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What care is needed for orchids in glass vases? Vanda orchid in a vase

Orchid Vanda is one of the most popular epiphytes (plants that grow on other plants, but do not receive nutrients from them) that are grown at home. This is truly a royal flower, luxurious and delicate.

But to get healthy and in a timely manner flowering plant, you will have to try, as this orchid is quite capricious and whimsical. If the vandochka is provided with decent care, she will delight abundant flowering. And how to get such a result, experts know.

This flower grows in Indian, Chinese, Thai territory, and there are many varieties of Vanda orchids. And the rich color variety cannot but amaze: blue, reddish-violet, pink shades. Thanks to natural selection and artificial improvement of the species, today there are many hybrid flowers, and the main focus of flower growers is to get miniature variety orchids.

Despite the abundance of varieties at home, as a rule, they grow the Vanda and Sandler blue orchid. They were taken as a basis for the derivation of almost all hybrid plants. Wanda blue color was discovered in the wooded thickets of the tropics only in the 30s of the 19th century, high above sea level.

It is characterized by a strong, erect stem, reaching a meter in length, covered with leaves, rather rigid, with a rich dark green color. Inflorescences are located on the sides of the stem, their length often exceeds half a meter. Each inflorescence is about two dozen large flowers of a lavender-blue hue. The flowering period of the blue orchid falls on autumn-winter.

The second species, Vanda Sanderiana, grows in forests with a warm, rainy climate. The plant is distinguished by long leaves that emerge from the axils above the leaves. The inflorescences of this orchid form a brush of pinkish-white, delicate flowers, rather large in diameter. Let the color of Wanda Sanderiana begin, as a rule, in the fall. With the beginning of selection, orchids of various, sometimes quite extravagant colors appeared.

Caring for a beautiful vanda

Orchid Wanda, home care for which meets her needs, pleases her "fans" with abundant and long flowering. But in order to achieve this, you need to know what this flower loves and what affects it negatively. You need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Temperature.
    First of all, Wanda prefers coolness and the optimal temperature for winter can be called a temperature of 15-17 degrees. But even in warmth, subject to a number of rules, the flower feels good. But in summer the heat is undesirable, Maximum temperature is +25 degrees.
  2. Lighting.
    After temperature regime, it is not less than an important factor. Wanda needs the light, but when she gets straight Sun rays, it can quickly burn out. Therefore, take sunbathing flower should only morning and evening. To get luxurious flowering, experts recommend that the vanda orchid at home in the fall and spring receive enough additional artificial lighting. This will improve the growth of the plant and the flowering process.
  3. Humidity.
    If we talk about optimal performance, then they are within 68.7-72%. Unlike other varieties of epiphytes, Wanda is not grown in a container with water, but using baskets that are hung. To maintain the required level of moisture, the air root system must be constantly sprayed using softened water. This will require its mandatory boiling.

These are the three main provisions, following which you can grow an excellent plant.

How to transplant a flower?

Reproduction of a plant of this species occurs by separation of aerial roots. In addition, you can use a cutting from the top or a shoot growing on the side of the stem.

An adult orchid should be transplanted when its rhizome becomes crowded in a container or growth is slowed down. Wanda usually needs 3-4 transplants per year. At the same time, a pot or other container is selected not very voluminous, since the flower will grow more slowly in it.

In order to grow a healthy plant, you need to purchase special soil, or prepare soil mixtures with your own hands. This will require the following components:

  • pine bark (it is broken into large pieces) - 50%;
  • obsidian hydroxide (called perlite) or styrofoam crumb – 25%;
  • peat - 12.5%
  • birch charcoal - 12.5%.

The flower does not require cutting part of the stem. When it stretches, you can cut off its top and transplant it into prepared soil. Successful growth requires planting material had several (at least 3) healthy roots.

Slices are sprinkled with crushed coal. Over time, "babies" appear in the lower part of Wanda. In addition, to propagate a flower, you can also use daughter plants that form in the leaf axils. They should be carefully separated and placed in another container.

What capacity is suitable for planting a Vanda orchid?

The rules of care also apply to the selection of a suitable container, since not every container can be suitable for an orchid. Wanda feels most comfortable in a hanging basket or pot, which has side holes where the rhizome penetrates.

