Well      04/21/2021

Unusual names for a VKontakte group. How to name a group on VK. How to name a VKontakte group correctly to get to the top of the search

Now you have already decided on the topic. We’ve also decided whether you need a group or a public page – we’ve fully covered this topic. Now the next “most important and most difficult” task is the name for the group.

We will not once again spray how difficult and important it is, but let’s just move on to what should be in the title.

It is better to warn about this from the very beginning, because later you may have problems - the name should not contain something for which the group can be blocked. In general, this applies not only to the name, but also to the content of the group.

Typically blocks those who break the law or VKontakte rules. For example, a nationalist group will not be blocked if it does not call anyone to violence. Another group or public page can be blocked if the name contains obscene language or calls for breaking the law.

What will you name the boat...

Now that you've been warned, let me tell you this - the title has to be catchy. There are several ways. Anyone who has visited the Internet at least once knows them all - just disable the ad blocker and look at these cheap ads:

  • "SHOCK!!! Doctors discovered THIS...";
  • “You just need to use...”;
  • “What do business and sex have in common?” and so on.

Only we don’t have a cheap article, but a whole group - we need something more solid, but with the same principle. If inspiration doesn’t come, look at what your competitors call their bands.

Be sure to check out groups that are specific to your topic. By looking at the situation in the search results from the outside, you can learn a lot for yourself.

And remember that your target audience will depend on the name, and the name will depend on the target audience. Under no circumstances should you call the group “Psychology” if it is about car services. Although no one forbids calling it “The Psychology of Auto Repair.”

The impact of the name on the search results

Many group owners who are familiar with SEO strive to add as many keywords as possible to the title in order to get to the top of the search results. On VKontakte, when people search for groups and public pages, they enter monosyllabic queries: “kittens,” “humor,” “news,” and so on. And when a person enters the word “Humor”, he is given a list of groups sorted by popularity. That is, first there will be those with the most subscribers.

But that's not always the case. Look at the screenshot. The “Subtle Humor” public has fewer subscribers than the “Jokes | Humor | Anecdotes." But the public is given above. Even though groups usually rank better.

This happens because there is more in the group name. Therefore, it is not recommended to push maximum amount words - it’s better to make a short, but simple and memorable name (hardly anyone wants to be subscribed to 5 different groups with the same name like “Shoes”).

If you already have a name, then it’s better to name the group the same as your website/business. Then people who already know you can easily find you. But if your business is not very popular, then you can insert one keyword into the title. For example, “Title | key".

Name for people

A name for robots is good, a name for people is better. Please note that the most have a creative and concise name, and not a set of keys (MDK, Pikabu, Science, Habrahabr, “BORSCH”).

If you come up with a name that is too long, people won’t remember it; if you come up with an uncreative but short name, the result will be even worse. And think about how your name sounds. You don’t need anything too complicated, you want people to talk about you? MDK, for example, is pronounced “eMDeKa”, although according to the rules one should sound like “eMDiKey”.

Here are some examples good names that our competitors came up with:

  • Business youth;
  • TED Talks;
  • Brain explosion;
  • HSE Business Incubator;
  • BrainUP;
  • Biografum;
  • Corporation "I";
  • Ronum;
  • Success Diary;
  • Business.Strategy;
  • And here will be the name of our group;).

7 approaches to coming up with a name

To make it easier for you to navigate all this, look at the list and choose one or more approaches to come up with a name:

  1. Keywords. Just put one or two keywords in the title;
  2. Take a look at your competitors. Just remember that the name must be unique;
  3. Hire a namer. It may be expensive, but it's simple and you'll most likely have a good name;
  4. Catch on. Intrigue people. Then people will come to you from search more people, even if your competitors have more subscribers;
  5. Name it after the business. Everything here is clear without explanation;
  6. Give me some options. Then, when you run out of ideas, you can choose the best name from the ones you came up with;
  7. Choose what you like. It may sound trivial, but if you don't like the name, you will subconsciously sabotage the work.
If you personally don’t like the name, then the subconscious is blocking success.

Knowing these 7 principles will help you choose a name faster.

