Toilet      04/16/2019

Wicker basket made from willow branches. Basic secrets of weaving willow baskets for beginners

The Art of Creation various products from vines or willow twigs was known more than a thousand years ago. At that time, this was a necessary skill related to satisfying a person’s everyday needs. Currently, weaving willow baskets for beginners and experienced craftsmen is, rather, an exciting hobby that allows you to get beautiful products, intended not only for collecting and storing mushrooms, berries, fruits and vegetables, but also for decorating premises.

Modern designers are increasingly resorting to the use of all kinds of baskets, since they allow you to fill the space with a unique rustic “spirit” and coziness, inherent only rural houses. This is especially true in rustic, country and style, which are now becoming increasingly popular among residents of various private houses.

Basket weaving technology

To weave a basket, you can purchase ready-made willow twigs or assemble them yourself. Freshly cut twigs filled with juice must be dried well, and before starting to weave the product, soak for 30-40 minutes in hot water to make it more flexible. The tools you will need for the job are pruning shears, sharp pocket knife, scissors and an awl or screwdriver.

The art of basket weaving has its own simple terminology. If you look at the bottom of the basket, you will see thick straight rods that radiate from the center in the form of rays and are called “spokes.” Once they are folded upward to form the walls of the basket, they become the “racks” (or “box”).

All the sections of thin willow rods that bend between the spokes and posts are called "knit" (or "weave/weft").

Usually baskets begin to be woven from the bottom. Sometimes it is also called the base. Then the walls, bends and, if necessary, handles are woven.

Weaving willow baskets for beginners step by step

Let's consider one of the methods of weaving a basket with a diameter of approximately 28 cm and a height of about 12 cm.

We will need the following materials:

  • 6 thick willow branches (future knitting needles);
  • 24 rods of medium thickness (for the side parts of the bottom);
  • 50 thin branches (25 for racks and 25 for walls);
  • 12 rods of medium thickness (for special weaving designed to connect the base and walls).

There are five stages of basket weaving in total.

Stage 1: basic

Using pruning shears, cut 6 rods 35-40 cm long from a thick shoot. They will serve as basic knitting needles.

In the center of each of these three rods, use a knife to make a split 4-5 centimeters long. This split is called a "slit".

Place three split rods together and insert the remaining whole rods into the slots to form a cross.

Now we begin to weave the base itself (bottom).

Select the longest and thinnest rods. Take two rods and insert their thin ends into the slot, as shown in the photo.

Separate the twigs, pass thick knitting needles between them and braid them like this, passing from above and below alternately. Thus, you need to make two circles to get a weave of two thin willow twigs

Then continue to make the same weaves, only single ones, tightening the rods tightly and bending each of the knitting needles outward in turn. It is necessary to try to ensure that the distance between large branches is uniform, as the result should be a structure reminiscent of the spokes of a bicycle wheel.

The following picture clearly shows what exactly the pattern should be, obtained in the process of weaving around the knitting needles.

In the description of the method of weaving baskets from willow and wicker for beginners, one thing is often missed important detail, on which the quality of one of the most important elements – the bottom – directly depends. This is the need to tighten the rods as tightly as possible after each weave of the knitting needle, without moving them up or down!

Using the method described, continue working, moving in a circle, until the twig runs out.

To increase the length, you should not use two new branches at once. Simply insert the twig with the pre-pointed end between the old twigs from the last rows, bend it in the desired direction and continue weaving at least a few more moves forward before changing the second twig. Carefully trim the remaining ends. As a rule, replacement should be made when there is still about 10 cm left to the end of the branch.

Base at finished product it should turn out to be slightly concave so that the basket can stand firmly on the veranda or the technique of making the bottom clearly demonstrates that when it reaches a diameter of 7-8 cm, you need to tightly clasp it with your hands and “push” the very center outward a little with your thumbs. However, it is important here not to overdo it and not to bend the base too much.

Continue weaving until the bottom reaches a diameter of approximately 22 cm. It is advisable to time it so that this moment coincides with the end of the next twigs, the ends of which should be fixed by tucking them between the branches of the previous row.

Cut the ends of the twigs with pruning shears as close as possible to the wicker base itself, but so that they still rest against the knitting needles.

Here the bottom is ready. For beginners, the result may turn out a little different from the photo, but this is completely normal.

Stage 2: breakdown of the base

On at this stage In the weave of the base, new branches are added to each spoke, which will then play the role of racks for further creation of the basket.

It is important to consider that each wicker rod has a natural curve with an inner and outer part.

For high-quality weaving of our basket you will need 24 such branches. Cut each of them with scissors or pruning shears to create a pointed and long oblique cut, located strictly on the inside or outside of the rod, but not on the side.

Holding the base with the concave side down, press an awl or screwdriver into the weave next to the knitting needle as shown in the photo.

Remove the awl and immediately insert the prepared rod into it inside down and another rod on the other side of the knitting needle. Using the same method, insert two branches into each spoke.

In various descriptions of weaving durable willow baskets for beginners, it is always indicated that the rods must be inserted with the inside down so that the product itself bends beautifully. If you insert them with the outside facing down instead, the basket will move apart.

On each stand, make a kink at a short distance from the beginning of the base weave (about 5 mm), simply pressing on them with your thumbnail.

Lift all the posts up, secure them with a hoop or tie them, making sure that there is no bending inward or skewing in any one direction.

Trim the bottom of the basic knitting needles at the same level as the edge of the weave, slightly below the bend of the posts.

Stage 3: connecting the bottom to the walls

One of the most important stages in basket weaving is the connection of the finished bottom with racks with the side part. In order for this transition to be uniform and look neat, use the softest light twigs of medium thickness in the amount of three pieces.