Today, in various outlets, it is increasingly possible to find the beautiful Wanda, located in a vase. At the same time, it does not contain any soil mixture or substrate. Wanda in glass is often purchased as a present. For a flower, you can choose a container of this material of any shape. But it should be borne in mind that a vanda orchid in a glass vase, sold closed, is prone to rapid death.

How to grow a vanda in glass?

Such a capricious flower needs glass special care. It should be regularly inspected and damaged areas removed. If you carefully care for the orchid, then it becomes not just a houseplant, but stylish element interior.

The most suitable is a vase with a wide base. It is worth taking care that the orchid is not constantly in the water, otherwise it may rot and eventually die. Therefore, dry cultivation is more suitable for the flower.

The orchid is periodically taken out of the container and placed in water with useful components dissolved in it. After the beauty needs to be dried and returned to its place. The longest vanda orchid in a vase lives in a situation where its green parts are not behind glass walls, but outside.

What is wrong with Wanda?

Diseases that affect indoor vegetation do not bypass this exotic flower. Excessive moisture in the soil or air leads to the development of "spotting". In a diseased flower, warty spots appear on the lower part of the leaves.

Often, orchid disease is caused by fungi that grow well in heat and humidity. They form rounded black spots on the upper part of the leaf. To save Wanda from spotting, you need to take care of more favorable conditions for her growth.

You can secure the flower even during planting by processing the soil disinfectants. To do this, you can add antifungal drugs to the water. Excessive moisture in the substrate can lead to rotting of the plant - both the stem and the root system. Such processes are greatly enhanced in cool weather or when unsuitable containers are used as containers.

If individual parts of the plant become softened and turn black, then we should expect its early yellowing and death. In this case, disinfection of the substrate will help, as well as watering the orchid with water with a dissolved fungicide "Maxim". In addition, various pests also “love” the orchid:

Breeding a Vanda orchid is not an easy task. First of all, you need to have a love for floriculture, be able to take care of your wards, taking into account their needs. And then the result can exceed all expectations!

Growing an orchid in a glass vase and caring for it

Growing orchids in vases is one of the modern trends in interior design. The most suitable variety for this purpose is the Vanda orchid. She is unpretentious in care. The most commonly used is Vanda blue.

Vessel selection rules

Flower growth is largely influenced by the shape of the vase. Vessels with broad grounds but tapered at the top.

Source: Depositphotos

Orchid in a vase - original design interior

If you plant a flower in tall vessels or vases cylindrical shape, it will be not only inconvenient, but also dangerous:

  • the foliage of the plant is constantly collected, this can damage it;
  • the air in such a vessel does not circulate, the humidity grows, as a result, a fungus may appear that will destroy the flower.

What vases should be preferred? The ideal option there will be vessels with an expanded base, but narrower at the top. Visually, they resemble a brandy glass.

Important: foliage and flowers should be located above the edges of the vessel.

Caring for orchids in glass vases

Particular attention is paid to watering: you can’t just pour water into a vase, excess water will quickly destroy the roots. Excess water from the vase must be drained after about half an hour, this time is enough for the roots to be saturated with moisture. Water must be defended for at least a day, or a mixture of equal parts of ordinary water and distilled water should be taken.

The frequency of watering is affected by the air temperature in the room: the cooler it is, the less often it is necessary to water, and vice versa.

If the orchid grows without a substrate, it is lowered into warm water for watering.

The orchid is a moisture sensitive plant. The optimum level of air humidity is 60%, so it is advisable to install a humidifier with a timer in the room.

In order for the flower to grow well, develop and bloom actively, it must be regularly fed. To do this, special fertilizers must be added to the water intended for irrigation.

The orchid needs periodic spraying from a conventional spray bottle. In the summer, it should be carried out up to 3 times a day.

The best time for the procedure is the morning hours, then the leaves of the plant will have time to dry before the evening.

Flower loves good lighting but cannot tolerate direct sunlight. The ideal place to place a flowerpot is a south-facing window. With a lack of light, the plant may suffer from fungal infections.

An orchid in a vase needs full care, no different from the classic one. And, if you create all the conditions for a flower, it will bloom up to 4 times a year.

This is enough new method, so often growers make mistakes incompatible with the life of cultivated plants.

Let's find out which one is needed for orchids. This method, of course, has both advantages and disadvantages:

Important! However, the shortcomings can be somewhat leveled by replacing the glass vase with a plastic one. At the same time, the decorative effect and high soiling of the container will be preserved.


