Well      08/26/2020

What are the dangers of ureaplasma in pregnant women? Ureaplasma during pregnancy: principles of treatment and possible complications for the mother and her baby. When the disease is considered cured

During pregnancy planning, every woman is recommended to undergo a full examination to exclude the development of diseases dangerous for the expectant mother and her child. If this recommendation is neglected, then it is worth considering that ureaplasmosis during pregnancy carries the risk of miscarriage, as well as the formation of disturbances in the development of the fetus. This pathology can also be dangerous due to the development of other complications.

Ureaplasma is a little-studied microorganism, so information about its effect on a child developing in the womb of an infected mother is limited. is conditional. This is due to the fact that such data is based on diagnostic statistics of babies born to an infected mother.

In some cases, the birth of absolutely healthy babies was recorded with their mother diagnosed with ureaplasmosis. However, most often children are born with some kind of disorder.

One of the main dangers this pathology poses is miscarriage. It occurs due to the fact that ureaplasmas, in the course of their life activity, significantly deteriorate the structure of the genital tract, loosening and making their mucous membranes thinner, as well as the muscular frame of the genitourinary apparatus. This effect of microorganisms on the female body contributes to the development of diseases of the cervix, weakening of its muscles, and this provokes the early opening of the uterine canal, resulting in a miscarriage or premature birth. It is worth considering that a miscarriage (on early stages pregnancy) or premature birth (in the 3rd trimester) is a problem caused by ureaplasma in most women.

Ureaplasmosis also carries an indirect risk to the baby’s life. Due to childbirth early stages babies are born underdeveloped, many of them are diagnosed with an insufficiently formed respiratory system.

In such a situation, the baby requires urgent help from a competent resuscitator, otherwise the baby may develop brain disorders.

Possible complications in the child

According to statistics, most babies born to an infected woman have the following complications:

  • too low birth weight;
  • meningitis;
  • development of fetal hypoxia;
  • congenital pneumonia;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • neonatal pneumonia, which develops in the first months of a baby’s life;
  • sepsis;
  • conjunctivitis.

Also, the appearance of babies with low immunity, unable to fight the effects of pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

Characteristics of complications

Sometimes uraeplasmosis causes the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in a child. Because of this pathology, the formation and development of the fetus stops, and the pregnancy freezes. This pathology is observed when amniotic fluid is damaged by microorganisms and enters the membranes of the fetus.

Also dangerous is the development of fetoplacental insufficiency, which is damage to the placental vessels. This pathology causes a deficiency of nutrients necessary for the development of the baby, as well as oxygen. In some cases, placental insufficiency poses a threat to pregnancy in general, causing the birth of premature babies with low body weight and developmental delays.

The cause of miscarriage can also be chorioamnionitis, a pathology manifested by the spread of the inflammatory process through the membranes of the fetus (amnion, chorion). It is worth considering that the infection in almost all cases spreads to the fetus.

In some situations, ureaplasmosis provokes the development of brain diseases, as well as pulmonary pathologies. There have also been a few recorded cases of baby death during childbirth.

Determining the severity of complications

The severity of possible complications for the child caused by ureaplasmosis is determined by the stage of pregnancy at which the mother was infected. It is worth considering that in most cases the baby is born with congenital ureaplasmosis. To accurately determine the degree of danger of pathology for the fetus, a woman must undergo diagnostic procedures.

Usually, PCR diagnostics are carried out for this, which consists of collecting biomaterial and its further reproduction in the laboratory. This technique allows you to identify the sensitivity of ureaplasmas to active components medicines selected for the treatment of pathology. If the microorganisms have not been found to have immunity to such substances, and the stage of development of the pathology is initial, then the doctor makes a treatment prognosis favorable for pregnancy and the fetus. In this case, effective treatment will allow the baby to be born completely healthy.

Effect of drugs on the fetus

To treat ureaplasmosis, only antibiotics are used. Such treatment carried out during pregnancy can also cause the development of pathological consequences in the unborn child. Therefore, the advisability of its use at various periods of pregnancy is determined only by a doctor.

The first trimester is dangerous because:

  • during this period, the embryo does not yet surround the placental barrier, so the effect of the medication on the fetus will be as strong as possible;
  • at this time, the baby’s tissues and systems are formed, and any disturbances in this process will lead to the development of congenital dangerous pathologies;
  • exposure of the mother's liver and kidneys to antibiotics can also negatively affect pregnancy.

Strong antibiotics taken by an expectant mother who is in the second or third trimester can cause pathologies in the development of the child’s brain and genitourinary system. There is an opinion that the placenta does not pass through itself at 6-9 months harmful substances that can harm the child. However, this applies only to some toxic substances, while others are able to penetrate the placental barrier.

To avoid risks to the life and health of her unborn child, every woman must undergo testing for ureaplasmosis during pregnancy planning.

Diagnosing the pathology before pregnancy will allow it to be quickly and effectively treated with antibiotics without harm to the expectant mother and her baby. If the disease was detected directly during pregnancy, then the woman needs to visit her doctor more often to monitor the rate of development of the pathology.

To eliminate the consequences of ureaplase during pregnancy, the expectant mother should undergo a course of treatment prescribed to her based on the test results obtained. For this purpose, gentle drugs are usually selected, to the action of which microorganisms have no immunity.

Ureaplasmosis is an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted. The causative agent of this pathology, ureaplasma, inhabits the vagina of healthy women in 60% of cases and occurs in every third newborn girl. Pathogenic microflora can live in the body for years without causing harm to health or causing any symptoms.

