Shower      04/21/2019

Succinic acid for indoor plants is an ambulance for flower growers. The use of succinic acid in the garden as a fertilizer for vegetables and plants

Processed product natural material, which is mined in the waters of the Baltic Sea, is called succinic acid, which is a colorless crystal. Easily soluble in water and alcohol. Produced in the form of a powder or tablets.

Succinic acid for indoor plants helps in recovery after a transplant, or stay in adverse conditions. It is a growth regulator.

Due to its beneficial properties, acid has gained high popularity among flower growers.

What is the use of succinic acid

The tool helps:

  • stimulate, regulate plant growth;
  • improve the synthesis of chlorophyll;
  • protect against the accumulation of nitrogenous substances;
  • reduce the risk of disease;
  • improve soil flora;
  • inhibit the accumulation of toxic elements in indoor plants;
  • is a vitamin for plants.

The advantages include the fact that succinic acid is absolutely safe for humans. It is completely absorbed by the soil. It is important not to forget to wear gloves and goggles before handling plants, since concentrated acid irritates mucous membranes.

Attention! In case of acid contact with the skin, it is required to treat it with a solution with the addition of baking soda. Then rinse thoroughly in running water.


  1. Frequent processing with succinic acid soil acidification occurs. As a result, it needs to be informed. This applies to indoor plants that grow in pots.
  2. The overall effect of succinic acid is rather weak. It is used for current or pre-sowing processing. Dying plants require a high concentration of acid.

In what cases is it used

Amber tablets for indoor plants use:

  • After transplant. Leaves and shoots are sprayed with a solution twice a day - in the morning and at night;
  • In order to improve root formation;
  • To improve the survival of seedlings and roots in a houseplant. They are soaked for 40 minutes in a solution. Half an hour after drying, they are planted in the soil;
  • For treatment with a solution of plants that are in unfavorable or stressful conditions;
  • In order to save a plant that is dying. The fourth part of the tablet is dissolved in 1 liter of slightly warmed water. Spray the plant with the prepared solution and irrigate the ground;
  • To accelerate seed germination. They are kept in succinic acid for a day. Then dried and planted in the ground;
  • In order to increase productivity.

Processing recipes

Succinic acid does not replace fertilizers, but can assist in their absorption by plants. How to prepare solutions and use the following tips.

Sowing preparation

If the seeds were stored for more than a year, but did not become unusable, then with the help of succinic acid they are prepared for sowing. It is especially effective for orchid seeds, which require special conditions for germination.

Prepare a solution of 2 tablets of succinic acid with 1 liter of water. Seeds that do not require rejection are soaked in the solution for an hour. Dry at room temperature on gauze. This will take 0.5 hours.

If you need a rejection seed, then it is soaked in a wide cup and put in a dark place. Make a solution of 0.5 grams of acid with 1 liter of water. Add it daily to the dishes instead of the evaporated solution.

Continue the procedure until the seeds hatch. Seeds suitable for sowing are selected with tweezers and planted immediately.

To stimulate rooting growth

If the commonly used phytohormones have a very strong effect, then succinic acid is used. This is done in cases where cuttings of a plant are the only way to save it. At the same time, keep in mind that the cutting is taken from the part of the plant with which it is cutting without additional stimulation. For example, you can cut begonia rex, but it is useless to do this with coniferous plants . To do this, take a shoot with 2 or 3 leaves, cut off half of the bottom.

The cuttings to be rooted are soaked in a 1% solution of succinic acid for 12 hours. The soaking procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. A solution 3 cm high is poured into a glass or faience wide dish.
  2. Cut out the lid thick paper or cardboard. Holes are made in it for cuttings. From each hole make a slot to the edge of the cardboard.
  3. The cuttings are inserted into the holes and placed in the dish so that they sink to a depth of 2 cm, and a free distance of 1 cm remains between them and the bottom. There should be a small space between the edge of the dish and the lid for air to enter.
  4. After 12 hours, rooting is carried out in a way that is suitable for this type of plant.

Important! Delicate, grassy cuttings must be wrapped in cotton wool before being placed in the solution.

For survival

It is increased by a quarter using succinic acid. The cuttings are prepared in the manner described earlier, but root caps and hairs should already appear on them. Soaking is carried out for 1 hour.

Seedlings are simply tightly applied to each other, immersed in a container with earth. Then watered with the prepared solution, and planted on the same day.

