In a private house      06/26/2020

Laying sewer pipes with your own hands in a private house. Installation of internal and external sewerage systems in a private house How to properly lay a sewer house

Arrangement sewer system requires the most scrupulous attitude to all stages of the process, including depth, slope, reliability of connections. Each of these factors has a great influence on the quality of the entire system. Negligence is unacceptable here, if there is no self-confidence, it is better to turn to professionals.

Laying depth of the sewer system

Modern sewer systems significantly improve the standard of living in a private house. If in previous years a toilet on the street was perceived as an unpleasant necessity, inseparable from a private house, today it is a sign of laziness of the owners or their extremely low income. Moreover, in the first case, you can get out of the situation by hiring professionals who will perform absolutely all the work.

Helpful information:

The depth of the pipeline depends on the depth of the septic tank.

Advice! The pipe laid between the building and the septic tank must be straight. Knees, turns will provoke the appearance of blockages.

Before arranging the sewer system, you should find out what is the average freezing depth in your area. Pipes need to be laid a little lower than these figures. Usually, the depth at which sewer pipes are located in a private house in the south is more than 50 cm. In the central part of the country, where the climate is harsher, the depth of sewerage in a private house is at least 70 cm. These figures are especially significant if sewer pipes are located under the platforms or under the paths, which are freed from snow in winter.

Features of laying sewer pipes

Laying sewer pipes must be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  • pipes of the required diameter must be used;
  • must be respected standard rate slope (about 0.03 m per 1 running meter pipes);
  • it is permissible to use pipes from different materials, but in one pipeline, the pipes must match in material.

The depth of the pipeline can be determined based on the following points:

  • the nature of the site (its relief, soil features);
  • the exit point of the sewer pipe from the house.

Such convenient fixture allows you to control the work of the sewerage, in time to eliminate emerging problems. It is not very difficult to make it, but it brings a lot of comfort to the operation process.

Accounting for the depth of soil freezing is a fundamental requirement. In order not to spend money on arranging deeper trenches than necessary, you need to have a clear idea of ​​​​the depth of soil freezing in a given area. Below is a table to help guide you in this matter.

How to properly equip thermal insulation?

In cold regions, it is recommended to supplement the sewer pipeline with thermal insulation. This technique allows you to extend the service life, eliminate the possibility of freezing at very low temperatures. Most often, polyurethane foam is taken for this purpose. If the pipe is wrapped with polyurethane foam, and a polyethylene sheath is made on top, the pipe will not be afraid of frost.

If pipes are laid below the possible freezing point, then the pipes will never freeze. In this case additional protection made for extreme cold weather. When performing thermal insulation Special attention give joints and turning points. It is these zones that tolerate the effects of cold quite poorly. So warming the turning points is a must.

In Europe, a more technologically advanced method is used. An electric cable is launched near the pipeline; if necessary, it acts as a heater for the pipe. For many residents of our country, this method is too expensive, because paying for energy is not the smallest item of expenditure. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the depth of pipe laying. In the central regions, it is better to choose a depth of 1m. And in the northern regions, it is desirable to dig deeper trenches and carry out high-quality thermal insulation. To do this, you can either fiberglass. If the pipes are located above the ground, they are also insulated with similar materials. Since they can fill with water, .

Video - Installation of external sewerage and insulation

The interior of the sewer system of a private house

For uninterrupted operation of the sewer, the requirements for the diameter of the pipes must be observed:

  • toilet, shower, bath, pool - 10 - 11 cm;
  • sink - 5 cm;
  • riser - 10 - 11 cm.

Video - A long and detailed story about the installation of sewer pipes

The external part of the sewer system of a private house

The main requirement is to ensure proper bias. The only correct drain is gravity. Too low a speed will cause blockages. Too fast movement of effluents - to accelerate the destruction of pipes.

The sewerage laying scheme in a private house includes a characteristic of the features of the pipe exit from the room. The rules for removing a pipe from a house depend on the type of foundation. At strip foundation the output is arranged on the side. With slab - the pipe is laid from top to bottom, for this a pipe section and a 45 ° elbow are used. To equip the sewer, a pipe-sleeve is laid in the foundation in advance, through which the main pipeline is then removed. Such a base is needed to protect the pipeline from excessive pressure and potential destruction.

From the exit point to the septic tank / cesspool, the pipe is laid evenly, without bends. In the septic tank, the drain pipe is inserted at the top. This is done to provide a place for the accumulation of waste.

