Mixer      04/03/2019

Early spring protection of the garden from pests and diseases. Hazel (hazelnut, hazel)

Hazelnut, a nut-bearing plant, is a cultivated form of wild common hazel, which, according to archaeological research, was the main dish of our distant ancestors (after the last glaciation, even before the emergence of primitive communities). In the plant system, hazelnuts are classified as a separate genus “hazel” in the birch family (Betulaceae). Type species genus is Common Hazel (Corylus avellana L.). [contents h2 h3]

Distribution area

In a number of historical documents, the Black Sea coast is considered the birthplace of hazelnuts, as evidenced by the name of one of the types of hazelnuts, Corilys Pontica - translated into Russian from the Turkish-Greek combination of two definitions means “Black Sea nut” or “Pontian hazel”. Indeed, the culture of hazelnuts in the Caucasus along the Black Sea coast has been known since the 3rd-4th centuries BC, where it was grown by the Circassians. In the present plant system it is considered synonymous with common hazel. Officially, Greece is considered the birthplace of hazelnuts, from where the culture was spread to Asia Minor, and later throughout Europe, Asia and other continents.


The hazelnut genus includes about 20 species of perennial plants. Under natural conditions, shrubs do not exceed 4-5 m; in the form of trees they grow up to 10-12 m. Life expectancy at optimal conditions up to 100 years, of which approximately 70-85 years are during the fruiting period. The bushes are spreading. Based on their decorative characteristics, they are classified into the group of decorative deciduous trees and are widely used in landscape gardening.

The root system is palmate-rod. In the first years, the main axis of the system grows rapidly, and by the 4th-5th year its growth stops and the development of horizontal roots begins. They are fanned out around the main axis, covered with overgrown roots and serve as a good soil-protective barrier against erosion by water flows, heavy rains and other natural disasters. From the vegetative buds of the roots, suckers develop, which are used for propagation of the crop.

Botanical illustration of common hazel or hazelnut

The above-ground part is represented by numerous perennial shoots covered with brownish or ash-colored bark. gray, darkening over time with whitish lenticels. Young shoots are gray and pubescent. With age, the pubescence disappears.

The leaves are an elegant pure green color, slightly pinched, arranged on the stems in a double-row-alternate manner, which creates a beautiful leaf mosaic and at the same time allows for maximum use of sunlight necessary for crop formation. In the shade, hazelnuts do not bloom and do not form fruits. The leaves are simple with a rounded leaf blade that ends in a short point. The leaf margins are serrated and double-toothed on short petioles.

Hazel, female and male flowers

Hazelnut plants are monoecious. Male and female flowers are located on the same plant, but in different inflorescences. The male flowers are inconspicuous greenish-brown, collected in drooping catkins. The male inflorescence begins its development at the beginning of summer and by autumn it fully matures and goes into winter in the form of short earrings. The flower itself in the earring consists of 4 stamens, covered with 3 scales, to which they are attached by a short stamen filament. Earrings bloom in early spring before the leaves appear. Earrings are arranged in groups of 1-2, but can be collected in brushes of 5-8 pieces. With the onset of warm weather (March, April) within +12..+15 °C, the catkins begin to gather dust, scattering pollen around and inside the bush.

Hazelnut, hazelnut

Female flowers appear in spring. Usually located in the axils of the covering scales on last year's growth (usually at its ends). Individual flowers are collected in a capitate inflorescence. During flowering, the ovary grows greatly, the stigma of the pistil turns red and protrudes from under the covering scales. The result is a pot-bellied bud with a furry stigma. The larger the stigmas, the more nuts there will be in the fruit. With successful pollination (there is wind, positive temperature, no rain or damp weather), 3-5-6 fruits are formed in the infructescence.

Female hazel flowers

The hazelnut fruit is a nut, located in the middle of two fused green bracts, which are called plus. In one infructescence, from 3 to 5-6 pluses with nuts develop. The nut is rounded and elongated with a pointed beak, covered with a dense light brown shell.

The fruits ripen at the end of September - the first half of October. It is necessary to harvest only when fully ripe. There is one seed, covered with a thin creamy skin, exquisite taste, with a subtle nutty aroma. Nuts are highly transportable, stored under normal conditions for 1 year, and in the refrigerator for 3-4 years, without losing their taste and biological qualities.

Male hazel inflorescence

Varieties for summer cottages

Breeders have developed many varieties of hazelnuts, differing in their quality and vital indicators for cultivation in industrial quantities - Krasny, Moskovsky Rubin, Sakharisty, Pushkinsky, Academician Yablokov and others. For growing at home in small country houses and suburban areas amateur gardeners can offer varieties Vera, Nina, Nellya, Miracle of Vsesvyatsky, Memory of Khomyakov.

Photo gallery of species


Hazelnut seedlings are so unpretentious that when separated from the mother plant they can be immediately planted permanent place. Moreover, both spring (April-May) and autumn planting(October 1-10). The condition for 100% survival is that the soil is sufficiently warmed up (in spring) or not cooled down (in autumn). Hazelnuts are cross-pollinated plants, so it is better to plant 2-3 bushes on the site different varieties at a distance of at least 3.0-3.5 m.

