Well      06/23/2020

How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles. How to make a palm tree with your own hands

Recycle a lot of unnecessary plastic bottles, which have accumulated at the dacha over the summer, is difficult. But there is a simple way out of this situation. All empty containers can be turned into beautiful ones garden decorations. One of these decorations is a handmade palm tree made from plastic bottles. Step-by-step production and a good mood will help you cope with the task in no time.

Methods of using plastic

Decomposition process plastic material lasts for 100 years. To avoid polluting environment, plastic waste removal has been established in any area. But there are some summer cottages, from which waste removal is not carried out. In this case, conscientious summer residents remove the bottles themselves. To avoid unnecessary removal work, you can make a palm tree from plastic bottles in one evening. It is enough to collect all the colorful containers on the site. You can decorate with palm trees:

There are three ways to make a palm tree from bottles. Each of the methods will help you realize your creative fantasies and create a real work of art out of plastic. This masterpiece will be a real decoration for any area.

Types of decorations for a summer cottage

There are many options for making an artificial palm tree.

Thanks to this, the appearance of the tree can be anything.

Types of structures are:

  • With straight trunks or in the form of petals. Sometimes a log is used as a base.
  • High and low.
  • With spreading smooth leaves or fringed.

Making large palm trees

To make a palm tree large sizes, you will need a lot of plastic bottles. They begin to collect them in advance, involving the whole family and relatives in the process. For work you will need the following materials:

  • Plastic bottles of various colors. The trunk is made from brown containers, and leaves are made from green bottles.
  • A metal rod is used for the trunk, and a thick wire is used for the leaves.
  • Wide tape, scissors and a sharp knife.

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You need to know that the more bottles are collected, the more magnificent the crown of the plant will be. To make the trunks and leaves look smoother and better, containers of the same size and diameter are used for production. Containers of other sizes should not be thrown away. Leaves are made from small bottles and inserted into the middle of the crown. In this place different size the material will not be visible. But they cannot be used for the trunk. Narrow brown containers are used to construct trunks for other types of trees. Containers of different shades will make all crafts made from plastic bottles brighter and richer. Palm tree step by step:

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Tree with unusual leaves

Except big tree, there is another way to make palm trees. It is a little more complicated, but is particularly original. If you follow all the instructions step by step, then making a palm tree from bottles will not be difficult. The work process begins with the manufacture of the barrel:

All elements are strung on a metal bundle or cable and form a tree.

Bottle bottom construction

To make this palm tree you will need 2 times more bottles. Because the entire structure consists of bottoms. Step-by-step order of work:

If you additionally decorate the palm tree and the surrounding area with other crafts, the area will look even more interesting. For example, you can make monkeys, bees and pigs from plastic bottles. Swans made from car tires look interesting.

You can easily decorate your area with original crafts made from plastic bottles! This material is quite durable and easy to process, thanks to which a wide variety of products are created.

For example, you can create a wonderful palm tree from plastic bottles with your own hands! Such an evergreen palm will all year round decorate your site or, for example, a playground.

This master class will help you make such a craft!

You will need materials and tools such as:

- plastic bottles in brown and green shades;
- scissors;
- stationery knife;
- thick wire for the frame.

To begin with, you need to decide how tall the palm tree will be. In this case, the palm tree will be approximately 1.5 meters high, and the second one will be 50 cm. To do this, you need about 23-25 ​​bottles of a brown shade for the trunk and 15 bottles of a green shade for the crown!

To create a trunk, brown bottles need to be cut in half as in the photo below.

You need bottles of different sizes, the larger ones at the base, and the smaller ones at the top of the barrel. The caps from the bottles must be removed. You will need both the top and bottom of the bottle.

Then, the edges of the blanks are cut out in the form of petals; you should get about 6 “petals”.

Afterwards, they need to be bent.

It should look like this.

In the future they will add up to each other. Since there is no hole for the wire in the bottom of the bottle, it needs to be made using a hot nail, knife, or you can drill it. By folding the blanks, you get a rather fluffy palm tree trunk.

After all the parts for the palm tree trunk are ready, you need to start creating the palm leaves!

Bottles can be used different shades green. You can also experiment with the volume of containers, for example, use two-liter ones at the base, and place smaller ones at the top. To do this, you need to cut off the neck and bottom of green bottles.

Then, cut the bottle into three parts.

If you want wider leaves, you can only cut it into two parts. You will get something like this.

Afterwards, the strips need to be straightened in different directions.

This will give some splendor to the crown!

Now, the simplest and final stage in creating a palm tree from plastic containers remains!

After all the parts are ready, you need to securely install the frame made of wire or other suitable material in the desired location on the site. And then, string all the resulting palm tree parts onto the frame.

Using a large plug from five liter bottle, make a clamp on top to securely fasten the leaves. To do this, you need to make a hole in the center of the cork, slightly smaller in diameter than the frame.

Then, after the crown is completely assembled, put it on the wire!

