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Oil based stain. Wood stain processing: professional finishing algorithms. Basic rules for work

To give greater decorativeness and aesthetics to wood products, they are treated with wood stain. The solution changes the tone and emphasizes the texture of the wood. Modern stains have antiseptic properties and can significantly extend the life of the product.

Consider what types of stains are, how you can make a composition with your own hands, and what are the basic rules for applying stain to wood.

The purpose of wood stain

Stain - a tinting composition that is applied to treated wood to change natural color wood, plywood, furniture, chipboard, fiberboard and MDF. Morilka has a second name Beyts.

A special composition penetrates deep into the wood, so that the texture of the wood is preserved. Such an effect from enamel or paint cannot be achieved.

Some use wood stain to hide the true type of wood, such as painting inexpensive pine in the colors of noble woods. Others use the wood stain to update the interior of the room or to emphasize the beautiful texture of the natural material.

With the skillful use of stain and a combination of several shades at the same time, you can turn an ordinary wood product into an artistic value.

In addition to decorative functions, some types of stains also have protective properties. Wood-protective compounds include stains on an oil-alkyd basis or solvents. Such stains are able to protect the tree from insect pests, the appearance of mold and fungi.

Types of stains for wood processing

The main criterion by which all stains are classified is the basis for making the solution. The most common stains are water, alcohol, oil, acrylic and wax based. Consider the features of each type.

Wood stains on water based are available in two forms: dry stains in powder form for self-dilution in water, and in a ready-to-use state. Water stains take a long time to dry, so it will take a long time to get a uniform tone.

The main inconvenience of using stain is that during processing, the composition raises the wood fiber. On the one hand, this emphasizes the structure of the tree, and on the other hand, it makes the product more vulnerable to moisture. Therefore, before applying the stain, the wood should be wetted superficially, left to soak for a while and carefully sanded.

Alcohol stain is a solution of organic dyes with pigments in ethyl alcohol. Alcohol compositions are used for antiseptic and decorative painting. wooden products. Such stains reduce pile uplift and do not cause swelling of the wood.

When using alcohol stain, it is difficult to achieve uniform staining, as the composition dries quickly, and stains can form. For toning small items, such stains can be suitable, but it will be very problematic to paint the parquet.

Alcohol stains are applied only with a spray gun (spray gun), and when painted with a brush, the result can be unpredictable

Oil based stain have many tones and shades. Oil stain contains dyes soluble in drying oil and oils. White spirit is used as a solvent.

Oil stain - the most convenient to use: it can be applied different ways, does not lift the fibers and is distributed evenly over the entire surface. Products treated with oil-based stains can be easily repainted and restored.

Wax and acrylic stains- the latest generation of tinting materials. Wood stains based acrylic resins and wax form a thin colored film on the surface of the wood, which additionally protects the material from excessive moisture. These types of stains evenly "lay" on the surface and are well suited for processing wooden floors.

Acrylic stains have a wide range of tones that can be mixed to achieve subtler shades. The composition does not bad smell, non-flammable and suitable for all types of wood. Acrylic stains do not emit harmful fumes, and dry quickly after application.

When working with acrylic stain, it is important not to overdo it with the layer thickness. A good effect can be obtained when applying no more than 2 layers, if more, then stains may form.

Wax stains are very soft wax. They can be used directly on wood or pre-painted surfaces. Wax stains are applied with a cloth and spread over the wood with a rubbing motion.

Wax stains look most effective in combination with polishing. This technique is often used when finishing turning products, profiles and threads.

Important! Wax-based stains must not be used before wood treatment with two-component acid-curing varnishes or polyurethane.

Making a stain with your own hands: recipes for craftsmen

Plant stains

You can give wood a different shade with the help of plant components.

Wood stains based on coffee, tea and vinegar

Do-it-yourself wood stain can be made from improvised means: coffee, tea and vinegar.