In order not to be mistaken in the depth of laying the pipe, you need to find out how things are with the neighbors who have already equipped their own drain. If they have problems with pipe freezing, you need to dig your pipe deeper. No matter how deep the pipe lies, in any case, a slope is needed. Usually they make 2 - 3 cm per linear meter.

  1. Must be done first detailed diagram piping inside the house. This will reduce time and financial costs by providing all the best options.
  2. Pipes run towards the riser or to the septic tank, sharp corners excluded.
  3. The riser on each floor must be equipped with a tee designed to service the sewer system for quick cleaning.


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Man is good where he is comfortable conditions for living. And in order to create them, you need to think about how to lay a sewer in a private house. Firstly, you should familiarize yourself with the features of this process, and secondly, decide on the material used.

It is worth noting that now, plastic pipes, albeit slowly, but still displace metal pipelines. As for cast iron, they are used very rarely, due to their weight and high cost. In contrast, polymer products are much lighter in weight, easier to install and durable.

This is what the setup looks like plastic pipes

The main stages of laying sewerage in a private house

So that the system functions properly and there are no unforeseen situations before laying sewer pipes in a private house , need to be well-designed. It is desirable that the design engineering systems was carried out at the time of drawing up the project of the house, but this is relevant only if new construction is planned.

This is how an example of a sewerage project for your home looks like

First of all, you need to take care of the compact location of the water intake points, which allows you to organize the reception of wastewater into a common riser. If the kitchen and bath are in different ends at home, you will have to plan the construction of two risers and septic tanks, which entails additional costs.

Plan the placement of water points

  • the toilet must be connected to the riser separately, in addition, other devices cannot be added to the connecting pipe;

This is how the toilet is connected to the riser

  • the connection of other devices should not be at a level lower than the connection of the toilet bowl;
  • all plumbing, except for the toilet, may have a common connection to the riser;
  • The diameter of the supply pipe must not be less than the size of the drain pipe.

After the project is drawn up, you can proceed to such stages of system installation as choosing the installation site treatment plant, arrangement of internal sewer network, taking it out of the house and installing an external sewage system. If you are faced with this for the first time, and do not know how to lay sewer pipes in a private house, but want to do everything yourself, then it is advisable not only to read the installation instructions, but also watch the video.

Choose the location of the wastewater treatment plant

Installation of the outer part of the sewer system

Detailed instructions will help you figure out how to properly lay sewer pipes in a private house. Don't forget to always follow established order actions. And it all starts with laying pipes in a trench, you need to dig it in advance. The optimal distance between the trench and the pipe should be within 200 mm - 20 cm, it all depends on the diameter. Next you need:

  • Dig a hole for a septic tank or a sewage well, the depth should be at least 80 cm, and most importantly, 20 cm below the freezing level of the soil.

This is what a septic tank looks like

  • Taking into account local conditions, as well as the installation depth of the sewage system, it is necessary to ensure optimal degree pipe slope.

Slope degree of plastic pipe

  • Tamp the bottom of the trench, freeing it from large stones and solid inclusions in advance. After that, a sand cushion is created.

Rammed trench

  • Having understood how best to lay the pipeline through the foundation from the place of its withdrawal from the house, the pipes are laid along the entire length.
  • Sealant must be used to connect structural elements.
  • Smooth bends are used for pipeline bends.

This is what a smooth pipeline looks like

  • The external system is connected to the VOC chamber by means of rubber seals.

After completing all the steps, you can backfill the system; for this, not only soil is taken, but also sand. In order for the external sewage device to pass without problems, you need to take care of purchasing components (elbows, crosses, fittings, tees, transitions, plugs).

Elements for the construction of sewerage in the house

Stages of internal sewerage in a private house

You don’t know how to lay sewer pipes in a private house and where to start, if you figure it out, everything is very simple. Installation starts from plumbing fixtures and goes to the location of the external pipe. Laying is best done under the floor. So let's get started:

Let's take care of the internal laying of sewerage

  1. First you need to connect the S-shaped pipe or water seal to the plumbing devices.
  2. Then the first sewage pipeline is connected.
  3. The horizontal pipe structure is connected to the branch pipe by means of two elbows, the angle of which is at least 90 degrees.
  4. Do not forget about the importance of observing the slopes of the structure, for which you need to use clamps that are attached to the walls. Thanks to them, the structure is constantly in its normal position.
  5. The pipes coming from the toilet are connected to the main elements of the sewer system, connected by a perpendicular tee.
  6. To ensure the passage of the pipeline through the ceiling, it is necessary to install a metal sleeve in the insulated pipe.
  7. And to go from a pipe with a diameter of 5 cm to 10 cm, you will need a special adapter.
  8. You can equalize the external and internal sewerage using a knee.