Such cultivation is in itself is one of the ways. There are variations regarding the placement of the plant itself in relation to the container (fully inside or half outside).

Proper placement without the use of a substrate

the right way is the only one:

  1. inside;
  2. And the top is outside.

That is, the plant is placed halfway in the vase. Thus:

  • The plant itself is outdoors;
  • The base of the rosette is flush with the edges of the vase;
  • And the roots are inside.

You can fix the plant in this position with wire or any other accessible ways and improvised materials.

Substrate filling

Not needed, since monopodial orchid species are usually grown in vases (,). In some cases allowed use, for example, if you need to leave the plant unattended for a while.

Types of containers

In shops there are transparent vases:

  • Classic, stretched up;
  • Cylindrical glass-shaped with a flat bottom.

These containers are not suitable, because:

Best fit glass-shaped vessels for cognac is:

  • Large spherical vessels;
  • Flattened in height;
  • Able to fit inside the entire beard of the roots;
  • While remaining compact and decorative.

In such a vase, a plant will not suffer from constant stuffiness, while the roots will be in a humid microclimate. Consider how to care for an orchid in a glass vase.


Consider caring for an orchid in glass at home. Plant care is not much different from traditional orchid care in the substrate, but it has some nuances that need to be known and taken into account. First of all, it concerns:

  • The vase itself;
  • her material;
  • Forms;
  • And the place of residence of the plant.


plants in a glass vase no different than watering an orchid, which grows in the usual or . The procedure is elementary: you need to carefully pour water into a vase in such an amount that the roots are completely immersed and wetted. Water must be:

  • soft;
  • settled;
  • With a minimum content of mineral salts.

This is important, first of all, for the delicate roots of the orchid, as well as will help to preserve the decorative effect of the glass. After all, after the evaporation of water, mineral salts form a plaque that is perfectly visible and does not look very attractive.

Advice! It is ideal to use rain or melt water, of course, only if the process of collecting precipitation was carried out in an ecologically clean region.

After 30-45 minutes, the water must be carefully drained. Do it with the utmost care, because:

  • Wet glass is very slippery;
  • The vase may accidentally slip out of your hands;
  • Shatter and injure you or others with fragments.

Make sure that no water remains in the vessel after draining. Average watering frequency is:

  • 2-3 times a week in warm weather;
  • And once a week, if it's cloudy outside.

It is always necessary to monitor the plant and take into account its current needs. On hot summer days, watering can be daily. Time for the procedure better to choose in the morning so that the plant has time to dry by the evening.

Feeding and pest control

Under natural conditions happens naturally when rain washes away the humic substances formed on its surface from the trees directly to the roots of the epiphyte. Therefore, when grown in room conditions these plants require competent and dosed top dressing.

Fertilizing orchids is best done after flowering.

The most important thing is that must be remembered: it is better to carry out frequent top dressing with a weak solutionthan rare, but strong. This is also explained by the same features of feeding orchids in nature. After all, rain in the tropics washes away a not very rich layer of substances, but it does this quite often.

In practice, this means that an orchid during the period of active vegetation and a set of green mass should be fed liquid fertilizers once every 1-2 weeks in ¼ of the concentration indicated on the package.

Advice! Before the procedure, it is necessary to moisten the roots of the plant with water to minimize the risk of burns with a solution of fertilizers. Foliar fertilization, which alternate with root fertilization, has proven to be effective.

Treatments from carried out with diluted insecticides from the sprayer. Use fine, giving a misty jet. It is necessary to process all parts of the plant (from all sides), except for flowers.

How to monitor the health of the roots?

The best prevention is maintaining plant hygiene at the optimum level. In this case, it is necessary:

  • Select the size of the container, sufficient so that the roots of the plant fit freely inside;
  • And also there was the possibility of ventilation and free access of air inside.

Not allowed:

  • Hypothermia of the roots;
  • As well as debris and dirt inside the vase.

During remove the dead and roots from the plant.


Quite periodically remove the plant from the container and leave it in free space for a while. You can do this:

  • while bathing;
  • Or when you want to wash the vase from the accumulated dirt.

Attention! Orchid roots can sometimes stick to the sides of the vase, so care must be taken when removing the plant from the container.

