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A beautiful start to basket weaving. Basket weaving step by step

Willow basket weaving - simple but incredible exciting activity. Moreover, this type of needlework is practiced not only by the older generation, but also by young people. You can weave a product of absolutely any shape and size from willow vine, which can be an excellent gift for friends or relatives. Enough to follow step by step diagram willow weaving for beginners.

Modern products woven from willow branches are very popular. They decorate not only summer cottages, but also city apartments. In addition, they not only bring practical benefits, but also decorate the room.

I must immediately add that collecting branches for weaving does not harm the tree. On the contrary, it is able to rejuvenate and improve his health. This type of needlework is popular not only in villages, but also in big cities. It’s especially nice that willow weaving is an absolutely inexpensive hobby, because required material you can assemble it yourself.

Willows are widespread in Russia. Therefore, finding a tree and collecting material will not be difficult. If you don’t want to do it yourself, then willow vines can be purchased in specialized stores that offer handicraft supplies.

The basket can be woven not only from willow twigs, but also from the branches of a walnut tree, grape vines and many other shrubs. The main condition: the rods must be flexible and long. On collected material for braiding there should be no branching. All collected willow vines are divided into:

  • unrooted, that is, unpeeled branches;
  • debarked is a peeled vine.

Both peeled and whole branches are suitable for needlework. Large household items are created from solid vines, such as fences, baskets large sizes, various furniture. Peeled branches are used to weave vases, boxes, bread bins and other small products.

Collection of material must be carried out late autumn or in early spring when the tree has no sap flow. In addition, during this period the willow vine is especially flexible, but in summer the branches are very brittle, so it is very difficult to weave from them.

If the workpiece is produced in spring period, then the branches must be cleaned immediately. But the autumn vine needs to be boiled before cleaning.

The preparation process is simple, although you will have to spend some time on it. But the weaving technique itself is very interesting and fascinating. Although for beginners it will be quite difficult to weave a willow basket.

Required Tools

To work with willow branches It is necessary to prepare tools that will greatly simplify the process of wicker weaving. For beginning craftsmen, this point is especially important. To work you will need:

At the end of the work you will need stain or varnish, as well as brushes of the required sizes. They are needed in order to give the woven product a more aesthetic and finished look.

If all the tools are prepared and the willow branches are collected, then you can begin the basket weaving itself. But at the very beginning you will have to master some weaving rules and basic techniques.

Weaving technology

The traditional weaving technique starts from the bottom of the basket. After this, the walls, bends and handles of the product are woven. If you have no experience in such an activity, then it is better to start with round-shaped products, since they have more simple diagram. At the beginning you need to learn how to perform basic techniques, acting step by step:

  • technique of weaving a rounded bottom;
  • weaving using rope technique;
  • layer weaving;
  • bending

During work, it is necessary to constantly compact and compact the wickerwork so that the craft or basket does not turn out to be too flimsy and soft in the future. All branches should be located tightly and evenly to each other. Having learned these basic basics, you will be able to master more complex techniques for knitting willow baskets. Ready product can be decorated with braids that are woven from birch bark and straw. Such handmade wickerwork will make an excellent gift.

At the very beginning, you need to properly prepare the material. To do this, you need to remove the bark from the branches, and then leave it for 5 days (best for outdoors). After this, you can proceed directly to the weaving process.

The technique is as follows:

  • the bottom and edges of the basket must be woven using round and solid rods;
  • the walls are woven with branches split into several parts.

To split the rods you will need a hardwood cleaver. You need to make a shallow cut at the tip of the twig and insert the prepared cleaver into it. Thus, the rod will split into the required number of parts. After this, you need to soak the split willow in cold water for three hours and remove the brown center from it.

Before you start weaving, you need to moisten the willow twigs. To do this, you can use a spray bottle, or simply place the prepared material in a deep container of water. After it is prepared required amount Willow tree, you can get to work. To create a shopping cart you must complete the following steps:

As you can see, the wicker weaving technique is not as complicated as it might seem at first. It is enough just to properly prepare and prepare the willow material and strictly follow the weaving pattern. Even a beginner can perform these basic steps. And having already gained experience, you can start making more serious products, for example, weaving a rocking chair. In addition, such a hobby, if you have some skill, can become a fairly profitable business.