Hazelnut seedlings with a well-developed root system


Hazelnuts are unpretentious to soil. Infertile, heavy soils are usually improved by adding organic matter, raising agents and mineral fertilizers. Cooking landing hole 10-15 days before planting seedlings. The dimensions of the pit must be at least 50x50x50 cm. The top layer of soil is mixed with sand and humus for loosening and mineral fertilizers, preferably nitroammophoska, are added in an amount of 150-200 g per planting hole. Fill the bottom of the hole with 1/3 of the soil mixture and drive a support for the seedling into the center.

Before planting, the seedling is inspected, excess crooked branches are cut off, the roots are slightly shortened, dipped in a clay-humus mash with roots for better development and transferred to a hole. The roots of the seedling are spread over the mound and covered with the next portion of the soil mixture. Pour out 0.5 buckets warm water. After moisture is absorbed, the remaining soil is added so that after compaction, the root zone adjacent to the root collar is 2-4 cm deep in the soil, and the root collar itself is not covered with soil. This is necessary for better growth of the root system and branching of the above-ground mass.

Hazelnut (Hazel). Infertility

Having finished planting, cut off the above-ground shoots 25-30 cm above the soil level. A roll of soil is formed around the seedling and 1-3 buckets of water are poured. After it is absorbed, trunk circle mulch without affecting the bush trunk. A wet area under the mulch can cause the bark to swell and cause fungal diseases of the upper roots of hazelnuts. After 3-5 days, watering is repeated and mulched again. This is necessary for better connection of the fresh soil coma with the rest of the earth.

Hazelnuts - germination


In addition to pruning, caring for hazelnuts involves removing weeds and keeping the soil loose. Watering is necessary to keep the soil moist. Drying out the soil causes small fruits and shedding of fruits and leaves. Fertilizing can be done every other year with a one-time organic-mineral mixture or alternating the application of organic matter and mineral fertilizers in early spring.

Growing hazelnuts in the garden

Shaping and trimming

When grown in the country, the above-ground part of hazelnut plants can be formed in the form of a tree or shrub.

Shaped like a tree

When forming into a tree shape, two seedlings are planted together. At the age of 2-3 years, one (weaker) is removed, at the second, everything is cut into a ring side shoots at a level of 30-40 cm from the soil. This is the standard of the future tree. All wound sites must be disinfected. On the central stem, 5-7 lateral branches of the first order are left in the shape of an umbrella (bowl) or two tiers of 3 cup-shaped skeletal shoots. The distance between tiers is 15-20 cm.

When forming a bowl, the skeletal branches are 3-5 cm apart from each other (almost at the same level). From the side shoots of the first order, branches of the 2nd order are formed. First, for 4-5 years, the central conductors (skeletal-forming branches) are shortened by ½, where the last bud should face outward. The height of the tree is arbitrary, most convenient for the owner (2.0-3.0 m). Growth in height is stopped by trimming the previous growth. The side branches are also cut to the height of the central shoot.

Hazelnut tree shape

Male and female flowers are arranged on the previous year's growth. Therefore, on a formed tree, only the lateral old and thickening shoots and branches are removed. The crown must be maintained in a sparse state, for which thinning pruning is systematically carried out and at the same time all unnecessary basal shoots are removed.

Bush shaped

The bush form of hazelnuts is much easier and faster to form. Formation comes down to maintaining the main 6-8-12 shoots in the bush, increasing their number annually by 1-2 shoots. Starting at 8 summer age, annually cut out 1-2 old shoots from the bush that are beginning to dry out, replacing them with an equal amount of young root shoots. Cuts of old branches are carried out almost at soil level in early spring, and in the fall all unnecessary branches are removed. Over 20-25 years, the bush undergoes a cycle of complete rejuvenation.

Annual formative pruning of hazelnuts in the form of a bush (lightening)

Radical rejuvenation can be carried out. Why, without touching the root system, cut out the entire above-ground part and, with the beginning of spring, begin the formation of the above-ground part from the growing shoots. When carrying out annual pruning, it must be taken into account that the vast majority of female flowers are located at the ends of overgrowing branches that appear annually on skeletal trunks and shoots. That's why annual pruning carried out only for sanitary purposes:

  • from the overgrowing ones, only crooked, shading, dried branches are removed,
  • of the more developed ones, only branches that greatly thicken the crown,
  • root shoots for the purpose of thinning the base of a bush or tree trunk.


Hazelnuts are propagated by sowing seeds (nuts) and vegetatively by root suckers (the harvest is formed in the 3-4th year) and layering (the first harvest is formed in the 6th year). New varieties can be propagated by split grafting. Budding and copulations do not take root.

Hazel. Ripe hazelnut fruit

What are the benefits of hazelnuts?