That's all, we have a very original palm tree that can be installed on the site or on the playground!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

Such a craft will certainly decorate the area, and will also give a positive mood to the children, including a plastic basket made by yourself!

My younger son, he is seven years old, loves to make crafts. It doesn’t matter what he works with - construction sets, plasticine or cardboard - any craft in his hands turns into something important and useful for him. He especially likes it when dad or mom participate in this process. Of course, we almost always don’t have enough time for such things, but if we get down to business, we work together and bring what we started to the end. The most serious of our collaborations was a palm tree made from plastic bottles.

How to make a palm tree from plastic bottles step by step with photos

Before closing kindergarten for repairs, all parents were instructed to do some crafts. The teacher told me: “Your vacation assignment is a palm tree of bottles.” Scratching our heads, we got to work. We collected brown and green flowers and found a couple of long iron rods, prepared drill.

We started with the trunk: the bottom of each bottle was cut off to a height of about 20 cm. The edges were cut into teeth for texture and bent a little to look like the scales of a palm tree trunk. In each blank I drilled a hole, the diameter of a long iron rod, which was supposed to serve as the basis for the barrel.

We cut the green bottles in half and cut the edges of each according to the shape of the leaves. I left necks on one of the halves, and I also drilled holes of suitable diameter at the ends of the others.

Having made all the preparations, we started assembling!

How to attach palm leaves?
We take an elastic rod, not thick, but hard. When we make our leaves for the plastic palm tree, we cut the bottles and insert them one into the other, neck into neck, but leave a cork on the last bottle. We drill a cork and thread a rod, bend the rod at the end so that the leaves don’t fall off, that’s all.

That's all, dear readers, thank you for visiting and reading my site, I advise you to learn how to do

A spectacular and eye-catching bottle palm will serve as a excellent option cottage decorations, garden plot, playgrounds in the yard or kindergarten. Made with your own hands according to a simple scheme, it will not only decorate the surrounding area, but will also help a person to recycle a large number of plastic containers.

How to make a palm tree from bottles with your own hands

Those who like to make their most incredible fantasies come true will enjoy the master class on how to make a palm tree from plastic bottles. For the tree, dark brown containers are suitable for stem blanks and green containers for leaves. If there is no green container, it can be replaced with a variety of colors: blue, yellow, red. Containers of kvass, carbonated sweet drinks or beer are useful for trees.

The principle of creating a palm tree differs depending on what the craftsmen found. To form a trunk, you can use a round support made of wood, where the bottoms are nailed, or a cable with wire is suitable, where containers with cut off bottoms will simply be strung. The leaves are distinguished by their splendor and length. If you want to get palm fans, then they are cut, notched and bent, and the elongated leaves are strung on a cable.

The area of ​​the leaves and trunk depends on the size of the bottles, but you shouldn’t get carried away and use 6-liter or 20-liter water containers. A tree made from 1.5 and 2-liter plastic containers of different colors looks much neater. The corks from them will also serve as a material for decoration - they are used to decorate the base of a palm tree, you can use them to make a mosaic for flower beds and the walls of children's houses.

How to make palm leaves

To make a spectacular palm tree with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the manufacture of its leaves. To make them, you need:

  1. Cut the green bottles in half with scissors, cut the upper part into longitudinal strips so that the neck of a narrow diameter remains intact half a finger from the cap. The thinner the cut plastic strips, the more magnificent the crown turns out and the more natural it looks in the photo.
  2. It is not necessary to take containers for leaves that are the same - this will not affect the appearance. The resulting blanks must be strung on a prepared rigid high-voltage cable with a diameter slightly smaller than the neck to obtain one lush sheet. The number of leaves varies according to the prepared holes on the metal pipe used as a support. Then they should be secured to the stem blank.

Step-by-step instructions for making a bottle palm tree trunk

The next detail in the question of how to make a palm tree from plastic bottles will be the trunk. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The trunk is made from dark brown dense containers, from which the bottom is cut off right along the contour.
  2. Then the resulting workpiece is cut to obtain inwardly curved petal segments that serve as an imitation of a tuberous trunk. They should be cut 2/3 of the way up, without touching the top.
  3. Making the required number of segments depends on the desired height of the plastic palm tree.
  4. When all the pieces are ready, you need to string them onto metal tubes. To do this, the container is seated with its neck down on another slightly shifted to obtain a beautiful lumpy trunk. The principle of stringing is similar to making a cone. After this, all parts are secured.

Connecting individual parts and installing a palm tree on the site

The last step on how to make a beautiful palm tree from plastic bottles is to connect all the pieces together. What should be done:

  1. Prepare tough solid foundation from metal sheet approximately 40*60 cm in size and at least 5 mm thick to support the weight.
  2. 2 metal rods with a length of 25 cm or more should be welded to the base or holes should be drilled for fastening. They need to be put on metal pipes the desired height - this will be the base of the tree. In this case, the diameter of the pipes is left slightly smaller than the neck of the bottles for the barrel.
  3. The upper part of the supports will externally resemble the drum of a revolver; for this purpose, 6-7 sections of pipes are welded onto them. Bottles for the barrel need to be assembled onto rods, and palm leaves are inserted into the holes of the “revolver”. For fixation, the cable inside them is bent, fixed from the top and inside the neck of the outermost bottle. To stabilize the bottle structure and hide the unsightly lower part, the base is buried half a meter.