Ureaplasmosis during pregnancy, during a period when a woman’s body is as weakened as possible, can pose a serious threat to both the expectant mother and the child.

Clinical manifestations

The main problem of the disease is late diagnosis. During pregnancy, serious changes occur in a woman’s body, which make it difficult to identify many pathologies, since symptoms are perceived by patients as part of the process of bearing a child. As a result, women go to the doctor late and self-medicate at home. But ureaplasmosis can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Vaginal discharge becomes cloudy.
  • The appearance of discomfort in the genital area, itching, burning. Symptoms worsen when urinating or taking warm water procedures(shower, bath).
  • A feeling of cramping or aching pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Severe feeling of discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse.

Ureaplasma multiplies in the mucous membranes of the human body. In 90% of cases, this is the genital area, but in some circumstances (oral sex), pathogenic microflora affects the larynx, causing symptoms resembling a sore throat. Touching upon internal organs, for example, the bladder, a pregnant woman may be bothered by signs of cystitis - frequent, painful urination.

Attention! Experts warn that incorrect self-diagnosis and self-medication lead to the neglect of the pathology, which is easily treatable in the early stages. Failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner can cause irreversible harm to the body of the mother and the unborn child.

Sources of infection

There is still debate among doctors about whether such a disease as ureaplasmosis exists. Note that at present this pathology is not included in the International Classification of Diseases.

The reason for this was that there is not a single reliable source that would prove the existence of ureaplasmosis.

The bacterium, ureaplasma, is an integral part of the normal microflora of the body.

But under certain conditions, especially when inflammatory processes occur in the body, an increased number of ureaplasmas is noted, which was the reason for its assumption negative influence. That is why ureaplasma is called opportunistic - dangerous only if it multiplies excessively.

There are two main routes of infection:

  1. Unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier of the disease, including oral sex.
  2. Intrauterine infection is infection from mother to fetus.

Babies are predominantly female. Boys suffer from this disease much less frequently and are able to get rid of the pathology on their own, without the use of medications. Additional sources of infection may include:

  • Wearing someone else's underwear.
  • Using other people's toiletries: washcloths, towels, razors for intimate hair removal.
  • The risk of infection increases when visiting: public toilets, baths, solariums.

These sources of infection, according to doctors, are unlikely, but they cannot be ruled out. Infection with pathogenic microflora does not guarantee the development of ureaplasmosis - the bacterium may not manifest itself in any way for years. For the disease to progress, excessive proliferation of the microorganism is necessary. The main motivating factor for the active proliferation of bacteria is considered to be a decrease in human immunity, which is observed in the following situations:

  • past infectious diseases;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • bad habits;
  • poor nutrition;
  • changes in the body’s hormonal levels as a result of pregnancy, the presence of diseases of the endocrine system, or the use of hormonal drugs;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Attention! The opinion that ureaplasmosis can be contracted through airborne droplets has not been scientifically confirmed. It is noted that the bacterium is unable to live and reproduce in the external environment.

The effect of ureaplasma on pregnancy

Despite the apparent frivolity of the disease, in reality ureaplasma is very dangerous, especially during pregnancy. Inflammatory processes caused by bacteria lead to disruption of the genitourinary organs.

The most serious risks for women in this situation are the risk of premature birth or loss of a child.

Ureaplasma changes the structure of the mucous membranes, which negatively affects childbirth. This pathology is considered one of the common causes of miscarriages or premature births.

Diagnostic procedures

Diagnosis of pathology is included in the general examination of pregnant women when registering them at the antenatal clinic. Also, tests can be prescribed at the patient’s personal request at any time. The main methods for diagnosing the disease are:

  • Polymerase chain reaction - PCR. A diagnostic method of molecular biology that allows the detection of DNA of pathogenic microflora. This examination reveals the presence of bacteria, and not their quantity, which does not make it possible to prescribe effective method therapy.
  • Bacterial seeding is the cultivation of microorganisms from a laboratory sample taken in a nutrient medium favorable for them. The method allows you to find out the dynamics of the growth of a colony of pathogenic microflora, the strain of bacteria and their sensitivity to various drugs.

Sowing takes several days and is considered the main method of selecting an individual method of treating pathology. To obtain accurate information, before taking tests, pregnant women are recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Two days before the test, you should refrain from any intimate relationships.
  • Patients are prohibited from using tampons during this period. There is also no need to resort to excessive cleaning of the genital mucosa or perform the douching procedure.
  • It is not recommended to use any medications, including local, external ones.
  • On the day of the test, patients should completely refuse intimate hygiene.

Such rules contribute to minimal distortion of the state of the microflora of the genital mucosa and allow one to obtain more accurate examination results.

Attention! If a pathology is detected already during pregnancy, doctors, in order not to harm the fetus, are forced to abandon the use of some effective drugs. Experts strongly recommend planning your pregnancy in advance and undergoing screening for ureaplasmosis even before conceiving a child.

Treatment of ureaplasmosis

The main method of drug therapy is taking antibacterial agents. All sexual partners must undergo treatment at the same time, otherwise the therapy will not give the desired result and another infection with ureaplasma will occur during the next unprotected intimacy.

Attention! All sexual partners should undergo treatment for the disease at the same time.

The general course of therapy can be divided into three main stages, which are as follows:

  • Normalization of the body's microflora.
  • Relief of provoking factors for the development of pathogenic microflora.
  • Restoring human immunity.

