Shower      06/16/2019

Diesel emulsion for treating trees. Spring treatment of the garden from pests and diseases. Treatment of trees and shrubs after flowering

Since ancient times, people have known about the harmful effects of petroleum products on all living things and learned to use this for their own purposes. So, in gardening for processing apple trees, pears, plums and others fruit trees For many decades, diesel fuel has been actively used as a means of effective protection against diseases and insects.

Of course, using petroleum products in their pure form will lead to plant burns or even death. The choice of this petroleum product for the first March treatment of fruit plantations will effectively destroy viruses, fungi and insect larvae that have overwintered on branches and in cracks in the bark. Spraying trees with diesel fuel helps to achieve complete destruction of the larvae due to the fact that the solution sprayed over the surface of the bark forms a uniform oily film on the surface of the branches and poles, which does not allow the larvae to breathe, as a result of which they suffocate as soon as possible after treatment.

Spraying fruit trees with diesel fuel at the end of April - May allows you to fight with adult insects, thanks to the same enveloping properties of the petroleum product, which, once on the leaves and forming a thin film on them, makes them unsuitable for laying eggs of butterflies and aphids. Treated leaves are unsuitable for consumption by insects and cannot provide their offspring with nutrition.

One more dangerous pest, the fight against which with most other means turns out to be ineffective - this is the bark beetle, which, settling in the bark of plums, pears and apple trees, is protected from chemical and biological spraying agents. After timely treatment with diesel fuel, everything happens a little differently. Even if this product does not destroy hidden larvae, but after the bark beetle pupates in May and new butterflies are born, the oily film will not allow adult individuals to lay new offspring in the bark, thereby ridding your fruit trees of this pest.

Spraying with diesel fuel has proven to work very well in terms of saving rotting parts of trees, if the cause of rot is sharp corner, in which water accumulated.

Since this petroleum product is not a fungicide, it can be sprayed not only at the beginning of spring and late autumn, but also throughout the entire flowering period of the fruit tree. Typically, it is diluted according to one of the following recipes:

  • Add 1 part to 10 parts water iron sulfate, then 10 parts of 10% lime milk and only then 20 parts of diesel fuel. The resulting mixture will have a 50% concentration and is recommended for use before bud formation and after leaf fall.
  • 5 parts clay and 5 parts water are mixed with 20 parts fuel. The resulting solution has the same concentration as the previous one, but does not contain a fungicide and can be used during the period of fruit appearance.
  • Another option for obtaining a 50% solution for spraying is to mix 9 parts of water with 1 part laundry soap and 10 parts of diesel fuel.

The main thing to consider when creating a solution from a petroleum product is its concentration, exceeding which can kill your trees, so it is better to undermix than to overmix.

One of the main requirements for caring for fruit trees is seasonal processing. This treatment is done by any summer resident who wants to grow a beautiful garden with a significant yield. Spraying trees in the spring with the necessary preparations will protect the garden from the scourge of pests and pathogenic microorganisms.

The main objective of such treatment is to protect against the appearance of butterflies, aphids, caterpillars and all kinds of beetles, and also to minimize the possibility of infectious, viral and fungal diseases.

  • For example, aphids cause significant damage to fruit trees such as pear, plum, apple, apricot and cherry plum. This pest attacks the bark of a tree, forming nodules on its surface, which crack over time, turning into sores. Aphids infect tree leaves, which first curl and then dry out. The affected areas stop growing over time and dry out.
  • The main enemy of plums, cherries and cherries is the cockchafer, or rather its larvae, which live in the ground for three years. This pest can destroy entire gardens of young trees by destroying their root system. The adult beetles fly in May, and they also destroy young leaves and fruit ovaries. Spraying trees in the spring makes their leaves unattractive to beetles.
  • Flower beetles are found everywhere. With the warmth, weevils crawl out of the soil where they hibernated and head towards the opening flowers, where they dine on the stamens and pistils. Measures to combat them - late autumn dig up tree trunk circles(or cover them with a thick layer of hay, sawdust, straw, through which the beetles will not be able to escape).
  • Sawflies and moths. These terrible insects can make the entire harvest of plums, peaches, apples, pears, and nectarines simply inedible. Methods of control - only one spray.

