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What color is combined with gold in the interior. Living room in gold tones - elegant design of a gold-colored living room (60 photos). gold and black

Visitors to the Design Museum resource in this article will be invited to consider several works from color combinations black and yellow, taken to create an elegant style and with the aim of a strong visual impact. Here, the classic color duo is taken to a whole new level when various shades of yellow are replaced with the dazzling charm of gold.

Black and gold is a combination that goes back to time ancient egypt, Constantinople and Rome. Of course, pharaohs and Roman emperors used natural gold, and to save money, we use paint, wallpaper, decorated tiles in interior decoration, which will give an equally impressive effect.

The black and gold blend combines sophistication with timeless beauty, elevating the opulence of the setting. This duet can be used in various styles ranging from modern to vintage and victorian. 15 captivating designs today will try to teach you how to use a glamorous pair of colors to create an unbeatable atmosphere.

Sophisticated living and dining area

It is tempting to stay away from using very light and strong dark colors in the living room, using a neutral background that allows you to switch between fashionable accents with the change of seasons. But look at those who have taken a bold path to create stunning, stylish living space, unleashing deep blacks, taking gold as their hue.

Modern living and dining spaces in black look great with gold accents: lamps and furniture. Lighting plays very important role, can be used environment and directional lighting to transform the room into a trendy indoor salon.

Zebra print carpet, black background with gold accents

Stunning dining room in black with hints of gold

Gold-colored ceiling adds luxury to the living room

Black and gold combined with beige

luxury golden wall sconces on a black wall background

Return to glamour.

Are you bored in bedrooms that seem boring? How about adding black and lots of gold elements to achieve a “glam effect”? Transition to a completely black background is not always the best choice since most homeowners want a more relaxed and fun atmosphere.

Instead, you can use dark shades of gray or even purple in a space where black throws and pillows can be a bold accent.

Another smart approach is to choose a gold tone paint that will matte when dry, giving the bedroom a nice and inviting look. As always, there will be lighting fixtures, bedside tables, curtains and bed linen, with which you can change appearance bedrooms.

Walls with golden wallpaper and black decor

Asian style bedroom

Delicate use of black, gold and gray

The color "matte gold" is back in trend

Modern black

While gold and black may not be the go-to combination in a living room or bedroom, designing with these colors in a modern bathroom can turn anyone's head. The dark bathroom evokes images of prosperity, gold is presented as icing on the cake.

Sinks, faucets and other plumbing fixtures with a golden hue are quite easy to find, they look appropriate even in the most modern conditions. Retro wardrobes and art deco furniture are trending in 2015. Now is the time to turn an old white and blue bathroom into a dark, glamorous lounge area.

Brilliant onyx lighting in the bathroom adds chic to a dark space

Red marble on the walls combined with gold adds an element of luxury.

Classic design

In the days of artsy baroque and rococo, the golden color in the interior was a sign of luxury and a privileged position in society. The color of the noblest metal is invariably associated with royal palaces, mansions of the nobility and aristocratic premises. And although in our time an interior completely decorated in gold color is unlikely to be a sign of good taste, its moderate amount will give the room an atmosphere of celebration and nobility.

If you want to dilute the interior with gold, read the advice of the Dream House website on how to properly apply gold color and gold-plated decor in interior design.

3 rules for using gold color in the interior

There are only a few rules for using gold in a residential interior:

1. Sense of proportion

The golden color is representative of the warm colors, so its presence in the interior creates additional visual space and illumination. But its excess looks, firstly, too pompous, and secondly, it creates a lot of light glare, which is why it will not be very comfortable to be in such a room. Main Rule good design states: the golden color should be used in the interior in a ratio of 1:3.