The course is prescribed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the course of the disease, and the patient’s age. After completion of treatment, a control laboratory analysis is performed.

Attention! Having a diagnosis of ureaplasmosis is not an indication for termination of pregnancy.


Antibacterial drugs are the main means of combating this disease. During pregnancy, they usually start at 22 weeks - by this period the fetus has already had time to form internal organs. In the early stages, taking antibiotics can harm the baby or cause a miscarriage. The most common antibacterial drugs for the treatment of ureaplasmosis include:

  • Josamycin.
  • Doxycycline.
  • Tetracycline.
  • Erythromycin.

Medicines can be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician on an individual basis. Only a specialist, based on laboratory tests, can select the safest and most effective drug. The course of treatment takes 2 weeks.


Ureaplasmosis begins to develop in a person not at the moment of infection with bacteria, but in the presence of provoking factors that lead to excessive proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. One of the main factors is a decrease in immunity, and to strengthen it, a number of immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed together with taking antibacterial agents:

    1. Immunoglobulin called Ureaplasma Immun, which is made from purified human blood plasma. Helps increase the body's resistance to ureaplasma. Contraindicated in persons with protein allergies.
    2. Interferon. Allows you to enhance the effect of antibacterial agents.
    3. Stimulators of endogenous interferonization, activating the body’s own defenses, such as Levamisole, Cyanocobalamin.
    4. Stimulators of cellular immunity, such as Myelopid, Timalin.

Restorative products for vaginal microflora

Vaginal microflora is a special ecosystem of the female body that provides protection to the reproductive organs. As a result of ureaplasmosis and the use of antibacterial agents, an imbalance of the normal microflora occurs. To restore it use:

  • Vaginal probiotics. Preparations containing fermented milk or lactobacilli: Laktogin, Gynoflor, Ecofemin.
  • Suppositories for dysbacteriosis: Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Kipferon.
  • Tablet drugs for the treatment of dysbiosis: Normoflorin.

All medications should be taken only after consultation with your doctor. To enhance the effect of drugs and suppositories, it is recommended to include fermented milk products in your diet - they have an additional positive effect on the vaginal microflora and the entire body as a whole.

Dangerous consequences of the disease

Despite the fact that ureaplasma is an opportunistic bacteria, and ureaplasmosis is not included in the International Classification of Diseases, it should not be underestimated. Delayed diagnosis of the disease or improper self-medication, especially during pregnancy, can lead to negative consequences for both mother and child.

For mother

In addition to the risk of miscarriage and premature birth, there are a number of complications for a woman that ureaplasmosis can lead to:

  • Infertility.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Infection of the fetus, which can lead to negative consequences for the child’s body in the first years of life.
  • Kidney and liver diseases.
  • Weakening of the immune system.

Timely detection of pathology and taken therapeutic measures are the key to the health of parents and their children.

For children

The child, while in the womb, is protected from pathogenic microflora by the placenta. Infection occurs during childbirth, during the exit of the child through the birth canal. Boys are much less susceptible to the disease than girls. The consequences may be as follows:

  • defective formation of the baby’s internal organs;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • decreased immunity.

Ureaplasmosis suffered in infancy sharply increases the risk of developing the disease in a child in the future. It is the mother who bears full responsibility for the future health of the baby.

Preventive measures

Prevention methods are necessary not only to prevent pathology, but also to prevent repeated relapses of the disease. The main ways to help avoid infection include following these rules:

  • Regular preventive examination of both sexual partners.
  • It is necessary to avoid indiscriminate intimacy.
  • Use of contraceptives during sexual intercourse.
  • Compliance with personal hygiene measures.

To prevent relapses of the disease, it is recommended to reconsider your lifestyle: give up bad habits, take measures to strengthen your immune system. This is well facilitated by playing sports, giving up alcohol and smoking.

Ureaplasmosis during pregnancy is not considered a rare or extremely dangerous disease. Experts see the reasons for its occurrence in the presence of contact with an infected person and the weakening of the protective functions of the immune system of a pregnant woman. A conditionally pathogenic bacterium enters the body through sexual contact with an infected person. To become infected, it is not necessary to engage in traditional sex; the infection can enter the body through oral contact.

Appearance obvious signs ureaplasma may be preceded by a burning sensation and pain when urinating, which will be discussed in more detail below. A woman who does not know what ureaplasmosis is and the dangers of carrying it can cause serious harm to her health. Ureaplasmosis parvum during pregnancy can cause miscarriage or fading of the child's development, as mentioned above.


Against the background of changes occurring in a woman’s body, symptoms of ureaplasmosis during pregnancy are not easy to detect. Like any urogenital infections, ureaplasma parvum in women manifests itself through severe discharge, itching, burning, and sometimes pain. If the inflammation occurs in an acute form, then the following are observed:

  • severe discomfort in the external genital area (itching and burning occur after urination, taking a bath, before bedtime);
  • changes in the color and consistency of the discharge (normally, the discharge is whitish; when infected, it becomes cloudy and smells unpleasant);
  • spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • white coating on the tonsils;
  • difficulty swallowing.
Against the background of changes occurring in a woman’s body, symptoms of ureaplasmosis during pregnancy are not easy to detect.

Unfortunately, none of these signs of the disease are specific. Most women perceive them as part of the process of bearing a baby and therefore do not consult a doctor. As a result of such a careless attitude, ureaplasma in a woman during pregnancy can remain a secret both for the pregnant woman herself and for the gynecologist, right up to the birth itself. Signs of the disease have much in common with the symptoms of tonsillitis, cystitis or thrush (if the infection occurs through the oral route, the tonsils become inflamed). It is these diseases that a woman is trying to get rid of, while their source should be looked for in a completely different place.


