Shower      03.03.2020

What paint can be used to paint tiles. Painting tiles. Cosmetic tile renovation

Three reasons why you should resort to painting bathroom tiles.

When starting a bathroom renovation, you have to face a number of inevitable disadvantages of this process:

  1. Buying a very expensive ceramic tile with its subsequent transportation to your home, which may well be located on the upper floors of the house;
  2. Hiring a team of workers whose labor will have to be paid from the family budget;
  3. The repair process itself, with its knocking, dust, inability to take a bath and complaints from neighbors.

But there is a way out, this is to resort to a not very common, but relatively cheap and quick type of repair - this is painting the tiles in the bathroom.

What is this article about

What you need to paint bathroom tiles

Can it be dyed tile in the bathroom and what is needed for this? Just as a theater begins with a hanger, so any renovation should begin with a list. necessary tools and materials. To paint the tiles in the bathroom you will need: paint, primer, putty, varnish, thinner, container for diluting paint, spatula, fine-grained sandpaper, plastic film or a pack of old newspapers, masking tape, brushes (or roller, sprayer), goggles, gloves, work clothes and rags for mashing.

Primer and paint for ceramic tiles in the bathroom

There should be no problems with the selection of colors, as manufacturers of paint and varnish products offer a wide range of color scheme your product. If there is a need to choose a paint with a certain shade, then a specialist colorist will help to cope with this, or you can mix the colors yourself to your taste.

The question of choosing the type of paint and varnish material is more difficult. For painting ceramic tiles in the bathroom, it is possible to use the following materials: oil paints, alkyd enamels, nitro paints, acrylic paints, epoxy enamels. The final choice should depend not only on the price and on the volume of planned work ( overhaul, redecorating, drawing), but also from physicochemical and operational properties future paintwork.

It is also important to choose the right primer for the selected paint. It is desirable that it be a neutral color (white or light gray) or match the color of the paint. The color of the primer can affect the visual perception of the color of the entire coating, give it an unnecessary shade due to “shine through” through the paint layer. It is also desirable that the primer and paint match in their chemical composition. For example, if you plan to use alkyd enamel, then it is better to use an alkyd-based primer.

Why prime bathroom tiles? Primer coating penetrates into the upper porous layer of the tile, filling the smallest cracks and irregularities, thereby leveling and strengthening the painted surface. It also increases the adhesion force (sticking) of the paint, which will significantly increase the service life of the paintwork.

When buying paints and varnishes, you should give preference to a well-known manufacturer with a good reputation. For the bathroom, it is advisable to purchase an antifungal paintwork material.

Tool selection

You can apply paint to the surface with a brush, roller, spray.

Paint brushes are one of the most common and available tools for applying paints and varnishes. For painting large areas, it is worth choosing flat brushes (flutes). These brushes differ from each other in the width and thickness of the bristle bundle. The larger the surface to be painted, the wider the brush should be.

To paint a small surface, it is necessary to have a so-called panel brush. With this brush, you can apply paint in a thin strip, paint over joints, and apply decorative drawings.

Roller - best suited for painting large surfaces. Unlike a paint brush, a roller is more economical consumption paintwork material and the ability to apply coatings in a whiter thin layer. For painting the walls, it is advisable to choose a roller with a long handle, and for painting the ceiling with a short one. The roller roller is made of various materials, such as: foam rubber, velor, fur, etc. For coating based on water-based paints and varnishes, a roller with a foam roller is most suitable, and for painting with alkyd and nitrocellulose enamels, it will be necessary to use a roller made of fur, velor or with a filament surface.

The most important disadvantage that must be considered when painting ceramic tiles is the poor ability of the roller to paint over joints and corners with high quality.

Atomizer - special device, designed for applying liquid and powder paints and varnishes, by means of their fine spraying. Due to this, coatings are of better quality, and material consumption is more economical. The operation of the sprayer requires certain skills.