Place the basket on your lap with the base facing you - this will make it easiest to work with.

Take three twigs of uniform average thickness and trim their length so that it is the same. Insert their tips into those weaves on the bottom that are adjacent to vertical posts. In order for the rods to hold tightly, their tips should go deeper into the base by about 5 cm.

Start creating the braided pattern with the leftmost twig. Hook it and throw it over the first and then through the second rack of the second row. Keep in mind that the weaving should not be on the side, but on the edge. This will allow you to obtain the most aesthetically pleasing connection.

Take the next twig, moving from left to right, and braid it around the posts in the same way.

Continue weaving around the entire base, always choosing the twigs one at a time and making sure that the branch you are working on is on top of the other twigs.

It is important to always tighten the rods tightly during the process, which will allow the product to obtain a beautiful shape due to good fixation of the racks at the very bottom. After the first round of weaving, place the basket vertically on a table or any other convenient surface. This will make the further work process easier.

Leave the small end of the twig sticking out, as shown in the photo. Start adding new branches from left to right, simply moving the old twig a little and inserting a new one into the resulting weaving gap. Make several weaves before adding the next twig.

As a rule, several circular weaves are enough to create a beautiful transition from the base to the walls. Pull the remaining loose ends down through the entire resulting weave, and then cut off with sharp scissors.

Stage 4: weaving walls

There are many patterns made from twigs of varying degrees of complexity, but when weaving a willow basket for beginners, it is better to use the simplest option, the diagram of which is presented below.

With an odd number of racks, it is permissible to use one rod as the basis of the weaving, but we ended up with 24 racks, so the best option is an interweaving of two branches.

Place the basket blank on a vertical surface, place some weight in it that will prevent the product from falling, and begin weaving. First add one twig, and only after throwing it several times over the posts in front and behind (approximately to the middle of the basket’s diameter) add the second one. Next, the branches need to be alternated, using one or the other in turn.

When the twig runs out, add a new one as shown in the figure. Always prune a branch before it begins to narrow too much, so that the weave does not have too thin parts.

After making a few circles, remove the hoop supporting the posts. If they begin to move too far apart, return the mount to its place. In total you need to move up about 9 cm.

After completing the main weaving, take three of the same twigs that were used to create the connection between the bottom and the walls. Secure them by simply sliding the ends under the posts.

Make several circles of weaving light-colored rods of medium thickness and secure the ends tightly using the same method as described above at the stage of connecting the base and walls.

Willow basket weaving - simple but incredible exciting activity. Moreover, this type of needlework is practiced not only by the older generation, but also by young people. You can weave a product of absolutely any shape and size from willow vine, which can be an excellent gift for friends or relatives. Enough to follow step by step diagram willow weaving for beginners.

Modern products woven from willow branches are very popular. They decorate not only summer cottages, but also city apartments. In addition, they not only bring practical benefits, but also decorate the room.

I must immediately add that collecting branches for weaving does not harm the tree. On the contrary, it is able to rejuvenate and improve his health. This type of needlework is popular not only in villages, but also in big cities. It’s especially nice that willow weaving is an absolutely inexpensive hobby, because you can collect the necessary material yourself.

Willows are widespread in Russia. Therefore, finding a tree and collecting material will not be difficult. If you don’t want to do it yourself, then willow vines can be purchased in specialized stores that offer handicraft supplies.

The basket can be woven not only from willow twigs, but also from the branches of a walnut tree, grape vines and many other shrubs. The main condition: the rods must be flexible and long. On collected material for braiding there should be no branching. All collected willow vines are divided into:

  • unrooted, that is, unpeeled branches;
  • debarked is a peeled vine.

Both peeled and whole branches are suitable for needlework. Large household items are created from solid vines, such as fences, baskets large sizes, various furniture. Vases, boxes, bread bins and other small products are woven from peeled branches.

Collection of material must be carried out late autumn or in early spring when the tree has no sap flow. In addition, during this period the willow vine is especially flexible, but in summer the branches are very brittle, so it is very difficult to weave from them.

If the workpiece is produced in spring period, then the branches must be cleaned immediately. But the autumn vine needs to be boiled before cleaning.

The preparation process is simple, although you will have to spend some time on it. But the weaving technique itself is very interesting and fascinating. Although for beginners it will be quite difficult to weave a willow basket.

Required Tools

To work with willow branches, you need to prepare tools that will greatly simplify the process of wicker weaving. For beginning craftsmen, this point is especially important. To work you will need:

At the end of the work you will need stain or varnish, as well as brushes of the required sizes. They are needed in order to give the woven product a more aesthetic and finished look.

If all the tools are prepared and the willow branches are collected, then you can begin the basket weaving itself. But at the very beginning you will have to master some weaving rules and basic techniques.

Weaving technology

The traditional weaving technique starts from the bottom of the basket. After this, the walls, bends and handles of the product are woven. If you have no experience in such an activity, then it is better to start with round-shaped products, since they have more simple diagram. At the beginning you need to learn how to perform basic techniques, acting step by step:

  • technique of weaving a rounded bottom;
  • weaving using rope technique;
  • layer weaving;
  • bending

During work, it is necessary to constantly compact and compact the wickerwork so that the craft or basket does not turn out to be too flimsy and soft in the future. All branches should be located tightly and evenly to each other. Having learned these basic basics, you will be able to master more complex techniques for knitting willow baskets. The finished product can be decorated with braids, which are woven from birch bark and straw. Such handmade wickerwork will make an excellent gift.

At the very beginning, you need to properly prepare the material. To do this, you need to remove the bark from the branches, and then leave it for 5 days (best for outdoors). After this, you can proceed directly to the weaving process.