It is not for nothing that hazelnuts are considered the first product that helped our ancestors survive after the last glaciation. According to the results of chemical analyses, the composition of hazel fruits contains half of the table of D.I. Mendeleev, including such elements necessary for humans as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, sodium, cobalt and others. Moreover, the content of potassium, phosphorus and calcium is 653.3 mg, 354.0 and 160.0 mg/100 g of product, respectively.

Hazelnuts contain vitamins B, E, C, A, more than 62 g/100 g of fat, about 18 g and 20 g of carbohydrates and proteins, respectively, and all 20 amino acids. The combination of natural components has not only energy, but also healing value. When used as food, nuts do not cause weight gain due to fat accumulation. Hazelnuts are used for varicose veins, phlebitis, trophic ulcers, anemia and diseases of the cardiovascular system. The nuts contain the chemical compound paclitaxel, which forms the basis of the anti-cancer drug TAXOL.

Most people love nuts and include them in their diet, which, due to the high content of various nutrients, microelements and vitamins, is no wonder. The most popular, along with other types of nuts, are hazelnuts and hazel, the difference between them is insignificant and sometimes not detectable by people. These nuts are not only tasty and nutritious, but also extremely beneficial for the human body. In this regard, it is especially pleasant and noteworthy that their population on the territory of our state is quite large. Moreover, you can grow them yourself on your own plot. However, first of all, you need to understand: hazelnuts and hazel are something that undoubtedly deserve your attention, so the question “What is the difference between hazelnuts and hazel?” quite relevant today.

Hazel (hazelnut): description of hazel

Hazelnut is wild plant and already based on its second name (“hazelnut”) it becomes clear that hazel is a shrub with fruits and nuts, growing in deep forests.

Did you know? Hazel got its name due to the peculiar shape of the leaf of the bush, similar to bream fish.

Common hazel has the following description:

  • This hazelnut is multi-stemmed perennial shrub, reaching up to 7 meters in height and up to 4 meters in crown diameter. The shoots of the bush are most often drooping, and the leaves are up to 12 centimeters in length. Flowering represents the appearance of catkins and begins long before the leaves appear.
  • Hazel, the fruit of which is light brown in color and correct form ball with a diameter of up to 1.5-2 centimeters, can bear fruit with single nuts and crowded fruits of up to 5 pieces. The nuts are hidden in a kind of wrapper, consisting of two large leaves of a bush. Hazel ripening occurs in early autumn and is accompanied by fruit falling.

Important! The shrub belongs to perennial plants and bears fruit for many years. However, during the period when hazel blooms, in some years there is a decrease in the number of nuts. It is noteworthy that the variability of yield is a feature of the bush, and does not at all indicate its disease.

Thanks to many years of work by specialists and experienced gardeners, it has become possible to independently grow hazel on garden plots, however, this procedure is a rather labor-intensive process, which often does not give the proper, expected result. The fruitfulness of the bush depends on several factors, among which the most important is where exactly the hazel grows. When planting, it is necessary to take into account that this nut requires sufficient natural light and free space around the seedling (no other plants should be planted within a radius of 2 meters from the place where the bush is planted).

Did you know?Thanks to the great content useful substances, hazelnut, in one form or another, (yard, shoots, roots, shell, etc.) is used in traditional and folk medicine, as well as cosmetology and cooking. For many years, the effectiveness of using hazel remains undeniable, which is why the popularity of the plant not only does not fall, but also grows every year.

Description of hazelnuts

Hazelnut is a fruitful hazel bush belonging to the Hazel genus. At its core, hazelnuts are a cultivated analogue of hazelnuts. Thanks to human intervention, during the process of cultivation, hazelnuts became more hardened and adapted to the growing conditions in our region. Thus, the yield of a hazelnut bush is higher than that of a wild hazelnut, and the fruits are larger and more nutritious. It is noteworthy that the flowering of hazelnuts is identical to the flowering of hazel, that is, it is characterized by the appearance of catkins in late spring or early summer (depending on the type of walnut bush). In view of this, the question of how hazelnuts bloom often simply does not arise among hazel lovers and connoisseurs.

Important! Thanks to the cultivation of hazelnuts, the bush has become more resistant to a number of factors and diseases, which is why fertilizers and chemicals are rarely used in the process of growing hazelnuts.

It is also important to note where and how hazelnuts grow. As noted, hazelnuts are a more resistant, strong shrub, adapted for independent cultivation. Thanks to this, the specified hazel can be planted in almost any soil. A powerful root system provides the bush with adequate nutrition, which is why planting can be done without adding fertilizers, and the frequency of watering is reduced to 3-4 times a year.

Important! Harvesting hazelnuts must be done only after the nut has fully ripened, that is, after it has fallen off. Unripe fruits lose their taste and beneficial features.

Hazel and hazelnut: what's the difference?

Despite the long-term popularity of hazel and hazelnuts, quite often people are unanimous in the opinion that these plants do not have any differences, but the difference, although not significant, is still there. So, hazel and hazelnut, what’s the difference? First of all, it should be noted that hazel and hazelnuts are nut trees. But what is hazel and what does hazel look like? Hazel is a fruit-bearing shrub whose fruits are edible nuts.

