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How is the hydraulic arrow in the heating system. Hydro arrow for heating systems. Why do you need a hydraulic arrow

Hydrogun. Principle of operation, purpose and calculations.

A complete list of information about water guns

How I envy you that you got here and read this article. On the Internet, I did not find a detailed explanation of hydraulic arrows and other hydraulic separators.

Therefore, I decided to do my own investigation on the principles of operation of the hydraulic separator. And dispel the stupid arguments and calculations on the water guns.

Video about the appointment of a hydraulic gun

Video: Tee hydraulic arrow - calculation of the diameters / flow rates of the hydraulic arrow

This is a complete list of information on how to understand the operation of a water gun and make a calculation. I will also tell you how to understand the hyped formula for calculating a water gun and you will understand how much you can deviate from the calculations in order to understand the effectiveness of a water gun. Let's solve the problem from a real example. Consider the physical laws applicable to water guns.

In this article you will learn:

This article is not a plagiarism for copying other people's calculations, and other people's recommendations!!!

And so let's get started!!! I explain qualitatively and plain language, for Dummies.

To understand how a hydraulic arrow works, we will touch on hydraulics and heat engineering. With the help of hydraulics, we will understand how water moves in a hydraulic gun. And with the help of heat engineering, we will understand how heated water passes and is distributed.

As a hydraulician, I propose to consider any heating system through many connecting tubes capable of passing a certain flow of water inside them. For example, in this pipe - there is such and such a flow in another pipe - a different flow. Or in this ring (circuit) - there is one flow in another ring - another flow is produced.

Parting words to future specialists

In order to correctly calculate the heating system, it is necessary to consider the system as a system of forming rings in which any flow occurs. It will be possible to calculate from the flow rate, and the flow rate gives us an accurate translation of how much heat is required to be transferred through the pipe by the coolant. You also need to understand the difference in pressure in the supply and return pipelines. I will write about this sometime in other articles, according to the qualitative calculation of heating system schemes.

About the forms of the water gun:


As you can see, nothing complicated inside. There are, of course, all sorts of modifications also with filters. Maybe in the future some uncle Vanya will come up with more complex structure, but for now we will study such hydraulic arrows. According to the principle of operation, round hydraulic arrows practically do not differ from the profile hydraulic arrow. Rectangular (profile) hydraulic arrow, more beautiful than better working. From the point of view of hydraulics, a round hydraulic arrow is better. And the profile hydraulic arrow rather reduces the location in space and increases the capacity of the hydraulic arrow. But all this does not affect the parameters of the hydraulic arrows.

Hydrogun- serves for hydraulic division of flows. That is, the hydraulic separator is a kind of channel between the circuits and makes the circuits dynamically independent when transferring the movement of the coolant. But at the same time it transfers heat well from one circuit to another. Therefore, the official name of the water gun: Hydraulic separator.

The purpose of the hydraulic arrow for heating systems:

First appointment. To get at a low flow rate of the coolant - a large flow rate in the second artificially created circuit. That is, for example, you have a flow rate of 40 liters per minute, but it turned out to be two to three times more in terms of flow rate - for example, flow rate = 120 liters per minute. The first circuit will be the boiler circuit, and the second circuit will be the heating decoupling system. It is not economically feasible to accelerate the boiler circuit - to a flow rate greater than that provided by the boiler manufacturer. Otherwise, it will increase, which either will not give required flow, or increase the load on the movement of the liquid, which will lead to additional pump consumption for electricity.

Second appointment. Eliminate the hydrodynamic influence on the switching on and off of certain circuits of heating systems on the overall hydrodynamic balance of the entire system. For example, if you have radiator heating and a hot water circuit (indirect heating boiler), then it makes sense to divide these flows into separate circuits. So that they do not affect each other. We will consider the schemes below.

Hydrogun is a connecting link of two separate circuits for heat transfer and completely eliminates the dynamic influence of the two circuits between themselves.

No dynamic or hydrodynamic influence in the hydraulic arrow between circuits- this is when - the movement (speed and flow) of the coolant in the hydraulic arrow is not transferred from one circuit to another. Meaning: The influence of the pushing force of the moving coolant is not transferred from circuit to circuit.

see image a simple example. Further schemes will be more difficult.

This is a simplified diagram, designed to understand the essence of the operation of a hydraulic gun. Pumps that can or should be installed on a cold return pipe to increase their service life. However, there are factors that deliberately force the pumps to be placed on a hot supply pipeline. From the point of view of hydraulics, it is better to put the pump on the supply pipeline, since the hot liquid has a minimum viscosity, which increases the flow rate of the coolant through the pump. I'll write about it sometime.

Pump H 1 creates a flow rate in the primary circuit equal to Q 1 . Pump H 2 creates a flow rate in the second circuit equal to Q 2 .

Principle of operation

Pump H 1 circulates the coolant through the hydraulic arrow along the primary circuit. Pump H 2 circulates the coolant through the hydraulic arrow along the second circuit. Thus, the coolant is mixed in the hydraulic gun. But if the flow Q 1 \u003d Q 2, then there is a mutual penetration of the coolant from the circuit to the circuit, thereby creating, as it were, one common circuit. In this case, the vertical movement in the hydraulic arrow does not occur or this movement tends to zero. In cases where Q 1 >Q 2 , the movement of the coolant in the hydraulic arrow occurs from top to bottom. In cases where Q 1

When calculating a water gun, it is very important to get very slow vertical movement in the water gun. The economic factor indicates a speed of no more than 0.1 meters per second, for the first two reasons (see below).

Why do you need a small vertical speed in a hydraulic gun?

First, the main reason low speed is to allow floating debris (crumbs of sand, sludge) to settle (fall down) in the system. That is, over time, some crumbs gradually settle in the hydraulic gun. The hydraulic arrow can still serve as a sludge storage in the heating system.

The second reason- this is an opportunity to create natural convection of the coolant in the hydraulic arrow. That is, to allow the cold coolant to go down, and the hot one to rush up. This is necessary in order to use the hydraulic arrow as an opportunity to obtain the necessary temperature difference from the temperature gradient of the hydraulic arrow. For example, for a warm floor, you can get a secondary heating circuit with a lower coolant temperature. Also, for an indirect heating boiler, a higher temperature can be obtained, which will be able to intercept the maximum temperature difference in order to quickly heat water for hot consumption.

Third reason- this is to reduce the hydraulic resistance in the hydraulic gun. In principle, it is already reduced, almost to zero, but if you omit the first two reasons, you can make a water gun like. That is, reduce the diameter of the hydraulic arrow and increase the vertical speed of the hydraulic arrow, make it more - increased. This method saves on materials and can be used in cases where a temperature gradient is not needed and only one contour is obtained. This method significantly saves money on materials. Below is a diagram.

Fourth reason- is to separate microscopic air bubbles from the coolant and release them through.

In what cases do you need a hydraulic gun?

I will describe approximately, for dummies. Usually, a hydraulic gun is located in a house whose area exceeds 200 square meters. Where available a complex system heating. This means that the distribution of the coolant is divided into many circuits. Contour data to be made dynamically independent of common system heating. A system with a hydraulic arrow becomes an ideally stable heating system in which heat is distributed throughout the house in precise proportions. In-which deviation of proportions in heat transfer is excluded!