The technique is as follows:

  • the bottom and edges of the basket must be woven using round and solid rods;
  • the walls are woven with branches split into several parts.

To split the rods you will need a hardwood cleaver. You need to make a shallow cut at the tip of the twig and insert the prepared cleaver into it. Thus, the rod will split into the required number of parts. After this, you need to soak the split willow in cold water for three hours and remove the brown center from it.

Before you start weaving, you need to moisten the willow twigs. To do this, you can use a spray bottle, or simply place the prepared material in a deep container of water. After it is prepared required amount Willow tree, you can get to work. To create a shopping cart you must complete the following steps:

As you can see, the wicker weaving technique is not as complicated as it might seem at first. It is enough just to properly prepare and prepare the willow material and strictly follow the weaving pattern. Even a beginner can perform these basic steps. And having already gained experience, you can start making more serious products, for example, weaving a rocking chair. In addition, such a hobby, if you have some skill, can become a fairly profitable business.

First you will need to prepare the rods. To weave a basket we will need rods 2-10 mm thick of different lengths. You can calculate the consumption as follows:

1. For weaving the bottom - approximately 30-50 rods, thickness butt(cut point - thick end of the rod) 2-4 mm, 8 sticks with a diameter of 4-6 mm.

2. For risers (racks) - 16 main ones, 16 additional ones (for bending), 5-10 spare ones, a total of 42 rods, with a butt diameter of 4-6 mm.

3. For the side part - the quantity depends on the number of layered weaves. This model has 5 layer-by-layer weaves, which means that 16 (the number of risers) needs to be multiplied by 5, we get 80 rods, thickness 4-6 mm in the butt.

4. For weaving ropes - 3 ropes of 6 rods each (with replacement) -18 rods, 10 rods in stock, a total of 28 rods, thickness at the butt 4-6 mm.

5. For weaving a handle - 1 thick rod with a butt diameter of 8-10 mm. For braiding you need 8-10 rods, with a diameter at the butt of 5-6 mm, a supply of 5 rods.

TOTAL: approximately 230 rods.

You can watch a video course on preparing rods on the page:


Basic stages of basket weaving

1. Weaving the bottom 4x4.

DIY willow basket weaving technique

You can weave a 3x3 bottom (for a small basket, or build up risers in the cross). Maybe 5x5. The greater the number of main rods in the crosspiece, the smaller the distance between the risers, which means layer-by-layer weaving looks denser and the work is more aesthetically pleasing. On large bottoms 5x5 or 6x6 you can weave a large basket. You can watch a video on weaving bottoms on the following pages:


2. Next you need to prepare and insert the risers. For a 4x4 bottom you need 16 rods. Be sure to take a supply, because... Risers break during operation and need to be replaced. You can watch a video course on inserting risers into work on the page:


3. After insertion, the risers must be secured with ropes, first in the plane, thereby securing the bottom, and then again at the bend. Sometimes I fasten the bottom with 1 rope in 3 rods 2 through 1, and the bend with 2 ropes in 3 rods 2 through 1. You can watch a video course on weaving a rope on the page:


In this work I wove layer by layer into 1 rod. In fact, you can braid with 2 or 3 rods, one or 2-3 colors. Colors that can be obtained by ordinary treatment with water (cooking the rods): white, light orange and brown. Options for working with different colors of rods and different types layer weaving:

5. After the side part is ready, we fasten it with a rope in three rods 1 through 2, a rope with front side will be under the bend, so I braid this particular rope. You can watch a video course on weaving such a rope on the page:


6. We finish the work by weaving the bends. Again, there may be options. In this model I made a false braid, you can use different variants braids or simple twists. You can watch video courses on weaving bends on the pages:


6. The final stage of working with the basket is weaving the handle. You can watch a video course on weaving handles on the page:


7. After finishing the work, you need to cut off all the remnants of the rods and clean the basket with a brush. This is done to give the surface of the basket a natural shine. Decorative baskets can be treated with wood varnish. But I love natural shine, so I don’t resort to varnish coatings.

How our baskets are created

Wicker baskets are a product that can be used in a variety of areas of our lives. They can serve as ideal gift wrapping, framing flower arrangement, as well as a useful household item. Baskets woven from natural natural material, are very beautiful, so they are often used as decorative elements interiors. Whatever the purpose, wicker baskets are used, they enjoy steady popularity among buyers.

Factory for the production of baskets.

The basket factory sells its products wholesale.

Master class on crafts made from wicker

We have large production facilities where baskets are created literally from scratch. The first stage of production is obtaining the material, that is, growing the vine. Willow vine is used to make baskets - it is quite soft and easy to weave, but at the same time very durable. The vines are grown in separately designated areas owned by the factory.

Once the vine reaches the required dimensions in length and diameter, it is cut and sent for processing. This process includes sanding, if necessary bleaching for certain models of white baskets or painting with environmentally friendly paints.

Next, the vine, ready for weaving, is sent to the workshops for the production of baskets. This is where our products are created - a variety of baskets for flowers, gifts and other purposes. We create wicker baskets of a wide variety of models, which are developed by our designers. These include deep baskets for gifts and small baskets, models of different shapes, sizes and colors. Some basket models are made using a combination of wicker - light and dark, thin and thick - to create an original weaving pattern and, in fact, the final result.

Finished products are packaged and sent for sale. Baskets are sold from the factory in bulk, in any volume required by the buyer.

Natural materials, high quality.

An important characteristic that all our wicker baskets have is environmental friendliness.

Willow vine is used as the material for creation. Willow vine shoots of varying thickness allow you to create interesting design solutions for baskets of different models.