Typically the plant can reach 5 meters in height. The most popular and well-known nuts are hazelnuts and hazelnuts, the differences between which are explained below. It is worth paying attention to the fact that hazel and hazelnut are varieties of the same fruit-bearing shrub. Their main difference, causing the difference in nuts, is where the hazelnuts grow and where the hazels grow. As mentioned earlier, hazelnuts are a type of hazelnut, that is, hazel, however, they are a cultivated and not a wild shrub. At its core, hazelnuts are an artificially bred hybrid of the hazelnut bush.

Important! In the process of breeding hazelnuts, several varieties of hazelnuts were crossed, due to which hazelnuts are larger in size and also contain more useful microelements and substances, proteins and fat.

In addition to the differences between the nuts of these shrubs, experienced gardener will certainly be able to note differences in the structure of the shrub itself, which also determine the durability of the plant. Thus, hazelnuts have a stronger and more massive root system, which guarantees a full supply of all the necessary components contained in the soil. It should also be noted that in the process of cultivation, hazelnuts have become more resistant to a number of diseases, which is why its fruitfulness increases under any growing conditions.

In our country, hazel fruits have been eaten since ancient times. They went to the forest for nuts, collected, prepared and replanted walnut trees and bushes closer to home. Domesticated hazel began to be called. The first mentions of hazelnuts (hazel) are found in the records of the ancient Romans and Greeks. It is believed that they were the first to cultivate this wonderful plant. Scientists believe that hazel was the main plant, the fruits of which saved our ancestors from hunger ten thousand years ago at the end of the Ice Age.

The optimal scheme for planting seedlings is 6 x 6 m or 5 x 5 m; if there is a shortage of space, you can plant 2 x 5 m, 3 x 5 m. It is important to remember that the more space a tree has, the better it grows and bears fruit.

Half a month before planting, prepare a hole half a meter deep and half a meter in diameter, fill it with the mixture:

  • The soil ( upper layer)
  • Humus – 2-3 buckets or manure – 5-8 kg
  • Superphosphate – 150 grams
  • Potassium salt – 50 grams
  • Mycorrhiza – 2-3 handfuls to a depth of 15cm.

Place a peg in the center of the hole and place it next to it. Before planting, the hazelnut roots need to be straightened and dipped into a mash solution (a mixture of earth and water). Deepen the level of the root collar by 3 cm, but the neck itself cannot be covered with soil. Trim the seedling after the fifth or sixth bud, leaving about 25 centimeters in height.

Regardless of weather conditions, seedlings must be watered at the rate of 4 buckets of water for each tree and the soil must be mulched with any suitable material(, needles, humus, etc.). After a week, repeat watering.

In summer it is recommended to fertilize with ash. Nitrogen fertilizers reduce the yield of hazelnuts, although they make the bush lush and beautiful, so it is better not to use them when feeding the nut.

To get a good one, it is important to do the formation of the bush correctly. In the first three years, the root system develops better; after this time, increased growth of shoots begins, from which trunks are formed. From the second or third year you need to carry out the bush procedure. Select 5-8 of the strongest shoots from which the crown of the bush will be formed, cut the rest at the root. Only young shoots of hazelnuts are left, and unproductive shoots are removed.

Branches should be trimmed at the base of the bush.

In the 11th year of nut growth, before the leaves begin to bloom, rejuvenate the tree: trim three old trunks and shorten the young ones. Hazelnuts can grow in one place for more than a hundred years. There is no need to cover hazelnuts for the winter; they are quite frost-resistant.

Tree diseases and pests

Hazelnuts are resistant to and, but branches can still be treated for prevention iron sulfate. This should be done in late October and early spring.

Control of pests and tree diseases:

  • For hazelnuts, the greatest danger is the cockchafer, whose larvae love to feast on the roots of the tree. If cockchafer larvae are found in numbers of more than two per 1 square meter, the pest must be destroyed before planting.
  • The nut weevil can destroy up to 50% of the crop. In the spring, before the beetles appear, add granular 10% Bazudin to the soil at the rate of 2.5 grams per 1 square meter. meter. After the beetles appear, the trees are sprayed with Karbofos 0.06 grams per 1 square meter. Collect and destroy prematurely fallen nuts. In the morning, brush the beetles onto cloths spread on the ground.
  • The hazelnut beetle likes to lay eggs under the bark of young shoots; the beetle larvae gnaw out the core of the shoots, as a result of which they dry out. All dried branches need to be 15 cm below the dried area and then burned. In mid-May, spray the plants with 1% Karbofos.

To prevent hazelnuts from becoming infected with diseases and pests, it is necessary to remove and burn fallen leaves in the fall, and then dig up the ground under the bushes of the plant.

In this way it is destroyed, it tolerates winter well on fallen leaves, and weevil larvae. In summer, regularly collect and destroy affected fruits. proper care Hazelnuts are practically not susceptible to diseases and pests.

More information can be found in the video.