Preparing the tile surface for painting

Having bought everything necessary materials and tools are needed to proceed to prepare the tile surface for coating. This is very milestone and should be taken seriously. How you prepare the surface to be painted will determine the durability and quality of the paintwork.

First you need to thoroughly wash the surface of the ceramic tile using detergents. Special attention should be given to places with old dirt and other layers. After the tile is washed, it is necessary to treat its surface with abrasive materials (fine-grained sandpaper and etc.). During the "sanding" it is worth paying attention to the joints between ceramic tiles, as well as places where mold grows. Such mechanical processing will allow not only to get rid of dirt that has eaten deep into the tile, but also from mold. The surface treated with abrasive material will allow the paint and varnish material to more firmly “adhere” to the painted tile.

Abrasive treatment is not required if decorative patterns are planned to be applied to the tile.

If the amount of mold growing on the tile was large enough, then it must be treated antifungal drug. Such a preparation can be easily purchased at a hardware store or you can use ordinary household bleach containing chlorine compounds in its composition. After the surface of the tile is “cleaned” of mold, it is washed with warm water.

If a tile defect is found, in the form of chips and cracks, they must be covered with putty.

Next and last step surface preparation for painting is degreasing. For this, solvents such as white spirit, turpentine or solvent are used.

Surface priming and painting

Before starting the direct painting of the tiles, it is worth closing those areas of the bathroom that will not be painted. To do this, you can use a polymer film, old newspapers, masking tape.

The primer should be applied in a thin even layer over the entire width of the surface to be painted, using a brush or roller. After the primer dries, and this is usually 5-6 hours, the main and final stage of painting begins.

How to paint bathroom tiles? Depending on the tool used to apply the paintwork material, the following requirements are imposed on the painting process:

When painting with a brush. The bristles of the paint brush should be thoroughly washed before painting. It is recommended to dip the brush (bristle only) in clean water and leave it to soak for one hour. During this time, the bristles will swell and become whiter elastic. This preparation of the brush will make the bristles softer and help prevent them from falling out during painting.

In the process of painting, you should periodically stir the paint with a stick so that its composition is uniform and there is no delamination into fractions.

When dipping the brush into the paint, it should be immersed only on 1/3 of the bristles. So that the paint does not drip from the brush, it should be squeezed out inner part banks. The paint is applied to the surface of the tile with smooth movements up and down or from left to right. When painting paint brush must be held by the handle, perpendicular to the surface to be painted or at a slight angle.

When painting with a roller. Applying the coating material with a roller is sufficient in a simple way for any person. Before use, it is advisable to rinse the roller with water so that it does not leave dust and dirt particles that can ruin the paintwork. To dip the roller into the paint, it is better to use a special pallet, which can be bought at hardware store. After dipping the roller in the paint, it should be squeezed out so that it does not drip from it. The paint is applied to the surface of the tile with smooth up and down movements. It is not necessary to press hard on the roller and with the same effort.

When spray painting. First of all, you should take care of good ventilation in the bathroom.

The viscosity of the paintwork material used for painting with a sprayer must be less than when painting with a brush or roller (in this case, follow the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with the sprayer).

How to spray paint bathroom tiles? Before applying paint to the surface to be painted, it is necessary to adjust the width of the torch (paint jet) so that no large drops form, and the paint material is sprayed evenly over the entire surface to be painted. To adjust the torch, you can use a suspended sheet of newspaper, on which it is worth directing a jet of paint. After the sprayer is adjusted, you can start working. The paint must be applied with smooth movements, moving the spray gun along the surface of the tile. The distance from the sprayer to the surface to be painted should be within 150-200mm.

General rules for painting. The paint on the tiles should be applied in even and thin layers. After applying a layer of paint, it is allowed to dry, after which the next layer is applied. The number of coats required to paint the surface may vary depending on the type and quality of the paint product. Painting is considered finished if the color of the substrate (tiles, primers) is no longer visible through the paint layer.