You can give the tree a cherry, brown and dark brown hue with a solution of potassium permanganate: 50 g must be diluted in 1 liter warm water, apply to the wood, and after 5 minutes wipe the surface with a soft cloth. In order to get more bright shade treatment with potassium permanganate must be repeated.

After treating the wood with potassium permanganate stain, the surface must be covered protective composition, otherwise potassium permanganate will fade

Stains with chemical components

If you want to get a lasting color, you can experiment and create a stain from chemicals.

Whitening stains

Bleaching wood allows you to prepare the product for painting and achieve expressive tone. Some species of trees acquire unexpected color shades when bleached. For example, a walnut, which has a monochromatic texture with purple tint, after treatment with a bleaching stain, it becomes pale pink or alo-pink. The bleaching of the apple tree makes the wood a noble ivory color.

Whitening stain: photo

For bleaching, you can use different solutions. Some act very quickly, others more slowly.

  1. Solution of oxalic acid. Dissolve 1.5-6 g of oxalic acid in 100 g of boiled water. This composition is suitable for bleaching light woods: linden, white poplar, light walnut, birch and maple. Dirty tones or gray spots may appear on other types of wood. Veneer sheets after bleaching should be washed with a solution (composition: hot water- 100 g, soda ash- 3 g, bleach - 15). This treatment deresin the surface and raises the pile of wood.
  2. Bleaching with 25% hydrogen peroxide is suitable for most tree species except lemon tree, oak and rosewood. Products, after treatment with peroxide, do not need to be washed. Peroxide solution bleaches only finely porous tree species. Wood containing tannins is very difficult to lighten with such a stain. To improve the bleaching process, tannins must first be treated with a 10% solution of ammonia.

The results of bleaching different tree species:

  • birch after bleaching in a solution of oxalic acid gets a greenish tint;
  • ash and oak veneer becomes noticeably lighter after treatment with oxalic acid;
  • Anatolian nut, when bleached in hydrogen peroxide (peroxide concentration not lower than 15%), acquires a golden hue, and walnut - pink.

Methods for applying stain

Wood stain processing can be done in one of four ways:

  1. Spraying. The stain is applied to the surface of the wood with an airbrush. Spraying allows you to achieve an even distribution of the stain and obtain an even texture.
  2. Trituration. The stain is applied to the wood and evenly rubbed over the entire area of ​​the product. The coating is transformed, the texture becomes pronounced. This method is optimal for porous wood species, and the stain should not be used to dry quickly.
  3. Application with a roller or swab. This method is used in the processing of products small area, it helps to avoid streaks and ensures even distribution of the stain over the surface.
  4. Brush application. In the absence of a spray gun or swab, you can use a brush, but this method is not suitable for all types of stain. Experts note that when applied with a brush, the wood gives a deeper, richer color than with other methods.

The main principles of wood stain processing

In order to receive beautiful product from natural material, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of wood processing.

Applying stain: video

Possible defects and their elimination

It is necessary to apply the stain very carefully, since it will be quite difficult to remove the resulting defects.

The formation of streaks. This happens if the stain is applied to in large numbers and dries very quickly. In this case, you should try to remove the stain layer as much as possible. Another layer of stain should be applied to the hardening layer, which will soften the drying one, and then remove excess solution with a rag.

If the stain is completely dry, then a paint thinner must be used to remove it. However, the entire pigment cannot be removed. The top painted layer can be removed with a planer or sandpaper.

Product spotting. If the treated wood has an uneven density or wavy, then the absorption of the stain may occur unevenly - the color will be richer in some places, and lighter in others.

Spotting on mahogany or walnut looks attractive, but on the wood of cherry, birch, pine, spruce and poplar - it does not look natural

Spotting is very difficult to remove. You can remove the layer of stained wood with a planer, in plywood you will need to remove all the front veneer.

It is better to prevent the appearance of spotting in advance:

  • test the wood - apply stain to an unnecessary piece of the workpiece;
  • use stain gel.