Gold in the interior

2. Sense of style

The interior in gold color has the magic of attraction, but only if this shade is not present on large details or accessories. The best decision the use of gold in the design of an apartment or house is the choice of gold accessories, such as lamps, candlesticks, frames for paintings and mirrors, etc. In addition, gold looks great on furniture elements. Luxurious beds with golden headboards and legs, chairs with a splash of gold on the upholstery, dressers and cabinets with golden handles will become unobtrusive symbols of wealth and aristocracy.

But if gold in the interior is present on large items, such as furniture, this does not always look appropriate. If the owners like furniture with gilding, then in this case it is better to give preference not to bright colors, but a little muted, reminiscent of an aged color.

Golden wallpaper in the interior

Golden curtains in the interior

Bedroom interior in gold color

3. Unity of style

IN skillful hands golden color will perfectly fit into any style of interior design, be it classicism or minimalism. Slightly muted, as if “shabby” shades on furniture elements or accessories will create an atmosphere of comfort and romance inherent in the style. When choosing bright, noble gold, in combination with modern materials and monochrome colors can be recreated. If gold is present on artsy figurines, furniture or textiles, in combination with light or classic dark shades, then such an interior will resemble classicism or.

The combination of gold with other shades

An interior with gold requires a perfect combination with other shades. Like any warm shade, gold goes well with everything. light colors. In this case, it will give the room additional radiance and spaciousness. If the room is dominated by white, peach, beige or light gray shades, it is best to highlight several elements with gold. These can be accessories, figurines, textile accessories, etc.

Interior with gold photo

The combination of gold in the interior

The combination of gold in the interior is perfect for a strict chocolate-terracotta range. If there is a room wooden furniture, brown bedspreads or curtains, gold will add extra light and shine. In this case, you can choose gold wallpaper or wall decoration, curtains or accessories.

However, the fashionable black and gold interior looks especially stylish and catchy. It is desirable that black color still prevails in this duet. For example, if the room has dark floors and light walls, an atmosphere of luxury and originality will be given by a black set decorated with gold elements, golden curtains and dark bedspreads interspersed with gold. This combination is beautiful in itself, so other shades need to be selected quite carefully. It is advisable to abandon catchy shades in favor of pastel colors.

Gold wallpaper in the interior

black gold interior

Also, the gold color goes well with purples, cherry, blues and shades.

Golden curtains in the interior

Golden color in the rooms of the house

IN different rooms ah, gold is also used in different ways. Let's see how the golden interior of the bedroom, living room and bathroom will look like.

Gold in the interior of the bedroom

Golden shades in the bedroom will be a good addition to baroque and art deco styles. For example, for oriental style an abundance of gold accessories is suitable - vases, dishes, figurines, bedspreads, curtains, etc. The Baroque style gravitates toward pretentious elements, so it would be appropriate for it to decorate with gold an elegant one on the ceiling, lamp shades, elements of chandeliers and frames for pictures and mirrors. Gold wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom will simultaneously create an atmosphere of celebration and originality, which is very suitable for style.

As a rule, most often the bedroom is decorated in light colors, so all shades of gold are suitable for decorating it.

golden bedroom photo

Living room interior with gold

In the living room, gold color always looks appropriate and aristocratic. Gold wallpaper in the interior of the living room will become the main design element. However, with this design of the walls, the furniture should be black, brown or beige. Unobtrusive use of gold color in accessories and decorative elements is allowed. If the walls of the living room are made in light or classic colors, then gold would be appropriate to look at. various surfaces furniture, lamps, vases and textile elements.

But, decorating the room with various accessories, you need to remember the rule of the golden section in the interior, which says that asymmetric details look the most visually pleasing. For example, if one wall of the living room is decorated with paintings in gold frames, then the other wall should be free. You can also use golden curtains in the interior of the living room, which will give the room additional light and wealth.

Golden decor in the bathroom

The golden color in the design of the bathroom is refined and aristocratic, but only if the room itself is large and bright. In small and poorly lit bathrooms, the abundance of gold elements will only visually narrow the space and its main feature - brilliance and radiance - will not be noticeable.