There is nothing difficult about weaving baskets from wicker for beginners. How I would like to have handmade items at home! A variety of baskets are still widely used in everyday life. Picnic, hike in the forest or just beautiful design gift - all this is necessarily accompanied by such household items. So why not learn how to make baskets with your own hands instead of buying monotonous models in stores? From vines you can create a huge number of unique creations that will delight the eye and warm the soul.

First steps in weaving

So, first you need to prepare the necessary material for work. How to choose the right rods for work, prepare and store them is described in detail in this article.

But specifically for working with baskets, you should choose willow twigs that are orange, purple or red. Also, the branches should be flexible enough so that they do not break right in your hands when weaving. Blackberry branches are also great for weaving. Collect them better in winter, make sure that they are not too long and not too thick. The rods for weaving baskets must be cleared of bark.

Illustrative examples of making baskets

In order to weave a basket correctly, it is best, of course, to learn clear example. There are a lot of video lessons on weaving baskets from wicker. Using some of them you can make beautiful thing without having any experience. Here are lessons that will help you quickly understand the tricks of weaving baskets:

Weaving a round bottom:

Here is another example of basket weaving:

Where to start weaving a basket

As mentioned above, weaving starts from the bottom. The bottom of the basket can be round or oval. Weaving the bottom of a wicker basket can be divided into three stages.

Round bottom 5x5:

1. You should start with a cross, which will use 5 twigs for the longitudinal side and 5 twigs for the transverse side. The sticks must be the same size. Cut a hole in any of these 5 sticks:

We connect the remaining 5 sticks together and insert them into the resulting hole:


The result was the necessary cross, the base of the bottom.

2. Next stage: braiding the cross. To do this you will need 2 long and thin twigs. We insert them into the cut and braid the cross.

3. After the braiding of the cross is completed, braiding should continue, but using the “two-strand rope” technique.

After weaving the first layer using the method indicated in the figure, we continue further, only after one twig.

It is necessary to carefully ensure that the twigs that we braid are at the same distance from each other.

And here detailed video lesson:

The bottom is ready, let's start the second stage

So, the finished bottom is in your hands. Now you need to figure out how to weave the walls of the basket. To do this, we will need longer rods for the frame of the basket, they are also called racks. They are carefully inserted into the bottom using an awl.

After all the posts are inserted, you need to weave another row to secure them. Next, we place a weight on the bottom - it can be a container or something else heavy. The main thing is that the load is smaller in diameter than the bottom of the basket. We collect all the racks into a bundle and tie them together.

The abundance of forms and applications of baskets is endless; many technologies and materials are used for their manufacture. Let's try to understand this topic and pay some attention to the types of baskets.

Purpose of the cart

What association do you have when you think of a basket? What image emerges? Seriously, in front of my eyes is a png icon of an online store with purchases that have not yet been completed. But we are, of course, not talking about e-commerce here.

The very word “basket” today already implies so many things at once that it’s amazing. The classic idea of ​​a basket can be described as a container with a handle in which it is convenient to carry and store some things.

The kindest thing that comes to mind is a basket in the hands of Little Red Riding Hood, who is bringing pies to her grandmother (strange, I thought pies were usually brought from grandmothers, am I not confusing anything?). So, a basket is another name for a wicker basket made of bast or twigs.

Let's also add the name of the object, which in one way or another can mean a basket - an urn. Let's not mention urns containing ashes. Something positive... The ballot box! I can hardly imagine such a thing made of birch bark or wicker... A trash can for papers! Fine. I imagine an openwork basket in the office next to the table. Yes, that's it! - Recycle Bin on the MS Windows desktop.

Additional names for this amazing item tell us about the wide scope of use of baskets in human life, including modern life.