Stain-gel - a thick, pasty stain that does not spread and does not penetrate deep into the wood. In addition, helium stains have a low absorption rate.

Staining of wood is one of the commonly used protective and decorative methods. This process is carried out using special substances, which are called - wood stains.

In order for the processing result to be successful, and appearance wood pleased you, you should responsibly approach the choice of stains. And so what are wood stains, and what should be considered when choosing them?

All stains for wood are divided into types depending on the basis on which they are made:

  1. Wood stains based on water;
  2. Alcohol-based wood stains;
  3. Nitro stain for wood;
  4. Oil stains for wood;
  5. Wax stains for wood.

Wood stains based on water.

As the name implies, the basis of this type of stain is water. Water-based stain can be sold as already in ready-made, and in the form of a powder that is dissolved in water. It is easy to work with such a stain, it is very easy to apply, it dries quickly. The only, but significant, disadvantage wood stains based on water is its ability to lift wood fibers. This is due to the fact that when wood is saturated with water, its fibers rise. This feature disrupts the appearance of the material. In order to avoid such a phenomenon, before proceeding with the treatment of wood with a stain, it should be moistened with water and left for a while, after which, when the fibers rise, the surface, and after that proceed with the treatment with a stain. The color range of such stains consists of colors close to natural wood species, from light tones to mahogany and wenge.

Alcohol-based wood stains.

Alcohol-based products consist of a dye or tinting component dissolved in alcohol. Such stains are sold, as well as water-based stains, in the form of a ready-made solution or powder. If you choose a powder, be careful, alcohol-based stain is only diluted with 96% alcohol. If you are not sure that the alcohol that you purchased is exactly 96%, it is better to choose a stain in a ready-made solution. A feature of this type of stain is a short drying time. Alcohol stains And they dry out very quickly, so you need to be very careful when using them. If, while staining the surface, using an alcohol stain, you get distracted or make the wrong strokes, stains may remain on the surface that are quite difficult to remove or toned.

Nitro stains for wood.

This type of wood stain is made on the basis of a solvent. Nitro stains, as well as alcohol stains, dry very quickly, which makes processing a large surface very problematic, besides, they have a sharp and unpleasant odor, which limits the possibility of their use indoors. Nitro stains are best used for staining small surfaces, such as doors, windows, small decorative elements.

Oil stains for wood.

Oil stains for wood the most versatile and commonly used type of stain. The composition includes oils and oil-soluble coloring components. Oil-based wood stain is easy to apply, lie down evenly, dries quickly enough, but at the same time makes it possible to cover the surface evenly and without streaks. Oil stains for wood environmentally friendly, odorless, they can be used both outdoors and indoors. Oil stains, unlike others, have not only a decorative, but also a protective function for wood. Oil, penetrating into the upper layers of the tree, protects it from dampness, moisture and other atmospheric phenomena. The color range of oil stains is very wide, here you can choose the color and shade for every taste and for any interior.

Wax stains for wood.

Wax stains- This is one of the modern construction developments. When applying this type of stain on the surface, a protective film from wax which creates effective and thorough protection against moisture.

When choosing stains for wood, it is important to consider such factors:

  1. The breed of the tree. different breeds Wood is susceptible to staining in different ways. For example, wood species that contain resins (pine, etc.) are stained when treated with stains, since the stain does not penetrate well into the areas where the resin is concentrated.
  2. The specifics of the use of wood. If you are going to stain wooden utensils or, for example, children's toys, it is better to use oil or wax stains, they are safe for health and do not have an unpleasant odor.

Irina Zheleznyak, Correspondent of the online publication "AtmWood. Wood-Industrial Bulletin"

How useful was the information for you?

Stain - a coloring composition, usually soluble in water, used to color the surfaces of wood products. Another name for stains is stain.

The composition of stains is designed in such a way that during surface treatment, the substance does not impregnate the wood structure, but simply gives it a different color.

Stain is used to hide the natural color of wood. Also to give surfaces a new look.