Protecting the paintwork in the bathroom

To increase the "life" of the paintwork, it is recommended to apply one or two layers of varnish after painting is completed and the coating is completely dry.

The same requirements are imposed on the selection of varnish as on the selection of a primer with paint. It is desirable that the varnish and paint be the same chemical composition, that is, if acrylic paint was used, then the varnish should be based on acrylates.

For the future. If the bathroom is poorly ventilated and there are all the prerequisites for mold growth, then the painted surface should be periodically treated with antifungal drugs, which are sold in a wide variety in hardware and hardware stores.

Nicely laid tiles long term decorates the room, but over time you want to update the interior. Removing old tiles and laying new ones is a laborious, lengthy process that requires financial costs, and it is not always possible to implement it.

Today, tile paint is being produced, with which it will be possible to quickly and easily minimal cost change the design of the room. You can not be limited to painting, but apply decoration thematic drawings, apply patterns with stained glass ceramic compositions. Those who are not good at drawing can use stencils.

You can paint tiles in several ways, including:

  • painting;
  • creating drawings;
  • drawing patterns;
  • color update;
  • capital painting.

It is allowed to paint the walls in the technique of landscapes, abstraction, still lifes, portraits. Drawings are applied using stencils or created independently. Patterns can be applied to separate fragments tiles or the entire area. As the color is updated, it becomes more saturated. If you decide to completely paint the tiles in the bathroom, replacing the color, patterns, drawings, images, ornaments, then this work considered capital. The method is chosen depending on the purpose of staining.

You can also update the tiles on the floor. The only difference is that it has a greater mechanical impact, as a result, the coating will wear off faster. Therefore, more layers of paint are applied to floor tiles than to wall tiles.

You can paint with different compositions:

  1. epoxy dyes;
  2. based on acrylic;
  3. satin enamel.

The advantage of using epoxy paint is that it dries quickly. After staining, there is almost no unpleasant odor left. Acrylic paints differ in brightness and saturation. Even a non-professional can work with them. After applying satin enamel, there are no streaks left, the images have an enveloping velvety.

Types of paint

Standard paint is not suitable for coloring, because over time it peels off and flakes off. Therefore, special dyes are used:

  • Latex based. This paint has good adhesion to the surface. Differs in wear resistance, does not do harm to health. To paint the tiles in the bathroom, waterproofing is required, so rubber compounds are used. In a dry room, acrylic-latex paint is used.
  • Stained glass windows. The surface to which the mixture is applied must be smooth and clean. The coloring composition has a high cost. It is used to create beautiful drawings.

  • On oil based. A primer must be applied to the surface before painting.

  • Epoxy. They are waterproof, adhere well to the surface, and will not peel off over time. Before using epoxy paint, the tiles must be treated with a primer based on organic solvents.

  • Polyurethane. They are resistant to temperature changes, to humidity, therefore they are suitable for use in the kitchen, in the bathroom. They are wear resistant. But first, the surface must be coated with a primer (not water, but from organic solvents), and only this field is applied paint for tiles.

  • Alkyd compounds. They have good adhesion to the surface. Alkyd enamels are only suitable for dry rooms.

  • Autoenamels. Originally developed for painting cars. They include: pigment, resin, solvent and hardener. Such paints can be applied to smooth surfaces, including ceramics.


The answer to the question of how to paint a tile depends on the purpose of painting, temperature conditions and humidity, allocated financial resources, etc. Full painting of tiles is carried out with latex, epoxy and oil compositions. The drawing is applied with special paints. They cost more. Before applying these dyes, the surface does not need to be sanded.

Budget options include acrylic blends. In addition, after the paint dries, there is practically no unpleasant odor. If necessary, the acrylic paint can be easily removed. For application use a brush or roller. The epoxy composition dries quickly, they can paint tiles on the floor and ceiling.

The walls and floor are sometimes faced with porcelain stoneware. It is characterized by high strength and beautiful view. As a paint for porcelain stoneware, substances for porcelain or glass are used. Before painting, it is necessary to clean the surface well by hand with sandpaper or grinder.