It will be better if you observe the slopes of the pipes, with a diameter of 5 cm it should be 3 cm, and with 10 cm - 2 cm. In order to lubricate the existing pipe joints, you need to use special hermetic mixtures.

Sealing and lubrication of sewer pipe joints

sewer outlet

Instructions on how to properly lay a sewer in a private house are not limited to a description of indoor and outdoor installation. She also describes how to properly remove pipes from the house. In advance, you need to provide a place for the outlet, you also need to install several branches to connect the two parts of the pipeline. Do not forget that it is imperative to install a metal sleeve for passing pipes through the foundation, and insulate the space remaining between the walls of this device.

It looks like a metal sleeve for a pipe

As you can see, if you strictly follow the instructions, then anyone who has the desire and patience can cope with the arrangement of a complex sewer system in a private house with their own hands.


The phrase “conveniences on the street” can be heard less and less in the private sectors. This is not surprising - after all, everyone strives for comfort. However, it is out of the question if on a frosty night, waking up, you have to dress and run through the snow to a booth, standing 15 m from the dwelling. So home craftsmen equip latrines directly in the house. But in order for them to function normally, it is necessary to properly mount the sewage disposal system in a septic tank located on the street. Today we will consider how the sewerage system is installed in a private house with our own hands. We will also consider the scheme of its device, and along the way we will find out the cost of such work when performed by specialists.

Read in the article:

How to draw up a diagram of a sewerage device in a private house with your own hands

Starting to draw up a sewerage scheme for a private house, you need to decide on the number of drain points. It should be understood that if there are two floors in a residential building, the scheme of each is mounted, as planned, separately, with subsequent output to a common riser overlooking the septic tank.

The presence of only one riser is unacceptable only in the case of installing a pool or sauna - for them it will be necessary to mount a separate drain.

Important! From the completeness and correctness of the compiled sewerage scheme for a private house with your own hands, its performance and ease of installation will depend. The plan must indicate the length of all pipes - this will help to correctly calculate the amount of material.

Problems that may be encountered in design

The main difficulty in drawing up a project can be the introduction of a sewer pipe into the house. To do this, you will have to break through the foundation or install special pumps. Their installation will also be necessary when installing a bathroom in the basement or basement. At the same time, it does not interfere special installation capable of grinding organic matter. The sewage pump, together with the assembled knives, is called a multi-lift.

Expert opinion

Design Engineer VK (water supply and sewerage) LLC "ASP North-West"

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“If the house is under construction, then regardless of whether the toilet is planned inside the house or not, it is worth building a sewer pipe into the foundation. For starters, you can just turn it off. If you need to install a sewer, it will be very useful.”

When designing, the number of residents must be taken into account. This indicator will directly affect both the volume of the septic tank and the diameter of the sewer pipes that will be used during the installation of the system. Do not forget about the depth of soil freezing - the system must be in the ground below this mark.

What types of sewers exist

The main types can be called:

  1. Dry closets. This format is not very common in private homes. It is more suitable for giving, where there is no need for a constantly functioning sewer.
  2. Cesspool- the easiest to install and cost-effective option. Its inconvenience is that it requires periodic pumping using special equipment, and this is not a cheap pleasure.
  3. septic tank- the most common type of sewerage system. Waste products are processed using live bacteria and microorganisms or by adding to a container chemical substances decomposing organic waste.

The septic tank device cannot be called cheap, but it allows you to do without pumping for a long time. The main task is to add the necessary substances in time. As for the sewerage system itself for a private house, it will be the same for both the cesspool and the septic tank.

Do-it-yourself sewerage in a private house: a diagram and its main components

When drawing up a project for laying sewers in a private house, it should be noted on the diagram the location of plumbing devices, such as a sink or. All pipes are also taken into account (their length and diameter are prescribed in the plan), connections, corners and branches. Data are entered on the location of the riser and its output to the septic tank.

If you describe in detail all the parameters, you can mount the entire system much faster and better. The plan, after the installation of the sewer, must be saved. It can help with blockages or other emergency situations.

Drawing up a sewerage scheme for a private one-story house(as well as buildings with several floors), it is important to consider the installation sites for cleaning - special branches with plugs that will help get rid of blockages. Do not forget about the calculation of the slope of the highway. With a weak slope, the drain will be ineffective, and if it is excessive, grease and dirt will settle on the walls, which will eventually lead to emergency. Let's try to figure out how to properly draw up a diagram of the sewer system.