What to do when the name of the group is invented?

After you have named the group, go to settings and change its short address. It may coincide with the name of the group, or it may contain another key. It is recommended that the link be the same, but this is at your discretion.

What have we done?

There is a task to gather in a group of people - fans of self-development, who have hit the personal income bar and cannot break through it. Those who temporarily broke through their usual level of earnings, but somehow lost what they had earned and fell back to their previous level of income.

Here are some options from fifty titles on A4:

  • “Cluster of Billionaires”;
  • “Self-development fans”;
  • “Master of Thinking”;
  • “Master of Thoughts”;
  • “Cockroaches of success” – I don’t like the word “cockroaches”, and these guys are extinct;
  • "Temple of Thoughts" This option may not be suitable because we specialize in achieving success, and this name is suitable for a club of philosophy lovers;
  • “I make money with my head”;
  • "Brain Trainer";
  • “Training eaters” – the word “eaters” both attracts and repels;
  • "Profitable Brain"

However, the name should appeal not only to us, but also to our subscribers - you. After all, in order to choose the truly best name, we simply have to look at what the people we need are looking for more.

Here are the statistics of exact queries, how many times were searched per month in Yandex (with a “!” sign), from Wordstat:

5397 – thinking
2769 – the power of thought (many groups and requests about the thoughts of the great, quote books)
850 – brain training
4114 – brain (the word “brain” is more often searched for in relation to anatomy)
1524 – the subconscious can do anything (many requests for the book of the same name by John Kehoe)
4846 – self-development (it’s nice to see such interest in improving yourself)
11305 - willpower (unexpectedly, because it is a myth that you can solve problems with willpower and discipline - willpower does not last long)
4498 – training
2017 – goal setting
1244 – how to change yourself
1479 – thoughts are material

We chose keywords for the options: “thinking”, “thoughts” or “brain”. We looked at the names and numbers of participants in groups with similar themes, talked out loud, slept through the night, and in the morning we launched the “Master of Thoughts” option. Thoughts are the key frequently requested word, master - the word gives power (for example, look at the number of subscribers for a group with the strong name “brain explosion”) and the meaning of the content corresponds.


Coming up with a name is a big step, so think carefully before making your final choice. If the group becomes successful, you probably won't be able to change the name without confusing subscribers.

Internet services for business.
A link to the material is required!

It would seem that what’s wrong with coming up with a bright and memorable name for your group on VKontakte. A little imagination, a little patience, and the right name will come to mind, ensuring impressive success for the public. But it was not there. Finding a good name can take a long time, and some users spend whole days and nights doing this task, surrounded by various reference books and dictionaries. When you start doing this seriously, it turns out that everything is not at all simple, and in addition to creativity, you also need to know a little about SEO (search engine optimization) and SMM (social media marketing), and be well aware of what the name of the group means for the group itself. In this material I will tell you how to come up with a name for a group on VK, I will introduce the reader to the most necessary advice on this issue, and will also share possible names for the group on VKontakte in English.

So, if you are interested in what you can name a VKontakte group, then I recommend paying attention to the following:

  • Decide on the target audience of the group. If this is a youth environment, then you need to choose something light and catchy, perhaps using popular youth slang. If your group is dedicated to serious scientific issues, then it will be decorated with a name with appropriate scientific terminology, which will fully emphasize the spirit of your group;

  • Be original. Banal names are usually already taken, and there are probably already groups on VKontakte with the corresponding name. Turn on your creativity and add some catchy word to the template name, this can give the popular cliché new colors;
  • Use keywords. The search engines Yandex and Google find your group by keywords, and if you want to qualitatively increase the traffic to your group, then the name of the group must contain the desired keyword (or even several). Nevertheless, excessive quantity keywords in the public name can have a negative impact on the overall perception of its name, so it would be better to use one or two keywords, for example “Psychology”, “Women’s clothing” and so on.

Please note that the most competitive and visited group will be the one that has a direct occurrence of the key query in its name. Therefore, do not change or modify the keyword in the name of the group, this can directly affect its attendance.