Doing work in the bathroom

Painting tiles in the bathroom can be done by hand. Previously, surfaces that are not supposed to be processed are sealed with masking tape so that they are not splashed with primer and dye. Such surfaces most often include the edges of the bath, sinks, countertops, ceiling. The floor, bath, furniture are covered with old newspapers or film. Sockets and platbands are removed or sealed with masking tape. You will need the following tools and materials for painting ceramic tiles:

  1. Fine sandpaper.
  2. Rag, sponge.
  3. Brush.
  4. Cleaning and detergent.
  5. Paint (for damp rooms).
  6. Brushes, rollers.
  7. Primer. Not required for all coloring agents. The type of composition is selected depending on the paint and should provide increased adhesion.
  8. Masking tape.
  9. Water based acrylic varnish.

Tiles for painting must be free of dirt, mold and grease. Surface preparation takes place using cleaning products, brushes and sponges. For a more durable stain, it is recommended to grind the tiles with fine sandpaper.

Full tiling

Painting tiles most often begins with a primer. To do this, the surface must be dry. The composition is applied with a brush or roller. The tile must then dry. After that, paint is applied in several layers. At the same time, a new coating cannot be applied until the previous one has dried. The dye is applied in thin layers with a roller over a large area and with a brush in hard-to-reach places. To extend the life of the painted tile, it is varnished. It is applied to a dry surface. Full coloring, done by myself, is finished.

Patterns on tiles

Instead of completely repainting your bathroom tiles, it's a good idea to update them with ornaments and patterns. For this you will need a stencil. The surface must be clean and degreased, treated with a primer. The stencil must fit snugly against the surface.

Further care

Updating the old tile does not end immediately after painting. It needs to be protected from impact. external factors so that the coloring composition is not rubbed off and washed off with water. Suitable for this varnish water based. It creates a strong transparent film that protects the paint.

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Tiles - strong and durable decorative coating. It can be glossy or matte. It depends on the texture of the top layer: smooth or slightly rough. Theoretically, anyone can paint with their own hands. But the strength of staining can be different. So, worst of all, coloring preparations are kept on a glossy basis. It requires special pre-treatment.

It is important to choose the right composition. Some paints are categorically not suitable for these purposes. In general, staining is possible for any type of tile.

Advantages of staining

  • Quick update .
  • Removal of visible defects of the old coating.
  • Variety of color options.
  • Minimum cash investment.
  • Ease of implementation. An inexperienced master will cope with the work.


The disadvantages of the solution include the fragility of the new coating for some types of paints. However, nothing prevents from updating it from time to time. Then the result will be better. It is better to paint tiles on the floor only with epoxy or latex compounds. Otherwise, intensive use will quickly render the new finish unusable. But the painted ceramic wall cladding lasts longer.

Painting can be continuous or selective. In the first case, the paint is applied to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls. In the second, only fragments are painted, patterns, panels, etc. are drawn. It is especially good in this case to use a stencil. So you can zone a room, draw attention to a certain part of it. For decoration, choose only one tone or play with color. Close combinations or contrasts - there are no rules here. Any design the owner likes is applied.

Look at the photo: before and after staining. How the old bathroom has been transformed.

So, for oil preparations are better suited pile materials, for water emulsion - foam rubber. The design allows you to distribute the coloring composition as evenly as possible over the surface, apply it with a thinner layer than a brush. Therefore, the consumption of material when painting with a roller is significantly reduced. However, it will not work to paint over the tile seams in this way, you will have to work with a brush.

To work with a roller, you need to buy a special tray for paint. The liquid preparation is half poured into the tray, the roller is dipped into it. Then it is pressed on the ribbed plane of the tray, after which it can be painted. The roller is pressed against the base, then goes down, rises again. The movements are performed smoothly, with the same effort over the entire surface. This guarantees uniform coloration.