The golden color in the bathroom looks very beautiful on the plumbing details - handles, faucets, etc. But in this case, it is desirable that the room be decorated in light colors, otherwise the radiance of gold will fade. Gold on tiles also looks appropriate, lighting fixtures and various.

Golden color is the color of luxury, wealth, power and greatness, a symbol of ancient gold. For the Egyptians, the golden color was associated with the main sun god Ra, the Greeks saw it as a sign of immortality, in India the golden color meant truth, and for the Chinese it symbolized the mind and enlightenment.

Many owners of houses and apartments prefer not to use the golden color for arranging their interiors, they avoid accessories and interior items in golden color, furniture in golden tones and shades, as they believe that the golden color is a relic of the past that has long gone out of fashion.

However, today the team styling room will try to convince you that the right, competent use golden color in the interior of a house or apartment, in compliance with the basic rules and advice of designers, will make any room, almost any style, unusual, elegant, fashionable and stylish.

Consider the basic design rules for the use of shades and tones of gold in the interior of a house or apartment.

Moderation in the use of gold

The most important rule is moderation, as excessive use of gold, gold-plated objects and accessories will make your room too pompous, pretentious, tasteless and boastful. So know the measure and do not overdo it!

It is best to use the golden color in the smallest details and accessories, even one small gilded piece of furniture will change the atmosphere of the room beyond recognition. In order not to turn an apartment or house into a palace, the golden color must be used in appropriate proportions - no more than one to three.

In the photo below, we see the Christmas decoration of the house with festive accessories and decor elements: gilded pillows, golden balls on an artificial Christmas tree, a gilded lamp and a wreath can create a cheerful, upbeat, festive mood in any room.

Gold is a combination of two other sunny, warm colors: yellow and orange. However, through the prism of these two primary colors, the shade of gold is very rarely noticeable.

Moderate use in the interior of the living room, dining room, kitchen area, bedroom, home office, libraries and other rooms of a house or apartment of golden color and matte gilded surfaces will give the rooms, as well as accessories and interior items, an exquisite touch of wealth and aristocratic nobility.

In the next photo we see another good example competent and moderate use of gold in the interior: a white retro-style living room cabinet is complemented by gilded handles, and the lower surface of the cabinet is painted in matt golden color.

Fashionable, stylish gilded wardrobe is perfect for complementing a room in a retro style, classic or eclectic styles. The spacious, deep drawers will fit books, CDs and other items and accessories.

The abstract picture in the next photo was supplemented by DIY designers with moderate accents of gold color, for which the designers used ordinary gilded foil!

Multi-colored abstraction with golden accents has become a real decoration of a spacious living room. country house, the golden elements of the picture are perfectly combined with the matte golden figurine eiffel tower, and glass vase with gilding.

The combination of gold with other colors

Gold is a warm color that is best paired with other warm hues and tones:

  • Chocolate.
  • Green.
  • blue.
  • Persikov.
  • Turquoise.
  • Purple.
  • Red.
  • Pink.

Gold also pairs beautifully with black, as well as light, neutral tones and hues such as white, beige, grey, and ivory.

So, in the photo below we see an example of a successful combination of gold with warm pink and peach flowers. stylish, soft pillows gold-plated by Caitlin Wilson Textiles look good in combination with a pink sofa and peach fabric chairs in the living room, in addition to the golden shades of the pillows, the designers used matte gold-plated picture frames and gold-plated wall decorations dark shades of gold.

And here is another example of a successful combination of gold with another warm color - green. Designers painted an old retro-style desktop in bright green color, legs and handles of the drawer are painted gold. The table turned out very stylish and unusual!

A stylish green table with gilded legs and drawer handles is perfect for arranging a small home office of the mistress of the house. Greens and golds pair beautifully with light, neutral tones on the walls, floor, and ceiling of the room.