All stains according to the main material used for their manufacture are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Water-based wood stain

    The base of the stain is water. The product is produced in several varieties: ready for use, as well as in the form of a powder that must be dissolved in water. This variety is the most common and allows you to paint surfaces in any color shades, mostly shades of wood. The disadvantage of water-based stains is that when applied, the material lifts the fibers of the wood. This fact emphasizes the structure of the tree, but at the same time, the expanded fibers perfectly absorb moisture. To avoid such a phenomenon, it is necessary to moisten the tree with water before applying the stain, keeping it in the water for some time. Next, the product is rubbed with abrasive material and the stain is applied as the last step. The advantage of water-based stains is that they do not have any odors, which does not harm human health;

  2. Alcohol based wood stain

    The main component of stain is alcohol. In this embodiment, the stain is a solution of the aniline dye in denatured alcohol. The described variety is produced in the same way as stain with a water base, in two versions - a ready-made product for use and in powder form. The disadvantage of this type of stain is their rapid drying, which is the cause of stains. Application of such material by hand presents difficulties due to the uneven color of the resulting coating. Best result will observe when using spray guns;

  3. Oil based wood stain

    The base of the stain is oil. This base allows you to give the processed object any of the available color shades of wood. This is made possible by mixing dyes that dissolve in oils. To prepare stains for use, they must be diluted with white spirit. This variety is not difficult to apply. The treated surface dries quickly, the coating is applied evenly, without swelling the wood fibers.

There are also stains based on acrylic and wax. These types are designed in such a way that they do not have the disadvantages that are described for the above listed varieties: wood fibers do not swell, do not leave stains, and the applied coating protects the wood from moisture. When water is spilled on surfaces treated with acrylic and wax stains, water droplets scatter.

Acrylic wood stain

Acrylic-based stains do not have specific odors, and are also fireproof. When applying them, it is necessary not to “sort out” with the thickness of the applied coating

Wood stain wax

Wax stains add brightness to surfaces, and are applied to the surface by bending or rubbing with a soft cloth, applying a little effort.

But besides the fact that these varieties protect surfaces, they themselves also need protective treatment. As protective coating wood stains are used for wood stains. Only stains based on acrylic and wax have different colors, perfectly highlighting the structure of the wooden surface. For this reason, both varieties are called rustic.

Self-made stains to a greater extent transform wooden surfaces. Looks good strong fat larch bark, carrying a red tint.

A variety of colors are obtained by decoction of finely chopped walnut shells. Next, baking soda is added to the solution through a fine sieve. A tree covered with a similar composition has a brown color. To give a reddish tint, after drying the surface, it can be treated with a solution of potassium dichromate.

Gray tones to wood treated with walnut shell mortar. Can be given by rubbing with a dilute solution of acetic acid.

Alder bark, or rather its decoction, gives the processed objects deep dark colors. Uniform shade Brown obtained by combining uniform quantities of oak bark, willow and walnut shells. All components are filled with water and brought to a boil. The next step is to add 0.5 teaspoon baking soda and cook for another 10 minutes.

Coffee gives the tree an unusual color. The various shades of brown are determined by the amount of coffee added. Coffee is brewed with soda and the solution is applied hot.

There is also a classification of stains according to their intended purpose: for surface treatment indoors, as well as for outdoor processing. Stains for outdoor use contain a special substance that does not allow it to fade when exposed to ultraviolet rays.

When choosing a stain application tool, it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Depending on the size of the area of ​​the treated object, an ordinary brush, a foam rubber swab, as well as pneumatic sprayers can be used. There are no special indications for the use of the subject for application. But when using nitro-based stains, which tend to dry quickly, the use of brushes and swabs is accompanied by the appearance of stains, and therefore it is better to use sprayers, not paying attention to the area of ​​the treated surfaces. The remaining types of stains are applied using any tool, paying attention only to the surface area;
  2. To achieve a rich surface color, surface treatment should be carried out in several layers. The next layer must be applied after the previous one has completely dried. It is also necessary to dry completely before applying the top coat of stain or varnish.

