In a private house      03/04/2020

Dismantling walls and interior partitions - a step-by-step guide. Dismantling internal partitions in an apartment - features of dismantling various types of partitions How to remove a wall in an apartment with your own hands

Any changes in the structure of the house can cause destruction of the building, so the issue of redevelopment and dismantling of walls must be taken with special responsibility.

All walls of the apartment are divided into 2 categories:

  • load-bearing walls are part supporting structure houses, their thickness is 300-400 mm;
  • non-load-bearing partitions are enclosing structures that do not support the load of the house, 120 mm thick.

Dismantling load-bearing walls in an apartment is strictly prohibited - this can cause complete destruction of the building.

Redevelopment process

The main stage of redevelopment is determining the type of wall. If this is a partition, then you can include it in your plan for redistributing the area, but if the wall is load-bearing, then it is better not to touch it at all.

Dismantling partitions in an apartment is a responsible undertaking, so you must follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Creation of a redevelopment project showing all proposed changes in the apartment.

    Before creating a plan for the redistribution of space, it is better to familiarize yourself with the restrictions on such events in advance.

  2. WITH ready-made plan and a package of documents for the apartment must be sent to the authorized authorities to obtain permission to carry out redevelopment. Such an authority may be the BTI (Bureau of Technical Inventory).
  3. After approval of the plan for dismantling the partitions, you can begin work.

Under what circumstances can walls be dismantled without permits?

In Khrushchev apartments, the load-bearing structures are the external walls, and only partitions are located inside the apartment, so their destruction will not lead to a deterioration in the load-bearing capacity of the building.

However, the demolition of the partition in the apartment still needs to be noted in the plan of the apartment, so even in this case you will have to go through the authorities.

Features of dismantling partitions made of different materials

Regardless of the type of building, the first stage of redevelopment is not dismantling, but the development of a plan and its approval by the authorities. After receiving permission, you can begin work.

But before you start work, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the material from which the partitions are made.

How are the walls and partitions made of drywall

The simplest and lightweight structures are plasterboard partitions. They consist of three main elements: metal carcass from profile plasterboard sheets(GKL) and filler between them (insulation).

Dismantling drywall partitions does not require much effort. All you need to do is remove the GKL and disassemble the frame.

Dismantling of walls in panel houses

A certain complexity of redevelopment in panel house causes confusion between load-bearing and non-load-bearing structures.

Due to the possibility of error and the demolition of the load-bearing wall, it is imperative to obtain permission to carry out such work. This requirement concerns, first of all, your safety, since a mistake can be fatal.

It should also be noted that the walls in panel-type houses are made of reinforced concrete, and the dismantling of a concrete wall will require special tools.

Dismantling a partition in a brick building

Dismantling brick wall goes easier than reinforced concrete structure, but has its own characteristics: in the upper part of the partition there is a gap of 10 mm to compensate for the shrinkage of the building, clogged with tow. Having cleared the gap from the tow, you can proceed to the analysis of the partition.

Dismantling sequence

Dismantling partitions in an apartment is a dangerous and responsible event, therefore, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and correct sequence actions:

  1. Preparatory work: put on personal protective equipment (goggles, respirator, gloves, boots), turn off the electricity, protect furniture, equipment and pipelines from destruction, warn neighbors.
  2. Carry out dismantling decorative elements wall finishes, door frame(if any) and other structures.
  3. The destruction of the wall must be started from top to bottom - this is a prerequisite, otherwise it will collapse.
  4. It is better to start the destruction of the partition from the opening (if any). But the dismantling process itself depends on the type of wall.

Before breaking the partition, it is necessary to moisten the surface of the wall with water to reduce the spread of dust.

Dismantling brick partition occurs in the reverse order of its installation, that is, the bricks are chipped off one by one until the wall is dismantled. To do this, you can use a hammer and a chisel, or a puncher, breaking off each brick separately or in groups.