Anti-stress treatment

It is used mainly for orchids, or plants native to tropical areas. These include: anthurium, monstera, begonia rex, rattan. In the homeland of these plants, 100% humidity with a temperature of 26˚С. Therefore, during the day the air is suffocating here. It's cold at night in the tropics. It is not possible to create such climatic conditions in temperate latitudes. Therefore, in the summer, flowers experience real stress. In winter, they are in a state of sleep, but in the spring it is very difficult to get the plants out of it. In this regard, winter and summer anti-stress treatments are different.

For winter treatment, a solution is prepared from 1 tablet of succinic acid diluted in 3 liters of water. Once every 2 weeks, the plants are sprayed with the resulting composition.

Summer processing is carried out if weak flowering is observed, drooping leaves, or flower stalks are not formed. Then the plants are sprayed with a solution prepared from 1 tablet and 1 liter of water. The procedure is carried out in the evening, 1 time in 2 weeks.

During transplantation, plants also experience stress. To avoid negative consequences, clean roots are soaked in a 0.1% acid solution for 0.5 hours.

Saving dying plants

Prepare a 2.5% solution of succinic acid. Bathe the plant for 15 minutes. Planted in nutrient soil and observed for 2 weeks. If the plant large sizes, then it is first prepared for transplantation, and then sprayed abundantly. If necessary, the procedure is carried out again.

For the appearance of children

A solution of 1 tablet of acid and a liter of water is used for irrigation, which stimulates reproduction. Do it in spring period when the plant begins to grow. An indicator of stimulation is flowering.

Important! In a similar way you can not process crassula and aloe.

Security measures and storage rules

Succinic acid is safe for the environment and humans. However, latex gloves and goggles must be used when handling it. In case of contact with the skin, it is washed off with a large volume of water.

For storage, a dry, warm place is suitable, with a temperature of up to 25 ° C. It is impossible for succinic acid to be stored together with medicines, as well as with food. The storage location must be out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the product is 3 years. Solutions with succinic acid cannot be stored, they must be used on the day of preparation. On the following day, it becomes unusable, and after 3 days it is decomposed by microorganisms.

Succinic acid is a great assistant for flower growers in caring for a houseplant. It is a kind of appetite stimulant. In this regard, 5 days before treatment, the plants are given top dressing under the roots, and after 5 days the leaves are sprayed.

Thanks to succinic acid, plants will acquire beauty and strength, will delight the eye with lush greenery and abundant flowering.

See also video

Succinic acid is an inexpensive natural substance that is very useful for both garden and house plants. It is not a fertilizer as such, but only complements it. The purpose of this tool is to normalize the microflora of the soil and help the flowers to absorb the necessary minerals. This drug is suitable for absolutely all representatives of the fauna. A bright effect is achieved both as a result of watering and spraying plants.

When and how often to water flowers

Succinic acid cannot harm flowers in any way, but it is still recommended to use it no more than 3-5 times a month. This is especially necessary if the plant began to wither, became fragile, when it is necessary to strengthen its root and ground parts. The use of this tool is relevant to improve growth and increase the resistance of flowers to negative environmental factors (sun, wind, cold, etc.).

Garden plants are best watered in the evening when the sun is no longer active. So they will dry out more slowly, and the drug will work much more efficiently.

For home flowers, there is no difference when they are watered, the main thing is not to leave them on the window after processing.

Particularly acute in succinic acid are plants in the spring, when they are practically deprived of all their strength. To strengthen them, it is advisable to use the drug 2-3 days before watering the flowers with plain water. It is very useful to apply it immediately after planting them (seedling treatment) and before they bloom (April-September).

What you need to work

You need to prepare:

  • succinic acid in the form of a powder (about 50 g) or tablets (10-15 pieces);
  • clean water - from 5 to 10 l;
  • sprayer;
  • a small watering can;
  • cup;
  • spoon
  • gloves;
  • glasses;
  • cosmetic cotton swab or piece of gauze.

General rules for working with the drug

Despite the safety of the drug, it is advisable to work with it with gloves and glasses. It is important to avoid contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin. If this happens, you must immediately wash them with plenty of pure water. This will help to avoid inflammation and redness of the skin.

During the preparation of the solution, it is not allowed to be near children. It is necessary to dilute the powder immediately before its use. The remains of the funds are stored for no more than 3 days in a cool place, otherwise it will not be so useful. Despite its effectiveness, watering with this acid for flowers cannot replace standard fertilizer. Therefore, it is very important to use it in combination.

Undiluted acid is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. The room must be dry and dark. Children, food and medicines are not allowed in the immediate vicinity.