Wood stain colors

Few people know the fact that one surface can be treated with stains of various colors. This method is used to emphasize the structure of the tree, as well as to give the effect of antiquity. Colors " white oak” and “Arctic oak” are reproduced by mixing two types of stains.

First of all, wood bleach is used ( white color stain, the main component of which is water), then, after this layer has dried, all defects in the wood are filled with an oil-based stain containing hard wax. Wax, getting into these pores, clogs them and gives a gray or black tint, depending on the chosen color of the oil. Attention is attracted by the fact that the remaining bleached part has an unchanged color, even when treated with a thin protective film of wax or oil coating.

When combining various types and colors of stains, it is possible to obtain unusual effects. The bottom line is that first of all, a general layer of the surface is applied, and then the final touches are already applied when applying stains of other colors. You can not do it in reverse order, since the processed wooden surface the oil can no longer absorb stain. Also, do not forget about finishing stage finishes - varnishing.

It is no secret to anyone that the number of layers of stain determines the final color of the tree. Choosing the right shade of color can be determined only after a test coloring.

First of all, the wooden "stub" must be sanded and cleaned. Next, the first layer of stain is applied. It is necessary to wait for it to dry completely, after which a second layer is applied, but not on the entire length of the board, but on a certain part of it. The third layer is also applied to a smaller part of the second layer. After the final drying of all layers of stain, it is possible to determine the desired color of the treated coating.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that hardwoods wood absorbs various formulations stains, and coniferous varieties, due to the presence of a considerable amount of resins, have the least absorbency.

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Olympic MAXIMUM® Weather-Ready Unique Improved Wood Paint

The unique Olympic MAXIMUM ® Weather-Ready Advanced Wood Paint is made using a special technology that ensures perfect painting of wooden surfaces even when high humidity, which can be applied to the surface in almost all weather conditions, both in heat and cold, and even if the wood is wet. And all this is now possible in a shorter period of time. Thanks to the unique Olympic MAXIMUM ® Weather-Ready paint, wood surface painting will no longer be dependent on weather conditions and consumers will not have to wait for good weather to apply. painting work. This paint opens up more options for you, and you can paint wood flooring when it suits you, not when the weather permits.

Fashion on natural materials in construction, furniture production, interior decoration has already become a tradition. And it is wood that continues to be in trend due to its environmental and aesthetic properties. But, unlike artificial materials, wooden coverings and structures can deteriorate under the influence of adverse environmental factors, such as moisture, direct sunlight.

Oil stain is an inexpensive caustic liquid that is applied to treated wood for the purpose of subsequent painting. Wood stains are used for tinting various types of wood, parquet, solid wood, cabinets, antiques, furniture, lining and other wooden surfaces. They are also applied to plastic and steel substrates. Oil stain is sold in several color shades. The most popular among consumers is black wood stain.


  • is resistant to ultraviolet radiation;
  • emphasizes the structure of wood;
  • gives the surface a decorative shade;
  • reduces cracking and increases the strength of the material.

Before applying the oil stain, it is necessary to prepare the surface - it must be clean, dry, without the presence of oil stains, grease or wax. Oil stain for wood is evenly applied to the surface with a brush, roller or spray gun. Excess and smudges are removed with a dry cloth. The stained surface is ready for further processing the next day after completion of work.

In modern construction hypermarkets, both gel and oil stains are sold. Buy wood stain at best price with delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region, you can in the Master Tibot online store. You can specify the cost of the selected product in our store of paint and varnish coatings. Products are sold wholesale and retail.

Wood, even after the advent of metal and various modern synthetic materials for construction, remains popular and in demand, as it is a high-quality and environmentally friendly raw material. And thanks to the huge selection of various paint and varnish compositions, such as wood stain, it became possible to significantly improve the appearance of wood products, and, importantly, to extend their service life.