To create a mini bottle palm tree that would decorate a room in an apartment, you will need the following principles:

  1. The barrel needs to be made like this: cut off a third of the bottle from the neck, cut out 8 triangle petals on each part, without touching the neck by half a finger. Each segment is turned outward to produce scales. To save money, the second half is used in the same way, but first the required hole is punched in it with a hot knife.
  2. Wide fan leaves can be made as follows: cut off the bottom of a 1.5 liter plastic bottle, divide the side part into 3 parts without touching the neck. Give the segment a petal shape by rounding at the end and tapering at the throat. Bend it outward, cut the pieces on both sides, form a fringe so that the uncut middle remains up to 1.5 cm wide. For fluffiness, manually shape each strip, bending it sequentially up and down.
  3. Make the assembly in the same way as a large palm tree, only use a simpler base.


Any garden will seem unusual and original if you plant a palm tree there. However, in our climate this idea is impossible - winter tropical plant obviously won't survive. An alternative would be plastic palm tree. The product is not afraid of frost and does not need to be watered.

Craft materials

There are several ways to make a palm tree from plastic bottles, and each uses the same components:

  • Plastic bottles – brown and green. Better than two or one and a half liters.
  • Scissors.
  • Scotch tape or glue.
  • A long, even stick that will serve as the base - iron, plastic or wood.
  • Small wires or twigs for palm leaves.

Stages of product creation:

  • Wash and remove labels from bottles.
  • Make leaves.
  • Make a tree trunk.
  • Attach the leaves to the trunk and install in the yard.

This short description upcoming actions. Below are several instructions for beginners. Everyone will be able to choose which palm tree will look better in the yard.

First way

Creating leaves

Green bottles are cut in half. You only need the part with the neck. A narrow section of it remains untouched, and the rest is cut into many small strips. When a lot of blanks are made, they are all strung on a cable.

It is advisable to fasten them with glue or tape so that they are firmly attached to each other. You need to make at least 5-6 leaves. If you get more, the tree will look even more attractive.

Palm trunk

The trunk requires brown bottles. The lower part of the bottom is cut off and the rest of the bottle is used. The process of creating a workpiece is identical to the first point - longitudinal strips attached to the neck are cut.

However, if in the first case the more stripes the better, then there should be six of them. The edges are neat, slightly pointed and curve inward. You need a lot of preparations. How more details, the longer the palm will be.

It is advisable to select the length of the rod on which they will be strung, but it is important to take into account that part of it is dug into the ground.

Preparing the base

As already mentioned in point two, the rod needs to be dug in. It must be deep enough in the ground so that the structure does not fall from the wind. Brown parts are strung on it. The neck of the first workpiece is slightly buried along with the rod.

We attach the leaves to the palm tree

The blanks from point one should have wires sticking out from the necks of the bottles. Using wires, the crown is tied to the top of the tree.

Second way

The actions are approximately similar to option 1. Only the type of cutting out of parts changes, and this also changes the appearance of the product.

In this case, the brown bottles are not completely used, but only 1/3 of them (which is at the narrow part). Instead of 6 long strips, 8 short pointed petals are cut out.

To make the palm tree wide and voluminous, the petals should stick out. Due to a lack of materials, you can use the bottom of the bottle in a similar way, but then you need to punch a hole in the bottom.

The leaves of this palm seem more real. For realism appearance In addition to green bottles, you can use yellow ones. You can also experiment with the size of the leaves. For huge sheets, you can take six-liter bottles, and for small ones, one and a half liter bottles.

The bottom of the containers is cut off, and the remaining part is cut into 3 leaves attached to the neck. The leaves have a longitudinal shaft (about 1.5 cm) and the rest is cut into many thin transverse strips on both sides of the leaf shaft.

In order to present it visually, the leaves will resemble, familiar to many, fern leaves. To make the tree lush, the fringe needs to be fluffed - the strips are bent alternately up or down.

You need to fasten the parts to each other, just like in the first method.

Third way

The leaves are made from the bottoms of one and a half liter bottles. They are cut, holes are made in the middle and strung on a cable. Such a sheet ends, on the contrary, with the thin part of the bottle.

In this option, a thin base will not work. For the base you need to use long log. The bottoms of the brown bottles are cut off and nailed to the log until it is completely covered.

Description of these 3 methods can give creative people inspiration to create new, unusual options. A little tip: the ideas for creating leaves and trunk can be combined as the taste of the garden owner dictates.

In the photo, especially skillfully made palm trees from plastic bottles, are surprisingly similar to the real ones. The yard in which such beauty “grows” will look like exotic tropics, even in a snowy winter.

Photos of palm trees made from plastic bottles