Drawing up a scheme of the sewer system

The first thing to do is to draw a floor plan of all the premises of the building. It is more convenient if such schemes are available - quite often such schemes are drawn up during construction. In this case, it can be copied, and sewerage routes can already be “laid” along it. Having indicated the installation points of plumbing devices, we begin measurements. Every millimeter can play a role here.

Important! When installing thinner pipes (for example, from a sink), if they are longer than necessary, there is a danger of their curvature. In this case, the water will stagnate, which will lead to a build-up of grease and dirt and blockage.

If possible, all plumbing fixtures should be located in the immediate vicinity of the riser - this will allow sewerage to be performed with the greatest efficiency. All tie-ins in the riser are indicated. A prerequisite is the connection of the toilet drain directly to the main pipe, without additional connections. The drain of the bathroom and the sink can be combined - this will save material and get rid of extra pipes and tie-ins to the main riser.

What diameter should the pipes be

The diameter of the pipe is selected based on the number of residents and the planned intensity of use of the system. However, there are also generally accepted norms. So the diameter of the main riser directly to the septic tank is usually 100-110 mm. The same diameter as the toilet drain. But from the sinks and the bathroom there are thinner pipes. Most often, for such purposes, a diameter of 50 mm is used. This thickness will be enough.

All connections and tie-ins must be made at an angle of 450. If the angle of the sewer pipe is even, it is this point that will periodically become clogged.

When installing a sewer system, it should be understood that the riser must go to the roof, from where air will be supplied. Consider what happens if there is no air access, and the upper part of the riser is muffled, for example two-story house. Everyone knows that the toilet has a hydraulic lock that prevents the smell from the system from entering the room. In the absence of free access to air, flush the water in the toilet on the first floor. Due to the rarefaction, water is “drawn out” from the plumbing device on the second floor. The hydraulic lock is open, all the smell from the sewer system rushes into the living quarters.

How can sewer efficiency be improved?

Improve the quality of work autonomous sewerage it is possible both by installing additional equipment, and purely by installation parameters. To do this, you just need to correctly distribute the slope of the highways. The most effective is a slope of 3 cm / m. But for greater efficiency of the sewer system, this parameter can be increased to 4-5 cm / m. This will be sufficient for effective work system and not enough for the rapid formation of grease or dirt deposits on the inner walls of the pipes.

Very effective against deposits on the walls modern facilities. But do not expect a miracle from them when a thorough blockage occurs. Advertisements may claim that the tool can easily cope with any of them, but this is not entirely true. In fact, such funds are good for periodic prevention. If the pipe is already thoroughly clogged, then there is nothing better than the good old cable.

Speaking of additional equipment, one cannot fail to note the benefit in preventing blockages of such equipment as a household waste shredder under the sink. It does not allow large cleanings and other debris to enter the sewer pipe. Everything that is sent to the drain after grinding, in consistency resembles a liquid porridge that is not capable of clogging the line.

How to make a sewer in a private house: stages of work

All work on the arrangement of the sewer system of a private house is carried out in several stages. There is no need to perform them without interruption, which means that installation can be carried out in your free time for a long time. However, according to professionals, such work is rarely delayed - as soon as the arrangement has begun, House master trying to get everything done as soon as possible. Consider step by step the steps that need to be performed. The algorithm of actions should be like this:

  • calculate the required volume of the septic tank;
  • install and equip the tank;
  • we lay the highway from the septic tank to the house;
  • we make internal wiring of sewer pipes and connect them to the system;
  • connect plumbing fixtures.

By following this procedure and simple rules for the production of work, you can be sure that the system will work flawlessly. Let's analyze each step in more detail.

How to calculate the required volume of a septic tank for a private house

The calculation can be made empirically: for this you need to sum up the entire water consumption of the family living in the house. However, if the sewerage system is installed at the stage of construction of the dwelling, this method is unacceptable. Then you can take the average values ​​recommended by SanPiN. However, it is much easier to use the specially designed calculator below:

Send the result to my email

The average data is shown in the table below:

Number of residentsAverage water consumption, m3/dayRequired tank volume, m3
3 0,6 1,5
4 0,8 1,9
5 1,0 2,4
6 1,2 2,9
7 1,4 3,4
8 1,6 3,9
9 1,8 4,4
10 2,0 4,8

Many may wonder why the volume of the septic tank is 3 times more than the daily consumption Wastewater. The answer is simple enough. Almost all models of septic tanks installed in our country are designed for a three-day processing of organic waste. The same applies to chemicals or live bacteria that are added there. It turns out that three days is exactly the period of time that is necessary for the complete processing of human waste products. Hence the triple values.