Chemical treatment of the ground part fruit trees allows you to preserve not only foliage, but also ripe fruits, which means you get a tasty and healthy harvest.

Irrigation of the orchard with chemicals must be carried out on time. Untimely and incorrect treatment of plants will not give any effect.

When and how many times to spray?

Spraying of fruit trees is done more than once, from early spring to late autumn. Gardeners, taking into account their enormous experience, have developed a special irrigation schedule orchard. It describes in detail what and when to irrigate trees throughout the season.

The first spraying of fruit trees against pests is done in early spring. Many novice gardeners wonder under what weather conditions this procedure can be carried out. So, experts advise doing the first spraying immediately after the snow melts, at a temperature of about 5-6 degrees Celsius.

Treatment of fruit trees is usually carried out in the second half of March. Just at this time, the process of bud enlargement begins in plants. During spraying, as well as during the process of pruning trees, the gardener must pay special attention to cracks that may contain harmful insects. Before spraying trees, they need to be prepared for this. The trees are carefully cleaned with a brush, then a freshly prepared solution is applied. The solution is used on the day it is prepared, otherwise it will become useless. It will not remove pests, but the trees may be seriously burned.

TimeWorksDrug (Optional)
Early springPreventive spraying against pests overwintering on treesDiesel fuel (optional)
Before the buds openSpraying against scab, moniliosis, clusterisporosis, coccomycosis and a number of other fungal diseases.
Treatment with insecticides against emerging pests.
Bordeaux mixture,

And broad spectrum insecticides

During floweringProcessing to increase immunity to fungal diseases.
Searching against bream and weevils
Bordeaux liquid,

Anabasine, DDT Powder, Carbaphos.

After floweringPrevention from putrefactive diseases.
Pest Control
Broad-spectrum combination mixtures

Treatment of the garden in March is aimed at combating insects that infect trees by getting out of the soil.

The next spraying is carried out in April. The purpose of this spraying is to protect the flower buds on the trees from various fungal diseases and the stag beetle.

May processing is carried out in order to prevent the appearance of harmful insects and diseases. This procedure is carried out after the trees bloom.

The processing of the garden does not end there; with the onset of autumn, additional spraying follows. This is a kind of preparation of fruit trees for winter. As soon as the trees lose their leaves, in October-November, it’s time to start processing them. In this case, it is recommended to use chemicals. If, however, spraying is carried out without their use, then the first autumn treatment can be carried out immediately after harvesting - in September.

How to prepare trees for spraying?

Trees over 6 years old are cleaned of old bark and lichens with a brush. Growths and other accumulations on the trunk of trees do not in any way affect their general state. But it is worth noting that it is precisely in these places that pathogenic microorganisms most often like to gather. Immediately after cleaning, spraying is carried out.

The final processing of fruit plantings and shrubs is carried out after harvesting and falling leaves. The area is completely cleared of weeds and leaves. The most late spraying garden is carried out after the first frost.

What and from what diseases should I spray trees in the spring?

There are several effective preparations that gardeners use when treating fruit trees and shrubs. Today there are a lot of substances for spring and autumn processing orchards. The most popular means used by many gardeners over the years:

  • Urea or urea.

It is impossible to give preference to any one of the above-mentioned remedies, because each of them is aimed at eliminating a specific disease or pest. One drug can only be used in the spring, the other only in the fall. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to stop spraying fruit trees and shrubs with chemicals 3-4 weeks before harvest.

CulturePestTime of processing
Cherry and CherryClusterosporiasis, Monoliosis, Bacterial cancer3% solution until buds open,
ApricotClusterosporiasis, Monoliosis3% solution until buds open,
1% solution - during the growing season
PotatoLate blight,1% solution - during the growing season
Apple treeScab, Monoliosis, Bacterial cancer3% solution until buds open,
1% solution - during the growing season
TomatoesLate blight, Black bacterial spot, Alternaria1% solution - during the growing season
OnionDowny mildew, Rust, Rot1% solution - during the growing season
CucumberDowny mildew, Anthracnose, Ascochyta blight, Olive spot, Bacteriosis1% solution - during the growing season
PeachesLeaf curl, Bacterial canker3% solution until buds open,

Treatment of the garden with iron sulfate is carried out twice during the entire season. The first spraying is carried out during the period of foliage formation, and the second - when the trees are preparing for wintering. This drug has a double effect. It enriches shrubs and trees with iron, and is also effective protection from all kinds of pests and diseases. The lack of iron in fruit trees is expressed in a trivial way - low yield and underdeveloped fruits. Spraying of fruit plantings with iron-based vitriol is carried out not only in spring, but also in autumn, for preventive purposes, and also to exterminate lichen, moss, cytosporosis, black cancer and septosporosis.