  • Study competing publics. Your group name in social network should not repeat the names of existing publics, especially those that are already promoted and highly popular, otherwise your group will simply get lost against their background. Be original and creative, look for something of your own that will allow you to create beautiful names for VKontakte groups;
  • Do not use a group name that is too long, and even with complex terminology. This usually results in visitors avoiding your group;
  • Use sites that collect statistics on key queries(for example, Wordstat), this will allow you to track the most popular queries and take them into account when creating a group name.

Examples of names for a VKontakte group

If you are interested in the original names of VKontakte groups, then pay attention to the names of popular publics, evaluate their features, and, based on this, come up with something of your own.

In particular, names such as:

  • Decent films
  • Laugh until you cry
  • Statuses for which they give a class
  • Women's secret
  • Music +…
  • Culinary masterpieces
  • Secrets of success
  • Choose your status
  • Notes of a Millionaire
  • P.O.H - just very good
  • Always say yes!
  • Einstein's riddle
  • Thoughts from...
  • 5 smart thoughts
  • 5 useful tips
  • Let's make a happiness
  • Modern girl
  • Cool tricks
  • Killer humor and others.

At the same time, do not forget to check your options with existing group names; perhaps this name has already been invented before you.

In order for your VKontakte group to flourish, it is not enough to come up with a bright and memorable name for it. It is necessary to regularly fill it with fresh content, delight users with interesting and fresh materials, otherwise the frequency of visits to your public page will decrease over time.

To increase group attendance, you should consider using special software tools (Botovod level), they have proven their practicality and effectiveness in this area.

Names for a group on VKontakte in English

If you want to come up with a name for a group on VKontakte in English, then when creating such a name you should use the same principles that I described just above for groups in Russian. Study the names of English-speaking VKontakte groups, be original, use keywords in the group name and do not forget about the query statistics. Moreover, since English-speaking (and related English language and culture) groups are also quite common on VK (statistics showed about 38 thousand. various groups, one way or another related to the English language), you will have to make efforts to ensure that your name is bright and original.

Alternatively, you can think of interesting abbreviations, for example:

Make your English like is professional- makingnglishpro

English speaking society – engsociety

Study English in Skype – studyengskype and others.

You can also use banal, easily understandable English phrases, or their analogues. For example:

English is fun

Just English

English for life

English EveryDay

Daily English


When coming up with a name for a group on VKontakte, first of all, pay attention to the tips I listed for creating a name for your group. Be sure to take into account the specifics of SEO, and do not forget that unique and bright name for the group, this is not the only component of the success of your project. More important is the constant novelty of materials, their quality and relevance, as well as the desire of the group creator to devote all his strength to the development of his public. "Patience and a little effort".

How to name a group on VKontakte is a question asked by every person who is going to create a public or group on VK. Knowledgeable people They understand that whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail.

Many people do not attach much importance to this problem and understand this when nothing can be changed. In today’s article we will try to tell you how to choose and come up with the right name for your group on the VKontakte social network.

How to name a group on VK

Before you come up with a name for your VKontakte group, you need to know clear answers and understand what the group will be like. We have prepared a small plan that a person should have before he creates a group or public page

  • Purpose of creating the group
  • Ways to attract subscribers
  • The target audience
  • Ways to monetize and earn money
  • Geographic reference
  • Budgets

Now let's go over each of the points of the plan in detail and try to understand how these factors influence the names of the groups.

How to name a group on VK: The purpose of creating a group

What we wanted to tell you in this paragraph is the ultimate goal that you are pursuing when creating a group.
If you don’t have a goal or you don’t understand why you need a group, our advice is don’t even start, because without a goal you will abandon the group after 1-2 months
What goals do we see for which you will create groups:

  • Promoting a brand or website and attracting new customers to your online store or landing page.
  • Selling your goods directly through the VK group
    direct income from services
  • Group for making money from advertising (other groups or offers through affiliate programs)

These are the most basic goals, there are others, but as a rule, in most cases groups are created precisely for this.