Ways to use the solution

Treatment of plants with a solution of succinic acid is possible at all stages of their development. There are several options for it:

  • wiping leaves;
  • spraying;
  • watering the root part;
  • soil nutrition.

Ideally, for the full care of flowers, you need to go through all these stages. You can do this not at a time, but after a week break, but preferably in the same order as indicated.

During care, keep in mind that the taller and more lush the plant, the more solution will be needed for it.

How to prepare a concentrate

To obtain the original concentrate, dissolve in a glass warm water 1 g of powder. It is very important that nothing remains of the dry ingredient, it should not settle to the bottom. Therefore, before watering the flowers with succinic acid, stir the composition well and, if necessary, beat it. Next, you need to add to it such an amount of water room temperature, which will allow you to get a solution of the desired concentration.

It is not at all necessary to dilute the solution with water, the initial one, prepared according to the proportions indicated in the table, is quite enough:

Most of all, the soil needs succinic acid; the minimum concentration is used to wipe the leaves and stems.

The prepared solutions can be diluted with water, but not more than 5 liters per 1 liter of concentrate, otherwise there will be no effect. This is quite enough to scare away beetles, caterpillars, slugs.

Processing in the bud formation phase is carried out with a 0.002% composition (prepared according to the table above). A solution at this concentration can be used for any purpose indicated in the same table. During and after flowering, the concentration for spraying should be 2-3 times greater than usual. In order to resuscitate plants, it is necessary to water the shoots, leaves and roots at the rate of 0.25 g of succinic acid (1 tablet) per 1 liter of water.

VIDEO: Succinic acid for orchids is a real doctor

How to use a ready-made drug

For preventive purposes, the corresponding areas are treated with the resulting solution. You should start watering the flowers from the leaves, then go to the stems, and then spray the entire plant. The final stage is the processing of the root part and the soil near it.

The order of work is usually the following:

  1. Rubbing leaves and stems

This can be done with a cotton pad or gauze cut. It is well moistened in the composition and, without squeezing, they pass from the top of the plant to the bottom. In this case, the movements should be circular and smooth so as not to injure the plant. For convenience, you can hold the leaf or stem at the base with your palm. Then it needs to be allowed to dry.

  1. spraying

To do this, use a hydraulic or manual sprayer. The latter is quite enough when processing domestic plants, but in the garden you can’t do without the former. If the flowers have inflorescences, you should try not to fall on them, otherwise they may wither. Between such processing, a pause of 3-4 weeks must be made. Eyes must be protected by goggles while working.

  1. Watering the root

It is carried out from an ordinary watering can. For home flowers, it should be smaller, and for garden flowers - more. It is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees and, without affecting the stem, moisten the soil. When watering flowers with succinic acid, you should not pour out the entire volume at once, you need to do it slowly, evenly distributing the liquid over the entire surface around the plant.

  1. Soil nutrition

Before that, it should be loosened a little. A diameter around the bush of 20-25 cm will be enough. It is very important that the solution penetrates deep into the ground, at least 5-10 cm. At about this distance from the surface of the earth are the roots of most flowers. Therefore, you can make recesses in it and partially fill them with concentrate. For 1 time it needs about 2-3 liters.

Using a solution for watering flowers with succinic acid in tablets or powder, you should not avoid feeding with special and standard fertilizers (humus, ash, biohumus-based products). Only in this way will the plant remain healthy for a long time and delight you with its appearance and some even fragrance.

VIDEO: Ways to use succinic acid

Favorable conditions for the development of crops can be created not only by competent care, but also by additional feeding. Farmers know that the use of succinic acid for plants is a good help in growing flowers and vegetables. For an amazing remedy to help, it is important to understand the strengths and weak sides and also know under what conditions it is allowed to use it.

Composition and mechanism of action

The drug is a colorless crystals that are readily soluble in any liquid. The substance is obtained after processing the natural mineral of the same name, although it is found in small quantities in brown coal, plant and animal tissues. Mined artificially, processing maleic anhydride.

People have long mastered the use of succinic acid for indoor plants. The tool is environmentally friendly, so you can use it for different crops without fear. Nondescript powder, diluted in water, has a lot of positive features:

  • destroys toxins in the soil;
  • is a natural stimulant;
  • normalizes the activity of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

When propagating plants by cuttings, root formation can be improved by soaking and spraying. Prepared specimens are dipped in a glass with a solution for a day. Weak and fragile young growth is better to wrap with cotton wool at the cut point. After exposure, rooting takes place according to the standard scheme. The tool does not lead to the formation of new tissues or stems, but stimulates existing ones.