Applying a protective layer

In order for the paintwork to last as long as possible, it is protected with varnish. After the coloring agent dries, one or two varnish layers are applied on top. It is good that the chemical basis of the materials is the same. So, if acrylic dye was used, the varnish should also be on acrylate.

The number of layers is determined from the manufacturer's recommendations. They are applied with a brush, less often with a roller. For rooms where there is a threat of mold, additional treatment of the painted surface with an antiseptic is desirable. It can be bought at any hardware store. And you need to do this regularly.

We figured out how to paint the tiles in the bathroom with our own hands. This is a simple procedure that will help without special costs and very quickly update the boring interior. You can act drastically: repaint the floor and walls of the bathroom, or you can only slightly change the design, supplementing it with a medium-sized ornament or panel.

  • Material prepared: Inna Yasinovskaya

After a few years, the tile becomes unusable, loses its former attractiveness and luster. Replacing a tile involves a significant expense, which is why many are looking for an option to upgrade it without significant capital investment. The best and economical way its renewal is the painting of ceramic tiles.

Experts recommend painting only those walls that do not get water, and the wall near the shower or bath, just paint with drawings. To properly paint the tile, you need to prepare certain tools and materials.

Namely, such as:

  • Soft and metallic sponge;
  • Cleaning and degreasing agents;
  • Gloves;
  • Fine sandpaper;
  • Respirator;
  • Roller and brush;
  • Primer and paint.

Painting tiles or floor tiles involves several steps. Initially, you need to preparatory work, and thoroughly clean the tiles, wash off dirt, grease and other debris. To do this, you need to use degreasing agents. After cleaning, the tile must be well dried and treated with an alcohol or vinegar solution.

On perfect smooth surface the paint will begin to peel off quickly, which is why you need to walk with fine sandpaper over the entire surface.

You need to grind it until the surface becomes slightly rough. You also need to process the seams and remove dust. After grinding and cleaning the surface, you need to treat it with a primer, apply paint in several layers. After the surface has completely dried, you need to carefully treat the seams with putty. Lacquer is used to change the state of the tile and give it a beautiful shine. Lacquering will not only protect the tiles from damage, but also give the floor a beautiful fresh look.

Tile varnishing is carried out for surfaces such as:

  • Ceramic tile;
  • cladding from natural stone or brick;
  • Concrete floors.

Clinker tiles can also be varnished. To carry out all the required work, a varnish is used, made on the basis of acrylic with the addition of small particles of ceramics. After drying, the surface becomes glossy and stronger, which helps prevent mechanical damage. If you need to varnish absorbent surfaces, then you need to wait for the glue to dry completely, and only then treat the tile with varnish. Lacquer should be applied in a uniform and not very thick layer. Cannot be applied paints and varnishes on the surface, the base of which is constantly exposed to moisture. You can apply varnish on the surface of the floor tiles yourself, which is very simple, it is only important to follow the instructions for use and adhere to safety precautions.

How to paint tile in the kitchen

Do-it-yourself ceramic tiles in the kitchen can be painted quite easily and quickly. You can also make a very beautiful painting that will emphasize overall design premises. This option is considered the most budget option tile updates. It is possible to improve the condition of tile joints very quickly.

In particular, you can:

  • Paint;
  • Treat with a solution of vinegar;
  • Replace grout.

After painting the tiles, it is important to know what to do with the grouts. Light tile joints darken very quickly, lose color and become covered with a greasy coating. The easiest way to paint the seams between the tiles. For this, the most suitable regular paint or marker.

Before painting, the seams must be thoroughly cleaned of contamination and dried well.

If the tile joints have darkened, then most likely the reason is the formation of mold. You can clean it with a weak solution of vinegar. Then gently wipe the seams with a soft cloth or sponge. The most difficult and reliable way is to replace the grout. To do this, you need to remove upper layer old grout and apply new putty.

Selection of paint for ceramic tiles

Some time later, on ceramic tiles start to appear dark spots, it fades, and the tile joints begin to darken and let moisture through. This is especially true for porous materials with a matte finish. There is a wide variety of paints for porcelain stoneware that can only be used in dry or wet areas.