Can a water gun stand at an angle of 90 degrees to the horizontal?

To put it simply, it can! After all, right question asked half the answer! If you omit the first two reasons (described above), then you can safely rotate it as you like. If it is necessary to accumulate sludge (dirt) and release air in automatic mode, then it is necessary to set it as it should be. And also if it is necessary to divide the circuit according to temperature indicators.

Calculation of the hydraulic gun

A very hyped calculation for the calculation of hydraulic arrows is walking on the Internet, but the principle of each variable figure is not explained. Where did this formula come from? There is no evidence for this formula! As a mathematician, I am very worried about the origin of the formula ...

And I'll explain all the details to you...

In particular, the simplest method is:

Tri-Diameter Method and Alternating Nozzle Method

I will tell you how these two types of water guns differ, and which is better. And whether it is worth resorting to any option or all the same. More on that below.

Let's break down this formula piece by piece:

The number (1000) is the conversion of the number of meters to millimeters. 1 meter = 1000 mm.

And now, in order, analyzing all the nuances that affect the diameter of the hydraulic gun ...

In order to calculate the diameter of the hydraulic arrow, you need to know:

Let's take this image as an example:

The flow rate of the primary circuit will be the maximum flow rate given out by the pump H 1 . Let's take 40 liters per minute.

Remember in the decision to come in handy.

The flow rate of the second circuit will be the maximum flow rate delivered by the pump H 2 . Let's take 120 liters per minute.

The maximum possible vertical speed of the coolant in the hydraulic arrow will be 0.1 m/s.

To calculate the diameter, recall these formulas:

Hence the diameter formula:

To keep the speed in the hydraulic arrow, simply insert into the formula V \u003d 0.1 m / s

As for the flow rate in the hydraulic arrow, it is equal to:

Q = Q1-Q2 = 40-120 = -80 litres/min.

Get rid of the minus! We don't need him. And that Q=80l/min.

We translate: 80 l / min \u003d 0.001333 m 3 / sec.

Well, how do you calculate? We found the diameter of the hydraulic arrow without resorting to temperature and thermal values, we don’t even need to know the boiler power and temperature differences! It is enough to know only the costs of the contours.

And now let's try to understand how we came to the calculations of such a formula:

Consider the formula for finding the boiler power:

Inserting into the formula we get:

ΔT and C, according to the rules of mathematics, are reduced or mutually destroyed, as they are divided into each other (ΔT / ΔT, C / C). Remains Q - consumption.

You can not specify the coefficient 1000 - this is the conversion of meters to millimeters.

As a result, we came to this formula [ V=W ]:

Also on some sites the following formula walks:

[ 3 d ] is an economic indicator found empirically. (This indicator is for dummies, who are too lazy to count). Below I will provide a calculation for all diameters.

The number (3600) is the translation of the speed (m / s) of the number of seconds into hours. 1 hour = 3600 seconds. Since the consumption is indicated in (m 3 / hour).

Now consider how we found the number 18.8

The volume of the hydraulic arrow?

Does the volume of the hydraulic arrow affect the quality of the system?

Of course it does, and the bigger it is, the better. But what is better for?

In order to equalize the temperature jumps for !

An effective volume for equalizing temperature jumps will be a volume equal to 100-300 liters. Especially in the heating system where there is a solid fuel boiler. A solid fuel boiler, unfortunately, can produce very unpleasant temperature jumps for.

Have you imagined such a hydraulic gun in the form of a barrel?

If not, then see the image:

Capacitive low loss header- this is a hydraulic gun in the form of a barrel.

Such a barrel serves as a kind of heat storage. And creates a smooth temperature change in the second circuit. Protects the heating system from a solid fuel boiler, which is able to sharply increase the temperature to a critical level.

The laws described below are partially applicable to low-volume water guns (up to 20 liters).

Learn more about connection points.

The distance from the bottom of the barrel to the pipeline K2 = a = g - is a reserve for the accumulation of sludge. It should be equal to about 10-20 cm. (To be enough for 10 years, since cleaning is usually not done there, there is a lot of room for sludge).

Size d - necessary for air accumulation (5-10 cm) in cases of unforeseen air accumulation and unevenness of the barrel ceiling. Be sure to put on the top point of the barrel.

(In dynamics) The higher the pipeline K3, the faster the high temperature enters the second circuit (in dynamics). If K3 is lowered, then the high temperature will begin to fall when the coolant filling the space along the height d is completely heated (Between the ceiling and the K3 pipeline). Therefore, the lower the K3 pipeline, the more inertial it turns out in temperature jumps.

The distance from the pipeline K3 and K4 = f - will be a temperature gradient, so you can safely select the required potential (temperature in dynamics) for certain heating circuits. For example, for underfloor heating, you can make a lower temperature. Or, for example, it is necessary to make some circuits less priority in heat consumption.

Pipeline K1 - is the supply of heat to the barrel. The higher K1, the faster and without strong cooling the coolant of the pipeline K3 reaches. The lower the pipeline K1, the more the coolant is diluted with the temperature gradient of heat. And this means that a very high temperature is more diluted with the cooled coolant in the barrel. The lower the pipeline K1, the more inertial it turns out in temperature jumps. For a more inertial system, it is better to omit K1.

Keep in mind that the barrel is better insulated. Since an uninsulated barrel will begin to lose heat and heat in which it is located.

For maximum receipt and equalization of temperature jumps, it is necessary to lower both pipelines K1 and K3 down to the middle of the barrel in height.

If you want to reduce the effect of temperature difference on the boiler? Then you can change the pipeline K1 and K2 with each other. That is, change the direction of the coolant in the primary circuit. This will make it possible not to drive a very cold coolant into the boiler, which can destroy the heating element or lead to severe condensation and corrosion. In this case, it is necessary to select the necessary potential in height, which will give the necessary temperature difference. Also, pipelines should not be stacked on top of each other. Since the hot coolant can, without being diluted, immediately enter the outgoing pipeline. Be aware that the boiler output drops. That is, the amount of heat received per unit of time decreases. This is due to the fact that we reduce the temperature difference, which leads to the production of heat in smaller quantities. But this does not mean that yours will consume the same amount of fuel and give less heat. Simply automatically increase the temperature at the outlet of the boiler. But in the boilers there is a temperature regulator, and it will simply reduce the flow of fuel. As for solid fuel boilers, the air flow is regulated there.

Temperature head of the boiler- this is the difference between the temperature output from the boiler and the incoming cooled coolant.

Now let's move on to the usual small hydraulic guns (up to 20 liters) ...

What should be the height of the water gun?

The height of the hydraulic arrow can be absolutely any. How convenient for you to position.

Water gun diameter?

The diameter of the hydraulic gun must be at least certain value, which is given by the formula:

In fact, everything is just crazy. We choose an economically justified speed of 0.1 m / s, and make the flow rate equal to the difference between the boiler circuit and the rest of the costs. Costs can be calculated for pumps in which the maximum flow rates are indicated according to the passport.