Dismantling a concrete wall is carried out using a sledgehammer or hammer drill. It’s better to start from the top corner of the opening (if there is one). The entire surface of the wall must be divided into several horizontal sections, approximately 300 mm high, and these sections must be removed from the bottom up, breaking off small pieces of concrete using a sledgehammer or hammer drill.

Dismantling plasterboard walls is the easiest and safest, because it was assembled from ready-made elements: gypsum board, profile and insulation. You just need to unscrew the screws and remove the gypsum board. Then remove the insulation and disassemble the frame.

After completion of dismantling work, the resulting waste can be packed into bags and taken to a landfill.

Remember that dismantling walls and partitions is dangerous, as it can lead to disruption of the integrity of the entire building. Therefore, before starting dismantling work, we advise you to consult with professionals.

Z Here I will look at how to dismantle an apartment, what needs to be dismantled and how to do it correctly, I will tell you some of the secrets and subtleties of dismantling. You will also find out what you will have to face when you start dismantling your apartment.

Dismantling work is quite complex and responsible work and cannot be treated with disdain. The first thing you need to know is that not everything is necessary and can be broken. There are things that can and should or cannot be broken technically, from a construction point of view, and there are things that can, should or cannot be broken specifically in your case.



Video: Where to start repairs, preparatory and dismantling work

Sequence of dismantling work

  • The first step is to dismantle the built-in furniture, doors or at least trim (then you can carefully install old ones or buy new ones; without removing the trim it will be more difficult to finish the walls), floor skirting boards.
  • Lamps and sockets. Without knowledge → it’s better not to get involved in this matter. The main thing is to provide yourself with temporary lighting and make temporary sockets. You can leave the old sockets, the main thing is that it is possible to connect to them, they do not interfere with the finishing and everything is safe, for example, when priming or wetting the wallpaper, so as not to flood them (!!!).
  • Then the partitions are dismantled and niches and openings are arranged. Here you also need to understand whether they have electrics, →. Well, the point is that there is no need to tear off wallpaper from a partition that you will tear down anyway. But the tile will need to be removed, because dismantling the partition together with the tile is problematic. Do not forget that redevelopment, enlargement, reduction of premises require approval and permission.
  • Next comes the dismantling of the finishing coating. Finish coatings, if you don’t need them, are wallpaper, laminate (although you may not have one), parquet, all cladding, tiles, etc. I will write below how everything is repulsed and dismantled.

  • After all the finishing has been dismantled and everything is put into garbage bags (you bought garbage bags, right? The green or white ones made of polypropylene) you need to understand whether you should change the screed, make a new one, perhaps some partitions will also be needed... Well, at least strengthen it, or demolish it and build it anew. The screed is a special moment, and if you are repairing a secondary one, then the screed is almost always left as is. Even after 50 years, it is often in quite usable condition for another 50 years.
  • In general, I wrote in a separate article, → and it should be clear to you, if you have read it, what you see in front of you, and if it is not clear, then sometimes you need to pick or tap the surface. Read the article “What does your repair consist of” just in case you don’t know where to start and don’t understand what we’re doing here. Also ask questions in the comments.

Tools for dismantling work

  • Crowbar nail puller, preferably 2 pcs. 300 and 600 mm long. The small one will come in handy for picking something up and then when laying the laminate it will also come in handy, the big one will come in handy for not just picking at something, but breaking it out. These are required tools for dismantling. A large crowbar may not be useful, but it would be better if there was one.