Most often, hazel is classified as a genus of shrubs, but there are representatives that grow to the size of a tall tree. In the wild, the plant forms a dense undergrowth and is known as common hazel (Corylus avellana). The description of the shape of the leaves, similar to bream, formed the basis for the name of this plant.

Where does hazel grow and what does it look like?

Despite the fact that Asia Minor is considered the birthplace of hazel, it is widespread in America, Canada, the Caucasus and central Europe. In its wild form, this shrub is called hazelnut and grows in the Perm region and the Southern Urals.

Hazel belongs to the Hazel family. The leaf blades are large and jagged along the edges, which turn red in autumn. The brown bark of the shrub has transverse stripes, and the powerful rhizome penetrates the soil to great depths.

Hazel blooms in early spring, before the leaves begin to bloom. Then long earrings are formed (from 5 to 7 cm). At the end of the summer period, the fruit ripens - an oval nut, which is located in a green plus.

Medicinal properties of hazel bark and leaves

Since ancient times, the plant has been used in folk and traditional treatment. All parts of the hazel contain a set of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, easily digestible proteins and fats necessary for the human body during the recovery period or as a prophylactic agent.

The leaves contain the following components:

  • glycoside myricitroside;
  • essential oils;
  • acids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • sucrose.

How a hazel tree blooms (video)

A drink made from leaves helps maintain immunity and has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and vasodilating properties. They can be brewed in medicinal preparations or together with regular tea.

The use of infusions from the bark and leaves has a positive effect in the fight against varicose veins, urolithiasis and inflammation of the prostate gland.

Composition and benefits of hazel fruits

In addition to high nutritional and energy value, hazel fruits are rich in minerals and vitamins, as well as fats that form its bulk, proteins and amino acids that protect the circulatory system.

The fruits of the beloved hazel tree are especially useful for a growing child's body, but they will not interfere with maintaining strength and health for older people. In addition, eating hazelnuts helps cleanse the body, freeing it from toxins.

Nuts are actively used in cooking for preparing many dishes and baking. But despite the enormous benefits of the plant, in order to avoid allergic reactions it is necessary to observe moderation in its use.

The use of common hazel in folk medicine

The content of beneficial components in the plant allows it to be used in home therapy, including herbs and fruits. A decoction of the bark is used for pathologies of the circulatory system. An infusion is prepared from the leaves, and the seeds are ground with water or egg white. Since the seeds have a wonderful taste, they can be eaten both raw and lightly fried.

To prepare the decoction, you need to grind dry leaves and bark, pour 300 ml of boiling water and place in a water bath. After a third of an hour, remove the solution and strain. A decoction can be prepared only from the bark without adding leaves. Take 100 ml twice a day for diseases of the liver, kidneys, hypertension and diarrhea.

The infusion is prepared as follows: pour 2 tbsp. spoons 500 ml of boiling water in a well-closed container. The next day, strain the mixture. The bark can be replaced with leaves. For this, 3 tbsp. spoons of fresh raw materials should be poured with a glass of vodka, left for 15 days in a warm place and strained. The infusion is useful for intestinal diseases, anemia, vitamin deficiencies and pathologies of the circulatory system. You need to drink 50 ml before meals.

To prepare a decoction of pluska, you should brew 20 grams. dry raw materials with water (200 ml), boil for 15 minutes and filter after 2 hours. Use for diarrhea.

To combat fever, urolithiasis and colitis, you need to mix crushed nut kernels with water in equal proportions. Drink 50 ml three times a day.

Features of growing hazel (video)

Collection, preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

In home therapy, all above-ground parts of the bush are used. It is recommended to collect young leaves in May and dry them open place well protected from direct sunlight (under a canopy, in the attic).

Hazel bark should be harvested in spring or autumn, and dry in the same way as the leaves. After the fruits ripen (September - October), they are collected and placed in a special dryer, where they can dry at a temperature of 60 - 70 degrees. The shelf life of leaves and fruits is 1 year, and the bark is 2 years.

Growing hazel in a summer cottage

Hazel grows not only in the wild, but also in summer cottages. In addition, it does not cause much trouble when growing. It’s not for nothing that Italians compare it to a plant for the lazy. Depending on the variety, hazel can reach up to 2–5 m in height. Using pruning, the owner shapes the bush at will.

Choosing a place in the garden and planting features

The bush prefers space and good lighting, therefore it is recommended to choose an appropriate place for planting it. The soil composition can be anything, but not very saline. Also, the plant does not like sandy or marshy soil. It is advisable to plant the shrub in neutral or loose and slightly acidic soil.

To avoid the death of the plant, Experts advise following several rules when breeding it:

  • The most best time for planting: autumn and early spring.
  • It is important to leave a gap between seedlings of at least 5 m, since shrubs do not require further replanting for 50 - 60 years.
  • When planting bushes in rows, the distance between each row should be at least 5–6 m.
  • In order for a hazel tree to bear fruit, it is necessary to plant at least three seedlings, since they do not produce fruit alone.

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare recesses measuring 70x70 cm, and do this in advance, no later than 1.5 months before planting. Then add fertilizer: a mixture of superphosphate and humus.