Related article:

From our materials you will learn the device, the principle of operation, location requirements, secrets self equipment treatment facilities for a private home, as well as advice and recommendations from experts.

Installation of the tank and equipment to it

More often, home masters turn to specialists for help in installing a septic tank. However, there is nothing super complicated in this work.

Having chosen a place in the yard, and having dug a foundation pit, it is necessary to lay it on its bottom reinforced concrete slab, for which the container is fixed with the help of cables. If the level ground water high enough, then it is previously dug in at the bottom of the pit drainage pipe with its withdrawal outside the site into the nearest sewer. Installation of ventilation of a septic tank is also required. It is performed as follows. From air vent a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is removed, which runs underground at an inclination of about 4-5 m. An elbow of 450 is installed at the exit and then the pipe rises to a height of 3-4 m. bad smell in the courtyard.

In the place where sewage will be drained into the tank, a pipe segment with a diameter of 100-110 mm is installed (the size depends on the model of the septic tank and the diameter of the planned riser). The septic tank itself is buried underground, outside, above the ground, only a small part of it (often only the neck) remains, which is insulated.

Laying the sewer line from the septic tank to the house

To lay pipes, it is necessary to dig a trench at least 60 cm deep. In some regions of Russia, where the climate is colder, this parameter should be larger. In any case, the sewer line must be below the freezing level of the soil. It is best to sprinkle the trench with river sand or sand and gravel mix(PGS). After laying the highway, she also falls asleep. It turns out that the pipe is inside a sand cushion. Further, the ASG is compacted a little, and ordinary soil is poured on top.

Important! The pipe from the house to the septic tank should go downhill. The optimal distance will be 4-5 cm / m. This will allow sewage not to linger inside, but to go into the container with the greatest efficiency.

How to do the internal sewerage wiring in a private house with your own hands

Sewerage wiring in a private house is done in strict accordance with the project, which has already been discussed in our article. In order to make it easier for the dear reader to understand this issue, we suggest considering several photo examples with comments.

IllustrationAction to take
First, we mark the places where the sewer pipes will pass. It is best to do this by laser level to ensure the required slope of the highway.

Now those places that will be in plain sight should be pierced to hide the sewer pipes in the grooves. But this can only be done if the thickness of the wall allows.
Having cut through the wall along the marks, we knock out excess concrete (or foam concrete) using a perforator with a spatula.
Where the wall will not be ditched, we drill holes with the same puncher and install special clamps that will hold the pipe.
We cut plastic pipes to size. This can be done both with the help of a grinder, and with a simple hacksaw for metal.
Having lubricated the internal rubber seal, we insert the edge of the corner or pipe into the socket of another piece. The connection is quite tight and tight.
Similarly, we collect the entire highway to the main riser, which goes to the septic tank
The part that does not sink into the strobe is fixed on previously prepared clamps.
Do not forget that further will be produced Finishing work. Special plugs on the pipes will not allow construction debris to get inside.
It remains only to attach the line to the main riser. Similarly, the installation of other branches of the sewer system of a private house is carried out.

Having figured out how to properly sewer in a private house, you can proceed to the installation of plumbing fixtures. But first, a few tips for connecting plastic pipes to each other.

Connecting plastic sewer pipes: some nuances

The quality of sewerage wiring in a private house depends on the correct production of pipe connections to each other. To do this, you need to purchase a special lubricant based on silicone. It should not be confused with silicone sealant- such compositions are not needed in such work.

If you look inside the bell, you can see a rubber o-ring there. It is quite enough for the tightness of the system. However, it is easy to damage it when connecting pipes to each other. Even if the o-ring moves a little, over time the connection will start to leak, and no one needs it. To prevent this problem, use Silicone Grease. After its application, the pipes fit one into the other without any problems, creating a reliable and hermetic connection.


Gone are the days when in country and private houses all the amenities were on the street. Now, to create basic comfort, it is necessary to lay a sewer in a private house. This highly responsible task is not difficult.

To lay a sewer in a private house with your own hands, you need to start by creating a competent project. When constructing a new building, it is important to design drains not according to the residual principle, but in combination with all systems, since sewage is one of the most important life support points for a modern house.