Crowbar nail puller - useful tool during dismantling work

  • Screwdriver. If you are starting a renovation, then a “Shurik” is a must. Without a “shurik” it is impossible to work quickly, and working, for example, with gypsum board is generally impossible. Often home craftsmen already have “shurik” and there is no need to buy a new one; we will kill the old one.
  • “Bulgarian” or angle grinder (Angle Grinder), usually everyone calls it “grinder”, the name comes from the 70s of the USSR, when this device began to be produced and came from Bulgaria. The grinder is an almost universal thing, it cuts and grinds and does a lot more, but for repairs we need it almost only for cutting. When dismantling, its use is to cut off something that cannot be unscrewed or removed in any other way. And to simplify the work. If you haven’t held a grinder in your hands, then it’s worth starting. Next there will be a little about how to use it.
  • Protective gloves. Dousing gloves are quite suitable for all work. Just don't go wrong with the size. There is no need to take expensive ones, they will spoil anyway. It is much more profitable to take several pairs of cheap ones. Such as in the photo below cost about 15 rubles. and are fully functional, do not slip and do not allow solution or dirt to pass through, but they also do not allow air to pass through. You can find ordinary cotton gloves for 4 rubles. In general, expensive ones are of little use, they are all torn anyway, maybe they will just last a little longer, and, accordingly, working in expensive ones is a little more pleasant. After work, gloves can be washed under running water. running water and hang to dry.

Cotton dousing gloves - affordable and relatively durable gloves (enough for 2-3 days)

  • Continuing the theme of protection, safety glasses are a must. It’s better to buy 3 of them at once, or as the first ones break, since they cost about 50-80 rubles. Not expensive for eye safety. They will just get lost and, having bought one pair, you may not find it, spit and start working without them, so it’s better to buy 3 of them and by the time you lose 3 points, with a high degree of probability the first ones will be found. This way you will always be protected. In addition, plastic glasses break and, most importantly, get scratched, and after 3-4 days of intense, dusty work, you may no longer be able to see anything.

  • Next you need to take care of respiratory protection. We need respirators, again 2-3 pieces. Which? I will insert photos of those that have been tested and work well, protecting them from dust. There are some small issues; inexpensive respirators often have rubber bands that come off the mask and meth also falls off. a clamp plate that ensures a good fit of the mask to the nose. If you buy inexpensive respirators, stock up on a tube of super glue to glue the meth. a plate clamp and a stapler to fasten the elastic bands back into their place. These are the moments. Respirators cost closer to 100 rubles. at a price such problems are practically absent. A mask like the one in the photo below on the left costs about 30 rubles. and for the price it works great, but you still have to glue the clip. The mask on the right is more expensive, about 100 rubles, but it is also a little more pleasant to work in and there are practically no problems with it. In general, both respirators work and protect against dust.

  • Of course, you also need: a hammer, pliers, possibly a chisel or chisel.

These are the tools that will be required for dismantling work. How to break furniture? I think you will understand, I indicated the main points above. The main thing is to put on protection and be careful, first remove the doors by breaking them or unscrewing them from their hinges, then pull out the shelves, then dismantle the lid, walls, racks, bottom.

Next, remove everything from the walls fasteners. The main rule and sequence of using the tool: if you can’t unscrew it with a screwdriver/screwdriver or it just takes a long time and is not necessary, try breaking it off with a crowbar; if it doesn’t unscrew or break off, try cutting it off (with a grinder or a hacksaw). Breaking is not building, but you also need to be able to break. The main thing is to look up more so that nothing falls on you, calculate what consequences your actions will lead to and not rush.

That's all, don't forget carefully shove construction waste into nearby containers :)

Leave your tips and comments below. Subscribe to the newsletter. Good luck to you and good luck to your family!

Removing a wall is not an easy task. Having certain knowledge and basic experience will greatly simplify its solution. In most cases, breaking is easier than building, as the wise saying goes. But not in the case of dismantling the walls in the apartment. You definitely won’t be prepared for so much dust and dirt, as well as hours of loud noise. However, as another saying goes: “If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.” If nothing can scare you, go ahead! To victory over dismantling!

Before you begin dismantling, you must have new layout apartments or houses, as well as obtain permits for carrying out repair work. Having a new layout will allow you to avoid mistakes with the choice of the wall to be dismantled.

Documents for permission to demolish walls must be required. Firstly, not every wall can be dismantled (if the wall bears the main load, then its absence can cause deformation and further destruction of the entire house due to excess load on the remaining load-bearing walls). Risk, of course, is a noble cause, but not in this case. Secondly, it is prohibited by law to dismantle the walls yourself.

What walls are allowed to be dismantled?