I have no intention of listing everything possible ways uses of the basket, but according to their purpose they can be classified quite simply:

  1. Aesthetic (decorative) purpose - as decoration. For example, a basket of flowers will be a great addition to an interesting composition. Baskets for fruits and sweets when setting the table carry comfort and romance. Beautiful baskets can be made from almost any material, but not every material is able to retain its aesthetic properties for a long time.
  2. Utilitarian purpose. Storing and transporting everything that can be placed in a basket are direct functions of baskets. Starting from berries and mushrooms, which do not wrinkle in the basket and are perfectly transported in a wide variety of volumes, to garbage and dirty laundry.

The purpose is very conditionally divided, because you always need to strive for aesthetics, even with utilitarian necessity - dirty laundry in a wicker basket made of willow will be hidden until the moment of washing behind a beautiful openwork pattern of golden rods and will not lie stale.

Don't forget about another purpose of the basket - as a gift. In this case, it can be both decorative and utilitarian. If a basket is made “with soul” with your own hands, it can become an incredibly valuable gift.

Types of baskets

In fact, we have already begun to consider the types of baskets and divided them according to their purpose, even giving some examples. Additionally, baskets can be classified according to material and manufacturing method.

Baskets and objects that perform the functions of baskets were made by artisans all over the world from any available material. This is the main requirement. Of course, without a single birch tree in the nearest visible forest, there is no need to think about weaving a birch bark basket.

But, if you think about it, you can find a lot of available material for making not only baskets, but also other household items.

Based on the material, I dare to highlight the following most popular types of baskets:

  • Plastic baskets. Undoubtedly, plastic is the most popular material today, as it has low cost, high strength and universal availability. Humanity consumes an unlimited number of tons of drinking and other products in plastic containers. This material can be safely used.
  • Baskets made of wicker. A wide range of materials called vine (willow, grape and others) allows us to produce practical and aesthetic baskets of various sizes and shapes.
  • Birch bark baskets. A less popular type, because this material cannot be obtained everywhere and not at any time of the year, but in terms of aesthetics and utilitarianism, these baskets can seriously compete with more popular types.
  • Baskets made of wood tape (shingles, splinters, wood chips). Very interesting and difficult to make products. They have quite rough and simple shapes due to the limitations of the material, but they are very durable and captivating with their simplicity (fresh, undarkened items with large checks look especially great).
  • Baskets made of other materials. This includes, for example, paper baskets and even metal ones. Not every material in this case can be processed manually, but I think it’s worth mentioning them.

Since I mentioned it handmade, called craft, then we can group baskets according to this criterion:

  • Hand made. In the most famous way handmade is basket weaving. But baskets can also be sewn, glued and even knitted!
  • Industrial production.

You can divide baskets by shape, but this is a completely empty exercise, since the variety of shapes is very large. Here you can select baskets with one handle and two, square and round, with lids and open tops, for picnics and for tame glamorous dogs... and a bunch of other types and subspecies...

I propose to consider several typical representatives of the basket family to complete the topic of classification of baskets.

Basket for collecting mushrooms and berries

The characteristic features of such a basket are its small size, comfortable handle, as well as durable walls and bottom. The main thing in such baskets is not to tire the owner during a long walk, not to crush the gifts of the forest and to bring them home safe and sound.

A basket made of birch bark or plastic bottles is ideal for berries here, because the walls of such products are smooth and even.

A basket made of wicker or even shingles can be perfect for mushrooms. True, with the latter you will have to put up with additional weight, and such baskets quickly get wet, which makes them even heavier.

But the openwork sides of the wicker basket have many natural holes, which will allow cockroaches to jump out and stay at home, refusing the temptation to get to know you better.

I decided to write a few separate paragraphs for this species. Here we can talk about a beautiful openwork basket made of wicker, in which a housewife will put her purse and umbrella, and then bring home fruits and something for tea in it. Absolutely a win-win option.

On the other hand, a farm goods supermarket can provide its customers with wonderful baskets to carry their purchases to the checkout. Stylistically, this move looked very organic in some cases.

Imagine large baskets, round or in the form of boxes, in which you can put temporarily worn clothes before washing or children's toys.