Modern technologies for processing wicker and weaving baskets for gifts and other applications make it possible to create high-quality products. Each basket is characterized by high reliability, strong construction, solidly made handles that can hold any load placed in the basket. This makes our wicker baskets universal, suitable for most different needs.

With large production volumes, the factory maintains excellent product quality. At the same time, natural resources remain untouched due to
using your own willow plantings, intended specifically for creating baskets.

Wholesale baskets are a profitable investment

We offer you to purchase baskets wholesale from the manufacturer. As noted above, this product is in steady demand: baskets for flowers and gifts never go out of fashion, and interesting options The weaving and functionality of baskets help housewives use them to arrange their home life. In this regard, purchasing baskets in bulk is an excellent investment for:

Stores selling consumables, such as flower baskets, etc.;
. flower shops;
. shops and boutiques for gifts and souvenirs;
. stores specializing in household goods.

By purchasing baskets wholesale from the factory, you get a huge price advantage by receiving these great products at cost price.

Who needs wicker baskets? →

How to weave a basket

In the recent past, the ability to weave baskets taught in every family. They wove shoes, baskets, bodies for sleighs, carts, and individual pieces of furniture from wicker. But along with the old way of life, many types of applied art that were widespread at that time began to decline. Gradually, wicker weaving almost disappeared from our everyday life. And then it turned out that the basket for collecting mushrooms and berries cannot be replaced with any bag or bucket. In a wicker basket, the contents are well ventilated, and potatoes, for example, are easily freed from sand - it spills out through the holes. Wicker boxes and baskets are convenient and practical.

Today, due to interest in antiquity, as well as an increase in free time and the desire to make things with your own hands “for home and family,” weaving, like other types of applied art, is experiencing its rebirth.

Which basket to start learning weaving with?

In our opinion, you need to start learning weaving with a simple basket, durable and beautiful design which is called cat(photo above). Making such baskets is not difficult. They are distinguished by their capacity, strength, stability (which is especially important when picking berries, mushrooms, potatoes), and are easy to carry (on the arm bent at the elbow). A skillfully made cat looks beautiful, filled with the gifts of nature, and fits well into the interior modern apartment, makes it more comfortable and homely. In the kitchen and in pantries, onions, garlic, cranberries, potatoes, etc. are stored in baskets.

Amateur weaving does not require a special tool or workshop. All you need is a knife, a piece of wire and pliers.

What are baskets made from?

Branches and twigs are used as material for weaving baskets. First, blanks for the rings are selected. These are branches or shoots of willow, buckthorn, bird cherry, oak, hazel, etc., without damage, knots or other defects. One ring will serve as the handle of the basket, and the other as the base. After inspecting the workpiece, you need to work it on your knee, slightly bending it and securing it with your hands. A loose ring is a compressed spring, and if one of the ends pops out, it can hit hard.

If the workpiece bends well and does not form any breaks, then a ring can be made from it. To do this, at a distance of 8-20 mm from the end of the branch (depending on the diameter of the thickened part), a smooth cut is made from the outside. The same is done at the thin end of the workpiece, but with inside. This is necessary so that the thickness of the ring around the entire perimeter is approximately the same. After this, the ring blank is overlapped. First, tie the ends with twine, and then, having made cuts on both sides, carefully tighten them with wire.

Bending a small ring does not require much effort, but when working on the knee with workpieces for large baskets, significant effort and hand support will be required so that the workpiece does not crack or break. A skill is not developed immediately, and therefore, if you fail, you should not despair.

Having made the outer ring, proceed to the inner one. Since it is braided, there are no such high demands on its appearance as on a handle ring. Having made both rings, put them aside and start working on the ribs.

The living lower branches of 10-20-year-old Christmas trees serve as durable material for the ribs of the basket. Having separated such a branch from small twigs and needles, it is worked on the knee, cut to required length and cleared of bark. The same is done when making ribs from other types of trees or shrubs. The length of the main ribs should be more than half of the inner ring, and the additional ribs should be slightly shorter. The rib should bend evenly along its entire length. To do this, its thick end is cut off, like the blanks for the ring.

Materials for weaving baskets

The materials for weaving basket baskets are willow twigs, walnut shingles, wire, PVC tubes, etc. The most common and easily accessible are willow twigs. Many willows grow along rivers, in meadows and in low places. However, not all rods are suitable for weaving. Annual shoots 60-80 cm long are used, and the thickness is selected depending on the size of the basket. Twigs prepared in spring and summer can be put into use immediately, while those cut in winter are first warmed up.

The workpiece is cleared of bark, knitted in bunches and stored in a ventilated barn or attic. In winter they are steamed. This rod bends well and is very convenient to work with. If there is a lack of twigs, as well as to make the baskets lighter, the shoots are split in half. Potato baskets are usually woven from unpeeled twigs. Willow wood is used for rings and ribs, and thinner rods are used for weaving.

Sometimes hazel is used to make baskets and boxes. For this, hazel sticks 1.5-2 m long are harvested at the age of 4-6 years. Their diameter at the butt should be from 15 to 30 mm, and the sticks themselves should be straight, without knots or damage. The hazel shoot is cut with a knife or cut down with a hatchet at the very base, so that the butt part does not receive cracks.

Typically, material is prepared for several baskets at once. For beginners, we recommend cutting off a few extra blanks, since not every one will turn into a ring or make shingles the first time.

To make a small basket (for 3-4 liters of berries), it takes 2 hazel blanks for rings and 4-5 for shingles and ribs. Hazel has no waste, since after removing the shingles, the core is used for ribs. The shingles are obtained as follows. The hazel is first slightly bent at the knee along its entire length, and then an incision is made with a depth of 1-2 annual layers per ¼ of the length of the stick’s circumference. From the cut, as a result of bending, the shingles peel off. The hazel is taken under the arm and the shingles are carefully peeled off along the entire length. As you gain skill, this operation is performed more and more confidently. The main thing is to “feel the layer.” In the same way, shingles are torn off from the opposite side and from the sides.