And it is also necessary to first clarify whether it is possible to connect private housing to a centralized sewerage system. This will save money and time on construction. You need to know what soils can lie near the house, geological exploration will help with this.

The project for the sewer system of a private house should include the following items:

Installation of external sewerage

According to SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures ”the type of pillow for the sewer pipeline depends on the bearing capacity of soils. In trenches in rocky soils, a pillow with a thickness of 100 mm or more from carefully compacted sand or gravel is provided. In peat, silty and other weak soils, an artificial foundation is made. For other types of soil, it is enough to carefully compact the immediate bottom of the trench.

The depth of the pipe supply depends on the level of soil freezing in the area. The top of the plumbing must be below the freezing point. With a soil layer height of less than 700 mm, drainpipes must be insulated and protected from damage if ground transport is supposed to pass from above.

The bottom of the trench must be cleared of debris and large stones, and the foundation is being prepared. The pipeline must be brought to the house from the place where the sewer is discharged from the minimum amount turns. If they cannot be avoided, then smooth bends for pipes are used. Pipes and fittings are interconnected using a sealant.

The supply of sewerage to a private house should be under the right:

  • for a pipe with a diameter of 160 mm, a slope of 0.008 is required;
  • for a supply pipe with a size of 110 mm - 0.02;
  • a pipeline with a diameter of 50 mm must be laid at a slope of 0.03.

At the exit from the building, a metal sleeve is inserted into the foundation hole for laying pipes in it. The remaining space must be filled with insulation, for example, mineral wool.

By fulfilling these simple conditions, you can protect yourself from a sudden breakthrough of the external sewage network or its freezing in winter. For example, the process repair work during the cold season, it is complicated by digging a trench in the frozen ground.

Collection and storage of effluents

In the absence of the possibility, several options for a local system for discharge, storage and treatment of wastewater are used:

  • cesspool;
  • septic tank.

Traditional pit latrines the best option from an ecological point of view. But they are the most economical way organize an autonomous storage of domestic wastewater. Choosing this method, it is important to properly organize the placement of the pit:

  • Distance between cesspool and the well should be more than 25 m.
  • The well for drains should be located further from the house than 5 m.
  • With a sewer capacity of 8 sq. meters, the distance increases to 8 m.
  • The distance from the cesspool to the border of the site should be at least 1.5 m.
  • A cesspool is located downstream of groundwater to prevent runoff from entering the wells.
  • The sewage well is located below the level of the house.

The material for the construction of the cesspool is traditionally red brick. If it is possible for the entrance of special equipment, they equip a pit from ready-made ones with a pre-concreted bottom. The structure is covered with a slab with an inspection hatch and a built-in ventilation pipe.

A more progressive solution for organizing waste collection is a septic tank. It usually consists of two or three chambers. In the first chamber, the solid fraction is deposited and decomposition takes place with the help of bacteria. The filtered liquid is sent to the next tank for further purification. In the last chamber, the purified liquid seeps through the gravel base into the soil. A septic tank must be equipped ventilation pipe with an umbrella. The structure must be freed from settled solid waste every 5–10 years. Such designs are purchased already in finished form.

Internal wiring

In addition to arranging external sewage, it is important to know how to properly lay pipes inside the house. There are many nuances:

  • Water intake points should be located as compactly as possible for the optimal organization of the sewer system.
  • The toilet is connected to the riser separately from other appliances to prevent them from sucking up drains from the toilet.
  • Drains from sinks, sinks, showers and other plumbing fixtures must be brought to a common riser higher than the drain from the toilet.
  • The slope of the pipes should be 2–9°.
  • Every four meters of the riser, revisions must be installed at a height of more than 1 m from the floor.
  • If the sewer pipes are not hidden under the floor, then revisions must be installed before each turn.
  • The riser is equipped with a ventilation pipe with its output above the roof level from 70 cm. This will protect the home from unpleasant odors.
  • In unheated rooms, the pipeline must be insulated.
  • Parts of the pipeline at the joints are coated with sealant.
  • To organize drains from sinks and sinks, a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is sufficient, from a toilet bowl, a bathtub and a shower - 110 mm.
  • The diameter of the riser must be at least 110 mm.
  • The smaller the diameter of the pipe, the greater should be its slope.

Connection diagram of a riser with an external sewer pipe

It is desirable to soundproof sewer pipes (this will increase the level of comfort of housing) by arranging a drywall box and filling it with mineral wool.