How to name a group on VK: A way to attract subscribers

The first thing you need to understand before you come up with a name for your VK group is the budget and how to attract subscribers.
Possible ways to attract subscribers

  • Advertising in other communities
  • Targeting
  • Spam and cheating
  • Traffic from search engines
  • Trends and brands
  • All of the above methods

It is important to understand that you cannot name a group, for example, 55uu and hope that people will just subscribe to it, because no one would even think of looking for something similar. And vice versa, you can call the group “Flea Market Ulnovsk”, spend a little time and effort to promote the VK query in search engines and you will get an increase in free subscribers. If this method is combined with advertising or targeting, the result will be excellent, but advertising costs money, and quite a bit, even for the most excellent specialists, after testing, the maximum that can be achieved is to get subscribers for 0.5 rubles in the entertainment topic and from 2 rubles in commercial topics. And this is for specialists; for beginners, these prices can be safely multiplied by 10. No, of course, you can get yourself 1,000,000 offers, but what’s the use of them?

How to name a group on VK: Target audience

When coming up with a name for a group, it is important to understand what target audience your group will be aimed at. Let's give an example to make it more clear. For example, if your audience is 25-35 years old men and the topic is Auto, then calling the group “auto for boys” does not quite suit your target audience and looks stupid in the eyes of future subscribers. For the example above, “Secrets of Car Owners” or something like that would be suitable.

How to name a group on VK: Methods of monetization and earnings

In 99% of cases, a group or public on VK is necessary to convert the views and activity of our subscribers into our income. If we have our own website or landing page or we are going to sell our products, then we need to choose a name that will fully cover the entire range of services related to our offer.

For example, you resell goods that are purchased wholesale on foreign sites. For example, we buy Ray Ben glasses wholesale on Alibaba and sell them through our landing page or online store. That name must be come up with a plan for the future. After all, if this brand goes out of fashion, it will be difficult to change the name and you can get a ban for changing the theme of the group.

In this case, instead of, for example, “stylish Ray Ben glasses,” we recommend promoting yourself as your brand “Bom Bom Shop” or something like that. This way you can change the range of your products as painlessly as possible and maintain conversion from the public.

How to name a group on VK: Geographical reference

Geo-referencing one more important factor, when forming the name of the public.
I will conditionally divide this point into a specific region and country.
Group name for region or city

  • If our goal is to attract specific subscribers in a specific region
    For example, we have a car towing company and we work in a specific area. Then, instead of “tow truck Vasily” it would be more correct to call it “car evacuation Rostov region”.
    I think you get the point

Group name by country

  • For example, we sell products only in our country Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. Then you should mention the country in the title. For example, brand name + country. Example “Bom Bom Shop - Ukraine”. A small note for Russia, this can be ignored; however, if you work only in the CIS countries, we recommend using the name of the country

How to name a group on VK: Budgets

Most of you will have a logical question: what do budgets and the name of the group have to do with it, but everything is very simple.
The larger your budget for attracting subscribers, the more variations you have with the group name and, accordingly, vice versa.
If you are only going to use free ways attracting participants, then you should focus more on organic traffic from search engines or carefully consider the ways and means of attracting participants.
If you have a good budget, then you can promote your group as a brand or any of the methods described above

VK group name

And so we have decided on our goals, we have a clear understanding of who our VK group will be aimed at, we know how much we are ready or not ready to spend on promoting our public, etc.

Search traffic

Much has been written about the name of a group for search engines, now we’ll tell you how to come up with the right name for a community or group.

Our main assistants in the name of the group will be the Yandex Wordstat service. A key is sewn into the name of the group, which makes it easy to get to the top of search engine results.

The point is to choose the most frequently used phrases that people search for.

Let's take a flea market as an example.

The word flea market is searched monthly by 826,354 people! But you yourself understand what kind of nodule there is. But for example, 2,668 people are already looking for the Yekaterinburg Flea Market. And it’s very easy to get to the top to get free subscribers.

Peak Trend

In my opinion, the easiest and most difficult way at the same time.