Above was an example of calculating the diameter of hydraulic arrows.

Don't forget to convert units of measurement.

Oblique or knee transitions in a hydraulic gun

Often we see such water guns:

But there are also with a knee transition or a shift in height:

Consider a scheme with a shift in height.

The T1 pipeline is higher relative to T3, so that the coolant from the boiler can slow down the movement a little and better separate the microscopic air bubbles. With a direct connection due to inertia, a direct movement may occur and the process of separation of air bubbles will be weak.

Pipeline T2 is located higher than T4, so that microscopic sludge and debris coming from pipeline T4 can separate and not get into T2.

Is it possible to make more than 4 connections in a hydraulic gun?

Can! But it's worth knowing something. See picture:

Using a hydraulic arrow in this form, we want to get a different temperature difference on certain circuits. But not everything is so simple...

With such a scheme, you will not get a high-quality temperature difference, since there are a number of features that interfere with this:

1. The hot heat carrier in the T1 pipeline is completely absorbed by the T2 pipeline if the flow rate is Q1=Q2.

2. Provided Q1=Q2. The coolant entering the pipeline T3 becomes equal to the average temperature of the return pipelines T6, T7, T8. The temperature difference between T3 and T4 is not significant.

3. Provided Q1=Q2+Q3 0.5. We observe a more distributed temperature difference between the circuits. That is:

Temperature T1=T2, T3=(T1+T5)/2, T4=T5.

4. Under the condition Q1=Q2+Q3+Q4. We observe that T1=T2=T3=T4.

Why is it impossible to obtain a qualitative temperature gradient for selecting a given temperature?

Because there are no factors that form a qualitative temperature distribution along the height!

More on the video: How to find out the costs in the program


1. There is no natural convection in the space of the hydraulic arrow, because there is little space and the flows pass so close to each other that they mix with each other, excluding the temperature distribution.

2. Pipeline T1 is located at the top and therefore natural convection cannot be. Since the setting heat cannot go down and remains at the top filling the entire upper space high temperature. In a natural way, the cooled cold coolant does not mix with the upper hot coolant.

2. The scheme does not require the exact distance between the pipelines (T2, T3, T4).

3. Ability to adjust the temperature gradient.

4. Possibility to make the temperatures of T2, T3, T4 pipelines the same or distribute them according to temperature.

5. The height of the hydraulic arrow is not limited, you can make at least two meters in height.

6. This scheme works without an additional distribution manifold.

8. Most of the built-in boilers (Indirect heating water heater) have an automatic switch-on relay as the water cools down. The relay circuit must be used to power the pump, which will - turn the pump on and off. And therefore, in such a scheme, you can not use it to redirect the hot stream in order to quickly heat the water. Since with such a temperature gradient, a feature can be obtained when almost the entire flow of the boiler circuit can be taken by the boiler circuit for heating water. And the heating circuits can be powered by the cooled coolant. In dynamics it is.

In practice, I came across some circuits that have a three-way valve, and if something failed, for example, a relay, then this led to the risk of turning it off. Or someone closed the boiler supply valve, and this led to the fact that the boiler does not heat up, and the relay does not turn on the heating pump. Since the logic is tied to turning off and turning on the heating.

I did not indicate the air vent and the drain for the release of sludge in the diagram. Therefore, do not forget about them: An air vent to the upper point, and a bleeder to the lower point of the hydraulic arrow.

The diameters of the branch pipes included in the hydraulic gun.

The choice of diameter for the inlet pipe to the hydraulic gun is also determined by a special formula:

Only the flow rate is selected based on the coolant flow rate for each pipeline separately.

The speed is selected based on the economic factor and is equal to 0.7-1.2 m/s

For example, to calculate the nozzle diameter heating circuit, it is necessary to know the maximum flow rate of the pump located in this circuit. For example, it will be 40 liters per minute (2.4 m 3 / h), let's take a speed of 1 m / s.


You can close your eyes to a short pipe, and when this pipe is measured in tens of meters, it’s worth thinking about! And calculate the pressure loss along the length of the pipeline, if it reaches hundreds of meters in length, then in general it is worth doubling the diameter to save money. Otherwise, you may have to select a more powerful pump that will consume more energy.

Various metamorphoses with hydro arrows

Let's rule out two particularly unimportant reasons for water guns: air removal and sludge separation. And let's leave the main task for the hydraulic arrow: - This is obtaining a dynamically independent circuit to increase the coolant flow.

Then we get the following transformation of the hydraulic arrow: (The best option).

With this method, the heating circuit in the hydraulic arrow becomes high-speed. And the circuit of the boiler in terms of flow may not be significant. That is: Q1

In general, if your system operates at high temperatures above 70 degrees Celsius or there is a risk of reaching such temperatures, then circulation pumps should be installed on the return pipeline. If you have low-temperature heating of 40-50 °C, then it is better to put it on the supply, since the hot coolant has less hydraulic resistance, and the pump will consume less energy.

Did you notice the loop?

This is not an affordable luxury! When the coolant moves, two extra turns occur. You can get rid of the loop like this:

As you can see, the hydraulic arrow can be rotated in space as you like ... It all depends on the direction of the pipelines. The length of the hydraulic arrow and the connection points on the hydraulic arrow can be any of your choice according to the location, the main thing is to observe the direction of the coolant, as shown by the arrows in the figures. But it is better to make the distance between the pipes of the supply and return pipelines at least 20 cm (0.2 m). This is necessary in order to prevent the ingress of the supply coolant into the return pipeline. Need to make the distance longer. It is necessary to create a condition for high-quality mixing of the coolant. The distance between the nozzles must be at least the diameter of the nozzle multiplied by 4. That is:

L>d 4, where L is the distance between the nozzles (of a common flow circuit, for example, supply Q1 and return Q1), d is the diameter of the nozzle.

And now look at the photo from a real example of such arrows:

The diameter of the water guns is insane ...

The speed of the coolant in such hydraulic arrows can reach 0.5-1 m / s.

And the advantage: This is a simplified view, easier installation and is cheap.

Not a standard solution for the manufacture of hydraulic arrows

In most cases, hydraulic arrows are made of steel or iron pipes large diameter. And if you have a desire not to install iron elements in the heating system that rust and spread rust throughout the system? Yes, and a large diameter is problematic to find from plastic or stainless steel.

Then a scheme in the form of lattices of pipes of small diameter will come to the rescue:

This design can be assembled from pipes of the original diameter of the nozzles, connecting with any tees. For example, from a diameter of 32 mm. You can also use polypropylene, only for low heating temperatures not higher than 70 degrees. You can use copper pipe.

It will be cheaper and easier to put (a heater) in place of this design. But in this case, you have to bear. Or insulate the radiator.

See picture:

Very often, such a collector is used with a hydraulic arrow:

For such a scheme, the temperature entering the circuits (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) for supply is the same for all.

The collector diameter is taken large in order to exclude hydraulic resistance at the turn for each circuit. If you do not increase the diameter of the collector, then the hydraulic resistance at the turns can reach such values ​​that it can cause uneven consumption of the coolant between the circuits.

The calculation of diameters is also calculated corny according to the following formula:

Want to make a temperature gradient in the manifold?