If underfloor sewerage is chosen in a private house, then additional conditions for SNiP must be observed. In addition to the fact that with such installation the height of the room is lost, it is not possible to install an underground sewer everywhere. It is forbidden to install it:

  • in food storage areas;
  • V living rooms(bedrooms, guest or children's);
  • in rooms for long-term stay of people (offices, classrooms);
  • in rooms with installed electrical equipment.

Important! The configuration of the underground sewer should be as simple as possible, without unnecessary turns, transitions and fittings.

During installation waste system under the ceiling, a number of rules must be observed:

  • The pipe diameter must not exceed 110 mm.
  • Fittings are mounted at an angle of 45°.
  • Fasteners are installed at a distance from each other, equal to the diameter of the pipe, multiplied by 10.
  • The presence of underground wiring in the bathroom should not create an excess of the floor over the rest of the premises.
  • The quality of the materials used is subject to increased requirements, since in order to repair the laid network, it will be necessary to break the overlap.

Do-it-yourself installation of the internal wiring of sewers in a private house is a fairly simple task, but it requires care and a serious attitude to the details that distinguish high-quality repairs.

Difficult to call comfortable a private house, not equipped with a well-thought-out, well-functioning drainage system. It is as much a part of civilized existence as electricity, ventilation and heating. Such an important component of the home communications network is subject to environmental and efficiency requirements; The drainage system of a private house should be simple to arrange and easy to use.

circuit diagram sewers in a private house Source

One of the main issues of improvement is sewerage for a private house; how to design it correctly and what to focus on during installation, the rules verified by experience will help you figure it out.

Varieties of sewerage systems in a private house

All houses located in the private sector are conventionally divided into two categories:
  1. Houses with the ability to connect to the city (central) network. In most cases - best option, With long term use and the absence of problems with maintenance, unplanned expenses and water quality control.
  2. Houses in which connection to centralized system impossible. The fact that the city network is unavailable is not a reason to give up comfort. Under such conditions, the sewage system in a private house is reduced to an autonomous option, where water treatment and waste disposal takes place in locally installed treatment facilities.

You can also combine the sewer and drainage system Source

Autonomous sewerage system includes:

  • internal sewerage responsible for the collection of wastewater and their output to the outside. It includes internal wiring (piping system), as well as plumbing and household appliances.
  • External sewerage . Its elements are external piping and a water treatment device (septic tank or autonomous sewer installation).

The most suitable (in terms of performance) type of individual treatment equipment is selected, taking into account several factors:

  • seasonality of living in the house;
  • intensity of water use;
  • plot size, soil type and structure;
  • groundwater level;
  • climatic conditions of the region.

The first stage of sewerage installation is the development of a preliminary project scheme.

Rules for drawing up a sewerage scheme in a house

The sewerage scheme in a private house is tied to the plan of the house. It should contain the key elements of the system - a riser (if the building has more than one floor), pipe markings (internal wiring, corners and turns), water drainage points.

When designing, it is important to remember that an overly complicated circuit will cause problems during operation and repair in the future.

Internal wiring is laid during the construction of the house. Its installation begins when the roof of the house and floors are installed, but the finishing work of the premises has not yet been carried out. External sewerage is installed after internal system fully equipped. Below is a sewerage scheme for a private two-story house:

General scheme of internal sewerage in two-story house Source

The order of drawing up the scheme:

  • All drawings are built to scale, the place of installation of the riser, pipe laying lines, the number of drain points (connection of plumbing and household appliances) are applied to the plan.
  • The size of the riser is determined, the total length of the pipeline is calculated (including the outlet), the exit point from the structure of the main riser.
  • In places of possible formation of blockages, cleaning and revisions are provided.
  • A separate drawing is built for each floor.
  • The size and location of the installation of the vent pipe is calculated (in large sewer systems, it prevents the occurrence of vacuum in the sewer pipe)
  • The scheme of external communications is built on the same principle.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of design and installation of sewerage and water supply. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

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About the sewerage scheme with a fan pipe on the video:

The choice of pipes for internal sewage

Building codes allow the following categories of pipes:

  • Cast iron. Traditional (until recently) solution. Cast iron products are strong, corrosion resistant and durable. The disadvantage is the weight and roughness inner surface. The latter quality contributes to the formation of deposits and the appearance of blockages. Pipes are ideal for laying in the ground.
  • Plastic. They are lighter and cheaper than cast-iron counterparts, have smooth surface but less durable. Pipes for house wiring have grey colour; intended for external use are made of orange plastic. The most popular options include:
  1. Pipes from PVC(polyvinyl chloride). Frost-resistant and wear-resistant, the main disadvantage is high hardness. They soften from high temperature and are mainly used in outdoor applications.
  2. Pipes from PP(polypropylene). Elastic, lightweight and durable. Valued for their heat resistance (they soften only at 140 C°), they are therefore ideal for indoor use.