Outlandish baskets made, again, of wicker or even twine, always with a lid and of a large size with an interesting pattern, will look great even in modern designs.

A pair of handles on the sides would be a good idea for these baskets so you can safely move all the contents to a new place.

No less popular and interesting view baskets Characteristic feature is a double lid, most often attached in the middle and opening from the sides.

On the river bank, laying out a blanket and placing fresh vegetables and other dishes on it from a basket, you can get ready for a long, wonderful vacation under the warm summer sun, which the author of the article dreams of while sitting in the office in mid-February, when it’s minus twenty-eight outside...

Delicate velvety birch bark is even more appropriate here than vine, because a basket made of wicker will require containing products in individual bags: ants and flies can easily penetrate the basket through the openwork mesh.

Basket for carrying firewood (wood log or fireplace basket)

I’ll end this review with another interesting basket. The most amazing thing about it is its shape, which is structurally a bottom with a handle, that is, it has no walls.

In such a basket you can bring several logs for the fireplace or stove so as not to stain or injure your hands when carrying them. The most important thing about it, of course, is the strength and comfort of the handle.

Again, baskets made of willow twigs look beautiful, ideal for weaving such shapes. However, the rod can also be extremely fragile. Then shingle baskets will be more than appropriate here.

Comparison of techniques and materials used for basket weaving

I analyzed the properties of wicker products, including baskets, from different materials, and this allowed me to formulate some conclusions that may be useful to beginning craftsmen in mastering weaving.

  • Willow basket weaving has the greatest range of basket shapes and sizes, as well as their utilitarian uses. Here you can find baskets for mushrooms, for children's toys, dirty laundry, tools, confectionery, shopping baskets, flower baskets and many others.
  • Baskets woven from birch bark are most suitable for bulk products, since the material allows you to create vessels that can even hold water! The openwork surface of wicker baskets is less suitable for collecting and transporting berries, unlike birch bark.
  • Baskets made from wood tape are most suitable for carrying rough objects (for example, logs of firewood) that can damage delicate and velvety birch bark or fragile openwork vines. We used such baskets to carry wet rugs washed on the river: the water would drain while you carried things home.
  • Baskets made from wood tape are most prone to loss of aesthetic appearance and are complex not only in the manufacturing technique, but also in the preparation of the material.
  • Plastic baskets are available due to the prevalence of the material in almost any locality. At the same time, plastic is least susceptible to destruction under the influence of various factors (moisture, temperature changes). Plastic also allows the bravest to weave baskets. color solutions, while other materials are limited by their natural flowers, and with painting they lose their charm and natural charm.

Well, traditionally, I appeal to my respected readers with a request to comment on the material and, if possible, send me photographs of their products, which I could publish here.

That's all for me, good luck and creative inspiration to everyone!

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One of the most popular types of needlework is weaving things from wicker and willow twigs. The information presented will be of particular interest to beginners who want to master this art form.

Brief overview of the article

The article will address the following questions:

  • Collecting willow twigs and preparing them for further work.
  • Important aspects that need to be mastered to be productive.
  • Tools and devices that make it easier to weave willow baskets.
  • The simplest and most popular weaving technique.

Having mastered weaving a willow basket with your own hands, you can touch an art that was valued in ancient times. In the distant past, vine branches were used to weave dishes of various shapes, make furniture and build roofs. Progress has been taken away from modern man the warmth that is emitted by objects created with your own hands from natural materials.

Despite this, things made from willow branches continue to be popular among connoisseurs of beauty and luxury. Each product radiates warmth and a positive charge of solar energy, as well as the warmth of the master’s hand. Each item fits perfectly into any interior and complements it with its elegance and beauty. For this reason, it happens every day active growth admirers who value items made from willow tree branches, especially willow basket weaving. For beginners, this material will be especially useful.

Collection of willow rods and its preparation for further work

Willow is an unpretentious tree, so it grows on almost all continents and has numerous species and forms of growth. Almost every type of willow tree is suitable for weaving. The only thing that is important is to correctly collect the branches and prepare them for further work. It is necessary to harvest twigs between late autumn and early spring, because it is at this time that the sap flow in the tree stops. Visually, this is manifested by the absence of leaves in the fall and the absence of new buds in the spring.