There is a category of walls whose demolition is strictly prohibited. If you don’t understand this yourself, invite specialists. This will save you from a number of unpleasant moments. It is allowed to dismantle walls made of foam blocks and bricks, as well as plasterboard, concrete, wood, and stone. Easiest to deal with wooden walls. Brick walls also lend themselves well to demolition. Dismantling monolithic walls more labor intensive.

Preparation for dismantling work

Before starting dismantling work, you must:

  • turn off the heating;
  • cut off access to gas;
  • shut off the cold supply and hot water;
  • turn off all household electrical appliances, including the television antenna;
  • isolate the radio point.

It is imperative to obtain an oral (or better yet written) agreement from neighbors to conduct construction work. If your neighbors ask you to take a break from work for a certain time, you will have to meet them halfway. All work associated with increased noise and vibration can be carried out exclusively during the daytime - from 9.00 to 19.00 on weekdays. On weekends - prohibited!
Tools required for dismantling walls: sledgehammer, simple hammer, jackhammer, steel wedges, Grinder(grinder), chisel, hammer drill, crowbar. Have thick construction bags ready to take out the trash.

How to dismantle a foam block wall

Foam block is a universal material from which it is easy to lay walls. It is also easy to saw and dismantle. First, remove the plaster, then use a sledgehammer to knock out one block at a time.

Dismantling plasterboard walls

When working with drywall, a lot of dust is generated, so all things need to be taken to another room, the furniture and floor should be covered with cloth or film.

Then proceed directly to dismantling:

  • find and remove screws;
  • remove the casing and disassemble the frame;
  • demolish a wall with a hammer or sledgehammer (this is the most cheap way dismantling);
  • demolish a wall using diamond cutting (a rather expensive method that requires knowledge and experience).

How to dismantle a brick wall

To demolish a brick wall, you only need a sledgehammer. One brick at a time is knocked out of the wall, starting from the top, from the ceiling. If the integrity of the wall is lost, cracks will begin to appear between the bricks, and they will easily fall out with little pressure on them.

Dismantling partitions

When planning the demolition of walls, decide on the method by which you will carry out the dismantling work.

Dismantling can be done as follows:

  • Breaking down walls in parts. Using a marker or felt-tip pen, divide the wall area into separate cells so that the weight of each cell does not exceed 10 kg. Then, using a grinder, cut the wall.
  • Chiseling. You will need a chisel and a hammer drill. The method is one of the fastest, but at the same time the noisiest and also inaccurate.
  • Drilling method. It is necessary to divide the wall into segments with a marker, then drill holes along them, closely adjacent to each other. After drilling, the dismantled area must be tapped and then removed using a chisel. You can use a hammer.

Before starting dismantling work, moisten with water thick fabric and hang it around the room in which you are going to work. This way you will minimize dust contamination in the remaining rooms.

The need to dismantle the walls arises during the execution overhaul in the home.

Is it possible to do such work yourself and what do you need to know to properly demolish walls with your own hands? This will be discussed in our article.

The process of dismantling walls has its own characteristics, which largely depend on the material that was used in the construction of these structures. The most popular building material is brick, so first we will tell you how to properly demolish brick walls.

Do-it-yourself dismantling of brick walls is usually carried out in order to save money. Here it is very important to determine in advance whether the wall is load-bearing or whether it is an interior partition.

In the second case, demolition is much easier, because you don’t have to worry about the integrity of the remaining walls. Dismantling a brick load-bearing wall must be done carefully, making sure to install supports before starting work.

Before dismantling the brick walls, preparatory work is carried out.

  • Several layers must be laid on top of the floor covering soft fabric or a blanket. It will save finishing material from damage when a brick falls on the floor.
  • Furniture in the room must be protected from construction dust, covering them with film.
  • You need to prepare a set of tools: a chisel, a hammer drill, a hammer and a sledgehammer.