What is meant by the term peak trend? Now we will try to explain. For example, we know that there will be a game or series coming out that will be of great interest and demand. For example, let's take the unfortunate game Pokemon GO

By the very release of the game, there were 1-2 public pages on it, they were the ones who, without advertising, collected a huge number of subscribers, the most important thing is to be the first and publish unique information at the very beginning (it can be taken from foreign sites and forums), and in case of plagiarism, simply ban your opponents through VK support marked plagiarism.

What was clearly clear is the screenshot: on average, groups attracted 60k subscribers without advertising, etc.

Satellite for public pumped by others

This method is also very actively used by people who understand this.

The meaning is that the owners of multi-million dollar publics have multi-billion dollar income from VK and huge budgets for advertising and promotion. It is not difficult for them to spend 1 million rubles or more on advertising and creating a new public page, and smart people take advantage of this; they create a similar public page, but add, for example, “overheard” or “notes” or “diaries” to the name, thereby due to the fact that while the peak is in progress advertising a new community, people simply subscribe to these public pages

For example, a well-known public page for girls 40 kg
on this moment the group has 4 million subscribers and 2 satellites managed to snatch 100k free subscribers each

How to name a group on VK: Question answer

How to name a group on VK to interest people

In order for your group to be interesting and useful to subscribers, it must contain interesting and relevant content, people will repost, thereby attracting the target audience. The name of the group should fully reveal the theme of your community and satisfy your audience, as we wrote about above.

How not to name a VKontakte group

Let’s even rephrase in other words what not to do:

  • You cannot use different case of letters for example like this
  • You cannot replace characters of different alphabets, although it seems to you that you have outwitted the system, in fact you have only made it worse Example: Hello and Hello, both words are written the same way, but in the second the letter e is English, if the first spelling is ranked normally, then 2e You won't find it even with a search
  • Particular attention should be paid to grammatical errors, this is important
  • You cannot use stop words (mat, 18+, etc.)
  • Do not use special symbols, diamond hearts, etc.
  • Try to be unique, although sometimes you can compete for organic traffic, it all comes down to goals and budget

To name the group correctly, follow our recommendations and advice and you will succeed.

We will be glad to see your comments

To choose beautiful name for VKontakte group First, it is important to define the purpose of the community. You are creating a group for personal or commercial use? What will you write about in it? Who are your subscribers?

The answers to these questions will help you navigate when choosing a name. I would like to note that for some communities, excessive creativity and beauty are useless. This primarily applies to groups created for commercial use. If you sell something through a group, the most important amount of profit for you will depend on whether your community is in the TOP. .

The name plays an important role here. Because in search engines, when you enter a query, VK communities are also reflected. In this case, open Wordstat, look for suitable mid- and high-frequency queries on your topic and feel free to type them into the group name. Find out how to sell through it in the future from our previous blog article For those who are planning to create a community for personal purposes, we advise placing more emphasis not on the beauty of the name, because this is a subjective concept, but on the target audience. Study carefully who you are going to invite to your group, what these people are interested in. Perhaps there is a certain slang in their crowd or only for them speeches that are quite suitable for the title. The gender of the group's audience is also important. In communities where we are talking about science, psychology, historical events, film reviews, the name should reflect the topic. When searching, people look at the headlines; if nothing is clear from the headline, a person is unlikely to join such a group.

You can split the title into two parts. .

In the first, indicate the name that you think is beautiful, in the second, specifics. For example, “The Big Bang Theory. All about science”, “That’s what Coco Chanel said. Tips on fashion and beauty”, you can choose a bright quote as the title “To burn people’s hearts with a verb.

Copywriting and more" If the group is young and you don’t have 50-100K for its development, indicate in the title what it’s about. Otherwise, you can lose up to 80% of subscribers. Also monitor incoming traffic and periodically Original names of VKontakte groups About two or three years ago they appeared

VK groups with original names .

like: “The goal is 1 million rubles.” Surely, you have more than once come across communities in which the creators talk every day about how they are moving towards their goal; now there are more than a thousand such communities and there is nothing creative in such a name. However, in contrast to them, public pages with humorous and parodying names also appeared.