Garden treatment copper sulfate is carried out according to the same scheme as in the previous drug - twice a season. The first treatment is carried out in early spring, even before the appearance of young buds. This substance must be handled with care, since copper sulfate, even the weakest concentration, can burn young foliage on trees. This is beautiful disinfectant, healing wounds on the trunk of trees and shrubs. This fungicide is sprayed on trees such as pear, plum and apple trees, both in autumn and spring. Copper sulfate protects orchards from moniliosis, scab, cluster blight and curl.

For one young tree, up to 6 years old, apply 2 liters of freshly prepared solution. For adult specimens, use 10 liters of liquid. The garden is processed in the morning or evening, when there is no wind, at a temperature of 10 to 25 degrees. On hot days, it is advisable to avoid using this drug, as it is quite aggressive and can harm both animals and people. The solution is prepared in a place remote from water bodies.

No less effective drug carbamide (urea) is considered to be used against pests. The first care of orchards in early spring begins with spraying them with this particular preparation. This procedure is carried out immediately after flowering. The second spraying with this substance is carried out before wintering. Urea is intended to save the crop from the invasion of various pests. A properly made solution allows you to achieve the desired effect.

During the first spraying, urea of ​​increased concentration is used with the addition of a small dose of copper sulfate. This remedy is effective not only against a variety of pests, but also allows you to slow down the growing season of some fruit trees by 2-3 weeks. This helps preserve the color on the trees during the last frost.

7 days after flowering, fruit plantings are sprayed with a weaker solution of urea: 50 g of the substance is diluted with a bucket of water. This protects the trees from leaf rollers, aphids, caterpillars, copperheads and flower beetles.

The second treatment is carried out in the fall, when half of the trees are bare of leaves. In this case, a solution of increased concentration is used. Spraying is also carried out after the leaves have completely fallen. In this case, spraying is performed with a urea solution with an 8-10% concentration. Not only trees, but also the soil around them are subject to this treatment. This substance has a dual effect - it disinfects plantings and also nourishes the soil. Here it is extremely important to choose the right concentration so as not to harm the trees or reduce their resistance to cold.

Just like other drugs, it is used twice - in autumn and spring. This petroleum product must be used with extreme caution, as it can cause burns to trees and shrubs, as a result of which they die. Therefore, spraying with diesel fuel is carried out strictly before the formation of buds and leaves on the trees in the spring. The second spraying is carried out only after the trees have completely lost their leaves.

This substance is strictly prohibited from being used in its pure form. It is diluted with water or other liquid, thereby reducing the concentration and destructive effect. A diluted solution of diesel fuel is extremely effective in combating rot.

It is used in early spring and late autumn. The finished solution consists of 200 g of the substance, diluted with 1 bucket of water. Treatment with this drug destroys many pests that have remained on the trunk and branches since the fall. This can be false scale insects, aphids, whiteflies, scale insects, leaf rollers and moths, etc. Preparation 30B is often used to control insects in the summer. This substance is considered harmless. When applied, it forms a thin film on the tree cover, which prevents the supply of oxygen and moisture to pests at the stage of eggs and larvae. Such conditions ultimately lead to the death of insects.

Despite the safety of this drug, experienced gardeners use it no more than once every three years.

Today, two types of devices for spraying orchards are produced - manual or mechanical. This is a necessary thing for the correct and effective procedure. It improves the quality of spraying and protects the gardener from contact with chemical. Each device is equipped with a pump. To work with drugs in powder form, there are devices with air supply.

Mechanical devices are characterized by convenience and high cost. The pumping principle for manual and mechanical devices is also different. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, here you should proceed from the needs and capabilities when purchasing this item.

We wish you success and good harvests!