The process of demolishing a brick wall is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First you need to carefully remove all electrical wiring that runs through the wall. The best option there will be a complete power outage in the house during the dismantling work;
  • During work, the wall is periodically moistened with water - this helps reduce the amount of construction dust in the room;
  • Next you need to remove the baseboards (ceiling and floor);
  • Remove from the wall finishing coating(wallpaper, plaster, tiles);
  • The next stage is the actual dismantling of the brickwork. Bricks are knocked out of the wall using a chisel and sledgehammer.

To do this, place the chisel at the joint between adjacent bricks, and then hit it hard with a sledgehammer. This allows you to break the integrity of the binder material and easily remove the bricks from the masonry.

It will be much easier to break a binder made from clay (it breaks down faster).

The need to remodel rooms arises not only during home renovation, but also when arranging an apartment. Dismantling partition walls in an apartment is a little more difficult.

To do this, you will need a general plan of the house and permission to carry out such work from the relevant organization.

You can only demolish a wall in an apartment yourself if you are well acquainted with the design features apartment building. It is still advisable to entrust the procedure to be carried out to an experienced master.

The easiest way to dismantle walls is in an apartment located in Khrushchev-era buildings. The load-bearing walls in such a house are located at the edges, so you can’t go wrong.

The interior partitions in the apartments of these houses are made of bricks laid using a certain technique (on edge). You need to disassemble this wall, starting from the doors.

Don’t be afraid to knock out bricks - this wall does not support any structures, so you won’t break anything during the work process.

First, knock out the bricks located above the doorway and carefully dismantle the wall to the ceiling. Next, disassemble the wall on both sides of doorway, moving from top to bottom.

It will be more difficult to dismantle the partition wall in an apartment located in a panel house. Such walls can serve as load-bearing walls, so you need to be extremely careful.

You will have to obtain permission for dismantling from a special organization and invite a specialist to determine whether the wall is load-bearing or serves as an interior partition.

Partition walls in panel houses are made of wire reinforcement filled with gypsum. Disassembling a monolithic structure is much more difficult than a brick wall and for this work you will need the following tools:

It is better to dismantle such a wall in parts so that large pieces of the slab do not cause injury to you.

Concrete walls usually serve as load-bearing walls, so it is not advisable to dismantle them. Demolishing concrete partition walls is not difficult; for this work you will need the following set of tools:

  • Hammer;
  • Saw grinder with a diamond blade;
  • Jackhammer.

Bearing walls made of concrete may only be partially dismantled. Before performing the procedure, the area to be dismantled must be well prepared.

  • Temporary support beams must be installed between the surface of the floor and ceiling.
  • Further concrete plates cut with a grinder to the reinforcement.
  • After that they change diamond blade and cut the reinforcement.

For information on how to dismantle the floor in an apartment, see here

For expert advice on why you need a floor screed, see here

The process of demolition of a concrete wall with reinforcement is somewhat more complicated than the dismantling of brick walls. But with the right approach and following all the recommendations, you can do it yourself.

And also watch the video tutorial on how to dismantle the partition (wall) with your own hands:

I actually had experience with brick walls, they were easily dismantled, I could do it with a sledgehammer in a few hours, but with concrete ones the situation is more complicated, where you already need to have equipment.

I think anyone can break it with a hammer, the main thing is to find a big hammer, but as for other tools, I’m not sure that every home has them, you’ll have to rent them.

Dismantling a wall is not an easy task. Having certain knowledge and basic experience will greatly simplify its solution. In most cases, breaking is easier than building, as the wise saying goes. But not in the case of dismantling the walls in the apartment. You definitely won’t be prepared for so much dust and dirt, as well as hours of loud noise. However, as another saying goes: “If you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.” If nothing can scare you, go ahead! To victory over dismantling!

Before starting dismantling, it is necessary to have a new layout of the apartment or house, as well as obtain permits for carrying out repair work. Having a new layout will allow you to avoid mistakes with the choice of the wall to be dismantled.

Documents for permission to demolish walls must be required. Firstly, not every wall can be dismantled (if the wall bears the main load, then its absence can cause deformation and further destruction of the entire house due to excess load on the remaining load-bearing walls). Risk, of course, is a noble cause, but not in this case. Secondly, it is prohibited by law to dismantle the walls yourself.