The root system of seedlings should be treated with manure-clay mash and each bush should be placed in a hole prepared for it so that the root collar does not rise above ground level more than 3 cm. Then water each bush with water (1 bucket each) and mulch with dry sawdust , peat or grass. The finished seedling must be cut at a distance of 20 cm from the ground and tied to a support peg.

General rules for caring for hazel trees in the garden

To get a good harvest, bush requires easy care which includes:

  • Watering. It is especially important to monitor the condition of the soil during dry periods, otherwise the plant may die. The amount of water depends on the age of the hazel tree, but it should be borne in mind that it does not tolerate waterlogging. During active growth fruits, you can increase the amount of watering.
  • Feeding. If seedlings grow in soil rich in microelements, a small amount of nitrogen fertilizers should be used. It is recommended to use organic matter, such as slurry. Before the growing season, it is necessary to feed the tree with phosphorus and potassium, and during the period of ovary growth with urea. It will come in handy in the fall wood ash.
  • Mulching. To avoid rapid drying out of the soil, it is necessary to update the mulch.
  • Loosening. When removing weeds, you should loosen the top layer of soil, trying not to damage the root system of young seedlings.
  • Shelter for the winter. The hazel tree can be protected in two ways: covered with spunbond or bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches. Adult plants do not need to be covered.

Useful properties of hazel (video)

In order to promote a bountiful harvest and protect the crop from diseases, it is necessary to prune the plant in a timely manner.

After the plush turns brown, harvesting begins. Typically this period occurs at the beginning of autumn. Ripe fruits fall off on their own. They must be collected and dried thoroughly for 2 to 3 weeks. Poor drying can cause the nuts to become moldy. The finished product can be stored for 2 years without losing its taste and beneficial properties.

Hazelnut, hazel or hazel is a plant familiar to many, found in the wild, used in landscaping, and also due to its tasty and healthy nuts has long gained popularity as a garden crop.

Representatives of the genus, which unites about two dozen species of deciduous shrubs and trees, can be seen in different parts North America, Asia and Europe. Despite the difference in size and range, all varieties have much in common. First of all, this concerns the external appearance of hazel leaves, the structure of its flowers, fruits, the characteristics of its flowering and reproduction.

Description of the hazel plant

The genus Corylus is dominated by large shrubs formed by numerous shoots and reaching a height of 3–10 meters. The exception is the tree-like hazel, which is not prone to the appearance of root shoots and over time turns into a powerful, long-lived tree up to 20 meters high.

Hazel of any type is easily recognized by its broadly oval or almost rounded leaves with a serrated edge and clearly visible venation. They are supported by short, dense petioles and densely cover long, twig-like branches.

Hazel flowers are divided into male and female. The appearance of earrings male flowers considered the beginning of general spring flowering. Fertilization of female flowers occurs due to the dispersal of pollen and the first insects. From 1 to 5 ovaries are formed in inflorescences. The hazel fruit ripening inside a hard woody shell is called a nut.

A characteristic feature of the culture is the presence of a kind of wrapper around the ovary. The helmet-shaped plus, or korys in Greek, is formed from a modified bract. As the fruit ripens, it dries and reveals a silver-brown or brownish nut shell.

Hazel cultivation

The excellent taste of hazelnuts or hazelnuts, their high nutritional value and benefits were appreciated by our ancestors several thousand years ago. For many centuries, Europeans collected the fruits of hazel, which grew in abundance in deciduous forests. The first cultural plantings, as evidenced by written sources, could have been located on the territory of the modern Balkans, the Mediterranean south of Europe, or on the Black Sea coast. Thus, nuts were grown in the Caucasus 6 thousand years ago, and their often used name “hazelnut” is of Turkish origin.

Varieties of southern origin are distinguished by large fruits and excellent quality of nuts.

But in the northern regions, where winters are more severe than in Turkey, Italy or Azerbaijan, plants run the risk of dying or producing a meager harvest. Therefore, hazel selection is an important task for domestic specialists, the first of whom was I.V. Michurin.

Common hazel (C. avellana)

The species, named after the Italian region of Avellano, the oldest center of crop cultivation in Europe, is one of the most common. The natural range of common hazel or true hazelnut covers the west of the European continent, as well as a significant part of Russia from the Leningrad region in the north to the Crimea and the Caucasus in the south.

The common hazel bush has adapted well to life in forest ash, forest-steppe and even steppe regions.

Mature plants can reach a height of about 5 meters and favorable conditions, grow well, forming dense, difficult-to-pass thickets. The common hazel shown in the photo feels especially comfortable under the canopy of a deciduous forest. Here are the plants:

  • protected from frost;
  • get enough nutrition and moisture;
  • but due to poor distribution of pollen, they do not bear fruit in full force or do not form an ovary at all.

The species is actively used by humans. Due to its durability, unpretentiousness and winter hardiness, hazel is used in breeding. Today, more than 20 varieties of productive hazel have become widespread in Russia, producing hazelnuts of excellent quality, and several interesting decorative forms that will rightfully decorate both the garden and the urban landscape.