Autumn is the time to prepare the garden for the coming cold and a very important time. Your level of preparation determines how well the plants in your garden will be protected, how they will survive the winter and how well they will grow during the next season. The trees on the site must be of high quality and protected from diseases, as well as from sunburn, which can significantly damage them at the end of the winter period, when the temperature begins to rise, and Sun rays will become more aggressive. The best way protection against pests - spraying trees.

We work with a spray gun

The most effective tool used for spraying is a spray bottle. Moreover, if trees are sprayed, as in our case, in late autumn, pesticides are used. This means you need to take precautions. Gloves, a respirator and a protective gown must be present in your arsenal. The substance with which you will treat the trees is selected based on the fact that the operation needs to be carried out in late autumn, as well as on what pests and diseases are present on the site. The weather for processing trees must be dry and windless. There is no point in spraying trees if the substance will immediately be washed away by rain or most of it will be blown away by the wind.

Spraying is carried out precisely in late autumn, before the onset of winter, when frosts can strike at any moment.

Of course, if diseased trees appear on the site, spraying should be done immediately.

Usually in November, trees are sprayed with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Urea is also suitable, which should be taken at the rate of 500-700 g per 10 liters of water. Spray both the tree and the surrounding ground. This way you can destroy the infection around. The spray should be fine, as if the water really becomes like dust. In this case, the reliability of protection against diseases and pests will increase significantly.

There's no need to rush

It happens that gardeners are in a hurry and spray in early autumn. The result is burns on the trees, loss of their reserves of strength and nutrients. Even the leaves from such an operation fall from the trees earlier than necessary, and the readiness of the plants for winter drops sharply. That is why spraying is best done in November.

You can whitewash the trunks and bases of branches with lime to protect them from rodents. Young plantings are treated with chalk. Apple and pear trees are tied at the base of the branches with matting or burlap using cherry or walnut branches or even stockings.

How can you spray trees (video)

Iron sulfate can be sprayed on trees and the ground underneath them after the leaves fall to avoid diseases that affect seeds and seeds. fruit crops and berry fields, as well as grapes.

Urea will come in handy when you need to protect trees from leaf rollers, aphids, apple blossom beetles and copperheads. True, the substance is effective only for two weeks, after which it will be necessary to re-spray.

When using a nitrogen solution, it is good to use a fungicide. You need to spray not only the trees and the ground under them, but also fallen leaves if you do not plan to remove them.

Urea – good remedy for protection against aphids. Just don’t rush into treating trees in the fall. Let the leaves fall. Best time usually occurs in November. If you do this before the leaves fall, the trees will slow down and be even less prepared for winter. The solution is prepared at the rate of 700g per 10l of water and is excellent for autumn and spring processing.

Often, to get rid of pest larvae, trees are sprayed with diesel fuel, which forms an oil film that causes suffocation in the larvae by blocking air access to them. Diesel is not a fungicide, which means its use is not limited to autumn or spring. It can be used in 50% concentration, mixed with other components in the following ways:

Water, iron sulfate and 10% milk of lime are mixed in a ratio of 10:1:10, then 20 parts of diesel fuel are added to the resulting mixture;

5 parts of clay and water are mixed with 20 parts of diesel fuel. The result is a non-fungicidal solution that can be used even when the fruits have already appeared;

And the third option is to mix water with laundry soap in a ratio of 9:1 and add 10 parts of diesel fuel.

Sunburn - harm and protection

Another unpleasant factor that can occur at the end of the winter season is sunburn. The surface of the snow is too light and reflects the rays well directly onto the tree bark on the south side. As a result, the bark dries out, cracks, and circulation is disrupted useful substances tree. The bark may fall off the tree, exposing an unprotected part. In addition, fungal infections like to settle in the affected areas. As a result, affected trees become less protected, lose productivity and live shorter lives than others.

Apple trees, cherries, cherries and plums are at risk, while pears are much more resistant to such adverse effects.

However, even if nothing grows on the site except pears, it is necessary to take care of the trees.

Burn protection

To protect the tree from burns, of course, you need to reduce the degree of heating of the bark. The easiest way is to whitewash the trunk and forks of the skeletal branches with lime or simply wrap them with light-colored material. White color perfectly reflects the sun's rays and reduces the level of heating of the bark.

Whitewashing is best done in late autumn, when the temperature is above zero.