The hazel shingles are completely removed from the entire workpiece. After peeling it with a knife, it is immediately used for weaving, since when it dries it becomes brittle. Making hazel shingles requires experience. Therefore, it is better to start weaving your first cat from willow twigs. In addition to willow rod and hazel shingles, the roots of pine, spruce and other trees are also used for weaving. Usually roots 0 to 10 mm are used. They are carefully removed from the ground and, without tearing them off, begin to be lifted in one direction and then in the other. Thus, sometimes it is possible to obtain a root 3-4 m long. It is split in half; peeled from the bark and used for weaving. Weaving from roots is quick, the products are light and elegant.

Nowadays, wire is sometimes used for rings and ribs, and for weaving - artificial materials different profiles (round, oval, flat) and colors. These materials, unlike natural ones, are recommended to be used during the initial acquaintance with the design and weaving of baskets - for educational purposes. This braid is easy to unravel, and the material can be reused many times. Baskets woven using plastic materials look elegant, but they have significant drawback: It’s much more pleasant to pick and take a handful of berries from a bag made from natural materials.

Four steps to weaving a basket

  1. Braiding the cross. We insert one ring at a right angle. Then we take the prepared rod (shingles, root) and, holding one end between the rings, we braid the cross, as shown in the photo. We tuck the end in and tighten it. We also braid the second cross.
  2. Next, insert the first three ribs on each side with sharp ends. We braid them first on one side and then on the other. We check whether both halves of the cat are symmetrical. To do this, tie a cord around the middle of the rib. If the contours of the future basket are successful, weaving continues. When the distance between the ribs increases, additional sections are inserted into the spaces between them.
  3. At the end of the weaving, when all the ribs are inserted, it may happen that the inner ring of the weaving comes to an end, but there is still a gap in the middle.

    In this case, it is necessary to align the basket along the entire length by parallel weaving on each side. In this case, the ends of each twig (shingles or roots) are placed under the rib and cut off.

  4. When braiding the last rows, threading a twig between the ribs is reminiscent of sewing with a needle: it is pulled with force so that there is uniform density and symmetrical alternation. Finishing of a woven product involves removing burrs, cutting off the long ends of the rods, and cleaning with a file or sandpaper.

Try to weave the simplest cat basket. This is not just useful, but also a very exciting activity.

If you are attracted original design and elegant appearance wicker baskets, then you can safely purchase them for home use- you won't have to be disappointed.

Wicker weave

In addition to their external characteristics, wicker baskets have many advantages:

  • Products are made from environmentally friendly natural material- willow vine
  • The density of the weave allows you to adjust the level of breathability inside the product
  • Willow rod gives products lightness, strength and durability
  • Products of any complexity are made by hand by craftsmen
  • Wicker baskets are sold at low prices due to the availability of the material
  • Products can be painted and varnished to better match the interior

Purchasing wicker products makes you think about how to maintain their neat appearance for a long time and prevent damage. We will please you that another significant advantage of products made from wicker is easy care after them.

As a rule, wicker containers for any purpose, be it vegetable storage boxes, baskets under bathroom sinks, external furniture baskets or built-in baskets for cabinets, do not require special external cleaning. They simply need to be wiped with a dry or damp lint-free cloth. Vegetable baskets and bread bins, of course, must be emptied periodically, shaking out accumulated garbage and crumbs, and the rest - depending on their current state. If you have used a basket to harvest fruits, berries or mushrooms and it gets dirty, just wash it with water or soap solution, rinse well and dry.

When stains appear on a wicker basket, just dry cleaning and rinsing is no longer enough. You will have to dilute the detergent solution with salt and rub it on the contaminated areas using a sponge or soft brush. Then rinse the product with non-hot water and leave to dry away from heating devices and direct sunlight.

Do not use abrasive products when cleaning wicker products. detergents- this may damage the surface. The same applies to sand or soil particles that accumulate in the crevices of baskets if they are used for gardening work. You must first carefully remove the sand and only then wipe the product. If scratches do appear, they will be especially noticeable on the surface of a large basket. To get rid of them, just lightly coat the damaged areas with polyurethane varnish.

To extend the life of wicker products, try not to expose them to too dry air and high temperatures- this can cause cracks in the willow baskets. But wicker products are resistant to dampness. This, of course, does not mean that baskets should be left out in the rain. The best thing is to store wicker baskets at normal levels of temperature and humidity. Note that minor deformation of the basket, like a dent, can be eliminated by soaking the area with water until it becomes flexible and trying to return the product to its previous shape.

By the way, if wicker baskets that have already been in use clearly lack their original shine and color, it’s time to get down to business and return them to their former appearance. There are several ways to correct the situation. You can, for example, apply a thin layer of drying oil on the surface of wicker baskets that need restoration. Let the drying oil dry and then cover with a layer of clear varnish. You will immediately notice how your wicker products have changed and become “younger”. And in order to change the shade of the baskets, you should use wood stain. Lightly sanded with fine sandpaper The surface of the product must be covered with stain in several layers. A medium-sized, not too hard brush is suitable for this. When the stain is absorbed and dries, you can coat the surface with a transparent colorless varnish.

Did you know that willow wickerwork changes its color to a darker color over time? This is explained by the fact that pigmentation processes under the influence of tannins and dyes contained in willow branches continue in finished baskets woven from them. New products, especially from twigs that have been subjected to “barking”—removal of bark artificially or naturally—usually have White color. Over the years, the color of wicker baskets acquires shades depending on the type of vine used: from golden and copper to chocolate.