It's possible! See picture:

In this scheme, balancing valves are installed between the supply and return manifolds, which make it possible to reduce the temperature difference - on the last (right) circuits. patency balancing valves should be as high as possible and equal to the pipeline (d). On the pipeline (d), it is also necessary to put , for a stronger distribution of the gradient. Or reduce its diameter, according to the calculations for hydraulic resistance.

Also, do not forget that there are mixing units for underfloor heating, on which you can also adjust the temperature difference.

Is it worth it to buy a ready-made hydraulic gun?

Generally speaking, water guns are expensive.

Numerous options have been described above on how to make a water gun yourself or apply a non-standard solution method. If you do not want to save money and make it beautiful, then you can buy. If there are problems, then you can use the above methods.

Why is the temperature of the coolant after the pointer (hydraulic separator) less than at the inlet?

This is due to different flow rates between circuits. The incoming temperature in the hydraulic arrow is quickly diluted with the cooled coolant, because the flow rate of the cooled coolant is greater than the flow rate of the heated one.

Key Benefits of Using Hydraulic Switches

Compared with a conventional system, where everything is connected by one circuit, then when some branches are turned off, a small flow occurs in the boiler, which increases the temperature rise in the boiler and the subsequent arrival of a very cool coolant.

The hydraulic arrow helps to maintain a constant boiler flow, which reduces the temperature difference between the supply and return pipes.

To significantly reduce the temperature difference, it is necessary to change the direction of movement of the coolant in the hydraulic arrow, which will reduce the temperature difference!

Rather, it is possible to buy several weak pumps and increase the functionality of the system. Dividing them into separate circuits.

3. Durability of boiler equipment?

Most likely, it meant that the flow through the boiler is always stable and sharp jumps in temperature difference are excluded.

When compared with a conventional system, where everything is tied up in one circuit, then when some branches are turned off, a small flow occurs in the boiler, which increases the temperature in the boiler sharply, and then the arrival of a very cool coolant in.

4. Hydraulic stability of the system, no imbalance.

This means that when there are a lot of circuits or branches (flow distribution) in the heating system, there is a shortage of coolant flow rates. That is, we cannot increase the flow rate in the boiler more than it is set by its through diameter. Yes, and one weak pump will not increase the flow to the required value. And a hydraulic arrow comes to the rescue, which makes it possible to obtain additional coolant flow.

Simple heating systems consist of a minimum number of components - a small number of pipes, a few radiators and a boiler. For small buildings and households, this is enough. When it is necessary to provide heat to a large building, the task is complicated by the need to use additional equipment - a hydraulic arrow for heating will ensure uniform heat distribution, eliminate pressure drops, and balance work heating system.

In this review, we will look at:

  • The purpose of the hydraulic arrow in the heating system.
  • Structural features of hydraulic guns.
  • Simple calculation schemes.

The material will give diagrams, useful tips, detailed explanations - everything is extremely clear and understandable.

What is a hydraulic gun

A hydraulic arrow is a hydraulic separator in the heating system, a device designed for the correct distribution of the coolant over several circuits and devices. This is a kind of buffer element between the heating boiler and the secondary circuits. The coolant comes from the boiler to the hydraulic arrow, after which it is distributed in several directions.

The simplest heating system does not need a hydraulic arrow. Here it is important to choose the right circulation pump and set the speed of its operation in order to provide the required pressure. The coolant comes from the boiler to the batteries, gives off the accumulated heat there, and then returns back to the heater - nothing complicated and supernatural. But modern housing is built using several circuits and auxiliary equipment. Here are present:

  • Several secondary heating circuits (for example, per group of rooms or per floor).
  • Heated floors - one or more circuits.
  • Indirect heating boilers - used for the preparation hot water.

And here we may encounter a situation where one circulation pump cannot push the coolant around the entire circuit. Water (or antifreeze) will flow along the path of least resistance, after which it will return along a similar path. For example, it will pass through a nearby boiler and partially penetrate the batteries, but it may not be enough for warm floors.

The hydraulic arrow for heating systems is designed to ensure proper order in the distribution of heat along the circuits and auxiliary equipment. It is an extremely simple hydraulic separator, created from pipe sections of one diameter or another.

Structural features of the hydraulic gun

The device of the heating water arrow is so simple that there are literally no moving parts, electronics and anything else in it. Take a look at her diagram - this is a round or rectangular pipe, sealed on both sides. It is located vertically or horizontally. On the one hand, it has two pipes for connecting to the heating system, and on the other hand, two pipes for connecting to the boiler.

This is what a hydraulic arrow looks like for a single-circuit heating system. There is nothing inside the pipe itself - absolutely, there is an empty space, which is subsequently filled with a coolant.

Outside, the hydraulic arrows are visible:

  • Branch pipes for connection to the boiler and heating.
  • The crane for discharge of water.
  • Automatic air vent.

This is how the simplest hydraulic arrows are arranged.

The hydraulic arrow for heating systems for several circuits is no more complicated. It just has more branch pipes for connecting secondary circuits. Boilers and underfloor heating systems are also connected here. Circulation pumps are connected to each supply pipe through taps - one for each circuit. Thermomanometers are placed here to control pressure and temperature.

Hydrogun and its purpose

It is easy to assemble a hydraulic arrow for heating yourself using welding machine and pipe sections of the required length. To do this, you need to find a suitable drawing and select materials.

We examined the principle of operation of the heating hydraulic arrow - it simply distributes the coolant over several circuits. Its main task is to create ideal conditions for the operation of the secondary and primary circuits. The primary circuit includes a heating boiler with pipes connected to a hydraulic switch. The secondary circuits are everything else. With equal pressure in the entire circuit, the boiler operates in a sparing mode - part of the heated coolant enters the return pipe, which reduces the load on the heat source.

If there is a low-power boiler in the system, and the heating has a high capacity, conditions are created for supplying the coolant from the return pipe to the supply pipe, bypassing the boiler (partially). In this case, the equipment is practically worn out - heat exchangers can become unusable in the shortest possible time.

Uniform heat distribution

Ideally balanced heating is a uniform temperature throughout the house, equal pressure in the secondary circuits and a balanced load on the boiler. In this case, the task of the hydraulic arrow is simple - it “distributes” the coolant into several circuits, each of which has a circulation pump. By adjusting its performance and the supply of coolant, you can achieve a uniform temperature throughout the house.

The most important thing is that thanks to this distribution, there will be no cold circuits in the house, since the coolant will flow into each pipe, and not just where it is easier.

Pressure balancing

An imbalance in the heating system can affect the stability of its operation. A long circuit needs one pressure, a shorter circuit needs another. The same applies to underfloor heating and boilers. If the system had one large pump for all circuits at once, there would be overloads in some places - it could break pipes or a heat exchanger in a storage water heater. The hydraulic gun will distribute the pressure and allow you to properly balance all circuits.

Working with multiple boilers

There are heating systems with two or even three boilers (sometimes more). Such solutions allow you to heat a fairly large area or use one of the boilers as a reserve. If not sequential, but parallel connection equipment, then this is done through a hydraulic arrow. At the same time, this helps to neutralize the mutual influence of the secondary circuits on each other.