For a 10-liter bucket, take 2-3 kg of freshly slaked lime, 50-100 g of casein glue and 400-500 g of copper sulfate, which was previously soaked in hot water. The mixture is poured with water and kneaded until it resembles sour cream.

Whitewashing can also be carried out in snow. First you need to rake it away from the trunk, and after whitewashing, rake it in order to reliably protect the roots from frost. Thus, it is possible to disinfect the trunk and forks of the branches and protect them from pathogens that have settled on the trunk and branches.

The main thing to remember is that there is no point in whitewashing in April-May; it has no effect.

You can also protect trees using a special synthetic-based paint “Protection” or a ready-made mixture of “Gardener”, “Sunshield” or “Garden Whitewash”. This method of protection is more effective than conventional whitewashing, although it requires re-application after the rains.

From available means, you can use white parchment paper and nail boards on the south side with 35mm long nails. The second method can last up to 5 years. If, in order to protect against rodents, the trees were tied with spruce branches or sunflower stems, then in this case no other protection will be required.

Experienced gardeners use grafting of varieties that are not resistant to burns into the crown or trunk of more hardy, but less valuable varieties.

With proper protection of trees, they will not only survive the winter easier, but will also be more reliably protected from pests and diseases in the next season. However, you need to know the exact or approximate time for each operation and at the same time take into account all the subtleties and conditions of each of them. Only in this case can you count on a positive result of your work.

When and what to spray fruit trees in the fall before wintering

What and when about spray fruit trees in the garden in autumn? Quite often the reader asks this question.

In order for the wintering of trees to be successful, the gardener will need to protect his fruit trees. trees from pests and diseases.Spraying trees in the fall, you will provide them with healthy and blooming species throughout the next season.

Autumn spraying trees - important factor in garden care.Fruit processing trees carried out using spray guns, while observing all safety rules, since later spraying carried out with pesticides. In view of this, each gardener needs to have a set of clothes to carry out this procedure: gloves, a protective gown and, of course, a respirator.Spray preparationfruit trees in the fall you need to select based on existing diseases and pests, and whether this treatment is early or late. Since late autumn is usually rainy, it is necessary to wait for dry weather, under no circumstances spray plantings before the rain, otherwise the rain will wash away the substance and the garden will remain unprotected or will not bring sufficient effect. The weather should be dry and windless.

Spraying trees in late autumn they are performed just before the onset of winter. Of course, if there are plantings in the garden that are diseased, the procedure is carried out outside the schedule.

With the onset of early autumn, the garden especially needs care and attention. To ensure that fruit trees are resistant to winter and cold, in late November spraying They are also fertilized with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

For autumn spraying fruit trees It is good to use a urea solution, with the calculation: 500-700 grams of urea per 10 liters of water. Interestingly, when spraying, you need to treat both the tree itself and the area underneath it so that the entire infection is killed. The spray should be dusty and fine. This procedure will reduce the risk of garden disease next year.

However, many gardeners are in a hurry and make a serious mistake by cultivating their garden in early autumn, when the trees have not yet lost all their leaves. Spray using such a solution in the garden can only result in burns and untimely falling of leaves. In this case, no effect will be achieved. As a result, the gardener will receive a weakened garden with a lack of useful nutrients, which will hardly be able to survive the winter. It is much more prudent to use a solution of this concentration in late autumn - in November.

In mid-autumn, in October, the bases of the branches and trunks must be whitened lime mortar, having previously cleared them of dead bark. As for young plantings, they are covered with a chalk solution. Apple and pear trees are protected from rodent invasion by tying the trunks and bases of skeletal branches. You can tie fruit trees with matting or burlap using young cherry or walnut branches. Some people use stockings.

Medicines for spraying trees .

inkstone it is applied for spraying plants and the soil under them before the beginning of the growing season or in the fall after the leaves fall, in order to combat diseases of pome and stone fruit crops and berries (diseases of the trunk and branches, moniliosis, scab and other spots), grapes (anthracnose, bacterial canker, spotty necrosis, mildew).

Urea is an effective measure for the destruction of leaf roller caterpillars, aphids, honey beetles and apple blossom beetles. The effect of nitrogen spraying lasts about 2 weeks, so as time passes, it is recommended to repeat the spraying procedure.