Plastic pipes for internal and external circuit Source

  • Less common are ceramic and asbestos-cement analogues.

In practice, the installation of sewerage in a private house in most cases is carried out using products made of polymeric materials (plastic). The choice is determined by the absence of corrosion (plastic is resistant to aggressive wastewater environments), and easy installation of structures.

How is sewer wiring done

The most time-consuming part of the work is considered to be the wiring of sewers for a private house; how to carry it out correctly is indicated in the design and installation rules.

Inside the house

Elements of the sewerage system for a private house are mounted parallel to the construction of the building. Holes for internal wiring are laid during the construction of walls, partitions and ceilings.

Sewer installation technology provides for several types of pipes:

  • Sewer riser, 100 mm in diameter.
  • Main (between riser and outlet); diameter 70 mm.
  • By-pass (connected to a washbasin, bathtub, washing machine) - 50 mm.

Completed piping installation Source

The spillway system inside the house is gravity (non-pressure). To avoid blockages, pipes are mounted with a slope, the value of which is controlled by the level and depends on the diameter. A sewer pipe with a diameter of 40-50 mm is given a slope of 30 mm per linear meter, a diameter of 100 mm - 20 mm.

Completed ceiling wiring Source

Horizontal wiring is performed using oblique tees and adapters (crosses) for connection. Turns are carried out using two knees with a smooth bend at an angle of 45 °; this arrangement reduces the risk of clogging. After each turn, revisions (cleanings) are provided. Right angles are allowed only in vertically arranged structures.

fan pipe

With a sudden entry into the sewer a large number drains, the latter can completely fill the entire diameter of the pipe. At the same time, when the drains go down, an area of ​​​​low atmospheric pressure (vacuum) is created behind them, into which water from the siphon and air from the room are sucked in with characteristic sounds.

When the pressure equalizes, then without a water plug, the smell from the sewer enters the room back through the siphons. To prevent the occurrence of vacuum, a fan pipe with an air valve is installed - they are responsible for maintaining atmospheric pressure in all parts of the sewer system.

Fan pipe features:

  • It is designed and displayed 50-70 cm above the roof.
  • It must not be combined with a chimney or ventilation.
  • It is not placed near windows or balconies.

Conclusion of the exhaust (fan) pipe through the roof Source

outdoor part

Installation of the outer part of the sewer system begins after determining the location of the septic tank.

The outlet (the connecting link between the external and internal sewerage at the boundary of the room) is laid at the base of the house below the freezing point of the soil and is thermally insulated. If it was not provided during the laying of the foundation, it is necessary to drill a hole for the protective sleeve, 200-250 mm wider than the pipe diameter. Its edge should protrude from each side of the foundation by 15 cm. The space between the sleeve and the outlet pipe is filled with foam.

Laying of external communications Source

  • It is reasonable to place wet rooms (kitchen, bathroom) side by side and at the same time as close as possible to the central riser. This will help to reduce the length of sewer communications to the riser, which will facilitate installation and further maintenance.
  • A voluminous project (pool, bath, sauna), additional plumbing means a large amount of waste. A carefully designed water supply and drainage scheme, additional risers and septic tanks, and a pump connection will be required.
  • Sewer pipes in a private house can be placed under the floor, in the walls or laid on top. Near the sink, in the shower and in the toilet, a water seal is arranged, thanks to which extraneous odors cannot enter the premises.
  • It is unacceptable to arbitrarily change the slope. Its increase will lead to a deterioration in the self-cleaning of the system and the appearance of strong noise. When the slope decreases, the flow of water slows down, which is fraught with blockage.

Slope control when laying sewers Source

  • The complex topography of the site creates additional problems for laying a pipeline with a slope. In this case, an axonometric diagram is built that allows you to determine the position of the sewer elements in space. If difficult places cannot be bypassed, the solution will be to install a pump.

Video description

Clearly about some of the nuances of sewerage in the video:


Well designed and organized system sewers will help create necessary minimum comfort for the inhabitants of the house. The achievement of this worthy goal is facilitated by the involvement of specialized specialists. And it does not matter whether it is a wooden house or a brick one - the principles of the system are the same everywhere.