The hydraulic arrow allows you to achieve balance in heating systems of any complexity. Two or three boilers, five or seven circuits - the degree may be different. It also reveals the potential for system expansion. For example, in the future, one more boiler, heated towel rail, summer kitchen with separate heating circuit. All these works can be carried out even on the move, without stopping the boiler equipment while maintaining the heating of the building.

How to install a hydraulic gun

The best option for installing a hydraulic gun is vertically. Usually at the bottom there are faucets for draining water. In the same part, any garbage circulating through the heating settles. Gently open the tap - and it merges. Hot coolant is supplied to the upper part, while the return pipe is located below. The same applies to branch pipes for connecting secondary circuits - they are mounted in the same way.

Purchased models

A typical example is the Sever-M5 collector. It works in heating systems up to 70 kW. The cost of the unit is about 9.5 thousand rubles.

A hydraulic arrow in a heating system is a hydraulic distribution device designed to distribute the coolant over several circuits. Its installation is recommended in cases where the power of the boiler used is over 50 kW. Also, the arrow is used in complex branched systems with many secondary circuits - it is needed for balancing. You can buy it or build it yourself.

The easiest way is to buy a hydraulic gun in a ready-made factory version. The most simple model, for example, SINTEK ST-35 will cost 2700 rubles if taken directly from the manufacturer. It withstands pressure up to 6 bar and can be installed in heating systems with heating power up to 35 kW.

The heating manifold with a hydraulic arrow for 5 circuits is designed for branched systems, which were mentioned above. It can be connected to an indirect heating boiler, heated floors in the bathroom, kitchen and hallway, as well as three main circuits - on the ground floor, in ground floor and also in the attic.

Other store equipment:

  • Hydroarrow WOODSTOKE 331 - for heating up to 70 kW for 7 circuits. The cost of the device is 11 thousand rubles.
  • Warme WGR 80 is a simple hydraulic gun with two nozzles and two outlets for connecting an air vent and a tap. The cost is 4000 rubles. The model can work in heating systems up to 80 kW.
  • Proxiterm GS 32-1 - the hydraulic gun is made in a shiny case, as it is made of stainless steel. It is designed to work in heating systems up to 85 kW. The cost is about 7-8 thousand rubles.
  • Gidruss BM is a whole series of hydraulic guns for heating systems with power from 60 to 150 kW. They are made of high quality structural steel and withstand pressure up to 6 bar at temperatures up to +110 degrees. The cost varies from 9 to 30 thousand rubles.

There are thousands of ready-made hydraulic guns, there are plenty to choose from.

The advantages of magazine hydraulic guns are quite obvious. First of all, they are characterized by impeccable build quality. The equipment must withstand a solid pressure - up to 3-4 atmospheres for autonomous heating and up to 20-25 atmospheres for general house heating. It is made from proven grades of steel, created for the construction of heating equipment and other systems.

Secondly, factory hydraulic arrows are already designed for use in heating systems with one or another power. They are verified many times, so their use will not cause any accidents. Also, the stores will offer auxiliary equipment for the installation of heating systems. And then there will be no problems with the guarantee for boilers and radiators.

Do-it-yourself hydraulic gun assembly

Self-assembly is carried out in several steps:

  • Calculation of a hydraulic arrow for heating.
  • Selection of materials.
  • Welding of prepared and calculated elements.

For calculation, it is best to use specialized calculators that take into account many parameters. In the simplest case, use our calculations.

Calculation formula

The inner diameter d depends on the boiler output P and the difference between supply and return ∆t. We divide the power in kilowatts by the temperature difference, extract the square root from the resulting figure and multiply the resulting value by 49 - we get the diameter of the hydraulic gun. The height of the pipe is 6 diameters, and the distance between the nozzles is twice the inside diameter of the pipe.

There are many drawings of hydraulic arrows on the Internet, both simple and combined with collectors. They will allow you to collect what you need, and with minimal calculations. In any case, when assembling and implementing a hydraulic distributor, experts advise getting at least some knowledge on balancing heating systems. As for the heating systems of large buildings, here the task of selecting a hydraulic switch and balancing heating should be entrusted to specialized specialists.

It is possible to assemble a hydraulic arrow for heating with your own hands from polypropylene, but it is not recommended to do this - it may not withstand the load if it is used in large heating systems. Nevertheless, many masters practice it.


While creating autonomous system heating one of critical issues is always a careful balancing of her work. It is necessary to ensure that all devices and components act, so to speak, “in unison”, so that each of them fully copes with its specific task, but at the same time does not render its functioning. negative impact to others. This task looks very difficult, especially in the case when a complex, branched heating system is created, with many final heat exchange circuits.

Often, such circuits have their own thermostatic control schemes, their own temperature gradient, they seriously differ in both throughput and the required level of coolant pressure. How to link such diversity into a single system that would work as a single "organism"? It turns out that there is a fairly simple and very effective solution. This is a hydraulic separator, or, as it is more commonly called, a hydraulic arrow for heating systems.

In this publication, we will consider why it is necessary, how the hydraulic gun is arranged and how it works, what advantages it provides. For the most inquisitive readers, information is provided that allows you to independently calculate the hydraulic gun.

What is the purpose of the hydraulic arrow of the heating system?

It will be much easier to understand the purpose of the hydraulic separator if we consider the operation of an autonomous building heating system, starting with the simplest schemes and gradually complicating them.

Of course, this image, and the subsequent diagrams, are given with a significant simplification - some important elements of the heating system (for example,) are not shown, which are not fundamental for considering the purpose of the hydraulic separator.

TO– heating boiler;

R– heating radiators or other high-temperature heat exchange devices (convectors). Shown in singular, "collectively" - in fact, of course, their number may be different. In this case, it is important that they are all placed on one closed contour.

H- a pump that circulates the coolant through the common heating circuit.

Correct selection circulation pump, taking into account the required thermal power of the heating system, the length of the circuits and the features of heat exchange devices, allows you to ensure stable, balanced operation of the entire circuit without any additional nodes.

(It should be noted right away that in some cases, even in such a simple scheme, the installation of a hydraulic gun is also required - this will also be discussed below in the text).

How to choose the right circulation pump for the heating system?

A system with forced circulation always compares favorably with its flexibility in terms of operating modes adjustments, in matters of economy and operational efficiency. The main thing is that it is correct according to its technical characteristics. More about this in a special article of the portal.

  • The heating circuit shown above is good for small house. But if the building is large, and even has two or more levels, then the complexity of the system increases significantly.

In such cases, a collector circuit for connecting various circuits is usually used. To a common collector ( Cl) can be connected:

R- the same high-temperature circuits with radiators, and there can be several such circuits, of different lengths, branching and with a different number of heat exchange devices.

STP- systems of water "heat-insulated floors". And here already there are completely different requirements for the level of coolant temperatures, that is, high-quality regulation is necessary with the provision of admixture from the "return". The length of the laid pipes of the "warm floor" can many times exceed the length of the high-temperature circuits, that is, the level of hydraulic resistance will also be much higher.