Autumn treatment with a nitrogen solution should also involve some kind of fungicide and include spraying not only the trees themselves, but also the soil under them. Fallen leaves must be subject to mandatory treatment if they are not planned to be removed.

Urea Can spray your garden, both in spring and autumn. Only in the fall it is important not to rush. If we start doing this before trees lose all their foliage, we risk slowing their growth, making them more likely to freeze in the winter. Concentration - 700 grams of substance per 10 liters of water - optimal for both spring and autumn spraying. Spraying with urea will protect trees from aphids.

Spraying trees diesel fuel helps to achieve complete destruction of the larvae due to the fact that the solution sprayed over the surface of the bark forms a homogeneous oily film on the surface of the branches and poles, which does not allow the larvae to breathe, as a result of which they suffocate as soon as possible after treatment.

Since this petroleum product is not a fungicide, it can be spray not only at the beginning of spring and late autumn, but throughout the entire flowering period of the fruit tree. Typically, it is diluted according to one of the following recipes:

    To 10 parts of water add 1 part of iron sulfate, then 10 parts of 10% milk of lime and only then 20 parts of diesel fuel. The resulting mixture will have a 50% concentration and is recommended for use before bud formation and after leaf fall.

    5 parts clay and 5 parts water are mixed with 20 parts fuel. The resulting solution has the same concentration as the previous one, but does not contain a fungicide and can be used during the period of fruit appearance.

    Another option for obtaining a 50% solution for spraying- mix 9 parts of water with 1 part of laundry soap and 10 parts of diesel fuel.

The article uses materials from the site

Spraying the garden plays an important role in the life of each individual plant and affects their development and fruitfulness. If you spray trees with the right compounds on time, you can significantly increase the quality and quantity of the harvest.

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for spraying a garden and answer a number of questions: what is the best way to spray trees in early spring, late spring, in summer, is it worth carrying out the event in the fall? We will also understand the ingredients (fungicides, fertilizers, insecticides).

This article will help everyone who wants to take care of their garden on their own. If you do not have the necessary time, proper experience and a great desire to work yourself, we recommend using the services of professional gardeners. We will quickly and efficiently take care of your landing! :)

Mandatory spraying

First of all, let's tell you when to spray trees. Mandatory spraying procedures occur in the spring. There are several of them: before the foliage appears, before and during flowering, and also after the plants have flowered. Each event has its own function.

  1. Before the first greenery appears on the branches, the garden is sprayed to destroy pests that have successfully overwintered in the bark and shoots. Spraying also serves as a preventive measure against diseases: scab, coccomycosis, clasteriosporiosis, etc. If you are interested in what to spray on trees before buds open, pay attention to copper-based preparations: copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture or specialized mixtures (sold in gardening stores).
  2. The second sanitary event occurs at the time of the appearance of the first buds. Goal: increasing immunity and resistance against fungal diseases. There is no clear answer to the question of what to spray trees with before flowering. A lot of special preparations or one of the fungicides will do: Bordeaux mixture, iron or copper sulfate.
  3. Now let's look at when and what to spray trees in the spring when they bloom. It is best to carry out two procedures: the first - after all the buds have bloomed; the second - in two weeks (when 75% of the petals have fallen). These are two complementary sprays carried out to combat garden pests (mainly mites and weevils) and increase immunity to fungal diseases. In this case, karbofos, DDT powder or anabasine are used.
  4. When the plants fade, the next step is spraying to increase resistance to pathogens of putrefactive diseases, as well as to destroy hatched insect larvae. So, what should you spray trees with after flowering to solve these problems? Combined mixtures are already used here; you can buy them at specialized sales points.
  5. In the summer, plants are sprayed with special compounds to exterminate a certain type of insect or quickly saturate the garden with necessary microelements (so-called foliar feeding).

Our specialists will help you carry out preventive procedures. Experienced gardeners with many years of experience will select an effective remedy and carry out necessary work according to the “highest level”! :)

Selecting the composition

In early spring, it is effective to spray trees with diesel fuel. Spraying is carried out in March. The petroleum product does an excellent job of killing pests. Diesel oil covers the plant with a thin oily film, blocking free access to oxygen for the larvae that have overwintered on the plants. Of course, the living creatures die.

There is no better prevention against all kinds of fungal diseases other than spraying the trees with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. They not only fight pathogens, but also increase the immunity of the garden as a whole.