For proper cutting, you will need a sharp pruner or a well-sharpened knife. Both thin and thicker tree branches are suitable for weaving. The rods to be cut should be as long as possible without branches. The optimal cut is at a slight angle; however, you cannot cut all the twigs from one branch - you need to leave 2-3 buds so as not to harm the tree. If everything is done correctly, pruning will not harm the willow; on the contrary, it will make it healthier.

Experienced craftsmen in weaving vines do not collect branches; they prefer to buy them in order to save time and effort, which will be needed for further fruitful creativity. Some weavers grow vines, but this is much less common. For beginners, it is better to assemble the rods on their own in order to understand all the intricacies of willow harvesting, as well as thoroughly study all the methods of weaving willow baskets.

For weaving, you can use both uncleaned and cleaned rods - it all depends on the further use. Unpeeled branches are used to weave baskets for collecting roots and berries, fences, and gazebos. Cleaned twigs are used to make more elegant things: flowerpots, home furniture, baskets After a certain period of time, the cleaned twigs acquire a beautiful golden hue, which gives the product a special charm. Experienced craftsmen The wide rods are cut into 4 parts and the output is willow ribbons, from which very beautiful interior items are made.

How to properly clean branches?

Every beginner can clean the bars. To do this you need to know just one trick. Before you start cleaning, you need to cook the rods for 2 hours. It is better to use a cooking container according to the size of the rods, since the rods twisted into a ring will retain their shape, and the creative process will be long and labor-intensive. Immediately after cooking, you can start cleaning the branches. This process will be facilitated by a special tool – a pincer. If this tool is not at hand, you can do without it.

The only nuance in cleaning the rods with your own hands is that it is best to start peeling off the peel from the thick end. You need to clean the rods while they are wet. If you don't have time to clean the entire volume, just leave them in water to prevent the top layer from drying out. After cleaning all the rods, leave them to dry completely. It is best to do this procedure outdoors under the sun. You can arrange the finished rods by tying them by size, which will help in selecting the required length for making the product. After this preparation procedure, weaving willow baskets will become fun and easy.

Important aspects to know

After the rods are ready, you can start weaving. For beginners, it is best to start with training and try to weave the bottom. It is the bottom that is the main element of many woven things. The main thing to remember is that weaving willow baskets requires a lot of time and maximum perseverance.

Before you start weaving the bottom, you need to soak the selected rods in hot water for 15-20 minutes - this will make the material more elastic and make the master’s work easier. It is worth noting that the better the branches are soaked, the less they will crack and break. During weaving, it is necessary to wet the wicker product to maintain its elastic properties.

Having mastered the process of weaving the bottom, you can begin more responsible work, for example, weaving a basket based on an already made bottom. The technique of weaving willow baskets is simple, so once you have mastered it, you can easily start making handles and bends. Be sure that each subsequent job will be better than the previous one, since the experience gained leads each beginner to master the skill.

Tools and devices to make working with vines easier

There is a minimum set of tools that is necessary for high-quality weaving:

  • Garden pruners or a very sharp knife.
  • Sharp large scissors.
  • Large utensils for boiling and steaming willow twigs.
  • Auxiliary equipment: pliers, tweezers and clothespins.
  • Metal ruler and sharp pencil.
  • Power tools: jigsaw and drill, as well as everything you need for their correct operation.
  • Furniture varnish, stain and brushes.

All these tools are needed for weaving not only flowerpots and baskets, but also for making furniture and other large-sized products.

The simplest and most popular technique of weaving willow baskets

The algorithm and technology for weaving willow baskets consists of several stages:

  1. Weaving the bottom of the basket.
  2. Weaving the correct transition to the walls and walls of the basket.
  3. Weaving the edge of the basket.
  4. Handle weaving.

Weaving the bottom of the basket

Weaving the bottom of the basket begins with selecting the necessary rods. Ideal option there will be a selection of branches of medium length and thickness. For a classic bottom you need to take 8 rods. Make through slots in four and insert the remaining rods into the cut holes.