Decorative forms of hazel

Obtaining nuts is not the only purpose of hazel. Widely used decorative forms plants that differ from the wild ancestor in the color of the leaves, the shape of the crown and individual shoots.

The most popular is red-leaved hazel. The shrub differs little from an ordinary plant, but its foliage has a distinct reddish tint. At the same time, on young leaf blades the redness is much brighter than at the base of the shoots, and in the shade more and more green tones appear in the color. A special feature of the hazel C. avellana Atropurpurea is the anthocyanin coloring of not only the leaves, but also the pluses around the ovaries.

Many Russian hazelnut varieties also have reddish foliage, which gives additional expressiveness to the plantings.

In addition to hazel purpurea, other varieties can be seen in Russian gardens. An example would be variegated forms:

  • Albovariegata, distinguished by leaves on which a light green or almost white stripe along the edge is clearly visible;
  • Aurea, the color of the foliage and the entire crown of which is dominated by yellow and golden-green tones;
  • Aureomarginata, in which the golden color affects only the edge of the leaf blade and forms a kind of border.

At the disposal of landscape designers and everyone who is not indifferent to unusual plants, there are forms of hazel with dissected, serrated, pinnate and even inverted foliage.

Hazel is of undoubted interest:

  • weeping or C. pendula growing in the form standard tree with drooping branches;
  • twisted or C. contorta, all shoots of which are intricately twisted, and the rotating speed is several times lower than that of ordinary plants.

Large hazel (C. maxima)

The species from which the cultural cultivation of hazelnuts began is called large hazel. Since ancient times, the plant, as a source of nutritious and very tasty nuts, has been cultivated in the Balkans, Italy, Turkey, the Caucasus and Crimea. By the name of the Italian region of Lombardy, the species began to be called the Lombard nut, and the peoples of the Black Sea region knew it as the Pontic nut.

Like other species, this crop is demanding on the soil. Where hazel grows:

  • the soil is saturated with nutrients in advance;
  • take care of regular watering and aeration;
  • Fertilizers are regularly used, which are especially important for obtaining a stable and full-bodied harvest.

The crop that produces the highest quality hazelnuts or hazelnuts is easily distinguished by its large, multi-stemmed bushes reaching a height of 10 meters.

Double-toothed, oval or almost round leaves the plants below are noticeably pubescent. Venation is clearly visible on the leaf blades, and young foliage is often distinguished by its rich anthocyanin color. Long jagged pluses that completely hide the nut are also reddish.

Tree hazel (C. colurna)

Hazel, which does not look like a bush that is familiar to many, but a tall tree, is called tree-like. The species, characteristic of Asia Minor, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, as well as the Balkan Peninsula, along with the Pontic walnut, is one of the most ancient crops that have interested people in their fruits.

Tree hazel has long been grown in Turkey, but today it has given way to its bush counterparts that are more productive and easier to cultivate.

Trees that live to be two hundred years old are increasingly finding a place in landscaping. Plants that are popularly called bear nut can be recognized thanks to:

  • slender trunks covered with grayish bark;
  • a crown that looks like a wide candle or cone;
  • dark jagged foliage;
  • fruits collected in 3-8 pieces, hidden in a velvety, heavily dissected plus.

Hazelnuts of this type are not just edible, but very tasty. They ripen at the end of summer or in the first half of September. In Russia, tree hazel is capable of bearing fruit only in the southernmost regions, in middle lane the crop is used as a decorative one.

Variegated hazel (C. heterophylla)

The Asian variety is common where the range of common hazel ends. Variegated hazel, named because of the characteristic shape of the leaf blades, can be found in the Far East, the Chita region, China, Mongolia, as well as on the Korean Peninsula and even on the Japanese Islands.

Like its species, this species prefers dry slopes, on which it readily grows, broad-leaved mixed forests and oak groves. Bush:

  • distinguished by a wide-rounded crown, consisting of several trunks with a diameter of up to 10 cm;
  • reaches a height of 3 meters;
  • in favorable conditions, it forms dense thickets that prevent the growth of other species characteristic of the undergrowth.

A distinctive feature of variegated hazel is leaf blades with a small pointed tip and a seemingly cut off upper part.

The species is also characterized by early flowering and fruiting. The ovary is surrounded by a two-part, pubescent plus, shaped like a bell. Ripe hazel nuts reach a diameter of 15 mm. The kernel is hidden under a durable grayish shell.

The plant is incredibly hardy, tolerates drought better than other species and is not afraid of frost. This makes it possible to grow hazel in Siberia, use it to strengthen the slopes of ravines, and plant it where there is a danger of wind erosion.

The main thing is that the place where the shrub will grow is protected from flooding and stagnation of melt or rain water.

In the conditions of a personal plot, hazel has proven its unpretentiousness and flexible disposition. It is light-loving, but can also grow in partial shade; the thickened crown can be easily tidied up with the help of pruners, and with proper care, the bushes live and bear fruit for several decades.