For example, “Goal: 10,000 rubles in 5 years.” If you are going to start a personal blog and talk about your everyday life, you can also come up with a name in the form of a joke. People at all times have been fascinated by names that contain numbers, facts, and secrets. For example, advice from millionaires, 10 laws of happiness, how to become rich and recognizable, real stories about... If you lack imagination, VK group statistics will help. You can find it in the block where advertising is created. Under the menu on your page, go to the “Advertising” item. Open the “Advertising in Groups” tab. In the right area of ​​the site, tap “Available sites”. Here you will find a lot of original and non-standard examples. And to get your first subscribers, you can always use our service here

Cool names for VKontakte groups What can be called. The best VKontakte groups for an advertiser are your favorite groups. And the more subscribers a public has, the better its banner will work. Another conversation is about how much such a publication will cost him. If you want to buy a publication, remember that there is such a resource on the Internet as new. Check reviews here to avoid any trouble. From time to time it’s a good idea to look for reviews about yourself. If you find a negative one, that’s also good, because you’ll know what else to work on. And of course, to develop the resource, you should leave your comment, good or bad - it’s up to you to decide. Online store or business page Did you want to make your own website to promote goods and services? You can use the free VKontakte platform for testing.

How to name a VK group - let's look at an example

And even those public pages where the description contains the word “male” may not be interesting to this entire contingent, for example: new. 5 best examples See below for such groups:

The last public is not so much included in the list of the best as it keeps track of which are the best VKontakte groups. Its beauty is that it contains dry facts, strict censorship and, of course, news.

If you don't already know movie news, you can easily track it, because before the premiere of a new movie, it appears in theaters. Official page"In contact with". Deep dive into the network Do you make money online, do you have your own store or do you freelance? Then you need to follow a huge amount of news.
Remember that not all publications are displayed in the feed, because the Internet is very oversaturated. And the further it goes, the more and the more expensive its use on the part of both the user and advertisers.

How to name a VKontakte group correctly to get to the top of the search

Let's look at examples. For example, let's take the “Age Without Borders” project. This project is for those who care about their health, strive to look young and want to maintain a high quality of life regardless of age.
Let's go to the internal search on VKontakte. To do this, click on the “Communities” button on your personal VKontakte page. A VKontakte internal search window will open in front of you, in which you can search for communities on topics of interest to us.


Since the main topic of the “Age Without Borders” project is health, let’s see how many communities on this topic are registered on the VKontakte social network. We enter the word “Health” into the search bar and see that 92,258 communities were found on this topic.

Moreover, in order to get into the TOP 5 search on VKontakte, we need to recruit about a million subscribers to our group.

How to choose a name for a group (public) on VKontakte

It may be expensive, but it's simple and you'll most likely have a good name;

  • Catch on. Intrigue people. Then more people will come to you from searches, even if your competitors have more subscribers;
  • Name it after the business.

    Everything here is clear without explanation;

  • Give me some options. Then, when you run out of ideas, you can choose the best name from the ones you came up with;
  • Choose what you like.

    It may sound trivial, but if you don't like the name, you will subconsciously sabotage the work.

  • If you personally don’t like the name, then the subconscious is blocking success. Knowing these 7 principles will help you choose a name faster. What to do when the name of the group is invented? After you have named the group, go to settings and change its short address. It may coincide with the name of the group, or it may contain another key.

The most popular public pages on VKontakte

I also advise you to use keywords in the group content, this will give you additional bonuses when promoting the public. The second factor of promotion to the TOP Getting more subscribers is what any group administrator strives for.
If you have created an effective name, you will still have to reach that coveted number of subscribers in order to get to the TOP. Do you know why everyone strives to get to the TOP? This factor will help to steadily increase the number of your subscribers without additional influence on this process. Because in another case, you will have to use special programs to increase subscribers or cooperate with intermediaries who will provide you with the required volume of audience. It is important not only to have a wide target audience, but also to have an active one.

How to name a VKontakte group - tips for a beginner

That is, if your group is called “Promotion”, then the link should be “prodvizhenie”. What have we done? There is a task to gather in a group of people - fans of self-development, who have hit the personal income bar and cannot break through it.