There is a category of walls whose demolition is strictly prohibited. If you don’t understand this yourself, invite specialists. This will save you from a number of unpleasant moments. It is allowed to dismantle walls made of foam blocks and bricks, as well as plasterboard, concrete, wood, and stone. The easiest way to deal with wooden walls. Brick walls also lend themselves well to demolition. Dismantling monolithic walls is more labor-intensive.

Before starting dismantling work, you must:

  • turn off the heating;
  • cut off access to gas;
  • shut off the supply of cold and hot water;
  • turn off all household electrical appliances, including the television antenna;
  • isolate the radio point.

It is imperative to obtain an oral (or better yet, written) agreement from neighbors to carry out construction work. If your neighbors ask you to take a break from work for a certain time, you will have to meet them halfway. All work associated with increased noise and vibration can be carried out exclusively during the daytime - from 9.00 to 19.00 on weekdays. On weekends - prohibited!
Tools required for dismantling walls: sledgehammer, simple hammer, jackhammer, steel wedges, grinder (grinder), chisel, hammer drill, crowbar. Have thick construction bags ready to take out the trash.

Foam block is a universal material from which it is easy to lay out walls. It is also easy to saw and dismantle. First, remove the plaster, then use a sledgehammer to knock out one block at a time.

When working with drywall, a lot of dust is generated, so all things need to be taken to another room, the furniture and floor should be covered with cloth or film.

Then proceed directly to dismantling:

  • find and remove screws;
  • remove the casing and disassemble the frame;
  • demolish the wall with a hammer or sledgehammer (this is the cheapest method of dismantling);
  • demolish a wall using diamond cutting (a rather expensive method that requires knowledge and experience).

To demolish a brick wall, you only need a sledgehammer. One brick at a time is knocked out of the wall, starting from the top, from the ceiling. If the integrity of the wall is lost, cracks will begin to appear between the bricks, and they will easily fall out with little pressure on them.

When planning the demolition of walls, decide on the method by which you will carry out the dismantling work.

Dismantling can be done as follows:

  • Breaking down walls in parts. Using a marker or felt-tip pen, divide the wall area into separate cells so that the weight of each cell does not exceed 10 kg. Then, using a grinder, cut the wall.
  • Chiseling. You will need a chisel and a hammer drill. The method is one of the fastest, but at the same time the noisiest and also inaccurate.
  • Drilling method. It is necessary to divide the wall into segments with a marker, then drill holes along them, closely adjacent to each other. After drilling, the dismantled area must be tapped and then removed using a chisel. You can use a hammer.

Before starting dismantling work, moisten a thick cloth with water and cover the room in which you are going to work with it. This way you will minimize dust contamination in the remaining rooms.

The need to dismantle walls arises during major renovations in a home.

Is it possible to do such work yourself and what do you need to know to properly demolish walls with your own hands? This will be discussed in our article.

The process of dismantling walls has its own characteristics, which largely depend on the material that was used in the construction of these structures. The most popular building material is brick, so first we will tell you how to properly demolish brick walls.

Do-it-yourself dismantling of brick walls is usually carried out in order to save money. Here it is very important to determine in advance whether the wall is load-bearing or whether it is an interior partition.

In the second case, demolition is much easier, because you don’t have to worry about the integrity of the remaining walls. Dismantling a brick load-bearing wall must be done carefully, making sure to install supports before starting work.

Before dismantling the brick walls, preparatory work is carried out.

  • Be sure to lay several layers of soft fabric or a blanket on top of the floor covering. This will protect the finishing material from damage when a brick falls on the floor.
  • Furniture items in the room must be protected from construction dust by covering them with film.
  • You need to prepare a set of tools: a chisel, a hammer drill, a hammer and a sledgehammer.