There are such types of paints and varnishes as:

  • Alkyd enamel;
  • Polyurethane paint;
  • Epoxy enamel;
  • Latex water-dispersion paint;
  • Special coating.

Alkyd enamels are characterized by good adhesion and are suitable for various surfaces, in particular such as plastic or porcelain stoneware. They can be used to paint tiles, but this can only be done in dry and well-ventilated areas. It can only be applied to walls, as it has a low wear resistance and is not suitable for the floor. Paints based on polyurethane resins are characterized by high adhesion to absolutely any surface. They are resistant to mechanical damage and do not peel off under the action of high temperatures and humidity.

Important! Under epoxy and polyurethane enamels it is necessary to apply the corresponding primer made on organic solvents.

Paints based on epoxy resins, create a durable and hard coating on the surface of porcelain stoneware tiles. The enamel adheres very well to the surface and protects it from moisture. latex paint adheres very well to all surfaces. It is wear-resistant, reliable and at the same time does not have any unpleasant odors, which is why it is completely safe to use. When working with such paint, no preliminary priming is required.

The nuances of using epoxy paint for tiles

To beautifully and permanently update the old, but durable decorative tiles, you need to be very serious about the choice of paint used. When choosing the most suitable dye, it is necessary to take into account the adhesive qualities of the surface.

They can be:

  • Weak - tiles;
  • Moderate - clinker or ceramic tiles;
  • Good - plaster.

In addition, when carrying out staining, it is imperative to take into account the location of the tile. If you need to carry out work in wet areas, such as a kitchen or bath, then moisture-resistant paints and varnishes are used.

Epoxy paints are best suited for floor treatment, as they lay down evenly, dry quickly, are easy to clean, resistant to mechanical damage and abrasion.

When painting tiles, it is best to take less toxic mixtures. For ease of use, you can take acrylic-epoxy paints, made in the form of an aerosol. There are many options for epoxy paints, differing in their composition and technical characteristics.

Why do you need paint for tiles (video)

Properly selected and applied paint on the surface of the tile will achieve very good result and restore the surface to its former brilliance and beauty.

There are many ways to transform the interior, but few people remember the possibility of painting tiles in the bathroom and in the kitchen. But in vain. Simple technique allows you to quickly and without extra costs transform decorative trim rooms, eliminating unnecessary hassle in the form of dismantling the annoying coating and getting rid of mountains of construction debris. But for quality painting must be firmly adhered to simple steps proven technology.

Why paint tiles?

Most people are incredulous and bewildered about the idea of ​​painting or a kitchen. Although this technique of updating the interior helps to achieve several goals:

  • Easily and quickly change the design concept of the room, change its style, color scheme, etc. This great option incarnations fundamental changes without lengthy rough work;
  • Change the color scheme of the room when buying and installing new furniture;
  • Create accents on certain interior elements, emphasizing the overall atmosphere and style of the room;
  • Decorate the walls with an image or an interesting ornament;
  • To mask small defects that form on the surface of the tile after prolonged use.

To independently change the interior of rooms, inspiration and knowledge of the basics of coloring tiled elements are enough. And the smooth surface of the tiled finish is perfect for a quick makeover.

Necessary materials and tools

Despite the simplicity of the process, painting tiles requires minimal artistic skills and a simple set of tools and materials, presented:

  • Paint;
  • Primer;
  • A set of brushes;
  • Solvent;
  • roller;
  • masking tape;
  • cellophane;
  • pattern template;
  • construction varnish;
  • Palette (if necessary).

All these things are necessary for the thorough preparation of the coating for painting, drawing the contours of the future image, accurate execution artwork without contaminating nearby finishes or nearby furniture.

Composition selection

To create a durable pattern, selection is very important. correct paint, and carrying out work in interior rooms requires absolute safety of the used paint for health. Under these parameters, dyes based on:

  • Acrylics that delight in colors and are easy to use;
  • Epoxy, not sharp bad smell and fast drying.