Those who temporarily broke through their usual level of earnings, but somehow lost what they had earned and fell back to their previous level of income. Here are some options from fifty titles on A4:

  • “Cluster of Billionaires”;
  • “Self-development fans”;
  • “Master of Thinking”;
  • “Master of Thoughts”;
  • “Cockroaches of success” – I don’t like the word “cockroaches”, and these guys are extinct;
  • "Temple of Thoughts"

In contact with. part 5: how to name a VKontakte group and promote it to the top VK?


In the first, indicate the name that you think is beautiful, in the second, specifics. For example, “The Big Bang Theory. All about science”, “That’s what Coco Chanel said.

Tips on fashion and beauty”, you can choose a bright quote as the title “To burn people’s hearts with a verb. Copywriting and more" If the group is young and you don’t have 50-100K for its development, indicate in the title what it’s about. Otherwise, you can lose up to 80% of your subscribers. Also monitor incoming traffic and periodically remove dogs. About two or three years ago, groups appeared on VK with original names like: “Goal 1 million rubles.”

Surely, you have more than once come across communities in which the creators talk every day about how they are moving towards their goal; now there are more than a thousand such communities and there is nothing creative in such a name. However, in contrast to them, public pages with humorous and parodying names also appeared.

Lesson 166 How to name a VKontakte group

You don't need anything too complicated, you want people to talk about you, right? MDK, for example, is pronounced “eMDeKa”, although according to the rules one should sound like “eMDiKey”. Here are some examples of good names that our competitors have come up with:

  • Business youth;
  • TED Talks;
  • Brain explosion;
  • HSE Business Incubator;
  • BrainUP;
  • Biografum;
  • Corporation "I";
  • Ronum;
  • Success Diary;
  • Business.Strategy;
  • And here will be the name of our group;).

7 approaches to coming up with a name To make it easier for you to navigate all this, look at the list and select one or more approaches to come up with a name:

  1. Keywords. Just put one or two keywords in the title;
  2. Take a look at your competitors. Just remember that the name must be unique;
  3. Hire a namer.

Beautiful names for a VKontakte group

Although no one forbids calling it “The Psychology of Auto Repair.” Let's add subscribers to our social network! The influence of the title on the search results Many group owners who are familiar with SEO strive to add as many keywords as possible to the title in order to get to the top of the search results.

On VKontakte, when people search for groups and public pages, they enter monosyllabic queries: “kittens,” “humor,” “news,” and so on. And when a person enters the word “Humor”, he is given a list of groups sorted by popularity.

That is, first there will be those with the most subscribers. But that's not always the case. Look at the screenshot. The “Subtle Humor” public has fewer subscribers than the “Jokes | Humor | Anecdotes."

But the public is issued above. Even though groups usually rank better. This happens because the group name contains more keywords.

The best VKontakte groups: list

Another group or public page can be blocked if the name contains obscene language or calls for breaking the law. What will you name the boat... Now that you have been warned, I will say this - the name should be catchy.

There are several ways to get a person to click on a link. Anyone who has visited the Internet at least once knows them all - just disable the ad blocker and look at these cheap ads: Services for promoting VK, OK, Insta, FB, YouTube:

  • Likemania FAST! — increase likes/subscribers quickly, accurately and without kickback, but only for money.
  • VKtarget QUALITY! — free and paid increase of likes, subscribers, comments, votes, views.

IMPORTANT! Getting to the TOP of internal search on VKontakte is mainly influenced by the number of living members of your group. How to understand what search queries people enter in searches? In order to select keywords and find out what search queries people enter, use the Yandex word selection service - Wordstat. It reflects statistics on impressions of a user-specified word or phrase, as well as queries made by people who searched for it. I can say that this is a great tool and I use it all the time. Typical mistakes when choosing a name for a VKontakte group I would like to warn all owners of VKontakte communities against the temptation to fit their entire range and advantages into the name. There are also big fans of “decorating” the name with various stars, hearts and other symbols. This is not worth doing and now I will explain why.