To diagnose ureaplasmosis in pregnant women, the doctor takes a smear from the vaginal walls. In laboratory conditions, the contents of the smear are examined for the presence of DNA of a pathogenic bacterium. This research method is known as “PCR” (polymer chain reaction). It is effective for detecting ureaplasma parvum, but is useless if the presence of the bacterium in the woman’s body is already known, since DNA testing does not provide any information about the rate of reproduction of the bacterium and does not allow assessing the effectiveness of treatment. The normal level of ureaplasma content in a smear of women is less than 10*4 ml. If urealiticum is detected in larger quantities in the tests, the woman is offered a course of treatment.

PCR is not the only research method. To exclude the presence of bacteria in the body, produce:

  1. Bacteriological culture. Material for research is taken from the urogenital canal or cervix. If the desired bacterium is present in the body, this will immediately be reflected in the tests. This diagnostic method allows you to identify not only the presence of the source of inflammation, but also determine which antibiotics the bacteria is sensitive to.
  2. Linked immunosorbent assay. Using a serological reaction, the presence of antibodies to ureaplasma in the body is detected. The blood of a potential patient is examined. This method is less effective than the previous two; there is a high probability of obtaining a false result.

If ureaplasma does not detect itself in any way, but signs of the disease are present, several studies are performed at once using different diagnostic techniques.

The influence of ureaplasma on the process of conception is controversial

Is it possible to get pregnant with ureaplasma?

Despite the existing risk of having a child with pathologies, the answer to the question of whether a woman can become pregnant with ureaplasma remains positive. Ureaplasma and conception are practically unrelated. The influence of ureaplasma on the process of conception is controversial.

Modern experts cannot unambiguously decide whether the bacterium interferes with conception, whether it is possible to plan conception or give birth, how ureaplasma affects conception and why some women cannot get pregnant, while for others the presence of the bacterium is not a hindrance. Naturally, the microorganism has some negative effects on a woman, but if she could become pregnant with ureaplasma and survived the first 2 trimesters without consequences, then perhaps the woman’s further pregnancy will be quite normal.

Some treatment will be required, but the pregnancy will not need to be terminated. About 15 years ago, if a woman became pregnant with a diagnosis of ureaplasmosis, the doctor insisted on it; now there is no need for this. Knowing how ureaplasma affects the conception and development of a child, a specialist can promptly correct the condition of the female body, prescribe vitamins and immunity-supporting supplements. And yet, if ureaplasma is detected when planning a pregnancy, it will be much easier to get rid of it, any inflammation is bad, but there is a chance of bearing a baby.

Ureaplasma and IVF are in principle compatible

As mentioned above, the influence of ureaplasma on conception and pregnancy is present, but the bacterium does not interfere with fertilization, therefore ureaplasma and IVF are, in principle, compatible. In vitro fertilization is preceded by a long diagnosis. The protocol obliges the medical institution to fully examine the body of the woman and her partner from whom the semen is taken (ureaplasma is also found in men), therefore the risk of pregnancy against the background of infection is minimal.

Why is ureaplasmosis dangerous during pregnancy?

Every woman concerned about her own reproductive health should know:

  • Why exactly is ureaplasmosis dangerous during pregnancy?
  • what effect does the bacterium have on the fetus?
  • will the birth be successful;
  • how does ureaplasma affect the baby, what are the chances of bearing a healthy child;
  • what to do if a complication arises during pregnancy;
  • than to be treated.

Information about the effect of bacteria on the fetus in each trimester will relieve a woman of unnecessary worries, and will also encourage her to think about the need to plan a pregnancy under the supervision of a specialist. Any gynecologist knows how ureaplasmosis manifests itself during pregnancy, whether there will be consequences for the child, whether an unexpected pregnancy threatens women's health or not.

If we talk about whether a bacterium is dangerous for the fetus, whether it can be the cause of a miscarriage or fetal death in the early stages, then it should be understood that the reason for spontaneous abortion or the cessation of development of a child in the womb is not at all in the bacterium, but in the inflammation provoked by it . If a woman is completely healthy and her immune system is ready to fight infection, then following all the doctor’s recommendations, she will bear a strong baby without any pathologies. For an already frequently ill woman, the penetration of ureaplasma into the body during pregnancy threatens its termination at the beginning of the pregnancy, because the earlier the infection was detected, the better.

Knowing how ureaplasma parvum affects, a woman infected with it should constantly be protected. A missed pregnancy in the first trimester due to inflammation is not something you want to deal with. Meanwhile, there are a number of positive aspects:

  • since no one knows exactly how a disease can be dangerous for the fetus, spontaneous termination of pregnancy is better than the birth of a child with severe pathologies;
  • positive test for ureaplasma makes a woman think about carefully choosing a partner and the need for additional research that can help timely identify other existing problems that will affect the fetus.

There is no 100% guarantee that a woman infected with ureaplasma will bear a child, but this possibility should not be denied, because the opinions of doctors differ regarding the degree of danger of the bacterium.

Is it necessary to treat ureaplasma during pregnancy?