The process of demolishing a brick wall is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First you need to carefully remove all electrical wiring that runs through the wall. The best option would be to completely cut off the electricity in the house during the dismantling work;
  • During work, the wall is periodically moistened with water - this helps reduce the amount of construction dust in the room;
  • Next you need to remove the baseboards (ceiling and floor);
  • Remove the finishing coating from the wall (wallpaper, plaster, tile);
  • The next stage is the actual dismantling of the brickwork. Bricks are knocked out of the wall using a chisel and sledgehammer.

To do this, place the chisel at the joint between adjacent bricks, and then hit it hard with a sledgehammer. This allows you to break the integrity of the binder material and easily remove the bricks from the masonry.

It will be much easier to break a binder made from clay (it breaks down faster).

The need to remodel rooms arises not only during home renovation, but also when arranging an apartment. Dismantling partition walls in an apartment is a little more difficult.

To do this, you will need a general plan of the house and permission to carry out such work from the relevant organization.

You can only demolish a wall in an apartment yourself if you are well acquainted with the design features of an apartment building. It is still advisable to entrust the procedure to an experienced technician.

The easiest way to dismantle walls is in an apartment located in Khrushchev-era buildings. The load-bearing walls in such a house are located at the edges, so you can’t go wrong.

The interior partitions in the apartments of these houses are made of bricks laid using a certain technique (on edge). You need to disassemble this wall, starting from the doors.

Don’t be afraid to knock out bricks - this wall does not support any structures, so you won’t break anything during the work process.

First, knock out the bricks located above the doorway and carefully dismantle the wall to the ceiling. Next, dismantle the wall on both sides of the doorway, moving from top to bottom.

It will be more difficult to dismantle the partition wall in an apartment located in a panel house. Such walls can serve as load-bearing walls, so you need to be extremely careful.

You will have to obtain permission for dismantling from a special organization and invite a specialist to determine whether the wall is load-bearing or serves as an interior partition.

Partition walls in panel houses are made of wire reinforcement filled with gypsum. Disassembling a monolithic structure is much more difficult than a brick wall and for this work you will need the following tools:

  • Hammer;
  • Grinder with cutting disc;
  • Hammer.

It is better to dismantle such a wall in parts so that large pieces of the slab do not cause injury to you.

Concrete walls usually serve as load-bearing walls, so it is not advisable to dismantle them. Demolishing concrete partition walls is not difficult; for this work you will need the following set of tools:

  • Hammer;
  • Saw grinder with a diamond blade;
  • Jackhammer.

Bearing walls made of concrete may only be partially dismantled. Before performing the procedure, the area to be dismantled must be well prepared.

  • Temporary support beams must be installed between the surface of the floor and ceiling.
  • Next, the concrete slabs are cut through with a grinder to the reinforcement.
  • After this, the diamond disc is changed and the reinforcement is cut.

For information on how to dismantle the floor in an apartment, see here

For expert advice on why you need a floor screed, see here

The process of demolition of a concrete wall with reinforcement is somewhat more complicated than the dismantling of brick walls. But with the right approach and following all the recommendations, you can do it yourself.

And also watch the video tutorial on how to dismantle the partition (wall) with your own hands:

I actually had experience with brick walls, they were easily dismantled, I could do it with a sledgehammer in a few hours, but with concrete ones the situation is more complicated, where you already need to have equipment.

I think anyone can break it with a hammer, the main thing is to find a big hammer, but as for other tools, I’m not sure that every home has them, you’ll have to rent them.

To begin dismantling walls and partitions with your own hands, you must be sure to turn off all utility networks, which are in the walls - water, thermal systems, radio and electrical wires. If it is necessary to stop the water supply or power supply to the entire entrance (house), special services are called in to notify residents, in order to avoid the occurrence of conflict situations.

Basically, the owners of apartments built during the Soviet power. The same type of buildings with long corridors and small rooms are gradually being replaced by new designer reincarnations. A private house, the project for which was also created in the last century, can (even should!) be replanned for comfortable living.

When the project for a new home has already been prepared, an estimate has been drawn up, and innovations have been agreed upon with city authorities, you can begin to The final stage preparing the apartment for repair - dismantling the walls, the price of which will be negligible if done by hand. To facilitate the demolition of the walls in the apartment, the platbands are first removed, the plinths, if necessary, the plaster is removed.