You can help to adapt to unusual conditions by the usual spraying of tops from a spray bottle.

Growth stimulants are often used in crop production. These include succinic acid, which can be attributed to biostimulants. The use of succinic acid for plants will help to normalize the soil microflora and regulate growth.

Succinic acid - white crystalline powder

Succinic acid is a crystalline substance of white or transparent color. This is a by-product that appears during the processing of amber, which, in turn, is formed as a result of the hardening of the resin of pine trees for several hundred years.

Such crystals can be dissolved in water, they are also easily soluble in ether and alcohol. In crop production, only aqueous solutions of this substance are used.

Succinic acid is produced in the form of powder, tablets and crystals. Synthetic succinic acid is obtained by chemical reactions.

Succinic acid was used many years ago in the preparation of preservation, for salting. For a while about useful properties the substance was forgotten, and only 20 years ago its qualities were rediscovered: a positive effect and a beneficial effect on plants and the human body.

This substance has many benefits. For example, relatively low cost and no negative impact if a novice gardener uses too much succinic acid. In addition, harmlessness, since there will be no harm if it hits any part of the plant. Due to the natural origin, the stimulating properties are not too strong. You also don't need to take any serious precautions when using it.

Among the shortcomings, we can highlight the fact that regular use makes the soil acidic. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to deoxidize the soil. This is especially true for plants that are kept in pots. Still, succinic acid is a rather weak remedy, compared to many chemical stimulants.

Beneficial features

One of the most important properties of succinic acid is its ability to regulate plant growth. When using it, the root system begins to better absorb the beneficial substances in the soil. It is recommended to use for plants that have survived a move or any other stress.

When succinic acid enters the soil, the vital activity of microorganisms is normalized, which leads to the restoration of normal, natural soil microflora.

When plants are treated with a solution of this substance, resistance to external adverse influences increases.

Such a beneficial effect of succinic acid on the plant can be easily explained.

Succinic acid has a very good effect on plants

This substance in nature is found in almost every plant in its natural form and, of course, in small quantities.

Therefore, by adding succinic acid to the treatment or watering, the effect can be seen after 3-4 weeks. Especially in indoor plants, where there is no natural influx of natural useful substances and microorganisms.


An aqueous solution of succinic acid is prepared with a different content of the substance from 0.01% and above.

A solution containing 0.02% succinic acid is considered universal.

To prepare it, you need to dissolve 1 gram of crystals in 2-3 tablespoons of warm water. Add another 5 liters of liquid to the resulting solution.

Thus, any dosage can be prepared by increasing or decreasing the amount of substance or water.

Succinic acid does not pollute the ecology of the soil and the environment, it is not toxic.

Therefore, if the concentration of the substance is greater than necessary, it will not harm the plant and the soil.

It should be borne in mind that the resulting mixture has a short shelf life; after 3 days, the succinic acid solution is unsuitable for use.


Soaking in solution

To stimulate the growth of roots, it is recommended to lower their lower parts into a solution of succinic acid for several hours. To activate the germination of shoots in indoor plants, it is necessary to pour it with a solution of this substance and repeat the process after 2 weeks.

When transplanting indoor flower you can hold its roots in the solution for 30 minutes, and then plant it in a new pot. Thanks to this process, the plant will take root easier and faster in a new place, and the root system will grow vigorously.

To increase the yield of garden crops, a substance such as succinic acid is often used. This tool is very inexpensive, and the result from its use is usually more than positive. Stimulation of root development, good growth of green mass, abundant flowering, appearance a large number ovaries - this is an incomplete list of the effects that succinic acid can have on crops. For plants, it is usually used in solutions.


In another way, this substance is called ethane, or discarboxylic acid. It is a colorless crystal, easily soluble in water, alcohol or ether. It is obtained from natural amber. The substance is used not only as a plant growth stimulant, but also in medicine. Tastes somewhat like citric acid.

This substance is environmentally absolutely harmless - succinic acid. For plants, or rather, for their processing, it can be used completely safely. Moreover, being introduced into the soil, succinic acid stimulates the development of natural microflora in it, which positively affects, among other things, the quality of the crop.

Preparation of a concentrated solution

Succinic acid is usually sold in tablets of 100 mg. Sometimes it is also available as a powder in small capsules. To prepare the basic solution, take 1 g of succinic acid, throw it into a liter jar, pour a small amount of warm water and mix. After that, the solution should be allowed to stand for a couple of minutes. The jar is then filled to the top with water.