Risks of Infectious Diseases


The cause of this kind of disease is accumulation of pathogens: fungi and bacteria.

To prevent orchid diseases, it needs proper care.

Enough to imagine damp basement in a building or a corner of a house on the north side to understand how this happens. Fungi or bacteria gather and breed in damp, sheltered places. A glass vase, where there is no ventilation, is the ideal place in this case.


Necessary periodically air the plant and the container itself. For epiphytes, access to fresh air is extremely important. In turn, this minimizes the possibility of:

  • Stagnation of moist air inside;
  • And the appearance of mold, fungus and bacterial colonies.

It is also very important to keep the plant under suitable conditions, that is:

  • Provide sufficient;
  • Optimal mode;
  • And watering.


Periodically, the vase must be washed, as accumulates on the inner walls:

  • layer of algae;
  • And mineral deposits.

Decontamination procedure or prophylaxis can be carried out using:

  • A weak solution of potassium permanganate (of course, while the plant should be removed);
  • Or fungicides.

Useful video

Watch the video of how an orchid grows in a glass vase:

Learn in the video how to care for an orchid in a glass vase:

Video instruction for the treatment of orchids from various diseases:

Watch the video on how to properly water an orchid:


Growing orchids in glass vasesenough unusual way . Thus, with its help, you can somewhat diversify your collection. In addition, no one has canceled the fact that a plant in a glass vase, especially a large blooming Vanda, looks very elegant and can become the center of the whole composition, attract the eyes of guests and their enthusiastic exclamations.

Wherein must be remembered that you can not chase aesthetics to the detriment of the health of the plant. Reasonably weigh all the priorities and enjoy the orchids.

TO indoor plants impossible to be indifferent. In every apartment or house there is at least one green miracle that creates comfort. The orchid flower is amazing in its beauty and is popular, and the vanda in a glass vase is an original unique gift, stylish decoration any interior.

What kind of vases to give preference? The most convenient vases for growing orchids are narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. Such vases resemble a glass in their shape. Tall cylindrical vases are less popular among flower growers - in them the leaves of the plant often bend and break, which in most cases leads to the death of the flower. Please note that only the roots of the plant should be in the vase, and the leaves are located on top.

Features of care

Growing orchids in a vase, you need to pay Special attention watering. The procedure is different from that for flowers in pots. It is not recommended to leave water in vases, otherwise excess water will lead to the death of the root system of the flower. Usually, the plant is given 20-30 minutes to “quench its thirst”, after which the remaining water is poured out of the flowerpot. Water for irrigation should be soft, mixing of ordinary water is allowed. tap water with distilled in a ratio of 1:1. In summer, orchids are watered every other day, but avoiding waterlogging of the soil. In winter, one watering per week is enough.

In order for a vanda to grow well in a glass vase, bloom profusely and regularly, the flower must be fed. To do this, it is enough to add a little fertilizer to the water for irrigation.

Don't forget to spray. For these purposes, a conventional spray gun is suitable. In summer, this procedure should be carried out at least three times a day. It is better to spray the flower in the morning, so that by the evening the leaves of the plant have time to dry.

When caring for an orchid, remember that it loves light, but direct sunlight should be avoided. The ideal option for the location of the flower are windows facing south. If it is not possible to provide the flower with sufficient amounts of sunlight, additional artificial lighting is used. With a lack of light, the plant may die.

Orchids are prone to fungal diseases. To prevent this, it is necessary to remove dry and broken roots in time. Fortunately, they are clearly visible in vases and the danger can be noticed in a timely manner. If you see that the leaves turn yellow or fall off, cut off the affected area and treat the area with iodine or brilliant green.

If you follow the above conditions of care, add love, attention, care to them, then a vanda in a glass vase will give you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of flowering up to 3-4 times a year.

Growing an orchid without soil is quite realistic only if the roots of the flower are accustomed to a constant humid environment.

After all, the bark of the tree and other additional components play a secondary role, as they are necessary to support the orchid. But if you resort to the help of a skewer or something else, then there is no need for a soil mixture.

In winter, an orchid grown without soil needs to be watered less often.(you can find out how to care for an orchid in the autumn-winter period). And in the spring, when the flower begins to grow actively, increase the frequency of moisture. In addition, it is important to monitor the lighting.