Handicraft lovers often have problems with storage space for materials. If you love and know how to work with your hands, it is illogical to buy various organizers, pencil cases and boxes, because you can make them yourself. We have already told you about it, but in this master class we suggest trying to make a basket from veneer strips. The basket is square, so by making several pieces, they can be easily arranged on a table or in a closet.

Veneer baskets are perfect for storing materials and tools, as well as other small items that are abundant in any home. When weaving baskets, the sizes can be varied, selecting them to suit your needs. The same technology can be used when working with birch bark and even colored cardboard.

Materials and tools for weaving a basket:

  • metal ruler
  • scissors
  • clothespins

How to weave a veneer basket with your own hands

Place the veneer in warm water for about an hour. Hang it up to drain off excess water.

When there is no visible moisture left on the surface of the veneer, cut strips of equal length. The length of the spikelets and their number will depend on the size of the basket.

Important: the number of horizontal and vertical stripes must be odd.

We used a 7x7 stripe pattern. The length of the veneer strips depends on the height of the sides of the basket. The principle “better too much than too little” applies here.

Take half of the prepared strips and place them on the table, securing them with tape or pressing them with a heavy book. Try to imagine the square that is formed if horizontal strips are laid on top of vertical strips. The strips of tape should be placed along the sides of the imaginary square.

Weave in the first horizontal strip of veneer. Weave each strip so that its edges bend towards you.

Weave the next strip using the classic weaving pattern (if the previous horizontal strip is laid on top of the vertical one, the next one should go under it).

By weaving in all the horizontal strips of veneer, you should end up with a square in the central part.

Check which direction is best to bend the veneer. It can bend in one direction, forming a smooth bend, and when bent in the other direction, the veneer can flake.

Turn the workpiece over so that when bending the strips upward, the veneer does not peel off. Fold all the strips along the edges of the wicker square using a metal ruler.

Align the strips along one side of the square and weave in a long strip of veneer. The length should be such that the veneer is enough for all four walls of our basket. Don't forget about classic scheme weave, and make sure that the long strip bends well towards you.

Weave two more strips of veneer in the same way.

Fold all three strips along the line of intersection with the last of the vertical strips in which they are woven.

Weave three long strips along the next side of the square. Special attention pay attention to weaving in the corners.

Repeat the same operations with stripes along the third and fourth sides of the square.

Trim the remaining strips woven into the walls of the veneer basket, leaving a margin of about 5 cm. Weave the remaining parts of the strips into the wall that was woven first.

The veneer basket takes shape. At this stage, you can weave a few more strips into the walls to achieve their desired height.

Important: after weaving the walls, approximately 7 cm of strips should remain, from which the bottom of the basket was woven. The loose ends will later need to be folded and woven inside the basket.

Fold the vertical strips that went over the last horizontal strip inside the basket, weave them under the third horizontal strip from the top. To make the task easier, the vertical strips can be pre-cut to the desired length.

Do this operation with all the outer vertical strips. Thus, half of the strips will remain unwoven. Inside the basket, around the perimeter of the last woven strip, fix another piece of veneer. This strip can be secured with clothespins.

Fold all remaining vertical strips over the pinned edge and weave them under the second horizontal strip of veneer from the top.

Trim the vertical strips to the required length so that they do not stick out from under the horizontal ones.

Using the same technology, it is possible to make veneer baskets measuring, for example, 5×5 or 9×9 strips. We think you will immediately find a worthy use for them.

A popular way to decorate the interior is to weave baskets from newspaper tubes: a simple task will allow you to create real works of art.

Basket weaving involves the use of rope technology, with its help you can create beautiful products for home decor. These baskets are convenient for storing knitting threads, handicrafts and other supplies. The finished basket is not particularly strong, so you should not place heavy objects in it.


A newspaper basket is well suited for storing decorative fruits in the kitchen: it serves more as an interior item than as a means of carrying things.

To make your own basket with your own hands at home, you can take advantage of the master class for beginner needlewomen. All you need to do is prepare necessary materials and follow the suggested step by step instructions with photo. The process is so exciting that it will allow even children aged 7 years and older to participate.

To work you will need:

Having prepared everything necessary materials, let's get to work.

To begin with, we will cut the magazine into strips 5-7 cm wide, from which we will later twist the tubes.

Take a knitting needle and attach the end of the strip to it, gradually twisting it around the axis: we get the first tube, which must be secured with a drop of glue at the end.

Depending on the size of the future product, the number of tubes will be determined. For example, for a basket with a diameter of 14 cm you will need from 40 to 50 paper blanks. By increasing the height of the basket, it is necessary to increase the number of workpieces.

At the next stage we move on to creating the base for the bottom part.

Place 4 by 4 tubes across, forming a cross. For strength, it is recommended to coat the cross with PVA glue to make the base more reliable. The cross is considered one of the most simple ways make a base, which is why it is often used in weaving workshops for beginners.

Next we move on to weaving the bottom.

  • Take one tube and fold it in half, forming a loop. We put it on the resulting 4 tubes as shown in the photo. After this, we proceed to weaving using a rope method.
  • Rope weaving is carried out in this order of work: the tube located in the front is twisted back, and the one in the back, on the contrary, is twisted forward. So it is necessary to braid several rows until the sticks run out. When they run out, make an extension - just insert a new piece into the hole of the old one and secure with glue.
  • After making 2 rows of 4 tubes, they need to be divided and weaving continued every 2 newspaper sticks. This will give the base extra strength. The next stage will be braiding 1 divided tube at a time, as shown in the photo: in the end, the number of rows will depend on the future diameter of the bottom.
  • We cut off the paper blanks involved in weaving and bend them inward, glue the bottom itself at the end points and fix it with clothespins until completely dry. After this, we begin lifting the walls of the basket to begin making the side parts.

