand;
Tall varieties of the antirrinum plant require about half a meter of distance between plants, medium-sized ones - about 30 centimeters, low-growing ones - 15-20;
Water antirrinum only during particularly dry periods, or if the soil is very dry;
It is important to carefully weed out weeds, preventing them from growing;
It is not necessary to cover antirrinum during frosts: it tolerates temperatures down to -5 degrees quite well;
You can’t plant these plants too close to each other: they get sick with the so-called “gray rot”.

In general, this is all you need to know about growing and caring for beautiful and fragrant Antirrhinum plant. it is good for treatment, and in cooking, and, of course, in floriculture. Good luck growing this beautiful plant!