The created base must be braided with two thinner rods. Next, gradually bend the adjacent warp rods and braid everything one by one. Having finished braiding the first row, you should get 16 rays. The bottom for the basket has begun.

Thus, it is necessary to weave to the desired diameter.

Weaving the correct transition to the walls and walls of the basket

The transition of weaving from the bottom to the walls is the most difficult moment in creating a basket. To make the transition you will need 17 rods of medium thickness. Make sure they are even. If the thickest edge of the branch is cut straight, sharpen it. The sharp edge of each rod must be inserted adjacent to the rods of the bottom base. After this, the freshly inserted branches need to be bent, and those that were the base should be cut off without leaving a protruding end.

Thus, you will get 16 protruding rods located perpendicular to the bottom. The remaining rod needs to be threaded through a couple of sectors and weaving continues using the already familiar technique.

For beginners, it is best to choose classic willow basket weaving. The photo below shows the elementary nature of the weaving pattern, which will not cause any difficulties.

Weaving the edge of the basket

After the walls of the basket are woven, it is necessary to braid the edge correctly. There are many ways to braid an edge. The most basic method includes several steps. Each twig must be passed through the next two sectors in turn and pulled out before the next pair of twigs. This way you will get a beautiful and finished edge of the basket.

Having completed these manipulations, it is necessary to trim off the excess ends of the branches from inside baskets.

Handle weaving

Weaving the handle is the final stage in creating a basket. To make it you will need a thick flexible rod. Next, you need to measure the required length and cut off acute angle everything is superfluous. Next, you need to insert the ends of the branch into opposite sides of the finished base of the basket. Next, you need to wrap the base of the future handle with thinner branches. All that remains is to wrap the handles with thin rods and secure them at the end in a similar way.

This weaving technology is suitable for making any other items. Weaving oval baskets from willow is not much different from the classical technology, the only difference is what shape the bottom of the basket will be. The entire subsequent process remains unchanged. The main thing in making things from wicker is following intuition and imagination. Remember that weaving willow baskets is a very interesting and exciting process.

Suitable for weaving various products The vine is obtained from one-year or two-year-old shoots of willow. The best harvesting periods are considered to be spring, October, December and January. The rods cut at this time are well sanded, they are flexible and durable. If the product needs to be decorated with openwork weaving, thin branches are used, which are harvested exclusively in the spring with the beginning of active sap flow in the willow.

The vine for weaving baskets and furniture should be long enough (70-100 cm), straight, flexible, with minimal taper. That is, the diameter of the butt should differ little from the diameter of the upper part of the rod. On average, its cross-section is 5-6 mm. To make basket hoops and furniture frames, rods with a diameter of 10-20 mm are used. The best branches are those whose surface, after sanding, is smooth and shiny.

But the main indicator of the quality of a vine is its core. The best one is the one with the thinnest one. To perform high-quality sanding, the vines are boiled in special containers. It is then dried and sorted. To make elegant products, the vine is split into 2-3 parts with a special splitter. This job requires a certain skill that comes with experience. Next, the rods are stored where they will not get wet or dirty. After which they begin to manufacture the product.

Rattan furniture

Rattan is often used to weave baskets and furniture. This is the name of a liana that grows in the tropics. The length of its stem can reach a quarter of a kilometer. Therefore, rattan is one of the longest plants in the world. Its table is smooth, flexible, without knots, with a hard core. All this makes rattan the most successful choice for wicker furniture. It is also suitable for the manufacture of smaller products. This material is harvested for weaving furniture all year round.

The material for weaving is prepared and cut into rods required length and boil them in large containers. To make rattan, it is boiled for an hour. For the bar to acquire a darker shade, two hours is enough. If you need dark brown rattan, it is boiled for at least 4 hours. Next, the rods are removed and sanded while they are hot. To do this, use gloves made of rough fabric or a special tool: a cleft. Afterwards, each rod is split using the same cleaver as for making willow stems. This is how rattan acquires its marketable appearance.