Next we proceed to weaving the wall.

  • Again we make a loop from the blank, put it on the wall tube and braid it with a rope in the same way as we worked with the bottom.
  • The number of rows depends on the height: in order for the basket to keep its shape, we place a jar on the bottom and braid it.
  • To finish the weaving, we also cut off the ends and bend the workpiece inward, flavoring it with glue.

Let's start weaving the handle.

  • To do this, you need to leave 3 tubes on opposite sides of the basket and braid them.
  • Weaving must be done on both sides of the product at once, gradually narrowing it towards the center of the basket.
  • At the top, the ends are connected with tape and disguised as the base of the handle.
  • The final stage is finishing the product: mix a little white acrylic paint, water and glue and brush this mixture around the perimeter of the walls.
  • It is also necessary to paint the bottom of the product. To dry the basket, turn it upside down and leave it for several hours.

The final decoration of the finished product occurs according to your imagination. Do not forget to open the workpiece with varnish to ensure reliable connections. Decorate the basket with ribbons, decorative flowers, rhinestones or using the decoupage technique: a masterpiece will delight the eye and give a great mood.

Handle weaving

One of the main parts of the basket is a high-quality handle, because it is useful for moving items from place to place. The handle should be dense and durable, it can be decorated as desired: braid it with ribbon, stick it artificial stones and rhinestones, or simply decorate with colored acrylic. You can make a handle in several ways:

  • openwork weaving;
  • braid;
  • rope way.

This master class will discuss how to make a reliable and beautiful handle for a basket using the braiding technique. At first glance, it seems that the technique is complex and defies explanation, but after completing step by step actions After just 1 hour you can enjoy the finished braided handle.

Weaving a strong handle

Detailed master class

To work, you will need 6 long newspaper tubes along the length of the handle, colored blanks for braiding the frame, as well as twists for weaving the braid itself.

Let's get started step by step:

  • We put 6 newspaper bundles next to each other and wrap them with colored tube blanks. This is easy to do: just start from the edge of the blanks, gradually wrapping them around the entire perimeter into one tight bundle.
  • When the base of the handle is ready, we proceed to attaching additional 4 tubes to decorate the braid. To do this, at the very base of the handle we apply 4 tubes of different or the same color and wrap them a little to the workpiece using a roll.
  • We begin to weave a pigtail: first we bend the two side sticks to the sides, and bend the two middle sticks towards ourselves. After this, we carry out weaving according to the figure in the photo below.
  • When the tube runs out, insert a new one into it, wetting the connection with glue. We continue weaving until the braid covers the entire base of the handle. The finished handle can be attached to the basket in any way: it is best to do this using a rope technique.

How to make a lid?

If the basket is woven open, then it is enough to make handles for it, and it will be ready. When it is intended to make a structure with a lid, the upper part of the product is woven separately. To make your own lid, you can use a simple master class for beginners.


If you want to get a more patterned lid, you should choose those workshops that are based on openwork or checkerboard weaving - then the pattern will be clearly visible on the surface.

For work, prepare 2 circles of cardboard, the diameter corresponding to the finished basket. The circle can be immediately decorated: decoupaged, decorated with acrylic or covered with fabric. You will also need PVA glue, a lot of newspaper tubes of one or more colors and varnish.

Let's begin the process of creating a simple but beautiful lid:

  • Two circles of cardboard must be glued together, after placing rays of rolled newspapers around the circumference.
  • Weaving is done using rope technique or layering. The four main twigs are inserted through one radial twist and the braiding of the cardboard circle begins.
  • All 4 twigs are used at once: first they are placed over a newspaper tube, then passed behind the next tube. The result is a beautiful border along the contour of the cardboard. This way the entire circle is woven around the diameter of the basket.
  • To make the sides of the lid, the workpiece is placed on the basket and the rays of the twists are folded down by bending the rack behind the rack. Weaving continues in the above technique. The ends are cut off and bent inward, gluing.

The finished lid should dry, then you can decorate it in your own way.

Basket weaving methods

The widespread popularity of making beautiful baskets from newspaper tubes has provoked the development of new techniques. If previously it was possible to weave a basket only using the method indicated above, then modern craftswomen do not sit still.

They come up with new ways to weave blanks, as well as various schematic patterns. To learn more about each type of weaving, we suggest looking at a summary table describing the methods.

Technique Description Where is it used?
Spiral twisting The technique is considered one of the simplest; judging by the reviews of needlewomen, even a schoolchild can cope with it. The essence of the method is to gradually increase the height of the product due to the circular interweaving of the tubes. Each new workpiece is superimposed on the previous one in a spiral. Used to create tall baskets for decorative purposes, as well as attractive vases unusual shape. Using this technique it is easy to make a stylish piece of interior decor.
Layer-by-layer The technique involves making a basket from several tubes at once. To make weaving easier, first perform several rows using the rope technique, insert additional tubes into the support holes and begin to braid the walls in a circle with each tube at the same time. Used to create baskets various shapes, as well as for designing patterns on the surface of products. It is worth noting that the racks should be an order of magnitude stronger than the braiding blanks themselves.
Rope This weaving method was discussed in the master class above, where a step-by-step guide to creating an original but simple basket for beginners was discussed. The weaving technique is used to create simple round and square products. This method is suitable for training beginning craftswomen.
Spiral weaving The technique should not be confused with spiral twisting - they are fundamentally different. This method involves weaving at an angle Spiral weaving is suitable for making small and tall items, such as narrow baskets, glasses, vases.
Pigtail There are 2 types of this method - edge and overhead. The first option is used to weave the stand counterclockwise, with the tubes leading outwards and inwards. The overhead technique involves the use of several twists at once, braided with the edge. Baskets made with this weaving look more elegant. The texture of the pattern resembles a real willow basket.
Openwork It is not difficult to recognize this weaving - it looks like lace. It consists of holes and patterns. The technique is a synthesis of simple and complex techniques. Original baskets made of openwork weaving can be open or closed. They are well suited for presenting a birthday gift as a packaging box.