Stylish and fashionable accessories, and decor items for home decoration can be quickly and easily DIY!

So, the designers of Caitlin Wilson Textiles, using ordinary acorns and gold paint, created unusual, and original jewelry, which can be laid out in a vase or simply laid out on dining table, desktop, cabinets and bedside tables. If desired, you can tie golden threads to the leg of acorns and hang them on your Christmas tree.

Excellent and unusual design solution that will not leave your guests indifferent!

In the next photo, the designers used not only gold paint to paint the acorns, but also red and brown, since the warm shades of red and brown goes well with golden tones and shades.

Golden wallpaper with an unusual ornament is perfect for the walls of the living room, dining room, home office, library and other rooms of the house or apartment. Black and gold wallpapers look very stylish, elegant and original.

Stylish and unusual gold accessories and interior items

If you like furniture, interior items, accessories with gilding, then opt not for bright, golden and shiny tones and shades of gold, which can look too pretentious and tasteless, but for “aged”, matte, dark gold. Accessories with gold plating - picture frames, figurines, flower pots, coasters, vases will make the rooms of your house luxurious and elegant.

In the next photo, we see stylish designer cocktail glass coasters with golden elements, which are perfect for decorating a cocktail party or gatherings with friends.

Painted coasters for glasses can be quickly and easily made by hand, for which you will need black and gold paint, brushes and, of course, ordinary wooden coasters. You can make not only stripes on coasters, but also decorate them with any interesting designs, patterns and ornaments that will make them truly unique and unusual.

In the next photo, we see a stylish living room with luxurious wallpaper from the design company Flavor Paper. Stylish blue-gold wallpapers do not look pretentious, tasteless or pompous at all. The decoration of the room is golden pineapples and oranges, which can also be made by hand, you only need a few unnecessary fruits and a can of golden paint.

The following photo provides unusual flower pots from a DIY company that you can also make yourself. The golden color goes well with the green, juicy color of plants and flowers, as well as with black, white and purple pots.

Flower pots with gilding are great for decorating any room of the house or apartment.

And here is another idea that you can also implement yourself: stylish glasses and vases with gilding. When decorating glasses with gilding, be careful and paint only the outer surface!

In gilded vases, you can put live or artificial flowers, put forks, spoons, stationery, use them whenever you please!

As mentioned earlier, golden pillows are a great idea for giving your living room or apartment a luxurious, sophisticated look.

Gold color goes well with such material as natural wood, it is best to use dark shades of wood in the interior.

In order to prevent such mistakes, but to create a spectacular and stylish interior, attracting attention, see photos of golden wallpaper in the interior of different rooms. Examples ready-made options designs will help you see how unusual this shade can be perceived.

In this article, you will learn about the many features of creating a luxurious design with gold-plated wall coverings, as well as how to find out what color curtains go with gold wallpaper.

Features of using a shade

To understand all the intricacies of using golden wallpaper in design, you should delve into the features of this shade. Golden tone refers to warm colors: thanks to the mixture of yellow, sand and other soft shades, this type of wallpaper underlined home warmth and comfort.

Thanks to the overflows on the surface of the wallpaper, you can achieve the reflection of the sun's glare, and your room will always be filled with bright light.

With the help of golden wallpaper for walls, you can achieve many interesting effects in the interior: highlight accents, emphasize an unusual layout, divide a room into zones or hide imperfections and uneven walls.

But the positive effect of using such wallpapers is possible only if you do not overdo it with golden hues and choose the right color scheme for the rest of the interior details.

Remember! Experts advise using golden tones in the interior in a ratio of 1: 3. Choose a harmonious shade that will not mask the dignity of the gilding - and make it the background in the space.

The following rules will help you create a harmonious and homely cozy design your room:

Although this shade does not have many incarnations, wallpapers of this type can be different. Plain glossy wallpapers are best used on only one of the walls: they will form an accent and lengthen the room.