Ureaplasma, if not treated promptly, leads to cystitis

Ureaplasma, if not treated promptly, leads to cystitis, which leads to other complications. A pregnant woman is not at risk of infertility, but possible risks for the child should not be excluded. The question of whether ureaplasma needs to be treated before or during pregnancy worries every expectant mother. If the bacterium is discovered before the planned conception, then it is necessary to be treated with antibiotics and other means recommended by the doctor. If the bacterium is found after conception, then the woman herself decides whether it is worth treating it, what means to use, and whether further pregnancy will be safe. For the safety of the fetus, drastic treatment methods will have to be abandoned, but the problem should not be completely ignored, which will be discussed in more detail below.


The microflora of the body susceptible to ureaplasma attack is disrupted, and the number of pathogenic bacteria increases sharply. Treatment of the disease is based on taking antibiotics (these can be tablets, suppositories or injections). To restore microflora, antimicrobial drugs and immunostimulating agents are used. The list of medications can be impressive.

Unfortunately, ureaplasmosis cannot be treated with antibiotics during pregnancy. Any antibiotic can negatively affect the condition of the fetus, regardless of whether it was used in the late or early stages. IN extreme cases Pregnant women are treated with antibiotics starting at 22 weeks of pregnancy. If there is a threat of miscarriage, then ureaplasma during pregnancy is treated in a hospital.

Not knowing how to treat ureaplasma, some women try to do it themselves, based on the opinion of close friends and relatives who have previously encountered a similar problem. This is done despite the negative attitude of doctors.

“If I am treated with a herbal decoction of chamomile or lemon balm, and it works, then my sister can too” - this is the opinion of 8 out of 10 women. Meanwhile, they forget about the individual characteristics of each organism; it is not always possible to cure a disease using the same means.


The safest and most effective treatment is Vilprafen 500, reviews of which you can read below. Vilprafen for ureaplasma has helped many women faced with this inflammatory disease. The antibiotic has a bactericidal effect and can be used to treat a pregnant woman.

Ureaplasma is a not very pleasant sexually transmitted disease. The bacterium penetrates the body and concentrates on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, which causes inflammation. Symptoms of infection include heavy discharge, itching, burning and pain during urination and sexual intercourse. Both women and men get sick, so both partners should be treated. Effective treatment impossible without the use of antibiotics. The disease is classified as conditionally dangerous; during pregnancy it can cause miscarriage or fetal death.


Ureaplasma - its effect on pregnancy and the fetus.


Ureaplasma during pregnancy is a pathogenic infection in a woman’s body, which should be treated very carefully during pregnancy. It has been proven that this bacterium forms part of the vaginal microflora in 70% of women, without causing any problems. However, as soon as the immune system changes, the number of bacteria increases. In this case, they say that the woman turns from a carrier of infection into a sick person.

What is ureaplasma during pregnancy

Ureaplasma in pregnant women often causes a disease called ureaplasmosis, which can affect all organs of the genitourinary system. It can be contracted during pregnancy, before and after. The first option is the most undesirable. Therefore, if you are planning to replenish your family, you need to undergo examination and testing for the presence of infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.


Symptoms of ureaplasma during pregnancy are no different from signs of infection in the normal state. Pregnant women rarely attach importance to them, they are inexpressive and can be attributed to the changes that occur during the period of bearing a child. The first symptoms of ureaplasmosis are more abundant vaginal discharge white, but pregnancy in the first trimester and thrush also occur with the same changes. After some time, the symptoms disappear, but after three to five weeks they return again. This means that ureaplasmosis has passed from an acute form to a chronic one.

If the infection spreads to the uterus, then the woman, in addition to discharge, begins to complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen. When inflammation occurs in the bladder, ureaplasma during pregnancy causes cystitis, characterized by frequent urination and burning. In men, the disease is more severe. The first stage of the development of ureaplasmosis in representatives of the stronger half of humanity is accompanied by discomfort in the genitourinary canal. If a woman suspects something is wrong, she should ask her partner about the presence of suspicious symptoms.


You can only become infected with ureaplasmosis through sexual contact, and this also applies to oral sex. If we talk about other STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), which can be picked up in a bathhouse or through a wet towel, then in the case of ureaplasma this is excluded. Men and women who are carriers of the infection may not even be aware of the infection, but only until changes occur in the body, associated, for example, with a decrease in immunity, taking antibiotics, etc. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Is it possible to get pregnant with ureaplasma?

You can get ureaplasmosis both during pregnancy and before it. The disease does not pose any physical obstacles to the process of conception. Moreover, in most cases, infection occurs unnoticed, that is, asymptomatically. Another thing is that ureaplasma in women during pregnancy has a detrimental effect on both her health and the development of the fetus. For this reason, gynecologists strongly recommend testing for STDs and ureaplasma immediately before planning a pregnancy and every time you change sexual partner.

Is ureaplasma dangerous during pregnancy?

Any infectious diseases, including ureaplasma, during pregnancy can negatively affect the development of the fetus in the womb. Infection is especially dangerous in the first trimester, when the baby’s internal organs are rapidly developing. This can lead to premature birth, the threat of miscarriage and other serious problems during pregnancy.


The consequences of ureaplasmosis negatively affect the mother and child during the postpartum period and during pregnancy. If you suspect an STD infection, you should immediately contact a gynecologist for testing; groundless worry may not have the best effect on the growth and development of the child during pregnancy. You should remain calm even with a positive test result.

For a child

A child in the womb can become infected with ureaplasmosis in two ways. Depending on this, doctors divide this disease into congenital, which occurs during pregnancy, and neonatal, when symptoms in a child occur in the first 28 days of life. Both options are undesirable. If ureaplasma is detected in a newborn baby, treatment should be started immediately.