The weaving methods discussed will help you better understand how to properly make a basket with your own hands. For beginners, it is better to use the rope technique or spiral twisting, more detailed descriptions These techniques will be presented as the material progresses.

Laundry baskets

The main advantage of working with this technique is its practical side: having learned to weave baskets from scrap materials, you can easily create household items.

One of these useful devices is a laundry basket - the work is done simply, the difficulties lie only in the size of the product itself. To weave a laundry basket from rolled newspapers yourself, be patient and have the necessary materials.

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • thick cardboard, some needlewomen use corrugated cardboard;
  • wallpaper or colored paper for gluing the bottom;
  • paper tubes, pre-painted in the required color and covered with stain;
  • clear varnish;
  • PVA glue;
  • fabric for the liner on the base.

You will also need clothespins to secure the bottom while it dries and heavy objects such as a weight or a stack of books. A box, the size of which the basket will be woven, will not be superfluous. It will add stability to the bottom and make the basket the correct shape.

The first thing to do is paste the wallpaper onto cardboard and wait for it to dry. After this, take the prepared tubes and distribute them along the bottom, securing them with glue. Place a second sheet of cardboard on the sticks and secure them firmly with glue and clothespins, waiting until they dry completely.

When the material has dried, you can proceed to braiding the walls. To do this, the tubes are bent with each subsequent roll and pulled up. A box of a suitable size is placed in the center of the bottom so that the weaving takes on the correct shape.

The work uses the technique of layer-by-layer weaving with several tubes at once .

You can use both single-color convolutions and two-color options. The tube is inserted behind the base of the axle, then brought out in front of the axle - thus creating a weave similar to calico fibers.

When the height is reached, you can proceed to making handles. To do this, lifting rows are made on opposite sides of the basket, simulating a handle. At the end of the work, the tubes are cut and hidden inside, fixing with glue. The decoration of the basket is made according to your wishes: often this is a single-color painting with acrylic paint.

Fruit basket

Finding practical uses for things you make yourself is always easy. For example, it would be a good idea to make a fruit basket: the product can be used instead of a metal fruit bowl and you can put light fruits inside. Some baskets in finished form capable of holding a lot of weight, everything will depend on the technique and density of the weaving.

To make it yourself beautiful basket for fruits, prepare newspaper tubes in the amount of 310 pieces - their length is 27 cm. It is recommended to pre-paint the tubes with the following composition: take 2 tbsp for half a liter of water. l. acrylic varnish and mix with the shade color. Process all the tubes and begin step-by-step work.

Stage Description
Bottom formation The bottom is made using rope technique using a cross for the base. Take 12 tubes, divide them into groups of 3 each and glue the cross.
Weaving bottom Weave 6 rows using this technique, braiding 3 tubes at once, and then begin braiding 1 bundle at a time. So you need to weave until you get a bottom of the desired diameter.
Forming the sides To make rises for weaving the sides of the structure, you need to insert 3 more tubes into each hole with a stick.
Weaving of sides By placing the bottom on a round object, such as a wooden bowl, you can continue working. Here you can already weave boards using the layer-by-layer technique: it is done in 2-4 rods and will be much more reliable than the rope method.
Creating openwork To make the basket elegant, you can create a pattern: in the center of the weaving, simply cross the adjacent rods, imitating rhombuses. Press each connection with a clothespin and weave in new rods for further work.
Handle Formation When the main work is ready, we begin to create a handle: we insert additional rods from the sides of the product and create a handle, according to the master class indicated above.
Decor We finish the structure as we wish: we paint it with multi-colored pigments and make fabric inserts.

Fruit basket

Detailed master class

This basket does not need a lid, because it is intended for storing fruit. The handle of the product can be effectively decorated with a rose made of foamiran.

Weaving baskets of different shapes

Baskets of various shapes are used for different needs. For example, a rectangular high basket is useful for storing linen, a square or round one is suitable for storing sewing accessories, and an oval design would be appropriate for decorating a room for the holidays. Detailed master classes instructions for making each form are presented below.

Square basket

This type of product is perfect as a tabletop bread bin. All you need to do is place a fabric insert inside and a beautiful bread box to serve to your guests – it’s ready. The work will be based on the use of a special device to help weave the base of the product faster.

Weaving a square basket

Detailed master class

To make such an auxiliary device, just take a sheet of cardboard, bend it in half lengthwise and use a hole punch to make holes for the tubes 2 cm from the fold. You also need to prepare a large number of paper or newspaper bundles.

  • We insert the sticks for the base into the holes of the cardboard so that most of them are closer to the work.
  • We begin to braid the bottom: take a long tube and insert it next to the cardboard, then we work using the rope weaving technique. When we reach the desired perimeter of the square, we finish the bottom.
  • To form and lift the walls, we insert new splinters around the perimeter of the square: bend the twist in half and thread it into the hole, grabbing the nearest tube. We fix the fastening points with tape and clothespins.
  • We begin to braid the walls until we get the height. For ease of work, we put the structure on a square box.

When the work is finished, you can attach a handle to it or weave an additional cover. Such a basket will not only serve as a bread bin, but will become good option packing box.