Under the influence of aggressive environmental factors, including different kind bacteria, mold and insect pests, the wood can warp and start to rot. In order to minimize the risk of such problems, it is very important to take care of the wood in a timely manner. Wood stain is considered the most effective option for dealing with such circumstances. The tool is a liquid composition that sets the desired tone for it from the mass of options for colors and shades. This allows you to ennoble the natural color of wood or radically change it.

In addition to aesthetic functions, the main feature of the composition are antiseptic properties. Thanks to the use of the product, wood will be able to serve you twice as long.

Another feature of almost all types of stains is the ability to penetrate deep into the wood without harming the pattern and texture, unlike enamel or paint.

Wood stain coating has some advantages:

  • the possibility of combining different shades of color;
  • strengthening and preserving the structure of the tree;
  • the service life of products increases;
  • indicators of resistance of a tree to moisture increase.

Stain is not only a varnish for wood, thanks to its use you can create unique interior indoors or completely transform, at first glance, ordinary interior items or furniture.

The following liquids are used as the basis for the production of stain: oil, water or alcohol. This division allows us to distinguish several types of this composition.


There are 2 types of funds - water and non-aqueous (oil and alcohol) stain.

Water-based stain offered by manufacturers in a ready-to-use state or as a powder (dry mix). This type of composition is used most often, since it has a very diverse color scheme. The color of the powder stain can be easily adjusted, it directly depends on the amount of bulk substance, that is, the more it is, the richer and brighter the result will be.

The water-based composition has the advantage: there is no unpleasant smell, thanks to which the stain can be used inside the dwelling. The disadvantages of this type include the ability of the agent to lift the fibers during surface treatment. Due to this, the moisture resistance of the tree is reduced. The time required for the stain to dry completely varies between 10-14 hours, which can also be attributed to the disadvantages of the composition variety.

The technology of working with water-based stain requires pre-wetting the wooden surface, then sanding. The composition is filtered before use. Only after such preparatory work you can paint wood. This tool is not advisable to use for resinous woods.

Oil formulations include dyes dissolved in drying oil or oils. You can work with impregnation of this type with any tool. The agent does not lift the fibers of the raw material and does not allow it to be nourished excess moisture. Using a similar composition, you can get any color and shade, additionally using dyes. They are available in powder form, white spirit is used for breeding.

According to experts, oil stain is the simplest and most convenient to use. Oil-based impregnation is very popular among decorators and decorators due to the ability to get the desired color.

The advantages of oil stain include its environmental friendliness, since the most common basis for it is linseed oil. It takes about 2 hours for the surface to dry completely. The composition does not leave stains.

Alcohol-based stain is a dissolved aniline dye. Impregnation is available in ready-made or powdered form. the main task composition is to protect wood from the damaging effects of moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

The main advantage of alcohol stain is its ability to be instantly absorbed into the wood fibers. The composition dries on the surface in 30-40 minutes.

The disadvantages include the fact that it will not work to manually apply the composition to the tree, since the alcohol will evaporate very quickly, which can lead to stains. For work it is better to use a spray gun.

Along with the above types of wood stains, fundamentally new products began to appear in the assortment of building supermarkets. Modern technologies allowed manufacturers to offer the consumer water-based acrylic impregnation, as well as a wax composition. New tools were developed in order to eliminate the main shortcomings of existing formulations.

These products fit well on the surface, most often they are used for painting and floor treatment.

wax stain restore old wooden coatings, it perfectly paints over discrepancies in color. In addition to the above characteristics, positive qualities modern compositions can be attributed to their excellent moisture-proof properties. However, these tools are very vulnerable to mechanical damage so they need to be varnished. Acrylic and wax liquids are presented in a wide variety color palette. They well emphasize the structure of wood.

The disadvantages of acrylic stains include their high cost, as well as the possible formation of spots on the surface when applying two or more layers.

The main disadvantage wax formulations it is believed that they are not able to penetrate deep into the wood. The tool only forms a protective layer on top of the material. Such a composition should not be used before wood treatment with two-component varnishes or polyurethane.