How dangerous is ureaplasma during pregnancy for the baby in the womb? This is fraught with hypoxia, tone, loosening of the cervix and other pathologies, including termination of pregnancy. All this ultimately, without control, can lead to miscarriage, early birth, and fetal development disorders. Female body protects the child from various infections; the placenta is considered a reliable barrier against infection. Infection in the womb occurs very rarely, which cannot be said about the birth process itself, when the baby passes along vertical paths, becoming infected from the mother.

For woman

What harm can ureaplasmosis cause during pregnancy for a woman? Ureaplasma in pregnant women is a bacteria that causes an inflammatory process at the site of reproduction. Infection at any time can migrate from the vagina to the cervix and the uterus itself. If the fetus is reliably protected by the placenta during illness, this does not mean that female organs are safe and complications are excluded. On the contrary, the entire genitourinary system, including the kidneys, can feel the impact of the disease.


Diagnosis of ureaplasma using the method of conventional bacteriological culture will not answer whether a woman is sick or not, since a certain amount of these bacteria is a completely normal state of the vaginal microflora. However, such a diagnosis already indicates possible ureaplasmosis. If the result is positive, the gynecologist will refer the patient for additional tests, which are carried out using the following methods:

  • DNA diagnostics or PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method. This is an ultra-sensitive analysis with which you can detect one fragment of the genetic material of the pathogen and determine the number of bacteria in a certain area.
  • Direct immunofluorescence method. It is based on the determination of antibodies that are present in the blood to the simplest ureaplasma.


Why is it so important to diagnose STDs before planning a pregnancy? Why can’t ureaplasmosis be cured during pregnancy and thereby prevent possible infection of the child during childbirth? It's simple. Ureaplasma can only be cured with antibiotics, which, as you know, are not prescribed during pregnancy.

If a woman with ureaplasmosis becomes pregnant unplanned or the infection occurs while carrying a child, then gynecologists advise not to carry out harsh treatment, you just need to keep the infection in a stable state using more gentle means. Such methods include douching, washing, baths using simple and safe means that will not interfere with taking medications, but will only enhance the effect:

  • Furacilin. This is a universal antimicrobial drug that is used to treat many infections and viruses, including ureaplasmosis, which can occur during pregnancy. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute two yellow Furacilin tablets in warm water and carry out the procedure of washing and douching.
  • Medicinal herbs. Chamomile, calendula, string, thyme - all these plants have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects and are active against ureaplasmosis. Pour two tablespoons of dried herbs into half a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes under the lid, then strain through cheesecloth, dilute with five liters warm water, take a sitz bath. It is recommended to wash or douche with the same undiluted infusion.


Pregnant women with ureaplasmosis should take vitamins and immunomodulatory agents. Nothing controls infection better than human immunity. You cannot take any medications on your own; only the attending physician can prescribe them, otherwise, instead of a positive result with such treatment, you can get more more problems. It would be a good idea to study the instructions included with the medications. Here are some of the remedies:

  • T-activin;
  • Timalin;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Colibacterin;
  • Lactusan.

If the risk to the fetus from ureaplasmosis exceeds the possible negative consequences of taking potent drugs, doctors prescribe medications such as Rovamycin, Erythromycin, Vilprafen. All these drugs belong to the group of macrolides and are antibiotics. Let's take a closer look at one of them.


Vilprafen is an antibiotic whose active substance is josamycin. It is produced in the form of oblong white, film-coated tablets of 100 mg. Purpose: treatment of microorganisms of the upper and lower respiratory tract, skin infectious diseases, infections in dentistry and ophthalmology. It is prescribed for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, gonorrhea, gardnerella, and ureaplasmosis. Contraindicated for people with liver problems. During pregnancy, it is prescribed only by a doctor from the second trimester.

Ureaplasma during pregnancy is one of the most common infections of the urogenital area of ​​a woman. According to statistics, 70% of the fair sex are carriers of it. Infection can occur at any stage of life and can only be detected during examination at a antenatal clinic. The pathology itself is not life-threatening. However, the presence of acute ureaplasmosis in pregnant women can provoke miscarriage or premature birth.

What to do if a woman who is about to become a mother is found to have exceeded the maximum reference threshold of microorganisms? How dangerous is the pathology for the fetus, what effect does ureaplasma have on pregnancy? To answer these questions, let’s find out what ureaplasmosis is, consider the routes of infection and the likely consequences.

Features of the disease

Ureaplasma is an opportunistic microorganism. In other words, it can be activated only when several risk factors coincide, which significantly weaken the body. There are seven varieties of this bacterium, but only 2 forms have pathogenic properties:

  • Ureaplasma parvum during pregnancy.
  • Ureaplasma urealyticum.

Both viral types, when exceeding reference values, adversely affect the health of the mother and fetus.

Ureaplasma parvum during pregnancy is less dangerous than urealiticum and requires mandatory treatment only in the case of a high concentration of antigens. The presence of pathogenic microflora in itself does not have a negative effect on the body.

Distribution routes

Despite the fact that ureaplasma has been considered an inflammatory disease rather than a sexually transmitted disease since the 90s of the last century, infection during pregnancy most often occurs through sexual contact. People who lead a promiscuous sexual life and neglect basic contraception are at risk.