Manchurian hazel (C. sieboldiana var. mandshurica)

In Russian Far East, Manchurian hazel grows in Korea and northern China. This variety is different from the plants described above unusual shape pluses. Forming a long, dense tube that hides the nut, it grows up to 6 cm.

The shoots, forming a shrub up to 4 meters high, are covered with brownish-gray bark, smooth on young branches and covered with cracks on perennial wood. The species is characterized by large soft foliage. The ovary, formed after May flowering, is collected together in 3–4 pieces. The nuts that ripen in the first half of autumn have an oblong, pointed shape. The kernels are covered with a thin shell and are edible, but obtaining nuts is difficult due to the bristly plus.

The plant is not afraid of frost. Therefore, with the right place for planting hazel in Siberia and care, the crop can be used as a nut-bearing and ornamental plant.

How to grow hazel

Hazelnut is an undemanding crop that even novice gardeners can take care of. Preparation for planting and caring for common hazel begins with choosing a suitable location.

Hazel loves light, but can also grow in the shade. But if the foliage of the seedling is red, it will look brighter in the sun. In the shade, such plants gradually lose their attractiveness and turn green. Foliage with white or yellow color, under straight sunlight burns out, and here it is necessary to take care of protection during the hottest hours.

In the wild, shrubs live in deciduous forests with loose soil rich in humus. At the same time, the root system of the plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture, and drought quickly provokes wilting of the foliage and loss of the harvest.

In spring, the plant wakes up early, and moving it to a new place can cause long-term acclimatization. Therefore, the best time to plant hazel is autumn.

Pits measuring at least 50x60 cm are prepared in advance. If you have to grow hazel and care for several specimens at once, leave about 4–5 meters of free space between them. For rapid rooting and active growth, a mixture is prepared for backfilling based on:

  • fertile soil;
  • 10 kg of high-quality humus;
  • 200 g superphosphate;
  • 50 g of potash fertilizers.

The composition is laid out on the bottom in the shape of a cone, on which the roots of the bush are carefully laid out so that the root collar is at ground level. Once the hole is filled, the soil is compacted, watered generously, and then mulched to preserve optimal humidity soil.

How to grow hazel, which not only decorates the plot, but also regularly delights with delicious nuts. Experts advise selecting varieties according to flowering time, and also taking into account the possibility of wind pollination.

Crop care includes:

  • watering, which is extremely necessary during the ripening period of nuts;
  • feeding in early spring and at the time of ovary formation;
  • pruning carried out to form the crown, rejuvenate or maintain a healthy state.

In regions with harsh winters young shrubs may freeze. They are advised to bend them in the ground and cover them. Pruning hazel in the spring allows you to free the plant from broken, frozen or dried branches. In addition, a simple procedure will help to correctly form the crown and give access to the sun to each fruit-bearing branch.

To do this, 8–10 strong shoots are left in each bush, and the rest, trying to free the center, are removed at ground level. For hazel, it is possible to grow on a trellis, as well as form a standard plant.

In order not to weaken the bush, excess root shoots are cut out annually. This is especially important on grafted specimens.

Hazel: beneficial properties and contraindications

The main treasure of the plant are nuts. This is a real storehouse of vitamins, healthy fats, proteins and minerals.

About 65% of the kernel's weight comes from essential fatty acids. Among the micro- and macroelements there are magnesium, potassium and calcium, phosphorus and sulfur, zinc, manganese, fluorine. Vitamins are represented by group B, ascorbic acid, A, E and PP. The calorie content of 100 grams of fruit is 700 kcal.

The rich composition and high energy value of the product determines the beneficial properties of hazel and contraindications that should be taken into account when consuming delicious nuts.

What are the benefits of hazelnuts? Rich in healthy fats, magnesium and potassium, nuts are a valuable product for the prevention and treatment of heart and vascular diseases, especially:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemic disease;
  • cerebral vascular sclerosis;
  • myocardial infarction.

The natural remedy not only stimulates the heart muscle, but also strengthens blood vessels and improves blood quality. In addition, hazel nuts are good for the nervous and digestive systems, they stimulate the gallbladder, improve metabolism and resist the aging process of the body.

Thanks to the mass of vitamins, proteins and fatty acids, hazel fruits are indispensable in the diet of vegetarians, and people with lactose intolerance can replace cow's milk tasty and healthy nutty. The low sugar content ensures that hazelnut dessert will not affect the health of a diabetic or cause weight gain for someone trying to lose weight.

When talking about the benefits of common hazel, we must not forget about the leaves, bark, plus and other parts of the plant. All of them contain biologically active substances that give plant raw materials astringent, antipyretic, vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, and restorative properties. Infusions and herds based on hazel are prescribed for digestive problems, vascular diseases, genitourinary diseases and helminthic infestations.

Walnut oil has a wound-healing effect. It helps to quickly relieve irritation, reduce pain and accelerate tissue regeneration. Milk from crushed kernels is a proven folk remedy for the treatment of gastritis, cholecystitis and enterocolitis, as well as other problems accompanied by spasms, irritation and pain.

Secrets of growing nuts - video