Bgvs- this abbreviation marks an indirect heating boiler, which ensures the operation of an autonomous hot water supply system. And again - completely different requirements for ensuring the circulation of the coolant through it. In addition, the control of water heating in the boiler is most often carried out precisely by turning this circulation on and off.

Even an inexperienced reader in such matters should have a legitimate doubt - can a single pump cope with this versatile system? Apparently - no. Even if you purchase a model with increased performance, the problem will not be solved. In addition, this will negatively affect the operation of the boiler - to overestimate the parameters of allowable flow and pressure laid down by the manufacturer - this means reducing the durability of expensive equipment.

In addition, each of the connected circuits also differs in its own performance and the necessary pressure. That is, there will be no consistency in simultaneous functioning.

It would seem that the solution is obvious - to supply each of the circuits with a "personal" circulation pump, which, according to its characteristics, would meet the specific requirements of a particular section of the system.

But it turns out that such a measure does not solve the problem at all. On the contrary, differences in the parameters of individual circuits further exacerbate the imbalance of such a scheme, and considerable problems may arise in other manifestations.

In order for all circuits to work correctly, the most precise coordination of all installed circulation pumps is required. And this cannot be achieved, if only because of the consideration that in such systems with quantitative and qualitative regulation of the heating level, the current productivity and pressure are variables.

For example, a certain stability is observed in the operation of the system. But at some point, maximum heating is reached on one of the underfloor heating circuits. The adjusted thermostatic valve closes to a minimum or even completely closes the flow of coolant from the outside, from the collector, and the circulation is carried out in a closed circle. Another similar example - heated water was taken from the hot water supply system, cold water entered the tank instead, and the pump of this circuit was automatically started to make up for the temperature drop in the boiler.

The pump, standing in the boiler piping ( Hk), which will be primarily affected by all this “twitchiness” of the system, is unlikely to last long. And what's even worse - such jumps will cause absolutely unnecessary frequent start-up and shutdown cycles of the boiler itself, which will significantly reduce its operational life, laid down by the manufacturer.

  • The collector acts as a separator hydraulic systems each of the circuits of the system. And what if we also “grant autonomy” to the circuit of the boiler? That is, to come to a position in which the boiler created the required volume of heated coolant, but each of the circuits could take exactly as much as is required at the current moment.

This is a completely feasible task, if we single out the “small” boiler circuit from the general scheme. It is this function that the hydraulic separator performs, which is called differently by the hydraulic arrow (in the diagram - GS). This name, apparently, was assigned to it by analogy with railway arrows - it is capable of redirecting coolant flows in the right direction at the moment.

The device of a conventional hydraulic separator is extremely simple. This is a small tank of round or rectangular cross section, plugged at the ends, into which pairs of branch pipes are cut - for connection to the boiler and separately - to the collector (or directly to the heating circuit).

In fact, two (or more) completely independent circuits are formed. Yes, they are interconnected in terms of heat transfer, but each of them maintains its own circulation, which is optimally suited for specific conditions at the current time. That is, the flow rate (let's call it conditionally Q) of the coolant, and generated pressure(N) - in each of the divided circuits - their own.

As a rule, the performance indicators in the boiler circuit are stable (Qk) - the circulation pump operates in the specified optimal mode, the most "sparing" for boiler equipment. The cross section of the separator itself provides the minimum hydraulic resistance in the "small" circuit, which makes the circulation in it completely independent of the processes that occur in this moment in other parts of the heating system. Such a mode of operation of the boiler, without pressure surges, without repeated frequent start-up and stop cycles, is the key to its long-term trouble-free operation.

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How does a hydraulic arrow function in a heating system?

Three main operating modes of the hydraulic separator

If we do not take into account various intermediate options, the scheme of operation of the hydraulic gun can be exhaustively described by the three main modes of its operation:

  • Mode one

The system is practically in equilibrium. The flow rate of the “small” boiler circuit practically does not differ from the total value of the flow rates of all circuits connected to the collector or directly to the hydraulic switch ( Qc =Qo).

The coolant does not linger in the hydraulic arrow, but passes through it horizontally, practically without creating vertical movement.

The temperature of the heat carrier at the supply pipes ( T1 And T2) is the same. Naturally, the situation is the same on the pipes connected to the "return" ( T3 And T4).

In this mode, the hydraulic gun, in fact, has no effect on the functioning of the system. But such an equilibrium position is an extremely rare phenomenon, which can be noticed only occasionally, since the initial parameters of the system always tend to change dynamically - the whole system of its thermostatic regulation is based on this.

  • Mode two

At the moment, it has developed so that the total flow in the heating circuits exceeds the flow in the boiler circuit ( Qk< Qo).

It is quite normal, quite often encountered in practice, the situation when all the circuits connected to the collector at this very moment require maximum flow coolant. In ordinary words, the momentary demand for the coolant exceeded what the boiler circuit could give out. The system will not stop and will not unbalance. It’s just that in the hydraulic arrow, a vertically ascending flow will form by itself from the “return” pipe of the manifold to the supply pipe. At the same time, this flow in the upper area of ​​the hydraulic separator will be mixed with hot coolant circulating in the "small" circuit. Temperature balance: T1 > T2, T3 = T4.

  • Mode three

This mode of operation of the hydraulic separator is, in fact, the main one - in a well-planned and properly installed heating system, it will become the prevailing one.

The flow rate of the coolant in the "small" circuit exceeds the same total indicator on the collector, or, in other words, the "demand" for the required volume has become lower than the "supply". ( Qk >Qo).

There can be many reasons for this:

- The thermostatic control equipment on the circuits reduced or even temporarily stopped the flow of coolant from the supply manifold to the heat exchange devices.

- The temperature in the indirect heating boiler has reached its maximum, and there has been no hot water intake for a long time - the circulation through the boiler has been stopped.

- Separate radiators or even circuits are turned off for some time or for a long period (the need for preventive maintenance or repair, there is no need to heat temporarily unused rooms and other reasons).

- The heating system is put into operation in steps, with the gradual inclusion of individual circuits.

None of these reasons will adversely affect the overall functionality of the heating system. The excess volume of the coolant with a vertical downward flow will simply go into the "return" of the small circuit. In fact, the boiler will provide a somewhat excess volume, and each of the circuits connected to the collector or directly to the hydraulic gun will take exactly as much as is currently required.

Temperature balance in this mode of operation: T1 = T2, T3 > T4.

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Prices for hydraulic arrows for heating systems

hydraulic arrow for heating

Additional features of the hydraulic gun

In addition to the modes of operation mentioned above, the hydraulic gun is capable of performing several more useful functions.

  • After entering the main cylinder of the hydraulic separator, due to a sharp increase in volume, the flow rate drops. This contributes to the settling of insoluble suspensions that may appear in the coolant during its movement through pipes and radiators. A crane is often mounted at the bottom of the hydraulic arrow to periodically drain the accumulated sediment from the system.
  • The same reason - a sharp decrease in the flow rate, also makes it possible to separate gas bubbles from the liquid. It is clear that the system usually provides for air vents in the safety group and Mayevsky taps on radiators, but an extra separator will never hurt, especially at the outlet of the boiler, where gas formation during high-temperature heating cannot be completely excluded.