During major repairs, the floor is often dismantled, but if flooring is not subject to change, then it is imperative to arrange a “shock-absorbing” coating of cardboard, rags, old blankets. This will protect the floor from flying weighty pieces of the monolith, without which the demolition of walls in a panel house will not do.

The walls and partitions of any building can be:

The load-bearing walls serve as the capital structure of the building, therefore, independent dismantling of the wall, the price of which from the master depends on the amount of work, as well as cutting large openings in them, requires the permission of the design company. Illiterate intervention in the supporting building schemes of brick, concrete, reinforced concrete, which is fraught with illegal redevelopment of the apartment, entails the danger of violating the strength of the structure. The building ceases to be safe for life, and in the future, unauthorized demolition of the walls in the apartment may cause the destruction of the entire house. Therefore, it is recommended to dismantle a brick wall or partition with your own hands only in case of emergency, with the permission of the relevant city services.

Load-bearing walls are an intermediate element between the foundation and other building elements. Finding its location is quite simple: you need to determine the area where the ceiling slabs are located, which are supported by crossbars or beams. These walls transfer the load of the entire structure of the house to the foundation along with the roof, interfloor ceilings, and their own weight.

If the dismantling of the main brick wall is inevitable, all precautions must be taken. The load is redistributed on it by creating an auxiliary carrier beam, which should rest with its ends on solid foundation.

After making sure that the temporary reinforcement made of reinforced concrete lintels or steel beams has reliable stability and high strength, you can begin dismantling the brick wall. Depending on the used building material, apply different ways demolition of capital structures:

 When dismantling brickwork, the top brick, located in the center of the future opening, is first knocked out. Then the top row of masonry is sequentially dismantled to the right and left of the removed brick. In this case, the opening must be formed so that there is a slight expansion along the top line in order to secure the reinforcing jumpers. Strong iron beams are placed at a distance of at least 15 cm from each other, securely fixed. The top of the opening is then filled with bricks that fit tightly to the ceiling slab. It is advisable to remove temporary supports only after the solution has completely dried. brickwork.

 Demolition of walls in a panel house is performed a little differently. When dismantling the block base, the surface is divided into several sectors, and each part is destroyed in turn using a jackhammer. If metal mesh or reinforcement is detected, cutting is carried out using grinder.

Walls that are not permanent are created with a finer structure.

Dismantling partitions in an apartment involves the same technology as for load-bearing walls. Their demolition does not require any additional accessories.

Quick dismantling of partitions in an apartment that are not load-bearing does not involve the installation of fasteners. Their disassembly is carried out in the reverse order of assembly.

Usually, when building partitions, a gap is left between it and the ceiling, which is filled with gypsum mortar and tow. When dismantling the partitions in the apartment, they clear it, remove the baguette, platband, plinth, and then demolish the wall itself, the thickness of which is about 10-14 cm:

Concrete partitions can be removed using diamond cutting, which will significantly speed up the process and avoid noisy vibrations, as well as large quantity dust.

WITH drywall partition First, the casing is removed, and then the frame is disassembled.

Demolition of a glass block structure is carried out similarly to plasterboard: first the external elements are dismantled, and then the frame is demolished.

If the partition is made of blocks or bricks, it is better to demolish it by impact using a traditional sledgehammer, hammer drill, hammer and chisel.

Wooden partitions removed by sawing. The elements are disassembled, starting with the struts and beams.

Regardless of the material of manufacture, the dismantling of partitions in an apartment is carried out from top to bottom: bricks or other structural elements are removed one by one, row by row. It is recommended to moisten the surface to be destroyed generously with water or cover it with a wet cloth due to the fact that dismantling work will produce a lot of dust.

You need to stock up in advance on large and durable bags for collecting construction waste, of which a huge amount is expected. Breaking is not building. This folk wisdom will be understood only by those who own experience will experience this difficult and responsible look preparatory work. You also need to break it wisely, so that later “it won’t be excruciatingly painful”...