Spraying with karbofos has its advantages. The substance perfectly burns pest larvae, like acid. In addition, plants are saturated with nitrogen. Therefore, karbofos is also used as a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. In view of these features, it is necessary to determine exactly when to spray trees with urea, and at what time of year – treating plants will have negative consequences. Remember - treating the garden with nitrogen-containing compounds is not permissible in a state of dormancy (March) or during the period when plantings are preparing for sleep (second half of autumn). In both cases, the use of urea will negatively affect the development of the garden.

By the way, copper sulfate is sometimes replaced with iron sulfate. It has a similar effect, but at the same time it has a useful property for some plants: it saturates them with an important microelement - iron. This trace element is involved in many oxidative processes in apple trees, peach plants, and cherries. Therefore, before spraying peach or apple trees with copper sulfate, carefully examine the plant for iron deficiency.

There are also folk recipes spraying substances that can replace a fungicide in the fight against certain types of pests or diseases. For example, if you are interested in how to spray trees against aphids, liquids with a pungent odor are suitable. Infusions of garlic or tobacco work well. Aphids do not tolerate strong aromas.

Our professional gardeners will help you select the active composition for your garden and carry out preventive measures. We will take care of your landing quickly, efficiently and inexpensively! :)

Technological process

Now we will tell you how to properly spray trees, consider the technology and provide a list of tools. In order to carry out the procedure, you will need:

  • special pump and spray liquid;
  • protective equipment (rubber gloves, respirator, goggles).

First of all, decide when is the best time to spray trees. The event must be held in dry weather, preferably early in the morning or after sunset. Thus, the applied liquid will be absorbed as much as possible, will not be washed off by rain and will not evaporate in the sun. So, the day and time have been chosen, it’s time to get started:

  1. Spray the active substance over the entire surface of the wood. Make sure that the composition falls evenly in fine dew. To do this, hold the tip of the spraying apparatus at a distance of 60-70 cm from the surface to be coated.
  2. Periodically shake the liquid in the pump reservoir. This is done so that the solution does not separate.
  3. At the end of the procedure, wash all pump elements. Then wash your hands and face with plain soap and rinse your mouth.


After talking with novice gardeners and scrolling through many forums, we have identified a number of questions that most often plague beginners. We will try to give intelligible answers to each of them.

  • Question No. 1: when should trees be sprayed - in spring, autumn or summer?

Each spray performs its own function depending on the composition of the substance used in the procedure. For example, copper-based compounds are excellent at fighting fungal diseases, and urea is excellent at burning pests. Universal remedy there is simply no solution to all problems, so the event is held several times a year: at least three times in the spring and 2-3 times in the summer. The spring event serves as a preventative measure, and the summer event serves to destroy pests that have taken over the tree or saturate the garden. necessary elements(nitrogen, iron, etc., depending on deficiency) - this is the so-called foliar feeding.

  • Question No. 2: what should you spray trees with in March and why don’t you use urea during this period?

In early spring, spraying is carried out to destroy insects that have overwintered in the “bowels” of the tree. For these purposes, copper-based preparations or diesel fuel are often used. They do an excellent job with this task. Karbofos has a unique property - it saturates the garden with nitrogen. What does it mean? Urea activates vegetation processes. There is no need to wake up the garden; it will wake up when the earth and air warm up enough. Waking up earlier will not bring anything good.

  • Question No. 3: when and with what to spray trees against leaf rollers?

This is one of the most “harmful” types of insects. They damage fruit bearings from mid-spring until almost the end of autumn. It is necessary to fight them even before the buds begin to bloom. Effective means for spraying: diesel fuel, machine oil emulsion. In mid-spring, urea is used. In summer, caterpillars can be killed with tobacco infusion or karbofos. If there are few pests, they are often collected and destroyed manually - but this is an ineffective method of control.

  • Question No. 4; Is it possible to spray trees during flowering?

Yes! Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! During this period, many pests hatch, mites and weevils crawl out. The latter damage the buds of the ovary, so their destruction is a primary task if you want to get a large and high-quality harvest.

Let us remind you that professional gardeners can carry out important activities for the life of your garden instead of you. We will take care of your site with the highest quality and care! :)

When and what to spray trees video