Manufacturers of heating equipment in the manufacture of hydraulic separators even provide for special meshes inside the main cylinder - this way the separation takes place more efficiently. Well, in this case, an automatic air vent is installed on top of the hydraulic gun.

  • At the beginning of the article it was said that even in the simplest system heating hydroarrow can play a useful role. This applies to systems equipped with boilers with a cast-iron heat exchanger.

With all the advantages of cast iron, this metal has an “Achilles heel”: due to its fragility, it does not like either mechanical or thermal shocks. A sharp temperature drop when at the inlet to the heat exchanger - cold water, and in the area of ​​​​impact of the flame, the indicators are many times higher, which can lead to the appearance of cracks. This means that this critical period of "acceleration" should be minimized.

This is where the hydraulic separator comes in handy. Heating a small volume in a "small" circuit when starting the system will not take much time. Then you can sequentially open the circulation in the remaining heat exchange ducts.

Interestingly, some manufacturers of boiler equipment with cast-iron heat exchangers directly discuss this issue in the instruction manual. Connecting such a boiler directly to the collector may well entail a refusal by the manufacturer to fulfill its warranty obligations.

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Basic parameters of the hydraulic separator

So, we have seen that the principle design of the hydraulic separator is extremely simple. True, it was and will be mainly discussed further about the "classical" layout of this element of the system - a vertical cylinder with side pipes. The fact is that in the assortment of shops and craftsmen there are often more complex models, for example, immediately combined with a collector. True, this does not change either the principle of operation or the main dimensional proportions of the separator.

Despite the simplicity of the device, the parameters of the hydraulic separator must still meet certain requirements. And if a masterful owner of the house, who has good locksmith and welding skills, is going to make a hydraulic arrow on his own, he should know what to build on.

Attention! All the pipe diameters indicated below are not external diameters, but internal ones, that is, a conditional bore!

  • The "classic" layout of a conventional water gun is based on the "rule of three diameters". That is, the diameter of the nozzles is three times less than the diameter of the main cylinder of the separator. Branch pipes are located diametrically opposite, and their placement along the height of the hydraulic arrow is also tied to the base diameter. This is shown more clearly in the diagram below:

  • Some change in the location of the nozzles is also practiced - a kind of "ladder". In this case, the diagram takes the following form:

This change is mainly aimed at more effective removal gas and insoluble precipitate. When moving along the supply pipe, a slight change in the direction of the flow of the coolant in a zigzag downward manner contributes to a better removal of gas bubbles. On the reverse flow, on the contrary, the step is up, and this facilitates the removal of solid inclusions. And besides, this arrangement contributes to a better mixing of flows.

Where did these proportions come from? They are chosen to provide a vertical flow velocity (upward or downward) in the range of 0.1 to 0.2 meters per second. It is impossible to exceed this threshold.

The lower the vertical flow rate, the more efficient will be the separation of air and sludge. But that's not even main reason. The slower the movement, the better, the more complete the mixing of flows with different temperatures. As a result, a temperature gradient is formed along the height of the hydraulic arrow, which can also be “put into service”.

  • If the heating system includes circuits with different temperature conditions, then it makes sense to use even a hydraulic arrow, which will act as a collector, and different pairs of pipes will have their own temperature difference. This will significantly reduce the load on thermostatic devices, making the entire system more manageable, efficient and economical.

For lovers self-manufacturing- below is the recommended assembly scheme for such a hydraulic switch with three different-temperature outlets to the heating circuits. The closer the pair of nozzles to the center, the lower the temperature difference in the supply pipe, and the smaller the temperature difference in the supply and return. For example, for radiators, the optimal mode is 75 degrees in supply with a difference of Δt = 20 ºС, and for warm floors 40÷45 with Δt = 5 ºС will be enough.

  • If you look at publications about heating systems, you will notice that horizontal hydraulic separators are also used. In such cases, of course, there is no question of air or sludge separation. And the location of the nozzles can differ significantly - for effective convection of the coolant, schemes are often used even in the opposite direction of the flows of the "small" and heating circuits. A few such examples are shown in the illustration:

If desired, such a hydraulic separator can also be made, for example, for reasons of more compact placement of equipment in the boiler room. The opposite direction of flow, by the way, makes it possible to slightly reduce the diameter of the pipes. But at the same time, some design requirements must be observed:

- Between the nozzles of one circuit (no matter which one), a distance of at least 4d must be observed.

- When applying the first rule, it should be borne in mind that if the inlet pipes have a diameter of less than 50 mm (and this happens very often), then in any case the distance should not be less than 200 mm.

Concluding the consideration of the issue of the design of the hydraulic arrow, we can add the following. Home craftsmen often make such devices even from polypropylene pipes. At the same time, they deviate from the "canons" of the layout, and make a separator, for example, in the form of a lattice. With this approach, it is quite possible to make a hydraulic arrow from pipes with a diameter of 32 mm. True, in terms of mixing quality, such a design will be inferior to a single-hull one.

You can also find quite "exotic" designs. So, one of the masters installed two sections of the usual cast iron radiator heating. No words - such a device will cope with the task of hydraulic flow separation. But such an approach will also require very reliable thermal insulation of the device, otherwise completely unproductive heat losses will appear on it.

Calculation of the parameters of the "classic" hydraulic gun

The diagrams above are great. But here's how to accurately determine the specific values ​​\u200b\u200bof these very D And d?

We offer two calculation options. The first is based on the power of the heating system. The second - on the performance of circulation pumps installed in the boiler circuit and in all heat exchange circuits.

We will not tire the interested reader with a series of formulas. It is better to invite him to take advantage of the online calculators below, which will produce necessary calculations quickly and accurately. The result will be shown in millimeters - the recommended minimum inner diameters of the pipes for the manufacture of the hydraulic arrow itself and the branch pipes for connecting the circuits. Further - in accordance with the schemes proposed above in the publication, it remains to decide on the remaining sizes.

Calculator for calculating the parameters of the hydraulic separator based on the power of the boiler

In the data entry fields, you must specify:

  • The speed of the vertical movement of the flow.
  • The maximum design power of the heating system.
  • The temperature regime of the "small" circuit, that is, the temperature level in the supply and "return" directly near the heating boiler.

The hydraulic separator is a device whose main purpose is to separate the heating and boiler circuits. This, in turn, allows you to smooth out pressure drops and coolant flow rates, as well as quickly respond to temperature changes. Most often it is used in systems that are characterized by an average or big power. The hydraulic separator for boilers with several circuits eliminates the need to balance the system flows of the pumps, because all elements function independently of one another. Among other things, it is impossible not to mention one more very important role. In this case, we are talking about protecting the boiler itself from exposure to very low temperatures (the so-called "low temperature corrosion").

Operating principle

If we talk about such a concept as the principle of work, then it is quite simple. The entire heating system consists of a large and a small circuit. In the case when the required volume of heat carrier with a suitable temperature is produced in the boiler, the liquid filling the hydraulic separator begins to move horizontally in it. As soon as the balance in the system is disturbed (for example, the tap is turned off in any of the consumers), it will begin to move along a small circuit, and the temperature in front of the boiler itself will increase. Automation in response will turn off the device for security purposes. The coolant will move normally until its temperature drops. Cold liquid will signal to the system that the boiler needs to be turned on again.