Gold-colored glitter wallpapers are suitable as separate inserts on the walls, and also harmoniously fit into niches, ledges, a fireplace or balcony area.

Advice: You can emphasize the sophistication and lightness of the design of the bedroom using golden wallpaper in a shade. These tones can be present not only on the walls, but also in pieces of furniture, so that the interior is perceived as integral and harmonious.

If you plan to use the golden shade on other walls, choose wallpaper without a catchy pattern. For example, opposite the bed, you can paste wallpaper with a relief texture, made in warm colors with gilding elements.

Golden wallpaper in the bedroom will not violate the dimensions of the space: at right choice colors and patterns they will suit interiors of any size.

With the help of golden accents, several zones can be distinguished in the room: this principle is often used in children's bedrooms to distinguish between a play area and a recreation area.

For girls, choose wallpapers with soft and delicate background shades (pink, beige, lavender), and for boys - with brighter and more saturated tones (green, blue,).

Living room design options

A living room with golden wallpaper always looks solemn and interesting. In such an interior, golden accents emphasize the aristocracy and richness of the design.

Furniture in the living room with golden walls is selected depending on your own preferences: if you want to emphasize the lightness and sophistication of the room, use bright hues furniture, and to maintain rigor and regularity, stop at dark options.

Among the styles in such a living room, classic and modern are the most common. If in ancient designs such wallpapers can be present around the entire perimeter of the room, then in modern living rooms it is better to highlight individual walls, for example, by decorating the area near the sofa or TV.

Kitchen wall decoration

Wallpaper in the kitchen is used infrequently, and coatings with gilded elements are even more so. The choice in favor of such wallpaper is made only if if the interior is created with notes of solemnity and aristocracy.

A characteristic feature of golden coatings in the kitchen is their versatility: depending on the layout and style, both plain coatings and golden wallpaper with a pattern will fit here.

To delimit the space, you can combine several patterned compositions that are combined with each other.

Furniture and sets in such a kitchen can be both old and modern, have any shape and design.

Hallway in gold color

Gold color is suitable for decorating the hallway, but only if there is enough lighting in the room. Reflecting light, wallpaper will help expand a small space.

So that such a room does not look overly gloomy, such wallpapers with light-colored coatings or choose furniture of the appropriate colors.

Since the entrance hall and the corridor are the first rooms that catch your eye when entering the apartment, the style of such interiors should match the design of the rest of the rooms.

Golden wallpaper in the hallway emphasizes the old and sophisticated style.

Criteria for choosing curtains

What curtains are suitable for golden wallpaper? Since the main role of this type of wallpaper is to attract attention, curtains should not pull it towards themselves. Therefore, it is better to dwell on light shades: beige, white, pale gray or yellow.

Curtains for golden wallpaper can be dark. It is advisable to choose heavy and dense textiles, as airy fabrics may conflict with the design theme.

Interesting combinations in a golden interior can be created using curtains in olive, brown, chocolate tones.

Advice. If you cannot match the harmonious color of the curtains to the golden wallpaper, repeat the shade used on the patterns.

Wallpapers with elements of gilding represent prosperity, luxury and sophistication, so interiors decorated in this style will always be perceived as solemn and cheerful. If you don't know how to fill a room with light, this wallpaper will the best option, and in combination with other shades will help create a truly cozy atmosphere.

Color has long ceased to simply characterize the color of objects. After scientists have proven the effect different shades on the psycho-emotional state of a person, the choice of colors for interior design began to be approached more meaningfully.

In this article, we will consider the features of using golden wallpaper in the interior, their impact on the perception of the room, as well as ways to combine it with wall coverings of other shades. How gold wallpapers look in the interior, photos from our gallery will demonstrate clearly.

Golden color in the interior of the apartment: its role

This luxurious color combines yellow and orange shades - the warm colors of the spectrum, which are associated with warmth, summer, joy, high spirits.