Succinic acid tablets for plants can also be purchased at a pharmacy. However, in this case, they are likely to contain foreign impurities. It can be, for example, talc, ascorbic acid or glucose. Therefore, it is still worth buying the drug in specialized stores. And only the one that is designed specifically for garden and horticultural crops.

Thus, a pure substance is the most suitable succinic acid for plants. Use in tablets from a pharmacy is also acceptable, but only in last resort. Although such a remedy is unlikely to harm garden crops. After all, it is used mainly for ingestion by humans. For example, it is often drunk to relieve a hangover. So, the seedlings are not in danger.

seed processing

The stock solution should be adjusted to a concentration acceptable to the plants before use. For seed soaking, a 0.004% solution is usually used. It's easy to prepare. To do this, simply add one liter of water to 40 g of the stock solution and mix everything thoroughly. Soaking is carried out within 12-24 hours. This procedure should be performed immediately before sowing.

Seeds treated in this way germinate better, and the plants themselves develop well in the future and get sick less often.

Soaking petioles

In this case, the percentage of the solution will depend on this particular culture. So, for example, a 0.01% solution is used for rosehip cuttings, and 0.02% for rhododendrons. That is, 100 or 200 g of the stock solution should be dissolved in a liter of water, respectively. The cuttings are usually soaked for 12-15 hours before planting. Stimulation of the development of the root system is the main effect of such treatment with a substance such as succinic acid. For plants, it is useful both as a stimulant and as a tonic.

Plant processing

Sometimes succinic acid is also used when transplanting, for example, flower crops. The part separated from a large bush is lowered by its roots into a jar with a substance diluted in it. In this case, a 0.02% solution is usually used. Produce processing within 5-6 hours. Soaking in succinic acid promotes the formation of new roots in plants and their better survival.


How else can succinic acid be used? For plants, its use will be effective in the case of spraying. This method is used when crops have already been planted. Spraying is usually carried out with a weakly concentrated solution. Processing is most often carried out before flowering crops or after it. In the first case, to prepare a solution, 20 g of acid is diluted in 20 liters of water, in the second - in 10 liters.

Spraying with succinic acid, among other things, increases the resistance of plants to frost and heat. This procedure also reduces the risk of rotting of any parts with excessive moisture.

Sometimes spraying of plants with succinic acid is also carried out just before the fruit ripens, or even at a later date. In this case, a much stronger solution is usually used (10-20 g per 10 liters), and the procedures are carried out several times.

The use of succinic acid can increase the yield of cucumbers by 40%, and different kind root crops - by 20%.

Succinic acid for indoor plants

Very often, this effective and popular substance is also used in indoor floriculture. The method of its application in this case is about the same. That is, when breeding home flowers, the petioles should be immersed for 5-6 hours in a not too strong solution. Spraying of plants is also done before or after flowering.

When using a substance such as succinic acid for indoor plants, you can achieve better and more abundant flowering. In addition, after processing, the green mass of indoor plants becomes more lush, acquires a rich green color and looks much more attractive.

What precautions should be taken

Succinic acid is a practically harmless substance for plants. Environment it does not pollute, and has no toxic effect on humans and animals. But, nevertheless, a very concentrated solution, if it gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, can cause inflammation. In the event that this happens, the acid should simply be washed off with warm water.

The above dosages must be observed, of course. In this case, the effect of using acid will be maximum. However, if the hosts suburban area make a mistake and make the solution too strong, nothing particularly terrible will happen. Plants will absorb exactly as much acid as they need. It is impossible to store the solution for more than 5 days or reuse it, for example, after soaking the petioles or seeds.

What other beneficial effect does succinic acid have?

The increase in yield is not the only effect that succinic acid has. For plants, its use is also desirable because its solution can be useful in terms of:

  • preventing excessive accumulation of nitrogenous substances in parts of plants if their content in the soil is too high;
  • increasing the content in fruits, vegetables, root crops and berries ascorbic acid and various kinds of vitamins;
  • the return "to life" of already almost dead plants (for example, orchids are often reanimated with a solution of this substance);
  • increasing the content of chlorophyll in the green parts of garden crops.

Thus, we have found out how succinic acid acts on garden crops. Instruction (for plants different types a solution of different concentrations can be used) for its application, presented above, is quite simple. The summer resident should not have any difficulties when processing seeds, roots or adult plants with it.