In addition to a banal intimate act, the pathogen can enter the body during oral and anal sex and kissing. There are other causes of the disease:

  • Contact and household path. It is observed less frequently, but also occurs. Infection with ureaplasma can occur in a bathhouse, gym, or swimming pool.
  • In medical practice, there have been cases of infection during organ transplantation. These are isolated episodes, but you should be aware of them.
  • Vertical infection during childbirth. Neglect of ureaplasmosis in a pregnant woman can lead to infection of the child. Therefore, gynecologists strongly recommend taking care of your health even before conception. The infection is detected in a quarter of newborn girls. Boys are less likely to become infected in this way.

Ureaplasma parvum in women is able to live peacefully for years with other representatives of the vaginal microflora, without showing itself in any way. Despite a large number of infected women, the inflammatory process does not always develop.

One of the provoking moments may be carrying a child. Ureaplasmosis and pregnancy are closely interrelated. Hormonal changes and a decrease in the immune threshold activate the growth of pathogens and the development of the disease. Therefore, even before conception, a woman needs to undergo a smear for urealiticum or parvum.

Signs of infection

A feature of urogenital inflammation is its secretive and asymptomatic course. The infection is often disguised as other diseases of the genitourinary system, so it is difficult to identify the disease. But there are symptoms that should alert women during pregnancy.

One of the signs of infection development is vaginal leucorrhoea. They are transparent or whitish in color and are no different from normal discharge. Maybe a little more abundantly. These symptoms go away quickly and without complications. This ends the initial phase of the disease.

Signs of the next stage will directly depend on the location of infection:

  • With vaginal localization, the patient will experience itching, irritation and whitish, odorless discharge.
  • If ureaplasma rises higher during pregnancy and penetrates the uterus, endometritis may develop. In addition to leucorrhoea, nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen.
  • Penetration of infection into the bladder is fraught with long-term and debilitating cystitis. Frequent and painful urge to urinate, accompanied by chills and cramps, are difficult to treat and become chronic.
  • Infection through oral sex causes acute tonsillitis with fever and cough.

Ureaplasmosis is a very insidious disease. Almost all of its symptoms rarely cause concern in women during pregnancy. Even with obvious manifestations, patients interpret them incorrectly and begin to be treated for cystitis, thrush or sore throat, triggering the underlying illness.

If ureaplasmosis during pregnancy is not detected promptly and treated, the consequences for the baby and mother can be extremely unpleasant.

Diagnostic measures

To determine the pathogenicity limit, experts have developed special standards that reliably indicate the onset of the development of an acute inflammatory process in the genitourinary organs. When diagnosing by PCR, the upper threshold of reference should not exceed 10 to 4 degrees CFU/ml. Lower levels are considered normal and do not require medical intervention.

A value of 10 to the 5th power or more is an indicator of pathogenicity. In this case, the doctor decides on the advisability of treating ureaplasma with antibacterial drugs.
Ideally, testing for urealiticum or parvum is recommended before conception. Determining a urogenital infection is not easy. Even an increased concentration of bacteria does not always indicate the development of ureaplasmosis.

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Features of treatment of ureaplasma with Terzhinan

An infectious disease should be separated from other pathological processes that can also provoke a temporary increase in the level of intracellular microorganisms: hypothermia, stress, taking strong antibiotics, infectious diseases.

During pregnancy, a test for urealiticum and parvum is prescribed in the event of pronounced symptoms of infection and a real danger to the fetus.

To confirm a possible disease, there are several types of diagnostic measures, each of which complements the others.

  • PCR. The test detects the presence of pathogens in the smear. The test material is taken from the walls of the vagina, urethra and cervical canal. Diagnostic indicators can be ready within 5 hours. However, it is impossible to study quantitative characteristics using a PCR test. The method is good only as a primary analysis. It is not suitable for in-depth monitoring of the dynamics of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Serological study. This method is used only during preparation for conception. The test determines antibodies to ureaplasma parvum in pregnant women. Very effective for identifying the causes of infertility, recurrent miscarriage or postpartum pathologies. For analysis, blood is taken from a vein. The material is collected in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • Bacteriological culture. The most effective test for detecting ureaplasma during pregnancy. Based on the artificial cultivation of antigens. For the test, a swab is taken from the vaginal walls, urethra and cervical canal and early urine is collected. The study allows us to reliably determine the number of microorganisms, their stability and rate of development, sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs, which is important for pregnant women.

For a complete and quick cure, both partners must undergo diagnosis and therapy. Only in this case will recovery be final and the risk of re-infection minimal.

The bacteriological method allows us to determine the effectiveness of therapy. It takes 2 days to get results.

Does infection affect pregnancy?

This exciting problem should be taken into a separate topic and considered in more detail. What threatens a child with parvum infection, how ureaplasma affects pregnancy, whether it is worth treating the disease - these are not all the questions that expectant mothers ask at a doctor’s appointment.

If it turns out that pregnancy occurs with urogenital inflammation, you should not fall into despair. Previously, such a diagnosis became the basis for a medical abortion, since it was believed that the infection had an adverse effect on the fetus.

Today, doctors have come to the conclusion that ureaplasma during pregnancy is not so scary. A timely treated infection in most cases allows you to carry and give birth. healthy child, although a negative effect on the fetus is not excluded.

Intrauterine infection

If the primary infection occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, before the formation of the placenta and the separate blood flow of the fetus, parvum can enter the baby’s blood. This is what causes various pathologies. However, this does not happen often. The mother's body, as a rule, reliably protects the child.

Unfortunately, ureaplasma infection during pregnancy causes softening of the cervix and provokes its dilatation. In the early stages, this is fraught with miscarriage, and in later stages - premature birth.