But this color also has a metallic sheen that fascinates, enchants, captures. Gold wallpaper for walls helps to stimulate human brain activity, pushing him to make decisions. Their presence in the decoration of the room immediately turns the interior into an elite, expensive, exclusive, royal.

Like a precious product look golden wallpaper in the interior, photo

This color has many shades - from light amber to dark bronze. The darker, bronzed shade already includes reds and browns mixed in varying proportions.

Advice: copper shades should be used carefully in the decoration of the room, as they can "eat up" the space.

Wall decoration in bronze tones - an interior with character

In addition to plain wall coverings, the catalogs of many manufacturers contain various golden wallpaper with ornaments. It can be classic stripes, geometric or botanical prints, or intricate swirl patterns.

Romantic print with roses for bedroom decoration - wallpaper, gold

Look more outrageous wall coverings, which depict money, gold bars. Very interesting are textured wallpapers, or canvases with optical drawings (3D effect).

It is believed that the image of money in the interior attracts them energetically.

Advice: gold wallpaper in the interior should be harmoniously complemented with decor items - paintings, dark wood elements, antiques.

Bronze wallpaper in the interior of the apartment

Golden wallpaper for walls can be used in different rooms creating a special warm atmosphere.

Precious color in the living room

The living room is a solemn room for meeting guests and holding various events. Gold-colored wallpapers in the interior of this room will be very appropriate, as they will create a festive, aristocratic atmosphere.

Please note: wallpapers of a noble shade should occupy a central place in the living room.

An example of a successful choice of golden wall coverings for the hall

The use of gold-colored wallpaper in the bedroom

You can add mystery and fabulousness to the sleeping room with the help of wallpaper in bronze tones. This will make the room a modern, luxurious bedchamber. Gold wallpaper for the walls of the bedroom seems to take you to another era, the world of luxury and sophistication.

On a note: in the bedroom it is better to use light-colored wallpapers. Dark canvases (plain, or with prints) are best applied locally.

Journey to a fairy tale - golden wallpaper in the bedroom, photo

How to make your kitchen shine

Applying glossy golden wall coverings in the kitchen is not entirely practical. But if you want to add to the interior this room a little shine, it is worth buying matte shimmering gold wallpaper for wall decoration. They give space volume and depth.

Wallpaper with gold on the kitchen wall should be not only beautiful, but also practical to care for

golden corridor

The entrance to a house or apartment is the room that the visitor sees first, and on the basis of which he gets the first impression of the interior and the owners of the home. Golden wall coverings will immediately turn the shooting to itself, captivating with its shimmer and brilliance.

The corridor, decorated in light bronze tones, will emphasize the good taste of the owners of the house.

Remember: for frequently used rooms such as kitchens and corridors, paper wallpaper won't fit. resistance to abrasion, moisture, mechanical damage have vinyl coverings.

How to combine bronze wall coverings with other colors

Golden shades are very beautiful, but finding a good pair for them is not at all easy. Since this color consists of warm shades of the spectrum, beige, peach, brown tones will be good companions for it. The combination with these colors will give the room lightness and will promote relaxation.

On a note: the optimal ratio of golden hues and other colors in the interior is 1:3.

The combination of golden wallpaper with chocolate brown creates a rich and radiant interior.

The combination of gold and black looks stylish and expensive. But in such an interior solution, accents should be placed correctly. These colors must either be used in equal proportions, or bronze coatings should be used as a background, and black - for accents.

Attention: this combination of wall coverings must not be diluted with other colors.

Luxurious interior for a luxurious stay

A bright contrasting design is obtained by combining golden and blue wall coverings. An interesting combination is given by light bronze and green shades, since they are based on yellow.

Gold and turquoise - bright, extraordinary, interesting

You can add light and space to the room using a combination of golden wallpaper with light ones - white, beige, gray. The wallpaper with a bronze pattern in the form of monograms on a white background looks interesting.