For orchids indoors, any window is suitable, except for the south one, since direct sunlight is destructive for phalaenopsis (for details on where it is better to put an orchid, and where you can’t keep a flower, read).

Advantages and disadvantages

Growing orchids without soil has the following advantages:

Used in growing orchids open system automatic type, due to which the time spent on flower care is reduced.

Only it is important not to forget to add water to the irrigation system when necessary.

Thanks to this method, the orchid will no longer need to be watered for 2 weeks, and this will not harm it in any way.

As for the disadvantages of the method, it is the only one here - these are the difficulties in leaving. Because of this, he begins to suffer appearance flower, as its leaves turn yellow and fall off, the root system rots.

What is used instead of soil?

The orchid feels great not even in the soil saturated with humus, but on the trunks, branches, roots of some tree. The components necessary for the development of a flower are not obtained from the soil at all. The source of food is the atmosphere.

An orchid needs soil only so that it can somehow gain a foothold and stay in a certain area. So when choosing the components that will be used instead of the soil, you need to take into account their permeability to moisture and air.

In most cases, the main component for a homemade soil mixture is tree bark. It can be torn off with my own hands or purchase from a specialized store. Most often, flower growers choose pine bark, although oak bark is excellent, conifers. To collect it, you will have to use sawn logs or dead wood.

To ensure the safety of the plant and protect it from pests and bacteria, pieces of bark must be cleaned of the softened area and dried thoroughly.

In addition to bark, flower growers actively use sphagnum moss as soil. Its main purpose is to loosen the soil, retain moisture without compacting the soil, absorb harmful salts and have a bactericidal effect.

In addition to tree bark and moss, expanded clay and activated charcoal, which still has disinfectant properties, are suitable for orchids.

We offer you to watch a video about the types of soil for growing orchids:

What container should the plant be kept in?

When growing an orchid without soil, choosing a suitable pot remains a wet moment. For this plant, it is worth choosing a container of this type and structure so that the flower has a place where to develop, not dry out and not be exposed to the harmful effects of dry air in the room where the plant is kept. Choosing a pot for growing without soil, preference should be given to glass vases or plastic and ceramic containers. In addition, they must meet the following criteria:

  1. Containers must have a drain for water.
  2. Pot size and plant size should match.
  3. The volume of the container should be such that the root system of the plant can freely settle down there and does not touch the walls.

We offer you to watch a video on choosing a container when growing an orchid in an open system:

Growing difference

Using this method of growing orchids, you need to take a more careful and responsible approach to the care process.

Unlike the traditional method, in this case there is no need to select the soil or prepare it yourself, which saves time and money. But more stringent requirements are imposed on growing conditions: suitable humidity, timeliness.

And the most important difference is that an orchid grown in the ground is much less likely to get sick than the one for which the soil mixture is not used.

We offer you to watch a video about the difference and open systems:

How to properly care?

Such interesting way growing orchids involves more thorough plant care, which is as follows:

  1. Avoid high humidity in the room where the flower is located. It is much easier to endure a short drought.

    To control the level of humidity, it is necessary to grow an orchid in containers with transparent walls. Then it will be possible to visually determine whether an orchid without soil needs watering.

  2. Daily roots and aerial part of the plant with soft water using a spray bottle. This will achieve the desired level of humidity.
  3. No less important for the growth and development of a flower is lighting. Daylight hours should be 10 hours. The sun's rays can be seen by artificial lighting using fluorescent lamps.
  4. During the day it should be within 18-27 degrees, and at night - 13-24 degrees.


Any difficulties may arise if you do not follow the rules for caring for an orchid. The most common problem remains associated with the desire of the leaf plate, as a result of which the leaves simply fall off. But it’s one thing when this is a natural process and old leaves fall off, but this can happen to young ones for the following reasons:

  • waterlogging- together with the yellow leaves, the root system rots;
  • overdried soilcommon cause wilting of the leaves, this occurs if the plant is not sprayed, and the air in the room is not humidified;
  • direct sunlight- in the summer, they can lead to the development of such a negative phenomenon;
  • draft or cold room in winter.

In addition to yellowing foliage, there are problems in the root system. In this case, the roots begin to rot due to waterlogging. You can still save the plant if you transplant it.

Growing orchids without soil is an interesting activity for every grower.. But here there are a number of points, without which the flower risks dying. So only experienced people need to choose this method of growing in order to prevent problems in the future.