If the infection is activated in the second or third trimester, the consequence of the pathology is oxygen starvation of the baby and a lack of nutrients. This condition can become dangerous for the fetus.

Much has been said about the consequences of ureaplasmosis during pregnancy for the child. It would not be superfluous to mention one more unpleasant moment. The inflammatory process is always treated with antibiotics, the use of which is extremely undesirable at this time. Antibacterial drugs can negatively affect the baby and cause various pathologies.

Infection at birth

Even if the mother’s body is able to protect the baby in the womb, there is a risk of infection of the newborn as it passes through the birth canal. This causes various pathologies:

  • neonatal pneumonia;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • meningitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

In addition, ureaplasmosis during pregnancy can provoke negative consequences for the mother: postpartum endometritis and adnexitis.

Will ureaplasma prevent you from conceiving a child?

Any doctor will answer the question “is it possible to get pregnant with a urogenital infection” in the affirmative. There are no physiological barriers to this. As practice shows, parvum does not lead to infertility, although it can complicate the process of conception.

An untreated infection often results in the development of a number of complications, including damage to the reproductive system. Changes in the microflora of the vagina and uterus provoke endometritis, inflammation of the ovaries, os of the uterus or vaginal walls. It is these diseases that can interfere with conception.

After treatment of ureaplasmosis and its accompanying pathologies, there are no and cannot be any obstacles to pregnancy. As practice shows, almost all women who completed a specific course of therapy became pregnant safely and gave birth to a healthy baby. Therefore, having learned about an unpleasant diagnosis, you should not go to extremes and give up your life.

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How ureaplasmosis is treated: tablets, injections, vaginal suppositories

Drug treatment

Ureaplasma, being infectious disease, requires an integrated approach. The treatment regimen is based on the use of antibiotics coupled with symptomatic therapy. The doctor selects the technique based on all identified signs and possible consequences for mother and child.

The start of therapeutic procedures depends on how you feel. If there are no complications or concomitant diseases, treatment for ureaplasma during pregnancy begins at 20–22 weeks. At this stage, the internal organs of the fetus have already formed and the risk of developing congenital pathologies is minimal.
Urealiticum or parvum are resistant to drugs of the penicillin group, cephalosporins and sulfonamides, so there is no point in taking these medications. Treatment of ureaplasma during pregnancy is carried out using antibiotics from the group of macrolides, fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines.

Studies have shown that when treating women suffering from urogenital infection, it is recommended to give preference to Doxycycline, Clarithromycin and Josamycin (during pregnancy).

In addition, the fight against infection caused by parvum involves the prescription of a number of symptomatic drugs:

Complex therapy using all of the above groups of drugs eliminates the symptoms of the disease and guarantees complete recovery. In case of a possible relapse, patients are prescribed other etiotropic drugs, since ureaplasma quickly acquires resistance to antibiotics.

Most a good combination for acute and recurrent urogenital infections is the use of etiotropic drugs together with immunomodulators. This therapy can cure the disease and prevent relapses.

With each exacerbation, the technique must be adjusted, using increasingly stronger drugs. Regular bacteriological culture will help you select an antibiotic capable of at this stage fight infection without harm to the body.

Is it necessary to treat the disease?

Therapy for urogenital inflammation is not satisfactory. It is quite simple and does not take much time and effort. However, there is a certain difficulty that casts doubt on the need to use etiotropic drugs during pregnancy.

The fact is that treatment of ureaplasmosis is rarely successful the first time. The disease often recurs and requires repeated use of antibacterial agents. In addition, with this illness it is not necessary to use such drastic measures.

But let's return to the question - is it necessary to treat a urogenital infection and what will be the consequences of neglecting health.

By the way, in European countries ureaplasma is not considered a pathology and is not treated. Moreover, the infection is classified as normal vaginal microflora. Ureaplasma in women during pregnancy recedes only temporarily. Therefore, you should not be surprised if, due to a confluence of unfavorable factors, the smear again shows the presence of the antigen.

Experts still cannot give an exact answer as to how dangerous the disease is for women and children and how ureaplasmosis affects pregnancy. Most doctors believe that urogenital inflammation is dangerous only in combination with other diseases of the genital area. However, in the absence of specific therapy, miscarriage is possible. different dates and the development of severe complications.

Whether to treat ureaplasmosis in pregnant women or whether this is an optional procedure is still an open question. It should be decided individually in each case and only together with the doctor. But the last word always remains with the patient.

It should be noted that the majority of women suffering from urogenital infection confirmed that they did not experience any complications while carrying a child. And yet, if there is a need for specific therapy, only a doctor should prescribe it. It is he who will be able to diagnose the disease and tell how and how to treat a urogenital infection during pregnancy with ureaplasma.

Prevention of ureaplasmosis

Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system are difficult to combat. They are recurrent in nature and tend to recur frequently. Therefore, it is better not to become infected with such diseases. Compliance with several simple rules will reduce the risk of infection:

  • use of barrier type contraception;
  • douching after intimacy with antiseptic solutions;
  • having a permanent sexual partner;
  • regular medical examination in the women's office;
  • use of personal hygiene products and linen.

These measures will help protect yourself and your loved ones from infection and not think about the effect of ureaplasma on pregnancy.

Only careful attention to your body guarantees a happy life and healthy offspring. If any suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately consult your doctor. Amateur action in this case is unacceptable. An error in diagnosis can be very costly.

Higher medical education, venereologist, candidate of medical sciences.