Since the composition perfectly preserves the texture of wood and protects against negative impact many external factors, thereby extending its service life, the answer to the question of what is worth buying - varnish or stain, becomes obvious.

Color spectrum

TO alternative species stains can be attributed to the white composition. Such a tool is the most environmentally friendly and inexpensive. Along with this, white stain is represented by a wide variety of natural shades.

Today, a range of similar products for coating and painting wooden surfaces can satisfy the needs of every customer. Such products allow the master to give the wood almost any color. IN Lately among specialists, black stain is in demand, which gives the treated surface the appearance of a black mirror. The technology of applying the composition of black color requires preliminary polishing of the base.

Shades of gray will help the surface harmoniously fit into the interior of any room. However, the use of this color will be successful only if the walls and interior items in the room are bright. Grey colour can cause apathy, and products painted in this color will be lost against the background of all the rest of the decoration.

According to psychologists, the most optimal color for a person is green. It evokes positive emotions and is suitable for painting walls and ceilings, as well as for furniture and other things.

Blue color gives expressiveness and depth to the processed product. The stain of this color will go well with white and yellow tones.

In addition to multi-colored compositions, there is a colorless impregnation on store shelves, which makes it possible to preserve the natural color of the material.

The final color of the tree depends on the number of layers applied., therefore, experts advise making a final decision only after a test coloring. The material for trial staining is ground and cleaned. Next, proceed to the application of the first layer of the composition. After it has completely dried, a second layer is applied, but on a smaller area. The third layer processes the material in the area of ​​wood, which will be even smaller than the allotted space for the previous two layers of stain.

When all areas are completely dry, comparing the results, you can choose the color you like.

Manufacturers: review and reviews

Today, the LKM market presents goods of foreign and domestic manufacturers.

"NovBytKhim" I is a company that specializes in the production of construction and household chemicals. The range of manufactured compositions includes various varnishes, paints, decorative materials, as well as stains on a different basis.

According to most buyers, wood compositions from NovBytKhim for processing and painting wooden products have a strong smell, but they do an excellent job and also dry quickly. Therefore, painting work must be carried out as quickly as possible. The composition lays down quite evenly, the color is uniform.

Trademark Liberon works as part of V33, an international leader in the production of coatings and products for wood surfaces. The products of this brand are popular all over the world, as they are intended for wood care, as well as for restoration work with antique interior items and furniture.

French compositions for wood Liberon on domestic market are represented by decorative and protective stains, fillers for wood, wax removers.

Consumers note some of the advantages of Liberon wood products:

  • convenience and ease of application of the composition;
  • no smell.

The disadvantages of such products include some discrepancy between the declared color indicated on the package.

The most famous German companies that specialize in the production of wood products are Flamingo, Dufa and Caparol.

Caparol has a separate line of wood preservatives.

No less popular products for the care and painting of wood are compositions that are produced by Turkish companies. Leaders among them are manufacturers Betek, Dyo, Marshall.

Professionals who deal repair work, note the high quality of German compositions for wood.

Only positive reviews have Turkish products for painting wooden surfaces.

Mordants can also be classified according to their purpose - means for internal works and compositions for external use. The main and only criterion for their difference is the presence in the composition of the means for outdoor work of a pigment that provides protection against fading.

When choosing a tool, it will be useful to decide on the tool that will be used to treat the surface with the acquired composition. There are stains that cover the wooden surface with a brush, for some you may need an airbrush.

For interior work, for example, if furniture processing is required, it is better to give preference to wax or oil formulations. They contain almost no volatile compounds. Almost all stains are compatible with varnishes for painting.

Alcohol-based products have their own characteristics. They are ideal for tinting furniture, wood products or doors. And for stairs or parquet, you should choose a different type of stain. Alcohol compositions must be applied to the surface with an airbrush, since any error or delay in work will be fraught with the formation of a stain, as a result of which repair or construction works will have to start over.