Operating modes

The hydraulic separator can be operated in three main modes. The first one is activated when the system's demand for heat corresponds to the amount already produced. In the second mode, the heating system needs less heat than has already been generated. In this case, a certain proportion of the liquid returns to the boiler through the hydraulic separator and signals the automation to reduce its power or even temporarily turn it off. The third mode of operation is that the system requires more heat. If this happens, part of the heat carrier flow is taken over by the pumps, after which the automation receives a signal to increase the boiler power.

The main advantages of using the device

As studies have shown, the use of a hydraulic separator allows you to increase the life of the boiler by about thirty percent. First of all, this is achieved by protecting it from low-temperature corrosion. In addition, the service life of the pump is also increased. An important advantage is considered to be an increase in response to all kinds of changes in conditions. It is impossible not to emphasize the fact that the device avoids imbalance, because the heating system becomes more hydraulically stable.


Summing up, it should be noted that the operation of the hydraulic separator occurs automatically. In other words, there is no need for its tuning and adjustment. The boiler turns on in the conditions of a closed circuit flow, thereby providing itself with protection against low temperatures return water. As for the cost of such a device as a hydraulic separator, the price of the cheapest model is about three thousand rubles.

A hydraulic arrow is often used in the heating system. The principle of operation, purpose and calculations of this device will help you understand what it is used for. The hydraulic arrow is a temperature and hydraulic buffer that ensures the correct correlation of the coolant flow and temperature regime. With the help of the device, hydraulic separation of the heating circuits is performed.

With the help of a hydraulic arrow, you can create a safe heating system

Many heating systems in private households are unbalanced. The hydraulic arrow allows you to separate the circuit of the heating unit and the secondary circuit of the heating system. This improves the quality and reliability of the system.

When choosing a hydraulic arrow, you need to carefully study the principle of operation, purpose and calculations, as well as find out the advantages of the device:

  • the separator is necessary to ensure that the technical specifications are met;
  • the device maintains temperature and hydraulic balance;
  • parallel connection provides minimum losses thermal energy, performance and pressure;
  • protects the boiler from thermal shock, and also equalizes the circulation in the circuits;
  • allows you to save fuel and;
  • a constant volume of water is maintained;
  • reduces hydraulic resistance.

Features of the operation of the hydraulic arrow allow you to normalize the hydrodynamic processes in the system.

Helpful information! Timely elimination of impurities allows you to extend the life of meters, heaters and valves.

Heating hydraulic arrow device

Before you buy a hydraulic arrow for heating, you need to understand the structure of the structure.

The hydraulic separator is a vertical vessel made of large diameter pipes with special end caps. The dimensions of the structure depend on the length and volume of the circuits, as well as on the power. In this case, the metal case is installed on the support racks, and the products small size mounted on brackets.

Connection to the heating pipeline is made using threads and flanges. Stainless steel, copper or polypropylene is used as a material for the hydraulic gun. In this case, the body is treated with an anti-corrosion agent.

Note! Polymer products are used in a system with a 14-35 kW boiler. Making such a device with your own hands requires professional skills.

Additional equipment features

The principle of operation, purpose and calculations of the hydraulic arrow can be learned and performed independently. The new models have the functions of a separator, a separator and a temperature controller. The thermostatic valve provides a temperature gradient for the secondary circuits. Eliminating oxygen from helps reduce the risk of erosion internal surfaces equipment. Removing excess particles increases the life of the impeller.

Inside the device there are perforated partitions that divide the internal volume in half. This does not create additional resistance.

Helpful information! Complex equipment requires a temperature sensor, a pressure gauge and a line to power the system.

The principle of operation of the hydraulic arrow in heating systems

The choice of a hydraulic arrow depends on the speed mode of the coolant. In this case, the buffer zone separates the heating circuit and the heating boiler.

There are the following schemes for connecting a hydraulic gun:

  • neutral scheme of operation, in which all parameters correspond to the calculated values. At the same time, the design has sufficient total power;
  • a certain scheme is applied if the boiler does not have sufficient power. With a lack of flow, the admixture of a cooled coolant is required. When the temperature difference triggered thermal sensors;
  • the volume of flow in the primary circuit is greater than the consumption of the coolant in the secondary circuit. In this case, the heating unit operates in optimal mode. When the pumps in the second circuit are turned off, the coolant moves through the hydraulic arrow along the first circuit.

The performance of the circulation pump should be 10% higher than in the second circuit.

This table shows some models and their cost.

ImageModelsPropertiesCost, rub.
Cidruss TPK -40-20*3Low alloy steel.
The power of the heating system is 40 kW.
Maximum temperature coolant 110 degrees.
5 680
North - 60 K2 AISIConnects two heating circuits, a collector and a hydraulic booster.
Warranty period 5 years.
Power - 50 kW.
7 180
IVR Hydraulic arrowThe maximum pressure is 6 bar.
Material - steel.
8 700
Meibes BT 25 to 50 kW.Suitable for closed type heating system.
Working pressure - 6 bar.
The maximum temperature is 110 degrees.
15 200
ValtecPower -104.
The body is made of bronze.
Includes air vent, steel brackets and ball valves.
16 500
Everest, flanged hydraulic separator.Designed to protect cast iron equipment from thermal shock.13 900
Water Gun WattsProduction material - high-alloy steel11 800

Methods for calculating the device in the heating system

To make a hydraulic arrow for, you need to make calculations

This formula determines the diameter of the device according to passport data:

The diameter is determined by the power of the heater.

Using this formula, you can determine the diameter of the nozzle:

The diameter of the nozzle must be combined with the diameter of the outlet of the heating unit. Approximate size small products are selected according to the size of the outlet pipes.

If a collector is not used in the design, then the number of tie-ins should be increased.

Calculator for calculating a hydraulic arrow based on the power of the boiler

Calculator for calculating the parameters of the hydraulic arrow based on the performance of the pumps

Joint work of the hydraulic arrow and the heating collector

When making a hydraulic gun from polypropylene with your own hands, you need to perform correct calculations and choose the equipment with which it will work. In houses, secondary circuits are connected using this device. The distribution manifold is connected in the circuit after the hydraulic arrow. The design consists of individual elements, which are connected by jumpers.

The number of cut-in nozzles depends on the contours. With the help of a distribution comb, easier repair and maintenance of the device is carried out.

The manifold and separator create a hydraulic element. Similar device convenient for tight spaces.

There are the following types of connections:

  • circuit with with great pressure for radiators it is connected from above;
  • contour for the construction of underfloor heating from below;
  • a heat exchanger is connected to the side.

With the help of control valves, pressure and flow are produced on distant circuits. Such a design can be made by a specialist with knowledge in heat engineering, as well as professional skills in plumbing, electric welding and working with special tools.

Before work, you need to draw up the correct drawings and diagrams of the device. Performing critical heating elements by beginners can be life-threatening.

Hydrogun. Device and purpose (video)

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