To emphasize the iridescent sheen of enamel, you should choose glossy shades. And to give the walls of the bathroom or kitchen a visual velvety feel, you can use semi-gloss satin enamel. An additional advantage of the latter material is its resistance to contamination.

Although FACTORY TILE comes in many designs, if you are determined to paint it, pay attention to the quality of the dye, especially. Poor-quality paintwork products can release toxic substances, especially when heated.

Design variations

Options for decorating a room by painting tiles are limited only by the designer's imagination. You can embody in a bored tile any creative ideas, guided by their own taste and the general style of the room. But if nothing comes to mind, you can use one of the frequent design options:

  • Capital painting, which involves a complete change in the color of the tile by repainting it;
  • Refreshing hues by painting tiles with richer tones or highlights bright colors individual elements;
  • An ornament that continuously decorates rows of tiles or individual groups of tiles.

Much more skill requires the execution of a drawing or painting. Drawing is a simpler option, focusing attention on itself and unobtrusively connecting together disparate elements of the interior. The image can be applied using ready-made templates, decorating individual tiles floor covering, kitchen apron or parts of a wall.

A painting is the most complex type of tile painting, involving the creation of an integral artistic composition, reminiscent of an ordinary picture canvas. Here the artist can fully reveal his skill and transform the usual ceramic finish into a work of art.

Surface preparation

In order to qualitatively paint the tile coating, it must first be prepared. The essence of the preparation is to remove streaks, drops of fat from the tiled surface, limescale, rust, grout residues and other types of contaminants. Particular attention during cleaning is paid to joints in which dirt actively accumulates, and in conditions high humidity the bathroom can develop fungus and mold. Sealed seams between tiles and furniture or plumbing fixtures are also carefully processed.

After removal of contaminants, the coating is degreased with alcohol or solvent. Glaze, which will be covered with paint, is additionally polished for a more even and accurate distribution of the dye.

Chips, scratches or cracks are treated with a special primer, which further improves the adhesion between the base and the paintwork.

Paint application

After preparing the cladding for painting, you should wait for it to dry completely, and only then apply the paint. For a neat embodiment of the invented design, along the borders of the elements to be tinted, it is necessary to place a masking tape to prevent soiling of adjacent objects.

Capital staining is easier to perform using a foam roller. The tool provides fast and uniform distribution of the coloring matter over a large area. For more fine workmanship, including the removal of patterns, the creation of an image, a picture or painting of individual tiles, narrower brushes are suitable.

Products with hard pile leave relief traces on the painted surface, giving it a special structure. But if you want to maintain a glossy sheen and perfect evenness, you should choose brushes made of soft bristles.

The process consists of two stages:

  • Applying the base layer;
  • Re-staining with perpendicular strokes after the first coat has dried.

If you are thinking about painting, you can get by with one layer, but with a thicker and more saturated paint.

In order not to accidentally smear the borders of the image, not to spoil it with particles of dirt or drops of fat, it is better not to enter the room until the coating is completely dry. For quick drying, it is important to comply temperature regime. IN cold weather It takes more time to dry the tiled finish.

Pattern protection

When the image is applied, it remains to provide it reliable protection from external negative impact, abrasion or gradual washing off with water. The application of protection is very important, regardless of the purpose of the room being decorated.

An obstacle in the way of destructive factors becomes 1-2 layers of transparent varnish. When processing paint on tiles, only aqueous compositions are used, which are distinguished by accelerated drying in comparison with other types and the absence of an unpleasant odor. And the strong film formed after hardening demonstrates absolute transparency and the absence of extraneous shades.

If among the abundance of tiles in the Kerama Marazzi brand store at 27 Budyonny Avenue in Moscow you cannot find a model that has sunk into your soul, then, armed with brushes, a palette and imagination, you can create your own at home unique design that will please the eye for many years.